President George H. W. Bush died tonight. He was 94 years old.
Click Here to Read More..Friday, November 30, 2018
Flashback Friday
Today's edition of Flashback Friday takes a look back at previous issues of the Clarion-Ledger for the First Friday in December. See what Jacksonians were doing for fun back in the day. Enjoy.
Boil Water Notice Issued for Jackson
The city of Jackson issued the following statement.
Need to Get a License Today?
Both DPS Headquarters and driver services in Jackson will close today at noon because of low water pressure. Drive to Kosciusko if you need a new license. Seriously.
Click Here to Read More..Councilman Calls for Boycott
Controversy arose after a group of Tougaloo students were ordered to leave Northpark Mall. Mall security told them to leave the mall after they passed out flyers to shoppers in the food court. Northpark Mall has a "no solicitation" policy. The professor leading the students complained she was unfairly harassed by security and Ridgeland police.
Bedwetter Alert
The Christmas TV classic, Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer, yes, that show, triggered some snowflakes. File this under "Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Reason ___". Go check it out at Huffpo. Read the comments. They are gold.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Reward for UMMC Shooter
Crimestoppers issued the following bulletin. Send tips to Crimestoppers to collect reward.
Active Shooter at UMMC. UPDATE: ALL CLEAR!!!
There was no active shooter at UMMC itself. The shooting took place on the street in front of garage. Echoes made it sound as if it took place in garage. Not that it makes much difference if you are actually at UMMC.
Parking garage B. This is NOT a drill!!!!! UMMC just sent out the following text messages:
Tragic Accident in Rankin County
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey issued the following statement.
PSA for Diabetics
Bill Crawford cited the high cost of diabetic testing strips as an example of the rationing of health care due to high prices. However, a simple read of the source he used would have shown a different story. Here is the original passage about the WWII Vet:
The Medical Queen is GONE!
The Mississippi State Medical Association is seeking new leadership. The Mississippi State
Medical Association terminated its Executive Director, Charmain
Kanosky. MSMA is the trade association representing the physicians of
the state. Kanosky served
as the lobbyists for MSMA before becoming Executive Director—employed
by the association for nearly 25 years.
Her annual salary was $209,000 per and $40,000 in benefits.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Do Not Try This at Home
A couple of knuckleheads attempt to enter the Darwin Award Contest.
Sid Salter: Muddy Senate Race Cost $20 million and Two Reputations
In 2018, Mississippi voters elected two U.S. senators. The two elections saw about $27. 6 million expended with $11 million of that coming from partisan outside groups – and armed with that money, Mississippians witnessed the near destruction of the reputations of at least two of those candidates.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
FINALLY!!! Election Night!
It's election night. Finally. Post comments here. Live results can be found at this page on the WLBT website.
Update: Cindy Hyde-Smith beats Mike Espy by ten points. McCarty wipes out Weill by 2:1 with 82% of the vote counted.
Election Day Thread
The big, huge Senate runoff today. However, there are several more races. There are runoffs in Hinds County for Chancery Court and Circuit Court. There is a runoff for Circuit Judge in Madison and Rankin counties as well as one for Chancellor in Rankin County as well. Vote early and often. Make comments about election in this post. Fire away.
Click Here to Read More..FBI Grabs Exxon Robbers, Hero Foiled Robbery
Troubles worsened for three people accused of robbing the Exxon at I-55 and Northside Drive last week. The trio of robbers engaged in a shootout with JPD at the Waterworks Curve as they fled the pursuing police. Jackson Municipal Court Judge Jeff Reynolds denied bond for two suspects yesterday at an initial appearance for the charges of armed robbery, aggravated assault, and aggravated assault on a police officer. A third is hospitalized. However, the suspects took a trip to Canton instead of Raymond as FBI agents arrested them after the hearing in the courtroom.
Judicial Candidate Voted Against Child Rape Bill
State Representative Adrienne Wooten voted against a bill in the legislature that required doctors performing abortions or deliveries of children under the age of sixteen to preserve tissue or blood samples and report to authorities they suspect a sex crime took place. Ms. Wooten is running for Hinds County Circuit Judge.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Grenada or Bust!
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement and mug shots.
Food Fight: Court of Appeals!
The war over who will replace Judge Joseph Lee on the Mississippi Court of Appeals will come to an end tomorrow. Jackson attorney David McCarty came within one point of winning the November 6 election outright as he beat Hinds County Circuit Judge Jeff Weill by more than thirty thousand votes.
Senate Race Open Thread
The Big Showdown between Mike Espy and Cindy Hyde-Smith is tomorrow. Make your feelings known here. Remember to vote early and often.
Click Here to Read More..MHP: 5 Holiday Fatalities
The Mississippi Highway Patrol issued the following statement.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Farewell to Tank and Danielle
The Jackson Zoo issued the following press release.
Sunday Morning Sermon
It's time for the Sunday Morning Sermon. The late Dr. Frank Pollard (First Baptist Church, Jackson) gave one of his better sermons as he preached from Matthew 5:6 in 1990.
Bill Crawford: Monopolies Hike Drug Prices
"The high cost of prescriptions are leading many people to ration medicine or skip it altogether," reads a story in the Clarion-Ledger.
An earlier story told about an 87-year-old WWII veteran with Type 2 diabetes. His glucose test strips suddenly jumped up from $25 to $90 a box. "That's too high," he said. "And I don't understand how they can do that."
Saturday, November 24, 2018
JPS Stops Keeping Crime Stats
C.J. Lemaster actually engaged in some investigative journalism and busted JPS for failing to track crimes or "incidents" in Jackson Public Schools. He reported at WLBT:
Friday, November 23, 2018
Homeland Security Gets New Director
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety issued the following statement.
Students Win Tuition Toss
Yesterday, at the 2018 Egg Bowl game in
Oxford, Mississippi, Treasurer Lynn Fitch awarded two MACS Mississippi
Affordable College Savings) scholarships totaling $3,058 to Mississippi
college students during the
halftime Tuition Toss sponsored by College Savings Mississippi.
Click Here to Read More..
Check out these pictures from Northpark. Part of the parking lot was repaved this week, right before Black Friday. However, one little task was forgotten. What could possibly go wrong?
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Throwback Thursday
Here is a blast from the past. JJ posted this video five years ago. WAPT was cleaning out the vault and came across this old color video of Jackson. WAPT provided it to Downtown Jackson Partners, who posted it on Youtube. Really interesting stuff.
The Invasion of the Parking Meters
Parking meters will be coming to Fondren in 2019. The Jackson City Council authorized the Mayor to issue a Request for Proposals to install new meters in Fondren and overhaul the current parking meter system.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Hidden in Plain Sight
Nothing like a holiday for providing the time to have some intellectual fun. Did Atlantis actually exist? If so, where was it? A new theory proposes it might literally be in the middle of the desert for all of the world to see.
Spend Thanksgiving at the Jackson Zoo
Admission is free tomorrow at the Jackson Zoo. Don't feel like watching football or waiting for the turkey to cook? The weather should be nice tomorrow. Get the kids out of mom's hair and take them to the zoo.
Click Here to Read More..
Sid Salter: Monumental Void Left by W.B. "Snooky" Williams
Yeah, I know that this is the last column I have before the Mississippi U.S. Senate runoff, but the truth is I really don’t have much more to say about a race that I’ve been writing about all these many months. I think I’ve said my piece on that subject.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Bulldog Properties Cuts Ties with Gulf Relay
Bulldog Properties issued the following statement.
Police Seek Man Who Dragged Girlfriend Down County Line Road
The Ridgeland Police Department issued the following statement.
Judge's Daughter Carjacked
The daughter of Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green was carjacked earlier this week in the driveway of her Northeast Jackson home. JJ is trying to obtain a description of the suspect as well as other information but has been unable to do so. The victim was thankfully not injured although undoubtedly traumatized. More information will be posted when available.
Click Here to Read More..Sponsors Rule at MSU!
Doug Hindman appeared on the grass of Scott Field as a "sponsor" of the Mississippi State-Arkansas football game last Saturday. He even appeared on the radio pregame show as the school honored for his support of Bulldog football. This is the same Doug Hindman who was busted in a Perverted Justice/NBC sting in 2006. A grand jury indicted him for "exploitation of a child" but he was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of cyberstalking. Governor Barbour pardoned him during the last weeks of his reign in 2012.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Jackson Launches War on Grease
The city of Jackson issued the following statement and animated message.
Mo' Money yet Nary a Difference for PERS
Collection of all PERS posts.
PERS continues to plod along as its funding level slightly improved to 61.8% despite receiving some favor from Wall Street and more money from employers.
A.G. Busts Copper Thieves
Attorney Generalissimo Jim Hood issued the following statement.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Cover-up? What Cover-Up? Move Along.
The Catholic Diocese of Jackson distributed the flyer posted below at Mass this morning.
Tammy, R.I.P.
Auburn nut and occasional Southern Yankee "Tammy" was killed in a car wreck a few days ago. ESPN reported:
Sunday Morning Sermon
"How did it get here?", "How did it come to be?" are some of the questions discussed by the late Dr. Frank Pollard in this 1990 sermon. He preaches from Genesis 1:2. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Who Will Be Ole Miss Chancellor?
The resignation of Ole Miss Chancellor Dr. Jeffrey S. Vitter was no surprise to insiders. A terrific academician with a stellar resume, Dr. Vitter simply was not the right fit for Ole Miss at this time. No doubt he will land another university presidency in the near future.
So, what sort of leader would fit?
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Damn Lucky to be Alive
A shootout took place during a traffic stop in Washington County, Arkansas. How the deputy survived is nothing short of a miracle. Watch the video to the very end.
Franny Fortner's Family Sues
The parents of Franny Fortner sued the city of Jackson, Superior Asphalt, IMS Engineers and several other defendants in Hinds County Circuit Court today. Franny Fortner was killed when her Mazda Miata flipped on Ridgewood Road last May when she struck a manhole cover.
Click Here to Read More..
Friday, November 16, 2018
Happy Anniversary
It's been 22 years since one of the best movies ever hit the theatres.
Checkmate for Forgery Ring
The Madison Police Department issued the following statement and photos.
Griffis to be COA Chief Judge
Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice Bill Waller, Jr. issued the following statement.
Governor Makes Budget Recommendation
Mo' money for teachers, mo' money for troopers, and of course, a whole lotta mo' money for PERS. Governor Phil Bryant issued his 2020 budget recommendation yesterday.
Flashback Friday
Today's edition of Flashback Friday involves roads and weddings. Once upon a time, the frontage roads of I-55N were actually two-way. The change to single-direction only frontage roads predictably caused some problems.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Roy Clark, R.I.P.
If you were a kid stuck with tv before the advent of cable tv, that meant Saturday afternoons were spent watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and Hee-Haw. That meant you were going to watch Roy Clark. He passed away today. Enjoy some of his virtuosity on the banjo in the videos posted below. Malaguena is particularly good.
New Tool to Find Lost Life Insurance Policies
Insurance Commish Mike Chaney issued the following statement.
Dear Senator, the Camera is Always Rolling
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith caught hell this week as she said she would attend a "public hanging" with a friend. The media mob descended upon the incumbent as she struggled to fend them off while politicians sought to score points at her expense.
Shreveport or Bust!!!
It's time to review the resumes for SEC teams as they go bowl-prospecting.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Police News Update.
Posted below are the press releases issued by several law enforcement agencies. Two people died when a bus overturned in Desoto County. A suspect led Rankin deputies on a chase and tried to beat down the boys in blue but wound up instead with the jailhouse blues. JPD seeks help in identifying some burglary suspects.
It's the Big One!!!
A crime victim must have watched Sanford & Son. WBTV (Matthews, NC) reported:
Apel Leaves Clarion-Ledger
Star reporter Theres Apel left the Clarion-Ledger to become the Communications Director at the Department of Public Safety. JJ wishes her the best. Congrats on the new job. Her predecessor, Warren Strain, assumed a similar position at the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.
Click Here to Read More..Sid Salter: Senate Runoff Takes National Flavour
As it happened on Nov. 6, the pollsters on both sides were uncannily accurate in their predictions that Republican U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith and Democratic challenger Mike Espy would run a close first and second in the open primary and leave Republican challenger Chris McDaniel a distant third with Democrat Tobey Bartee bringing up the rear.
Clinton PD Busts Weed Op
The Clinton Police Department issued the following statement.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Monroe Gets Back Up
Gun-totin' thieves hit Monroe's Donut's on McDowell Road yesterday. A reader asked in the comments section yesterday if the keyboard warriors who professed outrage at the dastardly deed would make a trip to south Jackson to buy some donuts from Monroe. Well, the Kingfish took up the suggestion and visited the donut shop late this morning.
Click Here to Read More..
Tuition Toss Registration Ends Tonight
On behalf of College Savings Mississippi, Treasurer Lynn Fitch announced that registration for the 2018 College Savings
Mississippi Tuition Toss at this year’s Egg Bowl will officially open on Monday, October 1, 2018.
Feds Accuses Jackson Catholic Diocese of Covering Up Priest's Fraud
The Department of Homeland Security claimed the Catholic Diocese of Jackson covered up a scheme by a Starkville priest that bilked parishioners and the Church out of tens of thousands of dollars. The allegations are part of an application for a search warrant that was unsealed recently in U.S. District Court. The FBI obtained the warrant to search the premises of the Diocese and St. Joseph Parish. The FBI also sought to seize records and various electronic devices. The priest raised money for his phony cancer treatments, an orphanage, and a chapel in Mexico.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Matchbook Monday
Readers are going to enjoy today's edition of Matchbook Monday as there are some real gems posted below. Some real Jackson history is posted below. Feel free to add your stories or any information about them in the comments section as you enjoy these blasts from the past. Readers can email copies of any old matchbooks to Enjoy.
Remember the Veterans
Enjoy this video honoring our veterans. Don't watch it in kitchen with onions lying around.
A pair of Clarksdale parents allegedly beat members of the Clarksdale High School band after their son learned he would not play in Friday night's performance. Fox 13 (Memphis) reported:
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Eisenhower Would be Proud
The folks at It's a Southern Thing, Y'all are back with another video. Just curious, does this really happen at holiday time?
"Be a Happy Sinner"
The late Dr. Frank Pollard preached from Matthew 5:3 in this 1990 sermon. Today's top is the Sermon on the Mount. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Hyde-Smith Trumps Espy
The hand has begun writing on the wall. The not-so-slim lady is tuning her pipes. The Nov. 27 run-off between Cindy Hyde-Smith and Mike Espy is all but a done deal, with Hyde-Smith the clear winner.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
New for Christmas
Have an LSU fan in your family/ get him or her this perfect gift.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Greenville Football Player Dies
Waller Waves Goodbye
Sent from my BlackBerry Keyone
Flashback Friday
Today's edition of Flashback Friday presents some vintage restaurants from a long time ago.....
Wild Dogs Kill Three Zoo Animals
The Jackson Zoo issued the following statement.
Only a Dozen Jackson-Area Schools Show Kindergarten Readiness
The Mississippi Department of Education issued the following statement.
Victim Tied Up in Northeast Home Invasion
JPD issued the following statement.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Madison Attorney Sentenced
Madison County attorney Sharon Plunkett will serve six years in prison after she pleaded guilty to embezzlement in Madison County Circuit Court. She was indicted a year ago for embezzling from her law firm, Young, Williams, P.A.
Hyde-Smith Accepts Debate Invitation
The Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith campaign issued the following statement.
Hero Comes Home
Get out the tissues. Heartwarming scene took place at Northwest Rankin Middle School.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Dispatch From Pelahatchie (War Edition)
The War of the Muscadines continues in Pelahatchie as Pelahatchie Mayor Ryshonda Beechem notified the Board of Aldermen this week that she intends to sue the Board and Town Clerk. Mayor Beechem's attorney, Thomas Bellinder, provided the notice to the Board of Aldermen at its meeting Monday night.
Missing Child Alert! (FOUND!)
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety issued the following alert.
OLOL Fires CEO for "forgery and embezzlement".
The Board of Directors for the Our Lady of the Lake Foundation fired the foundation's president yesterday. The Foundation owns the Our Lady of the Lake Medical System in Baton Rouge. The hospital said he was fired for embezzlement. Former Clarion-Ledger star Elizabeth Crisp reported yesterday in the Morning Advocate:
Sid Salter: If 14th Amendment Can Be Nullified by Executive Order, Why Not 1st or 2nd?
One day after most of us engaged in the single most important duty of American citizenship – exercising the precious right to vote – can we please take a deep breath as a country and stop the national hysteria over whether this or any U.S. president can nullify the 14th Amendment guarantee of birthright citizenship by executive order?
While there are those who will vigorously debate the question from both perspectives – the president can or the president can’t – the consensus among legal scholars other than those who are hard to the right is that neither President Donald Trump nor any other president possesses that power under the Constitution.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Election Night Thread: RUNOFFS!!!
It's finally over but for a few run-offs elections. Who will be on the bench tomorrow? Will Priester hold off the two challengers? Will Tomie roll over Kimalon? Can McDaniel score the upset and make a runoff? Will there be a Blue Tsunami in congressional races or will the Trumpster do his Br'er Rabbit number once again? Consider this post to be the election night thread. Get the election results here. Meanwhile, we could all use a laugh. Enjoy.
Mississippi Students Lead in NAEP Gains
The Mississippi Department of Education issued the following press release.
Dispatch From Pelahatchie (WOO! Edition)
Last night was the first Monday of November and that meant Rankin County NITRO! in Pelahatchie as the Mayor, her aunt, and the Board of Aldermen went at it yet again in typical WWE fashion.
Chaney: Make Smart Choices When Choosing Medicare Plan
Note: Insurance Commish Mike Chaney submitted this column.
As Insurance Commissioner I take my responsibilities of protecting the consumers of this state very seriously. Never is that more true than when it comes to the ever growing complex issues facing seniors in Mississippi relating to their health coverage. Rising health care costs put a strain on many retirement budgets and seniors need to remain well informed to make the most economical decisions.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Judicial Elections Open Thread
Now's your chance to discuss the judicial elections that will take place tomorrow. County Court, Circuit Court, Chancery Court, and even the Court of Appeals are on the ballot tomorrow in most precincts in the Jackson metro area. However, there is one thing the Kingfish noticed. Very few of the County Court and Circuit Court candidates are discussing one issue that comes before those courts: crime. Just an observation. Fire away.
Click Here to Read More..Senate Race Thread.
OK, here is your chance to comment on the Senate and congressional races . I'll do a separate one for the judicial races. Fire away.
Click Here to Read More..Matchbook Monday
It's time for Matchbook Monday. Some real Jackson history is posted below. Feel free to add your stories or any information about them in the comments section as you enjoy these blasts from the past. Readers can email copies of any old matchbooks to
NCAA Overturns Part of Ole Miss Sanctions
Standing up to fight means sometimes a few battles will be won. Ole Miss won a battle last week when the NCAA withdrew "the most onerous sanction" levied against the football program earlier last year. The NCAA imposed sanctions that included a post-season ban, reduction in scholarships, and a limit on unofficial visits. Ole Miss still can't go to a bowl game this year but the NCAA overturned the unofficial visits restriction. Unfortunately for Ole Miss, the NCAA refused to withdraw the finding that of a lack of institutional control. Ole Miss issued the following statement about the NCAA's decision:
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Repost: Hambrick Killer Blessed by Green
This post was originally published on March 10, 2017.
Eric Hambrick |
The life of Eric Hambrick is worth less than ten years in Hinds County. Hinds County Circuit JudgeTomie Green blessed his killer, Arkel Coleman, with a sentence that put him back on the streets in 2025. Coleman beat him to death and robbed him nearly two years ago at the Waffle House on High Street.
Mr. Hambrick was an employee at MEMA. He was a talented singer as he performed in the Mississippi Opera and in the choir at First Baptist Church (Jackson). He attended Thursday night choir practice on May 28, 2015. He unfortunately stopped at the Waffle House on High Street at 10:30 PM. The 19 year-old Arkel Coleman thought the 52 year-old man would be easy prey and beat him with his fists. Mr. Hambrick fell to the ground and sustained more injuries when his head violently struck the pavement. His family removed him from life support a few days later. Arkel Coleman and his accomplice, Sherderwick Anderson, removed a ring that they fancied from a dying Eric Hembrick's finger. Police arrested the pair within a few days.
Click Here to Read More..
"Get Me Some Oxygen"
The Packers-Patriots game tonight gives me an excuse to post one of the most hilarious football plays ever.
Sunday Morning Sermon
The late Dr. Frank Pollard tackles creation, evolution, and the book of Genesis in this edition of Sunday Morning Sermon. Enjoy.
Bill Crawford: Usury Proscriptions Forgotten
Living in a very Christian state, most Mississippians should remember the biblical proscriptions on usury.
Here's one: "Thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbors by extortion, and has forgotten me, saith the Lord God." (Ezekiel 22:12)
Many Mississippi leaders have forgotten.
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Over $39,000 Raised to Help Deputy's Wife with Cancer Expenses
First Responders of Mississippi presented the wife of a Rankin County deputy with a $39,082 check yesterday. The money was raised during a September fund-raiser to help defray the medical expenses of Jackie Evans.
The Hate for Bama is Strong W/This One
Then-LSU Announcer Charles Hannigraff gave every SEC a list of reasons to hate Alabama:
Carville Clashes with SEC
Corporal Cueball took a few shots at the SEC this morning but like all REMF's, ESPN apologized.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Chamber President Retires
The President of the Greater Jackson Chamber of Commerce retired today. Duane O'Neill has served in that position for 24 years. His letter of resignation is posted below.
Flashback Friday: SPIKED!!!
Today's edition of Flashback Friday takes JJback to 1992. The scene: Memorial Stadium. The event: A beach volleyball tournament for charity. The result: A con artist busted and embarrassed before the whole town.
The articles below show a boy who apparently had nothing but sand between his ears.
The Little Blue Agency That Could
A itsy-bitsy state agency wants to issue $895 million in bonds. Wyatt Emmerich, Publisher of the Northside Sun tried to dissect the deal but ended up banging his head against the proverbial wall:
Alston Trial Continued..... Again
The trial for Sheldon Alston, Jr. was continued yet again in Lafayette County Circuit Court. A Lafayette County grand jury indicted Sheldon Alston, Jr., for aggravated domestic violence and kidnapping in June, 2017. The indictment accuses Alston of strangling and kidnapping his girlfriend on September 7-8, 2016 while he was a student at Ole Miss. Alston faces prison sentences of 1 yr-to-life or 30 years for kidnapping, and from 2-to-20 years for aggravated domestic violence if convicted. Alston is 22 years old.
Jackson Crime Trends
Compare the Jackson crime stats (YTD) for the week ending October 14 to the same week three years ago.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Don't Vote!
Jackson community activist Adofo Minko is encouraging minorities not to vote on Election Day next week. Barnett would be proud. The African-American Hinds County Public Defender posted these messages on Facebook recently:
The Killer is Coming to Town
Jerry Lee Lewis is coming to town to perform at a fundraiser for a Hinds County Sheriff candidate:
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- Boil Water Notice Issued for Jackson
- Need to Get a License Today?
- Councilman Calls for Boycott
- Bedwetter Alert
- Reward for UMMC Shooter
- Active Shooter at UMMC. UPDATE: ALL CLEAR!!!
- Tragic Accident in Rankin County
- PSA for Diabetics
- The Medical Queen is GONE!
- Dr. Blair Batson Passes
- Do Not Try This at Home
- Sid Salter: Muddy Senate Race Cost $20 million and...
- FINALLY!!! Election Night!
- Election Day Thread
- FBI Grabs Exxon Robbers, Hero Foiled Robbery
- Judicial Candidate Voted Against Child Rape Bill
- Keep Judge Sclafani
- Grenada or Bust!
- Food Fight: Court of Appeals!
- Senate Race Open Thread
- MHP: 5 Holiday Fatalities
- Cindy Hyde-Smith: Disaster for Mississippi
- Barber Shop Owner Killed
- Farewell to Tank and Danielle
- Sunday Morning Sermon
- Bill Crawford: Monopolies Hike Drug Prices
- JPS Stops Keeping Crime Stats
- Beast Mode!
- Homeland Security Gets New Director
- Students Win Tuition Toss
- Brilliant!
- Thanksgiving Encore
- Throwback Thursday
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- The Invasion of the Parking Meters
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- Spend Thanksgiving at the Jackson Zoo
- Exxon I-55N Robbed
- Sid Salter: Monumental Void Left by W.B. "Snooky" ...
- Meathead Math
- Bulldog Properties Cuts Ties with Gulf Relay
- Police Seek Man Who Dragged Girlfriend Down County...
- Judge's Daughter Carjacked
- Sponsors Rule at MSU!
- Matt Allen for Circuit Judge
- Jackson Launches War on Grease
- Mo' Money yet Nary a Difference for PERS
- A.G. Busts Copper Thieves
- CHS: Espy Took Money From War Criminal
- Cover-up? What Cover-Up? Move Along.
- Tammy, R.I.P.
- Sunday Morning Sermon
- Bill Crawford: Who Will Be Ole Miss Chancellor?
- Damn Lucky to be Alive
- Franny Fortner's Family Sues
- Happy Anniversary
- Checkmate for Forgery Ring
- Griffis to be COA Chief Judge
- Governor Makes Budget Recommendation
- Flashback Friday
- CHS Voted for Beef Plant
- Roy Clark, R.I.P.
- New Tool to Find Lost Life Insurance Policies
- Dear Senator, the Camera is Always Rolling
- Shreveport or Bust!!!
- Police News Update.
- Troy Odom for Chancery Judge
- It's the Big One!!!
- Homicide on Teresa Drive
- Apel Leaves Clarion-Ledger
- Sid Salter: Senate Runoff Takes National Flavour
- Clinton PD Busts Weed Op
- Monroe Gets Back Up
- Tuition Toss Registration Ends Tonight
- Feds Accuses Jackson Catholic Diocese of Covering ...
- Veterans Day Encore
- Monroe's Donuts Robbed
- Matchbook Monday
- Remember the Veterans
- Classy.
- Eisenhower Would be Proud
- "Be a Happy Sinner"
- Bill Crawford: Hyde-Smith Trumps Espy
- New for Christmas
- Greenville Football Player Dies
- Waller Waves Goodbye
- Vitter Resigns
- Flashback Friday
- Wild Dogs Kill Three Zoo Animals
- Only a Dozen Jackson-Area Schools Show Kindergarte...
- Vote for Cindy Hyde-Smith
- Victim Tied Up in Northeast Home Invasion
- UMMC to Begin CBD Oil Trials
- Madison Attorney Sentenced
- Hyde-Smith Accepts Debate Invitation
- Hero Comes Home
- Dispatch From Pelahatchie (War Edition)
The Kingfish's Favorite Posts
- Presenting the Mississippi State Capitol (Video)
- Editorial: The airport belongs to Jackson. Period.
- Kelly arrested for taking pics of Rose Cochran
- The Real Face of Mississippi Government
- PERS gets mo' money but funding level falls
- Majority black public school districts spend more, waste more, fail more
- Jackson's water bond failure: The REST of the story.
- Time to return fire on Banks
- Supervisor votes on projects next to land he owns
- Throwdown at the Levee Board
- Door shuts on another life
- Truth begins to come out in Irby case
- Judge orders interview of Irby
- Steadivest: Snakes or snake-bitten?
- Post-election thoughts
- Rest of the story about Crisler's shooting
- Jackson paying $4 million in fees
- Will Jackson end up like Birmingham
- Record-breaking fraud?
- FBI contacted MVT about Evans
- Heather Spencer police reports
- An open letter to John McCain
- Are your 401k's safe from Democrats?
- Democrats' Plans for Controlling the Media
- Who is Teresa Ghilarducci?
- Kingfish wins at Ethics Commission
- Tribe of Obama
- Berry V. Aetna (rankin County Cesspool)
- Incest in Dixie: Mississippi Legal Profession
- Jim Hood: Liar
- JFP Tax Problems? (See comments)
- The SafeCity Bill
- Isn't this called secession?
- A Black Governor in Mississippi?
- Time to grade Miles' exam
- Domestic Violence & Divorce in Mississippi
- Truthwatch, eh?
- What is Jackson Jambalaya?
- Election Night Thoughts
- Counter-Insurgency for Beginners
- Jazz for Beginngers
- Mayor Melton's Soljah
- A Leopard Can't Change His Spots, Can Jere Nash?
- Harborwalk Hoax?
- A Pox on All Your Houses
Local Media
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Trollfest '09
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.