The Madison Police Department issued the following statement and mugshots.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Officer Dragged by Shoplifter
SEC OK's OH at Games
Booze is legally coming to SEC football. The SEC issued the following statement:
Taggart Ask AG to Sue Corps over Bonnet Carre Spillway Opening
Andy Taggart, Republican candidate for Attorney General, has called for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State of Louisiana immediately to reverse their decision, and to include the State of Mississippi in all decision-making, in the wake of the opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway for the second time this year. “The consequences of that decision are devastating to the ecology and economy of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and the huge infusion of freshwater and sediment have created an imbalance in salinity that is affecting oyster
beds and other wildlife,” Taggart said.
Click Here to Read More..
Flashback Friday: Jubilee Jam
Today's edition of Flashback Friday presents Jubilee Jam.
Temple Killer Gets New Sentencing Hearing
The Mississippi Supreme Court vacated the sentence for Capital Murder convict Gerome Moore and ruled the trial court hold a new sentencing hearing. Moore was the driver for the killer of Carolyn Temple. Moore's friend shot her during a robbery on Euclid in January 2015. Moore confessed to his role in the slaying. Moore was 17 years-old at the time of the murder. The Court ordered the jury to decide whether to sentence him to a life sentence with or without parole.
Hollins' Family Speaks Out
The family of deceased JPD officer James Hollins is defending him. JPD suspended him Sunday after receiving a complaint he had sex with a 15 year-old girl. The attorney for the girl's family, Lisa Ross, accused him of having numerous sexual encounters with her over a period of six months. Officer Hollins killed himself Monday afternoon, a few hours after Ms. Ross made the accusations at a press conference. Hollins' step-mother, Dawn Davis posted this statement on her public Facebook page:
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Too Funny
A Sovereign Citizen Appears in Court asserting he is a settler, not a person. What could possibly go wrong? See how the judge handles the defendant. The settler, the individual, the agent who is not the person....
SEC Sues UPS in Lamar Adams Case
SEC Receiver Allyson Mills sued the UPS Store in Madison and several UPS employees in U.S. District Court this week for notarizing phony deeds in the Lamar Adams timber fraud scheme. The defendants are Herring Ventures, LLC, Austin Elsen, Tammie Elsen, Courtney Herring, Diane Lofton, and Chandler Westover.
Canton Tax Increase?
Uh-oh. It appears the Canton Public School District is considering a tax increase:
Public Notice of RFP for Hawkins Field Project
The Jackson Municipal Airport Authority issued the following request for proposals.
Thad Cochran Passes Away
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith issued the following statement.
Baker Condemns Hood for Skipping Fetal Heartbeat Hearing
Today conservative Republican candidate for Attorney General Mark Baker sharply criticized Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood for skipping the first hearing in defense of Mississippi’s Heartbeat Law. Click Here to Read More..
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Mumford Says His Office Will Investigate Statutory Rape Case
At a press conference, Hinds County Prosecuting Attorney Gerald Mumford said no one notified his office a minor was sexually assaulted by a JPD officer even though the law requires such reporting. JPD officer James Hollins committed suicide Monday on I-22- after a woman accused him of having sex with her fifteen-year-old daughter.
McLeods Issue Statement on Arrest
State Representative Doug McLeod and his wife, Michele, issued statements concerning the Representative's recent arrest for misdemeanor domestic violence. The George County Times reported yesterday:
Thank You, Louisiana
The Louisiana Legislature remains the best friend of Mississippi Casinos. The Cajun Solons just approved a thirty-year extension for Harrah's casino monopoly in New Orleans. The Morning Advocate reported:
Priester Speaks!
Jackson Ward 2 City Councilman Melvin Priester, Jr. had a few things to say about the Hollins scandal at JPD on his Facebook page yesterday:
Sid Salter: New Washington Law Thinking Outside the Box... or Urn
Our pop culture in this country has made mincemeat out of the phrase “thinking outside the box” and rendered the phrase trite and meaningless. That is, until lawmakers in the State of Washington recently enacted legislation that reflected thinking that is literally “outside the box” or at the very least the coffin or the urn.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Mayor Defends JPD. Attorney: "They are Lying"
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba strongly defended his police department's handling of the suicide of JPD officer James Hollins, at a press conference this afternoon. Hollins committed suicide yesterday after a woman accused him of having sex with her fifteen-year-old daughter. JPD suspended him Sunday. However, the mother's attorney, Lisa Ross, accused the administration of lying and dragging its feet in responding to the mother's complaint.
Click Here to Read More..
Students Can Get License on Saturdays
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety issued the following press release.
DA Candidate: "I Don't Think There Are Bad People."
A Jackson Advocate interview provided a glimpse into how a Hinds County District Attorney candidate thinks about prosecuting crime. Crime victims received little mention from him although he waxed eloquently about how he will help criminals. He took to task prosecutors who think their job is to only convict suspects. He unwittingly revealed a lack of knowledge of criminal procedure. Mr. Owens said little about moving crowded criminal dockets. Don't take JJ's word for it, read for yourself.
Mayor Defends Chief
Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba stood up for his police chief last night. The Mayor went to WLBT studios last night and discussed the suicide of James Hollins and rape of a 15 year-old girl with Howard Ballou and Melissa Faith Payne. He said Police Chief James Davis acted swiftly and appropriately in handling the investigation of Hollins. The video is posted below.
Monday, May 27, 2019
JPD Suspends Officer
JPD announced at a 1:15 PM press conference that an officer accused of sexually assaulting a minor has been placed on administrative leave. At a press conference this morning, attorney Lisa Ross accused (now-deceased) officer James Hollins of repeatedly having sex with a 15 year-old girl for six months. Ms. Ross represents the victim's family.
Update (2:45 PM): Officer used a duty weapon. It is not yet known if it belonged to him or another officer.
The police officer subject of the earlier post committed suicide on I-220. A screenshot taken of the MDOT traffic cam for Industrial Drive at I-220 shows the interstate completely blocked in both directions.
JPD Cop Accused of Sexually Assaulting Teen
"You wouldn't find anything worse on Pornhub," said attorney Lisa Ross. The Jackson attorney accused a JPD officer of "repeatedly "sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl for six months and videotaping the encounters in his police cruiser. Ms. Ross represents the family. She did not disclose the name of the family or officer.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Draw That Was a Win
The Battle of the Coral Sea. Commonly referred to as a draw between America and Japan, it made the American victory at Midway possible a few days later. JJ posted a video a few weeks ago that explained the Battle of Midway from the Japanese side in was well-received by the readers. The same produced posted on Youtube a similar video of the precursor battle to Midway. As stated earlier, the video is better than what one sees on the History Channel. Enjoy.
Hospital Assn. Wants to Pay Part of Medicaid Expansion Costs
The Mississippi Hospital Association issued the following press release:
Sunday Morning Sermon
Didn't make it to church this morning? Enjoy this sermon presented by the late Dr. Frank Pollard of First Baptist Church (Jackson). He preached on the power of faith in this 1990 sermon.
Bill Crawford: Rural Miss. Drifting into Distress
“What was once a country of disparate places that converged towards prosperity is now a country of places drifting further apart,” reports the bipartisan Economic Innovation Group (EIG). Rural areas are the most impacted.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Stupid Crook of the Day
Federal agents arrested Geourvon Sears for trying to extort $1.5 million from his cousin, Kansas City Chief's star safety Tyrann Mathieu. The federal complaint states:
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Credit: AP |
Click Here to Read More..
JPS Employee Arrested for Sexual Battery of Student
It appears a JPS employee is in jail for "exploitation of a minor" and "sexual battery":
The Barbecue Bandits are in custody. WLBT posted their mugs online:
Owens Leads D.A. Fundraising
Jody Owens is winning the war for dollars in the Hinds County District Attorney race. Mr. Owens reported raising over $40,170. Stanley Alexander raised $6,792. Meanwhile, political newcomer Darla Palmer did not file a report. The reports are posted below.
Sheriff Finally Files Campaign Finance Report
Hinds County Sheriff Victor Mason finally filed his campaign finance report, sort of. The report was filed two weeks after the May 10 deadline. The "report" is posted below.
Malone Gets 41 Months for Epps Kickbacks
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Friday Night at the Fights
Nothing like a beatdown in New Orleans when the Block is Hot.
Taxman Goeth..... to Jail
State Auditor Shad White issued the following statement.
Flowood Gets 'im
The Pearl Police Department issued the following statement.
Lumumba Endorses Vance
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba endorsed former JPD Chief Lee Vance for Hinds County Sheriff at a press conference today but the endorsement was not an endorsement. Mr. Lumumba said he was not endorsing Mr. Vance in his capacity as Mayor of Jackson but rather as a private citizen.
The Speaker Speaks on McLeod
Speaker of the House Philip Gunn issued the following statement:
Flashback Friday: Memorial Day Edition
We remember those who fought for our freedom this weekend. Today's edition of Flashback Friday tells the story of Lieutenant Walter Johnson, Jr. The son of the Jackson Daily News Publisher was shot down over Europe and held prisoner by the Germans for 13 months.
$500 Reward!
Update (5:25 PM): Police arrested Robert Sydney Torrence.
Little Willie's is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of some thieves. The famed barbecue restaurant posted this message and several photos on Facebook yesterday:
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dracarys to Season 8
Season 8 of Game of Thrones is finally over, much to the dismay of many and the relief of others. The Iron Throne is no more replaced by..... the Golden Path?
Carl Nicholson Gets 5 Years
The Justice Department issued the following statement.
Timing is Everything
The Natchez Trace Village Board of Directors for the Property Owners Association bragged the Mississippi Supreme Court would give control of Culley Lake to the Board in a letter sent to members on May 14. There is just one problem - the Court ruled against the Board two days later and gave control of the lake to the Culley family.
Free Trauma Training Class Tonight
The following public service announcement is posted below.
#42 & #43
Update (8:40 AM): JPD tweeted "JPD
is investigating a shooting that occurred just after 3:30am on Beach
St. near Johnson Ct. A male was found inside a vehicle suffering from
injury and is deceased. Currently there is no motive or suspects." #44.
JPD issued the following statements.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
City Rejects Settlement in Fortner Lawsuit
Hours passed by as the calls poured in yet the city of Jackson took no action to protect the public from a broken manhole cover that would later kill Franny Fortner. Court records provide a more complete picture of what took place the morning of May 17, 2018 before the Jackson Academy senior struck the open manhole on Ridgewood Road and fatally flipped her Mazda convertible.
Click Here to Read More..
75% of 3rd-Graders Meet New Reading Standards
MDE issued the following press release:
Sheriff Doesn't File Campaign Finance Report
Hinds County Sheriff Victor Mason still has not submitted a campaign finance report for the May 10 deadline. Former JPD Chief Lee Vance and former Hinds County Deputy Richard Spooner raised the most money of the six reporting candidates. Who raised what? See for yourself.
Sid Salter: Embattled State Hospitals Seek Medicaid Safety Net
As noted more often than this writer cares to remember, the fact is that public health care for Mississippi’s poor, working poor, uninsured or underinsured is in the poorest state in the union an expense that will ultimately be borne by the taxpayers.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Mississippi women suffered more domestic violence from the powerful and the privileged this week. George County deputies arrested a State Representative for beating his wife. The Biloxi Sun-Herald reported:
Commish: You Really Can Stop Fires
Insurance Commish Miguel Chaney issued the following statement:
Jay Hughes: The Prison Powder Keg
Prisons in Mississippi have become a powder keg, with a lit fuse. Not because of the prisoners, but because of the employees – the lack of them. Of course it matters a lot more when one is in your back yard, but this is an issue that impacts all of Mississippi. What’s happening is that living wages and public safety of working Mississippians and nearby residents are at Code Red level.
Click Here to Read More..
Clinic Suspended for Alleged Medicaid Fraud
The Division of Medicaid suspended payments to NSCH Rural Health Clinic-Sunflower a little over a year ago. NSCH pitched an appeal to Hinds County Chancery Court but struck out with Chancellor Dewayne Thomas.
Livingston Road Bridge Closed for a Year
The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
Is Too Sweet Too Nuts?
Our favorite thug, Robert "Too Sweet" Henderson is at it again. Once upon a time he played a drug dealin' hit man, next was a political operative, then he became a Reverend and radio talk show host. Unfortunately, he got busted for being a felon in possession of a firearm and trying to bribe a public official. However, he discovered a new role to play: Sovereign Citizen. However, the role landed him in the same predicament suffered by most Sovereign Citizens: In trouble with the law. Hinds County Circuit Judge Faye Peterson threw him in jail last week after he acted a fool in her courtroom.
Russian Cyberthieves Hit Gulfport Casino
The Justice Department issued the following press release last week:
Monday, May 20, 2019
Rankin Rumble Tomorrow Night
August 6, 2019 barrels down upon us and Rankin County is no exception. The Rankin County Republican Women are hosting a "Meet the Candidates Event" tomorrow night. JJ will post similar notices about candidate forums if submitted. Send to More information for tomorrow night's even is posted below.
Jail Bound & Down
Shirtless? Yes. Barefoot? Yes. Harmless? Well..... maybe not. Some Florida troopers got a little careless with a suspect who saw Smokey and the Bandit one too many times....
MDEQ: Stay Away from the Pearl River
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality issued the following warning last week:
Matchbook Monday
Welcome to another edition of Matchbook Monday. The matchbook posts are now far and few in between as the supply of such history is rather limited. Feel free to add your stories or any information about them in
the comments section as you enjoy these blasts from the past. Readers
can email copies of any old matchbooks to Can't believe no one has a Sam's Westside matchbook. A shame Swenson's didn't have one - or did it? Enjoy the ones posted below.
Pearl Man Arrested for Child Porn
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Court Approves Continency Fee Arrangement for Lamar Adams Receiver.
The Receiver in the Lamar Adams case will get to eat some of what she kills. U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves approved reimbursing SEC-appointed Receiver Alysson Mills on a contingency-fee basis. The new fee arrangement will apply to most of her recovery lawsuits in the Lamar Adams case.
Rob Jay Nearly Gets It
Some thugs shot at WAPT Sports Anchor Tuesday. Mr. Jay posted these pictures and message on Twitter:
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Grenada Coroner Indicted
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Riverside Drive Reconstruction Delayed
The reconstruction of Riverside Drive might as well be mired in Yazoo clay. Pretty plans and sketches have been rendered yet no work has taken place on the road itself. The Northside Sun reported:
Sunday Morning Sermon
There's no place like home, said the late Dr. Frank Pollard in this 1989 sermon. If you are stuck at home and can't make it to church, enjoy today's edition of Sunday Morning Sermon.
Bill Crawford: The Doofuses Among Us
Two years after I first wrote about it, “doofus” remains an intriguing and timely word. The Oxford Living Dictionary says it likely originated in North America in the 1960s and suggests it is either an alteration of the word "goofus" or from the Scottish word "doof" meaning dolt. The Online Etymology Dictionary says it is "probably related to doo-doo and goofus."
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Guild Giveth, the Guild Taketh
The old adage that one shouldn't see how sausage and bills are made applies to economic development as well. The Wall Street Journal provided a window in how states are at the mercy of a "Guild" of economic development consultants in a story published today:
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Governors often find themselves at the Guild's mercy. Credit: Critical Mass Blog. |
Idiots of the Day
Today's version of "Hey y'all, watch this" up at Grenada Lake is posted below.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Friday Night at the Fights
What happens when two really bad dudes meet in the ring? The War. More than a few people today have not seen one of the best fights in boxing history. Throw the rules and the refs out the window as these two guys just wanted to kill each other.
WLBT: $230,000 Paid to Settle Sheriff's Sexual Harrassment Lawsuits
WLBT tussled back and forth with the Hinds County Sheriff over two settlement agreements for sexual harrassment lawsuits but won in the end. WLBT reported:
Pearl Busts Carjackers
The Pearl Police Department posted the following statement on Facebook:
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Culleys Win Battle of Culley Lake
The Culley family can enjoy their lake without the interference of the Natchez Trace Village Homeowners Association. The Mississippi Supreme Court affirmed today a Chancery Court decision that gave control of the lake to the family who actually owns the lake.
Click Here to Read More..
PERS Commission Met in 2011. How Has PERS Done?
There was much gnashing of teeth when Governor Barbour created a commission to study PERS in 2011. The commission did what commissions do. It met, studied, and made recommendations. Ashes were smeared and sackcloths were rent as opponents shrieked at the mere thought of studying PERS. State Senator Hob Bryan suggested waiting at least five years to study PERS. Well, Senator, it's been eight years. Time to take a look.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Recap: Burn, Baby, Burn!
Missed Sunday night's episode of GOT? No problem. Watch the little recap posted below. It's told in a rather interesting manner. Clarence would be proud.
The District Attorney's attempt to frame Ben Allen wound up in the trash as Hinds County Circuit Judge Winston Kidd expunged Mr. Allen's record today. The order is posted below. Godspeed to Mr. Allen.
Danny's Stripped
A jury awarded $3.3 million to six black strippers yesterday after it determined Danny's Cabaret/Restaurant/Of Jackson discriminated against them because of their race. A docket entry in the federal court file states:
The Deep State of Hinds County
There is apparently a Deep State in Hinds County. Who knew? A woman attempted to enlist the aid of the Governor in fighting the Hinds County Deep State but to no avail. The Deep State is very powerful indeed as it stretches through the courts, Mississippi College, the District Attorney, JPD, and yea, even into Warren County. The letter posted below shows the nature of the Hinds County Deep State as it is made up of black, white, Republican, Democrat, the washed, the unwashed, and who knows who else. The letter was sent to numerous public officials.
More Pearl Restaurants Can Serve Alcohol
The city of Pearl issued the following statement.
Race for College Scholarship
Sid Salter: Wood Pellets Plant Creates New Markets for State's Timber
How big an impact does forestry make on Mississippi’s economy? For the last six years, the Mississippi State University Extension Service says that forestry contributed more than a billion dollars annually with an estimated value of $1.2 billion in 2018 alone.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Heeeere's Johnny!
Will Norm get this wine for next year's Sante South Festival?
Trooper Arrested in Flora
A Mississippi trooper was arrested for domestic violence (misdemeanor) last week. Madison County Detention Center booking records state Flora police arrested Dontai Jackson for simple domestic violence on May 12. He posted bond and is not in custody. A DPS representative said he is on leave pending the results of an investigation. The booking information is posted below.
State Auditor Issues Demand on Lincoln Supes
State Auditor Shadrick Meshack Abednego White issued the following statement.
More Coverage on JMAA Paris Trip
Justin Vicory picked up the ball from last week's JJ post about the JMAA Commissioners going to Paris next month and ran with it for some more yards on the Clarion-Ledger website today:
Click Here to Read More..
Vicksburg Man Gets Prison for Child Porn
Attorney General Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Carlos the Clown Censured
Carlos the Clown was sanctioned yet again. The Tennessee Supreme Court upheld the Tennessee Bar's public censure of Grenada attorney Carlos Moore. The Bar didn't take too kindly to Mr. Moore's placing of a lien on a client after she rejected a settlement offer. The order states:
Monday, May 13, 2019
Herrrrrre's Johnny
Great stuff from Johnny Carson and one of the best baseball players to ever play the game. Enjoy.
Commissioner Andy Gipson: Outside Interests Mobilizing Against Mississippi's Working Forests
Should out-of-state interests decide what’s best for a rural Mississippi town of about 3,000 people, or should the local community decide?
Medicare Tries to Help Rural Hospitals
The federal government is throwing a lifeline to rural hospitals. CMS announced on April 23:
Malone Tries to Postpone Sentencing Again
Teresa Malone is trying to use her lawyer's daughter's graduation as an excuse to postpone her sentencing scheduled for May 24. Malone pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to one count of attempt & conspiracy and one count of bribery of a public official on October 4, 2017. The public official was former MDOC Commissioner Chris Epps. Her sentencing was delayed last year due to medical problems and a lung transplant.
Click Here to Read More..
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Showing the Money
Friday was the deadline for periodic campaign finance reports. Such reports give an indication of how the races are going absent polling. Simply put, Tate and Dilbert have the big war chests while the AG race is a horse race. Look up reports at the SOS website. Major races posted below. Read 'em and weep.
Mother's Day Sermon
The late Dr. Frank Pollard honored mothers in this 2001 - yes, we are up to 2001 - Mother's Day Sermon. Enjoy and Happy Mother's Day.
Bill Crawford: Senior Needs for Affordable Housing Grows
So, my conservative friends, what is the ideological difference between a tax subsidy for the wealthy and a financial subsidy for the poor?
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Target: Tokyo
The first B-29 raid on Tokyo was a round trip of 3,000 miles - unprecedented in aviation history at the time. The video posted below is a film of the raid produced by the War Department. Listen closely and you might recognize the voice. Enjoy.
"People of Mississippi Deceived from the Beginning"
The Kemper fiasco continues to unravel. The Clarion-Ledger reported yesterday a construction manager came clean about the failed clean-power plant:
Jim Fowler Goes to the Great Safari in the Sky.
A part of our collective childhoods died this week when Jim Fowler passed away at the age of 89. Many a weekend afternoon was Jim wrassle cape buffaloes while Marlin Perkins sipped martinis in a tent on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. Some of Jim's exploits are posted below. Enjoy.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Residents of the Country Club of Jackson are going to get some new neighbors. U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves approved the sale of the Lamar Adams Home on 134 St. Andrews Drive in Jackson. The purchase price is $540,000.
JMAA Issues RFP for Service Road Project
The Jackson Municipal Airport Authority issued the following request for proposals.
Supremes to Carlos the Clown: Shut Up & Pay Up.
Justice moved one step closer to being served upon Grenada attorney Carlos Moore. The Supreme Court denied certiorari for Moore's appeal of sanctions levied against him by a federal judge. U.S. District Judge David Sanders sanctioned Mr. Moore after he failed to respond to discovery requests in a wrongful death lawsuit. Mr. Moore sued the city of Tupelo on behalf of the family of Antwun Shumpert after he was shot to death by a Tupelo police officer. Judge Sanders sanctioned him for $3,000. Moore struck out for himself and his client at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court ruling allows the judgement against his client and the sanctions against the grandstanding attorney to stand.
Man Shoots at Woman as She Flees
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Board Suspended Drug-Dealing Doc for 6 Months
The Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure suspended the license of prominent Jackson psychiatrist Dr. Timothy Summers last year. An investigation determined Dr. Summers was writing illegal prescriptions for opioids and other controlled substances. Dr. Summers agreed to a consent order that suspended his license for one year. However, the suspension was shortened to six months if the doctor met certain conditions. His license was reinstated after six months although the Board permanently banned him from writing prescriptions for controlled substances. The suspension began on September 20, 2018. He now lives in Meridian.
Jackson Declares State of Emergency
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued the following declaration of a state of emergency.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
The Return of the Clown
Carlos the Clown is at it again. Sarah Fowler hit the daily double today as she busted not one but two damn good stories in the newspaper today. The Clarion-Ledger reported:
JMAA Issues RFP for Landscaping Contract
The Jackson Municipal Airport Authority issued the request for proposals that is posted below.
Alabama Baby Catches Measles
An Alabama infant contracted Measles. WTVM13 reported:
Sid Salter: Shipyard's Future Vital to State
Only Walmart/Sam’s employs more people in Mississippi than does Ingalls Shipyards at about 12,500 employees. But Ingalls and other shipbuilders pay significantly better than Walmart.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
MDWFP Raises Range Fees
Practicing the Second Amendment costs more in Mississippi after the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks abolishes the annual permits and tripled the daily fees on all public shooting ranges in April.
$15 x 0 hours = _____
Saw these doohickeys at the McDonald's in Winona Saturday:
Monday, May 6, 2019
Hell Yes!!!
Once every lifetime, a day comes along when the planets align perfectly and the U.S. Army actually does something right. Today is one of those days. The New York Times reported:
Millsaps Minors?
Millsaps President Dr. Rob Pearigen sent the following email to faculty and students announcing cuts in several programs.
Rankin Teen Drowns
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement.
JMAA Va a Paris (JMAA Goes to Paris)
Note: English translation posted below.
Le Jackson Municipal Aeroport Authority Conseil des Commissaires a voté pour envoyer les cinq commissaires au spectacle aérien international à Paris le mois prochain. La résolution approuvée à la réunion du conseil du 25 Mars indique:
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Credit for artistic inspiration: Marshall Ramsey |
Sunday, May 5, 2019
GOT Pre-Game
The Battle of Winterfell is over, now the war for the Iron Throne truly begins. The Army of the Dead is no more but unfortunately for Dany, her army is almost no more as well. The longest battle in cinematic history was brilliantly produced but backstabbed once again by numerous plot holes and dead ends as D&D returned to juvenile script-writing that plagues Hollywood today. Alt Shift X crucified the writers in this video.
Sunday Morning Sermon
Never say the late Dr. Frank Pollard shrinked before a challenge. Dr. Pollard discussed splits in the Southern Baptist Convention as well as what he thought should be the primary focus of his denomination. It is one of his best sermons. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Mississippi Population Trends Make Healthcare Big
Reckon conservatives will listen when two conservative, pro-capitalism columnists say healthcare is a big issue in Mississippi?
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Nagumo's Dilemma
Midway. Just the word symbolizes winning against all odds. The Japs ran all over the Pacific and Southeast Asia until that fateful day on June 4, 1942. So many miracles took place: the cracking of the code, the repair of the Yorktown, and catching the Nippon aircraft carriers while in the middle of aircraft recovery and rearming operations. An eye-catching video attempts to show the battle from the Japanese perspective and delves into Nagumo's dilemma. To say it's better than the History Channel crap is putting it mildly. Pour a drink and enjoy.
Planetarium Getting a Facelift
The Jackson Planetarium is undergoing a facelift as well as some much-needed renovations. Damage suffered from the 2013 hailstorm was not repaired. It has been closed for a year. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. WAPT reported:
Indictment Withdrawn in Voting Fraud Case
A Canton man will no longer suffer the pain of criminal prosecution. The Madison-Rankin District Attorney's office is withdrawing the indictment of Sherman Matlock. A grand jury indicted him in December for voting as a convicted felon.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Sad but True
Posted below is a video used to train Hinds County judges and at times jurors as well. The video was produced to show how the criminal justice should not be run but unfortunately, the disclaimers were not included with the video. Thus judges and jurors alike have been improperly taught by this video. Watch and weep.
Read & Weep: State GDP Lags
Mississippi had the sixth-sluggish economy from 2017 to 2018 out of fifty states The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis stated the dismal findings in State GDP report issued Wednesday.
The Killer's Lawsuit Died in Court
A federal judge killed The Killer's lawsuit recently. U.S. District Judge Neal Biggers ruled against Jerry Lee Lewis's lawsuit against his daughter and other parties on April 25. Mr. Lewis and his wife sued them for fraud and defamation in 2017.
No Measles Cases in Mississippi
The Mississippi State Department of Health issued the following statement.
Wyatt Emmerich: Expand Medicaid
Northside Sun publisher Wyatt Emmerich recently pushed for the expansion of Medicaid in Mississippi in an editorial:
New Lease on Life for Times-Picayune?
The Baton Rouge Morning Advocate is purchasing what is left of the famed Times-Picayune. The Newhouse Group decimated the beloved newspaper a few years ago when it moved to a digital-first model and cut publication of the newspaper to only three days per week. The Baton Rouge paper created a New Orleans Advocate that promptly took off as it hired many former reporters from the Times-Picayune. The Morning Advocate announced yesterday:
Dan Patrick Reveals Illness
If you think you've noticed Dan Patrick having problems on the air over the last few years, your ears were not playing tricks on you. The popular sports radio talk show host revealed yesterday that he has been suffering for several years from Polymyalgia Rheumatica as well as the treatments for the illness. The gut-wrenching video is posted below. Here's to hoping Dan beats this scourge.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Dispatch From Pelahatchie: Meltdown!
Kemper Plant Brings Federal Investigation
The Justice Department is investigating Southern Company and it's liquid-coal gasification plant in Kemper County. The Atlanta Constitution-Journal reported:
Pelahatchie Bay to Partially Reopen on May 14
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District will partially reopen Pelahatchie Bay to limited boating on May 14. The District banned boating in October after an invasion of Sylvinia was discovered. The plant doubles in size every two days and would have taken over the Rez within three or four months if left to grow unchecked. Boats will only be allowed to enter the bay through its landings as booms still separate the bay from the main lake for the indefinite future. A press release and video of the press conference explaining the new policies is posted below.
More Sex Trafficking Arrests at Fortification Hotel
More sex trafficking is taking place at the Extended Studio Hotel on 881 East River Place in Jackson. Hinds County Deputies arrested Christopher Griffin, Edward Williams, and Charmaine Turner yesterday for promoting prostitution, human trafficking, and exploitation of a minor. Deputies came upon the ring while investigating the disappearance of the female victim.
To the Beach We Geaux!
Some LSU engineering students made it easier for the disabled to visit the beach in a rather cool way:
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Sanders Speaks, After Smoking Blunts at City Hall
Jackson community activist Enoch Sanders spoke out on guns and crime last night during public comments at the Jackson City Council. Enjoy.
JMAA Issues RFQ for Hawkins Field Work
The Jackson Municipal Airport Authority issued the following request for qualifications (RFQ).
MDE: Teachers Will Get Pay Raises
The Mississippi Department of Education issued the following statement.
Mayfield Widow Strikes Out Again
U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves dismissed Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler and a Madison police officer in their personal capacities from Robin Mayfield's lawsuit against the city of Madison yesterday. Madison police arrested her late husband, Mark Mayield, for allegedly participating in a plot to use pictures of a vegetative Rose Cochran in a campaign video attacking Senator Thad Cochran in 2014. The Ridgeland attorney committed suicide a few weeks after his arrest. However, the lawsuit is still pending against Mayor Hawkins-Butler and several Madison police officers in their official capacities.
Sid Salter: Self-Checkouts Endanger Cashiers' Jobs
There were some justifiable fears in the late 1950s and early 1960s - threats like polio, global thermonuclear war, or the President appearing on TV to talk about anything. If he did, you could forget about TV for the night on either of the channels that were available to us (if the weather was right).
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Trollfest '09
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.