White flight continues in Cleveland after a federal judge ordered the city's two high schools to consolidate in 2016. A trickle of white flight became a flight as white student enrollment fell by more than a third in only five years after consolidation.
The white population was stable for several years, reaching a high of 1,140 students in 2013. White flight began slowly during the two years prior (15%) to the Court ordering consolidation but quickened almost immediately afterwards (34%). White student population plunged to 632 students in 2020-2021, 21% of the population. There are two elementary schools where black and white populations are roughly even but such parity evaporates in sixth grade when they attend the same middle school. Whites make up only 17% of Cleveland Middle School. The current white student population is only 45% of what it was in 2013.
White flight is most egregious in Cleveland's high school population. Students on one side of the railroad went to
East Side High School while students on the other side went to Cleveland
High School. East Side was 100% black but the white and black students
were split almost evenly at CHS. Cleveland white students were
attending a fully integrated public high school. However, that wasn't
good enough for U.S. District Judge Debra Brown and Cleveland attorney
Ellis Turnage. The learned jurist ordered the full consolidation of the high schools
into a new Cleveland Central High School so consolidate they did.
What next took place was predicted by anyone familiar with integration. Whites checked out of Cleveland public schools over the next few years. 306 white students were enrolled in the high school, comprising 47% of the high school's population and 30% of the overall high school population in 2013. However, white enrollment plunged after consolidation. The white high school enrollment fell to only 16% for the 2020-2021 school year as white student enrollment reached an all-time low of 131 students. The white percentage of high school students would have been even lower but for a loss of 39 black students from the previous year after years of remaining stable.
The pandemic softened white flight's effect as the district has 254 fewer black students than a year ago. However, the white flight continues unabated.
Kingfish note: White flight did not have to happen. Cleveland white students were not attending anything remotely close to
white-only schools. No one likes being 20% anywhere, whether he or she
is black, white, or purple. It seems Cleveland leaders were doing their
best to prevent what took place across Mississippi over the last forty
years but to no avail, thanks to a clueless federal judge. Remember those Soviet Commissars that executed farmers for crop failures during drought? Such an ideologue is Judge Brown. Let the hand-wringing over yet another case of
white-flight and re-segregation of another Mississippi public school
district begin. 40 years and the hand-wringers haven't learned
anything. Rinse, repeat.
Black: 2,382, 67%
White: 1,042, 29%
Total: 3,523
East Side High School: Black: 390, 100%
Cleveland High School: Black, 259, 45%, White: 290, 50%
Total: 939, 69% Black (649), 290 White (31%)
Black: 2,370, 66%
White: 1,066, 30%
East Side: Black: 336, 99%
Cleveland High: Black: 258, 46%, White: 271, 49%
Total: 865, White: 31%, Black: 69%
Black: 2,412, 66%
White: 1,070, 29%
Cleveland High: 263, 46% Black, 275, 48% White
East Side: 345 Black, 100%
Total: 883, White: 31% (275), Black: 608
Black: 2,468, 66%
White: 1,097, 29%
Total: 3,726
Cleveland High: White: 288, 47%, Black: 280, 46%
East Side: 369 Black, 100%
Total: 937, White: 288, 31%, Black: 70%, 653
Black: 2,497, 65%
White: 1,140, 30%
Cleveland High: White: 306, 48%, Black: 292, 45%
East Side: Black: 359
Total: 957, White: 32%, Black: 68%
Black: 2,461, 66%
White: 1,115, 30%
Total: 3,741
Cleveland High: Black: 287, 46%, 295: 14%
East Side: 360, 100%
Total: 942, white: 295, 31%, Black: 647, 69%
Black: 2,435, 67%
White: 1053, 29%
Total: 3,652
East Side: 368 Black, 100%
Cleveland High: Black: 281, 45%, White: 298, 48%
Total: 947, White: 31%, Black: 68%
Black: 2,437, 68%
White: 969, 27%
Total: 3,565
East Side: Black: 375, 100%
Cleveland High: White: 284, 46%, Black: 295, 48%
Total: 954, White: 284, 30%, Black: 70%
Black: 2,410, 71%
White: 831, 24%
Total: 3,400
Cleveland Central: White: 216, 23%, Black: 669, 72%
Total: 924
White: 785, 23%
Black: 2,393, 70%
Total: 3,399
Cleveland Central High:
Total: 911
White: 197, 21%
Black: 664, 73%
White: 763, 23%
Black: 2,372, 71%
Cleveland Central High
Total: 846
White: 147, 17%
Black: 663
Total: 2,968
White: 632 (21%)
Black: 2,118 (71%)
Cleveland Central High
Total: 798
White: 131 (16%)
Black: 624 (78%)
Real Estate booms depend on white fear of living and educating their children with POC. Then POC move in to occupy the housing that neurotically fearful whites leave behind.
For students to succeed, the parents at home have to care. This explains every instance of ‘white flight’.
Why is anyone surprised? This started in the Mississippi delta in 1966 at Greenville high school. Virtually overnight the whites and blacks seeking a decent education left and started private schools. The goal appears to be reduce the students, keep the allocated money, and use that money for personal benefits. Deny it if you wish, but that is what has been happening for the last 55 years.
Liberals fuck up everything they touch. Can anybody name one thing, anywhere that liberals have made better for everybody??
so are the white parents putting their kids in private school or moving away from cleveland?
Is Piney Woods a 'Seg' academy. Asking for a friend.
It's the judge's fault. White folk didn't want their children going to school with Black children. It's really that simple. Now those White children go to a school with the few (if any) Black children who play sports because winning is everything.
1:32 there has been an unprecedented increase at private school Bayou Academy in the small town of Skeen Ms. about 5 miles west of Cleveland.
Your literacy is thanks to liberals. Take advantage of that literacy and go read a history book.
@1:38. Yes, Piney Woods is a seg academy. This is beyond dispute.
why should a town of 10k have two schools? someone please explain how more government and more taxpayer money for two schools is a good thing. to me it’s a waste of public funds. please let me know how more government is the answer?
Real Estate booms depend on white fear of living and educating their children with POC. Then POC move in to occupy the housing that neurotically fearful whites leave behind.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Development sprawl, property decay, creating more waste. More infrastructure problems for another part of the state.
2:02 might wish he or she is correct, but they aren't.
"so are the white parents putting their kids in private school or moving away from cleveland?"
March 9, 2021 at 1:32 PM
Based on what we've seen happening elsewhere in the Delta (on BOTH sides of the River), I'm guessing it will be a combination of the options you list. Too, there will be more homeschooling, and there will be FEWER BIRTHS.
People with children, who're too poor to afford private schools, frequently MOVE AWAY. I can think of one young couple who, as their economic prospects failed to develop, moved to Jackson Hole (where they became, basically, servants, living in staff quarters - but with their child safe, in the town's public schools). Another couple moved to Upstate New York (where the wife's career blossomed). I can't count the number who've moved to the Pacific Northwest, the Intermountain West, and "hot" cities in Texas (Austin). People who love their children, rearrange their lives, to keep them safe.
People who've reproduced carelessly and thoughtlessly - who don't really care that much about ANYTHING - allow "The Village" to raise their children. With a precious few exceptions,a public school in Mississippi, is a kid's ticket to exposure to violence, and exposure to all sorts of other habits and attitudes, which are only going to point their lives' trajectories DOWNWARD. If you really don't care, whether your child ends up as a homeless, mentally-ill druggie, then you RISK public school - hoping for the best - thinking noble thoughts, as your child becomes disturbed, then dysfunctional, then DOOMED.
Homeschooling, assuming there's a stay-at-home parent or grandparent, is an even better option, since the dehumanizing/conformist aspects of ANY school are avoided. Among the state's nonviolent intelligentsia, there seem to be more than a few homeschooled kids, growing into really wonderful and accomplished people.
In the long run, those who are responsible, but whose careers turn out not to offer STABLE financial prospects (architects, farmers...) frequently choose not to marry, or to reproduce, because they cannot be SURE that they can afford private schools for their kids. In that way, government interference in schools, is a subtle form of genocide. People only have as many children as they are SURE they can afford to send to private school.
I agree with you about a town that size having two high schools. There is no real reason for it. We know why it happened to begin with though. School district consolidation is more pressing to me than school consolidation though. District consolidation is where the change needs to start. Lots of dead weight will be culled.
Is the white flight due to Daddy being scared that his little darling will become affectionate with the big black coeds? It seems to explain why everything is ok until middle school when the hormones start kicking in for the kids. I have lived in a couple of communities with a significant mixture of races, and it never failed that once kids hit middle school, there was a noticeable drop in the white population at the middle school.
Cleveland actually has a working water system.
I have lived in a couple of communities with a significant mixture of races, and it never failed that once kids hit middle school, there was a noticeable drop in the white population at the middle school.
Which communities? Name them. Shouldn't be a problem since it 'never failed' and you are anonymous. Put up.
I'm a graduate of MS public schools and have a advanced degrees in business and accounting, but this was 20 years ago when I graduated high school so I don't know what it's like now. I will say this, I've tried to love Jackson and Mississippi and accept its faults and take it all in stride with the good but these past few weeks and experiences I've had make me realize my "type (i.e. skin color) isn't cared for in this part of the world, and figure I might as well move somewhere that doesn't judge me by the color of my skin... Idaho sounds nice right now.
Cleveland has a functioning water system.
Hey @1:20 and @1:47 do you really think that white flight has anything to do with your twisted views? Not likely. The truth always seems to get lost during topics like this. And it’s mostly because people are fearful of stepping on the toes or shaking the racial tree. I can tell you why there’s white flight but I doubt anyone wants to hear the actual truth. In 1968 I went to Ben Franklin high school in Florida (freshman year) that was predominantly white. For the most part everyone got along with no real issues. The neighborhood was clean, houses were mostly well maintained. We moved to a different school district then out of the state for two years. But eventually my parents moved back to Florida and I went back to Franklin.
It was like night and day from my earlier year. Now the school was only about 20% white including teachers. From the first day to the last ( about a half a year) I lived in constant fear of getting my ass kicked because I was white. Every fucking day the looks of pure hate and the verbal cuss outs for crimes committed 150 years earlier. Crimes I had no part in (my grandfather fought for the north in the civil war). The black teachers seemed to take great pleasure in belittling the white students and you got the same looks.
You never walked in the center of the hallway going from one class to the next. If you did that was a sure thing punch in the back of the head. No kid white or black should have to endure absolute terror when at school. It had happened to black students in the early 60s so now it was payback time and two wrongs always make things right. Apparently parents were teaching their children well. It made learning secondary to survival. My parents knew the stress I was dealing on a daily basis so we moved to California.
The neighborhood had changed as well what was once good neighborhoods were now unmaintained with junk cars in the yards. I’m pretty sure property values had taken a dive. I’ve never forgotten my six months of terror. A truly learning experience. You want to know why there’s white flight? People don’t want their kids assaulted and they tend to move out neighborhoods where property values plunge.
Have we learned anything yet..... nope!
That's a lot of time spent typing and proofreading when you could’ve just said “I’m an ignorant and prejudiced bigot” and we could all come to the same conclusion anyways.
Lol if Piney Woods is a seg academy it’s for a different reason than you think. Think of it as an HBCU at the Highschool level without the Ayers money. If you researched enrollment you would even know that foreign exchange students attend. Are there racists on campus, without a doubt but no one is preventing whites from attending. For the longest the farm that is visible from Hwy 49 was even ran by gasp... a white man whose family lived with him on campus. I actually hate to have to even type this, and defend that place.
Are you foaming out the mouth to send your kids to a HBCU? Good grief.
Hey kingfish. Got some news for you. White flight is going on all over the state of Mississippi. By 2030 Mississippi will be minority majority. Go look at the map of Mississippi in the recent election. Lots of blue counties in the state.
Integrating schools should not be any federal judge's concern. Equal protection is his/her only order of business. If Cleveland provides an equal opportunity to get an education to it's student residents it should not matter if they choose to have more than one high school. This shit only started in the first place because the old racists of the 50's and 60's refused to provide equal support for black and white schools. Today if the kids get an equal chance who should care if they don't go to the same school? These stupid judges think they justify their huge salary by fixing what's not broke.
The judge ruled that the black kids were being denied their constitutional right to an integrated education. How is that working out ?
1:47 - Congrats. You have won the dunce of the day post. If, as you say, 'white parents didn't want their children going to school with blacks', why did they embrace it at Cleveland High School since 1966? All was fine for the white parents and students until the justice department did what they knew would result in poisoning the pool. For three years now, white students have been placed at a disadvantage and people who shiv a git won't go for it...the lives of their children are at stake.
No parent with the means to do otherwise will allow his child to be sacrificed at the alter of social experimentation for the sake of melting-pot-justice.
White people cannot stand not being the majority in every situation. What's wrong with being 25% of the school?
And there are five school districts in Bolivar County. Go figure.
Speaking of "white flight," what is this Donner Ladd Jackson's-water-issue-is-due-to-racism stuff im hearing folks reference all of a sudden?
You got to experience it to understand it. Those calling others bigots are not so stupid as to not know what
goes on or maybe you are. It is unusual for a liberal's kids to live amongst people of color, they like to throw
rocks at others while living in safety. People haven't fled the Delta for no reason. I loved it until my kids were
born and then I knew we had to get out of there. The personal cost was high.
Speaking of White Flight, why is the Jackson Free Press headquartered in Westland Plaza and why don't Donna Ladd and Tom Head live on Boling Street?
King - when do you think the C-L will pick up this story?
Well done.
Willie Simmons said on Gallo this morning that buses carry 200 workers from the Delta (parking lot in Walmart in Cleveland, I believe) to FedEx in Memphis.
2 hours each way.
1:51 - Bayou Academy left Skene years ago!
CHS, which the courts sent up in flames, has been integrated since 1966, and, prior to this recent change (the culmination of 50 years in court) the school was roughly 50-50 (Pitty Pander - pay attention). Yep, when you open the dam at the other end of the pond and the mix is suddenly 90-10 it's time to seek other options. Not sure about black parents, but, white parents will choose the educational opportunity that's best for their children regardless of who sits in the next desk. If that option happens to be either home schooling or private school, so be it.
As is the case in Jackson, the mantra is "It's OUR turn. We want it ALL!"
Elementary school age is ok. When they hit middle and high school age, daddy doesn’t want Becky anywhere near DeSean.
This tells you almost everything you need to know about the future. Mississippi has always been 1st or last in almost everything. In 2000, a convicted Felon, who actually lived in Canton became Chairman of a counties Democratic Election commission. He figured out Absentee Voting & the #s in the county went from 3% to 30% AB votes. He decided who ran & who was elected.
The Bush DOJ spent millions during under the 1965 voting rights act, then 200k to monitor the next county election. And gave up. Things returned to normal. Look at the school ratings, as they were under state control.
He says in the Bravado 2018 Interview that Absentee Ballots are the Amazon Prime of Voting. They come right to your door, guaranteed. Jackson will eventually control the vote in the state just as Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit & Chicago determine those states Voting. This determines the condition of the Schools, Government Corruption & Justice & quality of life.
People I know living generations in Cleveland feel the Court created a problem that did not exist. The school board has been rigged for decades in favor of the 'black' population. Rigged as in like Jackson, who gets the money is the goal not education.
9:18 "(People haven't fled the Delta for no reason.) I loved it until my kids were born and then I knew we had to get out of there. The personal cost was high."
The same holds true for Jackson.
Hey @4:23 man that was awesome. Your pretty smart for somebody from New Jersey. I’ll write shorter paragraphs because I know it’s hard for you to understand what with all that lead paint you ate as a kid. I did tell you from the very beginning that you wouldn’t except the truth. And why would you it’s not your truth it’s mine. Why it didn’t take long at all for you to come crawling out from under your rock a hurl insults. Seems real easy for you to hide behind your liberal shield because you never lived it ass munch. It’s always the same. You simply state what you lived through and then some mental midget tells you your a racist. But it did happen. I never held a grudge, schools in California were about 50/50 and yet very little happened between students.
Guess where Turnage's boy went to school?
"why don't Donna Ladd and Tom Head live on
Boling Street?"
As my Grandmother used to say, (that would a sight) !
7:58 wins the comments.
Where did Turnage’s son go to school?
I was talking to a farmer in the Delta. We were lamenting that Greenville USED TO BE a world-class place, full of authors and artist, and home to the kind of people who had houses in Maine - people you'd see in Town & Country or The New York Times Book Review. In the '60s and '70s, professionals were building three-storey mansions, and carpooling their children to the various private schools, in limousines. There were as many tall, clipped hedges as in Southampton, and more Volvos per-capita than in Greenwich, Connecticut or Marin County, California. Greenville was home to dozens of factories, and several towboat lines. NOW, he tells me, the private school where he sent his kids, and where his grandchildren now go - once the top one in the region - has only one section per grade (down from 3). "What else CAN happen, when everybody's packing up and LEAVING."
Some moved to Madison. But most, have moved as far from Mississippi as they can get.
I see that many commenters have conveniently ignored the fact that the white kids who are leaving also previously went to school with black kids one a one-to-one ratio. The idea that the parents of these kids pulled them out due to racism is complete BS, based on that fact.
If I had kids who were about to be merged with a school in Jackson, I would put them somewhere else. That would be because I would not want them to be socialized to be ghetto, not because the other kids are black. Perhaps that's what is happening in Cleveland.
I grew up in public school that was probably 50/50 race mix and had no problems with it at all. Kids of all color had moms and dads that would beat our ass if we acted up.
But society is vastly different today.
I work hard to teach my kids to be good people. And its harder now because society seems to think working and earning is secondary to handouts and demands, and with the internet and endless barrage of content...parents have to work twice as hard to prevent kids from going down the wrong path.
So I'd prefer they be around kids with similar morals and goals during their more formative years.
That does not make me racist.
That makes me an involved parent.
If more parents would practice tough love (like our own did) then my kids could have a successful and safe public school education too.
Which me and my wallet would both prefer.
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