Can you spot the mistake?
Not so good, Clarion-Ledger, not so good. ;-)
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Jessup county? Must be due to redistricting.
Jessup County was fictional.
Vaiden is in Carroll County, MS. It is one of two county seats. The other is Carrollton.
maybe 1988 was the sequel
Vaiden is one of two county seats in Carroll County.
Jessup County? Is that where the old strip joint right off I-55 used to be?
Silly me. I always thought Vaiden was one of the two courthouses in CARROLL County. Guess MS now has 83 counties.
Where is Jessup County?
Thought Hackman’s character was based in Meridian?
I am pretty sure Gene will be remembered more for Popeye Doyle and Lex Luthor. And possibly a Wes Anderson movie, more than Mississippi Burning. A movie which has the production quality of a made-for-cable TV movie.
Jessup is not a county in MS. Vaiden is in Carroll County.
Jessup is not a county in MS. Vaiden is in Carroll County.
Mixing fact and fiction. No jessup county
We have a Jessup County in Mississippi??. did not know that.
Don’t think Vaiden is in Jessup County unless they moved it!
There ain’t no such thing as Jessup County.
And it for sure isn’t in Vaiden!
Where is Jessup County?
Vaiden MS is located in Carroll County - not in Jessup County (whatever or wherever that is)
Made for Cable won an Academy award for Cinematography. I don’t see the mistake.
Jessup County. How far is that from Yoknapatawpha County?
Author fails to mention his role in "The Chamber" after the headline teased other connections to the state. Is that the mistake?
I think I got married at the Jessup County courthouse
MS has too many counties but lacks a Jessup
Carroll County courthouse in Vaiden.
There ain"t no Jessep county in this Mississippi!
Vaiden is in Carroll County. I’m not familiar with Jessup County.
Jessup County...
Jessup County??? Maybe a poster from Vaiden will catch it.
There is no Jessup County in Mississippi. The Carroll County Courthouse in Vaiden may have been used in the film. Do newspapers even have editors anymore? I wish it was just a Clarion-Ledger problem, but it appears to be nationwide from what I have seen.
Uncommon Valor
Jessup County?
"Hoosiers" was Hackman's most iconic role. I thought "Mississippi Burning" was waaaay down the list of Hackman's best.
Jessup County Courthouse in Vaiden???? You mean the Carroll County Courthouse in Vaiden MS. I was an extra in the Courthouse scene you can see me for 5 seconds
Jessup County?
Last time I checked, Vaiden was in Carroll County.
Vaiden is in Carroll County, MS, and there is no Jessup County Mississippi
Vaiden is in Carroll County. There is no Jessup county in MS
Vaiden is in Holmes County. Jessup County is fictional.
There's no Jessup County in Mississippi. Brilliant.
Vaiden is in Carroll county.
The mistake is that Vaiden is in Carroll County, not Jessup. BTW - where is Jessup County MS?
Vaiden is in Carroll county.
Where is Jessup County?
Vaiden is in Carroll County, not “Jessup”
Vaiden is one of the two county seats in Carroll County.
Jessup County was the fictional county used in the movie. The scenes in the movie representing fictional Jessup County were filmed in the Carroll County Court House in Vaiden, Mississippi.
Who needs facts or proper grammar? This region is devolving at an alarming rate... and I mean every fucking part of it from the top all the way down.
Yup. A friend suggested AI. I tend to agree.
Yall Missed It...$20 for both Federal AND State Taxe Prep??? That Ain't Right...
Whew, that was close. Thank the Lord it was just a fuck-up by the fuck-ups at the CL and not a social media post by Trump. If had been the latter, there would have been a bill introduced, passed in both chambers, and the Tot would have signed it, all in about 15 minutes, profusely apologizing and begging forgiveness for calling it "Carroll" for nearly 200 years before being told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth by the man, the myth, and the legend himself.
The Rally scene, at night..near Gluckstadt, i think.
A I will become more predominant due to the fact that our society has been dumbed down. I was at. UPS store the other day and had to spell my last name 5 times and wait for the girl to locate and tap each letter one by one. It must have taken 3 minutes to make her get my name correct. But of course, when you’re not taught correctly in school this is the type of reporting you get. Also, I have seen a reporter on a local channel while reading notes off his phone and had ear buds in his ears. My, how we have sunken. Beer Case would look straight at the camera and know what he was going to say and not use a phone or notes. I miss those days.
But mainstream media is so horseshit. They do this all the time, take some tragic event occurring somewhere far away and writing an article about how the event has connections to Mississippi, or Jackson, or wherever the paper or program is sold or broadcast. It’s true, isn’t it, that mainstream newspapers are published for ad revenue, the celebrity news thrown in to titillate and generate sales. Broadcast media is the same. Print and broadcast media both are staffed by society’s most vile bottom-feeders.
Where is Jessup County?
Jessup the road!
The collective stupidity of the commenters never ceases to amaze me.
Jessup County is in MD -- not MS.
best scene of the whole movie was when hackman beat the crap out of that weasel deputy in the paramount barber shop on the south end of parish street. in 88 that barber shop was literally a time capsule from the 60s.
I'm so confused. Perhaps someone in the comments could explain the whole "Jessup County" thing to me. It's not clear. (that's sarcasm for the uninitiated)
9:02, you and me both. I come on to research something and just get out right depressed at all these wood heads so slow on the uptake. And they walk among us.....
Jessup County was the fictional county in Mississippi Burning. Yup. The reporter reported Jessup as an actual county in Mississippi. I suspect some AI was used in writing that story.
KF - I think you found the easiest way to boost traffic and participation number…. Include a mix of history, geography, and movie reference and you will get way more replies than your normal articles…. LOL
10:41, if you came to the comments to “research something” I think that makes you the wood head.
The other Carroll County courthouse, in Carrollton, still flies the Confederate battle flag on the front lawn.
@10:41 I have a theoretical degree in physics. I doubt you are smarter than me.
I’ve never seen so many comments about a fictictious county, and so little comment on the artistry of the actor, or the reality of the stench of that crime.
This is one of many reasons why we don’t make progress. We focus on the stupid meaningless shit. And then vote for folks that spend their time on stupid meaningless shit.
And I’m not a theoretical physicist, but it doesn’t take much to out gun this group in the brains department
Just read the comments, it’s not UPS, it’s Mississippi. When you are last at nearly everything measure of anything - health, education, sucking of the federal tit (oh! We’re good at that), then cut taxes, and plod on.
I fell for that!!! Great work. A theroretical degree!! Brilliant!! As good as any that bestowes a preachers’ ldegree. You’re clearly a physicist, because your language skills betray you as a mississippian
Neighboring Beechum County
Uh, 4:48, the post was about a fictitious county, so that’s why so many comments are; that’s how these things work. And this is a great blog for not only news, but also “stupid meaningless shit”, which many of us click on for entertainment.
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