It's that time of year. Vote in the Hottest Reporter Poll. Pretend you live in Ward 3. Vote early and often. No qualifications or ID are
required to vote here. Seriously, all of these reporters are underpaid
and overworked. They work long hours, take alot of abuse from those
they cover, especially from politicians. Most of them are fresh out of
school, scrapping and learning their trade, hoping they can improve
enough to move on to a bigger market. It's a tough job and if anything,
they are under appreciated. They get hate mail, cussed out by politicians, and go to areas that most people would avoid all while doing it with a smile. All images were culled from their employer's websites, Google images,
and public Facebook pages. Oh, and be nice in the comments. That
includes Johnny Weir.
Note: Two reporters were accidentally omitted so the poll was reset with their names included.
Allie Ware (WAPT) |
Courtney Ann Jackson (WLBT) |
Ashley Garner (WLBT/Fox40) |
Keegan Fox & Allie Ware (WAPT) |
Kate Royals (Mississippi Today) |
Brittany Noble-Jones (WJTV) |
The late Beeeeeeeeeeert Case & Keegan Fox (WAPT) |
Kandace Redd (WAPT |
Therese Apel (Clarion-Ledger) |
Lauren Fluker (WJTV) |
Beth Alexander & Malary Pullen (WJTV) |
Anna Wolfe (Clarion-Ledger) |
Tammy Eastwick (WAPT) |
Rachel Richlinski (WLBT) GEAUX!!! |
The Marsha Thompson (WLBT) |
Malary Pullen (WJTV) |
Natay Holmes (WJTV) |
Patrice Clark (WLBT) |
Melissa Faith Payne & Megan West |
Tammy Eastwick (WAPT) |
Rachel Richlinski (WLBT) |
Anne Parker (WAPT) |
ShahAhmadi (WAPT) |
You forgot WAPT's Ashley ShahAhmadi
Marsha. Marsha. Marsha.
How many pictures of Allie Ware do you need?
I vote for Keegan Fox!
BTW, do we have any redheads on Jackson TV? We need some (and Marsha Halford Pollack Thompson doesn't count)
This is creepy in this day and age.
so many choices, so little time. I'm going with Anna Wolfe.
How many years has it been?
Laura Edinger (WLBT)
Should have included Arielle Dreher.
There is never too many pictures of Allie Ware.
2:04 she isn't hot, she is beautiful.
I cry foul! I voted for Kandance Redd and my vote went to Wolfe. went back and changed my vote so I voted for Wolfe and it went to Kandance Redd. You need to fix. I guess this how Trump got elected.
Ann Parker by far,.....
Two you left out: Marie Edinger and one reporter who just started, Morgan Wagner.
Both are at Channel 3, I believe.
Megan West
Fat man 3:33,
Damn, dude... a whole page chock full'a on-air talent and you bring up the election?
Thank you, Messick!
Fish, you left out Marie Edinger at WLBT.
She is what hot is all about!!!
So many of them are but Marie gets my vote!!!
Ann Parker / Megyn West
Both are class acts!
This is creepy in this day and age.
Very. Like "I have to pay for dates" creepy.
Why did you leave out Amber Helsel?
I agree with 2:24 and 7:25. Yuk.
2:24 and 7:25 - this day and age for this site is about 1973.
Why do you think this is okay?
Marsha Halford Pollack Thompson
[And] yet the prudes read and comment. Run along now killjoys or you'll be late for MamaDonner's bedtime story about her halycon days once young but not influential.
Y'all be nice to Marsha. While she may not be the hottest in this group, she holds her own against those that are more than half her age. I can tell you that when she was the age of others in this poll she was HOT! Not only that, but she could tear up the foosball tables at The Recovery Room.
Why are we judging reporters by their physical appearance rather than the quality of their reporting? Having just suffered through an election where the media chased flash over susbstance while the public consumed fake news, you feel it is appropriate to judge local reporting as one would judge a swimsuit contest?
12/12/15 at 9:46 PM
I spent a ton of money at The Recovery Room. Never could figure out why it went out of business. It was always packed. There was another place in the Quarter on Lakeland 2 floor nite club. Can't think of the name. Someone help me here. It wasn't TGIF Friday. To get back on tread.
Megan West is the best. She is a wonderful broadcaster.
She can talk really insanely fast & you can still understand her.
Why did you so desperately need to control the content here 10:18 PM?
This is awful. But I expect nothing less.
And really? Folks in Ward 3 vote more than once? Proof or are you just stirring the pot again some more still?
This is absurd. Why single out women? Are you planning a similar contest for male stud-muffin reporters?
@Johnny Weir
Adrian's, a disco club, was in the Quarter and was two story. It was on the front west corner. It had a fantastic sound system for the time. Caribbean Queen sounded great blasting out of it.
@Johnny Weir, my dad bar tended there when he retired from the railroad. it was such a cool hole in the wall bar!
There's a woman doing the news on Supertalk who has the deepest voice but I've not seen a photo of her.
Anyway Anyhow Allie Ware The News.
You may have forgotten that Larita's first election to the City Council was tainted by voter fraud. Case went to court and another election was conducted.
10:18, maybe you are remembering before TV. No one cared what a person looked like when there was only radio. Since the invention of the TV looks count.
Ashley ShahAhmadi no contest
Could we please add Julia Weiden and Cheryl Lasseter? Otherwise I will vote for Anna Wolfe; she's not only attractive, she's the best journalist in the group.
I still vividly remember first seeing Marsha Halford in person, standing near the bar at POETS in the mid-seventies. She was a show stopper in the highest.
Remember the day when you could complement a woman's appearance and not offend anyone?
No on is discrediting their professional skills by commenting on how they may appear. Quite the opposite. It's a testament to these woman that they can maintain a solid career WHILE still caring about themselves outwardly. Let's not forget, a well kept physical appearance is also a sign of good health.
These women wake up every day, and put effort into how they look. Kudos to them for that and to anyone who wants to give them a friendly pat on the back for it. Most of them probably work out, watch what they eat, they make sacrifices that I'm sure they wouldn't mind people admiring.
If anyone has a problem with the word "hot" being used, then you and your PC attitude are a huge part of why no one can say anything anymore. Even if it's meant in harmless pleasantry.
I really don't think these gals mind one bit that the public views them as hot, sexy, or super attractive. They work hard (as 11:36 indicates) to be a product of their industry. Then again, I suppose they could wear aprons and cut up chickens over in Forest?
With about a combined 69%, I think it's fair to say that WAPT is really proving their slogan true: "The One to Watch"
I can tell you who the best reporter in Jackson is: Therese Apel.
Megan West
Must say this is the BEST group to choose from in a long time
You knew it had to happen with a thread like this: all the people show up with their feigned outrage. It's now popular to become offended at every possible know, it endears them to the "crowd" with which they hang (in much the same way college students wear their North Face jackets so they will be seen as being "in."
Anna Wolfe
Someone is just serial voting for Wolfe.
Some goob gets sidetracked and KingFish takes the bait. What the hell has this got to do with Larita?
Anne Parker needs to take Allie Ware's place. Ware is too nasally talking. and like 11:36, I'm glad they take care of their appearance. I'm glad my wife takes care of hers to look good for me also.
Content like "hottest reporter" contests are why many female reporters don't use their real names as on-air talent and such "contests" encourage stalking. But hey, if you want a bunch of Ashley Madison grandpas/refugees spanking it with their browsers open to your culture blog, keep up the good work.
Because Parker's voice isn't high and nasally at all
December 13, 2016 at 7:21 PM = Nonsensical Comment of the Day
You seem triggered, 7:41. Hit too close to home?
@5:43 PM
You have them reversed. Anne Parker is the one that is "nasally," though she is hot also.
Anne Coulter
You seem mistaken pathetic JJ control freak troll.
Yup, you're triggered 9:46/7:41. "Control freak troll?" This is the best you can do, my friend? Sad!
Crawl back into your safe space. Tell momma to change your diaper before bed.
How is Kate Royals not running away with this?
How is Kate Royals not running away with this?
Because Keegan Fox is the hottest woman on Jackson TV by a long shot!
Anna Wolfe is pretty hot, too.
There have been hottest male reporter polls, also. There are not that many guys on air right now to warrant a poll.
Also, how is a fun "hottest reporter" poll anything other than a fun way to give the women some love?
11:36 You can still compliment a woman's appearance. Of course, telling her " Wow , you have a great rack" is not the same as saying" Wow, you are beautiful".
Unfortunately, I can't slap men who are rude and crude anymore without fear of assault charges.
All of these women are beautiful but it should be irrelevant to their chosen profession and that's the category. If you want to call it a beauty contest and not mention their profession, fine.
When we do " Who's the hottest male reporter or CEO or legislator" or when males are publicly critiqued by profession on their six pack abs or dick size, I'll have no complaints.
Hmmm, maybe next time I'm on Bourbon St , I'll stand on a balcony with beads and shout " Show me your dick" to every man who passes. I'm sure all of you guys would be thrilled to show off or at least , you'll all pretend so.
I don' think in this town, any judge would convict you of assault in the example provided.
Nothing stopping you from emailing me, creating your own poll, and allowing me to post it.
The missionary at 8:20 appears to be speaking out of both sides of her mouth.
If you're gonna put Marsha Halford Pollack Thompson Joyner Kersee on here, then you should also include:
Melanie Christopher
Maggie Wade
Barbie Bassett
Nobody brought up racks until @8:20 got walked.
Allie Ware talk, even better. I never noticed. I don't seem to be able to look and listen at the same time.
Where's Heather Soooophia?
if you don't like this poll, I also refer you to the JFP. They have several similar categories for you to complain about.
Dude is bound to leave somebody out.
Kate Royals, Courtney Ann Jackson, and Natay Holmes.
Why no men reporters? Have we lost our political correctness?
Lighten up folks, this poll was obviously not designed to be taken seriously or it would have included Barbie Bassett, who is not only the hottest reporter in Mississippi but one of the most beautiful women who ever lived. There are plenty of attractive - and talented - candidates, however, and I'm sure none of them would complain about winning.
Barbie Bassett, who of the most beautiful women who ever lived.
Lay off the eggnog, Otis. She's cute, but there are ten girls up there that put her to shame.
Keegan fox
9:13 p.m., they BOTH talk nasally. And they have a healthy dose of Southern accent, too. But Anne Parker's reporting quality wins over Ware, hands down.
They all look good when you get my age.
KEEGAN fox is leading?.....really???!!!! Somebody is voting too much!
Holy hell Keegan Fox is hot! And you can vote often, as per KF's instruction to act like a Ward 3 voter.
CONGRATS TO KEEGAN FOX! Hottest reporter in Jackson!
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