Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sojourner tells her flag truth

State Senator Melanie Sojourner (R-House of Seale) issued this statement on the state flag:

  Senator Melanie Sojourner today released the following statement regarding calls to do away with Mississippi's official state flag.

"I disagree with those advocating for change to the state flag of Mississippi. The tragedy in South Carolina was a horrific and senseless act that displayed the very worst of mankind. I was deeply saddened by the tragedy. But more importantly, my heart was moved by the love and kindness of those who faced this evil and forgave. The example of Christian love shown by the victims and their families should stand above all other lessons we hope to learn from this tragedy. But we should not allow this tragic event to be used to promote political agendas. We are only empowering the actions of those with ill-intent if we allow them to hijack symbols with one original meaning and use them for another meaning that promotes the purpose hate and evil. Yielding to evil, no matter the political intention, only perpetuates the problem.

Mississippi has dealt more openly on the issue of race than any other state in the country and we have the scars to show for it. We do a terrible disservice to future generations when we refuse to be honest about our history and when we allow others who neither know nor care about our people to be the self-appointed arbiters of what is and is not a civilized discussion on the topic.

The people of Mississippi understood this clearly when we decided this issue in 2001 in a referendum, and the people chose to keep the current flag. The will of the people of the state was made very clear. As an elected official I support that decision.”


Bill Dees said...

She's an idiot. Nobody's trying to take anyone's Confederate battle flag away from them. You are free to wave it, display on your truck or car, wear it on your t-shirt. But it's wrong for the state to promote such a divisive symbol on the state flag.

Anonymous said...

just change the damn thing

Anonymous said...

If these people are so sure, why not put it to a vote again? That was 14 years ago.

Anonymous said...

So if McDaniel runs for statewide office again, she'll oppose him, because the people have spoken?

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written! Absolutely perfect, if you ask me.

Personally, I have considered our State Flag to be an embarrassment. I hate the color combination. And I, like many others, grew up associating the Rebel Flag (and its derivatives) with things I hate: football, Ole Miss, Rednecks, White Trash, Dukes of Hazzard, wars, 'Good ol' Boys', living in the past, marching bands, backwardness...

But when forces extraneous to Mississippi are the impetus for the removal of our current flag - when outsiders call for the removal of our flag, then suddenly, I no longer want the flag replaced. Its value as a SYMBOL OF DEFIANCE, is enormous.

As Melanie Sojourner's statement has implied, we cannot allow outsiders, and events transpiring outside our state's borders, to inform our acceptance, or replacement, of our own state flag.

Anonymous said...

Any chance she will not be returning to the Senate? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Chill out 11:06. If events outside our borders didn't affect us, you wouldn't have the first bit of modern computing technology available in Mississippi. So accept that the world is a bit bigger and we can learn from those outside (and those outside MS can learn they are far more residentially and economically segregated than our sometimes backward selves).

Anonymous said...

Going to be hilarious to watch Bob Dearing kick her ass in November.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I wished we had won the war.

Anonymous said...

11:06, I couldn't have said it better myself. I could easily live with changing the state flag if it weren't tied to a political agenda that is being pushed. There are two camps here that have their own personal agenda and are wanting to push to have the flag changed. They are ....1) low information voters that will never get it and use everything as a reason to cry racism and 2) appeasers that are too ignorant to see that once again they are being played....
Today the flag, tomorrow the abolishment of whatever the liberals deem as a threat to their power... I'm really starting to see what some of the so-called conservatives are made of in this state.

Anonymous said...

Takes a lot of guts to wait two days and see what the consensus of the tea party is and then come out with a statement parroting it.

Anonymous said...

Let's see Sen. Sojourner: You were raised on the PLANTATION that your family owned beginning in the early 1800's which was no doubt built on the back of slaves. YOUR family benefited from the Confederacy so of course YOU don't won't the flag to change. I'm sure it reminds you of the 'good ole days'. Since you have 2 opponents in your upcoming Aug 4 Primary, we'll do you a favor and send you back to the Plantation!

