Looks like some Scholars of White Supremacy were at the Emmit Till marker:
Simple solution: Tie them to the marker and flog 'em.
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I struggle to believe that such idiocy walks among us.
What crime was committed? And is not their right to peacefully assemble and speak not protected?
Freedom of speech/assembly anyone? Were they vandalizing or defacing the marker? As much as I hate shitheads like these, prohibiting free speech activities is a slippery slope. And who gets to decide who can go to certain historical markers? It looks like someone sounded an alarm when they saw people they didn't like the look of...imagine if the shoe were on the other foot...
There just are no words. I am a native Mississippian. I love this state, but I guess a whole generation is going to have to die out before we can move beyond the fear that some white people seem to have of other races. Too sad.
The news article I read claimed that they were flying a "neo-confederate" flag.
A journalist with a college education doesn't know that the Saint Andrew's Cross predates the CSA. And African and Caribbean nations use the Saint Andrew's Cross as their national flag.
The absolute state of American education is appalling.
1:51 No what ought to be appalling is that these racist knotheads carry the official state flag of Mississippi as one of their banners. But I suppose it's appropriate.
1:21 is it hard to see to type through the holes in your sheet?
Same mentality of those who burn crosses in the woods, who protest at many area concerts and events with obnoxious yelling through megaphones, who disrespect our deceased soldiers and their family members at funerals...!
White supremacists carrying the Mississippi flag while filming a protest video in front of a memorial to a murdered black child.
I suppose this is when the "heritage" arguments start being slung around. No hate behind that flag, huh?
Legal? Yes
Appropriate? Hell no
Where is the word "alleged?"
1:21 and 1:24 are clearly the same person and thankfully his kind will be dying out over the next decade. So ready to move beyond this crap.
Change the flag, not the speaker.
Going to need more than a generation. Something will have to be done about the endemic crime and violence. Otherwise you can never shut off that instinct for self preservation when the fight or flight response is triggered by said crime and violence.
Be careful the context in which you use the word sacred, you're approaching blasphemy and sacrilege.
1:24 and 2:25 are absolutely correct.
The state of society today speaks more about Civil Rights than any museum or sign in the country.
Was an African American safer in 1959 than today in 2019?
I'm not a white supremacy expert. I'm not saying this guys weren't, but the video is clipped to the point that I can't tell what they were doing. It looks like they have Russian Navy flag and what may or may not be a MS flag. What am I missing here other than guys in black shirts with some sort of patch on the chest and khakis?
I wonder why no one ever complains about the Alabama or Florida state flags. What do they think that big red "X" represents?
Changing a flag wont change a mindset. Bandaids over bullet wounds.
A new book comparing how the Germans deal w their Nazi past and how the South deals (or not) with its history, Learning from the Germans by Susan Neiman, is worth a look to anyone interested in the subject. She’s a philosopher who spent a few months in Mississippi for the book, & it has a chapter on Emmett Till.
3:58 If you really want to know it's like back in the old days when some whites would use the term "darkie" and others would simply use the "n-word". Mississippi uses the "n-word". Florida and Alabama mean the same thing, but even they ain't Mississippi.
Not a freedom of speech issue. They were run off by an alarm, not arrested. Haven’t seen anything accusing them of a crime. The first amendment means the government can’t arrest you for something you say, often and presumably against the government. That’s it, that’s all it is. Please don’t be an idiot about this. I’m glad those imbeciles were run off. They make us all look bad. Thankfully, it appears they are very few in number.
Other than being a bunch of sissies "running" when the alarm sounded, they did nothing wrong.
Like em'or not. . . they broke no laws.
They have every right to film whatever they wish anywhere they wish.
These sissified folks are no different than the other set of opposite idiots that pull the same stunts with monuments they don't like.
Ignorance on parade with most of these posts.
No, a crime was not committed with this assembly.
Yes, the right of assembly is also free speech.
No, that cross is not a Mississippi flag.
No, there is nothing in this video to suggest racism.
No, this venue is not 'sacred'.
No, people gathering at a monument suggest no reason for arrest.
No, one does not have to be black in order to get a pass for showing up at this sign.
No, there is no 'hate' behind a flag.
Yes, it's possible these kids are from England and were filming a clip for civil rights wrongs.
Yes, this entire blog post is intended to stir racial flames.
No, you won't see this post approved.
Congrats 4:47 you made the cut. You are right though. KF is too cowardly to approve factual posts the could lead to an honest discussion, but that might also jeopardize his ad revenue
Yes. Well. Love the comments defending of the " rights to free speech for these" "whiners".
So, I exercise my right to call them pea brained limp dicks who couldn't read or pronounce all the words in The U.S. Constitution if you held a gun to their heads.
4:47 No, no one has suggested that a crime was committed.
Yes, it has been suggested (strongly) that the people doing this were idiots.
Yes, it is possible these "kids" could be from Greenland filming a clip for the next Olympic games in Greenville.
Yes, that was a Mississippi state flag they were holding.
8:32; You might want to revisit the post at 2:39 to see the words crime and violence mentioned. The whole pretext of this thread is to suggest crime and that suggestion was taken up by quite a few who seemed to think 'arrest' was appropriate. Arrest for what? If no 'crime' was being suggested, please then, what's the point of the blog-thread to begin with?
Whether or not a State flag is present is irrelevant. I'm sure you would have been happier had an Antifa flag been waved.
Even 'idiots' (your word) have a right to self expression, assembly and speech, whether uttered or not...as another example, I give you YOU.
PS: You don't have to like or agree with free speech for free speech to be free speech. Did you not know that?
These neo-Confederates are sick individuals who revel in the murder of a 14-year old child by a gang of white thugs, all because he was black. To hell with them, literally.
And yes, that was a Mississippi state flag they were holding.
Ignore them. If they commit any sort of crime prosecute them relentlessly but anything else shouldn't even make the news. By ignoring them you remove any sort of effect from them, because all they are doing is seeking attention.
If their intentions were honorable, why scatter like roaches when the alarm came on. I would have been trying to figure out what was done to set off the alarm, wait for whatever authority shows up, apologize if my (our) actions was the cause of the alarm and hopefully engage in some constructive dialogue.
I'm proud of the Mississippi state flag!
Mississippi had a VOTE and the flag was upheld.
That is true democracy.
But, running to the court system is not.
So if you don't like the flag & it brothers you enough move the hell outta Mississippi.
Approved by Enouch Sanders!
If these people did not have ill will, then why did they scurry at the sound of the alarm? They should have continued with their activity, if there was no ill intent.
This is another example of why Mississippi needs tougher hate speech legislation. Here you see yet another example of White Nationalists committing acts of terrorism by desecrating a monument to a murdered black child.
White people need to understand that they can't be allowed to return to their old ways of hate, discrimination, and murderous violence. Whites are unique alone in their repeated genocides of their fellow humans. From the Jews to the Native Americans and TO the enslavement of Africans in the new world. Whites are unique in their villainy.
Nice try you racist POS. How many people did Mao kill? Killing fields in Cambodia? Remember the Japs of WW2 and their atrocities?
Oh, let's move over into Africa. Rawanda ring a bell? That just for starters. Check out Idi Amine sometime.
You're just a racist scumbag who hates white people. Period. Get lost.
Kingfish, none of the examples you listed were one race genociding another. You listed Asians killing Asians, African blacks killing blacks. Whites are unique in their genocide of other races. Unique in creating the concept of White racial supremacy on this planet.
The blacks in Africa sold other blacks to the white slavers to be slaves. Nice try. There is a body of scholarship out there on the subject.
The Indians butchered each other. Go check out the Aztecs sometimes. Oh, and the Congolese and Zulus haven't exactly been friendly to each other over history.
You have yet to mention such an interracial genocide other than the Holocaust.
I get it. Genocide is ok if within the race or ethnic group. Thanks for clarifying.
I get it. Genocide is ok if within the race or ethnic group. Thanks for clarifying.
I never said it was okay KF, Interracial genocide and racial supremacy and colonization are uniquely white and dangerous. And allowing even a seed of white supremacy is dangerous to all other races on this planet.
How do any of you know which group (if any) they belonged to? I see a bunch of conjecture based on them flying the state flag, and some other flag nobody can seem to identify; somebody pulls an alarm after they see a bunch of folks gathering and have no idea what they are doing (I'd like to know who monitors that camera and what the criteria is for pulling an alarm). They probably left because the alarm is loud and annoying. My next step would be to find out who/why my constitutional rights were denied. If a bunch of black folks gather wearing all black, and I assume that they are Black Panthers, and I call the police I am immediately labeled a racist.
Just admit it folks, there is a double standard and no solution which does not require compromise on both sides, and ignorance begets ignorance.
Someone mentioned that this was 'desecration'. What video did you watch to arrive at that conclusion? Whether or not you agree that these people had the right of assembly, they did.
No matter how much you liberals want to stifle protest and shut people up (who don't agree with you), your little pissy disagreement with the Constitution will only get you more frustrated that Trump remains your president. It's not only the wacky leftists who have the right of assembly, protest and speech. Get the hell over it. Or don't.
The proper respectful white visitation to a monument for a victim of violent white supremacist terrorism is silent reflections of guilt and offerings of flowers.
Standing with a racist flag or banner, proclaiming hate speech, and recording these hateful acts for distribution is pure desecration of that monument.
And Donald Trump would agree with me because he is desperate for blacks, hispanics and Jews to see how much he loves them. He knows he already had the white supremacist vote.
7:11 - I do hope you put down the gin bottle after sending that post in. It's not YOUR business to tell ANYbody how to conduct themselves at a monument or anywhere else. While silent reflection (of guilt?) and offerings of flowers might be YOUR method of behavior, what if the group had been Native American and had decided to dance around the 'monument' to the sound of drumbeats and chants? Would you have demanded silence and flowers? I doubt these people were there 'out of respect', but that's just a supposition on my part, and I have no business telling them how they MUST act.
And while white folks sit silently in attendance at a somber occasion such as a funeral, black folk, with regularity, shout, fall out and have people on duty to come to the aid of those who do. So, you see, your standard is not necessarily MY standard.
I don't have a clue who these people were or what their motive was or what their political or social beliefs are. And neither do you. I also know that if I were in a public venue (or even a private one) and suddenly a screeching alarm sounded, pointing in my direction, I'd head hurriedly in another direction, startled and possibly in fear of what might accompany the noise.
Meanwhile, multiple times, flowers were respectfully placed, over the summer, at a monument in Oxford and were unceremoniously removed right away by the authorities. So there's that.
I believe there are the same amount of RACISTSon both side of the color scale.
We need to get out of the past.
The future will have bigger problems!
China is the future dominant nation.
Iran will have Nuclear weapons.
ISIS will grow.
"..And allowing even a seed of white supremacy is dangerous to all other races on this planet."
And, somehow seeds of black supremacy are entirely productive and encouraged? As in: It's entirely acceptable for the City of Jackson (and other towns in this state), for thirty years now, to exclude white folk from all participation, decisions and input...because that's what white folk used to do to black folk.
The selective indignation and situational ethics here are sucking the oxygen out of the room.
12:47, "desecration," "act of terrorism?" Really? I'd look into the definitions of both of those terms before you irresponsibly throwing them around.
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