It's war yet again in the Middle East after Hamas butchered hundreds of Israeli civilians while taking hundreds more as hostages to be used for sport Saturday. Posted below are some pictures and videos of Hamas savagery.
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Hostages |
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Elderly women killed |
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Family murdered. | |
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Family captured. |
Then there is the tatoo artist from Germany. She was a conscientious objector who refused to serve in the Israeli military. Her sympathies or pacifism didn't matter to the terrorists who captured her, broke her leg, then proceeded to parade her body through the streets of Gaza to much applause.
That poor soul attended a music festival near the border. Hamas killed over 250 people while taking more prisoner at the festival.
Meet some more hostages. One can't imagine the horror they are forced to endure if they are still alive.
Meanwhile, Hamas and Palestinian leaders celebrate.
This is what they were celebrating. Savages just walked up to a car and shot the female driver dead in cold blood.
Naturally, Hamas announced it will start executing hostages on live tv while the Wall Street Journal reports Iran helped Hamas plan the attack.
Wonder how long before Omar goes on the floor of the House and condemns Israel.
It's all very sad on a human level, but this ain't our fight. America has had more than our fill of Middle East wars.
3:30 you are so naive
And, yet, it is Israel's fault for not making peace with animals seeking its annihilation.
Kingfish this is minor.
Wait till Iran gets its hand of nuclear weapon supplied by Russia.
Then truly there will be another holocaust.
How so? Be specific.
Keep in mind, I am probably more familiar with the history of The British Mandate of Palestine than you are.
I know more about the terrorist groups like Irgun who commuted the first acts of bombing and massacres in the Middle East.
I could post more details but Kingfish is big on censoring stuff like that.
I thought Trump brought peace to the Middle East. They had an accord and everything. What happened?
Remember if you don’t stand 100% with Israel then you are an antisemitic Nazi.
to the idjut @ 3:30
we can fight 'em there or fight 'em here. and if here, its too late. wake up sheeple. And no more "measured" half ass responses. This is a civilization ending event 2000 years in the making. It's us or them. Talk nice to them and your head comes off just the same
@3:30 PM - Do you realize that Americans have been murdered and kidnapped by Hamas?
Do you realize that any instability in the Middle East negatively affects most of the world?
There is no excuse for this shit.
The long turn solution is to turn Iran into glass.
3:27, you’re aware that Omar is neither Palestinian nor Middle Eastern, right? I sure hope that you aren’t calling people out just for sharing the same religion as some of the countries currently trying to broker a peace deal (like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates).
Yeah, and trying to stay out of WWI and WWII worked so well for us, didn't it?
war cuts the innocent on either side. and yes, there are innocent people on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides..
4:26 It matters not that Omar is neither Palestinian nor Middle Eastern. She makes her feelings well known about Israel as does the rest of the “Squad”.
Good lord do you ignorant hayseeds not even realize the reason Iran is in the shape it is today is because the USA installed a brutally oppressive dictator in the Shah Pahlavi who tortured his people to the point that they welcomed the Ayatollahs? At the same time our entire Middle East foreign policy has been pro-Zionist. The Shah wasn’t the only brutal Middle East dictator we installed and supported. Saddam was originally our man against the Ayatollah. And then when it came time to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan we backed a Saudi Mujahideen by the name of Osama bin Laden. Y’all see a pattern here? We need to stay out of it.
@4:00 PM
You people really are ignorant.
Why does Iran need to get a nuclear weapon from Russia when they have been partners with North Korea for 20 years?
It has been well known in the OSINT community that more than one of the nuclear tests in the DPRK was an Iranian device.
Nobody “gives” another country one of their nukes since the IAEA can trace the origin of the fissile materials.
I have one simple statement. This is really bad.
Trump said it would not have happened if he were president! Lol dream on Trump!
We should have turned Iran into a parking lot in 1979 during the hostage crisis.
There is no dialogue with the Arabs
All the Middle Eastern experts that think this just got started. SMH. Maybe you people should spend some time in a library, not google, a library, so you can have some idea of the true dynamics involved.
Idiot. Show me the video of Israeli soldiers raping women and burning elders in their homes.
I’ll wait.
Those animals are terrorists, operating under the Hamas banner. They probably aren’t even Palestinian. But judging by the rallies all over the country there are plenty of idiots just like you who celebrate the raping and burning and dragging as long as the victims are Jews.
Meanwhile, our commander in chief is hosting bbq’s in the rose garden while our northern and southern borders are overrun with “asylum seekers”.
We are all screwed.
Iranians are Farsi speaking Persians, not Arabs.
Ignorant rednecks just make things worse.
BTW there are many Arab Mississippians who have made huge contributions to this state. I am thinking of a beloved weatherman from WLBT right now.
Israel has said this is their 9/11…I hope we remember Saudi Arabia has never been our friend
We'd save a lot of money and strife if we'd unironically embrace isolationism. Let the Middle East and Eastern Europe sort themselves out. Our attention and money would be better spent on securing our borders, tackling our substance abuse epidemic and housing all the homeless vets from the last dumb war we inserted ourselves into.
I'm an unapologetic isolationist. You should be too.
We gave IRAN 6 billion recently! WTF! They supply all these weapons.
@5:47 PM - Very true, but the radical Islamists have one thing in common - they are Shia Muslims.
@7:11 So you would just sit by and let another Holocaust take place? Shameful!
I know it's impossible, Kingfish, but I wish there were a way to create these threads without including potential keywords and acronyms which attract the attention of webcrawlers. It's so tiring, reading the rude, bullying posts of professional trolls, sent here to "help control Internet dialogue".
These lads believe they will be rewarded by their Muslem "god" for such activity. How such a religion exists is one of the dark one's great tricks.
4:45, 45 years is long enough for Iran to take responsibility for its own actions.
I'm concerned that 7:11 might have a 'Get The Hell Off My Lawn' sign in the front yard. And if he does, he's probably a danger to himself and others.
The vast majority of comments on this post, the pearl fire, and the Jordan Davis concert are just hate. I used to read the comments for rumors and honest opinions, but lately it’s just plain old hate. It’s not even the fun kind that’s slightly racist or sexist. It’s becoming Facebook in the comment section and that sucks kingfish. I miss the old days when the Frazier’s were dodging court and the Irbys last ride.
You got me, 9:34.
I hate rape.
I hate murder.
I hate kidnappers.
I hate terrorists.
And I especially hate those who celebrate any of the four listed above.
That enough hate for you?
7:53 said it better than I could:
"It's so tiring, reading the rude, bullying posts of professional trolls"
Thank you.
5:42. it’s 4:37.
So you don’t think there are any innocent Palestinians? Ever been to Israel? Many people have. Ever been to Palestine? probably not.
If you have the chance to go, just remember that they can’t leave Israel. Ever. In Gaza? Walled in and can’t leave not even to see their families in the rest of Israel.
Want so grow crops and sell them? Israeli customs will let their trucks sit and the produce rot.
One would feel completely helpless and desperate in that kind of situation.
But if you can go, you will be treated with better hospitality than in the USA. And you will be humbled.
I never said that Jewish deaths should be celebrated, nor that the animals who have brutalized Israelis are heroes. All I said is that there are good people on both sides who want peace. Good people on both sides who just want to live life without the fear of conflict and violence.
8:01, such a religion “exists” the same way that a religion allows for the abuse of children or the grifting of public funds. Those works are also of the dark one you speak.
Allah, if you have read the Quran, does not support any of the terror Arab humans employ anymore than the Bible supports European or African-American abuse and stealing in God’s name. There is no chapter and verse about virgins and rewards for those that slaughter.
Their “God” isn’t the problem; they are. We don’t trash Christianity even though it cloaked conquest in the cloth for hundreds of years. Any religion is subject to twisting by humans, and that is indeed a known trick of the dark one.
Like Al Qaeda, its hard to understand the unrealistic mindset of Hamas. Unless “this time it’s different,” (Iran?) they will get their asses kicked like they’ve been getting their asses kicked for 6+ decades.
We must all stand with Israel against these Hamas monsters. But, standing with Israel is not donating to, or standing with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a leftist anti-free speech organization that has no problem at all with defamation of those on the right, that had no problem at all with the commies (a former Twitter employee’s description) at Twitter, has no problem at all with lies from the left.
The Anti-Defamation League’s leader was on CNBC recently stating they will crush anyone that goes against them, and uses what could be called financial terrorism as a tool to have it both ways, i.e. lying propaganda from the left is ok, while attempting to silence anyone disagreeing with them, via financial boycott, etc.
It took a billionaire willing to lose 50 billion or so to get that leftist cesspool Twitter somewhat under control, and since the ADL hates free speech (if it doesn’t benefit the ADL), the ADL hates Elon Musk. So, let’s make certain we make it known that while stand with Israel, we do not support the leftist anti-free speech ADL.
P.S. ANYONE that disagrees with anything the ADL does is labeled an anti-Semite, so, come on.
@7:21, not a single dollar has been released to Iran.
October 9, 2023 at 5:21 PM, there are a few things we don't have to dream about.
1. This didn't happen while Trump was in office.
2. This did happen while Biden is in office.
3. Russia didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office.
4. Russia did invade Ukraine while Biden is in office.
Do you see a pattern?
So the consensus among the rest of the world is that (((they))) deserve it. Sounds like all of humanity are once again tired of putting up with (((their))) shit. Zero sympathy from anyone except the most brainwashed boomer zionists.
Remember the old saying that if everyone treats you like an asshole then maybe you are the asshole!
Remember, these are the same assholes who demanded that Pilate release a murdering rapist and demanded the execution of their own Messiah.
October 9, 2023 at 7:53 PM
Thank you for recognizing me for my work.
@7:42am - Are you really stupid enough to think that Russia or Hamas terrorists care who the US president is at the time they decide to do anything? Jesus Christ.
But what is it makes these Palestinians so angry that they would do this?
Poor Israelis. Never did nothing to nobody.
I got attacked and shadow banned from Reddit for pointing out that the Israelis at the rave were all clearly whacked out on drugs. Including the German national tattoo artist that everyone is suddenly enamored with.
Biden, like Obama who runs him, has been exceptionally dismissive of Israel whilst sucking up to Iran, enabling the Terror State's proxy war on Israel. DNC is assured of the pro Palestinian vote but democrat Jews may cause RFK Jr to win nomination.
October 10, 2023 at 8:49 AM, which of the 4 points that I made were incorrect? The reason for your childish name call is you have no way to refute those 4 points. You really should see someone about your anger issues. Bless your heart.
October 10, 2023 at 9:06 AM, what's your point? Are you saying these people deserved what happened to them?
October 10, 2023 at 8:49 AM, yes, I'm stupid enough to believe it matters who the president is, especially when the people that work for the president fund the enemy.
@9:28 - I seriously doubt RFK Jr. wins the republican nomination. We will see how his speech at CPAC goes, but his stance on abortion, climate change, and most social issues won’t win over too many conservatives. I do think he can appeal to some of the populists who voted for Trump.
October 9, 2023 at 4:26 PM, you are aware that Omar has been very vocal in her condemnation of Israel. She has even hinted that retaliation by Israel may be a war crime.
Time for Gaza to be introduced to seal team 6 and delta force. It’s weird how the left are anti Israel and the right are always backing Israel but yet Jews don’t care. The Jews in America seem to be overwhelmingly left leaning.
Forced myself to watch every video, because this will be the U.S. in a few years thanks to the border scandal created by Sleepy and Word Salad.
10:39am DNC not GOP.
I see that the people who foam at the mouth every time they see a hijab are out in full force on this site.
I support Israel (and innocent Palestinians), and what Hamas is doing is nothing short of evil, but y’all are just beyond ridiculous.
Unfortunately 12:15 is correct. What no one is talking about is how Hamas caught Israel “off guard”. They have been distracted because of all of that fighting in their own government. The left versus the right, gay rights protest, and general imploding from the inside out. Hamas saw the opportunity. Plus Iran just got 6Billion in “humanitarian” oil asset funds from guess where ..the USA.
Real question for all you Hamas/Islamic sympathizers. Do you think we could just live in Peace with Islam if we just disavowed Israel? I think for your answer just see how well Sunni and Shia coexist. I wouldn’t call either pro-Israel. Yet somehow nothing can quench their thirst for spilling each other’s blood!
So…it’s a mixed bag. I’m an isolationist myself…but the US caused this mess.
We should not have helped the Ukraine just because I don’t think we have the resources to fight other people’s wars. Russia is going to implode regardless of whether they win the war or not. And, we wouldn’t have helped if the Ukraine didn’t hold their own initially and not backed down. Then, the stupid public pressure demanded we help.
The Middle East is different. We caused this. If we cut aid to every country there (including military aid to Israel), the Israelis will fall. So what? Well, then WW3 happens next. Might as well jump in and stop it now.
Dear Liberals,
Orange Man Bad isn’t President anymore, potato joe the clown who can’t stand or walk is, try to keep up with the times.
October 10, 2023 at 8:10 PM, please, explain how it's the fault of the U.S.?
It was late 1969 when Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel, was leaving peace negotiations, and was questioned at a press conference about the prospect of peace.
She gave an answer that has stayed with me all these many years. She said, “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
Sad to say, we aren't there yet.
@1:44 wrong. The six billion are still sitting in restricted accounts in Qatar. The funds are from South Korea for oil they purchased from Iran. You can disagree with their anticipated release for prisoners, but get the facts correct.
The 6 billion are in Qatar? Is that a euphemism for gas chambers?
" but get the facts correct", yeah, about those facts, what about the estimated 50 to 80 billion dollars that was funneled to Iran over the last two and one half years by the Biden administration? The link to this information is in the first post @October 10, 2023 at 10:39 AM.
@ 8:49 AM: Are you really stupid enough to think Russia and even the low-life terrorists don't care who is the PTOS when they make their moves and calculate the response of the US?
I'm glad to see that, despite all the normal Zionism supporters would would expect to comment, there are plenty of folks out there who don't share the superstition that the modern state of Israel somehow embodies "God's chosen people". The modern state of Israel is a creation of the United Nation and powerful Zionist Jews and their supporters. We owe them nothing and the financial aid the US has given them over the years has been wasted money.
As someone pointed out, Jews are predominantly leftists and yet so many American Christians support Israel no matter what due to their mistaken belief that God expects them to do so.
It's not our fight, just like the Ukraine mess is not. Neither was WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, etc. None of these foreign interventions accomplished anything other than to get a lot of people slaughtered. WW2 rid Germany of Nazi control only to make Eastern Europe safe for Communist control, which was much worse. We should stay out of it and let them fight it out.
While the Hamas atrocities (assuming they are all real and not a product of AI or something) are terrible, Israel has confiscated Palestinian land and abused those people. If you are a bully, eventually your victim may retaliate, and he is likely to be a bit over the top in his methods. This in no way excuses killing civilians, but is just a recognition of human nature.
I stand with neither side, but on the side of minding our own business. Americans are foolish to be in such a potentially violent place in the middle between two different people, neither of whom care for us very much.
October 12, 2023 at 6:31 AM, why do you call it confiscated Palestinian land? You are showing your ignorance of true history, along with your religious bias. What you call Palestinian land was never recognized as such through the legal process.
6:31, it’s a good thing we got involved in WWII or else the Kempeitai or Gestapo would not allow forums such as this.
10/12/23 here.
No religious bias. I was brought up Christian but not with the mistaken Southern Baptist ideas about the modern state of Israel being some sort of fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, which is silly.
When you import foreigners into a land and run out the occupants, I’m not sure what you call that legally but it sure looks like theft and invasion to me.
The idea that the US would somehow had been invaded and conquered by Germany or Japan had we stayed neutral in the world wars is absurd. A high ranking Japanese general stated that such would be impossible because there would be “a rifle behind every blade of grass”. Those wars accomplished nothing but killing millions, including civilians. All you folks playing war hawk may be helping usher in WW3. This is all lunacy.
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