A UMMC nurse posted this horrific message on her public Facebook page:
Tonight I was attacked by a stranger in the hospital’s parking lot I work at. I honestly thought my life was going to end after being choked multiple times, punched in the head 10x plus and threatened to be shot if I ran. He asked for my money so I verbally and physically offered him my purse, but he ignored me & he threw me the ground and kept beating me - it didn’t even seem like he wanted my money. Luckily someone drove into the parking lot after what felt like forever. After a long day of work trying to help people, I could have lost my life. Nurses are attacked verbally frequently at work and sometimes that even includes physical abuse. Despite this being a stranger in a parking lot, it felt too bizarre being so close to where I am employed. Please stay safe everyone.
UMMC issued the following statement.
UMMC Police, with support from Capitol Police, are actively investigating an assault in the stadium parking lot across from the UMMC campus that occurred last night.
We take seriously the safety of everyone on our campus and will continue to work with our partners, including Capitol Police and other law enforcement, to uphold this commitment.
The victim posted pictures of her injuries on Facebook.
The UMMC so called police are a carbon copy of JPD, Airport police!!!!! Absolutely useless.
Unfortunately she can't "carry" as the hospital is a GUN FREE ZONE! Statistics are clear: many violent crimes and most mass shootings are committed in GUN FREE ZONES, as they are low hanging fruit.
Hospitals are dangerous in general. The population that shows up to a hospital in need of medication or they’ve not taken there meds. Mental treatment isn’t cared for and likely just some crazy homeless person or a looney patient
Night time the hospitals are the busiest places and are a feeding ground for the drug addicts, mentally ill, and homeless. Unless patrols are agressive they will be inadequate across State Street.
Note to all: Pack heat/carry/strap at all times anywhere in Jackistan.
The hypocritical state government will not allow employees to carry firearms. Even when they have an enhanced carry permit and are forced to work in some of the most dangerous areas of the country.
Where are the cameras?
Get a Byrna and/or a knife, pay attention, be ready
I wish they had better security. UMMC has a great service for visitors/patient families with a car that will take you to/from your car to/from the front door. I wish they had something for their employees like that. They have the shuttle busses. It would be so nice if the employees could ride the shuttle buss to their car when the shifts change.
Sad but true
Where was the hospital police
Why doesn’t the hospital police do a better job in the employee parking lot? They have to know there are a lot of problems in the parking lot. I guess they had better things to do
UMMC needs a pedestrian walkway over State street more than Baptist and St. D., and certainly more than at Lakeland and the Ag museum. With patrols at each end of the elevated walkway and fenced parking the employees could be safer.
The only way this problem is going to get fixed is when UMMC allows conceal carry by employees, students, and the general public. But because UMMC is ran by liberals that think only the police should be armed, this will continue to happen.
UMC needs the hospital police to do a better job
@3:55 PM Probably looking for some tobacco smokers on campus to harrass.
Will some one have to be murder for the UMC police to do a better job
UMMC needs secure student and employee parking with a heavy security presence. The tower with a video camera is insufficient. Walking to the parking lot together will not stop a bullet. Nor will using the security app that follows a student or employee to their vehicle. Come on UMMC, do better, get boots on the ground.
Just watch. When all is said and done the perp will have a long rap sheet and should have already been in jail. If Jackson would lock up their criminals as they should the "police" they have now wouldn't look nearly as bad as they do now.
Sad but true
UMMC management does not care about the safety of their employees. Having to cross a a major thoroughfare coming and going to work. Millions spent n new facilities, nothing allocated to make even a simple crosswalk. Surprised there has not been more criminal activity in this parking lot.
I wish it wasn’t true but it is
We'll never know anything about the perp's rap sheet because they'll never apprehend the subject.
i so hope this lady buys a handgun that is fit for concealed carry , and learns how to use it. the only thing these thugs understand is the working end of a gun.
Broadway Ventures is currently hiring registered nurses to work remotely to review Medicare Claims. Apply at broadwayventures.net.
Let's be honest here. The last time I checked, UMMC was basically a 2 billion, as in B, dollar annual business, and it is doubtful the people responsible for operating UMMC are qualified to be in charge of an enterprise of that size. And that is before we get into the matter of DEI. This is simply a matter of people "in over their head" and someone not doing their job.
This lady needs to sue sh*t out of UMMC. This will get their attention. Private hospitals need to build a giant hospital in Brandon cutting UMMC access to patients in this area.
UMMC does not allow employees to carry and posted their buildings so even taxpayers with enhanced permits cannot carry either. In one of the most dangerous cities in the country the state of MS forces employees and taxpaying citizens to be disarmed if they want medical care or want to visit a loved one in the hospital.
Wife just got finished a 12 hour shift. Said there was NO security in the parking lot. Also said they were verbally told not to share anything about this incident on social media or they could face termination.
@ 6:49- If caught on campus carrying, she would be fired. Nurses are subject to random searches to ensure no narcotics are removed from the floor. This includes the contents of their locker.
I drove through an hour ago. Lighting is actually ok. Could stand some improvement on the periphery but it's overall fine. There is a road that curves around behind the Health Department. THAT road has a big ole gate that was completely open. Now there was a Capitol Police SUV parked by it, but no other LEO's in the parking lot.
They should consider shutting down that side gate at night and funnel everyone through one entrance, under observation with Campus Police or Capitol Police on hand.
Capitol PD will get it under control before the UMC cops do
The police Chief is a democrat from Chicago that has no real street experience. What do you expect? They have a larger police department and budget than most of the agencies in the state and still can't things under control on a campus.
The UMMC Police Dept hasn’t really been any good since Arty Girod was in charge. He was old school police. Now they have someone hired from up north that just caters to the UMMC bureaucracy- very similar to the situation in New Orleans. They need to get an old school, local hard charger in there to take over and get that place back into shape. A Richard McGahey or Barry Hale or someone similar.
ALL higher ed campuses are required by federal law (through the Clery Act) to publish/post their crime stats. It’s near the end of a long report that follows a predetermined template. I looked at UMC’s and it seems like a remarkably safe place all things considered (location, size, mission, etc). If you google the other schools in the state and make a comparison you get the sense that they’re working hard and doing a lot right when it comes to safety. That’s not to say this assault in the parking lot isn’t awful and they don’t need to catch this dude and throw the book at him. https://umc.edu/common/files/ummch/Administration/Campus-Police/Annual-Security-Report.pdf
@ 11:46 - A Tom Homan type would be great!
If arming themselves is not allowed, how about pepper spray/mace or a tazer? And, maybe some well-placed panic alarm stations? The shuttle idea is good, too. But, do something to protect your employees, students, and the patients!
The sad thing is she will probably lose her job when Lou Ann and Jones fire her for making the hospital look bad on Facebook.
The problem with the shuttle bus is that only one bus runs after 6 PM. I’ve had to wait 30 minutes or more when getting off a late shift. Who wants to wait that long after being at work 12.5 hours?
Previous UMMC employee -- I always conceal carried when I worked there, I never said anything to any of my coworkers or the other staff. I worked on the non-patient side of the hospital and had to park in the stadium lot. As a woman, I figured my chances of being jumped were higher than the chance of someone in my office finding the weapon in my purse. I was followed to my car a few times but luckily I was able to weave through the parking spots and lose them in the process. Police presence in the lot was never guaranteed. UMMC employees work hard for the community and deserve safe parking and road crossing MINIMUM.
Thats an excellent idea.
UMMC has PLENTY of cops available to write parking tickets in the very back parking on West Street when there is literally no parking left and you just park at the end of a row after driving around for 30 minutes, but I have never felt safe walking if it's dark because all of a sudden they disappear and you are on your own.
@7:45 - Unfortunately she can't sue UMMC. As part of tort reform, the legislature passed the "Landowner Protection Act" a couple of years ago that essentially removes any liability on the part of a landowner for the acts of third-party criminals. In other words, there is no longer any incentive for UMMC (or any other property owner in the state) to secure their property.
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