Donald Trump is the most pro-school choice President in history. “As president”, he has said, “I will establish the national goal of providing school choice to every American child”. “If we can put a man on the moon and win two world wars, then I have no doubt that we as a nation can provide school choice to every disadvantaged child in America”.
Unfortunately, Mississippi has made little progress towards school choice due to a tiny handful of anti-school choice Republicans. Even though three of our surrounding states, Alabama, Arkansas and Louisiana, now have school choice, we still don’t. The biggest obstacle to the education reforms we need is the current Senate Leader, Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann. He has taken every opportunity to thwart efforts to achieve more parent power. Initially, Mr. Hosemann took to claiming that school choice would be unconstitutional. This is an erroneous argument, as a carefully prepared legal briefing note we circulated shows. Having conceded that there is, indeed, no constitutional barrier to school choice, our Lieutenant Governor began to search for alternative excuses. Schools might not have the capacity, seems to be his latest one. That is why the draft bill we worked on ensures school boards get the final say as to their capacity. No one is forcing them to take more kids. Another excuse crumbles….. One by one the arguments invoked by anti-school choice Republicans to justify their inertia have been dismantled. But it still appears that the will to give Mississippi families the parent power they have in our neighboring states just isn’t there. Why is a Republican Lieutenant Governor in a conservative state teaming up with progressive activist groups, like the Parents’ Campaign, and briefing leftist media outlets like Mississippi Today to thwart reform? Mr. Hosemann, I gather, has indicated he is flat out opposed to a tax credit. This means Mr. Hosemann is very likely to be on a collision course with the next President, whose team, I understand, is literally finalizing plans for a federal tax credit right now. Will Mr. Hosemann continue to oppose a tax credit?Mr. Trump has made it clear he will abolish the federal Department of Education. Trump does not intend to dismantle power in DC only to see it handed over to local bureaucrats in Jackson. He would like to see parents have control over their child’s education. If a handful of local Republicans continue to kill off school choice (“It died in committee”, is likely to be their next excuse), I suspect that the conspicuous absence of invitations to Mar-a-Lago may become the least of their worries. In a fight between anti school choice Republicans and Team Trump, I imagine Trump will win. He’d certainly have support from the local conservative base who have voted conservative for years but not always got a great deal to show for it. Perhaps part of the problem is that one or two of our anti school choice Republicans have an unfortunate habit of never wanting to engage with anyone with different ideas to their own. That can become a problem if you don’t actually have very many ideas of your own. I’m not sure that a policy on four semesters a year, or cell phone usage in schools, quite cuts it …. Those that get endorsed by Trump to run in 2027 will, I imagine, be Republicans that actually support the new President’s agenda in the coming months, particularly the 2025 session. There’s still time to get on board with school choice in Mississippi. Douglas Carswell is the President & CEO of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy. MCPP sponsored this post.
Does the writer of this article suspect that bills will hit the federal floor of both houses with the result being a super majority (which is required) agreeing to abolish a federal department?
Does the writer of these repetitive articles not understand that Mississippians do not want a statewide system where all students are forced into mediocrity and mixing in poor performers, along with their uncaring parents, will do nothing to increase our educational goals?
Let’s just shut down JPS and let the scholars use their vouchers at Prep, JA, MRA, Hartfield, etc.
Delbert is only interested in himself. Even considering all of Trump's flaws, Delbert makes him look like a genius.
Thankfully, if they don't get on the Trump Train then they won't be in politics much longer. Unless of course, they move to one of the Blue Cities. There are no more Blue States (except Hawaii) in the USA. Only Blue Cities. Even California's map is more red than Blue. The entire rest of the country has been painted bold MAGA Red by President Donald Trump.
The vouchers will only be accepted if you are a great athlete; otherwise, they will want you to take your voucher to Rankin and Madison County Public Schools.
Hopefully we can stop with this no child left behind garbage and separate the children that want to learn from the children that are only there to disrupt and victimize the other kids.
Democrat Delbert Hosemann will never take any bold steps to move Mississippi forward. The status quo suits him fine.
Wrong, look at Arkansas Parental Choice and voucher programs.
If you ride through some of these school parking and student-pick-up areas any day when the bell rings, and gauge the car and truck tags, you'll realize we already have school choice.
In fact, this may be the best solution.
That is literally what school choice would allow.
School choice is simply a plan to have those already attending private schools to have their tuition paid for by all taxpayers. The private schools will pick and choose who is " entitled " to attend. It is sad to see Carswell and his ilk falsely act like they want this in the name of better education when in fact their agenda is so selfish. School choice will be an unmitigated disaster just like charter schools. I challenge anyone to produce good research which indicates that school choice has made a significant impact on academic gains.
Do what you will with Murkin education, it’s still GIGO.
I agree with @11:39. This is just a thinly veiled effort to get taxpayers to foot the bill for rich people's private school tuition. Give me some evidence that school choice actually produces better educated kids.
There won’t be any schools left once Linda McMahon is done with that department. The future looks bright for the republicans, dumb voters assure that.
I am fascinated by the plain-as-day threats to Mississippi Republicans to get on board or get ready for a rough primary. It sounds like this advisor to Project 2025 is becoming impatient.
The liberal white elites are going nuts.
You cannot force a private school to take your children. Your voucher won't come close to making tuition at a private school affordable. You will have to have a lottery for the public schools or some comparable selection method. Dunno if you will allow crossing county lines but your residence won't get you the school you want if other kids in the county in poorer schools want to come to your elementary or junior high school or high school. Some of those kids might test better or win a lottery ( which some state have) or a voucher might be enough to get their child in that school given the family resources. It will help small Christian academies but the voucher will not be sufficient to attract the better teachers. And, even at private schools, you will get what you pay for in terms of faculty. One school had an English teacher that didn't know how to teach writing a term paper so one of her students was expelled from college later for plagiarism. A year's college tuition down the drain. PS Do y'all know high schools are ranked by college administrators? Their numerical ranking gets adding into the grades and test scores. So, that number can actually make the difference of your child getting into the college of their choice.
We were glad to have a friend from college who was in admissions. Also, Mississippi is not always great about turning in the highest score on SATs or ACTs, so double check on that.
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