Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement about the I-20 standoff that took place yesterday.
On Wednesday June 10, 2020, Rankin County Criminal Interdiction Deputies were working Interstate 20 Eastbound in Rankin County. At approximately 2:30 p.m., deputies stopped a Chevy Tahoe for speeding and careless driving. During the stop, deputies suspected the two occupants of possible criminal activity and obtained consent to search the vehicle. During the search, approximately one pound of cocaine was located in a box on the back seat. When deputies located the cocaine, the driver of the vehicle, later identified as Jeffery SELLERS, fled on foot.
Jeffery SELLERS ran across the eastbound lanes then across the westbound lanes of Interstate 20 and into a heavily wooded area north of the interstate. A deputy along with his K-9 partner pursued the SELLERS on foot. When the deputy and canine neared SELLERS, he displayed a weapon and told the deputy he would shoot the deputy and his dog. The deputy took cover and radioed for backup.
Numerous Rankin County deputies, along with MHP Troopers and Pelahatchie Officers responded to the deputy’s call for assistance. The area was soon saturated with law enforcement officers. Contact was made with the suspect again approximately 50 yards off the interstate in heavy woods. Jeffery SELLERS threatened to shoot the officers and then repeatedly threatened to shoot himself. Officers trained in negotiations were soon on the scene and began to communicate with the suspect.
The Jackson Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigations was contacted and additional Hostage Negotiators and FBI Agents were requested to respond in support of the standoff. Several FBI Agents responded and assisted with the negotiations and security of the scene.
After approximately 5 hours of negotiation with little progress and darkness approaching the decision was made to attempt to take Jeffery SELLERS into custody using “less than lethal” force. At approximately 7:40 p.m., diversionary devices were deployed in coordination with rubber pellets and sponge rounds. A specially trained sheriff’ office K-9 was deployed and within seconds had the SELLERS detained. Officers moved in and were able to restrain Jeffery SELLERS and safely take him into custody.
SELLERS was immediately examined by Pafford Ambulance Service. SELLERS was then transported to the Rankin County Jail.
Jeffery Lamar SELLERS and Erick Dwayne SELLERS have both been booked in the Rankin County Jail on the charge of “Trafficking of a Controlled Substance”.
District Attorney Bubba Bramlett will bring both before Rankin County Court Judge Kent McDaniel for an initial appearance.
Sheriff Bryan Bailey thanks the brave men and women of the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department, the Pelahatchie Police Department, the MS Highway Patrol and the FBI who put themselves in harm’s way today to keep the citizens of Rankin County safe and bring a peaceful end to the incident.
Jeffrey Sellers |
Erick Sellers |
Bullshit. He pulled them over because they were black and from outside of Rankin County. The entire incident stems from the systemic racism of the RCSO.
Damn racist K-9.
10:33 what part of a pound of cocaine do you not get? Defund to allow this on our streets and communities. No, we are not defunding the police you nitwit! Don't do the crime and you want do the time!
PoPo had great instinct. Good job>
Even so, they were breaking the law...now, weren't they?
The officer could and should have used deadly force when a gun was pulled on him,
BUT, in this politically correct, white guilt climate, he took cover and called for backup.
Bullshit! Cap his ass! Let your officers do their job and BACK THEM UP!
Why do they even bother to lie? We know they have RCSO deputies posted on the county line with license plate scanners. They obviously targeted him because the deputy's computer alerted him. It's why RCSO busts so many drug traffickers.
Just tell the truth and say the deputy was alerted by the license plate scanner so you don't insult our intelligence and confirm suspicion that cops lie about traffic stops.
A pound of powder cocaine can make a whole lot of crack. Check out the music video posted a few days ago for more information.
10:33, so is it profiling if when they pull them over they are running drugs? Also, they most likely aren’t pulling them over because of their skin color, sometimes it just works out that way. Someone else most likely tatted on them and told them when and what kind of vehicle would be passing through. It’s amazing just about every interdiction stop ends in finding drugs in the vehicle. Funny how that works I reckon.
How fast was he going?
Oh, that's right, RCSO doesn't have radar but are parked in the median of an Interstate conducting not-so-random traffic stops with the help of bales.org (Black Asphalt). Surely the deputy involved is a Knight of the Black Asphalt
IF Sellers ever pointed a gun and threatened to shoot the officer
or his dog....he should have sold him out with REAL lead poisoning
....none of that rubber bullets BS!
One pound of nose candy. That’s a lot of candy.
More like defund hardened criminals.
Looks at notes, yep they can’t detect sarcasm.
Wow, for a bunch of alleged racists, they sure got lucky with these two. A pound of blow, plus guns and the willingness to act very dangerously with them. Ya know, just thinking out loud, but if Mississippi cops pulled over every driver who appeared to have "black skin," they sure would be doing a lot more pulling over than they seem to be doing.
And for the record, I have no doubt that there are racist cops (of all races), cops of all races who are bullies, cops of all races who have no business with a badge or gun, etc. in every state. I also have no doubt that not all cops, whatever their race, are racists, bullies, etc. The reason I have no doubts about either is because cops are a subset of the population and so a few will be bad, a few will be especially exemplary human beings, and most will be just normal folks with human flaws who are trying to do a reasonably good job in their chosen profession.
I have no idea as to how many law enforcement officers are on duty nationwide on any given day, but I imagine it numbers 100,000 or more. I have no idea as to how many interactions these officers have on any given day, but let's say they each have 3 per day. 300,000 interactions, putting their lives on the line but yet the number of cases of LEO's mistreating the people they face is minuscule. I wish the MSM would start reporting on how many of the interactions the LEO is cursed, spat upon and/or physically harmed. That number would be shocking!
For those suggesting the RCSO officer should have shot this criminal when he pointed a gun at him, yes he should have. Because of the current climate of lack of support more and more officers will not discharge their firearm when justified to do so. As a result we will see a dramatic increase in deaths of LEO's at the hands of criminals because they second guessed their training. Fortunately this particular situation had a happy ending; criminals in jail and the good guys go home to their families.
Thanks to ALL of those on the front lines defending our freedoms and keeping us safe from the criminal element.
I hope I'm wrong, but, it sounds to me like about a third of you are suggesting the coke-traveler was mistreated and should have been allowed to go on his way, uninterrupted.
I don't remember voting for license plate scanners.
I've got some bad news for you. You didn't vote for any of the tyrannical police state that you live under. Most people don't care as long as their belly is full and they can watch sportsball.
@3:57, you may not have voted for it, but you voted for that mean little sawed off sheriff lol
I love their expressions.
Erick Sellers is thinking: 'Oh shit, we're screwed'.
Jeffrey Sellers is thinking: " It's cold in here, get me another quilt'.
I please understand that every major and many minor highways are monitored by tag scanners. And yes I’m sure they had a tip regarding that specific vehicle. Between tag scanners and security cams you are being monitored just about everywhere you go. Good? Bad? I’m not too concerned unless I decide to commit a major crime I can’t even get out of my development as we monitor all traffic in and out.
I mostly agree. Call me naive (and be wrong), but I guess I can't get too worked over the fact that "the government" might learn that I went to the grocery or any of the other places someone who doesn't deal coke, shoot at cops, or do other hinkey stuff, does. I rarely consider that I went to the grocery or the other various places I go to be some big secret. Hell, I'm so brazen that I don't even worry about a Walmart cashier knowing that, um, I'm buying milk at Walmart. But if I did want to keep the milk run quiet, it wouldn't take much to thwart a tag scanner.
Anyway, from a financial standpoint, why can't they just go to Facebook and read about everything about where folks are going and what they are doing, even bragging about, just like everyone else? If you want to know where about 80% of the population is and what they are doing, they are posting it all over social media while they are going and doing.
Zero chance this guy had a gun and pointed it at officers and didn’t get killed. IF he did then kudos to LEO’s for showing a new level of restraint and not killing another person. Leo’s fell back and deescalated the situation and brought him in alive the way it should be.
@7:08 & 10:25
You are are the typical sheeple who have fully accepted the slave mentality.
Now for the rest of the story and praying for a jury trial that reflects true justice! LEO has every law& right available to shoot when a gun is pointed at them! No rubber Bullets are required. Their families & citizens Deserve for them to go home safe at night also. Our country has just been over burdened with life insurance pay outs for officers killed in ,the line of duty & their families didn’t get over $13M for their innocent lives. Taxpayers are paying out the nose to clean up all those cities burned & destroyed in the last month because mayors are not doing their jobs or not asking for help when needed. Minneapolis did not have a whit republican mayor so STOP using race & politics. Just be honest and say these are people not living a Christ Centered life. Peaceful Protesting is acceptable; destruction is NOT!
Tracking tags!? Cell phones leave a trail everywhere you go!
No doubt he was profiled, but pointing a gun at a cop is a really dumb move.
Moral of the story.....
DON'T be runnin' drugs.
DON'T be drivin' stupid.
DON'T be in any vi-lations.
Problem Solved.
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