Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber hosted a forum about relations between the police and the community. The video of the entire session is posted below.
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Audience 10 minutes after beginning. Maybe 20 more people attended. |
Panel discussion
Audience questions begin.
Audience questions continue.
The forum was held at the same time as the Precinct 4 Cops meeting.
Us's......and dem...... 20 people......Yarber is a failure
Looks like they had more people on stage than in the audience. Us and them were about equal in numbers.
The BLM narrative falls apart in Jackson. It is built on an assumption that cops are white and racist and are killing innocent black people. Jackson's police force is overwhelmingly black so the supposed racism angle goes away. What you're left with is cops harassing black people because they are breaking the law. Arguing that cops shouldn't arrest lawbreakers is not a strong position.
What is the racial makeup of JPD? Kingfish?
Knowing it was the same time as the popular Precinct 4 COPS meeting was just piss poor. Apparently Yarber doesn't know of anything in Jackson unless it's on his twitter.
Whether you want to discuss the policies of not, this video shows something real. Look at how many people that live within Jackson even CARE to have this dialog. Sixty people in the room total? (.0004 percent of the population of the city.)
SO--where does that leave the other 99.9996 percent of the residents of Jackson?
And lets be honest, recent news articles about the Hinds DA office clearly show what's holding Jackson back--the lack of serious prosecution of crimes. Yes, the police could do better. Yes, the judges could do better. Yes, the people could stop doing crimes. But doing better is a far cry from being on the SIDE of criminals. Being on the SIDE of the gangs. Being on the SIDE of murders, rapists, burglars. Being on the SIDE of those who are genuinely ruining the children of the city of Jackson. Selling out the city, county, and state for a bit of money.
Lets have honest people in the DA's office who aren't for sale. That will go a LONG way to helping the crime problem. People that will not put the criminals money above their duty for prosecution.
10:05, the city of Jackson has the law enforcement that they want. They do not want honest people in the DA's office. If they did we would not be seeing what we are now. When the people we have in the DA's office now are kicked out for being criminals themselves they will immediately be replaced with the same thing. As long as the replacements are black the people of Jackson will be very proud of them.
Crowd looks like some of the USM games I went to during the Ellis Johnson year.
What a complete failure as a leader. Jackson is a toilet because instead of having true leadership and a vision for the future they want to hang all their problems on the past. Crime, infrastructure, jobs. All these failures can be placed at the feet of the race-baiting leadership of Jackson.
You in Jacktown Baby Boy! Mortgage-free since 2014!
Same time as the precinct four cops meeting and on the closing night of the DNC. Sigh.
If Yarber hosted a forum about something that is actually an issue in Jackson - say potholes and infrastructure repair - the crowd would be standing room only.
Almost every forum or political outreach session in Jackson looks the same way. There are more people on stage who are paid to be there than people in the audience. Sadly most of Jackson's population has absolutely no concept of self governance. They are the offspring of people who were never consulted about anything and were told what to do from sunup to sundown. These habits are hard to break, especially when the new leadership takes advantage of this lack of accountability. It won't change just because it needs to. It won't change with the present generation. And it won't change if the elements outside Jackson have anything to do with it. They don't give a flying damn. If there will be change it will come with the children, I mean little children, who must be taught to be responsible for their own lives and community and to grow up to be critical and responsible citizens.
But depending on JPS to produce such a generation....Won't happen.
Tony show the video (how not to get your ass beat by the police)
Looks like the DNC during Hillary's acceptance speech.
1:26 is correct about the Ellis Johnson USM year comparison to Jackson's interest in police matters. Right down to the Quarterback's momma getting tossed for hollering, "Get my boy's name outcho mough!"
I can tell few of you actually have been to community forums. Even 30 years ago, planners knew that getting more than 40 people to attend meant a huge success.
Yes, the timing could have been better.
You also apparently don't know that many neighborhoods in Jackson have their own organizational meetings with the JPD regularly and so didn't feel the need to attend.
What I know for sure from the comments is that the critics bitch but don't actually get involved in making their communities better. Maybe you feel showing up at church is enough. It isn't as there is a secular world that needs attention.
And, I did watch the DNC just as I watched the RNC. 4:30 pm is nuts.
As someone who hasn't drunk either party's Kool Aid, the DNC was far better choreographed and far more positive with far more specifics about the platform. And, frankly, the crowd was filled with far more people who were well groomed and attired.
I know the Kool Aid drinkers hate objectivity, but too bad. Here's some more bad news...most of my family has voted GOP for the last 40 years. This year those that have are not. I'm not surprised that they find Mr. Trump a loose cannon. What surprises me is that instead of sitting home, these Hillary haters are going to vote for her. And, the last hold out who is in the military and who liked Trump just got turned off by Trump's comments on his " sacrifices" for our country! A President will need to sacrifice and donating money and hiring people to work for him isn't serving the country, it's getting tax breaks and making profits and that's called " self-interest" and it's called offending the hell out of a guy whose seen his buddies die.
8:34, You bitch about the critics who bitch but do not get involved. Many of the critics do not live in Jackson but still care about our capital. The people in Jackson do not have any feelings for the city they live in as shown by the piss poor turnout.
Judging anything by how the crowd was dressed sounds like a very intelligent way to decide who to vote for. Sort of like people voted for a person for president just because of the color of his skin.
It will not matter what you or your family thinks. Ms. has never mattered when it comes to a presidential election. If every voter in Ms. voted for the same person it would not change a thing.
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