Monday, June 8, 2020

"When Mississippi Moves, America Moves"

Protests come to Jackson. 

"No Justice, No Peace" echoed down Capitol Street Saturday as thousands of protestors marched against police brutality in front of the Governor's Mansion.  Black Lives Matter Mississippi organized the protest. Video of the protests are posted below.  Watch Calvert White (7:30) in the second video.  He passionately expressed the goal of Black Lives Matter Mississippi. 

See Calvert White at 7:30. 

The protest was a peaceful affair as thousands came together to make themselves heard on a warm Mississippi afternoon.  Missing was the violence and rage that afflicted protests in other states last week.  Indeed, many parents took their children to the protest as it ironically turned into a social event of sorts.  The only thing missing was a party pics photographer.

It would have been shocking if there had been any violence.  JPD Chiefs have been black for over 25 years.  Jackson has been electing black Mayors since 1997.  JPD has been a majority-black police force for quite some time.  The police and population know each other fairly well. There simply aren't any rumblings of rage or civil unrest directed towards the police in Jackson.   There have been some cases of police brutality but they have involved black JPD officers.

 Governor Reeves welcomed the protestors to Capitol Street Friday:

I want you to be able to express your pain and anger in a way that is as safe as possible. I heard about the protest in Jackson tomorrow, and asked MEMA to get COVID-19 masks together for anybody who needs one. Highway Patrol will get them to protestors. Stay safe and God bless!‬

His efforts were well received at the protest. Governor Reeves showed some tact in showing respect to the protest instead of tough talk as um, some of his predecessors might have done. It didn't hurt that law enforcement had ample time to prepare as well the chance to study what took place in other cities.  Water and masks were offered.  Although rejected, his overture did not go unnoticed as seen in the comments on his Facebook page. Many expressed sentiments such as this one:

Although at times u make me upset and I don’t always agree with your policies and no I didn’t vote for you ...I do want to thank you for speaking up and showing class for the protesters and especially in Mississippi!! You have shown class and integrity.... Thank you
 The Governor also cancelled his Thursday Covid-19 briefing as it would have taken place during the Lloyd funeral.  Quite a few black Mississippians thanked him for that gesture as well although some hotheads predictably took issue with it.  Simply put, the Governor acted as a leader and not as a rabble-rouser.  Such leaders have afflicted Mississippi all too often.  It was refreshing to see one choose not to go down that path.  

Kingfish note: Now for the Floyd case. It is sickening to watch the video but in case you have been under a rock, here it is. 

What does one say? It is common for suspects to claim they can't breathe or the handcuffs are too tight.  However, nine minutes? What justified keeping the knee on him for nine damn minutes?  What is up with the officer telling him to get up while he held him down with his knee placed upon his neck? What did he think this was? WWE?  The only thing missing was a pose for the cameras or a rub of the face into the pavement.  It doesn't matter if Floyd had a rap sheet longer than Megan's wedding train. He was handcuffed and subdued.  Why the hell didn't the officers just place him in the vehicle?

This website has no problem calling out bad cops or law enforcement agencies, right, Marshall?  The Floyd homicide and the Georgia case struck a nerve across America.  We watched men die because it appears those in power took advantage of their position.  We trust the police to protect us but unfortunately, the watchers all too often forget they need watching as well. The badge is not a license to kill.  

 To the prosecutors: Don't grandstand as that idiot in Baltimore did.  Don't show up onstage at concerts.  Don't preen for the camera in interviews as happened in the OJ case.  Don't overcharge them as happened in the Rodney King case. Don't be cute.  If all you have is a third-degree murder case, don't go for second-degree.  Just build the case and try it. 

Don't expect this case to be a slam dunk.  Much to the dismay of some of the wokesters, the defendants get their day in court.  This is America. That means they get to defend themselves.  There are competing autopsies. There will be a war of the medical experts.  Did the defendant and deceased know each other? If so, how so? Such questions will be answered in the courtroom, not in the pressroom  This turkey wanted to execute Darryl Dedmonds and has no problem saying the jury should throw the book at these guys if they are convicted.

If convicted, the guilty didn't just kill one man, they also killed America's faith in law enforcement.


Interesting said...

Ironically the next story on this blog is black on black crime.

Anonymous said...

These people are absolutely delusional if they think white supremacy is an issue in 2020. This has become a cultish religion and you can't even get a coherent grievence or core belief from these yahoos.

You never see a black man without a criminal record get shot by police on his way to church or a job interview. No, it is nearly always a multiple violent felon resisting arrest or some young thug on his way from a B&E.

A white person is 10x note likely to be murdered by a black person than the opposite.

That's a fact and you can censor the truth if you want Kingfish, but you can't simultaneously be a truth seeker and truth censor.

Anonymous said...

We can see clearly that Kingfish has finally admitted he joined the Cult of Woke.

Black crime statistics have been heresy on his blog for a while now.

Anonymous said...

Floyd's death didn't destroy my faith in law enforcement.
He could've complied. He didnt have to get loaded up on drugs and utter forgery. He didn't have to offer any resistance.
African Americans earn their treatment by the white majority.
They earn it in every news report of their insane violence and endemic crime.

Anonymous said...

The AA community has caused a lot of its own problems. Black males comprise only 6% of the total population yet they commit well over 80% of the crimes. Habitual offenders. The black community needs to step up but as far as the other cities defunding police departments, well that’s not a good idea. What will the law abiding citizens do for help?

Anonymous said...

Translation: Send us more free shit.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, very proud of your stance. You will receive a lot of hate but that has never made you bow down before. Congrats.

Anon-E-Mouse said...

Kingfish: you need to keep up with current events better. Did you know that the murdering cop and Floyd worked at the same nightclub as bouncers? Floyd, high on drugs, is not a small guy. The officer knew what he had to do. As such, he kneed him as long as it took. Unfortunately, Mr. Floyd had a heart attack due to drugs and died.

It is thought that because they knew each other, they were in on the counterfeit money scam. That’s why he kneed him until he was dead.

Also, the BLM isn’t about police brutality, it’s about socialism and taking money from the rich and giving it to black people.

Anonymous said...

that knee on the neck move is used all the time in pro wrestling and no-one even gets injured much less killed.

Anonymous said...

This isn’t About police brutality. This isn’t about oppression. This is ALL about power and victim hood. These clowns will make demand after demand as they move the goalposts under the guise of “social justice”.

As we saw with Brees, it’s all about the woke mob coming for people they disagree with.

I’ve lived in MS for 30+ years. I have never seen a Klan member or heard anything about them. Yet, this group should have you think the Klan, Jim Crow, and “systematic racism” are some sort of plan to oppress them.

What’s this about?

Confederate statues?

Racist healthcare policy?

Government assistance?

Affirmative action?

Bail reform?

Criminal justice reform?

Drug laws?

Just let me know so I can attempt to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post. It is important and truly needed. The horrific violence facing African American men is terrible.

I woud also like to posit that one of the awful trends in this part of the 21st century is the decline of tolerance for the opinions of others. It is an ersosion of free speech. A post here which would demand that Black Lives Matter have an open and free discussion of what is killing black men might be tolerated but it isn't tolerated by academia, corporate America, most media, most newspapers, most social media. And that is a very bad trend.

Socialists can give a speech on the merits of socialism but when a capitalist wants to respond or enter into a debate, they are shouted down. Very bad omen for our country.

Anonymous said...

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

The cop was wrong even if Floyd was high or whatever, still no reason to use that force. Cuff him and let him lay there. If he runs, he wont go far. But to say the left is exploited this is beyond an understatement. Defunding police depts? Mayors publicly announcing cuts to their budget so they seem woke enough to get elected, all the while a month ago they were arresting people getting hair cuts and playing at the park. GTFOH. We are being played by the powers to be and the woke crowd is too dumb to see it.

Anonymous said...

Stand up let's show the world who we really are! Most posters so far are doing a hell of a job.

Anonymous said...

The governor should look to the MNG maintaning crowd control as these protests are designed to bring about social disorder.
Putting local police armed with shields and batons against mobs will surely bring about bloodshed.
The simple solution is going thru the Mississippi Surplus Property Commission to acquire MRAPs and have them equipped with Skunk Water dispensing nozzles to scatter the mobs.
No need to arrest and fill the jails and hospitals with stinking prisoners.
This is a humane and non-violent response, and coupled with an open carry populace, should
bring about order.
I see coming to columbus, DA Colom and Mayor Smith removing the Confederate monument in front of the Lowndes County Court House.A kind of one upmanship of his father MSCW "win" before SCOTUS.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, have the charges been dropped against the police officers in Minneapolis? Is the justice system not proceeding as it's supposed to? Or by "justice" do those people mean we should scrap that whole due process thing and the police officers should be lynched?

Anonymous said...

“ African Americans earn their treatment by the white majority.
They earn it in every news report of their insane violence and endemic crime.”

Spoken like a true racist.

And as for this ‘heart attack’ bullshit...

“ Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” was the cause of death. If you have an underlying medical condition and someone punches you and you die... guess what? You’re going to prison.

His heart didn’t stop suddenly when he laid on the ground... it stopped because the cop compressed the blood going to his brain, which put undue stress on his heart.

This cop is going to prison. Deservedly so.

Anonymous said...

JPD Chiefs have been black for over 25 years. Jackson has been electing black Mayors since 1997. JPD has been a majority-black police force for quite some time. The police and population know each other fairly well. There simply aren't any rumblings of rage or civil unrest directed towards the police in Jackson. There have been some cases of police brutality but they have involved black JPD officers.
This about sums it up. How can you have white Supremacy?
You can't. How can you blame whites? You can't.

Also, All the above post are great. To bad the left leaning media suppresses the truth by airing left leaning news.
That's why FOX News is so refreshing even though it is viciously attacked. Keep up the good work KF.

Anonymous said...

Am I wrong or is "No Justice No Peace" a threat?
They mob should chant "No Peace until I get Everything".

Anonymous said...

Feltstein's First Law of Economics: No matter what they SAY they are talking about, what they are really talking about is MONEY!

Anonymous said...

"If convicted, the guilty didn't just kill one man, they also killed America's faith in law enforcement."

Law Enforcement did it to themselves. This is not an isolated event. You can watch hundreds of videos of police doing as bad or worse over the last week or two. It's not one bad apple. It's hundreds of thousands of fellow gang members covering up evidence and breaking the law to protect the worst of the apples. We all know this murderer will not be found guilty. The system is set up that way.

Anonymous said...

Minority Americas' faith in law enforcement has already been pretty low. I have had dealings with good and bad cops. Most of those cops have been good people. However, just like we want the bad apples in the bunch to be thrown out in all other walks of life, we want the same for LE, especially LE! Quit protecting evil, wrongdoing persons - especially ones that hold so much power. Most of these officers are undereducated, undertrained high school graduates, who usually are not the brightest of the bunch. Then they are treated as an entitled, endangered species and not held accountable for most of their actions unless you are wealthy and/or have friends in high places. I pray that bad cops are brought to the light at a minimum, if this movement does nothing else.

Anonymous said...

"As we saw with Brees, it’s all about the woke mob coming for people they disagree with."

Republican snowflakes. The "woke mob" is the court of public opinion. Tough shit if it goes against you. That's the downside of being a public persona.

Anonymous said...

"Black males comprise only 6% of the total population yet they commit well over 80% of the crimes."

This is a pretty lazy statistic. It doesn't take into account violent v. nonviolent crimes. Drugs crimes. Misdemeanor property crimes.

But more importantly, what BLM and these protests are about isn't just police brutality, it is the historical situations that create the kinds of educational, economic, and other systemic disparities that still have an effect in 2020.

Consider that a middle age black male was born between 1960-1980. As you think about the economic leaders of Mississippi, how many of those benefited from generational wealth? How many doctors in the State went to school while black peers were denied access? When you talk about racism and its effects, do you consider that, even if you believe racism is dead in 2020, what about black entrepreneurs trying to gain momentum in the 80s and 90s in Mississippi. Was racism dead in 1980? The year that most elite private schools in MS were established?

Everyone wants to point to blacks in 2020 and say, look at what these statistics say. But you've given blacks 30-40 years to catch up to a head start of 100s of years for white American society. You look at them and ask, why are you still poor? Hatred is one thing, but denying systemic disparity is its own brand of racism.

Police brutality is just one example of how this racism manifests itself.

Anonymous said...

So much for white apologies and racial reconciliation. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew better than to trust y'all. Not going to cry for how y'all get treated when y'all are the minority.

Anonymous said...

Law enforcement has gotten the attitude over the last couple of decades that they do not answer to the public. The think they are in a position of authority rather than a position of enforcement and support. I've seen it in my own small town. We used to have a Sheriff department that had the sheriff and 3 deputies, it has grown to a dozen. I see pictures in the paper of their training days and they look like a military organization.

The town police was nothing more than a couple of part-time officers who were either deputies or constables during the other time. Now we have five full-time officers. Their primary duty consists of revenue generation once radar was allowed about ten years ago, and they are extremely aggressive and unprofessional whenever they pull someone over.

Crime has not gone up during that time, so why is the police force being expanded and armed so differently?

The police have lost sight of the fact they are supposed to be supportive of the community first, and if it can happen in a small community like mine it is even worse in larger areas where almost nobody knows their neighbors anymore. The role of law enforcement needs to be drastically overhauled. We simply don't need a bunch of Rambo wannabes running around in tactical gear every day to handle petty crime. Community integration is key.

Anonymous said...

Hey all you snowflakes (inluding KF) there was a viral challenge trending where people got restrained the exact same way as George Floyd for the same amount of time and the all survived. It absolutely destroyed the narrative lie, so it got banned from social media.

Anonymous said...

Rambo suffered police brutality. It was the entire plot of First Blood. Cops can't be Rambo because he killed them all.

Anonymous said...

Anyone defending the actions of these former officers is a sick individual.

I gave Mr. Floyd the benefit of the doubt, as before watching the video I thought that his only statement was that he couldn’t breathe similar to Eric Garner. Obviously he spoke several phrases, so I can see where the arresting officer may not have taken his pleas seriously. On the other hand you have the crowd of bystanders pleading the more obvious that Floyd is slipping away, and at that point anyone with common sense backs off.

Chauvin continues to kneel on Floyd as if he was a trophy kill even though he’s motionless by this point. That speaks volumes. Rumor is that one of his fellow officers tried to intervene unsuccessfully. That may help that officer’s defense. The lookout may also receive a slap on the wrist.

I don’t think that the police needs defunding. Just properly convict criminal cops. I can’t believe that you finally caved to cover this story after many days, but I guess it got to be too big to ignore.

Anonymous said...

10:32, What tactical gear did John Rambo have? Was it his knife, his bow, or the scavenged rags he wraps himself in? Most guns you see him use in the movies are picked up on the battlefield. He always loses any gear the Colonel gives him. He always gets caught and then tortured. Its a Rambo trope. I bet you never read the novels or watched the movies. Rambo used more booby traps than anything. Even in the last movie.

Here's How It Works said...

"Kingfish, very proud of your stance. You will receive a lot of hate but that has never made you bow down before. Congrats."

What the hell does ^that^ even mean? What 'stance' are you talking about? He massages opinion by censoring posts tat go against his narrative of the moment, while allowing and commenting on those he thinks need attention or a minor correction. It's all about controlling the narrative while praying for hits. Meanwhile he allows just enough racism to encourage more while making sure the other side of town has a say and is allowed to act out.

Posts like yours will never have any trouble negotiating the censorship betcha.

Anonymous said...

10:37, the challenge was primarily a handful of white kids who are obviously being raised by racist POS. Their videos were rightfully taken down to discourage other racist dumbasses from attempting this at home.

Anonymous said...

What is different between law enforcement today and back in Mayberry? The reminder that a community neck stretching awaited anyone (white or black) who the raped, robbed, looted, or murdered.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure thug "gangsta" kill a cop rap music and video games has nothing to do with anything..

Anonymous said...

@906 everyone knows who you are, a bunch of crusty old boomer white racists. No need to make an announcement.

I’ve been waiting on this article for a few days now. I appreciate your take on things KF. But I knew the comments would be the typical hate filled BS. Honestly wish you’d do away with the anonymous comment thing. Keep people accountable for what they’re saying.

Anonymous said...

We need a stats comparison of black cops killing unarmed white people versus the opposite. I have faith in the great minds that post here, and I expect the numbers to be yuge!

Anonymous said...

KF Thank you for this well written piece.

I was very sorry to see the comments of those who apparently cannot read or cannot check the accuracy of what they do read.

In 2018 according to the FBI:
3315 whites were murdered. 2677 of those murderers were white, 514 were black

2925 blacks or AA were murdered , 234 by whites and 2600 by blacks

You might note that , as usual, whites usually win the murder stats. We tend to dominate sexual crime stats as well.

Whites win on killing "other races" 54 to 39 and unknown races 46 to 24.

I do not know why some of you persist in following sites and people who lie to you and most of whom you've never met or will ever meet or would ever buy you a cup of coffee who lie to you .

That Floyd and Chauvin were bouncers at the same club cuts two ways. The owners doesn't know if they ever were " bouncing" at the same time. But, how do you or I know if Floyd had something on Chauvin or they were interested in the same woman or what the cause of any dislike between the two may have been. It argues more that Chauvin killed Floyd for personal reasons rather than professional reasons unless you want to believe Chauvin was afraid of Floyd which strikes me as strange fear when Chauvin was armed and Floyd was not.

Please commenters...check the facts before trying to twist them to fit your biases. Most will assume you are too stupid or unethical to bother enlightening or engaging in dialogue. You diminish yourselves in the eyes of respectable people.

Anonymous said...

I believe in equality. Equality for every citizen of the U.S. Sadly that isn't what we have today.
Affirmative Action gives one set of citizens rights all other citizens do not have. As long as that keeps going on there will be problems. One group wants the same rights as the privileged minorities. Minorities want more from all other people. It is about time to step up and work for what you want instead of sticking out your hand and expecting people to give to you.

Why not give real equality a chance? We can see giving one group rights that others do not have is not working.

Anonymous said...

@11:32 do you understand the concept of per capita? Whites make up well over 50% of the population. While African Americans are 13%. So that means the per capita murder, rape, and proprty crime rate of African Americans is triple that of whites. You failed to make your point. Unless your point was to make yourself appear to not understand statistics.

Anonymous said...

10:29 am I won't judge you by those in your race who are criminal or unethical or just stupid if you'll do the same.

What you are seeing on the streets is that good and decent white folks are joining you and maybe would have shown up in person before in greater numbers if not for CV 19. Some of us were working or in school.

MOST of all people just want government to be FAIR and ALL to be treated the same before the law and in the halls of government. We don't want to have to pay for equally out of our pockets disproportionately or lose out to preferential treatment.

Those on the extreme left or right seem to me as people who assume the worst and paint the other side as all being like the craziest and dumbest and unethical among us.

I hope the good and decent among all groups prevail and unite and the extremes don't side track us with nonsense that will be used to derail needed reforms and get us at each other's throats.

Anonymous said...

involuntary redistribution of wealth is next. We're past the tipping point

Anonymous said...

11:06 your comment passed the censor. Thus, your point is invalid. Why don't you go ahead and go on to Academy to buy some more ammo.

Anonymous said...

Due to the Dump the Flag rants from the Imes family's Hatchet-Man Slim Smith that greased the skids down that slippery slope to the bottom,there will never again be a Columbus Pilgrimage!
The Commercial-Dispatch's Flagship Catfish Alley will draw no visitors.

Anonymous said...

I regularly read JJ but have never commented. We are fortunate that the protest was peaceful, as all protests should be. The Governor used his head and was hard is that? In turn, the protestors did not chant "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon." And thanks be to God, there was no looting and no injuries. Martin Luther King, for those who remember him, would have been proud.
Mr. Lloyd's death was a tragedy in more ways than one, as we've all seen, but here's a major shame: a poll taken just after the horrible incident estimated that 94 percent of this country was outraged and appalled. It was a moment, hideous as it was, that presented an opportunity for us to unite at least once in our lives. Sadly, when we watch young black men showing their heartbreak and sorrow at Mr. Lloyd's death by stealing Air Jordans and fatally shooting a black security guard in the back of his head, it makes unity as Americans seem a distant dream. Until we can all speak without shouting, and with at least minimal accuracy, the dream of togetherness as a nation will remain somewhere well beyond the horizon.

Anonymous said...

I’m a white middle aged male business owner. I know a great number of hard working people of both races. I also have to deal with bad people of both races. It doesn’t matter your skin color, it’s how you’re raised. I do truly have to say there are some white people who totally shame themselves in the way the live and act and it really embarrasses me and all I can do is just shake my head. You can’t change them. It all falls back to how you were brought up. I believe in everyone having a chance, but you have to be a good productive citizen and THAT is not being taught anywhere.

Anonymous said...

This is better than Social Media today! Crying about polls gets old after a while.

Anonymous said...


You were really close until your last 2 or 3 sentences. I agree that the looting was not necessary, but you chose to try and reshape the narrative with those BS statements. They were not showing heartbreak and sorrow by stealing Jordan's. They were being dumbasses. Take your pseudo-Kumbaya thoughts somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

To 11:47, I believe the one of the points of the comment at 11:32 was that, for the most part, white people kill white people and black people kill black people. I also understand the point you made, which is that black people commit violent crimes and property crimes at a higher rate than white people.

As neither 11:47, nor 11:32, actually provided a citation to a verifiable source for the data on which they based their comments, I consider them both to be unsubstantiated opinions, and nothing more.

Statistics lie, and ......... said...

@11:32 -- great use of statistics to try to make a point, all the while leaving out a large, and important, part of the 'statistics' you are quoting.

Besides as 11:47 so accurately points out, there is a per capita, a percentage, issue to consider that shoots down your theory, there is another little bitty problem in your 'analysis'.

According to the FBI:UCR there were 16,214 homicides in America in 2018, not the 6300+ you state. Read through the other tables on the UCR - the number you quoted had to do with those where the race of the victim and of the perp were known. From the UCI table that you used in your reporting:

"NOTE: This table is based on incidents where some information about the offender is known by law enforcement; therefore, when the offender age, sex, race, and ethnicity are all reported as unknown, these data are excluded from the table."

If you look at the total number of homicides in the US, there were 4884 white, 6318 black, 312 other and 4821 unknown.

Now then, using those numbers (and I would suggest consider 11:47's point about per capita percentages) come back and give us a better analysis to make your point.

Anonymous said...

@12:02p- I agree with your sentiments. I don't know of a single person (outside that idiot mayor in Petal) that wasn't outraged by the death of Mr. Floyd. I was outraged at the officers, I was outraged at the person videoing, I was outraged at the bystanders. The physical assault he was enduring was equal to a person in a burning car or standing in front of an oncoming train or drowning. You DON'T STAND THERE AND WATCH AND VIDEO!!! Your common human decency should force you to spring into action. And, don't give me that "scared of police" BS... people don't consider they are going to die when saving someone from drowning or fire. If someone, ANYONE, had intervened, there'd have been more support than the hero could have imagined. So, those "fear" arguments don't fly.

I'm almost to the point that I say give the BLM movement and others everything they want... get rid of police, give them reparations, give them all of it. And, guess what!? In a few years (or less), we will be RIGHT BACK HERE because laws, or lack of thereof, won't change people's hearts, and all the money will be spent and no joy or education or fulfillment will be found. We will be right back here because these idiot politicians that are fighting for radical change do NOT even understand the repercussions of their actions. (It's mind-boggling how these rioters' and looters' actions haven't shone a little light on this for them.) Minneapolis may be "free of police" but it will also be free of emergency services, viable businesses, home values that bring in tax revenue, productive homeowners, affordable insurance, banking services, medical services, and, most devastatingly, become an open range for criminals!! These politicians' actions will HURT their community because you can't legislate people's hearts or morality.

Regarding the police, I've said it before on this blog. They are human. They need more training and emotional and mental health support. They deal with the worst of humanity day in and day out. Our military servicemen do not serve in the fields for 20+ consecutive years. Why do we expect our policemen to serve in the field for these extended periods and not be affected? Why are our communities in such selfish disarray that the police are subjected to it constantly? When do we as people start addressing our behavior? We stand around and defend and hide criminals while telling our police to eff off and die. Seriously, when do our communities take some responsibility for their actions?

It's going to take correction on both sides of the aisle to see lasting change. Yes, the police need better oversight regarding mental and emotional health. It should not be perceived as negative when someone has to step away from the profession because they've reached their fill. There also definitely needs to be policy changes. Ironically, most of the policies most negatively affecting the communities with regard to policing were put in place in democrats. Stop and process that. Stop and process that the people in power in Minneapolis at EVERY SINGLE LEVEL are democrats. Why didn't they act faster... before these protests broke out? Why do people overlook this important information when lumping conservatives into an unattractive category.

ALL SIDES NEED TO STEP BACK AND ADMIT THEY ARE IMPERFECT AND WORK TOWARDS IMPROVEMENT. However, power, media, and politics will prevent that from EVER happening. We now have such a "gotcha" mentality that one wrong utterance proves a person's entire life invalid. We "cancel" anyone out who thinks differently than us. We "label" anyone who doesn't agree with out thoughts and feelings 100% as racists or homophobic or whatever label fits the current agenda. We, the people, are the problem... not our country... not our laws... US! No law can change a truly dark/evil heart... and many exists... but that's an entirely separate debate.

Anonymous said...

Have long said that the militarization of the Police was going to lead us to where we are now. When you can't tell the difference between a rural Sheriff's deputy and a Special Forces member, you've gone too far down the road.

Anonymous said...

The protest that you so eloquently described is not a grassroots movement but a controlled corporate/media psyop. All of the locals suffering Stockholm Syndrome (watching local news) who showed up are merely unpaid extras.

Black lives matter network action fund, inc - corporation number 7571217
Black lives matter network global network, inc - corporation number 6194815
they're incorporated in delaware here -
there are potentially more version of said "network", but thats all ive been able to find
their registered agent is - The Corporation Trust Company, which was acquired by (drum roll)


Anonymous said...

@2:12p- If you think a Sheriff's Deputy and a SF soldier look/behave even REMOTELY similar, then you don't know any real SF soldiers.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to get a new tinfoil hat for 2:25 PM and maybe get them to take their meds.

George Soros conspiracy theories are antisemitic.

Anonymous said...

" The Governor also cancelled his Thursday Covid-19 briefing as it would have taken place during the Lloyd funeral. Quite a few black Mississippians thanked him for that gesture as well although some hotheads predictably took issue with it. Simply put, the Governor acted as a leader and not as a rabble-rouser. Such leaders have afflicted Mississippi all too often. It was refreshing to see one choose not to go down that path. "

Anyone know why WLBT stopped carrying the Governor's daily press updates altogether ?

WAPT & WJTV still interrupt the mindless afternoon network programing.

I guess WLBT's viewers are more interested in
Kelly Clarkson's goofy show.

BTW, does WLBT even have a helicopter anymore ?

Anyway, I think Gov. Reeves has made the right calls during all of this ( Pandemics, protests. tropical storms, etc.)

Anonymous said...

It is so very sad to see poor black folk being played/scammed by leftists.

As one of the “original” Civil Rights Activists, Bob Woodson said last week:

“In the civil rights movement, one of the great promises we (blacks) gave to low income blacks, is if you were to elect blacks to public office through the voting rights act, and we (blacks) were running those institutions, that all of black America would be better off.”



“So many of those people taking office use this money to create a class of people who are running these cities.”

“Now after 50 years of liberal Democrats running the inner cities where we have all of these inequities that we have, RACE IS BEING USED AS A RUSE, AS A MEANS OF DEFLECTING ATTENTION AWAY from critical questions such as why are poor blacks failing in systems run by their own people, if race was an issue.”

What an absolute hero Civil Rights activist Bob Woodson is for choosing honesty verses selling out for power and personal gain!

Anonymous said...

@3:28, you misspelled Fox News Pundit

Anonymous said...

And so you consider Wall St banks to be recipients of poverty programs, 3:28!

Anonymous said...

The comments on this blog establish one thing. There is systemic racism in America. It is less obvious than earlier in history, but it is there. MS still flies a Confederate battle flag as its official flag and is beyond help, at least in my lifetime. I hope the children and grandchildren of this nation, whether black, white or brown, do a better job of eliminating racism than their parents and grandparents, including me. The country will be better for it.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people aren't paying attention or just don't get the depth of what is happening. Buying ammunition is becoming increasingly difficult. You can still buy huge quantities for hundreds of dollars online. It's as if everyone is buying out everything and not just paranoid preppers.

Anonymous said...

Given the incidence of homelessness,mental illness,drug abuse and other associated issues police face everyday the real issue is refunding the police, everyone making the call to defund understands that we need professional counselors with a gun.
That's all we are saying retrain cops to deal with today's social ills and these problems will fade.

Anonymous said...

4:15PM, you racist! Bet you hate Candice Owens because she’s black and disagrees with you also; don’t you?

4:22PM, you aren’t naïve enough to expect the thieves on Wall St to sit by and not siphon off a part of the leftist scam, are you? You need to try different bait. If it were up to me their asses never would have been bailed out, and some of them would still be in jail.

Here’s what I tell my MAGA friends:

“I’m on the side of the lefties!“

“Let them keep falling for the leftist scam. “

“Let the brainwashed, can’t think for themselves, can’t do simple math, dumb-asses burn their cities to the ground; AND defund their police departments.”

“Let’s sit back and laugh our assess off while their cities crumble.”

“They (lefties) have done such a phenomenal job of running areas of cities (the entire city in the case of Jackson) into the ground, why not just allow them to be finished off?”

And to you young, white, private school, fancy college attendees living in your gated subdivisions where you park your fancy cars with the 30A stickers on them between beach trips and trips abroad, if you really wanted to help blacks, you would move to an area like Bailey Avenue to help make that area better; and you would skip a trip or two to the mall, the beach and abroad then take those funds you would normally spend on yourself and give them to poor blacks; instead of being hypocrites by attending protests, only to return to your “privileged lives.”

Come on! Let’s see if there’s some real Mother Teresa’s out there!

Anonymous said...

@6:12p- You said to "DEAL" with social ills... why not try to correct them? Why not put some responsibility on the community to get THEIR shit together instead of blaming cops. The cops didn't cause homelessness, drug abuse, and selfish choices by people... but guess what?! They get to deal with it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I agree police absolutely need more/better training... because our communities have lost their ever-living minds!! People have ZERO ability to deal with things in a level-headed manner. Guns start flying at the mention of discourse. (This is for law-abiding folks as much as lawbreakers.) Everybody is completely strung out on emotions.

Communities need to STOP making excuses and BE BETTER PEOPLE themselves. It's like we've all forgotten that we ALL contribute to society. Somehow, the expectation that police are supernatural and must DEAL with everyone's shitty choices on lawbreakers' terms has become the norm. I'm not saying ANYONE deserves to die at the hands of police, but if people weren't constantly acting a fool the police wouldn't be so strung out and guarded all the time.

Anonymous said...

Given the incidence of and other associated issues police face everyday the real issue is refunding the police, everyone making the call to defund understands that we need professional counselors with a gun.
That's all we are saying retrain cops to deal with today's social ills and these problems will fade.

How exactly does retraining police make "homelessness,mental illness,drug abuse" fade?

Anonymous said...

Part of the leftist scam 6:28? The entire scam was written by the Wall St Bankers who get the big end of the payoff while the entitlement beggars get a few peanuts tossed out onto the pavement. The American Corpocracy has been thrown several $trillion in the past 3 years to pump up the market and then to re-pump it to cover for the pandemic crash. Beginning with the S&L scam we have been ripped time and time again to "make whole" market ripoffs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's what police and society needs to figure out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jacktown can generate money this year by allowing a reality show to follow around the white JPS teachers in the bold new city during these wild times. We can use it to fix pot holes, fix the pipes, or pay the Mayor to go away.

People falling for yellow journalism left and right.

Stay united America. Think of the WW2 Vets and Civil Rights Movement activist.

Anonymous said...

@8:09 PM
Why is it that no matter what happens, whether it be terrorism, debt crisis, a stock market crash, or a plandemic, the guys in little hats always profit? Is it just God's will?

Shoot all Looters said...

@8:09 PM - Help me out. Where can I purchase a tin foil hat, as you seem to have a corner on that market?

Anonymous said...

8:09PM, again, you need to try different bait.

I’m more than happy to discuss the thieves on Wall St, how currency devaluation (money printing for those that don’t know what this is) steals from retirees, makes the rich richer while the poor and middle class (without 401K’s) get hammered.

But, this particular thread is about this particular leftist scam (you do know there are many, don’t you?).

This scam, designed to anger the ignorant (poor blacks too uneducated to know better, and the young, white, private school, fancy college attendees living in their gated subdivisions while protesting between their beach trips and trips abroad) so much so that they will vote Leftist in November.

Get KF to start a thread on how rich people, including the scum on Wall St use “causes” to enrich themselves, then we can have that discussion there.

This discussion however is about this particular leftist scam of using a THUG (Derek Chavin) with a history of 17 complaints over less than 20 years, but hired anyway by a leftist run city, where you can’t even blame the Governor since he’s leftist as well, then capitalizing on the total ignorance of poor people and young, dumb, silver spooner whites to somehow make this Trump’s fault, while stereotyping all police people that serve and try to protect us.

So many ask: “how can they be this stupid?”

Hitler and Japan’s emperor proved through propaganda and crowd psychology you can get sheep to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Americans are the most ignorant and naive sheeple on the planet. There must be something in the GMO food and pills you all take. No wonder the world is moving toward China.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of little guys in hats, Al Jazerra is reporting the taking down of the statue of Sir Edward Colston, a "Bitish slaver" in Bristol, England. Mobs roll the defaced statue into the canal. There is even a desecrated statue of Lincoln with a hangman's noose around his neck.

Anonymous said...

@1:25 - the “source” was clearly stated. The post started “according to the FBI”. That means, the FBI was the SOURCE. Try it for yourself. Google “FBI” or “Federal Bureau of Investigation”. Either one will link you to the website of the FBI. From there, you can search crime stats....almost any way you want to look at them. That numbers posted are absolutely correct. Like it or not, blacks DO commit a much larger percentage of violent crimes. In fact, the percentage for crimes committed by blacks is higher than the percentage for whites, Hispanics, Asians, and “others” combined. Sorry if you think it’s “racist for me to say so, but facts ARE facts.

Anonymous said...

Modern Maoists and their "Great Leap Forward".

Welcome to Year Zero everybody.

Anonymous said...

2:04, "FBI" is a source, but it is not a citation. There is a huge difference between the two. An example of a citation would be a link to the exact page of the website where the information may be found. A citation does not require additional research on the part of the reader/viewer. It provides the exact location where research already conducted by the author may be found.

Your attempt to justify your ignorance be hiding behind racism persecution is completely unjustified, as I never accused you of being a racist. I simply pointed out that you did not provide a citation to the facts you claim support your argument.

-June 8 @1:25

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS