Friday, March 11, 2011

Vote in new poll

Who is the worst weatherman, or woman, in Jackson? Everyone always complain about how the weatherman is wrong, now is your chance to say who you think it is. Bad presentation, always, wrong, whatever the criteria is in your mind, vote early and often.

Something funny. WJTV got a few emails complaining about how Morgan Miller dresses on the air. Apparently she is too young for some of their viewers. If they think thats bad, which it is not, they should take a look at what is typical for Mexico:


Anonymous said...

Can you not see that this will clearly and simply hurt feelings? what possible "good" comes from a poll such as this?

Best is one thing....worst is entirelly different.

Anonymous said...

Where is "All of the Above?"

Anonymous said...

Why is Heather Sophia not on Channel 16 now?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first poster. They all use the same information, so the only differences are on looks & personality. Why provoke nasty comments?

Anonymous said...

Moved to Starkville with her hubby.

Our loss cause she was DDG.

Frugal Gal said...

Don't want to slam anyone individually, so I'll slam a station. WLBT meteorologists, I am thrilled that you are thrilled with your forecasting equipment -- but MUST you make bragging about your "superior technology" part of EVERY FREAKIN' WEATHERCAST? It's like all of you are under some contractual obligation to point out how great your tech is every 5 minutes.

This is especially annoying during severe weather. When I turn on the TV at such times, it's because I want to know whether my house is about to get flattened by a tornado, NOT because I am interested in the 3-D bells and whistles of your computer system. If y'all TRULY had the best system in town, I wouldn't be flipping back and forth between you and WAPT, would I?

So please remove "and we're the only station who can show you this" from your weathercasting vocabulary. Seriously.

(sigh) OK, I feel better now. Thank you Kingfish, I've wanted to get that off my chest for a while.

Anonymous said...

Do a poll on "biggest asshole in the blog poll world" and you, Kingfish, will kick Ladd's ass.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks WLBT, especially Barbie. Seems like she has too many irons in the fire. If you notice, most weather forecasters or "meteorologists" (as is stated EVERYTIME their name is mentioned) throw the responsibility at the "computer models". Not sure if they even look at the data and use their own brains. I'd love to have a job where I could tell my customer there is a 40% or 20% chance something will work, then when I get it wrong go around smiling and tooting my own horn

Thanks been wanting to get that off my chest too.

Anonymous said...

If the weather folks on Fox say the word "Tracking" one more time I am going to $%^&*()(*&^%$#$%&*().

I understand you are branding your weather so to separate you from others but really, track this!

reximus said...

too bad Eddie St. Pe' isn't on the air anymore, he'd have my vote.

Anonymous said...

Frugal Gal was SO right about WLBT. Barbie must get a cut on all the Midland weather radios because she plugs them almost daily, especially if there is even a possibility of bad weather.
Ken South is the best, hands down!!

reximus said...

the best is when, during the Final 4 broadcast, there's a tornado watch in Winston County, and they reduce the size of the game to maybe 10% of the screen, and the rest is filled by radar and Tony Mastro

Deanna said...

Wow! This is kind of low, isn't it? The meteorologist may not be able to forecast the weather accurately every time, but I am sure they are doing the best they can.

Kingfish said...

We don't go for lowest common denominator at JJ, we are just low.

Anonymous said...

4:44PM Bingo. The guys at WJTV is the very worse at breaking into regular programming. I know, because they broke into college football on Saturday afternoons so much season before last that I started paying particular attention to them. Now, I do realize sometimes it is absolutely necessary to inform the public of bad weather, but the WJTV guys break in literally about twice as much as the other stations in Jackson. While the other stations in Jackson simply put the small box in the bottom of their picture informing the public of the weather conditions and only break in when absoutely necessary, the guys at WJTV just have to get on and show us their weather toys and repeat over and over again what's going on. I have seen it happen over and over again. In fact because of it I refuse to ever watch the WJTV weather report on the local news.

Anonymous said...

Barbie is #1!!!!! Better than the rest!!

Ann Onimous said...

Good grief! Find something better and more productive to do with your time. This is the most ridiculous poll I have seen in a long time.

Oh, and BTW, Heather Sophia is now working with Brad McMullen at Buy From A Christian - That's why she's no longer at 16. She still tweets about weather, though, which still makes her awesome. Barbie and Eric are the best: they're not only on the air when bad weather happens, but also on Facebook and Twitter. They have everything covered.

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious, Kingfish. If the haters don't like it, they don't have to visit this blog. Go somewhere else, and lighten up. Barbie gets my vote for worst, only because I know the woman beyond what you see on teevee, and it ain't pretty.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo thankful I don't work in Jackson. You people should be ashamed of yourselves!! You are nasty mean spirited people! I'd love to come to your job and blog about how worthless and stupid you are! For the idiot who thinks were wrong all the time: you are an ignoramous! I'd like to see you try to do our job!! The only person who can predict the weather 100% is GOD!
Shame on all of you!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, Barbie is just as horrible as Maggie Wade. They're both the devil in disguise. Hateful, I tell you. (Oh, puh-leeze...)

Anonymous said...

Who is Dave Roberts?

Anonymous said...

I actually really like this poll. The data won't be skewed by ballot box stuffers. Everyone at Fox 40 can now stop voting in these polls and work on getting their first rating point.

Anonymous said...

Barbie and Eric are the best, and the others follow a long way back. Both are very dedicated and know weather and really, really care about keeping people safe. The guys on WJTV kill me breaking in on regular programming. You start watching a good program, it starts raining, and boom.....there comes the WJTV weather boys. They don't know when enough is enough.

Kingfish said...

I don't think Lindsay gets enough credit. Does a nice job, doesn't go crazy with the gadgets, and her FB posts about the weather are usually direct and to the point.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand anything Tony Mastro says, but Linda Allen seems to be so fond of him, so I guess the rest of us should be.

And you are right about WJTV breaking in on programming. Worst of all it is to sit there and say the same thing over, and over, and over!

I don't care what you say I think Barbie is best by far. I just love it that she is country as dirt!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous9:49--If you think Barbie has her faults instead of staying anonymous & pointing fingers, why don't you pray for her? Knowing her, that's what she does for her critics & probably what she's doing for you.

J. Kev said...

I for one love this thread.

I really don't watch local news because it sucks. Y'all remember a dude on WJTV from about 10 years ago, Matt Scott?

That guy looked like a Hollywood movie nerd. Early in "War Games," one of Matthew Broderick's computer geek friends yelled, "You're tellin' 'em all our best TRICKS!"

That guy. That's who Matt Scot reminded me of. And I bet Mark Scot was a fake name.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Edward St. Pe' comment above. I am tired of the use of "shifting Gears"term over and over, by both news & weather people

Anonymous said...

"At this hour" gets way overused.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many people are so jealous of Barbie. She can't help it that she's beautiful. She's also the best local weather person since Woody, and she gives a lot back to the community. Heaven forbid she constantly plug weather radios that might save someone's life.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Paul Williams on WLBT. He knows what you need, and he gives it to you.

Anonymous said...

I like Paul Too, but He and Katrina tend to get just plain SILLY

Anonymous said...

I have it from a reliable source Barbie Basset is leaving. Maybe we can get David Hartman to move to 3 now!

Anonymous said...

They all suck. Every news program spends at least 7 minutes on weather. By the time they get to the actual forecast - which they always save for the end - I am no longer listening. I don't care WHY my weather is a certain way, I just want to know whether it's going to rain and the temperature. Why is that so hard?

J. Kev said...

After WJTV burned through about 2 hours of SEC football because a couple trailers got flipped in Durant, I called the station. Got into it with some yankee.

I suggested they just do a little map in the corner, and a crawl across the bottom?

"What about the blind people," he asked defensively & self righteously all at once.

"How much TV do they watch?"

He hung up on me.

Anonymous said...

Don't like the job they're doing? Try it yourself. Jackson State University has a REAL meteorology program and last I heard Mississippi State University had a BROADCAST meteorology program. Or just study on your own via the internet. Don't use just one person's opinion. Study weather surface condition and radar maps. LOTS of them. And LOOK OUT THE WINDOW occasionally and check the actual conditions with what you think is going to happen. Believe it or not, there's science involved. So some of you pea-brained complainers might be weather challenged.

Anonymous said...

Paul Williams is a very good meteorologist but tends to create a "chicken-little" scenario with nearly every forecast. Barbie and David are good, but tend to get tripped on their egos. Tony is a bit mundane. Eric gets my vote as the best in Jackson!

Anonymous said...

Kingfish: You need to get a life. What a sad commentary on the use of a blog to bash people who are only doing their jobs! All of the individuals that work on weather at every station in Jackson have SAVED LIVES with the technology they use and making sure we are all safe.

This is just cruel and mean hearted. What a pathetic us of your time.

BREE said...

This coming from someone called "KINGFISH"! LOL What an IDIOT!

Anonymous said...

Where is Walt, Kingfish? Maybe when Barbie leaves, they'll put Walt on. He'd be the best one to take over that position.

Anonymous said...

The new girl on 16 needs to slow down. It was exhausting trying to decipher.

doorsmart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't think the issue is the accuracy of the weather forecasting, it is reasonable and has improved over the years.
My problem is the friggin self-laudatory crap that you have to listen too. They are all using the same NOAA info, unless I missed one of the channels launching their own satellite.
Sure some lives are saved, but some are lost too. I'm surprised somebody hasnt't tried to sue

Anonymous said...

Just moved to the area and love Morgan Miller !!

Anonymous said...

Why are the most popular weather people the ones who have the most votes? Guess that means those with low votes have no name recognition? But the poll is flawed anyway. Walt & Joanna aren't on there, but Heather is? And yes, it's true, WLBT is losing a weather person. Kingfish, you need to get the scoop! And if this poll would've been up years ago, Woody Assap would have been the highest vote getter, but yet he was the most loved. And, he would've told all of his critics where to go.

Anonymous said...

First, +1 on the "no all of the above?" comment.

Second, weathergoofs should only be paid on days that they're right.

Third, DON'T STAND IN FRONT OF THE MAP/CHART/FORECAST!!! You're not Julie Straw and we ain't watchin' YOU.

Fourth, when they FINALLY show the daily/3 day/week forecast chart, show it for more than 2.5 seconds. You made us sit through 10 minutes of BS so we could see the forecast, and then you only show it for an eyeblink.

Fifth, go outside and look up.

Anonymous said...

I don't demand complete accuracy in weather forecasts but I think it was a year ago that the forecast was 100% snow. It didn't.

Anonymous said...

10:13 - Sure it snowed - just not here ;-)

Frugal Gal said...

I don't get all the hate about this poll. Save the few personal comments mainly directed at Barbie, David, and Tony, most of the comments have been the kind of information that TV stations pay a lot of money for.

WLBT wants to know what might make people NOT watch their newscast? In my case, it's the regularly-scheduled self-congratulations about their weather technology, regardless of the fact that it doesn't appear to tell me much more than any other station's tech. So, Dan and Dennis now know that some people are annoyed by that. There's one focus group they don't have to pay for.

If I were the WJTV sports staff, I'd be sending Kingfish roses for giving people the opportunity to air their anger over missing significant chunks of sports coverage for extended weather reports. I'd bet some of these comments have been printed and slid under the door of the WJTV station manager. Why pay high-prices for market analysis to tell you that central Mississippians don't want their games interrupted for TOO long in the case of moderately severe weather. Just come read all of this.

What the individual weathercasters do in their off-time should have little to do with how we evaluate their on-air performance. If Charlie Sheen were accurately and succinctly giving local weather reports in Jackson, I wouldn't care how much he was "WINNING!!" But since NO ONE can guarantee 100% accuracy, we are making our viewing decisions based on what does and doesn't annoy us. That's good for TV people to know.

-- WLBT -- I have already said what you do that bugs me -- but I DO appreciate Paul Williams telling me it's going to be "a bad hair day."
-- WAPT -- David Hartman gets kind of testy with the other staff during severe weather -- I get that it's a serious situation but be nice to the kids -- and thanks for keeping a lot of your severe weather alerts for commercial time instead of wantonly interrupting regular programming, save those times a tornado is ACTUALLY on the ground
-- WJTV -- Something about your set bugs me -- don't know what, but it does -- that's honestly all the feedback I have for you, though I do know a number of people who swear by Tony
-- FOX-40 -- Still getting to know y'all, I will reserve comment

Focus group of one, done.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care about the weatherpeople. I am just exhausted with WAPT's "Who's Accountable?" tagline when you can answer that easily almost every time.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping WLBT brings back Walt!!

Anonymous said...

Walt has been doing fine on tv. Kingfish, when you gonna find out when he's coming back full time since Basset is leaving?

Anonymous said...

I've watched this poll and since it is coming to a close, it's time I throw my comments out there. I've worked with the 3 highest vote grabbers at various stages in my broadcast career and have some insight you may like to know.

First off, the 3 highest vote getters have such name recognition. Each time you vote for David, Tony or Barbie, you are proving how popular they really are. Just look at some of the other names on the poll. They can't even garner 20% or 40% of the votes. It's not because they are the the "best" of the "worst" but because no one knows them & their marketing departments at the tv stations need to do a better job at getting their name out.

David: say what you want about the man, but he is passionate about weather. Sure, he gets testy with the kids every now and then but he demands perfection. It's hard for him to deal with mediocrity. He's highly competitive and he expects the best from his co-workers. He's 16's golden boy and money maker. They hang their hat on him and will continue to do so as long as he's there, which is smart.

Tony: great guy, funny, and he's just as competitive. It's always fun to get both he and David in the same room. He gets along with his co-workers and loves to work. He's very outgoing and enjoys a stiff drink every now and then. Who could NOT like the man?

Barbie: it's true, what you see on tv is exactly how she is off camera. Although some may believe she really can't be THAT happy all of the time, smile THAT much, be THAT versatile with everything outside the studio, she can and she is. When she lost her daughter, even this 'ol guy shed a tear. I've seen people spew hate at her in her face or via email or a public forum like this and she always turns the other cheek. She could've easily thrown her former employer's business in the street and ratted on her former co-workers in her book, but she did quite the contrary (I was there when it happened, so I know what all could've been said). Anyone who says she's different outside of tv is lying and glaringly jealous, plan and simple.

As to the stations tooting their own horn, that's not these 3 guys/gal responsibilities. Each station has a marketing department that makes the commercials or promos. They have a certain alottment every day. The weatherperson isn't the one who determines what is said about them, what is shown, how long it runs or how many times a day it runs. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the marketing department and stop blaming the weatherpeople. I'm sure they get tired of seeing the same old promos just like you do. But the marketing departments are too lazy to do new ones every other week, trust me.

Now, as you were.

Anonymous said...

Well, they all beat the weather-tainment stuff on The Weather Channel. Maybe Cantore should have been on the poll, man is that guy irritating or what?

Anonymous said...

WAPT has the best weather and the best overall presentation of the news. I don't know if it's their background or the equipment, but their news makes the other 3 look like high school television stations. It's even better in HD!

I love Maggie and Barbie because they are so sweet, but I stopped watching WLBT years ago because the picture is just so much better on WAPT.

Fox40 has a long way to go before they're even competitive in this market, and I just don't like WJTV. I don't watch that channel for anything but The Good Wife.

Anonymous said...

Here are the terms that I am SICK OF - that local weathercasters WAY OVERUSE:


1) Pronouncing Hattiesburg as "HATTIS-BURG"!!! (BARBIE BASSETT!!!) - Hattiesburg was named after HATTIE Hardy - the first mayor's wife - hence, "Hattie's Burg"!! IF a town were to be named after you, BARBIE, would you want it pronounced "BARBIS-BURG" everyday?? This is EXTREMELY IRRITATING, especially to Hattiesburg residents, and USM grads (me). If you STILL don't believe me, please call or write the Hattiesburg Chamber of Commerce, who will politely tell you how the city's name is pronounced.

2) Would you PLEASE stop saying, "CORRIDOR"?? CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR!!!! The local weathercasters will work this word into even a short 5-second commercial-tease (but, again, a BARBIE FAVE.) We don't care about your trendy weather terms.

3) And, Barbie, I DON'T CARRY AN UMBRELLA - even if it's POURING DOWN RAIN, and I have to walk THREE BLOCKS. So, PLEASE, STOP saying, "Ya better carry your umbrella!" -or- "Don't putcha umbrellas away!"- EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. (Even if there is a 10% chance of a shower the next day!!) WE GOT IT. RAIN = WET. TO AVOID WET, USE UMBRELLA.

4) Barbie (mainly Barbie, but not the only one) - "100% Chance of (whatever)." I'm not positive that this is technically wrong to say, but it DOES irritate me. Is there a "100% chance" of ANYTHING?? Doesn't a "100% chance of rain" mean that God Himself couldn't stop it? I don't know - I think 90% gets the point across.

5) Barbie- I know that everyone SHOULD attend Church. I don't know, though, about substituting actual TIMES (9am, 2pm, etc.) on the Sunday forecast with: "It oughta let up just around the time yur leavin' for Sunday School. It could be a 'Toad-Choaker', though, about the time yur gettin' ready fur yur evenin' service." ("Sarah...Get me Mt. Pilot, please...")

6) To Barbie again: What the hell is a "High-Profile Vehicle" - and WHY do you use that term so much?

7) Barbie, I'm not going to criticize things that you can't help. But you CAN help your hair. That new June Cleaver 'do HONESTLY makes you look at LEAST 10 years older. You don't look CLOSE to the mid-30's that you are. What's with your obsession with the big, tall, 80's hair?? I've seen your hair after a rainstorm, or whatever, when it's not 9" high, and you look MUCH better, in MY opinion. Why not sport the "old lady hair" when you're an old lady?? - Kingfish - can you do a poll on just Barbie's hair? (PS - The Locks of Hair Cancer deal - a GOOD thing - seriously - but if I had heard Barbie talking about it ONE more time...I've never seen ANYBODY that obsessed over something in my life.)

8) One more thing - What's with the "Chief Meteorologist" crap? It's ridiculous. Get over yourself!! They do it on other channels, too, now. With EVERY detail of the weather that I care about, being TWO clicks away on my phone (and taking a total of 20 seconds), I wouldn't be acting like I was King/Queen of the Newscast (and/or World)!! (And could you leave OFF what the 'squaw line' in Idaho is doing, and where your "Reconnaissance Plane" is gathering 'Barometric data', and what the 'Dew Point' in Puckett will be, 'day after tomorry'? Nobody cares.)

And, Barbie, why does it seem like you LOVE to say, "So, you probably wanna go ahead and cancel your Christmas/Birthday/Anniv./etc.. plans, 'cause it's lookin' like a washout.BackToYou..." -OR- inevitably, on the FIRST nice day after a month of straight rain, you're going to pop in during a commercial, and say (with a HUGE grin), "Don't get too used to the sun! Showerz on the way!! :D

Anonymous said...

"Is Katina Rankin trying to win a: "Why...*pause*... GOODNESS GRACIOUS...*big-eyes*... a MOST, well, draMATic AWARD...*dramatic-pause*...every SINGLE MORning??!!!!"

she is terrible.

Anonymous said...

Here are the terms that I am SICK OF - that local weathercasters WAY OVERUSE:


1) Pronouncing Hattiesburg as "HATTIS-BURG"!!! (BARBIE BASSETT!!!) - Hattiesburg was named after HATTIE Hardy - the first mayor's wife - hence, "Hattie's Burg"!! IF a town were to be named after you, BARBIE, would you want it pronounced "BARBIS-BURG" everyday?? This is EXTREMELY IRRITATING, especially to Hattiesburg residents, and USM grads (me). If you STILL don't believe me, please call or write the Hattiesburg Chamber of Commerce, who will politely tell you how the city's name is pronounced.

2) Would you PLEASE stop saying, "CORRIDOR"?? CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR!!!! The local weathercasters will work this word into even a short 5-second commercial-tease (but, again, a BARBIE FAVE.) We don't care about your trendy weather terms.

3) And, Barbie, I DON'T CARRY AN UMBRELLA - even if it's POURING DOWN RAIN, and I have to walk THREE BLOCKS. So, PLEASE, STOP saying, "Ya better carry your umbrella!" -or- "Don't putcha umbrellas away!"- EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. (Even if there is a 10% chance of a shower the next day!!) WE GOT IT. RAIN = WET. TO AVOID WET, USE UMBRELLA.

4) Barbie (mainly Barbie, but not the only one) - "100% Chance of (whatever)." I'm not positive that this is technically wrong to say, but it DOES irritate me. Is there a "100% chance" of ANYTHING?? Doesn't a "100% chance of rain" mean that God Himself couldn't stop it? I don't know - I think 90% gets the point across.

5) Barbie- I know that everyone SHOULD attend Church. I don't know, though, about substituting actual TIMES (9am, 2pm, etc.) on the Sunday forecast with: "It oughta let up just around the time yur leavin' for Sunday School. It could be a 'Toad-Choaker', though, about the time yur gettin' ready fur yur evenin' service." ("Sarah...Get me Mt. Pilot, please...")

6) To Barbie again: What the hell is a "High-Profile Vehicle" - and WHY do you use that term so much?

7) Barbie, I'm not going to criticize things that you can't help. But you CAN help your hair. That new June Cleaver 'do HONESTLY makes you look at LEAST 10 years older. You don't look CLOSE to the mid-30's that you are. What's with your obsession with the big, tall, 80's hair?? I've seen your hair after a rainstorm, or whatever, when it's not 9" high, and you look MUCH better, in MY opinion. Why not sport the "old lady hair" when you're an old lady?? - Kingfish - can you do a poll on just Barbie's hair? (PS - The Locks of Hair Cancer deal - a GOOD thing - seriously - but if I had heard Barbie talking about it ONE more time...I've never seen ANYBODY that obsessed over something in my life.)

8) One more thing - What's with the "Chief Meteorologist" crap? It's ridiculous. Get over yourself!! They do it on other channels, too, now. With EVERY detail of the weather that I care about, being TWO clicks away on my phone (and taking a total of 20 seconds), I wouldn't be acting like I was King/Queen of the Newscast (and/or World)!! (And could you leave OFF what the 'squaw line' in Idaho is doing, and where your "Reconnaissance Plane" is gathering 'Barometric data', and what the 'Dew Point' in Puckett will be, 'day after tomorry'? Nobody cares.)

And, Barbie, why does it seem like you LOVE to say, "So, you probably wanna go ahead and cancel your Christmas/Birthday/Anniv./etc.. plans, 'cause it's lookin' like a washout.BackToYou..." -OR- inevitably, on the FIRST nice day after a month of straight rain, you're going to pop in during a commercial, and say (with a HUGE grin), "Don't get too used to the sun! Showerz on the way!! :D

Anonymous said...

Having said all of that - it looks like I really got on Barbie's case - but the main reason for that, is that WLBT is pretty much the only news-station that I watch. Reverend Dr. Sir David "I love to Google myself" Hartman is just an asshole. I've seen him treat the other lowly peasant WAPT employees (anchors, etc.) like total trash - several times - on the air. I haven't seen even HIM have a meltdown, though, like Ethan Houston did a couple of months ago. He had to stay late because of a storm, I guess, and they didn't get the right screen up at one point, and I swear, I thought he was going to take out a gun and mow down everybody in the room. WAPT must get the "Most Stressful Local News Station to Work For" Award. The other night, I was watching, and Stephanie Maxwell (I keep having to look up names) was doing a story, and they put up the wrong video, and she, well, she DID NOT appreciate it. And the sports girl, who used to be there (she quit last year, I think) - I saw her have a couple of major hissyfits ON the air. So maybe pass out some Xanax over there, or something.

WJTV - I have no idea what your weather is like. I have accidentally had it on your newscast a few times, andIheardthismonotonewomantalkingandthenoneofthemsaidsomethingreallystupidandtheyallstartedcrackinguplaughingandmakingridiculousjokes,IguesstryingtobemorelikeWLBTbutitwasveryawkwardandsad.

Can I just say a few more quick things about WLBT? Is Katina Rankin trying to win a: "Why...*pause*... GOODNESS GRACIOUS...*big-eyes*... a MOST, well, draMATic AWARD...*dramatic-pause*...every SINGLE MORning??!!!! And... I like Paul's get-right-to-it forecast, but naming them the "Who'da thought it" forecast, and the "MMMmmm Gooood!" forecast, etc.. goobs me out a little. And... Bert Case, you have to like him, but I keep waiting for his REAL voice - it's like when a woman is mocking how a man talks, and they try to talk deep, and it sounds ridiculous? I think all men wish they had Tom Brokaw's Baritone - but, like a combover, if it's not there, don't try to fake it. And... Rob Jay - the first time you joked about the camera guy pretending to not be doing his job ("C'MON, MA'AAAAN!!!"), it was pretty funny. The second time, kind of funny. The thirtieth time, not-so-much. And... what horrific events do the attorneys and host have to think about, to avoid cracking up laughing at most of the call-ins (who must barely be able to function in day-to-day life) on Saturday's "Law Call"? And...I love Howard and Maggie - I think they are perfect, and should be married to each other. And... LAST - to ALL local NEWSCASTS: EVERYTHING is NOT "BREAKING NEWS"!!!! I remember when "Breaking News" meant something BIG - something that was REALLY big news. Now, you BEGIN each newscast with "BREAKING NEWS", then interrupt the "BREAKING NEWS" with "BREAKING NEWS", and then the "BREAKING BREAKING NEWS" leads into *yawn* MORE "BREAKING NEWS." (Oh...and does anybody else think the Wed. night Criminal Report - w/Marsha Thompson - is, uh, kinda funny... or something?)

I feel better now. (Can this still be called a "comment"?)

Anonymous said...

Man, the green-eyed monster is alive and well on St.Paddy's day, eh? Keep reading where Barbie is leaving channel 3 so dude/dudette, you won't have to listen to her much longer.

And by the way, let's show up at your work and pick you apart and tell you EVERYTHING that you say that gets on our nerves, gets under our skin, and make fun or your hair (or lack thereof?).

Anonymous said...

As an early bird, I highly recommend the 4:30 a.m. WAPT crew....Megan West has been the main anchor the last week or so and she does a really professional job. As to the weather folks, I'm OK with most any of them.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS