A JPD officer stands accused of pointing a gun at his girlfriend and forcing her to crash into another vehicle as he chased her down the road.
JPD Joseph Wade announced at a press conference this morning that JPD received a phone call last night about a wreck at the intersection of Robinson Road and Buena Vista. JPD worked the accident and determined a JPD officer was "involved" in the accident with his personal vehicle. There was a domestic "situation" between the officer and a female driver of one of the vehicles. She accused him of striking her vehicle, causing her to crash into another vehicle. She was hospitalized for injuries but has been released.
JPD arrested officer Jagguar Winder last night and charged him with aggravated domestic violence and aggravated assault. Chief Wade promised "he will be held accountable." The Chief said he was not aware of any previous problems with Winder .
Jackson Municipal Court Judge Jeff Reynolds held Winder's initial appearance this morning. As expected, the victim and defendant presented vastly different accounts of what took place last night.
The victim said Winder saw her talking to a male friend and got mad. He started trying to get her to stop and talk to him. She fled in fear but he chased her in his personal vehicle. He allegedly pointed his gun at her in the middle of the chase. He sideswipes her vehicle. Distracted, she crashes into the rear of another vehicle. The victim had an 11-month old baby in the car and is pregnant.
The baby and driver of the other vehicle suffered no injuries. However, the passenger was knocked out and the victim was hospitalized. She suffered a broken ankle and facial bones.
The officer said she caught him with another woman the day before and got real jealous. He saw her and tried to smooth things over with her. She took off, driving erratically. He chased her in an attempt to make her stop driving crazy .
He claimed he did not have his weapon and she fabricated her allegation of him pointing the gun at her.
The officer left the scene and did not render aid. The victim alleged the officer said "That's what you get" before leaving.
Judge Reynolds set Winder's bond at $500,000 for each charge for a grand total of $1 million.
What is wrong with law enforcement employees? There are too many examples of how unhinged these people (who are paid to protect us) are, while their families aren’t even safe from them.
What? They actually answered the 9-1-1 line? That's very unusual.
Yet another example of piss poor pre-employment background investigations. JPD you may want to write this down: 1. Psych exam 2. Spend 30-40 man-hours conducting a thorough background investigation per applicant, including contacting every school, employer, neighbors, friends, credit check, and more.
Spending 10 minutes conducting an online criminal history/warrant check ISN'T A BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION!
Jagguar? was the victim named Lexus or Mercedes?
I always chase somebody in a car to make them stop driving crazy. I would definitely stick to that story, Jaggs
Law enforcement is not just a job, it's got to be a lifestyle. Many of the young officers have been hired without that understanding.
I’m with 1:11 - the big story here is that a 911 call was answered.
"The victim had an 11-month old baby in the car and is pregnant. "
She didn't waste no time in getting pregnant the second time.
Law enforcement pay must be raised substantially in order to attract quality candidates.
Jagguar definitely seems like the kind of cool-head that you want in a high stakes, high pressure policing situation.
Better start another JPD training class. Probably need several hundred applicants to find 30 that can pass drug test & have no priors.
$35 ea. or two for $100
Now, see, this is what results when the government starts closing down things willy-nilly. When they closed the LEO production facility back in the 1970s - y'all know the one, in the slow season Santa's elves made absolutely perfect cops from fairy dust and unicorn hair and the Easter bunny delivered them - things took a turn. And now, all we are left with is human cops, drawn from the pool of humanity, with all the same human wonders and flaws as plumbers, doctors, ditchdiggers, obscure mid-level managers, and other plain ol' non-perfect humans. Anyone with any sense and foresight could have seen what would happen and to what it would lead. And here we are, with a fair number of good cops, a few bad cops, and whole lot of cops who are just decent, imperfect folks sincerely trying to do a decent job with as much enthusiasm and pride in doing it as they can muster given the "big picture."
But I'm sure between BLM's "defund" bullshit and MAGA's "prosecute the ones who do their jobs if we don't like THAT..." bullshit, the best and brightest will continue to feel encouraged to strive mightily to protect and serve. Or say, "I'm done, fuck this..."
Sarcasm aside, to the good, I'd like to say, "Thank you, and I speak for my family and a lot of friends when I say you have our appreciation and support." To the bad, I'd like to say, "Fuck you, you belong in and deserve to be in prison." I'm glad that I will have the privilege to say the former a lot more often than I will feel compelled to say the latter. But I will not hesitate to say the latter when it is appropriate.
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