Well, well, well, it seems the Mississippi College Board of Trustees went dark after they voted to change the name of the school and abolish the football program.
If you want to know who the Board of Trustees are, you could click on the link on this page.
Thankfully, we have the Wayback machine and guess what? The school provided the names of the Trustees until this week.
So why would the school hide the names of the Trustees on its website?
Cowardice- Noun-Lack of Bravery.
Changing the name and abolishing football might be the correct thing to do. Or maybe it's the wrong thing. Opinions do vary. But avoiding questions and going silent is chicken-poop. Stand up, be an adult, and explain why you made the decision and why you think it is the correct decision. It's cowardly to hide.
Uh, I believe the president of the school did that publicly. Try to keep up.
Leave it to KF to churn the campus septic tanks looking for some ripe nuggets to post on his little gossip blog.
Quite a few interesting names on the list. I always forget about wayback.com.
Uh, he made the announcement, but he did not make the decision. Howz that for keepin' up?
Cowards! If you cannot take the heat, don’t serve on the Board
It's simple.
You just need a username and password to log in and see the Board of Trustees.
Leave it to @4:03 PM to troll JJ.
Leave it to KF ...
He packs enough stones to clear your surface sewage.
Economics may have been the factor.
Y'all need to look up the definition of "private". Go try to look at any private company's finances. It is P-R-I-V-A-T-E. If you don't like it, you are welcome to getting your daily dose of DEI infused woks at your local public university where 95% of the faculty are unhappy with the results go the national election held earlier this month.
If you make a decision that impacts 100s of students , and you feel you made the correct decision, then OWN IT. Support it. Explain it. Don’t run and hide…
Mississippi gon Sip'. Secrecy in every corner, zero accountability. Nobody bureaucrats decide the swill, and we have to swallow it - as they wink, nod, and smile.
They made three major announcements, each of which might have been good decisions. Might, might not. But packaging them into one press release might be the dumbest PR move ever. Do they even have a marketing teacher on faculty?
Zero accountability to……taxpayers? To whom exactly? I guess you mean the people who’ve invested money for their education. Surely you don’t mean the 100s of people who showed up on Saturday to watch a mid team in a sub mid conference.It is a college. All that other stuff is great but besides the point. They are out in front of the rest that will deal with this new normal later.
I bet the Trustees are Baptist. The real question is -- will they speak to you when you run into them at the liquor store?
If all the whiners would have been going to MC football games over the years, I suspect the football program would be strong and healthy. But most of the posters on this site only live for the opportunity to bitch and moan about others (rather than taking a close look at their own behavior).
5:48 - An organization needs to have one spokesperson and only one, in order to maintain a clear and consistent message. In this case, the board designated the president of the university to be that spokesperson. Has nothing to do with cowardice.
If there is indeed a 'campus septic tank', It only makes sense to provide routine maintenance and keep an eye on it to see that it is periodically purged.
Can you spell "NON PROFIT"
Can you cipher what obligations come with bestowing 501(c)(3) tax deductions upon their donors?
It's as easy as 990!
I wonder how many commenters have actually been to a Choctaw game?
I didn't know they had a football field. Is that what the gold dome is that I can see all the way from Bolton?
If you are on the board of a non profit there is a significant degree of accountability to the IRS.
8:39 Is that the best you can do? What a tired lame joke.
Please state for us where your marketing degree is from (Belhaven).
@ 8:34am Great post! But if it's "Accountability to the taxpayers...." then why the silence?
Transparency is supposed to be a great thing, yes?
The irony of an entire column of Anonymous commenters criticizing a board who doesn’t want to be harassed.
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