Anonymous said...

Im not saying MS state flag is racist or that all people who love the state flag are racist. But racists are attracted to the confederate flag like tornadoes ate to trailer parks. Why? Why dont they get all horny amd excited about the state flag of California or New Mexico, or the Dakotas etc. instead as their symbol of hate? Why have defenders of the Confederate flag never spoken out regarding misuse of their beloved flag? How does changing the state flag equal permanent banishment of the confederate flag to some? Can you not still have it at home or elsewhere? Will changing it instantly delete it from history? The ones who want to amd need to will remember either way. I dont care about the history/bravery of the confederate and to me has little historical relevance, only as a reminder of a time/atmosphere we should never return. McDaniel,Reeves, and Sojourner if your best argument against changing the flag is that once people vote on an issue it can never ever ever in the future be revisited you should not be holding public office here lest you be allowed to stay there forever. The flag represents a treasonous act to protect an immoral institution our leaders should know better. By definition a civil war is divisive and literally split this country in half. This is what we chose to represent us.

Anonymous said...

I agree to change the thing. But under one condition. Muslim flags and propoganda should also be removed and no longer allowed or sold in stores, etc. The hatred and racism of the past which so many attribute to and claim is represented by the battle flag, is being matched and perpetrated in modern times by Muslim activits. Yes, there are good people on both sides. There are good people who love the confederate south but hate racism. There are good people of the Muslim faith who have no hatred for others. But both have been hijacked by a radical wing..... so if its proper for one to be removed, remove both. Until then....leave the flag alone.

Anonymous said...

11:06 is pissed off and wants to show her DEFIANCE to the other 49 states who pay 3 dollars into Mississippi for every 1 dollar they get back.

But at least she's honest that her support for the flag is really just a "y'all uppity fereign lib'ruls won't tell me slavery's bad" temper tantrum. That's more than most of them can say.

Anonymous said...

I know Sojourner fairly well. She's a mouth breather like all flag supporters.

But it's still pretty amazing to see this verbal vomit. In one breath, she argues that equating the flag with slavery is "hijack[ing] symbols with one original meaning," despite the express statements by Confederate founders that the core purpose of the Confederacy was to perpetuate slavery. In the next breath, with no trace of irony, she attacks flag opponents for "refus[ing] to be honest about our history."

I just don't want to breathe the same air as these people anymore.

Anonymous said...

Next up will be the renaming of jackson. As you all know Andrew Jackson owned several hundred slaves. I'm guessing eversville or kingstown. People this is about to get crazy. Never let a tragedy or crisis go to waste. Sounds like republicans are now all in.

Anonymous said...

To heck with the Flag either way. The real change we need to focus on is to get Sojourner out of the Senate.

Anonymous said...

The Senator will say anything she hopes will help her get reelected. What an idiot!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


We don't want you to breath our air either dude. Use your imagination.

Anonymous said...

11:06, Keeping a symbol that offends people as an act of defiance is a horrible reason. The flag is an embarrassment to MS and it only adds to the negative image of the state. For MS to move forward economically (like most of the rest of the country), we must be more welcoming to outsiders and not hold on to offensive symbols just to defy others.

I am not MS born and raised and have only lived here for 3 years but I did grow up in the south. The first thing I noticed when comparing my home state of NC to MS is that many people in MS are rude, defiant, and unwelcoming to outsiders. The attitude of "we need to keep this symbol just because you don't want us to have it" is exactly the kind of thing that keeps people away from MS.

Southern hospitality is a farce in MS and I believe that combined with the image MS displays to the world contributes to the lack of outsiders moving to the state. I'm sure many people are happy with that and want to continue to live in their non-diversified bubble. They need to wake up and take a look around, the world is leaving MS behind and the educated people in MS are going elsewhere. MS needs "outsiders" and it needs to keep the locals that get an education, otherwise it will continue to be a wasteland of rednecks and poverty.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:35 - Oakwood Plantation/Sojourner family never had any slaves. To paraphrase a well-known orator, "They built it."

Anonymous said...

Is she still around??? @12:59--AGREED

Anonymous said...

George Washington owned slaves, as did many New Yorkers. They are not changing the names there or in Jackson. Stop the hysterics. Do the right thing. Name the bill for that preacher or the 87 year old grandma slaughtered first after she welcomed in that white trash loser. I'll send a conservative donation to anyone who does, black or white, Dem or Republican. The Mississippi Tea Party is done. This nonsense from white trash like McDaniel and Sojourner is unbelievable given the times. If they want to blame blacks for electing Cochran, wait till they see what Republican Christians and whites think of this. No sane or loving white person cannot see that this is the right thing to do. This costs us nothing but means a great deal to blacks. Do it. Renaming streets? That church was on Boundary Street. That marked the black/white and town divides. They renamed it. To Calhoun. You know who Calhoun was? "Calhoun built his reputation as a political theorist by his redefinition of republicanism to include approval of slavery and minority rights, with the Southern States the minority in question." Sound familiar? Yep. Pro slavery anti democratic legislator. So, again, white folks we got it tough?

Anonymous said...

From her own website: "Oakwood Plantation, in the Kingston area southeast of Natchez, MS.

Melanie was raised a sixth generation on a diversified row crop and cattle operation which has been in her family since 1814."

Anonymous said...

Is this site all liberals now? My word. Bout to find a new one to go to. You guys ruin everything you touch,

Joe Smith Common Man said...

I musta missed the Japanese movie where the 'tornado ate the trailer parks. But anyway.

If we are to start removing symbols and names, are we also going to change the name of Lincoln County. Lincoln was the biggest racist of the nineteenth century. If you want proof of that, how much time do you have?

Do we shitcan the names of numerous miltary installations named after Confederate Officers such as Lee, Hood, Bragg, Rucker and Gordon? Do we rename Lee Hall at MSU? Are we going to rename every road, bridge, school and hole in the road whose name recognizes a Confederate officer?

And while we're at it, do we not need to paint over the names of all the presidents, governors and officials who presided over the destruction of Native American territories, not to mention the slaughter of those people?

Anonymous said...

This is a matter of right vs. wrong. If I try real hard though I can understand how it can be a black v. white issue. However I can't for the life of me figure out how this can evolve into a blue v. red issue. Its amazing how many ways this state and nation can be polarized. I don't believe a single Democrat whether descendant of a Confederate Vet or not supports keeping the flag. I often vote as a D but believe Republicans have some values that I identify with. It has been widely spread that the Republican party is the white male party and b/c they only cater to intersts of businesses and white males, they have had problems gaining votes from women and minorities. The Speaker's as well as Wicker's and Delbert's position help immensely and show that they are/can be the party of reason and progress. That despite rhetoric, they are ready and able to move forward. Sojourner, and McDaniel hurt any chances of diversifying the Republican party.

Elected officials should realize that they have a tremendous responsiblity to not only listen to their constituents but to educate and inform them when they are wrong. Remember the rhetoric about death panels during obamacare debates. Political leaders told you to hate obamacare b/c Obama would create death panels to decide whether your sick g-mother would live or die when ironically it was then-existing insurance companies that decided who lived or died by denying coverage. Or what about nuclear weapons in Iraq which we not know are non-existent (costed us several trillion dollars to find out).

Anonymous said...

Solid gold Kingfish. Cha-ching $$$.

Idiots and Mouth Breathers, Oh My. said...

I'll tell you the idiot it, Bill's YOU. You're an idiot to believe that if we allow such symbols to be removed from the public square (and all things public) we will NOT next be forbidden to enter the public square wearing such symbols or advocating for them. Our school children across America are already being forbidden to enter the domain wearing anything that the principal finds distasteful to his personal whims and biases.

And the real 'mouth breather' is the tuckered out poster who posted almost simultaneously @ 11:06, 11:16, 11:32, 11:33, 11:35 took a shallow breath and came back again @ 12:35. Must have been lunch break.

Anonymous said...

1:23, I completely agree. Enough of the rednecks that want to keep the flag just so they can think that they stuck it to the "libruls".

Anonymous said...

"Err wee gunna change everthang that wuz around when there was slaves??? Haw haw haw! Guess Jackson cain't be Jackson no mer!! Gotcher there, don' I, lib'rul!"

Um, no. No we aren't. We're going to take one thing --the most iconic symbol of an armed rebellion to preserve slavery-- and take it off one other thing -- the state flag. Kind of like how Germany got rid of swastikas but not Daimler Benz.

Do. You. Understand. Now?

Anonymous said...

"11:06 is pissed off and wants to show her DEFIANCE to the other 49 states who pay 3 dollars into Mississippi for every 1 dollar they get back. ... "y'all uppity fereign lib'ruls won't tell me slavery's bad" temper tantrum..."
June 24, 2015 at 12:24 PM

11:06 here. Don't put words in my mouth. You do yourself a disservice, by attempting to parody my words, in a dialect which is clearly the antithesis of both my style of communication and my worldview.

You guessed my gender correctly. You don't have a CLUE, about anything else.

I went to Tulane. I lived in a mansion on St. Charles Avenue, then. My great-great-great uncle was in the first graduating class of Tulane's School of Medicine (the building is now the School of Architecture). Another ancestor was in the first graduating class of the University of Mississippi's School of Medicine. Another was in the first class to come out of the University of Arkansas' Medical School, in the original 'Old Main' building. (to our current young, we point-out the building, and say, "Your great-great-great-great Grandfather graduated Medical School there.") Most men in the family, however, went to school in New York and/or Europe. Today, the less ambitious among my family go to Tulane, Vanderbilt, Millsaps, or SMU. The others choose schools outside the South, or in Europe.

Our secret is that we hated BOTH the Confederacy and the Union. A Louisiana ancestor (another physician) repeatedly swam the Bayou Lafourche, in order to avoid being "offered a commission as a surgeon" by BOTH armies. That epitomizes our attitude toward flag-waving and nationalism.

Our connections to both Ulysses Grant (an inlaw and distant cousin) and the Seligman Family (Grant's benefactors) prevented most of our homes from being burned during the Civil War. My ancestor's homes included Madewood and Woodlawn, in Louisiana, and Anchuca, in Mississippi (along with a host of larger houses, on both sides of the River, generally similar to Judah Benjamin's BelleChasse).

After the Civil War, the abolution of slavery affected us little. Not only did our extended family keep our mansions, but we constructed big, square, three-storey, verandah-encircled NEW ones - basically in the old manner - with ballrooms & water takns on top.

Today, among those remaining in the South, two members of my family own jets. Cousins live in Texas' Highland Park, and in Atlanta. They are members of the Druid Hills Country Club, and the Piedmont Driving Club (You don't even know that means, do you?). I grew up vacationing in Southampton, Aspen, & the Malibu Colony (chosen to prevent us from becoming provincial and "too Southern").

I inherited land in the Delta, and so live behind tall hedges, in Madison. I avoid the locals as much as is possible, & mostly associate with members of our far-flung extended family. I am anti-organized-religion, pro-Eugenics, pro-population-reduction, pro-Abortion, & am heavily invested in our family's GLOBALIST business interests.

As I said, Mississippi's current flag stands for the hang-dog-loser Southern things I despise. But if outsiders are going to tell us to replace our flag, then I am suddenly, fervently, in favor of KEEPING IT.

Oh, and as the owner of slum properties (the rents, they are a risin': did-ya hear?), I am duly & TRULY grateful to the Yankees, for subsidizing our state's number one cash crop: THE POOR AND IGNORANT. As I see it, we have managed to CUCKOLD the Yankees. They are dropping big, fat, juicy worms, into the mouths of OUR little birds. As Bette Davis said, in 'Jezebel', "We have such charmin' customs down here."

Anonymous said...

12:35 - exactly. The people mouthing off about history are the ones lying or ignorant about it.

Anonymous said...

2:25. The rednecks will never understand because they don't want to. Much more fun throwing temper tantrums and embarrassing our state nationally.

Anonymous said...

People are very worried about the Ms. flag.
They do not seem to be bothered by the cess pool that is the capital city of Ms. They are not bothered by the high crime rate. They could care less if the citizens of Ms. are the fattest and most stupid people in the U.S. The crooked politicians and the crooked law enforcement are nothing worth mentioning.
Lets all riot over the flag. Burn a few businesses and loot a few stores to show how serious we are about 25% of the Ms. state flag.

Anonymous said...

Gunn, Wicker, and Thaddeus all have released statements supporting a new flag. Where are Reeves and Bryant?

Anonymous said...

I never thought much about the confederate flag, but...I am skeptical when everyone & his/her brother piles on ANY's like who can be the most anti-confederate flag...maybe it's just the cool thing to do! Hum.

Anonymous said...

Sojourner who attended a private school and college outside of the state wants to tell us how is what is wrong with education in Mississippi . How does she know she never been in a Mississippi classroom? This is the same lady who used the "tornado ate my homework"excuse to break the law. This is the same lady who missed her job representing her district while she ran the McDaniel campaign.

So glad she is like everyone and has an ----- opinion.

Who cares what this lady says? She is an embarrassment to the state senate.

Why would this district reelect her?

Anonymous said...

Sojourner who attended a private school and college outside of the state wants to tell us how is what is wrong with education in Mississippi . How does she know she never been in a Mississippi classroom? This is the same lady who used the "tornado ate my homework"excuse to break the law. This is the same lady who missed her job representing her district while she ran the McDaniel campaign.

So glad she is like everyone and has an ----- opinion.

Who cares what this lady says? She is an embarrassment to the state senate.

Why would this district reelect her?

Anonymous said...

3:28, she has a very tough re-election bid. Her opponent is Bob Dearing who represented the district for 30 years but she beat him in '11. He's running again for a rematch.

Anonymous said...

"They do not seem to be bothered by the cess pool that is the capital city of Ms. They are not bothered by the high crime rate. They could care less if the citizens of Ms. are the fattest and most stupid people in the U.S. The crooked politicians and the crooked law enforcement are nothing worth mentioning."

(1) Says who? You?

(2) Those are difficult problems with difficult solutions. People are naturally attracted to easy problems with easy solutions.

Anonymous said...

How many people really a rat's ass what this hag thinks? She won't be around when the legislature deals with this, or refuses to deal with this.

KF, why give this wretched excuse for a human being any degree of a soapbox. She is thankfully tucked away in an insignificant corner of the state. Let her stay there in silence.

Anonymous said...

2:29 -- Cool story, bro.

12:24 here. I went to Harvard. Earned my way in, after growing up in south Jackson and going to public school. Graduated with honors. Live in a big house. Practiced at a big firm until I didn't have to anymore. Know what our backgrounds have in common? Nobody gives a shit.

Don't misunderstand: I appreciate you admitting you're a huge asshole. That takes courage. I'm just not sure how it makes your original comment less wrong.

Micah Gober said...

If they state the current flag down then slavery didn't happen

What about that Confederate Holiday that The State of Mississippi lets its workers off... I didn't see anyone complaining about that...Let take that way... dang lazy state workers.... 3...2...1...

Anonymous said...

Does Bob Dearing have a good shot at defeating her. She barely won in the last election.

Anonymous said...

I am confused KF - has this blog been temporarily leased to JFP for the duration of the purge? Speaking of a purge:
1. All Washington monuments, museums, Mount Vernon, Washington $ Lee University, dollar bill - must be torn down and destroyed. After all he was a racist slave holder. Strip him from memory much like the Bolsheviks did the Tsar when they took over. - forgot Jefferson Memorial and Monticello - absolutely must go- racist.
2. Close all Civil War battlefields. They celebrate racism, especially those where the South won the battle- close it.
3. Dig up all Confederate cemeteries and burn the remains. Bunch of racist- got to go
4. All books, photos, memorabilia of the Confederacy - burn it it.
5. All Confederate soldier statues in court house squares - pull them down like the Russians did of Lenin in the late 90s
6. If you have a Southern ancestor wear a sign around your neck and invite everyone who didn't to come spit on you. After all you deserve it and should be chastised
7. And when we have removed every vestige of history from the nation, tell me how much improved it will be as a completely bland and tasteless place...COMRADES

Anonymous said...

12:29 wow. Kind of proud of what you inherited. If your hero's have their way you will "donate" what you clearly haven't earned to the masses, because., really why should your family have so much wealth, and least of all pass it on to anyone else. As far as the swimmer in your family, sounds more like a lack of a back bone than a moral compass- really it sounds like a politician trying to play the side of who wins so I can keep my stuff more than a moral compass, but I am sure the family story with the toddy's flowing on Carrollton avenue sounded better with this version than the truth of "Bobby Ray ran away again- he really likes to swim don't he?"

2:24 I am not quite sure if bragging about a Harvard education is what it used to be, with all the dip sheet idiots who have made it in and out of Elite schools.. I won't trouble you with the names of the John Kerry's and Barry Somebody, but lets just say I would probably stack most of my Delta Technical College Alum against a large number of people who have "earned their way into " Haavard, Princeton etc (especially when you know how they grade your "success" there) in every aspect of life.

Thanks for the LOL post from both of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Just think about in terms of remodeling a house on a budget. A very slim budget.
Sure we can replace the carpet with hardwood flooring, but that's money we don't have.
However, we can always paint the walls a different color!

Same house, same fixtures, same carpet, same address, same disfumctional family - different paint on the walls.

For the car enthusiasts, it's like putting rims on old Buick OR a 'mud riding truck' ; nice, new shiny rims- at a discount price.

Now for the ones who like to venture on the slippery ski slope of all or nothing, if you don't understand those very basic analogies, then I don't know what to tell you.

Anonymous said...

6:52, I said nobody gives a shit that I went to Harvard.. That was the point. Genuinely sorry about your short man syndrome. Sucks to live that way. Great job graduating from junior college though.

Anonymous said...

Correct me and history if I'm wrong but the South lost just as Nazi Germany did. I don't think the world would think it was ok for Germans to keep a small swaztika (?) on their flag by saying it honors their heritage. Common people, it's time to move into the 21st century. We should honor our heritage by flying the AMERICAN FLAG not one of a failed state that supported slavery. Ignorant people are, well, ignorant and will never change. Eventually that group will die out.

Anonymous said...

CCP 7:27 PM?

Anonymous said...

How many Native Americans @8:45 PM were killed under that "AMERICAN FLAG"?

Anonymous said...

6:52 If you are sooo educated (see your post about where you went and all), at least get your weak ass insults correct, I graduated (with honors mind you!) from Technical College, Delta that is.... And as you can see by my post I was pointing out both yours and the swimmers family member need to brag about something which (help me out everyone...) usually means that said bragger...I.e. Large Firm Lawyer and said rich plantation family heirloom drunk from NO = small appendages regardless of your height... In other words you have a very short Richard and need to point out your own perceived qualities (see your reference to Haavard and Large Firm ) to over compensate for your wife's excessive tennis lessons with Juan. So, C ya Richard...

Anonymous said...

9:28. Weak. Change the outdated ridiculous flag. Period. End of subject. Redneck. I am embarrassed for you.

Anonymous said...

9:37 I could care less what flag is flying, it could be your flag of choice. I was simply pointing out the LOL post of the 2 short Richards, especially the short Richard from Haaavard. But hey, no need for you to be embarrassed, unless you realize the truth that most who brag about certain things usually do...I.e. That you are a short Richard.
PS what is a redneck? By most of your friends standards (those of the Haaavard lean) probably define you this way regardless of your apologies and attendance at all the right parties. Rest assured that when you leave you are and always will be that person from MS/South etc and a redneck in their eyes. And a short Richard to your spouse and Juan.

Anonymous said...

9:28 and 10:11. Sorry to jump in, but you're rather simple. Please don't engage with adults. It really is sad to read. Also, work more and watch porn less. You'll be surprised how the real world works.

McChris said...

We still need to know if Mark Mayfield is the one who called Melanie to alert the McDaniel Campaign that Kelly had been arrested.

Anonymous said...

So, does this mean that the next time the Koch Brothers or ALEC send their minions down to Jackson to tell the legislature and the executive branches of our government how our state should be run and what laws to pass to screw the citizens of the Magnolia State, that they will receive the same response?

Anonymous said...

Y'all keep making a bogus " slippery slope" argument.

Germans could defend the Swastika making the same arguments. "Our folks were fighting for Germany and didn't know about the extermination of the Jews. The Nazi's hijacked our historic symbols! Not all of us hated Jews, many of us tried to help them and good Germans were killed by Nazis too. And besides, that was a long time ago!".

Well Hitler sullied Germany's history and symbols and the KKK sullied ours.

When ISIS is defeated, I don't want to ever see their flag again as it has come to symbolize murder and brutality just as the Klan used the Stars and Bars to symbolize their murders and brutality.

And, I don't mind renaming things that were named after racist leaders of our more recent past. Lee, Davis, Jackson ( both Stonewall and Andrew) lived in another time...a time when slavery and indentured servants were common in many cultures . Those like Ross Barnett and George Wallace led us badly and fostered hate and they damn well should've known better. I don't want a toilet named after them and would object if I went to Saudi Arabia and saw " bin Laden Boulevard".

I suggest replacing the " Stars and Bars" ( which by the way was the St. Andrews cross) with the Cambridge cross that Mississippi had at the time of the American Revolution in the corner of our flag. Or just return to our earlier Cambridge Flag or our Magnolia flag.

The stars and bars didn't show up in Mississippi until 1861.

And, by the way, the number one reason we lost the Civil War is because the States that succeeded couldn't even co-operate, compromise and agree on a damn flag! Generals from different states squabbled and didn't follow orders... even from those from Lee! There was no effective co-ordination of needed resources because there was no functioning central government! And those you who think every State should be totally sovereign and holler " States rights" , the Civil War ought to be proof of the fatal flaw! And, the same applies with all you who refuse to negotiate and compromise on anything NOW. You are leading us down a path that is guaranteed to bring us to ruin!

Too damn many of you were taught propaganda not history when the Sovereignty Commission and the Klan took this state over and down the wrong path! Those groups were terrorists and that's just the damn truth.

Of course, ISIS is recruiting in Mississippi just as I warned months ago it would. We could not be more politically more perfect for them if we tried! And, this flag divisiveness will help them immensely! They need terrorists from a State where putting together an armory will be easy and the feds can't stop it thanks to our idiots in our legislature! The terrorism of our past makes us a breeding ground for terrorism in our future.

Anonymous said...

They don't send their minions down here. They just contact Haley. He owns Mississippi.

Joseph said...

Um...while I'm pretty much ambivalent about the flag at this point, I would like to clear up a little point. Somebody mentioned Lee Hall at Mississippi State. Pretty sure that building is named after Stephen D. Lee, first president of Mississippi A&M, not Robert E. Lee. Just wanted to clarify that...although I guess the point could still stand that, if you're against memorials to former Confederates, you'd be against anything with S.D. Lee's name on it, as he, too, was a Confederate general.

In all seriousness, what are the replacement options for the flag? Do we have any viable candidates?

Anonymous said...

8:31 am The Magnolia Flag or replacing the stars and bars with the Cambridge cross. The Cambridge Flag was one of the early ones of Mississippi but I suspect would be a bit too British to gain support.

I favor the second choice of removing only the stars and bars and replacing it with the Cambridge cross used at the time of The American Revolution.

Anonymous said...

7:35 & all your additional posts


Joseph said...

8:53, yeah, regarding the Magnolia Flag, I've been having this discussion with a buddy of mine. He's a proponent of the Magnolia Flag due to its history in the state. I think that's a fair argument, but in substituting the Magnolia Flag for the current state flag, wouldn't we just be replacing one secessionist/Confederate banner with another? The Magnolia Flag, after all, was the state flag adopted when Mississippi seceded from the Union, and images I've seen seem to pay homage to both the Bonnie Blue Flag and the Blood Stained Banner, both used at some point or another by the CSA. As such, I can't see someone who objects to the current flag on the grounds of it paying homage to the Confederacy being happy with the Magnolia least not while retaining intellectual consistency.

Anonymous said...

"2:29 -- Cool story, bro."

Uh, pretty sure that long-winded poster has been outed as, um, "not a bro". No richard at all, in fact.

Anyway, when the revolution comes there will be plenty of rope and lampposts, even behind the hedges of Madison. In the tiresome screed I noticed there was not one mention of any single accomplishment the poster had personally contributed to society.

Anonymous said...

@10:30 Quite possibly the most self-indulgent tripe I've ever heard - enough to question the validity or at least sanity. I guess even elitists cans be inbred...

Anonymous said...

Where is Will Longwitz statement of position or is he going to ride OH into his next term?

Anonymous said...

We need to change the name of the city. Jackson is named for Andrew Jackson. And then we need to go to Stone Mountain, GA and sandblast the Confederate images from the mountainside

I Agree 9:33 said...

9:33 Thank you. I agree. You are exactly right in both of these suggestions, particularly regarding sandblasting the traitors' images off of the mountain. Let's get that started immediately.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 1:40 - what is your point? Are you suggesting that EVERY farm that existed prior to civil war was built with slave labor and/or worked with slave labor? FYI - There are Federally sponsored website that identify the plantations that EVER owned slaves. This one is not on the list.

Anonymous said...

@3:34. Senator Melanie isn't going to have the opportunity to be defeated by former Senator Dearing. She is facing two Republican opponents on August 4th, and will lose to Lane Reed of Franklin County - who will then go on to defeat the 'too old and too liberal' Bob Dearing. Bob is a nice guy, but his time has come and gone. The difference between the two is that Melanie's should have never come.

Anonymous said...

Changing the flag would have as much positive impact on Mississippi and the South as electing Obama did. If the members of the race industry would be genuinely willing to compromise, I would support changing the flag. If they agreed to stop blaming white people for all their own personal failings and just stepped up and ran their own lives, it would be worth it to lose a historical symbol that is part of AMERICAN history (like it or not). Some people actually voted for Obama because they thought his presidency would shut disgruntled Black people up. A flag change will have no effect - because there is no real, concrete harm that the presence of the flag does. The complaint about the flag is a distraction. What we should be focused on is the number of black people - especially the young - killing each other in Jackson every day. But let's focus on a flag, instead.

The existence of a piece of fabric is not holding anyone back from doing anything. It doesn't stop businesses from coming here. Businesses would love it here because we don't have unions and due process for employees. On the minus side, workers don't have a work ethic and don't read and write very well.

Anonymous said...

BILL DEES is the FOOL ! You don't like it MOVE . Anyone who listen to Ben Stien , a lot more smart than Dees , will tell you your being lied to about the Flag. It wasn't for or against Slavery .
Pull the 300 Million of Tax Payers money if they don't like the Flag. NO one asked them to go to Ole MS. If you didn't like the Flag, History or Name , then WHY did you pic Ole Ms. We didn't ask you to come .
If your so real on feelings ,then Remove the name REBEL from your name. Your a Disgrace to the school history an state. It the school President doesn't like it then LEAVE .Wht has Obama an Democrats done for MS in last 20 years ? NOTHING ! They have cut more money to MS than asny state in the Union !

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS