Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MDMH reports: Oxford House recruiting from jails.

A State Senator charged that Oxford House is recruiting "clients" directly from jails and importing them into Mississippi neighborhoods.  State Senator Will Longwitz sent a letter outlining his concerns about Oxford House and its relationship with the Mississippi Department of Mental Health  on May 4.  Some of the issues mentioned by the Senator are:

*Oxford House representatives said "We are working hard to get into the local jails." 
*MDMH provides federal funds to Oxford House but does little to monitor how said funds are used.
*Oxford House does not meet standard guidelines for sober living homes. No drug testing is conducted. There is no supervision. 
*Oxford House does not perform criminal background checks on its employees or representatives.
*The house at 2230 Northside Drive does not meet  DHHS guidelines.  It is too small to house 7 adults as it only has three small bedrooms  It is nearly two miles from the nearest public transportation site.  The driveway and garage can not accommodate seven vehicles.
*MDMH "outsourced" monitoring of the grant to Oxford House.

The letter is supported by several exhibits posted below.


Anonymous said...

Oxford House is not going away, it is here to stay. People living near these houses need to come to the conclusion that they live in a chithole. It is their own fault, Jackson did not become "seedy" overnight.

Not In My Hood said...

Looks to me as if the senator is doing his job. But, the Anti-Longwitz knuckle-draggers will come up with something.

Anonymous said...

Oxford House has been driven out of other states like Arkansas. We can get this done here.
Thank you to Senator Longwitz and the others working on this. Keep pushing!

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a scam. They are filling beds with anyone they can find and then providing no oversight or therapy for the residents who are purportedly recovering from an addiction. It's a disservice to the residents in recovery. I agree with Longwitz. This money would be better spent on legitimate operations like McCoy house. Instead,the MDMH is utlizining government funds to line the pockets of the Stephens (who are obviously only in it for the profit) and some company in Maryland. Even worse, there was a resident on the news last night saying there is oversight and drug/alcohol testing. I guess he wasn't told that oxford house doesn't provide those services.

Robert P. Wise said...

As a nearby neighbor of the NorthSide Oxford House, I want to thank Senator Will Longwitz for coming to our assistance. Without Will's active concern and involvement, we would not have any of the significant detail we now have on the Oxford House and how the MDMH has approached its administration of the Federal grants that ultimately resulted in the placement, without notice, of a group home so close to us in a beautiful R1 area of Jackson. Nor would we know without Will, as we now know, what some of the risks we are that we now face. We all support the goal of sober living and recovery; we are not about discrimination. The issues, as Will articulates in his thoughtful letter, are issues of notice, monitoring, crowding, and means of recruitment for the homes as well as associated risks.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 AM - Close the window before you let the air out of your bubble. Just remember their are no legal or economic barriers to prevent OH from entering your sanctimonious community either...

Anonymous said...

This is the biggest scam. If all in power are not trying to stop this, I want to know why.

Anonymous said...

Am I reading this correctly? The way MDMH "monitors" the various OHs is by outsourcing "monitoring" out to the OH mothership in Maryland? That sound about as effective as Shuler Smith's kid gloving of habitual offenders in Hinds County.

Anonymous said...

KF, Senator Longwitz produced even more damning evidence today.

Anonymous said...

Uhh @12:00, there may be no legal barriers, but there is an economic barrier that protects many of us: high property values. This OH plague may show up in my city, but it won't show up in my neighborhood because substance-abuse slumlords like the Stephens can't make a profit on their scheme, I mean "ministry," where (or near where) many of us live. It's simple math. Sadly, Jackson's nicer homes are generally surrounded by low-rent blighted neighborhoods that are ripe for exploitation by the Stephens and their ilk.

Anonymous said...

I'm just say'in.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 most of us would rather live in what you describe as a "chithole" than some ticky tacky bullshit in Madison.

I think all of us proud chithole residents should combine our resources to start opening Oxford Houses in Madison. Try to stop us. You can't.

Anonymous said...

The phone number in the fraudulent application, 601-942-0006, is NEAL STEPHENS personal phone.

Anonymous said...

The mailing address in the fraudulent application, P.O. Box 13957, Jackson, MS 39236 is the same address used by DORE.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:58 and 1:05! This is not a Madison vs. Northeast Jackson thing. I live in Madison and have friends and relatives in Northeast Jackson. Everyone chooses to where they live for a reason. Look around, there are beautiful homes in both cities. Stop being ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

1:05 Yes, Jesus would reject Oxford House, if he knew what a scam it is.

Anonymous said...

1:05 - yes we can!! Madison has an ordinance requiring all rental houses to have a permit among other things. Mary isn't about to allow OH into her town.

Robert P. Wise said...

One more comment on this situation if I may:
I do not expect my Jackson neighborhood to be antiseptic; if my religion teaches me anything, it is that a search for an antiseptic life is a fool's errand (and would be as well in Madison where I lived for a year). When, though, I think of the lovely children who live within eyeshot of the Northside OH, I feel that there are risks here that are unacceptable.

It is precisely because neither Oxford House Inc. nor MDMH even acknowledge, much less actively manage, the risks to the most vulnerable among us that I am convinced MDMH and the State of Mississippi must part ways with Oxford House Inc.

Kingfish said...

Read the letter in the CL.

My passport is current. Might have to go to Okinawa and get some Japanese steel.

Anonymous said...

Oxford House will set up shop in Madison County. Plenty of ex-con's up in Canton that need this ministry.

Anonymous said...


I'm not going to call you childish, but your bottom lip is poking out--

Anonymous said...

There is no ordinance or zoning law that could stop OH entering Madison, 1:49.
The only thing that can stop OH is to stop their flow of income from the federal grant, and that is this no-bid relationship between them and MDMH.

Anonymous said...

I live on the Coast and have heard of no problems with any Oxford Houses down here, and that letter above states there are houses down here. Why don't you whiners in central MS handle your business and stop your cry-baby crap, grow-up. The rest of the state laughs at your ignorance. Got a problem, handle it and stop acting like a bunch of idiots.

Anonymous said...

@1:21 PM, Mailing address is the same used by NeuEdge, LLC which is the umbrella Father and Son Stephens employ to front their DORE quack science scam.

DORE has no basis in scientific fact and is the exact same hustle Neal has used to hoodwink many school districts in Mississippi to fork over tens of thousands annually in public school tax dollars for DORE "site licenses".

Kingfish it would be public record to reveal how much in public education dollars the following school districts are misusing to pay for their annual DORE site licenses:

Brookhaven Public School District
Forest Municipal School District
Houston Public School District
Jefferson County School District
Meridian Public School District
Montgomery County School District
Neshoba County School District
Newton County School District
Starkville Public School District
Vicksburg Warren School District
Winona Public School District

Anonymous said...

May 6, 2015 at 3:33 PM = Loyal Coastal MS Reader of Central Mississippi based, but Statewide Jackson Jambalaya!

Anonymous said...

Somewhere Al Gore is shaking his head and thinking "those scammers in Mississippi really know how to do a hustle. And I thought carbon credits were the bomb."

Anonymous said...

"@10:58 most of us would rather live in what you describe as a "chithole" than some ticky tacky bullshit in Madison."

"I think all of us proud chithole residents should combine our resources to start opening Oxford Houses in Madison. Try to stop us. You can't."

What in my post makes you think I live in Madison?

Anonymous said...

3:33-it looks like many people, including Senator Longwitz, are well into the process of handling the problem. I am guessing you don't live near one of these houses since you didn't even know they existed on the Coast. Do your homework, this is not the proper way to implement sober living homes. These house are nothing but cash cows for oxford house and folks like the Stephens.

Anonymous said...


Mississippi's Union Public School District Embraces the Innovative Dore Program

Anonymous said...

"Oxford House is not going away, it is here to stay. People living near these houses need to come to the conclusion that they live in a chithole. It is their own fault, Jackson did not become "seedy" overnight."
May 6, 2015 at 10:58 AM

I don't think you understand (assuming you are a real person, and not a Stephens/Fiser/Oxford House SHILL).

