Tuesday, November 5, 2019

FINALLY! It's Election Night!

 Tate wins decisively, State GOP Crushes Dems, Denny loses, Banks Returns

The polls are closed.  Let the partying and pouting begin.   Will Tater Tot or the Mullet rule? Which one of the two smartest men in the capitol become Leftenent Governor? Will Jennifer pull down the Hoodie? What does it all mean? Stay tuned.

Prediction? Tate wins by 5.  Delbert by 13.  Fitch by 15.  Nothing in the House.  Frankly, The Kingfish thinks the whole brouhaha over the House was a much ado about nothing, something used to stir up the base and sell newspapers.  Not an issue and not going to be an issue.  Local races? Does Karl squeak back in in Madison County?  Keep an eye on District 4 in Hinds County.  Does the black gerrymandering pay off for Graham? (Yes, Graham).

11:40 PM: Down Goes Denny!  Local attorney Shanda Yates upset long-time Representative Bill Denny.  She won House District #64 by 136 votes.  

DOGFIGHT!!! 94% of the votes are counted.  Butch Lee and Willie Simmons are in a dogfight for MDOT Central District Commissioner by all of 448 votes. 

11:10 PM: BANKS WINS! Jim Harreld led all the way up until the last precinct.   Karl Banks won by all of 51 votes.  Harreld led on absentee ballots, 159-128.

Madison County surprise: Jim Hood beat Tate Reeves.  Yup.  You read that correctly. Hood won, 18,684 to 18,245 votes. 

11:00 PM: Tate is up 53-46 with 88% of the votes counted.  The dumbasses at Vox call it a "close race".  What else can we expect from the learned idiot Ezra Klein and his buddies.  Reeves is ahead of Hood by nearly 45,000 votes.

Close? Haley beat Musgrove 53-46 in the last seriously contested Gubernatorial race.  The margin was nearly 60,000 votes. 

 10:55 PM: Tate's won.  78% of the votes are counted and Tate leads Hood 54-45.  The margin is 56,329 votes.  Hood isn't making this margin up.

PSC Central District: Brent Bailey opens up a lead with 88% of the vote counted, 53-47.

Bill Denny takes the lead from Shanda Yates WITH ONE PRECINCT TO GO.  He leads by all of 234 votes.

MDOT Central District: Butch Lee moves ahead of Willie Simmons, 52-48 with 88% of the precincts reporting.  The margin is 7,724 votes.  Lee probably has this one won.  

10:40 PM: Will Bill Denny actually lose? 9 of 11 precincts are counted and Shonda Yates leads Bill Denny by 125 votes.  Not even the vaunted Dorsey Carson came this close to beating Bill Denny in 2015.  A Denny loss would be a huge setback for Speaker Philip Gunn.  Gunn was counting on Denny to handle redistricting.  Most of his braintrust is gone.  Snowden and Smith lost.  Delano moved on to the Senate.  Cory Wilson literally moved on to bigger and better things. 

Hinds County District 4 Supervisor: Mike Morgan goes down to Vern Gavin.  6,202 to 4,755 votes. 

10:35 PM: DOGFIGHT IN MADISON COUNTY!  Karl Banks is pulling closer to Jim Harreld.  11 of 15 precincts are counted.  Banks has narrowed the lead to  469.  Ouch!

Tate Reeves is only beating Jim Hood by 122 votes in Madison County   with 36 of 43 precincts reporting.

10:25 PM: It's over.  75% of the vote is counted and Tate is comfortable ahead of Hood, 53-45.  The margin is 52,826.  Hood needed to pull 20-30% Republican votes to beat Tate.  The problem is to do so, he would alienate his black base and make no mistake, the base of Mississippi Democrats is majority black by a huge margin.  He had to play more coalition politics than Reeves did and frankly, no one in Mississippi has really figured out how to play that game successfully - yet.  

10:10 PM: Hinds County District 4 Supervisor Mike Morgan might be losing.  The last white Supervisor is down by 1,600 votes with  only 8 precincts remaining to be counted.  The racist redistricting implemented by Robert, George, Peggy, and Doug (and allowed by Carlton Reeves) comes to fruition.   In successive elections, Connie Cochran, Jon Lewis, and now Mike Morgan go down. Back to the statewide races.

68% of the votes are in and Tate leads 53-45.5.  The margin is 42,375 votes. 

10:00 PM: 63% is counted and Tate continues to beat Hood, 53-47. The margin expands to 38,552 votes.  Hood is probably done and nope, there will NOT be a decision by the House.  The whole controversy was completely ginned up by the media and some Democrat activists.   The one time it did come into play was because the lazy ass candidate, Mike Parker, decided to play golf the weekend before the election and left a ton of money in the bank instead of spending it on the race.  Where is he now?

PSC Central District Commissioner: 61% of the vote is in and Bailey leads 51-49.  The margin is slightly over 2,000 votes.  Bailey is the better-qualified candidate but tended to turn off Republicans with his talk about green energy.

MDOT Central District Commissioner: Willie Simmons now leads Butch Lee by 1,512 votes.  Expect this race to flip a few more times.

Madison County: District 4 tightens up a little.  10 of 15 precincts are counted and Harreld continues to lead Karl Banks.  The margin is 804 votes. 

9:45 PM: Meanwhile, the World War I Flying Ace prepares to go off to find the Red Baron and shoot him down. "Contact" he shouts.

Actually, the Knucklehead was getting his laser treatment and botox today. There are some frown lines he wants to erase.   A dog has to keep looking young for the ladies.

9:35 PM: 53% of the vote in, WE ARE MORE THAN HALFWAY THERE and Tate continues to lead, 53-46, a margin of 25,707 votes.  83% of the precincts are reporting in Rankin County and he leads Hood 64-34.  He is beating Hood by around 20 points on the Gulf Coast.  Interesting.  A majority of the votes in Warren County are counted and Reeves has 43%.  Stamps & Bailey have tightened.  53% are in and Bailey's lead is down to 51-49, a margin of 3,597.  Simmons and Lee are dead even at 50%, Lee leads by only 70%.  Most of Rankin County is counted while only 37% of Hinds County is reported.

No change in Madison County District 4 Supervisor election. 

9:23 PM: 69% of the vote is counted in Rankin County and Reeves leads 64-35.  He continues to lead statewide 53-46 with 48% of the vote counted.  The margin is........... drum roll............ 24,244 votes.

Watson, Hosemann, McRae, Chaney, Gipson, and Fitch have more than 60% of the vote with half the precincts counted.  This website is calling the races for those candidates.

Bailey leads Stamps 53-47 with 48% of the votes counted.  His margin is still around 6,000 votes.  Clock starting to run on Dekeither.  Meanwhile over in the MDOT Central District race, Butch Lee and Willie Simmons are in a dogfight with 48% of the votes counted.  Lee leads 51-49 but the margin is 2,859 votes.  This race could turn around real quick. 

9:10 PM: We are ONE-THIRD of the way home!!! Tate continues to dominate Hood, 54-44 BUT don't worry, Sam Hall says the "race has narrowed but only every so slightly".  Yeah, ok.  Margin is all of 25,000 votes.  Yeah.

The major statewide races are staying the same in the 62-38 range.  Brent Bailey is starting to pull away from Dekeither Stamps for Public Service Commissioner, 54-46.  His margin is up to 6,197 votes.  Meanwhile, Butch Lee overtook Willie Simmons, 53-47.  28% of the precincts are reporting.    Lee and Bailey wins would be notable as the districts are majority-black. 

9:04 PM: Hmm... does bourbon go together with Krispy Kremes? Asking for a friend.  

9:00 PM: Tate continues to lead.  I see some of the readers are starting to insult the voters.  Yeah, that's real smart.  Almost time for a refill. 24% of the votes are counted and Tate leads Hood 54-45.  The margin is 14,386 votes. The percentages in the other major statewide races are running about the same.  Rankin County? Did someone say Rankin County? 22 of 48 precincts reported and Tate leads Hood 64-35.  Bob Higginbottom or however you spell is name, is representing the Constitution Party.  Um, does he even know what the Constitution is?

Madison County:  Jim Harreld is thrashing Karl Banks by a 1,016 vote margin with 7 of 15 precincts reporting.  Well, it looks like we know where all those Hinds County Districts 1 and 4 voters moved.  A Harreld win puts Steen and Griffin on the defensive.  Harreld has made no secret about what he thinks of Steen. 

8:45 PM: 20% of the precincts are counted and Tate leads Hood 55.5-43, a margin of 17,600 votes.  Meanwhile, Eggbert is killing Jay Hughes, 63-37, Lynn is clobbering JRC 61-39, and Dupree is yet again getting waxed as Watson leads 62-38.  Ouch. Mcrae is leading Ms. Wobble to the Polls 64-36 while Gipson leads Cole 62-38.  Did Ricky even run a campaign? Just asking for a friend.

Wait a second, we got us a horse race.  Down in the Public Service Commission Central District, Dekeither and Brent Baily are trading licks.  Bailey 51-49 with only 13% of the vote counted.  The margin is 334 votes.

The other horse race is MDOT Commissioner for the Central District.  State Senator Willie Simmons leads Brandon Mayor Butch Lee 51-49 with 13% of the precincts reporting.  The margin is 670 votes.  Stay tuned. Just curious, did anyone see the infamous picture floating around from a fund-raising event a few weeks ago?

8:40 PM: Up to Madison County.  5 of 15 precincts reporting AND Karl Banks leads Jim Harreld by 522 votes. 

8:35 PM.  Desoto is coming in and Tate's lead jumps.  85% of the precincts counted in Desoto County.  He is winning Desoto by 5,783 votes, 59-39.  Meanwhile, his state lead is 11,812 votes, 55-43.  12% of the vote is counted and Delbert, Lynn, and Michael are crushing their opponents in the 60-40 range, give or take a point.  The margins should come back down as the huge bump is probably due to the reports from Desoto County. 

8:30 PM: 7% in and Tate's up by 2,070 votes, 51.5-47.   The other statewide races tightened up a little but the Republican candidates are still up by 9-11 points. 

8:20 PM: Tate expands the lead. He is up by 3,500 votes, 54-45 as some North Mississippi precincts start to report. Hinds, Warren, and Madison counties are starting to report as well.  Most Republicans are gleeful at the thought of super-majorities and holding all statewide office.  However, human nature is human nature.  One useful function a Democrat AG performed was keeping the Republicans honest.  Such winning makes one complacent, lazy, and cocky over time.  There is little to hold one accountable without loyal opposition.   As stated earlier, human nature is human nature.  Why should these guys be any different?

8:05 PM: Tate has roughly a 1,200 vote lead with 2%, yes, 2% counted.  He is up 51.6-46.7.  However, most of the Delta counties as well as Hinds are out.  Hood will easily make up this difference. Sadly, Addie Green is only getting 40% of the vote for Treasurer.  Damn.  She would have been great material for four years.   Eggbert, Lynn, and Michael are winning big, roughly 58-42 in each race.  It is true Tate is running a much tighter race against Hood but keep in mind a few things.  The other three are running against candidates either severely under-funded or without significant name ID.  Hood is a winner of multiple statewide elections.  He has a top notch campaign team and is well-funded.  Hell, that race should be tighter. 

8:00 PM: All of 2% of the precincts are in AND Tater Tot is beating the Mullet 51%-47%. Screw it.  I'm leaving out the percentage signs when possible.  They are starting to interfere with my bourbon.  Delbert, Lynn, and Michael are handily beating their opponents roughly 57-43.  Heavens, Andy, get rid of the hat.  Please.  By the way, if you ever want to have some fun, follow Stuart Stevens Twitter feed.  Trump lives in his head rent-free.  Must drive him crazy seeing someone such as Trump win when his boy got his ass kicked.  Orca anyone?

7:45 PM: Only 1% in but Tate has an early lead. 51%-46.7%.  Delbert is up 58%-42%. Watson & Fitch are crushing their opponents 57%-43%.


Anonymous said...

Still about 100 people in line at precint 215 in Word of Life church. I've been waiting over an hour now.

Anonymous said...

Jim "Hello Darling" Hood - 50.2% (and moves the Governor's Mansion to Chickasaw County)

Tate "Dilbert" Reeves - 47.8% (and goes to work installing HVAC for his Daddy - who continues to remind Tate "You just might turn out okay after all")

Other candidates (the Cheech & Chong guy, et al) - 2.0% (Up in Smoke)

KaptKangaroo said...

OH heal yeah!

If this state cannot rummage up a huuuuuge victory, I'm going to be disappointed.

Folks, we have always been left out.

When we finally decide to send a message, we will be heard.

Otherwise, bidness' as uswall.

We are better than this.

Anonymous said...

Hood by 10 and Banks wins in MC. The rest are Republicans.

Anonymous said...

I'm betting Karl banks is a winner in Madison tonight. Sadly enough.

Alfred E. Newman for Gov. said...

Tater Tot - 51% (5,266)
Hood-wink - 47% (4,821)

I see a trend here.

Anonymous said...

Tate better win by at least 5 considering the amount of money he spent AND having the Pres and VP come save his ass.

KaptKangaroo said...

November 5, 2019 at 7:46 PM

I see insanity is alive in well somewhere in, most likely, Fondren.

KaptKangaroo said...

Tate 55

KaptKangaroo said...

12 point spread...

KaptKangaroo said...

I think we all know.

Let us admit it.

NORTH OF 60% everywhere in Mississippi State races.

Stick a Fork in Hood-wink said...

Turn out the lights, the party's over. Hood-wink's soon to be new career will be as a lobbyist for the defense bar.

Anonymous said...

This is 2019. The polls closed 1 hour and 20 minutes ago. We should be 80% done. What century is this? Nouf said. Shenanigans galore.

Anonymous said...

Early numbers in Rankin show Tater is 10% lower than other Republicans. If that holds in Harrison and Desoto, then Tate could be in for a long night.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Reeves is @ 65% in Rankin County. Ten percent lower. What an absolute loser @ 8:22 PM. 18.75% of precincts counted.

KaptKangaroo said...

In re: November 5, 2019 at 8:22 PM

Hope and pray is not a strategy.

KaptKangaroo said...

No down ticket race is above 40% for the party that is going to disappear into oblivion.

KaptKangaroo said...

Kinda' quiet.

Am I bullying?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the idiot (KK) is awake and participating tonight. (Sarcasm) Funny how all these Trump aka "Drain the Sawmp" people are voting for the "Swamp". Guess nobody told Trump that he was actually trying to enlarge the Swamp with his visit.

Anonymous said...

33% reporting in Rankin County. Reeves w/ 66.1%. Waller who?

Cynical Sam said...

Break out the cutlery and stick a fork in Hood-wink. He's done. Now he will have to get a real job.

Tater to the guv's mansion.

Anonymous said...

Hood is getting crushed. I think its safe to call the winner already.

KaptKangaroo said...

November 5, 2019 at 8:36 PM

Well those big words "funny" and "awake" let me know care.

Now. Let your losing strategy go sweetly into the night...

Have fun NOT storming the castle. We win with no DEM over 40%.

You are witnessing a revolution. You might not like the fact you chose the SWAMP, you do know you chose wrong.

Anonymous said...

Tonight's election will prove once and for all that Mississippians are the fattest, poorest, lowest IQ population in the entire United States of America.
May God have mercy on our souls.

Anonymous said...

46% reporting in Rankin County. Reeves w/ 64%. Where are Hood's Rankin RINOs?

Anonymous said...

7 of 15 counted, Karl Banks @ 38.3%

KaptKangaroo said...

Obviously November 5, 2019 at 8:50 PM, um, the Federal Government, I think already states this. We are trying to build this state towards a greater future.

You are welcome to jump into the Mississippi river without a vest.

Or, take your ass to Syria and volunteer without our support.

Anonymous said...

We really need to get the Feds to investigate the Republican voter suppression, Republican voting machine manipulation, and the foreign social media influence of the state electorate.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Today has layoffs after this debacle.

KaptKangaroo said...


Anonymous said...

This is shaping up to be a down-to-last-vote guv election. Tate has a healthy lead on Reeves, but is trailing the other statewide Dems by about 5%. Most of the reports are county, but the districts are what matter in the "electoral college" portion of the race and that is getting interesting. The odds of this going to legislature are increasing, which is probably a net positive for Tate.

Where this will get really interesting is if Tate is the popular vote winner, but with highly-concentrated "guilding the lily" wins in notably fewer districts, with Hood broadly winning the districts count. Imagine being a Trump-eting MSGOPer in some small (voters) district that went 65-35 for the MSGOP except for guv, where it went the other way for Hood.

Anonymous said...

56% counted Rankin County. Reeves w/ 63%. Waller = NON-Factor

Anonymous said...

This is shaping up to be a down-to-last-vote guv election.

How so? Back it up.

Anonymous said...

Is @9:01 drunk or high or both?

KaptKangaroo said...

November 5, 2019 at 8:56 PM

Have at it.

1. Scanned my DL (or other ID)
2. Gave me a voting ballot
4. Scanned it
5. Nice gentleman gave me a I VOTED! sticker

Get a life.

KaptKangaroo said...

November 5, 2019 at 9:01 PM

There is a psychiatrist for that.

KaptKangaroo said...

Plus up for...

November 5, 2019 at 9:08 PM

November 5, 2019 at 9:05 PM

Cynical Sam said...

You dems may want to write this down: "Using Nobama to stump for you via robocalls is the kiss of death."

Turn out the lights, the party's over.

KaptKangaroo said...

We all know this is a foregone conclusion?

KaptKangaroo said...


Just scrolled through the voter rolls in the Delta and it looks like Rankin alone when it comes in will shatter every single dream of the DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS.



Anonymous said...

What is Hood's next move if he loses? Plaintiff attorney extraordinaire with Mike Moore?

Anonymous said...

Jackson has the worst collection of news reporters on planet Earth. TV inews is unwatchable and the CL is too slick to use for toilet paper. Pitiful is too generous a word.

Anonymous said...

results for madison county have come to a screeching halt. nothing for almost an hour.

KaptKangaroo said...

Madison has an issue: Too many Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Errbody so worried about Tate in Rankin, but his margin is better than Hood’s margin in Chickasaw. Just sayin’.

Anonymous said...

@9:34 PM - true. Many limousine liberals from Hinds moved to Madison.

Anonymous said...

Well ole 8:50. Just shows that Mississippians don't want the whole state to end up like the DemocRat utopia of Jackson, world's newest third world country.

Anonymous said...

I'm heading into Waffle House on one of them frontage roads and suddenly I thought WHY DIDN'T TATER PROMISE A FRONTAGE ROAD FOR ERRBODY WHAT NEED ONE?

Anonymous said...

9:57 - Mississippi has ranked near last in everything while being governed by Republicans for decades.... Read a book.

Anonymous said...

9:01, responding to 9:05, "'This is shaping up to be a down-to-last-vote guv election.' How so? Back it up."

If Reeves (or Hood) wins the popular vote but not the win on districts, it would go to the legislature. If so, while a MSGOP majority there certainly favors a MSGOP candidate, Reeves isn't an average MSGOP candidate (i.e., with full MSGOP support), so having that majority isn't a de facto win for Reeves in the legislature. It would be interesting if a constitutional provision put the intended beneficiary in a vulnerable position.

Anonymous said...

10:11 say it louder for the people in the back

Hey Graham’s gerrymandering may have worked in district 4 supervisor’s race after all... pack your bags Mike Morgan and put them next to MCQuirter’s

Seriously looks like another tight supervisors race

KaptKangaroo said...

If you wish for failure you will achieve it. Look up.

Theca Jones of the Roguish Gent Podcast said...

Always interesting to me the amount of "Libertarians" and people that hate Tate in the state, yet he always seems to pull this off. A person who really doesn't relate to the majority in this state outside of a political party. Well, one good thing about tonight is that a lot of red is in leadership positions so in a couple of years, you guys can't say it's anyone's fault outside of your own. Phil's, gonna go off to consult and I'm sure Hood will find some money in the field as well. Good night Mississippi. We deserve everything we receive.

Anonymous said...

There goes Melvin again, thinking that someone might give a shit about his opinion.

Anonymous said...

November 5, 2019 at 10:20 PM = YYAaawwwwwnnn, Ssssnnoooreee, ZZZZZZzzzzzzz

KaptKangaroo said...


You will benefit from those things you don't understand and were prevented from you feeling secure in the blanket of lies.

Other than that, see you next election cycle. WAIT!

Nevermind, democrats are done. After the reelection of POTUS, Democrats will be a think of the Whig past.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy eating your crow, all of you idiots who have been commenting “Hood in a landslide” and “I’m a lifelong Republican voting for Hood” for the past year. Goodbye and good riddance.

Kingfish said...

At least he didn't talk about screwing your mother. You should see all the comments from him I haven't approved where he told a reader he was screwing his mom.

Anonymous said...

Who? Melvin?

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Today is finished. Done. Kaput.

Anonymous said...

@10:37. I am one of those libertarians that did not vote for Reeves in the primary. We tend to be fiscally conservative and socially hands off from a government perspective. Nothing about Hood appeals to any of that. Democrats love to remove social and personal responsibility from people and label it "freedom" or "being progressive". Most libertarians actually support swift and severe consequences for bad behavior, even if we would rather society or the free market do it instead of law enforcement in most cases.

Libertarians (not to be confused with the more leftist Libertarian Party) may not like Tate, but Hood is nowhere near winning our hearts and minds.

Anonymous said...

Well the good news is that we finally got rid of Jim Hood as Attorney General, the bad news is we have Tater as governor!!

Kingfish said...

I doubt that. Donna Barksdale does no wrong. Check out last year when she had her reporter suddenly write a hit piece on Weill while she and her husband gave ten grand to his opponent.

Theca Jones of the Roguish Gent Podcast said...

Yes Kingfish, you censor my post but I know where to find you to talk about that. YOU SAY that this site isn't a bar but I think you know damn well this place is a dive.

Theca Jones of the Roguish Gent Podcast said...


So that was a paragraph of "I voted for Tate" correct?

Anonymous said...

So, is Melvin threatening you KF?

Anonymous said...

Theca you Jackson trash. You are the embodyment of everything that is wrong with Jackson and it's inhabitants.

Anonymous said...

Glad I left Madison. Pretty sad to see Banks win by 51 votes. Of course, if Steen gets his head out of his a$$ maybe Madison can avoid being FUBAR.

Anonymous said...

What nobody seems to really understand about this election is that the Republicans are firmly in control of the House and the Senate. They will call all the shots for the next round of House and Senate redistricting. Hinds County is going to lose representation in both bodies. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

@11:23. Voted for Singletary. Not because I use marijuana or even endorse its usage, but because people should be free from government intrusion in that choice. Otherwise voted more or less GOP down ticket. Not thrilled with some of the candidates there, but I've seen what voting D does on a municipal level and at the state level in other states and actively vote against that outcome here

Anonymous said...

The tater jokes are going to be endless....tatereeves the boy is even shaped like potato.....

Anonymous said...

The joke is on those making the stupid jokes. There is NOBODY in the Donkey stable who can challenge Reeves in 2023.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Reeves takes at least 50 counties.

Anonymous said...

Hinds County will lose representation in the legislature mainly because Hinds County is losing population.

And yes, it is much less republican than 10 years ago

Anonymous said...

What a day for Mississippi. We now have the best governor in all the country. A true visionary with the rare God given gifts to lead this super conservative state and unite us all in a new era of prosperity. Teachers will get that big pay raise now, the wealthy will have their taxes cut and driveways repacked, and the poor won’t have their taxes increased much. What else can you ask out of a governor? We are truly blessed to have his Taterness.

Anonymous said...


"Hinds county is going to lose representation"...Best news of the night !!

Anonymous said...

Bill Denny bites the dust. Glad I could help. Slim margin. I'm sure he'll ask for a recount.

Anonymous said...

BANKS IS BACK ! ! ! ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Agreed. 2023 Tate's re-elected. Unless he tries a Senate run at some point.

But he's young enough to wait 8 years I think.

Will Delbert be the governor in 2027? Or will he choose not to run? That's the question now. He'd win in a landslide...

unless he challenges tate....

Anonymous said...

So, now that we got all of that out of the way, when do we get our $5,000.00 stimulus check?

Anonymous said...

Stating the obvious @5:42 AM.

Cynical Sam said...

For all of you RINOs who voted for Jim Hoodwink, crow is best served warm. Be sure to pluck the feathers first.

Anonymous said...

I live in NE Jackson and 3 house down from Delbert. He really worked his tail off campaigning and I'm glad he won. He worked his tail off!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes to Shanda Yates!

Anonymous said...

Gunn and Hoseman will run roughshod over Haley's minion, and he will have so many overrides of his vetoes that he won't dare run for reelection.

Anonymous said...

So says 11:00 who would have voted for Odummer, Hildabeast, Chokeway. Take a good look at your democrat controlled areas. They all have failing schools, outrageous crime, crumbling neighborhoods, bad roads and no money. So please stay in your so called progressive slice of haven. I've gotten use to living in a clean & safe neighborhood, good schools, no crime (other than what slimes in from Hinds county)good roads to drive to nice shopping areas and excellent city and county services.

You need to take all your progressive loser friends and head to the land of fruits and nuts....then you all can stand in line to get your free Dim-O-Krat "organic" meal, better known as a "sh*t" sandwich to anyone able to think for themselves.....Just remember that when you deal with the 6 or 7 water line breaks this week....

Then when you're drinking you $6.00 a cup of coffee at your Fondren watering hole, you can sit there and think, "We have met the enemy and it is us"!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Congrats. You kicked out Denny and now have a Donkeycrat backbencher in return. That was a smart move. When redistricting goes down the first Jackson Democrat in line to lose their House seat will be? Drum roll .... Shanda Yates! Way to go RINOs. Y'all are great at shooting yourselves in the foot. BOOM!

Only Gonna Get Worse said...

Political-Racial Gerrymandering win again. Banks, Griffin, the nobody who defeated Dent (thanks to a black judge's nutty intervention)...And the most corrupt of all, Bennie still rules the roost. And black churches everywhere gathering up hundreds of absentee ballots to finagle. Go Missipi.

Anonymous said...

Too Bad You Can't Delete This...

"""Jim "Hello Darling" Hood - 50.2% (and moves the Governor's Mansion to Chickasaw County)

Tate "Dilbert" Reeves - 47.8% (and goes to work installing HVAC for his Daddy - who continues to remind Tate "You just might turn out okay after all")

Other candidates (the Cheech & Chong guy, et al) - 2.0% (Up in Smoke)

November 5, 2019 at 7:39 PM"""

50th Sucks! said...

Note that Tate Reeves won by 5.7 points, but Trump had won MS in 2016 by 18.6 points. Also interesting that Hood compares to HRC with his 400,000 votes to her 462,000 votes. Reeves was nowhere near Trump's 678,000. {Reeves got 449,000}

Safe to assume some of you "conservative" zombies will sit up here and say there are no moral victories to be had. But at the same token, the numbers do speak to how unpopular the "Governor-Elect" truly is.

He is a 45-year-old Gen X'er that harkens back to the days of James Vardaman, Theodore Bilbo, and Ross Barnett. He does not want to make Mississippi a viable economic competitor in the southeast region. He wants to maintain the status quo.

Mississippi just elected Ross Barnett 2.0

Anonymous said...

As a member of a wealthy and elite Mississippi family, I can say Tate Reeves rlection was money well spent. Our millions will soon become billions. And you poors can go cry more. Just work harder.

Anonymous said...

11:33PM, and those of us living in south Madison County i.e. not in Karl Banks’ district will feel the pain of his becoming supervisor again.

Not as much though as the visual deed seekers living in District 4 that threw Bishop out in the primary because he wouldn’t halt development in Gluckstadt i.e. make the remaining undeveloped land there a nature preserve.

Wonder how long it will be before Rudy Warnock is rehired to sub out Madison County’s “proposed future” engineering projects?

Anonymous said...

Your pointless ignorant rant is made even more amusing by your misunderstanding of the post you replied too. is a partisan blog posing as news just like JJ.

Anonymous said...

November 6, 2019 at 8:47 AM


Anonymous said...

Did Bill Denny campaign at all? Yates signs were everywhere, and she personally knocked on thousands of doors. This is on Denny for underestimating Shanda.

Anonymous said...


Where can I find a breakdown by precinct for rankin county?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:53 AM

You must have had and extra glass of Kool-Aid this morning.

Anonymous said...


I think this post perfectly exemplifies the mentality of Mississippi ""elite"". You would rather be king of a shitpile and pull the ladder of economic mobility than grow the pie that is the economy. MS Dems would rather take a hatchet to the ladder and give the scraps to those that would use it for firewood.

Anonymous said...

What a horrible, unprofessional, yelling hillbilly embarrassment Guv Phil was on the stage last night!!! So unnecessary! And good God that Andy Gipson! And I’m a Republican!

Anonymous said...

He is a 45-year-old Gen X'er that harkens back to the days of James Vardaman, Theodore Bilbo, and Ross Barnett.

Absolute garbage.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: RANKIN COUNTY is and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, the muscle of the Republican party vote. It flexed hard last night for Tate and all the statewide Republicans. If you are running statewide, you have to go through Rankin to get there...

Don't @ me... bitches!

Anonymous said...

50th come on now. Tate is not the most likable guy in the world but Ross 2.0 is a little rough I look for him to do something on the flag. (Sorry Mrs. Stennis we can do a little better than that design) and I look for some really good things to happen in Mississippi the next few years especially if we can keep some socialist from crashing the economy.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Denny feels relieved at this point, he held office for so many years despite having nothing but pure contempt towards his electorate. I guess retirement is in good order for him.

Anonymous said...

Espy doesn't have a chance next year. There are Democrats in Mississippi but there is effectively no Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

Delbert made progressive comments last night. He is the only hope for real progress in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

When redistricting goes down the first Jackson Democrat in line to lose their House seat will be? Drum roll .... Shanda Yates!

No way, no how the Black Caucus who owns the legislative minority allows one of their black Jackson brethren to be sacrificed to save Yates. HD64 will either get collapsed into the House districts to its west or moved altogether like Cecil Brown's HD66 post 2010. Yates will either have to move (unlikely) or face a primary battle against a black Democrat. She'll serve only one-term.

For all intents and purposes, the Republican Party is dead in Jackson no matter how much ol' Pete says otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Any word yet if Bill Crawford slit his wrists after yesterday's trouncing of the Democrats?

Anonymous said...

The Donkeys sent Steve Holland packing. Steve Holland. Jay Hughes' seat won by a Republican. In all the chatter since last night I find it interesting that there seems to be this train of thought on the Mississippi left that AA Dems are suddenly all 'progressives'. I think that is a highly flawed conclusion.

Anonymous said...

9:24 - Rudy was a Tim Johnson guy. If Rudy makes it all the way back it will be surprising. IF HE DOES.....we will have to appoint another supervisor cause Shelia Jones will choke and implode on herself.

My question is, how long will it take for all the Banks family members and in-laws to come back to the employment of Madison County to the tune of $50-$70K a year jobs and full benefits.

Jim Hood said...

See ‘ya later darlin’

50th Sucks! said...

@ 10:24am

50th come on now. Tate is not the most likable guy in the world but Ross 2.0 is a little rough I look for him to do something on the flag. (Sorry Mrs. Stennis we can do a little better than that design) and I look for some really good things to happen in Mississippi the next few years especially if we can keep some socialist from crashing the economy.

In the illustrious words of Maya Angelou, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

I give you credit for being optimistic for a legislator that has governed against the best interests of the poorest Mississippians, but for only the best interest of the richest Mississippians. I don't see him doing anything to change the flag, albeit it is a major branding issue for Mississippi. He will pretty much load up his campaign coffers in the same fashion as Phil for the next 4-8 years, make sure a sh*t load of his campaign donors are rewarded via MDA and DFA. As well as his Pappy's HVAC company being awarded plenty of outsourced work.

I compared him to the aforementioned segregationists because his campaign carried that tone to it.

I agree with 10:18am, he was and still is definitely hot garbage and he will do nothing to advance Mississippi in the southeast region.

Mississippi, you get what you vote for.

Anonymous said...

12:11, I thought we voted on the flag....but like all good liberals, I suppose you just want to keep voting until you wear everyone down and get the result you want.

Anonymous said...

Tate is the Governor of Mississippi and hopefully, he will take his comparatively-narrow margin of victory to heart and mind in a positive sense rather than trying to take revenge and just as hopefully, those that supported others for the position will give him a full, complete chance to do so. Like all elected officials everywhere, he has a opportunity to quiet opposition by being, in his case, a good Governor for all of Mississippi...or an opportunity to do otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you gun nuts who are scared of losing your assault weapons and terrified of AOC. You got what you asked for. You got Governor Tater. The next 4 years are on you.

Anonymous said...

12:11, I thought we voted on the flag....but like all good liberals, I suppose you just want to keep voting until you wear everyone down and get the result you want.

Haven't you noticed that Mississippi has battled abortion since Roe v. Wade, so how is it o.k. to continuously challenge a Supreme Court decision, you know the highest court in the land; but can't challenge the flag referendum of 2001?

Our government is not a one-off. Just like you are comfortable with repealing Roe V. Wade, I am comfortable with people continuously challenging that racist rag known as the Mississippi flag. It is their constitutional right.

Anonymous said...

No 9:28, you are just too stupid to actually realize everything the Dim-O-krats touch turns to crap. If your train of thought wasn't derailed, Jackson would be a shining example of Democrat excellence for other cities to be modeled after.

Instead it keeps making the list of worst places to live and most likely to be murdered in.

Go back 30 plus years to when y'all took complete control.....You built that city & District 2, so live with it, because it is only going to get worse.

If you like your Mayor you can keep your Mayor said...

Looks like Butch lost by 5,000+ to Willie in the MDOT Central District Commissioner race.

Anonymous said...

10:00 am—-You think Gipson can be the biggest embarrassment Mississippi has ever seen? We have had lots including the lame duck hick governor we now have. He’s obviously worried about missing the spotlight. Give it 6 months and nobody will remember his name. Mr. Gipson needs to read his title again—Commissioner of agriculture and COMMERCE. Mr. All hat and no cows needs to go back to the legislature and pass some more stupid unnecessary laws since he obviously knows nothing about any commerce. Please keep him off TV In case a business prospect is looking at investing in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

2:12 As a resident and voter in Brandon and looking at the county by county results, I think Brandon voters sunk his ship. The Amphitheater is a great venue but the streets are getting terrible. You promised all this new development in the hole next Chick-fil-A and all we got was a Starbucks. You keep raising our taxes with nothing to show except empty promises.
Just think, one more year and you get to face the Brandon voters again. Going to bring your buddy Mark Baker again going door to door?

Anonymous said...

Guess it’s fair to say the frontage road to nowhere will now be built. #tothevictorgoesthespoils

Anonymous said...

Dinosaur Denny had to go. It was an insult that he even ran. A 90 year old? Come on man! I’m a conservative R who grew up in NEJ and I voted for Yates. We need new blood and someone who actually knows what a website is. Dinosaur’s loss is on Speaker Gunn. He should have had a better candidate on the ballot instead of a man who makes Strom Thurmond look young.

Code red alert for Ashby Foote....

Pave My Road said...

Willie Simmons has got to be in his mid 70s. He's been a state employee for more than fifty years. Before he's through shafting the taxpayers, he'll have a bigger 13th check than Feel Brant. And Willie got his daughter, a fry cook, elected to his old seat in the delter.

Like his mentor, Bennie, Ole Willie climbed up and pulled up the ladder behind him. While he just now heard that his per diem is gone, now he's got to learn what a Highway Commissioner does.

Anonymous said...

After 8 years of Barbour & 8 years of Bryant, some folks still think prosperity is just around the corner with the GOP.

Ya really CAN fool some of the people all of the time.

The GOP controls the courts, the Legislature, & every major office now.

Whatever befalls this state, they own it.

Pretty sure the Party of Personal Responsibility will keep finding someone else to blame, though.

Anonymous said...

Today's Clarion Liar has Harreld winning Madison Supervisor.

A lot of people said...

Hey...how come Tater isn't returning my calls? We talked extensively about a position in his administration...what gives?

Anonymous said...

Jim Hood was whining about people voting party lines. He said people in his own church would not vote for him being affiliated with the Democratic Party. I applaud his church members. Maybe Hood should re-evaluate his political loyalties.

Anonymous said...

What is with Andy Gipson wearing a cowboy hat? Either he thinks that he looks like "Raylan Givens" in "Justified" or he's just a hayseed. Embarrassing for Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

7:40–they also said a Kay Page won the Tax Collector. Guess they fired all their editors. At least they mentioned County races unlike that useless rag the Madison County Journal who missed the bus again. Very sad to see what has become of local newspapers and the lack of quality reporters. Even sadder is the fact I get most of my accurate news from a blog.

Anonymous said...

MS's Democratic Party needs some natural born killers to take over. When it happens game over.

Anonymous said...

@8:42 AM
If you ever travel outside the metro to rural county seats and rural co-ops you see a lot of farmers and agricultural types wearing similar hats. Hispanic agricultural labor often wear them as well. They could have brought the trend from Texas or the South West and may have resulted the popularity resurgence in Mississippi.
Nice hats and boots are expensive and American made. Don't hate.

Anonymous said...

Not wishing anything bad to happen to Tate, but Delbert would be a fine Governor who could unite folks from across the political spectrum.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS