An Alabama infant contracted Measles. WTVM13 reported:
A Pell City baby has tested positive for measles, the child's mother tells WVTM 13's Larissa Scott.
The 5-month-old is the first confirmed case in Alabama. Prior to being tested on Monday, the child had a fever, runny nose and a rash. The child was too young to be vaccinated.
Alabama health officials held a news conference to announce the confirmed measles case and urge people to check their immunization status. Watch the presser on Facebook or Twitter.
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Credit: WTVM13 |
In the early 60's I remember my mother taking me to play the doctors kids when they were sick to catch various things kids are vaccinated for now. Measles and mumps being two of them.
Vaccination is important to prevent it from spreading. Anti-vac crowd needs to answer for the spread of the virus.
Anti-vaxers are disease vectors. Measles is highly contagious and German measles (Rubella) can cause birth defects in unborn children. I have a younger sister born profoundly deaf because our mother was exposed to measles when she was 3 months pregnant, before there was a vaccine for it. It is patently IRRESPONSIBLE and totally IGNORANT to say the measles is "just a rash", that "it is not highly contagious" or to imply no one is ever injured by it.
Another anti-vac kid to catch the measles. When will the parents learn?
@9:08, my mother did the same thing with me in the mid-1980's for chicken pox when she was near her due date for my sister. Thankfully, my newborn unvaccinated sister didn't contract the disease when she was days old as she very well could have. It was stupid in the 60's, stupid in the 80's, and STUPID AS HELL now to do that. You threaten the lives of young children who aren't old enough to be vaccinated, those who are immune compromised, and many others like this precious infant in Alabama.
trump people
This only affects the stupid. I say let them be free to choose. More resources for my children.
@10:08 It's made clear... the baby was not old enough to be vaccinated.
@11:08 Apparently you are stoopider than the anti-vaxxers. This baby got it from one of them and certainly didn't CHOOSE to have measles.
@11:02, its not usually the "Trump People" who are anti vaxxers, its normally the free spirited hippies that live in The Belhaven and The Fondren. The ones who live in a utopian world where they want to let all the illegal immigrants into the US but not into their home.
This was under control, almost wiped out, but unrestricted immigration from the Third World is re-introducing diseases we almost had conquered.
Failure to have a child vaccinated should get the parents charged with child endangerment. They are also endangering other people's children, particularly those who are too young for vaccinations or are immune compromised.
Mississippi has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country. Doesn't it feel good to be at the top of a "good" list, for a change.
12:04, It was an unvaccinated kid. The parents had a reason for not getting the kid vaccinated. I am sure the people who chose not to vaccinate their kids have a reason also. What the hell difference is there? The mother should have kept the kid at home.
@1:23 -
The parent of a 5 month old has no choice in the child not being vaccinated against measles yet. Are you seriously suggesting that a parent keep their child at home until they are old enough to be fully vaccinated?
The parents who make a choice to not follow the vaccination schedules for their children should keep them at home. They should not be out traveling with their child to pick up and spread diseases.
There isn't a damn bit of difference in why a person does not get their child shots. If you are going to piss and moan about one reason you should continue to piss and moan about all of the reasons. Any child who does not have their shots are just as much a danger as any other child.
@10:28 - in the late 50's early 60's going to play with a sick friend it how it was done. Now, why you, in the mid 80's, were not vaccinated is any one's guess. You'll have to ask you mom.
The measles vaccine in the early 60's was a dead vaccine that didn't work. If people were vaccinated during that time they should take the MMR vaccine again.
Should we be worried?
You will tell us if we need to panic, right?
I can't trust WLBT, C-L, or MPB.
Hey @3:55, THERE WAS NO VARICELLA (that's chicken pox) VACCINE in 1984! It was dumb in the 60s, was dumb in the 80s, and today it is downright idiotic to do it "how it was done" then.
10:28 was referring to chicken pox, the vaccine for which was not licensed in the us until 1995.
During all 8 years of his presidency, Barack Obama never addressed the issue of parents withholding vaccines from their children. Nor did he take any actions to assuage fears of autism caused by vaccine preservation.
Knowing those FACTS, it is obvious that this epidemic is Obama's fault.
Checkmate, socialist Democrats.
All of this equivocation of anti-vaxxers to child abusers and yet you dumb bible thumpers still think that the HPV vaccine is going to somehow transform your daughter into the Whore of Babylon.
Give us a break you hypocrites!
Rubella ( German measles) causes congenital deafness. Mumps has traditionally been the leading cause of unilateral deafness. It also can cause sterility. The general populace is ignorant regarding the morbidly and even mortality of these easily preventable diseases, ironically due to the overwhelming success of public health policy and the MMR vaccine. These vaccines were not developed because the diseases were benign. I’m an MD that has older patients with sequelae from these diseases. I promise you that they wish they had the MMR available when they were children
9:34 I would think (hope) an MD would know the difference between "morbidly" and "morbidity"
5:16 and we would hope many people would realize they don't teach typing in medical school, internships, residencies, or fellowships.
We usually pay people to do that typing stuff for us at work. 9:34 seems like a nice guy who actually understands the pathophysiology of how Rubella infections can cause such damage and was trying to share that - for free! - with you.
During all 8 years of his presidency, Barack Obama never addressed the issue of parents withholding vaccines from their children. Nor did he take any actions to assuage fears of autism caused by vaccine preservation.
Knowing those FACTS, it is obvious that this epidemic is Obama's fault.
Checkmate, socialist Democrats.
One doesn't 'catch' measles. One might 'contract' measles.
This child was confirmed to have not contracted measles.
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