Last week, President Joe Biden said that Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves, both Republicans, were guilty of “Neanderthal thinking” because they removed statewide mask mandates! It’s reminiscent of Hillary’s calling us irredeemable “deplorables,” or candidate Barack Obama remarking that bitter small-town voters "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Yep, that’s pretty much how the political elite think about us. That also explains why they continue to support mandates that force citizens to do whatever they want us to do. It’s almost as if they believe people won’t wear masks unless we are forced to wear masks.
Back in the old days authorities gave recommendations and guidelines. But, with all the Neanderthal thinking going on the past decade or so, the only logical recourse remaining for authorities is martial-like mandates. Nowadays, all a mayor, a board, or a governor needs is a pen and a phone.
Last week the Senate passed the $1.9 Trillion stimulus bill, Covid relief bill, pandemic aid bill, and American Rescue Plan. What’s in a name? It’s all government money, right? For context, after President Biden signs this bill, the U.S. will be $30 Trillion in debt! All parties in Washington are responsible for raising our national debt to that height!
President Ronald Reagan said, “We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much.” Doesn’t seem that many dollars ago. What have our two national parties bought with the newest debt? What’s actually in the stimulus/relief/aid/rescue bill? Probably a heck of a lot of “Neanderthal thinking.”
Where does the government get its money? Well, Reagan had a saying about that too. “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
Unfortunately, Americans have been slowly boiled in that pot of taxes, fees, licenses, and tolls. We’ve become accustomed to paying our fair share for just about everything we do. That’s where most government money comes from.
The Covid pandemic has really put a squeeze on those who govern. On one hand, they got to force people, businesses, and organizations to do whatever they wanted us to do, including closing down. Over the past year, many have grown accustomed to following these mandates, while some of us have grown weary of them. On the other hand, however, closing down or restricting business reduced the amount of money government received, not to mention the salaries and wages workers needed.
In the old days, most people acted responsibly following guidelines and recommendations. Sure there were exceptions just like we’ve seen under the mandates. Businesses acted responsibly and continued meeting customers’ needs. We trusted our neighbors, colleagues, businesses, and organizations to be responsible and follow the guidelines.
Nowadays, that is “Neanderthal thinking,” like letting children read Dr. Seuss books, or letting them play with gender specific Potato Heads. Children should be learning about transgenderism, and girls should learn to be good sports when biological boys beat them in high school sports. We’ve come so far since Neanderthal days!
Daniel L. Gardner is a syndicated columnist who lives in Starkville, MS. You may contact him at
First of all, the Suess decision to pull 6 books ( 5 of which I suspect no one has heard of at all) by the publishers is a business decision.
To compare that with mask wearing is not just ridiculous but...yeah, Neanderthal level of brain function.
To wear a mask is a public health and safety action. It doesn't restrict anything unless you mumble and can't project your vocal cords ( again, there could be a reason you haven't as a healthy adult learned to speak clearly or project your voice).
Neanderthal is a kindness that implies you cannot help believing in myths, lies, and far fetched conspiracies. If you are rational and smart , then perhaps it's onset of mental illness , brain damage, or a physical illness that is adversely affecting your brain.
God help us!
Ironic because Joe Biden's presidency will depend on Neanderthal thinking or no thinking at all by stupid tax payers who will see him and his minions waste trillions for socialist pipe dreams. Just sit back and ignore the coming collapse of the moral, financial, and structural foundation of the United States. That's smart thinking.
At least the Neanderthals never went bankrupt.
The perpetual growth of the “National Debt” was planned when Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Our fate as a nation in decline was sealed with the passage of the 19th Amendment.
Biden made the same mistake Clinton and Obama did. All of them made statements that were personally offensive. If they had simply stuck to the facts instead of engaging in name calling then their message might have gotten through.
Neanderthals, Deplorables, bitter voters clinging to their guns religion. Stupid, derogatory, stereotypical names that should not have been used in reasonable conversation.
I’m more interested in hearing Mr Gardner’s opinion on what we should do about it. Because watching TV and voting doesn’t seem to be anything.
Also, while my family is having to make do with a lot less and carry this tax burden, I see an awful lot of illegal aliens at the grocery store with multiple newborns buying shopping carts full of groceries with EBT cards. They are often driving newer vehicles than my family as well.
This is outrageous!
3:13 I understand your sentiment and I think Biden's handlers intend to flood the country with new dependents but how do you tell they are illegal at the grocery store?
How quickly we forget or excuse some behaviors, while denouncing others. I can think of someone who insulted and offended many people almost daily. At least Biden didn't refer to the governor as a neanderthal, or call Mississippi a "shit hole" state.
Remember the 3 trillion before Biden? A game of circle jerking.
You are correct that name calling is a uniquely Democrat thing. After all, Trump didn’t engage in name calling. Any name calling you think he did was really antifa disguised as him trying to make him look bad. Thanks so much for the objective reporting that we have all come to expect from you, Daniel, and be sure to watch out for the Jewish space lasers.
-Rudy Giuliani
Seriously why is Daniel Gardner or anyone else upset that they were called an idiot for legitimate reasons? Just read Trump's twitter feed. It was one insult after another. He made threats to people. But now you're upset bc he called you an Neanderthal? GTF outta here.
@3:35 PM
Rest assured that Kingfish will NOT approve any reply answering your questions.
5:19 Well, no joke Sherlock. Trump did name call his opposition, and Trump got hammered by PBS, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, WaPo, NY Times, et al. When did this same crowd hammer Biden for name calling?
Yep, they didn't. That crowd joined in with Biden. Therein lies the difference.
Your right.
Biden doesn't call anyone names.
Even his Secretary of Defense (who he appointed), you know, the guy who runs that "outfit' over there (the Pentagon)
Biden didn't call you or some group of people Neanderthals. After Tater and Abbot decided to lift mandates, he called it Neanderthal thinking. Why? Because the decision is not based in any sort of scientific basis. Its not what the CDC, any epidemiologist, medical professional or person with half a brain has recommended. He did it for political reasons, pure an simple. I think its ok to expand the capacity to places, let our kids go to school, etc., but there was no reason whatsoever to lift the mask mandate until the vaccine is openly available to anyone and the majority of our population has been vaccinated.
Pretty hard to make Hillary look good, but somehow Daniel manages every time he shares his opinion. You are a deplorable, and much worse Daniel, get over it. You are not a victim and your attempt to play one is pathetic.
Yep, this is so much better than last guy...
What an upgrade!
And remember, he doesn’t call anyone names!
“ Happy International Women’s Day!
The Biden White House announced on Monday, which happened to be International Women’s Day, that the US military is focusing on “maternity flight suits” for pregant women.
Because it’s important that pregnant women are able to drop into enemy territory during wartime.”
It seems to be the benchmark of liberal screamers to revert to name calling when someone has an original thought, especially if it isn’t exactly like the orders that are barking. Go Texas and Mississippi!
How these snowflakes managed to take a statement aimed at the decisions of the Governors of Texas and MS and apply it to "us" is beyond me. Way too eager to make themselves the victim. Its pretty pathetic.
TX/MS just following the bipolar advice of medical professionals, right 8:20?
“ “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.”
Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID”
"TX/MS just following the bipolar advice of medical professionals, right 8:20?"
You seriously are a dolt. You're really going to use a quote from Fauci from one year ago when we had a total of 500 cases nationwide? Fauci, the CDC and essentially the entire medical and scientific community have been pretty consistent since about April of last year. We have seen over 500,000 deaths and you're pumped because you think you've caught Fauci changing his mind....Guess what? thats what science is. Evaluating the best available information before you make decisions.
All this because you don't want to be bothered to wear a mask. Grow up man.
I didn’t mention masks, I mentioned Fauci advocating going on a super spreader cruise, or was that tinder dating he was all positive about?
But since you asked nicely;
Long, Y. et al. (2020) “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis,” J Evid Based Med. 2020; 1- 9.
“A total of six RCTs involving 9,171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical masks. Meta-analysis indicated a protective effect of N95 respirators against laboratory-confirmed bacterial colonization (RR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.43-0.78). The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
lol@1:47 PM
Imagine believing so strongly in this hoax that you feel morally outraged when the narrative is questioned. You are so deeply conditioned to that response that you don’t even remember how to be an individual capable of independent thought.
Biden has since forgotten who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (He could not even remember the name of the Pentagon).
His quote was something to the effect of "The guy that runs that military outfit"
Was Biden remotely in reality when he said that ?
I predict it will be weeks not years, before Biden is removed and
Kah'mahla redecorates the Oval Office.
@4:33 - so you think doctors should wear cloth masks instead of n95’s or are you reaching a different conclusion from the authors? Would love to hear your analysis of this study.
@5:22 pm
The analysis is that masks don't prevent the spread of the virus. That has been known the entire 20th century. That was the pandemic plan in place that had been prepared by multiple administrations...right up until this country lost its mind. While the 'experts' on TV continue to tell us to follow the science, they ignore the science on masks that have not changed.
The democrats are science deniers.
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