Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Get off your butts and vote for CARA

CARA has a very good chance at winning a $50,000 grant this evening thanks to Pepsi. CARA has to ran in the top ten for the monthly idea give-away to win the grant, which it desperately needs. Go to this page and VOTE!!!

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Audio recording of The Blueprint author on Kim Wade show

Here is the audio recording of yesterday's Kim Wade show. Adam Schrager, the author of The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado, appeared on the show along with yours truly. It was a very good show, one of the best Kim and I have ever done at WJNT. There is a great deal of good information in this show for Democrats and Republicans alike. See the post below promoting the show for some articles written by the authors. Excellent show and excellent book. I highly recommend getting the book. You can download it from Amazon for ten bucks. Well worth it.

Click here to download.

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Latest crime stats

Jackson crime stats for week ending August 22,2010.

Jackson major crimes overview for week ending August 15, 2010.

City of Madison crime reports through August 29, 2010.

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Karen Irby settles

Karen Irby settled with the families of Dr.'s Pogue and Dedousis on August 4. The settlement does not disclose what assets of Mrs. Irby were given to the families but it does state they paid her debts. Very interesting.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Kingfish will be on KIM Waaaaaade today with the author of The Blueprint

Listen to KIM Waaaaaaaade on WJNT today. Adam Schrager, co-author of The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado, will be on the show today to discuss his book. Co-author Rob Witwer wrote in National Review:

"Consider the following. In October 2004, the GOP dominated politics at every level in Colorado. Republicans held both U.S. Senate seats, five of seven congressional seats, the governor’s mansion, the secretary of state’s and treasurer’s offices, and both houses of the state legislature. Four years later, the opposite is true: Replace the word “Republicans” with “Democrats” in the previous sentence, and you have one of the most stunning reversals of fortune in American political history..." Article

Mr. Witwer writes in The Weekly Standard the Democrats are exporting the Colorado model to other states to replicate the same success at the ballot box:

"Led by Colorado strategists Ted Trimpa and Al Yates, progressives have made a major push to expand their “independent sector” strategy to other states. On the eve of the current election cycle, elements of the Colorado Model have been developed in California, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

An example is ProgressNow, a network of state-based nonprofits that uses online organizing and media outreach tools to generate, push, and amplify negative information about Republican candidates. Originally formed in Colorado in 2003, ProgressNow boasts an $8 million budget, a grassroots network of more than 2.4 million people, and chapters in 12 states...." Article

You Republicans who think "We got Haley, no problem", need to listen in today.

Click here to listen to the show. Show is from 5:10 to 6:00 PM CST.

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Banks & Frazier: We were against it before we were for it

Wow. Several black legislators held a press conference last week and demanded the Bond Commission approve a six million dollar bond package for some improvements to Jackson's water system. The Jackson Free Press reported:

"Members of Jackson’s state legislative delegation today called on Gov. Haley Barbour to authorize a $6 million state bond issue for water infrastructure that has sat in limbo since the Legislature approved it earlier this year, perhaps tying it to support for Barbour's special-session project that goes before the Legislature Friday.

In a press conference at the state capitol this morning, Rep. Earle Banks and Sen. Alice Harden urged Barbour, who sits on the state Bond Commission that oversees municipal bond requests, to use his influence to approve the bond issue....

Banks and Harden, along with Jackson Reps. Mary Coleman, Credell Calhoun and Alyce Clarke, Rep. Walter Robinson of Bolton, and Jackson Sen. Hillman Frazier, called on the city to send an application to MDA. The legislators, all Democrats, reserved most of their energy for criticizing Barbour and the Bond Commission for not supporting much-needed improvements to the city’s water system." article

Banks was particularly outspoken:

"Banks would not say definitively that he would vote against Barbour’s requested incentive package, but said he “may not vote for it.”

I’m kind of tired of voting for bonds if I can’t get the bond money for Jackson,” he said."

Hmmm...... How did these guys actually vote? A quick peek at the voting records of final passage of this bill shows Frazier voted "present" and Coleman voted against it. House vote on conference report, Senate vote on conference report

What is curious is a sizable portion of the Black Caucus also voted against the bond package: Frazier, Horn, Dawkins, S. Jackson, Simmons, Turner all voted present. Representatives Buck, Banks, Campbell-Buck, Clark, Coleman, Bryant, Espy, Evans, Fredericks, Gardner, Harrison, Huddleston, Johnson, Scott, and Wooten all voted against it. Hmmmm..... how many of them are from the Jackson area?

How did Banks actually vote? He voted against the bond bill. Apparently lying runs in his family because while he whines to the press its not fair how Haley treats Jackson, Mr. Banks voted against Jackson when he had a chance to stand up for it. Facts are such an inconvenient thing, aren't they, Mr. Banks?

Kingfish, that was the conference report. What about the bill when the original version passed each chamber? Good question. When the bill passed the Senate, Senators Horhn, Harden, and Turner were the ONLY ones to vote against it. In the House, Campbell voted against the bond package.

Unfortunately, none of the Jackson media bothered to examine the voting records of these Black Caucus members claiming to defend Jackson but who actually voted against it when it came time to be counted. Mr. Banks and some others have some explaining to do. As for the JFP, nothing really needs to be said about their coverage of this issue. However, the question must be asked: Why did so many members of the Black Caucus and Jackson delegation vote against the bond package?

Earlier posts on Water Bonds story: JJ obtains letters between Jackson and State, State does not owe "millions" in past-due water bills, The Rest of the story, The Rest of the story on those past-due bills

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Grab your 401k

Look at what the Democrats have planned this week for your retirement accounts: a li'l ole hearing. Aren't they cute. I've been warning you about this for two years now. Read about it here, here, here, here, and here.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

North State Street is falling down, falling down....

Car was driving down North State Street this afternoon. Pavement collapsed. There was no rain. Car would not budge.

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Mayor Johnson and the REST of the story

Remember when Mayor Johnson accused the state of Mississippi of owing millions to the City of Jackson in unpaid water bills only to backtrack within a few days and blame a staffer for "misinforming" him? JJ even filed a public records request for a list of all state accounts for water/sewer with the City of Jackson. See earlier post.

Well, there are several accounts that are more than 90 days past due: accounts of the Mississippi State Fair Commission. The Commission owes Jackson $181,379 according to the information provided by the city. There is one little fact I need to point out: Mayor Johnson sits on the board of the Fair Commission. If Mayor Johnson is going to raise hell over unpaid water bills, then why isn't he raising hell as a board member at the city's worst offender? List of accounts

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blast from the past

The time: 1978
The place: The Coliseum
The band: The Grateful Dead.


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This band is pretty good.

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One question about the Pearl vandalism?

Why weren't the two little Goth wannabe's out there helping clean up their mess yesterday? Under police guard, of course.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

MDOT suspended payments to Jackson in July

MDOT suspended payments to the City of Jackson in July after the City failed to submit a required audit. JJ learned about this after obtaining correspondence between Jackson and MDOT through a public records request.

MDOT sent a letter to Mayor Harvey Johnson on July 9, 2010 informing him the agency was suspending payments to Jackson on July 12. Jackson received over $500,000 federal funds through MDOT in 2009. Jackson is required by the federal government and MDOT to submit an audit for said funds. MDOT warned Jackson on December 4, 2009 that if Jackson did not submit the audit by June 30, 2010, payments would be suspended and there would be no extensions of the deadline.

The suspension was lifted on August 3 after Jackson submitted the required audit to MDOT. What is interesting is separate letter sent on the same day to Jackson states there were "material weaknesses and significant deficiencies in the internal control over the City's major federal programs". The audit included a corrective action plan. Such "deficiencies" are not a surprise to anyone who observed how sloppily the Melton administration conducted its affairs. However, the Johnson administration was still responsible for completing the audit and was given over six months to do so. Efforts to obtain the information from MDOT and the City of Jackson have been unsuccessful at this time.

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Let the hit pieces commence

It didn't take long after Neshoba for the Clarion-Ledger to do a hit job on State Auditor Stacy Pickering. Pickering receives some favorable reaction at the Neshoba County Fair , making it clear he is a force to be reckoned with as he prepares to run for Lieutenant Governor. Suddenly the Clarion-Ledger sics its top reporter, Jerry Mitchell on Mr. Pickering last Sunday. Mr. Mitchell penned a story about Mr. Pickering, gasp, using a state vehicle to drive to Laurel where he and his family reside. The newspaper reported:

"State law forbids state employees from driving cars for personal use.

State Auditor Stacey Pickering, who heads the office investigating claims of abuse of state automobile privileges, said he has used a state car to travel from his Laurel home to Jackson and back - but only for state business or security's sake.." Article

Hmmm..... I wonder how Mr. Mitchell even found out about Mr. Pickering's use of a state vehicle. It wouldn't be at all surprising if the "tip" came from someone doing some "opposition research". Its pretty obvious to any political observer Mr. Pickering will be a serious candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Family name. Good looks. Base of Laurel and Hattiesburg. Name recognition in the Jackson area due to his current tenure as State Auditor. Then there are the family connections and networks that could help if made available to him. Its no coincidence the Clarion-Ledger wrote a hit piece on an up-and-coming young conservative politician.

Frankly, its hard to see what the fuss is about. Mr. Pickering is to be admired if commuting from Laurel as it shows dedication to his job and his family. Mr. Pickering could have imitated some current state senators: get another home here in Jackson, keep the family stuffed out of sight and mind in another part of the state, and make a mockery of his marriage. Mr. Pickering instead chose to commit himself to the roles of State Auditor, husband, and father. For doing so, he earned sniping from the "state newspaper" and the rest of the Jackson media. The same media that lauds one particular state Senator from another part of the state who is married, keeps a home here in Jackson, stuffs the family out of sight and mind back home, and flaunts his floozies in public for all to see while the media talks about what a great guy he is because he is the media's best friend. He is not the only legislator who does that either. Mr. Pickering returned over three million dollars to the taxpayers of Mississippi, dwarfing the record of is predecessor. For his troubles, Mr. Pickering earns a small salary, which he knew when he ran for office. If Mr. Pickering's use of a state vehicle costs even a few thousand dollars, its a bargain. Forget the fundraising numbers, if Mr. Pickering is receiving this kind of scrutiny from the Clarion-Ledger, somone must be worried.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leeeeeeeeets get ready to RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Start at 30:00. Listen to the fireworks between misfit Enoch Sanders, the round mound of downtown Kenneth Stokes, and gentleman Frank Bluntson at the Jackson City Council this week. You can download at this link. Enjoy.

Note: Play this clip at the same time:

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Defendant answers in Jamie Franks lawsuit

Defendant and Lee County Democratic Party Chairman Eric Hampton filed his answer this week in Lee County Circuit Court. Lee County Superintendent of Education Mike Scott sued Mr. Hampton and Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Jamie Franks. Here is his answer:

JJ was the first website to provide a copy of the lawsuit. JJ reported "There is no sense in sugarcoating it. It's dynamite. Mr. Scott admits to an affair and then accuses Franks and Hampton of conspiring to maliciously interfere with his employment and "extorting" Mr. Scott. It states Mr. Hampton used his position in the Democratic Party to further the conspiracy between he and Mr. Franks against Mr. Scott. What is also interesting is the suit claims the defendants were able to get the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal to publish articles that would aid their cause (Hmmm.... is he alleging Patsy Brumfield, former Governor Musgrove cronie and the reporter in question, is acting for Franks and Hampton?) . Mr. Scott asks the court for a declaratory judgment stating he is not liable for alienation of affection and and in the alternative, an undeclared amount of damages for extortion, malicious interference with his employment, defamation, and negligence. The complaint includes as exhibits the letter sent by the Lee County Democratic Party Executive Committee to Mike Scott demanding his resignation, a copy of the NE Mississippi Daily Journal articles, and the notice of claim filed by Jamie Franks. They are all worth reading." Earlier post

The Mississippi Mudpit in Lee County gets more crowded.

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PRVD at it again.

Stacking strip malls on top of each other wasn't enough for the District. Sticking a monster-size bank on the corner of Old Fannin Road and Spillway wasn' t enough for the District. Now they are looking at granting permission to Lamar Advertising to place digital billboards on Spillway Road. The Reznews blog reports:

"The Shoreline Committee of the PRV board met Monday afternoon and discussed one topic that has the potential to get some folks stirred up.

A representative from Lamar Outdoor Advertising asked the committee to consider letting their company install a digital outdoor sign on reservoir property. They showed a picture of how a sign might look at the intersection of Spillway and Old Fannin Road." Article


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JJ poll: Sweetness reigns

The voters names Walter Payton as the best NFL running back ever in the most recent poll. Jim Brown was second and Barry Sanders third.

Earl Campbell
11 (2%)
Gayle Sayers
13 (3%)
Emmitt Smith
23 (6%)
Jim Brown
46 (12%)
OJ Simpson
5 (1%)
Eric Dickerson
3 (0%)
Barry Sanders
41 (11%)
Franco Harris
6 (1%)
Marcus Allen
2 (0%)
Walter Payton
217 (58%)
Marshall Faulk
1 (0%)

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Questions remain

Most of Jackson now knows it was Ethan Van Sice that killed MRA teacher Leigh Ann Ward in the horrific crash that took place last week on River Thames Drive. However, there are a few questions to be asked of JPD, that should have learned its lesson after the seriously-flawed Irby investigation. WLBT story.

1. Why did JPD release the name nearly a week later and only after media outlets (this site was the first) published the name of the driver?
2. Why did JPD wait a week to conduct accident reconstruction at the scene?
3. Why did JPD take the tape down prematurely?
4. Is JPD going to charge Mr. Van Sice with a crime?

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JJ obtains letters between Jackson & State on water bonds

JJ obtained through public records requests copies of all correspondence between the City of Jackson and various state agencies regarding the proposed $6 million in bonds that would fund improvements to Jackson's water system.

Mayor Johnson sent the first letter to the Bond Commission on August 5, the day after he learned the bond package was not approved by the state. Mr. Johnson asks the Bond Commission to reconsider its decision. He states on page two Jackson will be forced to rely on local resources despite the fact there are actually TWO loan funds available to Jackson through the Mississippi Department of Health and Department of Environmental Quality. JJ pointed this out in an earlier post and the Governor confirmed it in the letter he sent to Jackson on August 16. Ignorance because a few days later, Attorney General Jim Hood stated in a letter on August 12 the City of Jackson never submitted an application for the loans (funded by the bonds) as stated in the law. The Mayor responded to Mr. Hood in a letter on August 13 that while the law required Jackson to make an application to the Mississippi Development Authority, it didn't state what the application "should include" or what form it should be. It should be pointed out the bill didn't become law until July 1 so MDA probably has not had time to craft an application.

The Johnson administration submitted an "application" on August 11 to MDA in the form of a letter. The MDA told JJ no application had been submitted but it did receive a letter from the Mayor. However, Mayor Johnson does have a point in that apparently no formal application exists.

These letters illustrate JJ's contention. Mayor Johnson didn't read the law and assumed he would automatically get the six million dollars. He included the assumed money in his budget for the 2011 fiscal year. He got caught with his pants down when he found out there were some procedures he had to follow before he could get his money. Instead of meeting with the Bond Commission to determine what was needed to get approval, he instead ran to every tv camera in Jackson and attacked everyone he thought responsible. His administration didn't bother to even follow the law and ask MDA for the funds until a week later. The question still remains as to why Jackson should pursue this route when there are some pretty good loans with better terms available from the state.

Note to the Jackson Free Press: While you complain about the Legislature supposedly singling out Jackson by imposing the application requirement on Jackson and painting it as racism on the part of the legislature, perhaps you should actually read HB# 1701. If you did, you might see who actually sponsored the bill: Watson, Peranich, Holland, Scott, Clark, Coleman (29th), Reynolds, and Dedeaux. ALL were Democrats. HALF of them were blacks. Yeah Donna and Adam, this was a bill passed by racist Republicans in the legislature that hate Jackson. Perhaps you should go ask the Black friggin Caucus why they put this in the bill. Bill (Section 50).

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The Onion comes to reality

(CNN) -- Wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration: Ebonics translators.

It might sound like a punch line, as "Ebonics" -- the common name for what linguists call African-American English -- has long been the butt of jokes, as well as the subject of controversy.

But the agency is serious about needing nine people to translate conversations picked up on wiretaps during investigations, Special Agent Michael Sanders said Tuesday. A solicitation was sent to contractors as part of a request to companies to provide hundreds of translators in 114 languages.

"DEA's position is, it's a language form we have a need for," Sanders said. "I think it's a language form that DEA recognizes a need to have someone versed in to conduct investigations
." Article

You were expecting this video?

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Here it is

Ethan Van Sice

Say a prayer for Ms. Ward, Mr. Sice, and their families. Only reason I'm posting this is because JPD has been so secretive as usual.

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Update on Ridgewood home.

JJ reported on this house on Ridgewood in an earlier post. One can easily see where plywood has replaced glass in the windows. The home has been in this condition for over six months. This correspondent examined the title to the property last week. The title reveals the home was owned by Timothy Hawkins. Unfortunately for Mr. Hawkins, Chase foreclosed on the home last week (The substitute of trustee notice was filed on June 25, 2010.).* Mr. Hawkins borrowed $130,000 from Chase to purchase the home in 2007. Unfortunately, a call to community improvement revealed plywood windows are not code violations. Looks like we need to strengthen the code. Something along the lines of, unless a natural disaster occurs, a homeowner has 30 days to get some glass installed where plywood is found in window frames or else he is guilty of a violation. Its about time our laws start reflecting reality and do something about blighted properties such as this one.

*The deed has not been filed at the courthouse yet. The information about the sale was obtained through a phone call to Nationwide Trustee Services.

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Buy golf course, lose City Hall

Buy a golf course, lose a city hall. Such a disaster is currently taking place in Buena Vista, Virginia. The Wall Street Journal reported this week:

"Buena Vista, Va., borrowed $9.2 million through a bond offering in 2005 to refinance a municipal golf course. It pledged as collateral, of all things, its City Hall and police station.

Now, amid financial difficulties, the city says it can't pay its debt, triggering a showdown over these public buildings.

On the other side of the battle is a big New York insurance company, ACA Financial Guaranty Corp., which is obligated to pay bondholders if the city defaults." Article

Interesting article and a warning to local governments who decide to load up on debt or refinance bonds that cost $8 million more dollars than if nothing were done.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

The King Edward tour at the Hilton

Update: Wlbt covered the story. Mrs. Blackmon said she had a temporary permit but it "fell down". She also refused to go on camera or let them inspect the permit itself.

The King Edward tour came to the Hilton on August 16. Heard it was a good show.

Earlier post on the Bravo! tour stop.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mother of Karen Irby seeks full custody of grandson

Karen Irby's mother didn't waste any time responding to Stuart Irby's answer to her lawsuit. Gayle Lang filed a motion seeking full custody of her grandson, Graham Irby, yesterday in Hinds County Chancery Court. Karen Irby joined in the action. The motion requests the court award full legal and physical custody to Gayle Lang with "reasonable visitation" given to Stuart Irby. Ms. Land and Mrs. Irby claim Mr. Irby is not mentally or physically able to care for the child and seek temporary custody as well until the court can rule on the motion. One can only imagine Mr. Irby and is representatives will have something further to say about this latest action.

See earlier post

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Santelli: "The administration thinks they can do it for free."

Interesting discussion on the housing mess

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Check out King Edward

1:00 PM in front of Bravo's today.

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Stuart Irby responds to mother-in-law, calls her behavior inexcusable.

Stuart M. Irby Sr. filed a response yesterday in Hinds County Chancery Court to the lawsuit filed by Gayle Lang, his mother-in-law, seeking visitation rights to the son of Karen and Stuart. The answer contains several interesting claims and facts:

1. Stuart has sole physical and legal custody of said minor child (Hmmm.... one question one could see being asked is Mr. Irby mentally competent to handle said custody.).

2. Mr. Irby "emphatically denies he has unreasonably denied visitation rights with Graham as Ms. Lang claimed. Mr. Irby further states he has gone to great "effort and expense" to allow Ms. Lang to see her grandson even though Ms. Lang has "repeatedly expressed and demonstrated great hostility" towards the Irbys.

3. Karen Irby is allowed to have visitors every other Sunday from 8:00 Am to 12:00 PM. "Stuart has made arrangements for Graham to visit with Karen at each and every available opportunity. Graham also visits with Petitioner during this same four hour period."

4. One of JJ's commentors got it right a few weeks ago about Stuart's whereabouts because on page four the answer states Mr. Irby is enrolled in a neurological treatment facility in Benton, Arkansas. Mr. Irby entered the facility on July 7, 2010.

5. Mr. Irby's brother, Joe, and his wife, Diane, are caring for Graham. Graham has lived there since May 27, 2010.

6. Mr. Irby executed a power of attorney to his best friend, Jeff Rickels. The answer doesn't say anything about hockey pucks.

7. Mr. Irby gave Gayle several periods during the summer, two to four days each, during which she could have overnight visitation with Graham.

8. Graham is now attending "pre-school in Arkansas."

9. The answer begins to get a little nasty on page six as it makes some rather unflattering claims about Ms. Lang. "In spite of the efforts made by Stuart and his family and friends to facilitate visitation with Gayle, Gayle has embarked on a course of conduct designed to poison Graham against his father, his Irby family, and his time in Little Rock. The answer claims little Graham said "Daddy is not going to let me see my mommy anymore" after one visit with his grandmother. Little Graham made more comments: "Nanna is going to get a judge to say I don't have to go to Little Rock", "Why is my daddy paying you (to Stuart's lawyer)", "there is nothing to do in Little Rock", "I don't have any friends in Little Rock", and Nanna said I don't have to go to Super-Hero training camp (Ok, I'll bite. Where can I go to one of those. I want to learn to be a super-hero. Already got my hammer and helmet picked out and polished.).

The response naturally claims little Graham is having fun in Little Rock and has enjoyed being with Joe and Diane (Note to Mr. Roberts: You should have included a line about how it is to be expected such a change in circumstances (Suddenly no parents and new surroundings) will involve some confusion and possible adverse feelings in a five-year old and such is to be expected. No serious person is going to think such a child in such a situation isn't going to exhibit some anti-social or troubled behavior. Might as well admit the obvious.).

7. Mr. Irby is will file a motion for summary judgment with accompanying affidavit and asks for sanctions, as well as attorney's fees and court costs against Ms. Lang. Richard Roberts is representing Mr. Irby.

This is obviously a sad situation for everyone. One hates seeing court fights such as this one because either way its resolved, its the child who will suffer through hurt feelings and prolonged fights. An innocent little five year old child, who had nothing to do with anything, suddenly finds himself without a mom and a few weeks later, a dad. His father is obviously still recovering from the wreck. Some hard decisions have to be made concerning his care and education. One also has to consider the comments he will be subjected to on future school playgrounds (your mom's a killer, nya nya nya). There are bound to be feelings rubbed raw even further regardless of efforts made or not made. One can only hope this is resolved in favor of little Graham and that he is not a chip used by either side. Copy of answer, Earlier post

Note: Jessica Larshe of Fox40 to plagiarize in 3....2....1.....

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time for some humor.

She can't help it. She just can't. Madame DeLadd knits "tea party" into her quilt as she feverishly tries to link the tea party movement to.......... the Citizens Council, Sovereignty Commission, and other features of segregation. Read this editorial for yourself. Reminds me of when she tried to link Sarah Palin to the Confederacy and slavery. Warning: don't drink anything while reading. Computer monitors and keyboards are not cheap and water damage can't be repaired in many cases.

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Zach Scruggs files motion to vacate

Looks like Zachie has his feelings hurt and won't let it go. Lawyer Tom Freeland has some good analysis over on his website and Kings of Tort author Alan Lange chimes in with an editorial.

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Latest crime stats

Jackson crime stats for week ending August 15, 2010.

Jackson major crimes overview for week ending August 8, 2010.

City of Madison crime reports through August 17, 2010.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kim Wade & Ben Allen smackdown on WJNT

Listen to the smackdown between Kim Waaaaaaade and Ben Allen this week on WJNT. This affair started last week when I co-hosted a show with Kim last week. Kim started ripping into Downtown Jackson Partners and Harvey Johnson. Ben called up to discuss Kim's concerns, which they did on the air. They set up a rematch for this past Monday and presto, here is the audio of that show. Enjoy.

If the audio does not work, click on this link.

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Bipartisanship comes to Madison County.

Nice to see the stars of Madison County coming out for Karl Banks. A few developers who need his votes for their projects. A couple of put the county on the hook for some TIF bonds on which they might default. Then there is a Republican stalwart such as David Landrum. Nice to see bipartisanship. The rumor, and I mean completely unconfirmed rumor, is it cost a grand to get on this list. I wonder if they'd let me in if I showed up with a check for Karl since I'm now inspired by Landrum's example.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Do I even need to say it?

Where have we heard this before?

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And THE Ohio State University wonders why it can't win titles

"COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State football coaches canceled one of their two scheduled practices because of Friday's heat and high humidity levels.

A university spokeswoman said that the team's trainers recommended to cancel the first practice because of temperatures in the 90s and high humidity levels. Much of central Ohio was placed under an air quality alert on Friday, meaning that children, the elderly and sensitive groups should stay inside.

The team was planning to practice in the afternoon, 10TV's Dan Fronczak reported.

Friday's two-a-day would have been the second time this season that the team would have had multiple practices on the same day."
The team is scheduled to take part in the annual kick scrimmage in Ohio Stadium on Saturday
." article

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Santelli: banks haven't slowed down one bit since credit crisis

Santelli makes some very interesting comments on housing.

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JJ poll: Philips on the Rez is favorite bar.

1. Philips on the Rez 2. Hal & Mal's 3. Underground 119 4. Mint. 5. Fenians.

The Bulldog
27 (6%)
18 (4%)
35 (7%)
3 (0%)
16 (3%)
22 (5%)
11 (2%)
9 (2%)
14 (3%)
Sportsman's Lodge
5 (1%)
Last Call
1 (0%)
Poets II
4 (0%)
Pelican Pointe
11 (2%)
930 Blues Cafe
7 (1%)
Hal & Mal's
52 (11%)
Sal & Mookie's
8 (1%)
4 (0%)
Ole Tavern
12 (2%)
34 (7%)
15 (3%)
Underground 119
40 (9%)
72 (16%)
F Jones Corner
4 (0%)
Alumni House
14 (3%)
Electric Cowboy
2 (0%)

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Monday, August 16, 2010

MARL "Fur Ball" & Food Drive

It's that time of year. Time for the Mississippi Animal Rescue League's Fur Ball. Support MARL and its rescue efforts by attending the ball. Facebook page. It's a good cause and deserves your help. Call 601-497-4340 for tickets.

FOOD DRIVE: The food drive JJ conducted for MARL earlier this year was very successful. You donated 400 lbs of high-quality dog food that the MARL was able to put to good use. Here is the deal. If you go to either Briarwood Pet Store on Canton Mart or La Chateau la Pooch (The Snooty Pooch) by the railroad tracks in Madison and buy dog or cat food, leave it there and I will deliver it to the MARL. These two stores sell good-quality pet food that is needed by MARL. Needed because most people donate grocery-store pet food but as Ms. Boswell informed me, the food you donated was given to the animals recovering from surgeries (and MARL performs quite a few surgeries at its facility). Most people don't have the time to drive thirty minutes out to MARL so I will make it easy for you. Buy the food, leave it at the pet store, and I will deliver it. Thanks for all of your help this year. The food drive will run through the day of the Fur Ball.

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Tonight at 10:00

News trucks get shots of Kroger parking lot on I-55N. Deputies stand guard in parking lot.

An attack took place yet again in the I-55N Kroger parking lot yesterday. This email circulated around Jackson today:

"This is just an alert for all you women (and men too I guess) to beware of going to the I-55 Kroger and exiting the store and talking on a cell phone. My neighbor was jumped by a young guy at gunpoint yesterday at 1:00 pm right after church. She luckily was able to wrestle with the guy and was able to get him to drop the gun and began kicking him, etc. He didn't ask for her wallet, purse, keys or anything. He was trying to get her in the car to get her out of there. She happened to be talking to her husband on the phone and he heard the whole thing happen.

She has asked that I please tell all my co-workers and let them know to be very careful and not to talk on your cell phone when going to your cars. The guy was sitting at the front of the store at a table where Kroger employees usually take their breaks and was watching for a 'victim'. Even though she was only in the 3rd spot and fairly close to the store door, no one heard/saw it going down.

She does realize that she is lucky to be alive and that she could have very easily been killed but she wasn't leaving that parking lot with him!"

Tonight when I drove through the parking lot I saw no less than three deputies standing at the end of edge parking aisle. In recent weeks I noticed a deputy driving around in the golf cart. Apparently that did not deter the criminal element. By the way, Books A Million stopped keeping a security guard at night.

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Vote in poll.

Best NFL running back ever. Jim Brown got my vote. 104 yards a game. 5.3 yards per carry. Zero games missed. 8 NFL rushing titles. 3 MVP's. Here is who would've been the best ever if he hadn't gotten hurt and played full seasons:

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McDonald's meeting at City Council today at 2:30

The Jackson City Council will hold a meeting today at 2:30 on approving the proposed McDonald's for the Southwest corner of Ridgewood and Lakeland. If you don't want it there, show up.

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State does not owe "millions" in past-due water bills.

Remember Harvey's little threat to cut off the state's water because it owed Jackson "millions" in unpaid past-due water bill?

"Johnson said another option is to demand state offices in Jackson catch up with unpaid water bills. The mayor said state government owes the city millions in overdue water charges. Exactly how much the state owes the city was not made available at the news conference. After mentioning the debt, Johnson steered the discussion back to his appeal to the commission. “We’ve opted not to cut state government off,” he said. “But that’s not the story.”

He's right. That is not the story. Its not the story because it was not true. What is the story is the Mayor attacked the state and later said he was "misinformed". No apology for being "misinformed", it was easier just to throw an employee under the bus. The embedded documents contain a listing of all state water/sewer accounts with the City of Jackson and their payment status. Page three contains the press release issued by the Mayor's office about the matter. Oh yes, speaking of press releases. Attorney General Jim Hood issued one last week that seems to corroborate what was reported on this site last week (See Jackson's Water Bonds Failure, the Rest of the Story):

"Section 44 of HB 1701, passed in 2010, authorizes the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) to provide interest-free loans to the City of Jackson to assist in paying for repairs and improvements to the city’s water and sewer system in close proximity to the state capitol complex. The total amount of the loans may not exceed six million dollars, and the time allowed for repayment cannot exceed seven years.

However, the statute also requires the City of Jackson to submit an application to MDA for such loans, which they have not yet done. Until the City of Jackson applies for the funds, and MDA approves the application, the Bond Commission cannot act." Press release

JJ has also learned that as of this weekend, the Mayor still has not contacted the state. The question the state is asking is why Jackson is not following the lead of other Mississippi municipalities and using the loan funds available to it (See the earlier post) through the Mississippi Department of Health and DEQ. The loans contain similar terms and accomplish the same goal.

This correspondent spoke to several Democrats and they have all said the same thing. They think the Bond Commission is overstepping its authority and shouldn't be using a line item veto-type maneuver but the law is the law and the Mayor still has to apply for the loans. He dropped the ball on this one. The Clarion-Ledger can screech on its editorial page about how badly the Bond Commission is treating Jackson but Jackson still has to follow the law. What took place was the bill was signed into law, Harvey fired the lobbyists that knew the law, and no one in Jackson government bothered to actually apply for the loans as prescribed in the law.

Harvey should direct his staff to file the application with MDA as soon as possible. He should then contact the Bond Commission. Under the law, the Commission can conduct special meetings. Harvey should be prepared to explain why Jackson needs to use these funds instead of the loans available through other agencies. The Commission can then approve it, then they have a nice little press conference where Harvey, Hood, and Reeves make nice for the cameras and congratulate each other for working to resolve the problem. Its time for the blame games and media attacks to cease and for work on this problem to begin. Jackson deserves better.


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Sunday, August 15, 2010

A step back in time

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Got word last night Brick Oven will be reopening on Lakeland Drive.

YESSS!!!!! Finally some good pizza. No more of that crap from the Pizza Shack (it's gone down), and Basil's discontinued their pizzas a couple of years ago. Go Grant Go.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tonight: It's the last one this year.

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Here's another one

Here's another home that is becoming an eyesore in Northeast Jackson. 5444 Ridgewood Road, right before Saratoga. Its owned by Timothy Hawkins. Quick search of county records reveals he owns another home on Enochs and apparently lives on Westchester. Have not been able to reach him by phone. City informed me said plywood is NOT illegal when I just called.

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Chairman Greg Ward: "We are going to get it right"

The House Subcommittee on Animal Welfare held its second hearing yesterday on proposed reforms to Mississippi's animal cruelty laws. Representative Greg Ward of Ripley chaired the hearing. Representatives Huddleston, Pigott, Parker, Howell, Reed, Shows, and Staples attended as members of the subcommittee. The small committee room was packed with spectators such as Samantha Cawthorn and Bob Moore (Farm Bureau), Pippa Jackson (Animal Rescue Fund), Cathy Gaitlin (CARA), Gail Brown and Marlo Kirkpatrick (MS-Fact), several veterinarians, Lydia Sattler (Humane Society), WLBT, Jackson Free Press, Bob Anderson (Capital Resources Group), Doug Jeffcoat (Board of Veterinary Medicine), a representative from the Mississippi Poultry Association, and Senator Rob Dearing.

Mr. Ward opened the hearing by proclaiming "the main goal of the hearing is to give the committee's legal assistants information they can use to draft a bill". A bill strengthening the penalties for animal cruelty passed the Senate this year but died in Ward's committee. Mr. Ward said he wanted to pass a bill in the next session and take some time to "get it right" when drafting new legislation. He took a moment to lecture the audience on "unintentionally hurting when they mean to help"

Deputy Ken Sullivan of Rankin County Animal Control testified at the hearing. Mr. Sullivan was crisp and articulate in his testimony as he described the problems he faces in the field. Officer Sullivan oversees three employees, operates the county shelter, and has been serving in his position for nine years. He stated most of the cases he investigated were actual neglect and in most cases, his office tried to work out a resolution best serving the animal's welfare without going to court. He said he had seen maybe "foure cases of outright animal cruelty in the last nine years". It must be noted most of the cases he described involved horses, not cats or dogs. He also stated the recidivism rate was not a good one because the penalties were too low.

Mr. Sullivan then discussed the current laws governing animal cruelty offenses. He called Section 91-4-9 a "wonderful statute". He said the main problems with the current laws are "the penalties are not high enough". Mr. Ward asked Officer Sullivan if a provision for a psychiatric evaluation was needed. The Rankin Deputy replied it was definitely needed and would be a "good provision". Mr. Sullivan also provided some other facts. 80% of the suspects had prior criminal history and that offenders will usually commit other criminal offenses in the future. He said the statute needed two levels of animal cruelty offenses similar to how the law treats simple and aggravated assault. He stated there needs to be "an intent element" that for a "malicious act". The deputy concluded his testimony by distributing this packet of information to the subcommittee. (The first page is the agenda I included.).

Dr. Bob Watson, former President of the Mississippi Veterinary Association then testifed before the hearing. He agreed with Mr. Sullivan in stating "I see neglect a whole lot more than I do abuse" and that he was worried about "unintended consequences." His testimony then moved to the issue of sterilization. Mr. Ward is considering drafting a comprehensive reform of laws governing animal cruelty and similar issues such as sterilization. A discussion was then held on whether the state should mandate sterilization in shelters and if so, when should said sterilization occur. There was very little disagreement among anyone on this subject as everyone clearly recognized the need to control the small animal population. It was also clear the Humane Society has also had substantial contact with the committee on this particular issue and is working with it to craft a solution in any proposed legislation.

Mr. Ward stated he wanted the draft of the proposed bill for the next hearing in a few weeks. He then addressed the failure of SB#2791 to make it out of committee in March:
"The main reason that legislation was not brought forward last year was not because anybody was opposed to it," Ward said. "It was because I did not feel like--and I take the responsibility--there had not been enough research or hearing done on this issue."

Mr. Ward also mentioned the question of Farm Bureau's influence: ""The Farm Bureau or no other organization, even myself, has the power to overrule my committee," he says. "Over the past three years we have not presented a bill to the house we have lost. It's not my intention to bring one to the house floor that's gonna fail."

Earlier posts:
Columbus Packet article on Farm Bureau breakfast and several comments by legislators on animal cruelty bill

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ward holding Animal Cruelty Hearing tomorrow

All right troops, listen up. Representative Greg Ward is holding a hearing on animal cruelty tomorrow at 10:00 in room 202 at the state capital. The House calendar states:

"THURSDAY, August 12, 2010
10:00A 202 Agriculture
A & W
Subcommittee On Animal Welfare
Representatives: Ward, Gardner, Pigott, Parker,
Howell, Huddleston(15th), Reed, Shows, Staples

Be there.

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Break out the tissues.

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Latest crime stats

Jackson crime stats for week ending August 1, 2010.

Jackson major crimes overview for week ending August 1, 2010.

City of Madison crime reports..

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jackson's water bond failure: the Rest of the story.

Mayor Harvey Johnson lashed out at the Bond Commission last week after he learned from the Clarion-Ledger a six-million dollar bond package was not approved by the government body. The newspaper reported on his reaction:

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Update on NE Jackson eyesore

Its coming down. A crew of workers is demolishing the Northeast Jackson home I wrote about a few weeks ago. A permit was issued on August 6.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS