Ole Miss literally tried to piss away the Egg Bowl last night.... and succeeded in making itself the Bulldogs' bitch.
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Credit: Business Insider |
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A website of news, commentary, culture, & jackassery in the Jackson, Mississippi area.
Ole Miss literally tried to piss away the Egg Bowl last night.... and succeeded in making itself the Bulldogs' bitch.
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Credit: Business Insider |
Medicaid is busting New York's budget. The New York Daily News reported a week ago:
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement Wednesday night.
The current concessions vendor at the Mississippi Fairgrounds is raising hell because he was forced to bid for the new contract. The Clarion-Ledger reported:
It's been over 25 years but former Hinds CC alum Leon Lett made on Thanksgiving very memorable in a way he would probably rather forget:
Will John Dowdy and Marshall Fisher claim that if you buy avocados, you are supporting the Mexican Drug Cartels? It seems the cartels are diversifying their portfolios. The Los Angeles Times engaged in a sudden bout of journalism last week and reported:
Keep an eye out for this stolen classic car in the Jackson metro area.
JJ wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving as the Kingfish prepares to eat dead burnt bodies. Enjoy.
Funny but true describes this week's edition of SEC Shorts. Enjoy.
The city of Clinton issued the following statement.
Madison County Deputy Brad Sullivan is actually walking, yes, walking. See for yourself:
A Clinton homeowners association accused Ridgway Lane of embezzling over $168,000 from its bank accounts. Oakhurst Homeowners Association sued the HOA management company in Rankin County Circuit Court yesterday. Oakhurst claimed family members of the owners of Ridgway Lane either received or endorsed suspicious checks drawn on Oakhurst funds.
As a longtime state lottery supporter, I quietly celebrated the official beginning Monday of Mississippi’s entry into this form of raising state revenue as small victory over the notion of Mississippi continuing to shoot itself in the foot through senseless and unjustifiable lottery opposition. I bought one on the way home from work – and lost.
Make that a double or triple ouch. How would you like to be on the receiving end of these punches?
Some poor schmuck made the mistake of pointing out on social media that some of our local panhandlers are begging in style:
The Mississippi Lottery Corporation issued the following statement.
The lawsuits continue to pile up against Ridgway Lane and the Lanes. An October 29 check for the Ridgway Lane payroll apparently bounced. People Lease, Inc, sued the company, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane in Madison County Court Friday for $18,763.
Jim Harreld is not taking his election day loss lying down but is fighting Karl Banks in Madison County Circuit Court. Former Madison County District 4 Supervisor Karl Banks (D) beat Republican Jim Harreld by 51 votes. Mr. Harreld filed a petition this afternoon contesting the election results.
Mississippi Insurance Commish Miguel Chaney issued the following advisory and video on turkey fryer fires.
Howard Stern + LSU Coach Ed Orgeron = greatness. Listen for yourself.
The District at Eastover issued the following press release.
The Mississippi Lottery Commission issued the following press release and commercial.
The Kingfish won a round at the Mississippi Ethics Commission last week. Hearing Officer Sonia Shurden ruled the Pelahatchie Board of Aldermen violated the Open Meetings Act when it conducted its work sessions by "huddling" in a corner of the Board room, making it impossible for the audience to hear any discussion.
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Board & City Officials huddle during July work session. |
Need a laugh? Check out the Democratic Debate on SNL last night. Enjoy.
The city of Jackson gave New Stage Theatre a new environmental attraction of sorts. A fountain appeared at the corner of Monroe and Carlisle Streets over the last few days. There is just one problem - the fountain pumps raw sewage into a creek that flows past Belhaven Beach and into the Pearl River. Posted below is the video yours truly shot today.
SEC Receiver Allyson Mills filed an amended complaint against Butler Snow, Baker Donelson, Matt Thornton, Jon Seawright, and Matt Thornton Friday. The amended complaint is posted below. It's posted strictly for the readers who are following this case.
The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached on money in the 1990 sermon posted below. If you can't make it to church this morning, Enjoy.
Yes, super shopping day Black Friday seems to be more top of the mind these days than family-friendly holiday Thanksgiving. Guess that's just another example of how our lives have become much more transactional than relational.
Stay away from the intersection of Carlisle and Monroe Streets in Jackson (by New Stage Theatre). A fountain of raw sewage is flowing into the nearby creek. The Pearl Riverkeepers posted on Facebook:
Antifa punk decides to take on Good Ole Boy. See the result for yourself.
Today has been a busy day in the Ridgway Lane embezzlement scandal. The Bridgewaters appeared in court today while the Palisades and the Diplomat sued Ridgeway Lane, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane for embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from their bank accounts. Ridgway Lane managed homeowners associations in the Jackson metro area .
Sam Hall is leaving the Clarion-Ledger. The state newspaper reported:
UMC issued the following press release written by Gary Pettus.
Palisades homeowners are fighting back against a Homeowners Association Board they hold responsible for the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of dollars of their assessments. This email is circulating among Palisades residents:
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District issued the following statement.
Time for some late-night fun with the Star Wars franchise. Doomcock reports the new Star Wars movie will be worse than reported earlier. Yup, we are going to take seriously a dude wearing a goofy mask and John Lennon outfit in front of a Star Trek background. Welcome to Hollywood journalism in 2019. Enjoy.
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
The Palisades reports its losses in the Ridgway Lane embezzlement scandal are $89,000. Six homeowners associations sued Ridgway Lane for allegedly cleaning out HOA bank accounts that were managed by the Flowood company. The Palisades HOA Board of Directors sent the following email to its members yesterday:
Imagine if state government decided how many car dealerships were allowed in Mississippi.
The New York Times, yes, the New York Times, actually posted something funny today and did so intentionally. Enjoy.
All good things come to an end, some sooner than others. Deep South Pops is shutting it down.
The media had a field day last week with the plight of a woman who claimed she and her family were forced to live in an RV after a fire damaged their home on Christmas Eve. WAPT reported:
Mississippi House Speaker William J. “Billy” McCoy was a second-generation state lawmaker, a college-educated vocational agriculture teacher, a Farmers Home Administration loan officer and briefly an auditor for the state – and yes, he was a farmer and one of his family’s successful cash crops was red wiggler worms.
The St. Paddy's Day Parade will be here for at least another year. The Clarion-Ledger reported today:
UMMC issued the following press release authored by Annie Oeth.
Posted below is a recording of the July 24, 2018 Executive Committee meeting of the Jackson Zoological Society. This is the meeting where yours truly and another Board member confronted the Executive Director over an audit's report of the misuse of state bond funds. Needless to say, the meeting grew very contentious at times.
Governor Phil Bryant issued the following statement.
Homeowners in the Madison subdivision of St. Ives can probably breathe a little easier. The St. Ives Homeowners Association sent out the following email to its members last week:
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement and report.
Millsaps College issued the following statement.
SEC Shorts dedicated this week's production to fallen Alabama quarterback Tua Tagovailoa.
The Embezzlement Epidemic is apparently not limited to homeowner's associations but has spread to other organizations as well. WLBT reported some shenanigans apparently took place at the Flowood Chamber of Commerce:
Update: The victim is the defendant's ex-boyfriend. She has a restraining order against him.
The Pearl Police Department issued the following statement.
If you couldn't make it to church today, enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson).
Single moms living in poverty and children born into those households didn't capture much attention in recent statewide elections. Trends suggest paying attention might be very important.
Add Stonebridge to the list of homeowners associations victimized (allegedly) by Ridgway Lane:
Rankin County attorney Ed Rainer got himself in a wee bit of trouble in Court yesterday. It appears he called the court one of the Kangaroo variety and well, you can see for yourself what his transgressions earned him.
The crew at Zea's held a press conference and tour for the media Wednesday at its new location in Renaissance. Apparently one reporter loved the sample food so much he kept chowing down during the interviews in front of no less than three cameras.
The Bruenburg Property Owner's Association in Clinton sued Ridgway Lane to recover embezzled funds in Rankin County Circuit Court today. There are six homeowners associations suing Ridgway Lane for allegedly cleaning out the HOA bank accounts that were managed by the Flowood company.
And there arose to the north of Eden a tribe called the Hotty-Toddys, who were also called metros. And the Hotty-Toddys were very displeasing; they didst place centerpieces on their banquet tables, and didst exalt themselves much. And they didst glorify the southern kingdom of the past.
A sexual harassment lawsuit against Hinds County Tax Collector Eddie Fair settled for $110,000. Bernitha Rice, a former Tax Collector employee sued Mr. Fair two years ago in U.S. District Court.
King Kenny Rulz The Palisades. Check out this notice The Palisades HOA Board of Directors sent to its members two days ago.
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District will lower the water level of the Ross Barnett Reservoir four feet as it eradicates salvinia. The agenda for Monday's Board meeting states:
Matt Wyatt provides some of his expert analysis on the Bama-LSU game in this week's film study edition. Enjoy.
A New Orleans favorite is coming to Ridgeland. Zea's Rotisserie Restaurant & Bar will open later this month at Renaissance. Tasty Thai ribs, garlic & herb glazed chicken, the Kingfish's mouth just went Niagara Falls writing those words. Zea's naturally issued a statement:
A lawsuit claims David L. Lane confessed to embezzling, allegedly, funds from homeowners associations in the Jackson metro area. The Lakebend Homeowners Association in Brandon made the startling claim in a lawsuit filed against Ridgeway Lane, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court this morning.
The lawsuit says it all. Lakebend stated in its complaint:
More embezzlement (alleged) has been discovered in the Ridgway Lane scandal. The Dinsmor Homeowners Association's Board of Directors said $217,782 was missing from funds managed by Ridgway Lane. Ridgway Lane is a homeowners association management company in Flowood. It stands accused of embezzling nearly $2 million from various homeowners associations in the Jackson metro area. Dinsmor also sued the company as well as David L. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court this morning.
The Dinsmor HOA Board of Directors sent the notice posted below to its members yesterday:
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith issued the following statement.
This old video of LSU qb Joe Burrow popped up today on Twitter.
A lender accused one of the Baker Boyz, Jon Seawright, of engaging in a bit of fraud when he filed bankruptcy recently. The legal industry website Law360 reported:
The city of Jackson issued the following press release.
Republican Gov.-Elect Tate Reeves won a solid general election victory over Democratic nominee Jim Hood and two minor party candidates in a race that was projected to be much tighter.
How bad is the new Star Wars movie? So bad that the Street Committee says George Lucas was brought back to fix Act III after it scored a 4 on test screening, causing Robert Iger to totally lose it. One reason D&D were kicked to the curb. Keep in mind the source in the video below is a masked-dude wearing a John Lennon shirt with a Star Trek backdrop. Enjoy.
Add The Barrington to the list of homeowners associations allegedly ripped off by Ridgway Lane. The Barrington Condominium Association sued Ridgway Lane & Associates as well as David L. Lane and David W. Lane in Rankin County Circuit Court today. The Flowood company manages homeowners associations. Several homeowners associations accused the Lanes and their company of embezzling nearly a million dollars from their accounts.
Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the subject of this week's SEC Shorts video is. Enjoy.
Former Congressman and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy issued the following statement.
The Ridgway Lane scandal continues to mushroom as more homeowners associations accused the company of embezzling nearly a million dollars from local homeowner's associations it managed. Bridgewater asked a Madison Circuit Judge to freeze all of the assets of the company, David W. Lane, and David L. Lane. The Bridgewater at Old Agency homeowner's association jumped into the fray today, charging Ridgeway Lane embezzled 343,938 from the in its own lawsuit filed in Rankin County Circuit Court today.
The Dinsmor and Palisades homeowners associations stated in notices sent to members that they discovered large sums of money missing from Ridgway Lane-managed accounts as well.
Bill Maher took on Zuckerberg Friday night in a most humorous way. Enjoy.
The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
JPD issued the following statement yesterday.
Update (5:50 PM): The Board of Directors for the Palisades Homeowners Association notified its members that "a substantial amount" of HOA funds "are missing." The funds were managed by Ridgway Lane of Flowood. The Board stated in a notice sent to members today:
If you can't make it to church this morning, enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard.
As Thanksgiving looms one thing we can all be thankful for is that Mississippi political campaigns are over and done. No more negative ads. No more recorded telephone calls. No more yard signs decorating every open space on major thruways.
Guess what returns to the big screen tomorrow and Wednesday?
Coach O had a few things to say about Alabama after the game today.
Americans were horrified when a Mormon family was recently butchered in Mexico. Such violence should come as no surprise as Mexico becomes a failed state. That may be a harsh assessment but when the police and soldiers must don mask for their own safety, the state has failed. One cartel recently flexed its muscled as it captured a town, beating the Mexican army in open battle, and forcing it to surrender. Time Magazine (yes, it is still around) reported:
This little event took place at a gas station on High Street last night. Enjoy.
The Dinsmor Board of Directors notified its members that it "found substantial irregularities" in its accounts managed by Ridgway Lane. JJ reported yesterday the Bridgewater Owner's Association accused Ridgway Lane of embezzling over $500,000 from its accounts in a lawsuit filed in Madison County Circuit Court Wednesday. Ridgway Lane is a homeowner's association management company in Flowood. The notice states:
A Meridian woman has literally gone to the dogs... or should we say done down on the dogs?
The Bridgewater Owner's Association accused Ridgway Lane of embezzling over $500,000 from its accounts in a lawsuit filed in Madison County Circuit Court yesterday. Ridgway Lane is a homeowner's association management company in Flowood.
Posted below is some political porn, i.e. precinct report, for Tuesday's elections in Madison County.
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Andy Taggart submitted the guest column posted below.
Former Lieutenant Governor candidate Jay Hughes issued the following statement last night.
St. Paddy's Day Parade founder and all-around great guy Malcolm White posted this update on the parade last week:
After many months of speeches, political ads, TV & radio commercials and social media propaganda, trying to have a serious discussion of education funding in Mississippi is in great measure a fool’s errand and an errand that is dependent on one’s world view.
Tate wins decisively, State GOP Crushes Dems, Denny loses, Banks Returns
The polls are closed. Let the partying and pouting begin. Will Tater Tot or the Mullet rule? Which one of the two smartest men in the capitol become Leftenent Governor? Will Jennifer pull down the Hoodie? What does it all mean? Stay tuned.
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
It's finally here. The end is in sight. Get out and vote early and often. Fire away in the comments.
Click Here to Read More..Secretary of State Hibbit Hosemann issued the following statement.
One of the Baker Boyz is going broke after he filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition Friday. Baker Donelson partner Jon Seawright submitted a notice to U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves to stop all proceedings against him in the SEC's efforts to recover commissions paid in a phony timber investment scheme.
The Mississippi State fans will enjoy the latest production from the folks at SEC Shorts.
It's the last hour in the Governor's race and you know what that means. Anything can happen. A robocall campaign featuring former President Barak Obama hit the phones today. Y'all Politics posted a copy of the recorded phone call:
David Archie will be a Hinds County Supervisor. Special Circuit Judge Lamar Pickard denied Darrell McQuirter's challenge of Archie's residency in District 2. The opinion is posted below.
Looks like some Scholars of White Supremacy were at the Emmit Till marker:
It looks like a Hinds County deputy who lost a K-9 officer to heat stroke last year is getting another chance with a K-9 officer:
When is a mortgage not a mortgage? Apparently a mortgage is not one even if signed, sealed, and delivered to David L. Archie. The Hinds County District 2 Supervisor-Elect is embroiled in a steel cage match over in Hinds County Circuit Court against the incumbent, Darrell McQuirter. The Supervisor claims the Supervisor-Elect lives in District 1 while the Supervisor-Elect claims he lives in District 2.*
Secretary of State Hilbert Hosemann issued the following statement yesterday.
Seriously. Check out this British Bedwetter, better known as a "social media influencer" who thinks kids should not learn too much about World War II. The New York Daily News reported:
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement and mug shots.
How to be wicked without even trying is the theme of today's sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard. Enjoy.
And you thought the IHL Board hiring of the new Chancellor at Ole Miss was chaotic?
Good day for a lazy Saturday. The Kingfish subbed for Kiiiiiim Wade last week. Mr. Wade was forced to go to a SJW camp for re-education so yours truly took over. The corn was shucked and the jive was turkeyed as the Kingfish spilled the beans on everything that went on behind the scenes after he got on the Zoo Board. Rene Shakespeare joined in for the second hour. Want to hear it all? Here it is. Pour a drink. Enjoy or suffer, your preference.
Enoch Sanders rolled back the clock and brought forth some of his best oratory not seen in over twenty years in Jackson at the City Council meeting Tuesday. JJ is not going to spoil it so watch the video posted below. This is one for the books.
Where does David Archie live? That t'is the question as a Judge tries to figure out if the Hinds County District 2 Supervisor-Elect will indeed remain the Supervisor-Elect. Archie beat incumbent Darrell McQuirter in a runoff election on August 27 by 125 votes. However, McQuirter challenged his election, arguing his opponent lives in District 1 and thus is disqualified from running for Supervisor in District 2.
State Auditor Shadrick White issued the following statement.
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