The people in that neighborhood are among the ones who worked hard, to make Jackson a great place to live. Just doing a Google image search of those streets will SHOW you that these people have continually invested in their homes, as well as investing countless hours of their own sweat and effort, in upgrading and maintaining the plantings around their homes.

These are people who volunteer to build Habitat houses, who volunteer at Church and Temple, to help others in Jackson. These are the women who mentor at-risk teenage girls. These are the people who volunteer to teach in adult literacy programs.

When the current crop of residents began moving into that area, those were uninspired little Sixties spec houses - as close to minimum standards as the builders could go. You cannot imagine the pride that people had, in making those drab little houses special. They carefully chose nice paint colors. They combed magazines like Southern Living, for ideas, to make those tired little boxes into beautiful homes. And they succeeded.

These are not wealthy people, like those a few blocks over, in Eastover. But they are educated, cultivated people, who have worked hard to be who they are, and who have worked hard to create a really wonderful enclave. On the Human Development Index, these people score just as highly as do those in nice neighborhoods on Long Island and in Connecticut. They're smart. They're nice. And in school, they studied, while others partied. As adults, they've led prudent, productive, HONEST lives.

Maybe the price tags on the houses are not astronomical. But it is a lovely neighborhood, filled with lovely people. The rich cheaters and crooks, and the trophy wives who conveniently "realized they were in love with" surgeons, live elsewhere.

But now, thanks to a little group of people whose narcissism and avarice have stripped them of any true motive but GREED, the residents of that neighborhood are threatened with having everything they've worked do build STOLEN.

Locating an Oxford House in that location is a form of THEFT. It steals the value of the surrounding homes, as well as the peace and security once enjoyed by the residents. It steals from the very people who have worked hardest, to make things better.

Anonymous said...

What have any of theses residents done pray tell that has you shaking in your boots so bad. OH has been in Jackson over a year and a half and there has not been one single complaint. This is all about money. The rich folks not wanting to be around a real human being. Senator Longwitz is just getting his campaign funded by all you nasty people. The people living in OH houses are good people who work hard and pay their own expenses. Why don't you actually give their side of this story and let everyone know how OH has changed their lives. At least half of the points in Sen. Longwitz letters are completely false. At what point is a recovering addict ok to be treated like a human being again. Oh wait, never if it means being near someone in NEJackson. And here is Mississippi investing in something that actually has an 86% success rate and the rich want to shut it down. Senator states that Mississippi can do better. How Mr Longwitz. What shall the people in OH do? Stay in an even more expensive state run rehab facility the rest of their lives?

Anonymous said...

Where is the cash cow part? The people who rent these houses get market price. 1,200 per month you people just spout all these lies with no actual idea what is happening. The government gives each house 4,000 to start up. Where is the cash cow in that? That money is even paid back by each house. Your just angry because you think you're to good to be near someone in recovery. People in recovery just want to live. The people in these houses are not savages who want whats yours. They want Pease to earn what's theirs.

Anonymous said...

3:13 - go to, click on Buildings and Permits. The FAQ's clearly state that each rental unit must have a permit, among other things.

Anonymous said...

OH has been in Jackson over a year and a half and there has not been one single complaint.

How do you know?

At least half of the points in Sen. Longwitz letters are completely false.

Which points? Prove it.

Anonymous said...

1,200 per month you people just spout all these lies with no actual idea what is happening.

For 2230 E. Northside it is $1625 monthly. You have "no actual idea what is happening".

Anonymous said...

Maybe Anna can officially supervise the housemates now that she will have plenty of time on her hands since she was let go from JA. Also, wonder if the rent rate might go up to make up for her lost JA salary.
Inquiring minds want to know…

Anonymous said...

I have lived in an OH for a year. That's how I know. I don't live in NEJackson so the rent is less here. Facts:We are required to go to meetings. We are subject to random drug and alcohol tests. Jackson OH has never actually been in a jail to help someone. Sex offenders are not allowed in OH. NO drugs or alcohol use is done or permitted in an OH. Residents are required to obtain a job within two weeks. Residents pay their own expenses other than house hold expenses. House hold expenses cover rent to landlord, utilities, phone, cable, internet, laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, coffee, and other normal expenses. We have curfews. We have household responsibilities. You will never come into our home and find it anything but perfectly clean. Our yards are kept up. These are all facts. There are xray tech's, nurses, veterans these houses just trying to get their lives back.

Anonymous said...

6:50, You offer no proof of anything you say, and in fact the majority of what you say is directly AGAINST what Oxford House writes in their own reports.
Sex Offenders ARE allowed in OH.
Curfews are NOT enforced. I know this from the people who live around the house on Northside Drive.
There are NO random drug and alcohol tests. Oxford House says this.
There is NO enforcement of anything!
There is NO requirement to attend AA or NA meetings.
OH recruiters are in jails every week. Look at the written reports.
You have 7 grown men in a 3 bedroom house. Where is the 7th one sleeping, the kitchen?
If you want to talk about the things Oxford House is doing that ARE the truth, please do so. But don't lie like this.

Calling BS said...

6:50; Please explain in detail how you manage to 'obtain jobs within two weeks'. And if you do not, then what? Two more weeks? Another month?

Anonymous said...

6:50 --- Thank you Lori Hotzclaw -- OH Regional Director. We recognize the OH mantra. More importantly -- we could refute all the facts you outline above -- just by review of the OH website. Meetings (sitting in the living room talking and watching the television is not a meeting). Random Drug and Alcohol Test (Not in your reports you have submitted -- show us one test), Sex Offenders -- they are in OH houses --- it's on the OH website. You may not have been into jails yet, but the badging process is beginning - just read your own reports submitted to MDMH. If you don't have a job, I guess there are "loans" you can receive--- appears that $4k seed money is also divided between the tenants so you don't have to have a job to live in one initially. Curfews -- yea whatever -- who's checking???? It's unsupervised, with no one in charge. Might want to talk to your Forest Park boys, since numerous complaints have been made about cleaning up that property, not parking cars in the front yard, etc. Lori -------- you have met your match. Send that message to Mr. Molloy. His arrogance is coming home to roost -- you chose the wrong state to do battle. You got whipped in Arkansas and you're going to have the same battle in Mississippi. We're not making this about zoning violations, which you love to use against neighborhoods......we're going to the root of your corruption -- Washington, DC, the National Institute of Health Funding you are receiving, and the money making scam you have created and perpetuated since 1975. You chose poorly when you chose NE Jackson.

Anonymous said...

6:50 - Hey OH - Sounds like you are paddling hard trying to keep the OH head above water. You are drowning in your own reports that have been released by MDMH. Lori Holtzclaw Regional Director made no secret about her activities during the last year ..."Re-entry
along the coast is starting to trickle, we are working hard to get
into the local jails."

keep the money flowing into OH - recruit ANYWHERE we can find an addict to keep our scam going.

Anonymous said...

6:50pm, your comments amount to nothing more than a pipe dream, no pun intended. Take a picture of your oxford house, it will last longer.

Anonymous said...

MDMH is the most dysfunctional agency in our state. Nothing but a bunch of self-important asshats running that sh*#show.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting 5:21PM+6:50 PM to see you refute "at least half" of Senator Longwitz's specific points.

Anonymous said...

I truly see why this site says jackassery in its title.

Anonymous said...

I suppose living it isn't proof enough for you all. We do have traditions and we do have rules. Come by and ask for a copy. We are not children that need constant supervision. Most have been in treatment and just need a chance. And I said in Jackson no one has been in the jails. There are other houses around the state you know. But I am supposed to assume people from jail don't deserve a chance at life. Even if you are successful at stopping state money from assisting us it won't close the houses.

Anonymous said...

You are correct in that we don't have constant supervision. We are a self governing home. Taking responsibility for our actions. Oh wow we are living life.

Anonymous said...

I truly see why this site says jackassery in its title.


Anonymous said...

There are 17 registered sex offenders living within 2 miles of the Oxford House on Northside Drive. Who knows how many drunks and drug addicts live close by, not to mention those in their own private recovery? Like the good Senator says in his indignant letter, there are 15 Oxford Houses in Mississippi, and they didn't spring up overnight. Doesn't anyone find it curious that no one in the legislature gave a hoot about this until it was an election year? And don't say it was because they kept it such a secret. If they're as problematic as Longwitz says they couldn't have operated without someone finding out, so that alone is proof that there haven't been any problems. You poor saps don't understand that this is being used to dupe you into voting for someone who couldn't care less about your property values or the safety of your neighborhood. Sad...

Self Governing's Arse said...

"Self Governing" works just fine for three hour periods of time during "breakout sessions" or other occasions when "work groups" split off and one group goes out to the oak tree and another gathers under the portico.

However, after that, reality kicks back in and the exercise is OVER and the rules should require that all assemble back in the main room for a headcount, snacks and note taking.

Anonymous said...

So, apparently this outfit is connected with another shake oil salesman, Joe Stephens of Magee. He owns the DORE program in Mississippi. If Joe is associated with OH, it's nothing more than another way to suck off the public tit like he has done all his "professional" career.

Anonymous said...

8:45, there are plenty of us - yes, even in the neighborhood - who are pulling for you. Recovery is tough, and it has to be tougher knowing you have so many heartless people who live nearby, but many of your neighbors hope you and your roommates will make it.

Anonymous said...

8:45 -- There are a lot of other REPUTABLE options around the state and in Jackson. You all remind me of a cult -- and this Mollloy character, founder and head of OH, is the cult leader. Arrogant, self absorbed, and this is his legacy. Sad but I hate to tell you --- once he stops receiving Federal funds -- he'll be on his boat to the Bahamas. You devotees will be left holding the bag. I have to commend him however, he has figured out a way to milk the federal funding for decades. I'm sure he's worth a bundle. You might want to get some sleep so you can continue to copy those same monthly reports you keep sending into MDMH. I'm glad to know our grant money is supporting your one person battle tonight -- I guess this is "outreach".

Anonymous said...

Longwitz is awful, but that doesn't mean he's wrong about this.

Anonymous said...

9:43 -- it appears you are responding to yourself at 8:45. Great sleight of hand, however, we're on to you. If you live in the neighborhood -- provide us with your address. We always find it humorous when you OH people bring in all the buzz words.......heartless, racist, bigot, intolerant, un-Christian......guess what -- NO EFFECT. Sorry -- it isn't working. Might want to figure out another line of attack. We're from Mississippi -- we've heard it all for a LONG time, and it just doesn't matter any more. Your words have NO meaning. Sad because they should have meaning, but the abuse and over use in the past decades has just made them ineffective.

Anonymous said...

This just in from the Northside Sun....we have just discovered that Oxford House receives state funding!! Please read us. We're relevant...We're relevant!!!!

Anonymous said...

Watch him pull a CJ if the wind starts blowing the other way...

Anonymous said...

Longwitz is awful AND wrong about this. He only cares about the campaign contributions of the few attorneys who live in this neighborhood and are against this home. Now the 5 hateful attorneys and 5 lonely housewives can start posting below saying how much a hero he is. Go ahead. EVERYONE knows this has nothing to do with MDMH, oversight, seed money, or any of that crap. This is about one thing-NIMB (Not In My Backyard). The few attorneys and housewives miss the good ole days where they could pick their neighbors, burn crosses in people's front yards, drink from their own water get the point. Ok you 10, start posting below....

Anonymous said...

And I said in Jackson no one has been in the jails.

How do you know?

Anonymous said...

I suppose living it isn't proof enough for you all. We do have traditions and we do have rules. Come by and ask for a copy.

Share the Jackson OH in which you are recovering and I will come over there tomorrow for a copy of the rules. I'll pay for all the copying costs.

Anonymous said...

@5.06. Excellent post.

To anyone hating on the Sen. Longwitz who I do not know - really? There are throngs of us who are so grateful that someone is trying to protect our neighborhoods and our quality of life.

If anyone things renting homes in sweet, established middle class neighborhoods to what even OH admits is an 80% previously incarcerated group of unrelated adults with virtually NO support system and no accountability is a good idea - thing about it - Really?

OH is desperate enough (read the reports THEY sent to MDH)to keep stating that they are "trying to get into jails" to get more residents, um, isn't that a reflection that the program isn't a great success? And their reports show how many leave. According to OH, if you leave "voluntarily" it's not considered a relapse. And of 58 housed in OH recently 22 left. Look at the numbers. 1/3 left - either by choice or by relapsing or who knows what is the reality. This program DOES NOT WORK. Google it, talk to people who have been in it (don't assume the people posting online are not reps for OH - meet real people). This is ludicrous.
I can move tomorrow - but don't want to. If you read all this documentation, Madison/Ridgeland/Rankin people you will see that your neighborhood could be affected. If not Bridgewater or other higher end properties, then the neighborhoods nearby. OH does NOT require public transit, they just encourage it.
This is not a Jackson vs Madison/Ridgeland vs Brandon/Flowood issue. If you are totally open to a rotating group of previously incarcerated strangers living nearby with no oversight, you do you. Everyone else better take notice real quick before the house beside you, behind you, or next to your kid's house is occupied by OH and their crew.
Note: NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE is against providing support and services to anyone trying to break free from addiction. OH is NOT doing that, they are funneling Federal tax dollars (as in your tax dollars) into programs that benefit no one but their "investors". Their words, read the reports.

Anonymous said...

10:14pm, factor out what you consider the 5 hateful attorneys (which they are anything but) and the 5 lonely housewives (you forgot to mention hot, lonely housewives that might have a drink with you if you be nice) still have an uber corrupt organization that is receiving YOUR funding through federal and state dollars. Not just YOURS, but those 10 people that you somehow know everything about. They have a right to complain as much as anyone else does. It sounds like the modern equivalent of cross-burning is anonymous bashing of people that you wish you could become. Don't get jealous, get on with your own life.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Kingfish used to do actual investigative reporting, instead of just regurgitating a politician's campaign stunts. And when he used to disclose his own conflicts. And when he discouraged cyber-bullying and defamation in the comments he approved. A little jackassary, sure, but nothing like the hate and outright lies he's been approving lately.

Reading these oxford house posts over the last month or so have been a disappointing episode for a former big fan of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello, all. My name is John W and I live in the Oxford House at 2230 East Northside. I do not speak for or represent Oxford House. I can speak only for myself and this particular home. There are four of living here. One of whom is an employee of Oxford House. He lives right across the hall from me. We are all from Jackson and Brandon with the exception of the outreach coordinator employed by Oxford House. He administers random drug tests and alcohol breathalyzer tests. We were tested before ever moving in and have been subjected to random screenings in the month we have been here. We signed contracts that we will actively work on our recovery and make 3-5 meetings a week. Most of us go twice a day. We are all deeply involved in our recovery and our spiritual life. Two of us, myself and Chris G. are service connected disabled combat veterans. I was deployed multiple times to both Iraq and Afghanistan and Chris was in Desert Storm/Desert Shield. We were both decorated and recieved honorable discharges. I was in for 12 years and he was in for 6. Neither of us are felons. We were not recruited from jails. (Nor was our other roommate.) I was referred to Oxford House after the VA failed to help to find a place to help in my recovery. There are no felons or see offenders here. We will not permit any to live here if they apply. We don't want to live in a house of strange people or criminals anymore than you want them as neighbors. We just want a nice, safe place to live in peace and quiet and work on our sobriety and spiritual growth. We want to add color and beautify and fill our bare landscape, not let it go to pot as some have suggested we will do. Many neighbors have welcomed us and even brought is food and cookies and cakes and boxes of chocolate, but a few have been downright nasty. One came over reeking of alcohol and threatened to leave liquor bottles on our porch. We've seen one man going through our garbage. One man stopped his car and said, "your kind isn't welcome here." That is very hurtful considering what I and my roommate have sacrificed for this country. We have been catergorized as felons and sex offenders and that just simply untrue. We are just four men who live together and do not drink. We provide each other 24 hour peer support. It's that simple. If you aren't disabled you have to find employment. we all pay our own rent. No one pays our way. We just want to live peacefully and prove that we can be great neighbors. We understand the stigma that comes with alcoholism and addiction. Myself and the other veteran want to make this a home for recovering veterans only. We will be conducting future interviews with other applicants and I can assure you that we will not vote in any miscreant as long as we are here. And if we suspect ANYONE has been using or drinking we will have them removed from the property so fast they won't know what hit them. Unfair judgements were made about us before we even moved in. We just ask for a chance to prove we are decent, well meaning, spiritual men and good neighbors. Again, I do not spoke for Oxford House or any of the other Homes owned by them. I'm just speaking for myself and fellow veteran resident at the East Northside home. Thank you,
John W.

Anonymous said...

10:14-I agree. Thanks for sharing the honest truth. Will wants to hide behind the truth and throw up smoke screens. Your cover is blown Will. There are many more who see the political games you are playing. It's wrong to not want people to have a better life. You are wrong!

Anonymous said...

Shills or Landlords for Oxford House alert 10:46, 11:13, 11:48.

Anonymous said...

I live at 4408 Forest Park Dr. Come on by and I'll give you a tour.

Anonymous said...

Just seeing if my comment would be rejected as it was oft of Senator Will Longwitz wall before I waste my breath responding.

Anonymous said...

Is it OK to represent that the 2230 Northside drive house is a 5 bedroom house when it is a 3 bedroom house? That lie was made on an application to receive a 4000 federal grant. The loan was approved and the money was paid. The lie was material because the grant requires that the house be suitable for 6 or more adults. They had to tell that lie because it's not allowed to squeeze 6 grown men into a 3 bedroom house and you don't qualify for the federal grant without that lie. Serious question: won't even the OH and Stephens supporters admit that's wrong and must be addressed?

Anonymous said...

Nothing-oh-nothing will hide the hatred, prejudice, & discrimination of the small minority of homeowners who are against people who are trying to get a new start in life. Not in my back yard----exactly right. The ONLY thing these men and women are missing are their white hoods and robes. Keep posting the truth! Expose them for what they truly are-unChristian neighbors. Truth!

We've Got A Runner said...

It's been posted on multiple threads that Joe Stephens of Magee is a shyster and has made millions over the past several decades warehousing persons with various afflictions.

Take a close, critical look at that Millcreek place in Magee that has for thirty or more years sucked the public tit by incarcerating young children, juveniles and young adults. But, those kids have to be 'somewhere'. Just let's not deny that these people are in it for one reason. Money. Danger to the community be damned.

Anonymous said...

The lie was material because the grant requires that the house be suitable for 6 or more adults.

Would not be surprised that the applications for the other OHs in Mississippi have similar purposefully submitted erroneous information.

Anonymous said...

The few neighbors and senator WRONGwitz keep wanting to try to say this is over an application or some other detail. It's NOT about that guys & gals. It's about your hatred of others not in your socioeconomic class. Admit it! You bigots have been exposed like the snakes you are!!! Senator WRONGWitz is 100% wrong. I wouldn't vote for him if he was the only person running.
WRONGwitz-you have been outed!

Anonymous said...

5:20 the people who live in Oxford Houses are being taken advantage of. By Oxford House and by the landlords. Who would want to live 7 men to a 3 bedroom house? 2 grown men to a bedroom and 1 sleeping in the living room?
The people who keep repeating that any who opposes this is "un-Christian" are either Oxford House employees, DMH employees or the Land(slum)lords. There is no way any normal person could read these documents that have been produced and not be highly alarmed.

Anonymous said...

7:25, Hi Oxford House, Inc. How's the weather up in Maryland these days?

Anonymous said...

It would appear we've picked up some commenters from west Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Take Oxford House out of the equation. Remove all tax dollars. Now all you have is six guys, all with jobs, who want to recover from their addiction and are sharing expenses in a market value rent house. They have their own rules and are trying to keep each other on the path to recovery. Some may have been in jail at some point in the past - that's something that happens to addicts from time to time. They keep the yard mowed and are no trouble to the neighbors. Is that okay with you, NE Jackson?

Anonymous said...

They don't all have jobs. The actual loan app documents list several of the men as on disability or unemployed.

Anonymous said...


No, even if I take recovering addicts out of the equation. Six or seven men living in a three bedroom house are not compatible to a single family neighborhood.

That is the definition of a boarding house, not allowed under almost all zoning laws in single family neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

7:50-are you crazy???? They couldn't possibly be good neighbors. After all, they served in the military to fight for our freedoms, they pay taxes, they support our local community... But, the NE Jackson political supporters of the one senator Don't Want Anyone Different in THEIR neighborhood! This is crazy! Nazi Germany, 1964 Mississippi Burning...y'all get the picture. This is OUR neighborhood and WE will tell you who can live here.

Life, Liberty, & the pursuit of happiness (except in this one neighborhood).

Anonymous said...

7:50 - NO! You are now running a frat/flop house with 6/7 unrelated men, all with a criminal history or drug abuse history. You are totally unsupervised. Your choices to this point in your life clearly show you need SUPERVISION. And a lot of it. The grant application you filled out (and that we now have) show you/they are not run of the mill alcoholics. They are meth dealers, heroin addicts, felons, etc. Bad behavior has consequences in life. Those of us that have followed the rules and over time built our lives REJECT your assertion that we should just let you waltz in and destroy our investments and security. We had a FIRST HAND experience 7 years ago with a "relapsed" meth head. One block away from the 2203 Northside House he beat his girlfriend to death in a drug induced frenzy. Now we have that probability X 7 back in the same neighborhood and one block away from the same neighbors that were terrorized by the beast George Bell - who played on the "I just need understanding" bulls*&t.

Anonymous said...

Will Longwitz has done himself more good in 4 weeks than most politicians do in a life time. Where is Snoozy Denny? AWOL. Where is the rest of the "leadership" like Gunn, Reeves, Snowden? MIA. Senator Longwitz did what his constituents asked him to do - represent their interest. RARE in politics. Most of the political class sit on the fence waiting for the wind to blow. And you can be assured Will has created some die hard supporters in 4 weeks that he would have never gotten without taking a stand for the people he is elected to serve. Unlike a lot of the chattering class, he will go far by just doing his job! The results speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Longwitz has done good for himself. He has blurred the truth and now has all the affluent people's money in his campaign fund and or pocket. Talk about a cash cow.

Anonymous said...

Typical Longwitz political ploy. Choose an emotional issue, he KNOWS he has no legitimate authority over. Gets himself on the news, voice shaking, lip quivering, a man of the people. Nothing is accomplished, his hands don't get dirty and he walks away patting himself on the back. Arrogant, self serving. Typical Longwitz.

Anonymous said...

7:50 here. The point of my post was to ask if the law abiding citizens of NE Jackson are willing to abide by the law. There is no city ordinance or other rule that says six men can't live together in a rent house. How do you stop it? Do you think the city council is going to pass a new law that restricts the number of non related adults who can live in a single family residence? Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

8:28 -- The frenzy in your post is evident. Spend some time this morning in Maryland -- lining up your legal team and accountants. The audit is coming!! Peeling back the layers of this onion have opened up so many issues -- you're going to be responding for YEARS to questions over how you have run this corrupt cabal.

In the past, you assumed we'd all go after the "zoning fight" which you all have won repeatedly, using OUR tax dollars. It's a different game now. We've been coming to a gun fight with a knife --- now we're arming ourselves in the same way you have in the past. GAME ON!!!

In addition -- don't use that "veteran" argument. We have veterans on both sides of our family who served in every war going back to pre-Revolutionary days. None of them were meth abusers or drunks --- and you do a DISSERVICE to all those brave men and women who have served and FUNCTION well in society DAILY. These guys or gals would have been social problems with or without their military time, and I'd like to see their records, to include their DD214s, showing us any disciplinary issues, or any reduction in rank, etc. We're paying the freight on this house -- we deserve to see who is living there.

You people amaze me -- you'll use ANY argument that you think will stick to keep the gravy train going. NIMBY is about to hit you -- but you'll be screaming to get the accountants, attorneys, and government auditors out of YOUR back yard.

BTW -- Will Longwitz beware -- they're hoping they can go after you which is evident in the tone of the postings, I have been reading -- so as your supporters -- we need to be prepared IN ADVANCE --- you're becoming their target -- let us all band around Will to support him from this group of thugs and bullies. Call his office to offer support and thanks!

Denny................MIA.............and understand we'll not be MIA on the next election. I feel certain they'll be challengers after 150 years of your "service" or lack thereof. Time to exit stage left gracefully. When we needed you --- you were not there.

Anonymous said...

May 7, 2015 at 8:28 AM = RELAPSED

Anonymous said...

Agree with you 8:59 AM, where the hell is Bill Denny???

Anonymous said...

Longwitz is our man. Denny is an old coot who is scared to death of the younger man in the Senate. Give him his glass of warm milk and tell him to stay out of the better man's way.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Senator Longwitz has never been one to make decisions based on the direction of the wind. Like that time he begged to get on CJ Stewart's board, then dropped off before a meeting with homeowners, so he could lead the opposition to CJ Stewart. Or how he made ads in 2011 saying he was Tea Party and now derides the Tea Party. Or how he joined Chris McDaniel's conservative coalition in the Senate before leaving to oppose it. Last year, he opposed parents of special needs kids having choice in the education of their children. This year, he voted for a nearly identical bill and practically knocked over some of the kids to get in the photo with Governor Bryant at the signing of the bill. Yes, there is a man who never waffles and always stands on principle. Nevermind the fact that he passed ZERO bills this year. Who needs accomplishment when you can arrange endless photo ops and pander? What has the guy ever really accomplished? He's chased one government job after the other. He got Barbour to appoint him to some disaster recovery post after Katrina. He ran for county court judge after that. Went around telling people that all he ever wanted to do in life was be a county court judge. Lost that race. Within a few months, he was running for the Mississippi Senate, having apparently had an epiphany that all he really ever wanted to do was be a Mississippi Senator. In both of those races he employed dirty tactics, waiting to the last few days to send out mailers lying about his opponent. No doubt with his ambition, he will end up being another worthless Governor from the great state of Mississippi. And we wonder why we're 50th?

The people who run the Oxford House could well be bums. I don't know. What I do know is that Will's burst of activity is in no way contingent upon that. I also find it interesting that people are repeating the same lines over and over again while ignoring the post of a guy who lives at the house and who has clearly indicated that those lines are false.

Anonymous said...

I noticed our former senator Michel is supporting Will's opponent. So much for him being a leader in the community. Turns out it was good that he stepped down and made way for a true statesman.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, please track these bastards coming in from MD. They are spamming this site.

Anonymous said...

11:30 - if you truly are who you say and what you said is all true, that is encouraging for THIS one Oxford House. As a neighbor, I hope you and your fellow veteran are successful, and I thank you for not allowing felons or sex offenders in your home, which is right down the street from my small children.

The problem is what happens when you and the other veteran leave and the next group moves in? The next group may not be as responsible as you and may have different rules regarding allowing in sex offenders and felons. They may not require random testing or meeting attendance. It could all go very badly, very quickly. Oxford House does absolutely nothing to prevent the bad from happening. It sounds like you personally are trying to keep the bad from happening, but once you are gone, then what will happen? And what if you misjudge a housemate and before you can evict him, he's harmed a neighbor in a drunken or high state of mind? These are my concerns as a neighbor and parent.

Anonymous said...

An OH is about to open tomorrow in Meridian, yes the town where the MDMH will next meet:

Oxford House Northhill
4615 North Hills Street Gender: M
Meridian, MS 39301 Total Occupancy: 6
228-249-9468 Charter: 5/8/2015

You guys quit picking on Denny; he's been at some of the important meetings. Let's keep down the politics here. This is more serious than that.

Anonymous said...

@10:40: Are you at all concerned about the 17 registered sex offenders that presently live in proximity to your home or just the potential that one might someday live in the Oxford House? I focus on the sex offenders, because we all know there are no snooty NE Jackson folks who abuse drugs or alcohol living in proximity to you.

I appreciate your concerns as a neighbor and a parent. Actually, I share those concerns. At some level, though, better for those people to be getting treatment than to be cloaked in anonymity next door.

Anonymous said...

We all talk about federal overreach. Here is a shining example of both state and federal overreach. And some of you (likely OH employees or supporters of Will's opponent) just want to criticize Will for doing a hell of a lot to expose this particular fraud.
I haven't seen Will's opponent on the record about Oxford House. Does he support OH in Northeast Jackson? If elected, he'd do exactly nothing about it. I'm sticking with Will.

Anonymous said...

11:06 - Who is Denny? OHHH that guy who is our State Rep and you can never find him? The guy who comes around to our house once every four years begging for our vote, but is AWOL the next 3 years and 11 months? This is a fight for our neighborhood and EVERYONE who is not helping us is against us. No neutral ground. He doesn't get to take a knee and sit this play out.

Anonymous said...

You are concerned about Will running for governor? Hell, I live in northeast Jackson, pal, and if this guy would do for Mississippi half of what he is doing for northeast Jackson right now, then just tell me where to sign up for his statewide campaign.

Anonymous said...

11:24 -- good try. OH is working today in their "outreach" program, blogging and spamming on this site. The real problem -- cut to the chase -- is abuse of federal funds by your group -- Oxford House. Smoke and mirrors regarding zoning, sexual predators, Fair Housing Laws, Americans with Disabilities Act, etc., is not the problem -- the core problem is the corruption of federal funding, federal officials, state funding, state officials, and Oxford House in channeling millions of OUR tax payer dollars into a ruse and ploy developed by OH who is getting rich off this chaos --- that's where the investigation is going.......stay tuned. BTW OH outreach workers -- it's lunch time -- take a break on us, the tax payers -- in fact have a drink.

Anonymous said...


My point would be to ask Oxford House if they would abide by the law. Jackson zoning law states that a home housing those with a handicap are allowed (6 or fewer unless otherwise permitted).

A disability is not necessarily a handicap. The ADA calls alcoholism a disability.

Disability is an impairment and a handicap is a limitation of ability. A car with a dead battery is impaired. A car with a blown engine is handicapped.

Anonymous said...

@11:30 P.M.

Sorry, but veteran doesn't carry the same respect as it used to. Most of our veterans today are generally unintelligent, and didn't have any other door open to them.

And you write like you plan on this becoming your permanent residence. Do you not plan on integrating into society at all? Please tell me how you will still influence the house while you are gone? They don't care about you at all, just your money.

Anonymous said...

12:04, I don't live in your neighborhood and really don't have a dog in this hunt, but can you give us some examples of what your senator has actually done to change the situation? Just curious. He's being portrayed as some kind of super hero and I can't for the life of me see anything but talk. Has he given the neighborhood any indication at all that he's going to be able to help? If so, how? I'm not a spammer from Maryland and I'm not taking sides. Like I said, I'm just curious as to the substance of your hero's work.

Anonymous said...

@2:33. Bashing veterans. Real class act you are. You have no idea what units they were with or what their military occupational speciality was. Some of those jobs require extremely intelligent men and women.
Where did you serve?

Anonymous said...

11:30 - you took the King's Coin, if you are in fact a vet. Lots of posers out there now. You and your buddy were volunteers. You signed up and received money and benefits like all volunteers since 1976. I like many other VETS on this blog are sick of the very few using their claim of "... considering what I and my roommate have sacrificed for this country." as an excuse for bad behavior. I am also a disabled vet. Millions of us and we don't go around using that as an excuse for addiction, alcoholism, etc. No one asked you to sacrifice a thing! Like me and millions of others since 1976 we VOLUNTEERED. Poor mans mercenary force, but you were NOT drafted. Stop sniveling, it's embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir or Madam,
I wasn't suggesting that my roommate or myself receive special treatment because we are veterans. I was refuting what the senator and some posters have said. We were not recruited from jails. We are not felons. We are not sex offenders. We don't want to be lumped into those categories. No, we don't plan on making this a permanent residence. We are here to straighten out our lives and help future roommates do the same. Again, I do not speak for the company Oxford House, just myself and roommate.

Ima Vote Not Here said...

So many of these posts appear to have been written by a twenty seven year old, sitting under an outdoor umbrella, wearing rose colored glasses a few feet from a Fondren sidewalk. Hustle on over to McDade's and buy another power drink or some lentils to soak in warm tea. Open up your tablet and give Kahlil Gabran a rest.

To me, all of that is bullshit. What it boils down to is waking up and finding this type of establishment in your neighborhood, or worse, next door. If there is a way to fight it and win, go for it. Take it to the mat. Rid the community of it. If not, it's just another reason to move.

Anonymous said...

Sir or Ma'am,
I am sniveling or using our service record as an excuse. Just stating we aren't felons and sex offenders. I've never seen the inside of a jail. I do think my service affords me the opportunity to live quietly. John W.

Anonymous said...

3:20 -- don't get upset -- 2:33 is an OH person posing as one of us, and attempting to make us look "bad". Bottom line -- ignore them. They'll be gone soon. They can recruit each other from jail, based on the information coming out.

Anonymous said...

I hope you understand that the one thing OH in MD actually monitors is this thread. Therefore, there will be no revealing of strategy here by our Senator or anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Why are you here then May 7, 2015 at 3:00 PM? What business of it is yours?

Anonymous said...

Edit to my post at 349. I am NOT sniveling

Anonymous said...

3:27 and 3:49 -- (or one in the same) --- you almost did it -- deflected all of us from the true target -- Oxford House and their nefarious financial schemes.

Stay on point people -- stay on point. It's the federal and state corruption and the federal and state funding issues......OH loves to divert anything and everything they can away from those issues because those issues are the ones that STICK --- they are not associated with the ADA or the Fair Housing Act -- but with criminal activity.

They (OH people) mix emotive terminology and "feel sorry for me" rhetoric in, hoping they'll generate guilt and sympathy from us. STAY AWAY FROM THE BOGUS ARGUMENTS -- STAY ON POINT -- this is an Oxford House issue -- federal and state. Don't get sucked into their rhetoric. The devil's in the details.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that the CEO of Oxford House (a Republican) wrote a five page letter to Longwitz correcting Longwitz's lies about Oxford Houses. Perhaps Longwitz or his frat bros or the governor's office will post it on their websites. I wouldn't count on it. Why are Longwitz and the governor's staff wasting their time and our tax dollars on this when there are so many bigger problems in the neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

Let's break 3:27's post down... truth from fiction....

"I wasn't suggesting that my roommate or myself receive special treatment because we are veterans."

The Oxford Houses in NE Jackson are NOT veteran designated houses.

"We were not recruited from jails."

Oxford House in Mississippi recruits from jails. Read Senator Longwitz's first letter. Unlike anything pro-OH people say on here, Sen. Longwitz provided exhibits to back up what he wrote. Over and over again in OH reports to MDMH it was written "We are trying hard to get into the jails."

"We are not felons."

75-80% of Oxford House residents have done jail time.

"We are not sex offenders."

Some Oxford Houses bar sex offenders, and state that publicly. Like some of the ones in Austin, TX.
Why don't the Oxford Houses in Mississippi bar sex offenders? Because they have refused. You say the current residents aren't sex offenders, and we should believe you? What about the next 5-10-15-50 people that come through that house?

"We don't want to be lumped into those categories."

Yes, I'm sure you don't really appreciate any scrutiny at all.

"No, we don't plan on making this a permanent residence. We are here to straighten out our lives and help future roommates do the same."

How many of you are unemployed are on permanent disability? This is a long term thing. There is no time limit. You will go and establish other Oxford Houses every 6 months, just like the residents of the Forest Park house went and established the Northside Drive house. Again, read the exhibits to the Senator's 2nd letter. It's all there.

"Again, I do not speak for the company Oxford House, just myself and roommate."

This message probably originated from Oxford House Corporate in Maryland.

Anonymous said...

4:43, Word on the street is that CEO of Oxford House wrote Senator Longwitz a letter admitting to much of what the Senator's letter alleges.
Again, nice post you are writing sitting up in Maryland.

Oxford House is busy busy these days, and it isn't helping people recover. It's protecting their income stream from their property scheme they've got going.

Anonymous said...

4:43 -- Either you are Will's Republican opponent attempting to discredit him, a Democrat, or an OH person. Bigger issues? -- the reports tell all the issues with this group and prove without a doubt they are a BUSINESS with the purpose of adding more houses to create more revenue. Molloy can obfuscate, send letters, etc., but he cannot get away from fraudulent reports, and loan applications which are on record and on line now. Those ARE our neighborhood problems because WE ultimately pay the freight. My suggestion -- educate yourself on this group and their corrupt business practices. Just a review of their website let's you know that they're attempting to operate worldwide --- how much of our US $ are going abroad? Molloy has feathered his nest for TOO long with the taxpayer nickel. Will happens to be standing up for us -- haven't heard BOO from his opponents (either Democrat or Republican).

Anonymous said...

Have a drink? 11:24? Really? JACKASSERY

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir or Ma'am who posted at 435,
I'm not trying to destract anyone from Oxford House's business model. I'm really not even sure how it works.
I am just speaking out against the presumptions that those of us living here are felons, sex offenders, or malicious men. I only speak for the OH that I reside in. We were not recruited from jails and institutions. Two of us were referred to by a fellow veteran that lives in another OH. Our third roommate was also referred here. He also did not come here from jail. The fourth and last member of the house is an OH employee who makes sure we stay on track, make AA meetings, abide by house rules and curfews, makes sure we do our daily and nightly chores, and administers random drug and alcohol tests. I don't speak for Oxford House or any of the other locations. I haven't even recieved permission to speak. I just decided, on my own, to break silence because I was upset that people who live near us have been led to believe they have to fear their children and their own safety. Oxford House gave me the opportunity to live in a nice, safe environment in a nice home with other men who are in recovery and can help support me during my recovery. Thank you, John W.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that ...

ROFLMAO. You really must be a JJ greenhorn to think that anyone here will fall for that dupe.

Anonymous said...

Clearly a halfway house in a solid single family residential area is wildly inappropriate; that is why we have zoning ordinances. There is no honest dispute that seven unrelated men living in a transient manner in a small home, addictions aside, will be detrimental to the value of the proximate homes. No one can argue that the presence of the house will enhance the safety of those living close by, or promote the general welfare. There are parking and congestion issues even if these guys are missionaries. All these issues are legitimately regulated under the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the state's police powers granted to municipalities. Now, that police power has been cleverly overridden by defining disabled in a tortured way. Disturbingly, it seeems that this federal usurpation of local laws (along with other projects such as the subsidized housing going up in Fondren) reflects an actual goal, or at least an enthusiatic willingness, throughout these federal agencies to undermine the stability of areas under some misguided belief system. Either that, or they have never spent ten minutes observing human behavior and are unbelievably dumb. I figure the state agencies are just incompetent pawns controlled by cronyism, willing to sacrifice the productive to the opportunistic. There is no upside to this scheme for property owners. To add insult to injury, it is your tax dollars used to undermine your neighborhood. To those that scream it is unchristian to oppose this use; why the assumption that the only way to help people is to harm the neighborhood? The question to be answered, then, is how to stop the flow of gov't money, so this mission work/gravy train would soon disappear. We need our elected officials to actually do something in the interest of their constituents.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain how it's a gravy train? Funding goes to open the house then it's paid back by the residents the landlord receive fair market rent for the areas they are in. The residents do not get state money. Your own reports state how the start money is spent. It's 4000 dollars. Have you ever gotten rich with that? First months rent plus deposit and having the utilities turned on. WOW and as for the out reach workers, yes they are paid to help the citizens of Mississippi receive the home they need to become productive citizens again. I'm sick of this reporting condemning these people. OH started up in Jackson in June of 2013 and has live in Pease with the neighbors until they dared move near the prestigious people of ENside. Most of these people have been in treatment and now need the responsibilities of living normally .

Anonymous said...

Good points. Under our zoning restrictions the residents of Sherwood Forest on one occasion limited the number of Nuns living together. It wasn't personal. They were nice. It was the law. So why do these guys organized by OH deserved special treatment better than the Nuns? Why are the recovering OH residents allowed larger group homes than others? It makes no sense. It is unequal treatment under the law. Why has Paul Malloy been allowed by the Congress to have this kind of power?

First we clean up Sherwood Forest and Forest Park. Then we go to see Thad and Roger and stop the unequal treatment nationwide.

Anonymous said...

It is a gravy train because the landlords are guaranteed rents paid for with SSI tax dollars of their tenants and tax paid for OH recruiters whose job is to keep the landowners houses full. What other residential landlord gets that kind of guaranteed, tax dollar deal? Is it any doubt that such a deal was bound to attract Hustlers like the Stephens?

Anonymous said...

6:47 --- Follow the money up---- Health and Human Services is where the gravy is ladled. MILLIONS of dollars in grants are being sent to the states who are required to have Evidence Based Systems --- well guess who the only EVIDENCED BASED SYSTEM happens to be.......Oxford House. Only a bit of the money is siphoned off by the state since they want to be compliant with federal law, the remainder is sent to OH. THAT'S Where the gravy train starts.

5:39 -- Interesting that you understand "business models" .........did OH give you that training? It is not a term normally used outside of business development. Also -- you have a person in the house being paid by OH -- hmmmmmm -- that is very interesting. We'll need to look into that issue too, since you are supposed to be a self-governing house, living independently per OH rules. Now they're in the house.......that is different than anything we've been hearing. Thank you for that information.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, 6:47, what are the rents received for this house? What, according to your information are the fair market rates in the area? Also, do the residents receive federal monies from which rent is paid?

Anonymous said...

539, sir or ma'am,
I learned the term business model during one of my online business classes I used while in the military.
Yes sir or ma'am, we absolutely have an outreach coordinator living with us. He's directy across the hall from me. He also oversees the houses on Forest Park and the other one on Northside.
Thank you,
John W

Anonymous said...

alcoholism is a choice, not a disease or disability. We need to send a letter of fucking apology to anyone with cancer for being lumped in with a bunch of drunks.

Anonymous said...

NO ONE IN MY OXFORD HOUSE RECIEVES SSI Get a life you people. We Pay our own expenses. Quit lying about that. I work hard for what I have. Just as hard as any of you. THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT PAY OUR RENT. Lies upon lies just to make yourselves feel better about discriminating against people who are trying to better themselves. I'd post where I live and offer to show you my pay check but you all are the real criminals you would more than likely come DRUNK and threatening much like the good doctor did in your own neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

7:21 Rent in my neighborhood is 1200 per month and no one receives federal grant money here.

Anonymous said...

So 8:46 you're going up against AA next?

Anonymous said...

Have their been any shenanigans at these houses? I know there were some parking issues at one location. Ha anyone seen any of the occupants? Are they shady looking? Is there suspicious traffic at all hours? Anything strange been noticed? Is there someone we should contact if we suspect suspicious activity?

Anonymous said...

Look at the checks that were cut. FACT: $2437.00 to the landlord, and $1563.00 to the house. OH gets their cut. The state of MS is set to pay almost $2 MILLION dollars for these OH recruiters to go all over the state (and maybe even out of state?) into jails and God knows where, to recruit residents for these homes. And every 6 months, every OH spins out another Oxford House. Like rabbits they will multiply. These is a SCHEME.
You OH residents are being screwed. You aren't receiving any services, you are packed in these places like sardines, and OH is getting rich.

Anonymous said...

Please elaborate, 9:07, maybe you can set folk's minds at rest. I'm sure you can understand their concern with all the information/misinformation flying around. To which house are you referring, and what are the rents paid by each tenant. Further, how many tenants can be placed in the house?

Anonymous said...

I mean this sincerely: we all hope your recovery goes well and that of your fellows also. I think the goals of recovery are something we can and do all agree on. You are right also that we are concerned about risks in the neighborhood, maybe not from you, but from the overcrowding and individual situations in the aggregate. Yes, we do have families, wives and children, whose care are our very first and ongoing responsibility.

Anonymous said...

2437$ as first months rent and deposit. Quite a normal amount for ENside home. 1563 for electricity phone supplies to get started. Y'all are like dogs chasing your tails.

Please-Won't U B My Neighbor? said...

I will bet my doodle's doo that the person repetitively posting as John W. is NOT a resident of any type of halfway house. She is an employee of Oxford House at the corporate level.

Each of the posts is riddled with pristine attention to grammar interspersed with fake military veteran credentials and fallacial appeals to sympathy and emotion (we just want to be a good neighbor and better ourselves).

Those posts are glaringly fake.

Anonymous said...

Oxford House??? You people are really freaking out? A recovering addict is more dangerous than your Valium and Xanax filled tennis wife driving multiple kids to and from school etc??? The people who admit they need help are far better than the self-diagnosing, hypocritical addicts that pass by because of money. Shame on you. Where do you want them to go? How about a neighborhood closer to the schools or the ghetto perhaps? How many checks are you willing to write in exchange for this house being moved? I will answer for you- $0. You don't give a damn unless it is in your backyard.
Maybe, just maybe instead of saving "fur babies" you could try actual humans. Nah, addicts are not human are they? Until your kid, spouse or God forbid you are one. Then it is time to sweep it under the rug and ignore it so that your social circle won't find out....if a doctor prescribed it, it is ok right? Please. Those of you who are "Christians" and believe in forgiveness need to look in the mirror only to figure out why people are turning away from churches. I am ashamed that in the Bible Belt, we value property values far and above the lives and prosperity of those that need help. Keep one thing in mind: these aren't criminals, they aren't pedophiles, they are people with mental and chemical conditions that only need treatment and a safe environment to become productive citizens your case as long as it is in someone else's backyard.

Anonymous said...

May 8, 2015 at 5:42 AM = Blah, blah, blah, blah

Anonymous said...

5:42 AM - I realize we have been keeping you folks at OH headquarters up all night. I guess if someone had exposed my scam I would be a little nervous as well. Attempting to guilt us, intimidate us, or appeal to the better angels of our nature has failed. You are a money making operation preying on the misery of others. And now everyone knows it. Your own monthly reports damn you. Keep the beds filled and hit the jails for more sardines to pack in and pay. Major focus of each report - open more houses so you make more money! Your own words OH. If OH is the 'model' used for treatment it is no wonder we have so many addicts. Fraud, waste, and abuse.

Anonymous said...

I have a larger, nicer home very near that house that I lease only to long term single family tenants. Apparently I am not charging enough if that is the normal rate for the location.
If placing 7 grown unrelated men under one roof is the preferred method of addiction treatment, build a lovely campus full of these houses somewhere that won't have a detrimental effect on the area. Those rates should service the debt on such a facility to further our "investors/mission workers" goals. People were also pretty unhappy when a mexican restaurant bought a single family house to pack a bunch of workers under one roof. No where under sound zoning principles is it considered beneficial to have a large number of unrelated adults living in a single family residence, among single family homes. That is why the very name of the classification is Single Family. If someone cannot understand this, they just don't want to.

Anonymous said...

So sad that the zoning protection for the residents of Jackson is not there. This would never happen in a city with good modern planning.

Anonymous said...

You need to read the COJ consent decree and consider the fact that COJ has paid out over $250,000 in fines for trying to uphold zoning restrictions against federal preemption under the ADA/FHA. It is only a matter of time until this protected class of the "disabled" asserts itself in burbs, and when they do, it will be quite a battle. Ultimately this is the fault not just of Congress but of OH and the local landlord hucksters and hustlers who are taking advantage of the system Congress created. It must be changed so that local control over zoning is reestablished, and we are not taken advantage of by the people like the Stephens.

Anonymous said...

STAY FOCUSED -- FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! You're all letting OH use their tried and true arguments:

1. Bullying through ADA/FHA regulations and threats. (These are a non-starter -- so don't even worry about fighting that fight - that's what THEY want us to do).

2. The perennial -- Un-Christian, KKK, bigot, racist, selfish, self absorbed, elitist, anti-veteran....(have I missed any?) arguments. We've been in a state that's been kicked for the last 60 years and understand TRULY what those terms mean and sadly those at OH do not and are abusing the true meaning of the terminology, thus dumbing those words down and making them meaningless -- just let them flow like water on a duck's back. LET IT GO!!

AGAIN --- STAY ON POINT -- ignore the thrashing and frenzy coming out of OH. You know we're hitting nerves, when we're getting this type of response.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain how OH is making money? The grants go through them and I'm sure they're skimming off those, but unless the landlords are kicking something back to them they're not making anything once the grant is sent to the state. I don't like this any more than anyone else, but calling it a money making scam for OH seems to be inaccurate. The landlords also don't appear to be raking it in, although $1,600 or $1,700 a month is probably above what they could get from a single family renter. Where's the money being made?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever advertised a house for rent on the internet or through the CL? I have. It can get expensive, esp through a broker. You've got to remember that the Stephens also do not have the normal expense of advertising or looking for tenants; that is done for them through MDMH administered federal grants funding the so-called "outreach" workers whose main job is to keep the OHs filled. Anna can sit back and collect a guaranteed healthy check forever that will end up making her someday free of a mortgage, and on paper, well off in assets, no sweat.

Anonymous said...

11:44 -- Go do your own research -- if we have to spoon feed you -- then you must be from OH Corporate. It's ALL publicly available. OH -- stop fishing!!! YOu must be quite concerned -- I would be!

Anonymous said...

"This would never happen in a city with good modern planning. "

I think Harvey Johnson planned Jackson into the ground.

Anonymous said...

So there really isn't any money being made by Oxford House beyond their salaries. Thanks for confirming what my research has already shown, 12:28.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why you think ANYONE that supports Oxford House would be concerned. The law supports Oxford House, as well as the judgements against states that try to use them.

Anonymous said...

The spokesperson for the 2230 Northside Drive house seems happy. Of course, his contentment right now may have something to do with the fact that only three residents are living there full time right now. (This is a three bedroom house). I wonder how he will feel after Anna Stephens crams 4 more people in that house. (It is a fact that the house is going to house 7 people - check the OH website and the OH charter application for this house). Imagine living with 7 unrelated adult males in a three bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1800 square foot house. It is not feasible. They knew that. That is why they had to lie on the application for the federal seed money loan and say that the house was a 5 bedroom house. (That lie of course will likely expose OH to potential violations of the federal False Claims Act. And maybe others.) Even if you support OH, won't you agree that cramming 7 people in that house is not helpful to the recovery process? Can't you see that the decision to buy a such a small house only serves Anna Stephens. If she genuinely cared about these people she would have bought a much larger 4 or 5 bedroom house like OH recommends. (That is correct. OH says the houses need to be 4 or more "good sized" bedrooms - go to the FAQs on the OH website). But apparently Anna did not want to spend the money necessary for a 4 bedroom house. It would hurt her return on investment. I would NEVER ask 7 unrelated adult males to live in a three bedroom, 1800 square foot house all while charging them above market rent. OH supporters would do well for themselves to call the Stephens out on this.

Anonymous said...

This isn't an " either/or" situation.

You can help those with substance abuse problems more effectively without putting half-way houses, treatment facilities or this Oxford hybrid without putting facilities in established residential neighborhoods!

Once upon a time, we had charity hospitals especially for the treatment of addictions in this country that included helping those in recovery get jobs and housing.

That Oxford house offers no services other than a roof and can make success claims of those who leave voluntarily!

This is politics at its worst.

Make the public think that a business enterprise is actually a religious based charity.

We've turned religion into a means to get rich quick without actually having to work! We've turned capitalism into a religion and money into a false idol!

It's moral now to be greedy at the expense of the poor in spirit or cash.

The Bible is inerrant except that rich men can easily buy their way into Heaven and usury is just a higher interest rate!

The US has become THE Ship of Fools!

Anonymous said...

OH are HOMES not treatment facilities. An organized home of people being responsible tax paying citizens. No one RECIEVES state or federal money. No one is a violent criminal or sex offender. We are cancer survivors, nurses, veterans, mothers, fathers, and children of the same God you are. I live in a home in Jackson that has been here since 12/2013. Property values haven't changed. And landlord only receives our rent check.the government does not send them a check every month. Get the real facts. I don't see the senator doing anything but ALLEGING any of the things. Nothing is proven.

Anonymous said...

If what I am hearing is correct, these OH residents receive no gov't assistance, work hard at jobs to pay all of their own expenses and are completely self sufficient and self governing. But disabled.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 1:11! And personally, I believe that "our" Government's giving money to religion-based "programs" is a violation of the Separation of Church and State. Nothing corrupts religion faster than does government money. The "ministry" under debate here is a great example of that corruption.

Considering that the Feds have basically given such ersatz "ministies" permission to override local zoning ordinances (in effect, giving them powers greater than those of the communities in which they are located), is this not a facet of "establishment of a religion" by government?

Anonymous said...

Read the traditions of OH. It is not affiliated with any religious organizations. Come by one of the houses we have extra copies.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 11:57, there are 5 bedrooms at 2230 Northside Dr. The houses have been inspected by MDMH. Maybe you can find something else to believe in.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to personal property rights? This is a rental property, and the people renting it are under no more legal obligation to seek treatment or supervision than anyone else living in a rent house. Their affiliation with Oxford House is completely voluntary, as is OH sending federal money to Mississippi to provide the $4,000 loan to the residents. OH has hired four Mississippians to assist the residents - again, completely voluntary and legal - and is providing grant money to pay for it. Complain all you want, but there is nothing illegal going on here and you'd be well advised to make the best of it.

Anonymous said...

It was advertised for sale as a 3 bedroom house. To call it a 5 bedroom house is a F*ing lie. Look at the documents behind Will Longwitz's 2d letter. If the house was converted, it was by using the combined dining room, living room, and without a city permit. The house was not designed as a boarding house in which to pack 7 men with big problems near children. The house has no permit for 7 men. It is unlawful.

Anonymous said...

Also, the Application attached as an Exhibit to Senator Longwitz's second letter said 5 bedrooms and 3 "other" rooms, meaning they all knew what they were attesting to was a damn lie since there are not even that many rooms in the house. It is only 1758 s.ft. The application relied on by the HHS and State is a fraud meant to try to meet the OH published guidelines (see Ex H). Unlawful and wrong! And packing in that many men is Wrong!

Anonymous said...

I saw a house for sale on Ridgewood today near Saratoga advertised as "Six Bedrooms". Just an alert for the neighbors there.....

Anonymous said...

10:56 aka Paul: the outreach workers as you well know are there to recruit for the houses, and have to date inspected what,one house of 15?

Anonymous said...

Is the total occupancy of the house the problem? How many should be allowed? Are any laws being broken? Please be specific, because what's right or wrong in the eyes of angry neighbors and a self serving politician certainly doesn't equate to laws being broken. Plus, doesn't it bother anyone that Longwitz has known about this for several months - see his own Facebook post on April 2 - but hasn't come forward until it was election season? Why didn't he stop it from opening instead of sitting by while they moved in? You people are being had...

Anonymous said...

7 problematic men in a small 3 bedroom house near neighborhood children is wrong and will never be accepted here. The people of Jackson will always be angry about this, you can sure of that, Paul.

Anonymous said...

Why won't any of you whiners answer the simple questions at 10:58 and 5:45? I'm beginning to believe that there are five or six rabble rousers who are making all the inflammatory comments.

Anonymous said...

Since there are 5 bedrooms, and it was listed as 5, not sure where the lie is.

Anonymous said...

Unless some of the recoverees are sleeping in their vehicles in the carport there isn't 5 bedrooms. There is your discrepancy.

Anonymous said...

9:46, I take it you're still counting on the real estate listing for your information. Better go to the house and start counting.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS