Friday, November 4, 2016

Priest cusses out Judge on voicemails.


A St. James Episcopal Church priest left several obscene voice mails for Hinds County Circuit Judge Jeff Weill on the phone of his administrator.  Ridgeland police arrested the Reverend Seth Walley on June 20 for calls that were made on April 15.  The case is still under investigation.  Reverend Walley is the Associate Rector at the Fondren church.  The calls were apparently made shortly after Judge Weill found a public defender in contempt of court and incarcerated him. The police report and recording are posted below. Here is a transcript of the calls. 

Recording is property of Jackson Jambalaya.  No reproduction without permission.

Call #1: Hey Judge Weill, I just wanted to ask you how it feels to be a total asshole and also.  11:33 PM

Call #2: Judge Weill, this is a clergyperson from Jackson, Mississippi. I just wanted to tell you. 11:38 PM

Call #3: Judge Weill, this is a concerned Christian who is very upset after your recent decision to find a public defender in contempt of court. I have reviewed the transcript and you are clearly out of order and the person who was defending someone who could not afford to be defended by anybody else you have found in contempt. Sir, let me tell you that first of all you are out of your Christian principles and second of all that you need to abdicate the bench because Judge Weill, let me tell you that you are far beyond any sense of Christian justice.  You need to go ahead and leave the Christian bench because you have no idea what it means to give justice according to the Bible. I know this is going to upset you.  It's going to upset the whole congregation of First Presbyterian Jackson. (Voice grows angrier in tone at this point.)  But you sir, need to step down for the goodness of the entire city so the rest of us can rest peacefully for the fact that justice is being delivered equally the way that it needs to. Sir, step down, because the rest of us are tired of you ON THE GODDAMNED BENCH! 11:41 PM

Call #4: Judge Weill, this is another minister of the Jackson area calling you to tell you how out of line you are for finding in contempt a public defender who is asking you to consider a certain matters in a certain case.  Sir, your judicial discretion is out of line.  You clearly have not read the Mississippi Code of 1979.  You need to wake up, need to read the law, need to understand it as it is because we can't afford for stupid ass judges like you to not read the fucking law so wake up and do what you need to do you dumbass piece of shit.  You want to find me? I'm a minister in Jackson. Go ahead and make the call. Dumbass. This is to Judge Jeff Weill. FUCK YOU! 11:44 PM

The police report states that the incident took place at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Ridgeland.    Judge Weill held an arraignment for Loran Shell-Blackwell on April 13.   JJ readers may remember Loran as the woman who allegedly lured 81 year-old Lee Kendrick to his death at an apartment complex in North Jackson.  She was indicted for capital murder but has managed to get out of jail twice for getting pregnant.  Public defender Christopher Routh represented her at the arraignment.  Judge Weill busted Mr. Routh stone cold for lying to the court (the transcript is posted in the earlier post.) and found him in contempt of court and incarcerated after Mr. Routh repeatedly interrupted Judge Weill and refused to sit down when ordered to do so. Mr. Routh appealed Judge Weill's contempt order to the Mississippi Supreme Court.  The case is currently under review after the Court ordered the two parties to submit briefs.

Attorney Dale Danks represents Reverend Walley.   Messages were left for Mr. Danks but have not been returned w

Kingfish note: It appears our warrior priest is not just a man of the cloth but of the loincloth.  


Anonymous said...

Damn, I'm glad I read this. For almost 39 years I've been under the impression that the Mississippi Code was last revised in 1972! How did that '79 revision get by me?

Seriously though, aside from the fact that this guy is a priest who ought to not use such vile language, and the calls are raunchy and inappropriate, Weill is not totally immune from negative opinions from the public. I doubt any conviction stands.

Why did Weill just now turn the tapes over to the "media"?

Anonymous said...

Geez Louise.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has a boyfriend and didn't like the way the Judge treated his sweet man.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if St. James congregation is aware

Anonymous said...

I would be humiliated if I were affiliated with this hypocrite's church. Thank goodness Weill does let all of these crazies run him off. Jackson needs him.

Anonymous said...

This priest is vile and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish is the only real reporter in this town. I bet all the news stations try to rip off his actual investigative reporting....again.

Anonymous said...

The fact that this has gotten no media for 6 months speaks to Weill's character. He's the true Christian in this scenario.

Asking get for a friend said...

Is St. James the church where Ray Mabus had the priest record his wife's confession, then use the tape in a divorce proceeding?

Hip hop rappin for Jesus said...

This priest sounds like more like a rapper.

Anonymous said...

Progressives are an odd bunch.

Anonymous said...

He made the calls the day before his wedding from the Embassy Suites, where he had reserved a block of rooms for his wedding guests. What a putz!

Save Us from Slimeball Ray said...

That would be Jerry McBride. St. James? YES.

McBride was rector at St. James' Episcopal Church in Jackson. Hines' parents had helped found the church, and she had attended it from childhood. McBride had presided over her mother's funeral, her marriage to Mabus, and the baptism of their two daughters.

When McBride arrived at the Mabuses' house, Ray Mabus had three hidden tape recorders running. With the recorders preserving every word, Mabus told his wife he knew about the affair and gave her three choices: to stay in the marriage, a no-fault divorce, or a custody battle over their daughters. He warned that a custody battle could be ugly: "We go to war. I see grounds for divorce, adultery and inhuman treatment.... It will be awful. It will be awful for the children."

McBride had initially told the Mabuses he was at the meeting "for both of you," but when Hines pressed him he told her he was there for her husband: "I've been working with Ray." When she asked him why he didn't invite one of her friends to the meeting to act as her advocate, he told her: "Julie, I had no right to call anybody. That would have broken a confidence. I can't legally do that."

Anonymous said...

I know Seth, and I know him pretty well. He is my priest. These actions are unjustified and indefensible and do not reflect at all the good person I know. He is embarrassed and remorseful over this, as he should be. Seth has apologized to Judge Weill, and he will pay a heavy price for this regrettable and unfortunate incident. It is a very good question to ask why has it taken "someone" six months to get this to Kingfish.

Anonymous said...

St. James is in FONDREN.

Anonymous said...

I've never met a Priest, Baptist Minister or any other member of the Clergy that I would trust with anything I've got. My last Baptist Minister had an affair with a lady at his former church. The Deacons fired him but continued to pay him for six months---I haven't been back to that church ever---and I was a member for 30 years.

I trust no one in the church. I am a Christian and I trust Jesus.

Anonymous said...

This priest is a great guy, and actually an outstanding preacher. I'm not excusing his language, but he's young, still idealistic (unlike most of us) and was probably intoxicated on communion wine.

PittPanther said...

What are "Christian principles, Christian justice, and the Christian bench?" Did I wake up in some perverse variation of Iran, and we're now under Sharia law?

And since when have judges in Mississippi ever cared about Christianity? If judges in Mississippi were actual Christians, we never would have had slavery or Jim Crow. And we wouldn't have needed a supreme court decision in 1954. So call me skeptical at this guy's rants.

Anonymous said...

Wow, It's been a rough few months for the clergy of St James and St Andrew's Cathedral.

Anonymous said...

Jackson doesn;t need Jeff Weill. It needs judges who will adhere to constitutional principles of fair play. It needs judges who don't get offended when a lawyer makes a reasonable argument, even if the lawyer turns out to be wrong at the end of the day. To my eyes, Weill is not that judge.

And Seth Walley was wrong. Just not sure why he needed to be arrested. This is a waste of police, judge, and public resources. Walley should apologize for the calls and end it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ol' Seth ought to get himself a law license to go along with that divinity degree before he starts mouthing off about the Mississippi Code and opining that a judge is "out of order" after he (Seth) "reviewed the transcript." Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts. The priest needs to get his brain better aligned with his faith.

Anonymous said...

For the next couple of church services, why doesn't the church just send the children out, warn the adults and play this lovely tape for its congregation?

Anonymous said...

12:27.. Hinds County needs Weill like a fish needs a bicycle.... The Rev was only saying what many of the attorneys who have suffered the misfortune of having to practice in Weill's courtroom say in the hallowed halls of the Hinds County Courthouse every day! Weill can thump that Bible all day every day, but until he changes his hateful heart it's not going to help him.

Anonymous said...

I lost all faith in religion and those who preach it years ago when my mother in law ran off with the Baptist preacher after empting the church's bank account. What really pissed me off is they both came home after they ran out of money. He went back to preaching at the same church and she returned to her husband.

Anonymous said...

weil should have never ever been put in that position....

Anonymous said...

It is a very good question to ask why has it taken "someone" six months to get this to Kingfish.

Why? Why is it "a very good question"? Why does the elapsed time matter at all?

Anonymous said...

That is the problem with Episcopalians. They think their sins are the fault of Presbyterians.

Anonymous said...

2:03... Weill chose to run for a public office... He put himself in that position....any other normal human being would have laughed off the phone calls but Weill's over inflated sense of self importance caused an investigation that did not need to happen

Anonymous said...

I know folks want to defend him, and I am sure he is a great guy. But one, he doesn't know shit about that case or the relevant contempt law.
Two, this is not a case of a guy making a dumb decision who happens to be a priest. This guy identified himself as a member of the clergy repeatedly and invoked God. The church needs to send him on a sabbatical to reflect on a priests role in representing his flock.

Anonymous said...

I like how at one point he calls and identifies himself as "another clergy member." Right, this is another completely different drunk priest who just happens to be calling at the same time as the other unrelated drunk priest

Kingfish said...

Don't think you get it. Harassing judges is serious business. Hate Weill all you want but the office is bigger than the person.

Ask a certain restaurant owner in town what happened when he harassed a federal judges wife who just happened to be epicurious.

Anonymous said...

For the record, my wife and I are members at St. James and this is the first we have heard about this. Tragic that our clergy would hide and abet the criminal actions by Seth. Maybe some of our more connected members know, but this was definitely kept hush-hush.

Anonymous said...

As an Episcopalian let me say: we don't need this embarassment! Gee whiz fella. Go into treatment if you can't hold your liquor. Get a grip! Or start selling hoovers. St. James deserved much better.

Anonymous said...

Episcopal clergy been hoodwinking y'all 3:14 for decades.

Anonymous said...

Why does he think that a circuit court judge sits on "the Christian bench"?

Does he think that Jews, Muslims, atheists, etc. are barred from holding judicial office?

Anonymous said...

That dude is clearly unbalanced.

Anonymous said...

Seth the Priest was likely drunk and should publicly apologize and let that be it. He should feel lucky that Judge Weill doesn't wield a machete like Judge Singletary does.

That being said, Weill has a right to order in his court. Can you imagine someone disrespecting the judge in Judge Tomie Green's court and disobeying a directive from her right in her court? Of course you can't because she would throw that person out and put him or her under the jail for contempt. As would any other judge. If Judge Weill or any other judge allows himself to be a doormat, more of this behavior will be the result. To quote Barney "you have to nip it in the bud".

Weill has been elected over and over in NE Jackson, usually with a decent amount of bi-racial support. That says something.

Anonymous said...

1:08: What happened at St. Andrews?

Listen to the tone of his voice when he said "First Presbyterian Jackson." Drunk removes the filters and we say more of what's on our hearts.

The leadership at St. James needs to hear these recordings.

Anonymous said...

He must have been drinking!

Anonymous said...

Started to make a comment but after rereading 3:52's post decided it said it all. Seth should publically apologize and show remorse and work to settle the legal end of this matter (yes, it is a misdemeanor in MS, check the code and you can find it; doesn't even matter that it involves a Judge.)

Weill has an absolute right to require order and the following of the Rules of Court in his Courtroom, just as any other judge anywhere in this country does. Some of the talkative lawyers here and elsewhere might not like him; might not like the way he manages his courtroom. Other lawyers probably have similar issues with other Judges while they might love Weill's handling of his courtroom. If the Public Defender thinks the Judge was wrong, there is a process established for him to deal with it - not arguing in the courtroom and disobeying the Judge's rightful order.

As an Episcopalian from St James, I am surprised at Seth's obviously drunken outburst about something he probably knows nothing about but decided to opine on because it dealt with his friend. I can also say that this is news to the leaders of St. James - something that I am sure they will deal with now that they are aware of it.

Anonymous said...

Between O'Conner at St. Andrew's and Walley at St. James, the Bishop has his hands full. I don't think there's any coming back from this for Walley.

Anonymous said...

The Bishop is a bright, solid guy. He will figure this one out. Leave him to it. Enough said here.

Anonymous said...

This wasn't Seth's first rodeo folks.

Anonymous said...

1:05 There isn't a judge alive anywhere who had anything to do with slavery or Jim Crow. What in the world does you comment have to do with current events? And, to another poster, Communion Wine is probably not what was being served at a pre-wedding party. Clearly, this man needs help.

Anonymous said...

This is so incredibly bad/sad on so many fronts. The "priest" should hit his knees, pray for help, ask his poor wife's forgiveness (if it's true it happened the night before his wedding - I mean REALLY), ask his congregation's forgiveness, apologize to the judge and his staff, take a sabbatical to seek help and hopefully be able to put the pieces back together. We all sin and do stupid things.

Anonymous said...

Ross Adams @ WAPT just ripped you off w/o attribution.

Anonymous said...

He really had his mind on his wedding didn't he? LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people act like they are surprised by the behavior of someone that should be above such as this. It happens all of the time. Many times much worse. The next time it happens we will see the same people say they are surprised. Just something that goes hand and hand with religion.

Anonymous said...

Let we who are without sin cast the first stone at the man. Have we not all of us made a bad decision, many of which could have landed us in hot water in some way (legally, professionally, personally, etc)? Priests are humans too, and while Walley obviously has done something very wrong, God forgiveness and grace will endure. Walley will be dragged through the mud for this, professionally and personally, but sometimes I wonder if in our angst to drag those who publicly screw up through the mud, we are just trying to justify our own sins and shortcomings.

Let the investigation roll on, let Walley face his day under public scrutiny, and pray that he has learned from this.

God be with his congregation as they try to make sense of this.

Anonymous said...

St. James is a very good church with some very good people. The Bishop is a good man as well. I feel certain they will deal with this, and wish the church the best.

someoneinnorthms said...

Weill must be the most thin-skinned judge on the bench in Mississippi. If that intimidates him or makes him feel threatened it is almost laughable. The First Amendment allows expression about core political matters. We ELECT judges, remember? If this judge is elected by the polity at large, doesn't a member of the polity have the right to tell that judge he should no longer serve? If this clergyman had threatened Weill with physical harm then I can see where there might be a problem.

Weill is a member of the Snowflake generation apparently. Sad. Really, really sad that he is a judge.

someoneinnorthms said...

Oh, I just said something negative about Herr Weill. I'll probably be in jail soon. Only positive Mississippi spoken here, huh?

Anonymous said...

Does the fact that absolutely no other judge in the State has 1% of the issues/problems/incidents that Judge Weill does cause the Weill apologists to stop for a second and ask why? My friends in the FBI call that a clue.

Anonymous said...

I know Seth Walley. He is a good man and a great minister. He helped my wife and me through a very difficult time in our lives. He is remorseful and has asked for forgiveness. He like everyone else deserves a second chance.

Anonymous said...

Weill over reacted.

A real man would never have had a clearly intoxicated rotund harmless puff ball arrested so his future could be this.

We make mistakes.....and they should not be final.

Weill should resign and move on....he's shown he is not fit and that he doesn't fit.

Disappointed is an understatement.

Anonymous said...

What a dickhead.......

The Germans are definitely involved !!

Kingfish said...

I don't see how that is germane to the situation.

someoneinnorthms said...

9:05, careful. You and I might both be going away. You just intimidated a judge by saying he should resign. That is effectively the same thing the clergyman said. (Of course, this is written with tongue firmly in my cheek).

But, seriously, 9:05's post and its resemblance to the rant of the clergyman illustrate my point exactly. Weill wants to criminalize dissent and/or expression. He's such a crybaby.

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny that somehow this is judge weill's fault. First, if you are an attorney, have worked in a courthouse, or lived in America since 911, then you know that when a judge or his staff receives any strange phone calls or mail, then the relevant security detail takes over. Judge Weill would be negligent not to report it.

Also, I think it's funny that Judge Weill has thin skin or is not a real man. Not sure how or where y'all were raised, but real men don't fortify themselves with alcohol in other to make anonymous phone calls to a judge. Cowards do that. A real man would address their concern in person, face to face.

If I was Chris Routh, I would be embarrassed to have such a coward defending me.

Anonymous said...

As a former parishoner of Seth's, I don't find this too surprising. He and other people like him are why I'm no longer an Episcopalian. For people who preach love and social justice (rightly, if stiltedly), they sure to carry around a lot of hate towards other Christians with differing views. He'll be glad to know that I'm now Presbyterian.

Anonymous said...

I go to St. James and am a huge fan of Seth Walley because - get thus - he's the most orthodox Episcopal priest I've known in my 20-odd years in the church. He's passionate, sincere and totally transparent. He called out Weill because apparently he thinks Weill misunderstands the basic tenets of Christian grace. FWIW, most Episcopalians think that of most Presbyterians of the PCA bent. If anyone thinks Seth's reputation in the Episcopal church will suffer because of this, they don't know squat about the Episcopal Church. We drink and we swear and we love Jesus, because he drank and swore and kicked Pharisee butt - before he died to set us all free.

At least that's the gospel Seth preaches. You really need to come hear him preach this Sunday, Best damned Episcopal priest I've ever heard!!!

Praise the what? said...

That's really fu#^*< up 1:52

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Chris

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of Seth's. He's an excellent teacher and has shown nothing but Christ's love to me. He's brilliant and a warm caring person. He is no longer with St. James and I'm going to miss him. I don't know any perfect people . You and yours are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

9:51 so Jesus drunkedly called out Judges? Which book and chapter is that? I'm missing out on something. BTW I'm PCA we drink, smoke, and curse too.

Anonymous said...

9:51 : Seth has been put on adminstrative leave by the bishop and rector so he won't be preaching again any time soon

Anonymous said...

Did he get fired or resign or what?

Anonymous said...

So what happened at St Andrews? Few commenters alluded to something

Anonymous said...


I'm an old lawyer.

Been around.

Know people.

You sir have not a clue what it's like to be a man...a lawyer...a judge...or a leader.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the same crowd that praises JFP style "social progress" in public and then refuses to send their kids to JPS carrying water for their foul mouthed cheerleader.

Anonymous said...

I don't know this priest so I don't what he normally sounds like, but I have listened several times to the recording and he doesn't sound the least bit "drunk" to me. I really hoped he was drunk - he still would have been wrong, but drunks do stupid things. This guy just sounds like a very sober, angry and scary guy. Maybe the bishop can get this guy some badly needed help. The church, the priest and his new wife could all use some prayers.

Anonymous said...

Seth needs an exorcism.

Anonymous said...


9:43 here

Don't believe you. I'm a man, an attorney, a leader (former USMC JAG). Not a judge, but attorney enough to know Routh showed his ass and deserved what he got, Judge Weill showed surprising restraint given that the defendant was an hour late for court and Routh got caught in a lie. Like you, the right reverend needs some perspective.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, Jeff Weill isn't a member of First Presbyterian. Many St. James members and First Presbyterian members are close friends. I have family members at both churches. I do not believe that the hostility of this Priest accurately reflects the way the members of the two congregations feel about each other.

Anonymous said...

So being an old lawyer makes you expert at cowardly anonymous calls? Awesome. Keep your priest off the sauce. What an embarrassment for St. James.

Anonymous said...

If that priest has any respect for his congregation, he would resign.

Anonymous said...

Hold on a minute...were these calls that happened 4 straight days around the same time or did this happen in one evening over the course of 7 minutes where the priest got hung up on or cut off and didn't finish his rant ?

There are no threats. The worst of the language is taking the Lord' name in vain and use of the F word in telling the judge the priest holds a low opinion of the judge and his action.

This is an elected judge and a federal judge.

While the profane words are unbecoming for a priest or anyone else, I've never expected a minister or priest to be other than human and expected they could lose their tempers especially in defense of what they considered wrong doing.

I've heard real threats of condemnation from pulpits worse than this that made old ladies cry for fear they would burn in the fires of hell if they didn't come forward and confess their sins.

Judge Weill is wasting law enforcement's time and court time because someone told him off and his inflated , fragile ego couldn't take someone getting mad at him.

This is two males behaving badly and overreacting.

And, yet another molehill made into a mountain by taking it public.

Anonymous said...

Send him to rehab after the exorcism

Anonymous said...

Heavy sock puppetry on this one.

Anonymous said...

Attorney here. 27 years. Extremely few judges would not have reported receiving calls such as Walley's.

Any attorneys commenting here who believe Judge Weill should have just let this ride please surrender your license on Monday morning. You are not worthy of our profession.

Anonymous said...

7:55 AM

Every Judge I know and respect would have handled this in such a fashion that the public would have never known....the priest would have realized his errors and made amends, and they would be friends today.

I'm glad you are not a judge.

Anonymous said...

7:55 am That is certainly true of arrogant, insecure judges and attorneys but those at the top of the profession know when it's in everyone's best interest to laugh or ignore rather than escalate and enlarge conflict. They are good judges of human behavior and can pick their battles.
The best attorneys are strategic. Their briefs and rulings are clear, concise and on point as a result.
They are also able to see past their own egos!
You do no service to your clients and your profession if you can't see the larger picture and can't discern when the law is relevant to the case and when it isn't!

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at the response from some of the St. James people in defense of this priest.

I've found that many priests these days are simply frustrated social justice warriors or wannabe politicians who are more concerned and passionate about secular issues than the Gospel; hence, with few exceptions, the pews are empty in most Episcopal churches across the country.

But, whatever his politics or his level of intoxication, this priest's calls to a sitting judge are inexcusable and while it is certainly "Christian" to forgive him as a person, he has no business remaining in the role of priest or in any position of leadership in a church. If one listens to his voicemails, he makes not one call to this judge, but several and with increasing hostility and layering obscenity upon obscenity.

What would the children of St. James think if they were to hear these voice mails?

While many who have commented on this thread don't like or respect Judge Weill (I don't know him and have no opinion on his judicial temperament) he is a sitting judge and this priest's calls were threatening. The Bishop and congregants of St. James will do what they will, but in my Diocese, this priest would be looking for work... outside of the church.

Anonymous said...

... would have handled this in such a fashion that the public would have never known ...

So tell us Einstein how Weill made this known?

Kingfish nailed it. This is about the office, not the person.

Anonymous said...


You forgot to add this on this post, JJ. Fixed it for you.

Anonymous said...

7:54 PM "Weill is a member of the Snowflake generation apparently. Sad."

Guess you'd prefer to remain isolated in your (happy) bubble?

Anonymous said...

@ 11:54
St Andrew's no longer has a dean. Maybe someone closer to that mess can elaborate. As was said upthread, the bishop certainly has his hands full right now.

Kingfish said...

What happened to the Friday night drunks?

Anonymous said...

6:45 is a little slow. The 4 calls were in a row in one night. Weill is not a Federal judge. Read the thread to see Weill pretty much had a duty to report, esp. since there was no reason to believe this was a priest (GD and f-bombs?) who sounded mentally ill and might have been a real threat...

Anonymous said...

Weil is completely out of control. He's prosecuting cases from the bench and needs to be removed ASAP.

Anonymous said...

The Bishop will order him to rehab same as he did O'Connor, and assuming this idiotic priest wants to remain in the Order, he will have to go. And same as O'Connor will never be back at St Andrews, he will never be back at St James.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is approving comments today must be Episcopalian. Strong filter.

I've submitted two posts regarding adultery in the priest ranks and both were denied publication.

Anonymous said...

We get it 12:23, you hate Weill. You don't need to say it another 10 times.

Anonymous said...

1:00 p.m. - That was my FIRST and only post on this thread. Pretty much all lawyers agree that Weill is nuts.

EastCoastResident said...

Mississippi's residents need help!
Hinds County's residents need help!
City of Jackson's residents need help!
They ALL need Jesus, Superman, Wonder Woman, and etc. !!!!!

The entire state has been left behind.

Infighting, what a joke!

someoneinnorthms said...

"this priest's calls were threatening." Only if one is a Snowflake. So, 9:12, can you elaborate on that claim? Just saying something doesn't make it true. Lay out the closing argument: what does he threaten to do? What makes these voice mail "threatening?"

Anonymous said...

12:46 Here's a solution for you, start your own friggin' blog. Then maybe you'll stop whining about your post being filtered. I'm sure it was a real gem.

Anonymous said...

1:09 PM - You speak for pretty much all lawyers? Hah.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how Routh is feeling? Acted like an idiot, embarrassed himself, made things worse for his client, now his buddy's career is in jeopardy. All he had to do was say yes sir and then file a motion for reconsideration. He probably doesn't care, most zealots don't.

Daves not here said...

we had a preist come to a crawfish boil one time ,the sombitch drank most of our beer

Anonymous said...

Sure makes me a believer in religion. Imagine if the priest act this way, what would the rest of the congregation act like?

Anonymous said...

Probably doing some binge eating

Anonymous said...

12:17 pm I'm not slow but rather was attempting to point out what seemed to be obvious. I also know quite well that Weill is not a federal judge but was trying to point that out to the person who made the reference to Epicurious. I guess you don't get the connection either.

I also know there is something called caller ID these days and the ability to look up a number. Is Judge Weill too dumb to do that before calling the police? He doesn't stop and consider but just reacts emotionally with the assumptions you attribute to him? This is your idea of judicial temperament?

I question whether either of you consider " intent of the law" and that the court is not intended as a first resort when human conflict occurs.

Seven minutes of being called an asshole who made a bad decision hardly rises to the level of harassment and is certainly not a threat. Equating anger with mental illness is a pretty big leap. Is his ego or your so big that when anyone is angry with you , you think they must be crazy?

Quoting a statute intended to deal with serious threats to our judicial system makes both of you look like less than legal scholars.

Anonymous said...

Daves not here

It's "i before e except after c".

Anonymous said...

KF I agree the office deserves respect but that is also true for the person who holds the office. They are not the office. Holding the office shouldn't fill those elected with self-importance and they shouldn't weld the power of the office just because can but with due diligence. It is a responsibility, not an anointing.
Those who see themselves as their title as an elevation in status over others have the attitude of a despot, not a public servant .

Anonymous said...

7:37, would you also think that about a person who calls himself a priest?

Kingfish said...

I know the difference between state and federal quite well. The point was harassing judges is never a good idea and it is taken seriously by the authorities when it does happen.

someoneinnorthms said...

Is "harassment" illegal? If so, should it be? What did the clergyman say that elevated these voice mails from criticism to harassment? Or is criticism of a judge considered "harassment" now? If Herr Weill expected no criticism then he shouldn't be on the bench in the first place.

This is one of the most ridiculous thing's he's done in a ling line of ridiculous things. He's trying to hang a life-long scarlet A across the chest of someone who expressed an opinion. Maybe it was the strength of the opinion that irked him. Maybe it was the tone. But if this is intimidating to him then he really is silly and thin-skinned abd shouldn't be on the bench.

Heil Weill!

Anonymous said...

What court is handling the complaint? What is the status of the case?

Anonymous said...

Tell us someoneinnorthms. Since you are an attorney how many other judges do you know who receive these sorts of phone calls on any sort of semi-regular basis?

Since receipt of same seems to be completely acceptable to you then these calls must be common practice. Please, provide us with a ballpark of how many judges you know that receive and tolerate these types of, in your parlance, 'criticism' calls.

Anonymous said...

No 10:21, he should not hang a "life-long scarlet A...", he should have continued to enable this mal-content to poison those who dare cross his pious path.

Kingfish said...

Why don't you read the post to find out?

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, this is 11:15. I assume your 11:31 response is to me. I am not an attorney, and have been blessed enough to stay out of court except for traffic tickets, so I don't really know how these things work. Rereading your post, I see now that the status is that the police are still investigating the case. I will edit my first question to what court will it be referred to upon completion?

someoneinnorthms said...

11:17, I have practiced in front of probably two dozen circuit court judges and a dozen chancellors. I think maybe one of them would've done something other than deleting these voice mails. I have actually seen a family of a murder victim picketing across the street from the courthouse. Their signs communicated the same message delivered by the clergyman, albeit in a cleaner type of language. However, they shouted the same dirty language used by the clergyman. They urged the judge to step down. They promised to ensure he lost the next election--in almost the same words used by the clergyman. But I don't think anybody ever thought this was intimidation. But, that judge wasn't a milquetoast wanna-be prosecutor either. I guess that was the difference.

Anonymous said...

someoneinnorthms = Duck

Class, Class, Quiet Please.. said...

In conclusion, can we have a vote on what this thread is about? The choices are:

1) Is Weil a hated man who deserves to be stoned?

2) How many lawyers and judges do you know?

3) Is screaming curse words into your phone harassment?

4) The sins of those who call themselves Episcopalians.

Anonymous said...

Judge Weill is persecuting the Christians that brought you divorce and delivered you from the Catholic Church. An argument can be made that without The Church of England a.k.a 'Episcopalians", then America would have never been formed. We were in control and you stole it from us with your pesky revolution, but we have grown to be humble most of the time.

Unlike most all of the other denominations of Christianity in the America of today, Epicopalians actually try to practice what we preach, but alas, the other denominations will never allow such travesties to occur. This ongoing battle leads to much frustration within the spirit and sometimes manifests in the physical world.

So, what good are these religious freedom laws if the bereaved can't openly voice frustration with the system?

Harassing? Maybe. More like heckling

Threatening? Nope.

Anonymous said...

12:14 am: Yes, the greatest threat to the Jamestowne settlement (1607 to c.1690), where the very first Anglican church in the new world was built (whose wall posts were recently uncovered), after hostile Indians and brackish well water, was Spain. The few cannon they had in James Fort were not aimed at Indians, but at the threat of Spanish galleons coming up the James to reclaim North America. See

Anonymous said...

For a good laugh do some research on the first man sentenced to death at the Jamestowne settlement and what crime he committed.

Of Storefronts and Street Signs.. said...

Instead of naming a safe area in Fondren, please point me to an 'Humble Episcopalian'. The two challenges are equally impossible in which to prevail. Thanks.

reader said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why isn't the St. Andrew's story a separate story instead of being discussed at the bottom of the St. James' thread?

Anonymous said...

@3:32 I completely agree with you.!

Anonymous said...

This is the most hateful thread I have seen.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS