The Washington ____ reported an NAACP chapter president is um, can we say it here?, white:
A controversy is raging over whether a prominent Washington state civil rights activist and Howard University graduate who claimed she was African American is actually white.
Rachel Dolezal, 37, is the president of the Spokane NAACP and has claimed to be the victim of a number of hate crimes. As questions were raised about the veracity of some of her reports this week, a white couple from Montana came forward to claim Dolezal is their daughter.
Earlier this week, KXLY4 asked Dolezal about a photo posted to the NAACP chapter’s Facebook page of a black man identified as Dolezal’s father.
“I was wondering if your dad really is an African American man,” Jeff Humphrey of KXLY4 asked Dolezal.
“That’s a very … I mean, I don’t know what you’re implying,” Dolezal said.
“Are you African American?” Humphrey said.
“I don’t understand the question,” Dolezal said. She walked off-camera as Humphrey asked: “Are your parents, are they white?”
Dolezal did not return requests for comment.
In a telephone interview with The Washington ____ and others, Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal of Troy, Mont., said Rachel Dolezal is their daughter, and that they are Caucasian.
“There seems to be some question of how Rachel is representing her identity and ethnicity,” Lawrence Dolezal said. “We are definitely her birth parents. We are both of Caucasian and European descent — Czech, German and a few other things.”
The Dolezals provided The Post with family photos of Rachel as well as what they said was her birth certificate....
Lawrence Dolezal said his daughter was involved in Voice of Calvary, a “racial reconciliation community development project where blacks and whites lived together,” while at Belhaven University in Jackson, Miss.....Rest of article. Complete with copies of birth certificate and photos.
Kingfish note: Just one question about this photo of her younger self:
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Credit: Washington _____ |
Where is the grayscale?
Why in the world would anyone ever want to pretend to be black? I understand a Halloween costume. But living you're entire life pretending to be black? The woman's crazy.
If she wants to call herself African-American, then ____dammit, this is a free country, you should respect her wishes, and call her African-American.
It’s dumb luck that this woman isn’t Donna Ladd.
Donna Ladd wishes she were this courageous.
Their are benefits in many areas, such as preferred treatment and consideration for jobs,schooling,grants,loans,housing,etc. Evidently it worked for her in securing her present position. It is a shame she is a graduate of Belhaven and cannot understand a simple question.
“We’re all from the African continent.” - Best quote of the whole article
As someone commented on the Washington ____ article, it will be interesting to see how the Bruce Jenner defenders respond to this. I mean, it's kinda the same principle.
I see KF has been watching Coming to America again...
So if a person commits a hate crime against someone he thinks is black, but it turns out that person is white, was no hate crime committed?
It only gets better.
5:10 wins the Internet today!
Those photos are unbelievable. Seriously delusional.
1.) She is also a African American professor.
2.) Does she have to pay back all the minority benefits she received fraudulently?
3.) She grew up in a family that adopted 4 black children. Was she just trying to fit in?
4.) Why does the NAACP use Colored People in it's title? Black people hate to called colored people.
In this day and age you are able to identify your sex, so why not your race?
I will be soon applying as a minority for any jobs in the future.
Elizabeth Warren misrepresented herself in a similar way as a native American, with photos, and was elected to the US Senate.
What do you mean they hate to be called colored people? That's all I refer to them as. A couple have become hostile afterwards but when you remind them what NAACP stands for they calm down. If they don't like being called that they should rename the national organization that represents them. Until then, they are colored people.
The world is getting bizarre and bizarre. That's all I can say.
If Caitlyn Jenner can have a male organ and say that he/she is a woman, then why the hell can a white woman effectively identify as a black person.
Elizabeth Warren just won the liberatti award this year, too. :-). And then the third way democrats called her 'anti business' for telling the truth about some things going on up in Washington. They also threatened to pull her campaign funds. She didn't give a shit. If that isn't 'going hard' then I don't know what is. She even stood up to your favorite pal Obama to derail the TPP deal citing humanitarian reasons and OMG the Cato institute. We'll see how this all turns out.
I don't too much like the idea of corporate run tribunals that can sue the government, run up the national debt, Yada yada.
Are Ya Taxed Enough Already?
Think of little Kemper plants all over the world. That's what the TPP is and we all know it.
Back when we were students at Belhaven, she was known as Rachel Reconciliation ( credit to Lil' Nate). Now I suppose she can be Trans-Rachel.
Thad Cochran misrepresented himself as a socially conservative Mississippi Bible-Belt Republican, with photos, and was re-elected to the US Senate.
If Bruce Jenner does try to become trans racial after his first "trans" is complete, he would probably look like Dionne Warrick.
Actually, many of the older protohominids and proto-primates evolved in Eurasia. And the more intelligent human populations derive from populations with heavy genetic contributions from the Neanderthals and Denisovans, who also evolved in Europe and Asia.
So, this "Out of Africa" thing is getting fuzzier by the year.
But if people who are clearly seven eights European can call themselves 'Black' (and thus qualify for all the preferences which go with that designation), then why SHOULDN'T Rachel Dolezal call herself an African American? There's still enough truth to the "Out of Africa" theory, to provide justification for her self-identification as 'African'.
I kinda think the only issue here is lying, but in defense of the identity movement, in her mind she was black a all along and therefor she wasn't lying at all.
Oh how I love Jackson Jambalaya
What's the big deal? Michael Jackson was born a black boy but grew up to be a white woman.
Does it really matter? If she wants to be black, more power to her! We have far too many real problems in the USA to really worry about what people want to do with their own bodies.
Oh good grief!
For all we know she has some African American DNA. Maybe she had a grandparent she knew " passed" who is still alive and didn't want to tell the reporter that ambushed her.
Some of you might end up rather surprised if you took a DNA test to determine your ethnic ancestry!
If she has received money based only on being African American then she should have to return it and face the consequences attached. That's why we have a legal system.
And, as for Jenner, for all I know, his mother was carrying twins and absorbed the female one and he was born with non or low functioning ovaries that weren't found. At his age, even hermaphrodite babies parents had to " choose" a sex for their baby.
If this woman wasn't an NAACP officer and if Jenner hadn't been a celebrated athlete, we wouldn't know their private lives. They could have a private life.
I prefer to assume the best unless proven otherwise. Neither of these people have personally harmed me in any way. It's none of my business. If they have hurt others that's between them and those they've hurt. Those people get to work it out or object.
But, then, I'm not a busybody or gossip. I don't get off on or feel superior by comparing myself to others. I'm also not a vigilante and believe self-righteousness is more often a sin and excuse to be mean than an attribute!
I don't get off on or feel superior by comparing myself to others. I'm also not a vigilante and believe self-righteousness is more often a sin and excuse to be mean than an attribute!
No, you just come here, compare yourself as superior to other anonymous others and drop loads of self-righeousness nearly every single day. No, you don't get off at all. Nope, not you.
Is the entire world so unhappy with who they are and what they are, they all want to be someone or something different? Get a life people - there are more important things our there, you just have to look around you.
Clearly she has had African American DNA in her if she was married to an African American while in Mississippi.
Looks like Spokane police don't believe her hate crimes reports either. Real shame she graduated Belhaven and left Jackson before DonnerKay kicked off the JFP.
Being smart Kass doesn't make her any less psycho.
Does this mean that a white girl can enter the Miss Black America contest?
It is looking more and more like fraud Kass.
As Dolezal continues to distance herself from her family, her brother, Ezra Dolezal, has also come forward to give some backstory on his sister behavior.
According to Ezra, Rachel was preparing to start an entirely new life in Washington and asked him and her other adopted brother to say that they were “blood brothers.”
“She just told me, ‘Over here, I’m going to be considered black, and I have a black father. Don’t blow my cover,’” Ezra Dolezal, 22, told BuzzFeed News in an interview.
“She wanted to make a new life for herself but she took it to the ultimate extreme,” Ezra said. “Not only did she move out to Spokane, but she created a whole new identity for herself.”
He said that she gradually began to change her appearance but that her decision to identify as black was sudden and stemmed from her experience at a mostly-black college.
He [Ezra] further denied his sister’s claims that they were abused by their parents. “She was treated really well as a child,” he said, adding, “I think I would know if I was abused growing up, and I definitely wasn’t.”
William Winter now claims he is black.
The lies are piling up. Rachel Dolezal is a serial liar.
The Alt Weekly in those parts ran a number of Dolezal's columns including this one which is packed full of her discredited claims.
Interesting that she claims abuse by her white parents, when in actuality it was her black spouse who abused her. Way to subvert reality in favor of the preferred narrative. Lying bitch, I say. And for all you kumbaya 'let her be black if she wants to be' mf'rs, she not only impugned her parents but has made a habit of manufacturing 'hate crimes' against her. She may as well be on Obama's payroll, working to sow racial discord. Rachel Discord?
More from Rachel Serial Psycho
People who have not felt the lash of centuries of oppression beating down on their backs tell us to keep calm and carry on.
Oh 11:21am I knew I would push all your tiny buttons.
Why ever did you assume I was referring to you and feel the need to go on the defensive?
You wouldn't be someone who is a busybody, vigilante, or self righteous and you never gossip and you do certainly know the DNA and medical histories of those you've never met, would you?
It's called " baiting" and I reeled you in!
In an interview with Anderson Cooper, activist and writer Marc Lamont Hill said he knew Rachel Dolezal, and heard her state that only black people should lead the movement that arose in the wake of repeated incidents of police brutality against black individuals starting late last year.
Hill then said what Dolezal is doing is the 'ultimate exercise in white privilege.'
'Look, I don't know her well, but I have been in settings with her, I've organized with her, I've been on the West Coast and talked with her,' said Hill appearing on AC 360.
'And one of the things she's been adamant about - and other activists will attest to this - with regards to the Black Lives Matter movement, she was one of the people that said the Black Lives Matter movement needs to be led and directed by black people.'
Hill then added that Dolezal also said of the protests that 'outsiders should not be there.'
This behavior more than anything seemed to anger Hill, who, in addition to being an organizer and social justice activist is also a professor of African American Studies at Moorehouse College in Atlanta.
'It's the height of arrogance to say that at the very, the mendacity, that at the very same time you're white and in the middle of it,' said Hill.
Kingfish has fallen for the Bruce Jenner school of self-definition. If you wanta be a woman, you is a woman. If you wanta be a German Shepherd, just name it. If you want to be an African American (a title that gets under Kingfish's radar) just make the claim.
This shit will all come in handy when three presidents down the road we see people lining up for reparations.
There's only one actress who can portray Rachel Dolezal in the movie of this story.
Meryl Streep.
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