The city of Jackson still suffered the highest murder rate in America even though the number of homicides fell in 2023. WLBT reported:
The year 2023 ends with statistics that almost seem to contradict each other: killings in Jackson have dropped by double digits for two years straight, but the city still tops every other major city in the nation when it comes to the rate of killings per capita.
The Capital City saw 118 killings last year, most of which were handled by JPD (109).
Capitol Police investigated eight homicides, and Jackson State’s police department handled one killing.
The total represents a nearly 15 percent drop over the previous year; in 2022, homicides dropped by 13.7 percent. Article, video, & chart.
Kingfish note: Falling crime is a good thing but the number of murders each year Mayor Lumumba has been in office has been in the top five for Jackson before he took office. Three of the five years did not break but shattered the old record of 92 homicides as Jackson suffered over a hundred homicides per year for the last three years.
What is interesting is the city's website. It states:
Um, how did the city calculate 25%?
2022: 138 homicides
2023: 118 homicides.
Difference: 20 homicides.
15/133 = 14.5%
Take out the nine homicides worked by the Capitol Police.
109 homicides in 2023.
109 -138 = 29.
29/138 = 21%
So how did they get 25%?
Right. Lumumba wants to make it sound like the murder rate during his tenure was a continuation of the norm when it fact there has been an explosion of murders while he has been in office.
Radical and progressive mathematics.
Jackson's crown is safe, regarding her title, "Miss Murder Rate USA". But how does Jackson stand, where the "Miss Murder Rate Universe" title is concerned? Is she still beating-out San Salvador?
Lumumba deserves a lot of the blame for the situation Jackson finds itself in, but crime is not his fault. The high murder rate is due to the total breakdown of a significant portion of the black community. There is nothing he or anyone else can do about that.
Sounds to me like they just rounded up to the 25%. I mean, what's a few percentage points really matter, right?
Another curse of declining population....the decline in crime has to be greater than the fall in population, else your pro rata gets worse. Tough bar to clear.
Can you say "fatherless homes"?
Welfare is to blame for this. Seriously
"nuff said.
The voters of Jackson are the problem. The mayor just brings the stink.
Numbers have never been this administration's strong suit.
They conveniently leave out pertinent info such as the period over which they're calculating that decrease. Makes me think they are taking the peak number of murders for say 2021 and comparing to 2023. Misleading either way.
Surprise surprise!
Can the guy that wants more Good Squad hate comments please provide the same level of admonishing to this post?
Or are Jackson criminal ok with him/her/they/them?
1:39 While I understand what you're intending to say - and I agree with what you're saying about the breakdown of the black community - you must also admit that when a leader does NOTHING, they actually ARE at fault. Baby Chok enthusiastically supports the societal decline that brings about the crime that's risen so quickly, so by fueling that fire, he DOES bear a lot of the blame.
When he said he wanted a radical city, he didn't define "radical." We, therefore, have to assume the increase in crime was part of his plan.....and it's working, because the majority of his constituents don't seem very bothered by it.
If there's nothing he can do about it, why bother to have even an ineffective, half-staffed police force for years, right? Why even bother to have an inoperable 911 system? Why bother to harbor criminals? There's so much less he can do to help the numbers climb higher.
When has he ever stood before the public and said, "I have not done enough. I share the blame. This is unacceptable and will change!"
Lil Choke has hidden crime stats for years, tried to micro manage JPD, mollycoddled juvenile delinquents, failed to be professionally responsible in managing the city finances, ruined Jackson's credit rating, infrastructure, maintenance and let his administration become as inept and petty as he is. City employees have run off because they despise the little tyrant, remaining employees are often unqualified beyond their color and residence status.
This marxist cretin hides in a coat closet so no one captures him on video disrespecting Flag and Country. How does all this vile, hateful and irresponsible behavior affect youth in Jackson?
@1:55pm "Can you say fatherless homes?"
Can you say, "Mothers who were never meant to be mothers?"
Far too many young women are allowed to birth children so they can have something that "loves" and "needs" THEM. Those "mothers" have no intention of developing a healthy functioning adult and citizen.... it defeats the whole purpose of their own fragile narcissism. People are dead, prisons are full, and crime is rampant because of these women who were never ever mother material to begin with. This practice is the poverty that needs defeating.
WRONG 1:39 pm!!! Lumumba’s not the only one at fault but he’s definitely all in on crime.
Why did the NAACP request an injunction against the creation of a court to help with Jackson’s vicious crime, and why is the NAACP against the Capital Police helping Jackson with vicious crime?
How much money did the state waste yesterday paying for all the law enforcement and military to close streets for a freaking parade for Tate that no one attended. What a fucking ego!
I am no Tater fan but golly gee I hope 8:18 warmed up before that stretch.
Yes, Tate's parade is the reason Jackson is the Murder Capital.
And that parade money would solve the crime woes for sure. Because as all Democrats know. Money is the solution to everything.
Do you object to the ACTUAL mayor of the CITY wasting budgeted CITY money endlessly, or just Tate for not inexplicably volunteering to use State funds?
Looked like a couple hundred people at Tate's inauguration at the Capital. Even less for the parade. What political message does that contain?
8:18am, 9:51am
Weather and a dangerous downtown are good reasons why people stayed away. State government, in spite of NAACP et al, is providing extra policing downtown and extra adjudication for crime but not safe enough for me to park, walk, eat or anything else, ever. It will take stop and search 24/7 to get safe in that killing zone.
Looks like Rukia gave her brother a heads up about your call-out of the city's crime stat math... they've now changed the website to read:
"109 homicides in 2023 vs 135 homicides in 2022. 69 Homicides Cleared. 40 unsolved. Solvability Rate is 64.22%"...LOL
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