Don't drink anything while you read this post. Flowood Police arrested Chris Epps this afternoon. Mr. Epps allegedly broke into his former home off of Lakeland Drive to retrieve some lighting. He is charged with burglary. You can't make this up.
Update: The Flowood Police Department issued the following press release and mug shot:
Police have arrested Christopher Epps, 55 for Burglary of an uninhabited Dwelling.
Update: The Flowood Police Department issued the following press release and mug shot:
Police have arrested Christopher Epps, 55 for Burglary of an uninhabited Dwelling.
is accused of returning to his former residence, that was forfeited and
currently seized by the United States Marshall’s Service and taking
electrical lighting.
Epps was arrested at his current residence, also located within Flowood, without incident where the property was recovered by Detectives. It will be returned to the United States Government.
If convicted, Epps faces up to 25 years in prison.
As with all cases, the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
This case is being investigated by Detective Eric Zetterholm.![]() |
I am stoopid. |
Maybe he'll become reacquainted with the Department of Corrections.
Lighting as in light bulbs?
Unbelievable!!! Lighting? WTH? Those must be some pretty awesome lights!
I certainly hope this will not hurt his chances of getting a lenient sentence because of his "good character"
Once a bulb the law, always a bulb the law.
He needed bulbs because he isn't very bright.
He should've been in leg irons long ago!
Wonder if McCrory was holding the ladder !!!
He's just trying to get in the mood for the Christmas season and had left his Christmas lights in the attic.
They need to transfer the Epo's case out from under Wingate! He takes too long on his cases. They have already done in 2 other cases.
He's an IDIOT! Has OR had a fine family! How much more abuse can they take!
Dont think the delay in sentencing Epps is Wingate's fault, although based on his history it could be. Appears that Epps is still twisting the sentencing around whatever else they can bring to trial in an ongoing investigation. There are several more out there to be caught so he has been successful in keeping his butt out of the slammer. UNTIL NOW! Welcome to the Rankin County lockup, Mr. Epps.
I want to hear more about this uninhibited house. With its audacious exterior paint job and flouncy sheer curtains. Just looking for trouble.
Wonder where he's coming up with his bail money?
He should have been in jail a long time ago. That is what you get when you do not put people in jail who were found guilty of a crime. They will commit more of them.
Don't worry. Bet he didn't even have to stay a single night behind bars.
Forest Gump proven right again....
Lighting my foot-- his atty probably came up with that. Prob. going to retrieve a suitcase of cash hidden in the attic.
Is this a violation of his bail conditions and if so, can he be confined until his sentencing date? Can one of you lawyers clarify this?
I'm familiar with inhibitions, having none myself. But, what the hell is an uninhibited house?
An uninhibited house must be one having a bright mural painted on the outside of its bland stucco exterior walls set in a recently cleared cow pasture but now a treeless subdivision in Madison County.
Or possibly a red brick one story ranch house set among the trailers in Rankin County. Either way, not ashamed at all to stand out and look different from all the rest.
It's so expensive to get a house over its inhibitions. You have to hire a contractor to give it a roofie.
It wasn't the lighting he was after, it was the rug. That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
Rumor is - he had an invitation to The Grove for the next home game and he was trying to pick out a nice chandelier for the tent as a hostess gift.
I'm pretty sure part of one's probation would prohibit one from breaking into a home (no longer his home) and stealing fixtures and/or anything else in that home... Inhabited or not
Boy! That must be some important lighting fixture. #moneyinthewalls
With the new charge and the sentencing delay I wonder who he is going to throw under the bus next to gain favor from the court.
Everyone, calm down. This American citizen is innocent until proven guilty!
10:08 - the list of available possibilities is still long. Problem is the fibis already know of many of them. He has to find some that they aren't aware of yet. And for me, that's ok. I want all those sorry money-sucking SOB's to be able to face jail, even though several of them have been friends at points during my lifetime. (No, I'm not jealous - I chose not to participate in the money game, although did have the opportunity.)
He will get his time to see what its like on the other side of the bars - they ain't about to let him off scott free. But if he keeps on negotiating by offering up new info, I'm not all upset.
This time, though - trying to recoup some bling - he might get to see how those local facilities he helped improve might operate.
Because they'll leave the light on for you only at a Motel 6 and he doesn't have reservations only uninhibitions.
Well, there goes the neighborhood
Interestingly enough, this could look like the OJ Simpson outcome. peps could end up servicing more time for the chandelier theft than his original crime
Calm down! It was one of those yellow, Q-Beam work lights from Lowes. Everybody has one in the garage storage room, right? He needed it to change the oil in the wife's Mercedes. Hell, you people took away his credit cards so he can't go to Upton's. Show a little compassion.
please tell me they have revoked his bail and jailed him after breaking and entering a vacant house. Keep him in jail for the safety of all of us.
What is the problem with Wingate - can't he do his job?
bond may be denied for the burglary charge because he was out on bond in the federal case which carries a potential sentence over five years. Section 29, Miss. Constitution of 1890
If the crime is against property forfeited to the Feds, does this render it a crime against the US govt? Does he get to opt for fed prison if convicted? Maybe he opened up some options for himself. Just wondering...
7:18. Constitution says bond "shall" be denied.
Hey, Chris!!! How you like HB 585 now, MFer?!?!?!?
under Section 29, bond SHALL be denied if probable cause a felony was committed while the defendant is on bond for an offense punishable by a max of over five years. under the law, he will be in state custody until the burglary is resolved.
He thinks he Above the law. Typical. His trail been on since 2014. Put his ass in jail for 50 years. period.
He hid money in the light fixtures!!!
This would be a federal charge since the house is property of the United States of America. If you walked into the Federal McCoy Building downtown and stole something, who do you think would prosecute you the Feds or Hinds County? Wingate needs to retire - either do you job or get the hell off the bench!
Just one question. Right this minute, is he in jail?
No one has asked the obvious: how did he get caught?
Does the house still have a functioning and enabled alarm system? If so, who pays the monthly bill to ADT?
Did his neighbors see him and call the cops? This is most likely, as his (white) neighbors probably didn't like him living there anyway and saw an opportunity to screw him one last time.
Pitt, you are a pathetic little worm.
For all you know, his neighbors loved him, prior to his being outed as a low-life thief.
Screw him one more time? meh.
Imagine anyone who would have the nerve to call the cops when they see a known criminal breaking into their neighbor's house. We all know it would never happen in Jackson. Flowood and many other cities have citizens who think different. We are all thankful.
Pitt has that charming ability to make everyone a victim. Epps breaks into his old home to remove light fixtures and Pitt's main concern is how he got caught. Snitches are bitches right Pitt?
Maybe he can take some lessons from HRC at the federal country club.
house burglary is not a federal criminal offense; its a state crime. disrupting federal property is probably a crime, but I doubt it carries a 25 year max...
What's being overlooked here is the obvious question...'What was he drinking and how much?' You don't just do stupid shit like breaking into federal property to steal what you used to own....without being stoned, buzzed or plastered.
Did Epps not possess a spare key to his seized property? He just busted through US Marshal tape on the door? I've seen the lighting. Nice glass, contemporary, $3k so no where near worth stealing and doing time with a metal toilet but Epps sure loved that lighting.
HAR @ 'metal toilet'.
I'm sure the Feds were smart enough to change the locks on all exterior doors to secure the house from thieves - that just didn't expect the thieve to be Epps! Wingate - grow some balls and revoke his bail. The next thing you know, he'll be going after his two Mercedes! Wingate will let him stay out on bail I'm sure, after all Paul minor WAS WHITE!
Paul Minor is another low-life POS that got exactly what he deserved.
I represented a white guy who was busted in Flowood for breaking into his former (forclosed, still unoccupied) home. During the course of the case, I discovered two other similar situations. Don't have a clue about Epps details, but it could be just........good police work!!
It is hard for people who live a life of crime to stop. Especially when they see there is no fear of going to jail if they get caught.
What about Butch Evans? Has anything happened?
I'm waiting to see if that lowlife insurance/motorcycle salesman is going to be fingered. Long saga getting longer.
What happened to my post? It is a federal crime to break into federal property and steal shit. Just as if you picked the lock on the Trace Ranger Station and robbed the Coke machine.
I didn't know singing pigeons needed lights..............
"Stealing is not in my nature", he told the judge. Can you believe he said that?!
They say that he had a large sum of money on him. So, it's pretty obvious he wasn't just going for the lights.
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