(Top : Wendy Suares; Bottom Row: Megan West)
Congratulations to Wendy Suares morning anchor for WLBT and winner of Jackson Jambalaya's Hottest Reporter in Jackson poll. She received 298 (40) votes out of 730 cast. Second place went to Megan West of WAPT, who received 219 votes (30%). Other reporters receiving votes were Brittany Diehl (WAPT, 67 (9%)), Leah Rupp (Clarion-Ledger, 55 votes (7%)), Julie Straw (WLBT, 51 (6%)), Jennifer Cook (WAPT, 16 (2%)), Emily Wood (WJTV, 14 (1%)), Carole Carr (WJTV, 7 (0%)), Sharita Erves (WAPT, 3 (0)). Thanks to all of you who voted and commented. Pictures of the winner and runner-up are posted above.
They are gorgeous! Wonder if they are single?!?!
I think all the girls are attractive and should be proud!
Wendy is a cutie pie though. Love watching her and Wilson in the mornings.
Where are Megan's hot blonde friends? Can they read me the news too?
Sorry guys but these two ladies are happily spoken for.
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