The Madison County Journal reports construction will soon begin on the Livingston Township development in Madison County :
"A general store, four restaurants and an art gallery are just a few of the teasers developer David Landrum released about the commercial makeup of the Town of Livingston set for a groundbreaking and reception next week.
The 47-acre mixed-use development is located at the corner of Mississippi 463 and Mississippi 22 and will bring shops, eateries and office space to an otherwise rural and residential part of the county.
The busy intersection is positioned at a central point between Flora, Madison and Canton and has drawn high interest from commercial retailers hoping to tap nearby residents who represent some of the highest household incomes in the state.
The first phase of the project will encompass 20 acres of mostly commercial space built around the site of the original Town of Livingston established in 1829." Article
However, the development will apparently use taxpayer money for the construction of some buildings. The Madison County Community Facilities Corporation applied for a $5.8 million USDA loan to construct a schoolhouse and courthouse on the site. The corporation was established by the Madison County Economic Development Authority earlier this year. The articles of incorporation state the three board members of MCCFC are Dick Hutchison, Bill Guion and Jack Harrington. MCCFC will also "have unlimited corporate authority to incur indebtedness" although the corporation will not be able to borrow over $10 million without approval of the Madison County Economic Development Authority.
The Board of Supervisors endorsed the loan application in a September 19, 2011 letter to Jack Harrington, President of MCCFC. Board President Tim Johnson wrote "We are pleased to support the USDA Rural Development application being submitted by Madison County Community Facilities Corporation to construct the convention and meeting facilities at Livingston Township. Sincerely, Tim Johnson."
The decision to issue the letter was made at a special meeting of the Supervisors on the same day. Local firm Stone Adams Financial Partners will prepare the application package (Former USDA employee Nick Walters is President of Stone Adams.). The only representative from MCEDA and MCCFC present at the meeting was Jack Harrington.
Hmmm....... Jack Harrington, where have we heard that name before? A quick check of the JJ archives reveals..... the Steadivest fraud case. Steadivest was a family of companies established by Marshall Wolfe and Jack Harrington to pursue real estate investments. Construction, rehabs, mortgages, listings, buying & selling properties- Steadivest aimed to be the supercenter of all things real estate in the Jackson area. Local investors lost millions of dollars when Steadivest collapsed in 2009. The investors sued Steadivest alleging fraud and filed complaints with the Secretary of State's office.
The Secretary of State's office issued a cease & desist order against Steadivest LLC, Marshall Wolfe, and Jack Harrington. The state accused them of operating a phony investment scheme that used several companies to steal millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors. The state fined Mr. Harrington $170,000 for his role in the fraud on December 10, 2010. Earlier post on Steadivest cease and desist order. Mr. Harrington was the President, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer of Steadivest, LLC.
The original order stated Steadivest operated a "ponzi scheme", misled investors, and defrauded them by diverting the invested money for other purposes. The state said the company did not keep records, never had a real audit of its finances, and intentionally deceived investors. The Secretary of State found the defendants guilty of five counts although it later dismissed two of them. Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Harrington appealed the Secretary of State's decision to the Attorney General. The Attorney General has not ruled on the appeal.
Mr. Harrington's role in the Steadivest fraud case is receiving more scrutiny at the federal level. The Steadivest companies filed bankruptcy petitions in federal court in 2009. The bankruptcy trustee, Derek Henderson, filed a complaint against Mr. Harrington earlier this year in U.S. Bankruptcy Court (Complaint posted below.).
The trustee accused Mr. Harrington of looting Steadivest as it collapsed. Instead of protecting investors money, the trustee alleges Mr. Harrington kept selling shares and then transferring money from the sales to himself as the company imploded. The trustee claimed the company received $484,000 from investors in March 2008. Steadivest then paid $306,302 to Mr. Harrington through another company only a few days later. Mr. Henderson charged:
"Harrington defrauded SV and the investors of SV. Harrington accepted funds from investors to purchase membership interest in SV when at the same time intended to take these funds for this personal use."
The trustee cited another example of fraud. One investor placed $968,937 with Steadivest in August, 2008 to pay for a project (Highland Heights). Mr. Harrington withdrew $936,481 on the same day the investor deposited the money with Steadivest.
The trustee charged Mr. Harrington with one count of misrepresentation and fraud, one count of breach of fiduciary duty, recovery of property, and one count of fraudulent transfers. Mr. Henderson asked the court to void the transfers and recover damages of $1,242,781 from Mr. Harrington. The complaint is still active in bankruptcy court.
Earlier posts about Steadivest
Note: This is from an earlier post where I speculated whether Mr. Harrington committed bankruptcy fraud using a property in Reunion:
"Then there is this one in Reunion Subdivision:
151 Cedar's Cove. Steadivest Development gave a warranty deed for this property to Selectbuilt, which is partly owned by Jack Harrington, who is still listed as an officer of Steadivest Resources and Steadivest, LLC. He is a co-defendant along with Marshall Wolfe in lawsuits filed by several Steadivest investors. Mr. Wolfe listed himself on the deed as the manager of Steadivest, LLC. The transfer was signed on February 5, 2009 but not recorded until March 23, 2009, the day Mr. Wolfe submitted a petition for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for Steadivest to the bankruptcy court.
Under Section 547 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (concerning preferential transfers), there may be a question of whether these new liens and transfers are permissible under the law and if the trustee will reverse these transactions. Mr. Wolfe was a member of Investlinc as well, further demonstrating the pattern of last-minute inside-dealing regarding Steadivest-owned properties. What is also interesting is Bankfirst Financial Services issued two mortgages shortly afterwards of nearly $700,000 to Selectbuilt for the Reunion property. (One wonders what would happen to Bankfirst's mortgage if the Court were to nullify the Steadivest-Selectbuilt transfer.) Given current under-writing guidelines, the combined loan to value was probably not more than 75%. Thus the market value of this property is probably around a million dollars. The Steadivest swamp continues to grow."
The note was paid in full in January 2011 and released.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Ex-Steadivest President tries to get federal money for Livingston Township. Elvis likes it.
david landrum,
jack harrington,
livingstong township,
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Trollfest '09
Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Thought Nick had not long got out of the frying pan with Andy Taggert being his attourney.
Has Landrum figured out yet where his polling place is?
Ok, this time you have your facts totally wrong. The companies that became Steadivest (matter of name change) were originally formed by Marshall Wolfe and 2 others years ago. Harrington was an original investor in those companies, and lost money in the deal as well. He only worked for Wolfe for 1 year, and was never involved in raising money, never took anyone's money, and ran the operations on the residential property renovation subsidiary. He got the raw end of the deal because he was sucked in my Wolfe and was, admittedly, naive. The order from the Sec. of State regarding Harrington is on appeal, and if you want to present the entire story, you should also attach his appeal brief. There was NO basis for the Secretary of State's ruling against him, the Sec. of State did not meet its burden of proof, and the Hearing Officer's proposed findings of facts (which were issue without hearing oral argument or any kind of witness testimony or other evidence) was utterly baseless. The appeal will almost assuredly be resolved in favor of Harrington. He is working with the other members of MCEDA to bring a community facility - FUNDED BY A USDA GRANT -to Livingston Farms for use and ejoyment by all Madison citizens. You need to get off this guys back and give him a break. He was duped by Wolfe along with all of the other investors - and continued to invest money with Wolfe while he was working for him, which again, was only for 1 year out of MANY. Harrington is an honest, hardworking, guy, and you could not meet a nicer person. Unfortunately, stories like this are perpetuating a baseless enforcement action by the Sec. of State that has ruined his reputation - when his appeal is won hopefully you will retract all of the false information that has been reported about him here.
What kind of community facility is being built with the USDA grant? Anything that increases the value of the property should be paid for by the developers, not the taxpayers. BB
"The busy intersection is positioned at a central point between Flora, Madison and Canton and has drawn high interest from commercial retailers hoping to tap nearby residents who represent some of the highest household incomes in the state."
I guess I'm one of those "highest household income in the state types", and their location sucks. I've gone to the Thursday Farmer's Market out these this summer, and it's too long. I'd drive to Dogwood to shop or eat before I'd head in that direction.
Everyone in my neighborheed heads towards I-55, not away from it. If we don't have something in Madison then people may consider Jackson although most, as I've said above, will just go out Lakeland to Dogwood.
Location, location, location! How many more failed developments do we need around here? I wouldn't care except they're apparently doing this with my taxes.
Sounds like they may have finally found that Lost Rabbit hiding out in Livingston. Sounds like the same type of b.s. to me...
You don't cite one fact in rebuttal and completely ignore the bankruptcy trustee's complaint. I guess Mr. Henderson is full of it too.
He was a dupe all the way to the bank while he transferred all the money the same day it was deposited.
Where is the Madison Tea Party by the way? They are always raising hell, having regular meetings, and such. One would think this is the kind of largess they are against.
Throw in some booze and a tv camera and the Madison County Tea Partiers will be all over it.
Landrum (one of the richest guys in the state of ms) is building a development near (the other richest guys in the state of ms) and they need a federal grant to get it done? What that means, is that the natural marketplace has voted against and will not support the investment. That means it is dead once the USDA money dries up.
Of course we have no idea at this point, and won't know for some time, what types of retail stores will be located here; but, it would take a real fool to choose driving the 55 loop or across the reservoir (and five more miles on a two lane) to shop at Dogwood (if the stores are anywhere near comparable). There are one or two, at most, traffic signals between Madison and this development (and zero stop signs) and it's a lovely drive. There are roughly thirty opportunities to stop and/or be run off the road or rear ended heading in any direction toward Dogwood.
This USDA money cannot be used except for a public body - so Landrum goes and 'creates' out of whole cloth a public body to develop the land that has proven to be a total flop up until now. Nobody, nobody, has moved to buy or build in this "town" that Landrum is trying to create. So to bail him out, Landrum and his buddy Nick are going to fleece the federal treasury out of $6 million?
Guess the 'public purpose' being funded by this boondoggle could be a personal voting precinct for Landrum.
you might have convinced me had you not misrepresented Jack as hard working etc etc. I and others who worked with him remember him as a arrogant, entitled and self centered 'Richard Cranium'.
$6 million of taxpayer money for donuts, over-priced "boutique" clothes, pumpkins and bluegrass. Throw in a nail shop and a Dollar Tree, and I'm in.
"Careful planning and historical appreciation went into the conceptual site plan for The Township. The existing Livingston Church Road is planned as the primary “Main Street” for The Township and is enhanced with a themed general mercantile store, two story boutique retail spaces with balconies, and a town hall/ chapel.
The site of the original courthouse is planned to be preserved in its natural state, taking great care to preserve the existing vegetation and topography. A small gathering garden with a historical marker is planned as the forefront of the “new town courthouse” which will incorporate a town museum and bakery on the lower floor, and office uses on the second floor.
A “Vendor’s Green” mall is the centerpiece of the town anchored by a Farmer’s Market and a Performing Art’s Pavilion. Providing much needed retail and office uses, the town is also planned to host many potential community festivals such as a fall pumpkin patch/ October Fest, Christmas Village, and a Spring Bluegrass Festival."
Marshall Wolfe, Wolfe, Wolfe, Wolfe. Is that the guy who stole from church members, family, friends, had a big time for several years and all of a sudden said. "Screw you all. I am filing bankruptcy. The economy is bad, so your millions have disappeared, but I had fun for a while spending your money and playing big shot"? Sounds like the same guy.
Sounds like a modern day version of Lago. Landrum's Lago.
And guess who Phil Bryant's Treasure is?? None other than David Landrum. Phil was even present for the Ground Breaking.
Kingfish - check out the funny activities related to the rezoning of the property. I think there is a lawsuit pending on the illegal maneauvering in this matter....
Kingfish - check out the funny activities related to the rezoning of the property. I think there is a lawsuit pending on the illegal maneauvering in this matter....
you don't have to register to vote to be a treasure in a campaign, the ability to raise money and write checks will do.
It's time we heard from chief houston's campaign manager on this!
How can MCCDC be a public body. MCEDA is an creature of the Madison County BoS and can not do any thing on their own. strange
The Madison County Board of Supervisors were not aware that the Madison County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) was allowing the establishment of Madison County Community Facilities Corporation (MCCFC) to circumvent public scrutiny and discussion of the USDA "loan". This "new" organization was not previously discussed or voted on by the Madison County Supervisors!
10 bucks says crooked Claiborne Frazier and his mom are involved somewhere in this
7:09 this "thing" can not exist a public body unless created by the BoS under a State law..the MCEDA can not create a public body..
If Livingston can't exist without help from taxpayers , it should not exist! Why should we fund this? He'll Landrum stole it from Cherry Dedeens and can't make it work, now we have to bail them out while he puts his nose up zphils ass to get a job as MDA director! This sux! I hate these people! I really do and they don't pay their damn bills either while they hobnob with our damn money! Screw you jack, David and Walt(davids son in law) go get a fkg job!"
where is marshall wolfe?
Madison Town Center? Remember that promise? How many more years are we to gaze at that eyesore of school remains before something gets done there? Use the damn USDA money to get that done. The discription of Livingston reads a lot like the town center press releases, with retail and community center. Where is Mother Mary?
The Madison Town Center, Harbor Walk, Lost Rabbit, water parks and amphitheaters....Madison County really has more in common with Hinds/Jackson than folks want to believe.
they are only applying for the tax payer money, they have yet to receive it, right?
if it actually provides a community building that local residents can use (i wouldnt call canton or flora areas high income) then it sounds okay. . .if . . . from the sound of associates to it tho, smells fishy.
Madison County really has more in common with Hinds/Jackson than folks want to believe.
Good try. But the EXODUS to anywhere outside of Jackson and Hinds continues unabated no matter what the dope smokers downtown would otherwise have you believe.
Nice try yourself, but it is what it is....whether it be a downtown hustle or a nice little "town" out in the country. Nothing more than a short-term money grabs to benefit a select few.
Why not? We're giving the farm to watkins so why not Landrum. A development for people making six figures a year needs federal money. Like I said, where is the Madison County Tea Party. Guess they are just good for eating and bitching at AJ's and that's about it.
Nothing more than a short-term money grabs to benefit a select few.
Oh, I get it. You're saying that Madison County is beginning to show the signs of graft, corruption and crony capitalism that we've seen undermine the downtown Jackson redevelopment "strategy" for the last decade plus. Thanks for the clarification.
I wouldn't go so far as to say "beginning to show", let's just say it is becoming more obvious of late.
8:42+9:11: What county do you live in?
It would behoove everyone who has commented on this thread to research and fully understand the entire project, including its relationship to MCEDA and the UDSA before you start fussing and flinging mud.
just give us the cliffs notes and we'll go from there
BOS minutes...Livingston approvals.
Don't think much research on Landrum needs to be done. His reputation and dealings are well known. He's trying to sprout his Township of Lago directly into the howling winds of dire economic times and in a local housing market that has no problems with supply. That wisdom, or lack thereof, says something.
Now if he could only learn how to vote.
The irony of those minutes is that the next action item following the Livingston votes is a 3-2 vote by the BOS reducing the minimum square footage of a development they previously approved. That's my Madison County :)
11:56. please share with us the infor you are talking about.
There's a glaring difference between Jacktown's development plan and Lost Rabbit, et al. One depends on grants, other federal dollars, a sprinkling of private funds, bonds, foundation contributions and anonymous sources. The other depends on private funding. What federal funds were used to develop Lost Rabbit or Madison's inner city? (take your time).
You gaggleheads can cackle all day long about one resembling the other, but there's no comparison.
I've been out to the 22/463 'farmers market' several times. They advertise the availability of fresh, home-grown tomatoes. When I left, disappointed that there were none, I saw a sign that said 'phenomenol, beautiful lots available' or something like that. I think somebody roped me into a zone of untruth on all counts.
Now that Don Lapre has passed maybe Landrum can get the rights to sell The Greatest Vitamin in the World. He could put the display right next to the fresh, home-grown tomatoes.
He could invite Cindy Margolis to help sell them.......
I live near the proposed Livingston development. What we don't need is a failed shopping center, general store, etc. Al l it would do is devalue the residential lots around it. If this is such a good deal, why can't he get it financed like the successful real estate developers in Madison? This deal will look just like the Katrina mess developed all over Madison. This ole boy needs to keep his ass in that bogus insurance pyramid scheme.
7:02; Do tell. What is the "Katrina mess" that developed all over Madison?
That inner city Madison development; are you talking about CVS, Walgreens, or the new Kroger?
Dudes, after Katrina, the US, Ms government initiated a program known as the Go Zone to stimulate building, jobs in the effected areas. This was from the coast, all the way to Starkville. If some one built a million dollar strip center, they could right off fifty per cent the first year. Basically if would cover 500,000 of income in the first year. Jackson Ridgeland is a prime example. Those building have been 50 per cent vacant for five years and under market rates. That area will eventually make it because it looks good. The strips centers north of Lake Harbor on Old Canton Rd.or toast. Just another example of the government getting in the way of free market and pissing off our tax money.
... after Katrina, the US, Ms government initiated a program known as the Go Zone to stimulate building, jobs in the effected areas.
No shit?
A quality CPA can usually find taxpayers good "right offs".
7:15. That's funny!!
You must be easily amused 5:21. Need some farm fresh vegetables?
To Oct 3rd 10:45am
Your defense of Jack is as pathetic as the man himself and the rest of the Steadivest bunch! All those investigating and victimized know Jack was a key player regarding his roll using smoking mirrors to defraud investors.
Your comment:
"and lost money in the deal as well. He only worked for Wolfe for 1 year, and was never involved in raising money, never took anyone's money,"
Jack did not lose a dime of his money being he arrogantly and immorally defrauded investors just weeks before his departure, thus ensuring he was whole upon jumping ship from Steadivest.
Also, Jack was a key though leader regarding the creation and implementation of the Steadivest Contrarian Fund. One of many creative techniques in raising money orchestrated by Jack and Marshall.
Last, Jack sat in many meetings with potential and existing investors raising money for Steadivest and its family of companies sitting arm and arm with Marshall. Yes, I sat in some of those meetings and yes have told the feds I would gladly testify. He even took the lead pitching all the Steadivest Development plans to potential investors along with Justin Adcock.
Jack may not be of the pathetic caliber of Marshall, AKA MS Madoff, but he sure jumped in with both feet and played along while the money game was good!
For those of you working with Jack and Marshall, well you are either uninformed or as dishonest as they are. You will deserve your business names being muddied upon the upcoming indictment of these guys. Judgement day is coming...
I think Drake Harrington is going to be a perfect steward at the Township of Landrum Lago. His experience painting the community the color red will be invaluable.
"Anonymous said...11:56. please share with us the infor you are talking about."
No, I've done my own homework and it's very easy for anyone to drill down into the facts as they are largely a matter of public records and available from public agencies. If I simply post the relevant links here, then anyone who resources them will not learn as much as they would by sifting through the layers themselves. Good Night and Good Luck.
Kingfish, Derek Henderson (bankruptcy trustee) based his complaint on the Sec. of State's NOI (you can ask him), and thus, many of the same facts are incorrect. One of the alleged transfers was actually just a refinance where jack agreed to take a lower interest rate - he never received that money. When he left, in order to get any of his money back, he had to take the note on a large piece of property in Canton - which he's been trying to sell since that time and paying interest thereon. Anyone can read the pleadings in the bankrtuptcy case - it is completely undisputed that Jack lost money from his dealings with Wolfe. Just because something is plead in a complaint doesn't make it true - anyone can allege anything - don't hang someone based on erroneous information.
Oct 7 3:57pm
"When he left, in order to get any of his money back, he had to take the note on a large piece of property in Canton - which he's been trying to sell since that time and paying interest thereon."
Jack wanted that land, he told me. It was part of his and Justin's grand plan of growing the Steadivest Development subsidiary which soon became lets bail on Steadivest and venture out on our own.
To be specific, during a meeting at the Steadivest office Jack and Justin presented to me the above reference land with great enthusiasm. They had a couple feet by three feet board, as I recall, with a colorful plat displaying the plans to develop the land into a Subdivision.
Much much more to this story...
More to the story...
During that meeting Jack signed off on PO for a piece of heavy equipment as CFO of Steadivest. I remember thinking they must be doing well for it was very expensive.
The equipment purchased (trucks/heavy construction dirt equipment), the office location in Madison County off I-55 and the land were all part of the secret exit strategy of Jack and Justin.
What many investor do not know is that Jack wanted to get away from the hard money lending and house flipping and rental aspect of Steadivest. He had made Steadivest Development and the Contrarian fund his main focus when presenting opportunities to investors and potential investors.
When Jack and Justin saw Steadivest was sinking they jumped ship and focused on becoming builder/developers with the Madison site location, equipment and land all acquired using Steadivest victims money.
Jack specifically explained to me the plans for the land. He would use the dirt from the land to build homesite pads in neighborhoods and would sale dirt to other builders. This would allow them to dig out the dirt creating the lake to the specs shown on the plat. Once the lake was dug out they would then build roads, run electric, water and sewer and then sale lots. Jack was very enthusiastic regarding his plans for the above mentioned land!
Again, Jack wanted this land! He even walked me through the new building off I-55 north sharing his future plans...
Jack Facts...
Jack used Steadivest investor victim money for all of the following. He orchestrated the land deal, the office location in Madison County near the land, purchased heavy equipment and set up a Dental Clinic. Yes, even a Dental Clinic as the plot thickens.
As many victims of Steadivest do not know. Their money has vanished at the hand of Jack and Marshall (AKA MS Madoff) to various ventures that many were not privy to...
Curious eyes do your homework regarding Select Dental, Jennifer King DDS. Another abuse of Steadivest resources in which Jack played a key roll. Dr Jennifer King having no part or knowledge of what Jack and Justin were involved in at the time and is no way or shape linked to any dishonest acts associated with these guys or Steadivest.
Jack wanted the land and left Marshall in the sinking Ponzi Ship. He and Justin fled north with land, equipment and new office in hand with great plans!
I too was in the Steadivest office and will 2nd what 11:54 has put forth. It is completely accurate. Jack and Justin looted Steadivest in a pre-meditated plan. I protested to Marshall that Steadivest owned all that equipment they were taking, but they had some sort of leverage over Marshall and he just let it go.
If anyone believes that Marshall Wolfe and Jack Harrington are innocent they need to see a mental examiner. Wolfe and Harrington blatently stole money from so many people it is hard to phathom. They both knew the companies were busted, but kept asking investors for more money with the spill: OH. WE ARE DOING GREAT" "The companies are strong and in great financial shape". "This is a great financial investment and we only lend 60% of the true value of properties, so what could go wrong" What Bulls--t. It is downright embarrasing to see the criminal justice system take so long to indict and prosecute. What low class bums to knowingly take investors money and life savings when they knew the companies were busted and going down like to Titantic. Now, these two scam artists have appealed the secretary of states decision and fines to the state attorney general Jim Hood who has done nothing about it. What a shame. Hood is running for re-election advertising "I am protecting the people of Mississippi" Come on. Give us a break. What have you done about the Steadivest multi million dollar scam? Nothing at all. Just sitting on it and taking your time with your head in the government feed trough drawing your monthly check. Is that what you call "Protecting the people of the state of Mississippi? This is an embarrassing state of affairs when our state and federal authorities let something like this go this long. Where did we hear the phrase. SWIFT JUSTICE? Embarrasing. Just downright embarrasing for the people of the state of Mississipi. What a shame.
No Jack defense today?
Actually the trustee did his own investigation. Had his own copies of the financials, bank statements, etc. As usual, you don't cite one single fact or transaction in your defense. You can lie or spin better than that, can't you?
KF- Whomever is attempting to defend Jack obviously only knows misleading information regarding Jack's desired perspective of events. Litigation 101, "even when caught with your pants down - deny, deny, deny".
Marshall Wolfe WHERE ARE YOU?? Please come back to Pinelake and lead a small group, you are greatly missed! Praying for you daily...
We are praying for Wolfe also, but our prayers are that justice will be done and this low life is not walking the streets much longer. He will screw someone else for a fact. He knows the truth. So does Harrington.
I met Marshall Wolfe through a working relationship this past year. I am very surprised to read all the accusations made toward him on this site. Through our employment together I have observed Marshall as a hard worker, successful and good family man. He has quickly made a positive impression with our company and is doing very well.
Then you are a poor judge of character. If you had done what he has done wouldn't you try to portray yourself as an innocent, hard working citizen. Of course you would. And you would try to keep your nose clean for a while until the heat passes, THEN, Screw someone else. Wait and see. He will do it. He is as good of a liar as has been around in a long time. Any man that would knowingly waste and blow his own wife's grandmother's money (all she had by the way) is a very low class human being. This "GOOD FAMILY MAN" as you call him blew, wasted, squandered, and stole money from his mother and father in law, his wife's grandmother, his brother in law and numerous church and family members. What a family man. You are not alone in assessing this man as you have done. Many others did the same thing you are doing now. Wait and see. Just wait. A leopard does not change his spots. They just hide them the best they can.
He told his investors " I will make my investors whole if it takes me the rest of my life". As of today, not one investor has received a penny from this bum. No doubt he is a deceatful, lying, person filled with narcissism. He could fool anyone.
People like Wolfe are here only to get what they want and to hell with evryone else.
I am October 21, 9:13pm
So I asked another co-worker that has a closer relationship with Marshall if he knew anything about the accusations. Marshall had opened up to him and he shared the following with me. This is second hand so please keep that in mind.
According to Marshall, he is only guilty of trying to keep a company alive from what a Joel Travelstead had left in disarray. Who is Joel?
He claims he had full support from his Wife and father-in-law and the company would have been fine if some guys from Pinelake Church had not attempted to file a bogus temporary restraining order freezing him out of his own company. Not sure what that means?
Also mentioned a guy by the name of Lee Paris? Not sure what role he played? Also, there was mention of his brother-in-law being some cause of his problems?
Last my co-worker tells me. Marshall says its has been years and nothing has happened legally. He claimed confidently nothing has happened because he did nothing wrong.
Just like someone said: "He is as good of a liar as has been around in quite a while" Well said. So, according to Marshall's statements above it was the fault of Joel Travelstead, brother in law, people of the church and Lee Paris. Poor little Marshall. Did nothing wrong and eveyone is blaming him. Poor little boy is being picked on and is being used as a scape goat. Bull s__t. What a liar. What a habitual, blatant liar. What a bogus human being. If it were not for the people that put a restraining order on him, he would have completely lost every single dime of what very small part was left. He even had past due property taxes on the property that had not been paid in over two years. Anyone with any sense at all knows that after three years the property is deeded over as a tax sale. He didn't care. He knew this and a lot more. He is bogus, bogus, bogus, but he likes to blame other people. Marshall Wolfe is a disgrace to the community and a big time crook. He was trying to raise more money in his Ponzi scheme and would have done so if the economy did not dry up. He testified under oath in a hearing that the company was dependant on new investors money and when he could not get the new investors money the company dried up. It is a matter of record. Look that up and tell us if this ass is telling the truth about everything else. He lies and spins tales to make people think he is innocent. Bogus, bogus, bogus and cares about mobody but himself. He is the kind of crook that would do anything to keep people from knowing what he is really like.
He did have full support from his wife and father in law until they found out he was running a ponzi scheme. Then they both dropped him like a hot potato. He broke their hearts and cleaned out their pocket books and blamed others until the divorce. The really sad part is that many people invested with him because his father and mother in law were known as good upstanding people. He lied to all of them until the end when they found out for sure that he was operating a ponzi scheme. Then goodbye Marshall. They knew then that he was super crooked.
I have read this whole blog, and the accusations are true about Wolfe. I know an investor personally who gave Wolfe money 2 months before it collapsed. Wolfe told him "This is one of the best investments you can make and the return is good and very secure". He told that two months before it collapsed and used that investors money to keep the company afloat from day to day. An honest person does not do that. I agree with the above: Bogus man and liar too.
Just be patient Marshall Wolfe. Youe legal troubles are coming.
The prisons are full of innocent people like Wolfe.
There WAS a FRAUD committed against lots of people by Wolfe and Harrington, but Wolfe was the main culprit. If you have any doubts listen to what Wolfe has said recently to his friend and co-worker above as posted on Oct 24 at 9:04 on this blog. "I was left with a mess created by Joel Travelstead and I was trying to clean up his mess" Isn't it strange that if Wolfe knew there was a mess that he DID NOT tell one single investor from that point forward. NO he did not, because he knew he was taking peoples money and it was a ponzi scheme, and if people knew the truth of how bad the company was losing money they would never invest with Wolfe. So, he hid the truth from many people, continued spendging money like crazy, and continued taking peoples money telling them "This is a great investment". Also, an investor has obtained a million dollar judgement against Wolfe because of fraud already. That is a matter of fact.
What a crook. Why is he not in jail?
I am aware that Marshall has a garnishment with our current employer for a judgement against him. Payroll department leaked it to another co-worker. He was very honest and forthcoming regarding that matter to the same co-worker he had told the other information. He said he had personally guaranteed an investors loan that Steadivest defaulted on. Nothing dishonest or fraudulent, just a loan he secured because he believed in the stability of the company. Marshall also added he and that investor have made peace through his ability to pay him each month. Marshall apparently is secure in position of innocence being he proudly claims he has not taken bankruptcy nor has any judgement of wrongdoing persoannlly against him. Again, all second hand. Also, to add Marshall maybe a crook maybe not but he has quickly made favor in our company and is doing quite well.
9:38, what is your company's name? If you believe the guy is not guilty of these things as he so earnestly states, then surely you would have no objection to identifying where the two of you work. And, if you don't believe him, then you should let us know where he works so we can avoid doing business with him.
It sounds like you and your co-worker, like so many before you who are now suffering because of Wolf and his lies, are believing what Marshall tells you. Nothing new about that. This guy is a unique individual. You say: "he and that investor have made peace". Nothing could be further from the truth. Most investors want him under the jail for at least 100 years. He did not tell you that after the judgement was obtained he was in the process of taking bankruptcy to avoid paying the man until he learned that bankruptcy does not void FRAUD. FRAUD. That is the only reason he is paying now. Not because he wants to, but because he HAS to. He is very capable of making people believe what he says. He is very convincing, and we must admit it is hard not to believe him when he tells you something and smiles that little Sh-T Eating smile. Dozens of other people believed him way before now. They also lost their money because they belived him. He would have made a good politician, car salesman, furniture salesman or real estate tycoon. His day will come.
Oh boy. The Wolf man. What a guy. It sounds like he could sell ice to the eskimos. I wonder if he told any of his co-workes that for almost two years nobody would hire him because of what he did. Probably not. I wonder if his family hired because he could not get a job.
Sounds like a sick individual that believes he can do no wrong.
Two sides to the story but seems you obviously don't know as much as you think. If you knew about the judgement and were in contact with the person who obtained it, then you would know it is not based on fraud but a defaulted personal guarantee. You would also know there is a garnishment on Marshall's check paying that person every month and you would know where Marshall works. You evidently do not have any of those facts! I do not have a long term relationship with Marshall but I do to my job and I will not disclose where we work. Again, if you knew so much you would know that. And our company has nothing to do with his family or family business as you referenced. Your comment about us suffering could not be more incorrect. As I have stated before I am not working closely with Marshall but he has been very well received and is a very hard worker. The company has rewarded him quickly as he has performed well. As far as I know only a few of us find these accusations interesting but being there are only accusations we are not holding them against him. He seems to be a stand up guy.
The suffering was and is being done by people who invested with him who lost their life savings. The peole he lied to over and over for years. Not you guys. Read more carefully and you will understand what was said. Keep him in your good graces if you like him so much. So did the others until they found his true nature. He will make you think he is a stand up guy like he did everyone else. His wife and her family thought the same thing. His true nature will show eventually. Watch and see. He is as slick as motor oil. His day will come. Most people know where he works and have for some time. They know lots more than you think. Everyone that invested with him said "he seems to be a standup guy" just like you and obviously others. If he were a stand up guy why would he not have apologized to so many that he hurt and deceived? Because he is what he is.
Lets see here. A short summation: The state of Mississippi was wrong in assessing its findings, Wolfes investors were wrong, the US trustee was wrong, Joel Travelstead was wrong, the church members were wrong, brother in law was wrong, family was wrong, everyone that dealt with Wolfe was wrong except Marshall Wolfe who knew it all and says "I didn't do anything wrong". Seems strange that only Wolfe knows he is not in the wrong, but everyone else does.
8:54 Person whom knows of all the wrong doing. please answer in detail why if so much wrong has taken place why in 3 years has nothing been done? Where is justice? FBI? Jim Hood? Anything?
Jim Hood hasn't done much about anything. A multi million dollar fraud in Mississippi that wiped out dozens of people has occured and Jim Hood has not held anyone accountable. Is this what we want in an attorney general?
"being there are only accusations we are not holding them against him".you say.
There has been a thorough investigation and a large fine was levied against this DoDo. A very large fine. There is nmore to come, just wait and see.
It looks like M. Wolf has found a friend and ally in his work place. Wouldn't it be fun to be a fly on the wall and hear what he is telling his coworkers about the fraud and how he did nothing wrong? Sounds like they believe him. He sounds like a convincing man.
Anyone else crazy enough to defend Wolfe?
My relative also invested with Marshall Wolfe and lost almost every penny he had which was his retirement income. He was misled, lied to, and deceived by Wolfe who told him over and over that there was no possible way he could lose his money. Wolfe is a lier of a rare kind. He may belive in his strange mind that he can not do anything wrong and he obviously likes to blame others for his deeds. He told me relative at a meeting of investors at the Steadivest office one night that everything was going to be OK and he was making some changes to cut expenses and make the company more profitable. Within two months after that he filed bankruptcy and nobody ever heard from him again. This is an evil person of the worst sort.
I second that statement.
How do poeple who do this get away with it? A lot of other dishonest people would like to know.
Simple; start the scam as a Christian based business and focus on endorsements from church members to solicit other members. Church victims rather forget and forgive and move on!
I miss the days of hearing Marshall share how he has prayed over the business and would ask to pray with investors. Remember like it was yesterday, Marshall was presented as a fine young Christian man.
Oh, by the way, lets hear more about Marshall's lies to his coworkers.
As he said to his present coworkers some people in the church made the business shut down and a few other people caused the problem, not me (Wolfe). Jack Harrinmgton and Lee Paris have both stated as a matter of record that he scammed them as well. Whether or not that is true, Wolfe is known among his close business people as very dishonest and will say anything to clear himself. In his current employment he is telling everyone that he did nothing wrong and it was someone elses fault. You hear that all of the time from prisoners. Almost all prisoners were convicted wrongly.If I had done what he has done I couldn't sleep at night, but I am not Wolfe thank goodness.
That gullible sucker who keeps defending the crook is living proof that P.T. Barnum was a prophet.
Why has this man or men not been punished? Bernie Madoff is serving a lifetime behind bars for this same thing.
Someone said that Wolfe took a blind womans money who lived in Vicksburg.
Is all of this going on just because we live in Mississippi and not a state like New York where sometng like this is in the news and on TV?
How in the world do people get away with tis sort of stuff?????
You may get away with it here on earth, but when it is time to answer to the great judge up there He already knows the truth, and you can NOT fool him.
Heard that Wolfe has been scared to death that he would here from some authority any day and that they would show up at his house with hanfcuffs.
The reason Wolfe has moved on and will live a life of freedom is because there are about three individuals replying in anger on this blog wanting justice. The rest of the victims have put this horrible incident behind them and are focused on the future, not the past. Angry people with money left should rent a few billboards in Madison and Rankin County that ask the leaders of Mississippi what they have done for the Steadivest victims?
No house, an apartment near the Flowood reservoir community.
You say above: The rest of the victims have put this horrible incident behind them and are focused on the future, not the past. Angry people with money left should rent a few billboards in Madison and Rankin County that ask the leaders of Mississippi what they have done for the Steadivest victims?
Number 1. Not one single investor that was defrauded will ever put this ponzi scheme behind them, because Wolfe broke them or severely hurt their financial futures and lied over and over. They will not forget ever.
Number 2. Good ides, but these people don't have any more money, because Wolfe spent it living high and having a good time.
Number 3. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of people that want to see justice done. If you like him so much invest with him.
Are you sure that Wolfe has never apologised to anyone who lost money?
Guess all those old folks better get back in the work force. Wal-Mart is always looking for good help greeting.
Wonder if this dude be looking over him sholder evey where he go.
I read this blog and must comment on what Oct 30 7:57 PM said. He said that poeple who lost there money have forgotten it and moved on. It seems like to forget what happened would be hard if not impossible to do. If these statements are true and some of these people really lost lifes savings, I doubt if any of them have forgotten or have moved on. If someone stole your child or loved one you would never forget. Nor would anyone forget if someone stole your life savings, especially if it was in a ponzi scheme.
Burn in hell Wolfe!
That is exactly where the bum deserves to go. He cares about himself and no one else.
I know some of the people who were caught up in this scam. They had full trust in Marshall Wolfe because of the church he attended and because he had such nice inlaws who recommended him and because he often prayed for the investors in their presence. He continuosly told these people that their money was secure, their investments were solid, and he was growing the business and the business was profitable due to hard work and good business decisions. He gladly accepted friends and relatives investments. When it all came tumbling down they learned that the business was NEVER profitable, that Wolfe had lied over and over and had paid himself enormous salaries with a great big expense account. All of this was being paid from Wolfe's getting more and more investors to pay interest, expenses, salaries and investors when they wanted out. He told each investor that things were good when things were really bad as far as profits went. There were never any real profits. Without new investors the company could not survive and Wolfe would not have a big salary, big title, and his big expenses paid. He knew it was a sham all along, and did not care that at some point it would all come crashing down. When the economy began to dry up people (not his investors, but potential investors)began holding on to their money because the US future was more and more uncertain, so he had a very hard time getting new investors to give him money. FACT, not fiction. This is what is called a PONZI scheme and Wolfe was the leader.
November 3rd 5:00pm
Very well written. As an investor and relative I appreciate your clear and easy to understand summary.
For those of us close to Steadivest we also know the plot thickened with the role of Harrington, Patrick (legal council), Justin and especially Paris and Investlink.
Hopefully justice will prevail....
"Such nice in-laws"
They also spoke very well of Marshall and recommended his business to me. I have seen them most Sundays for two years now and not once have they apologized for their role supporting Marshall. As a Sunday school teacher and servant many of us are very disappointed. Worse is how they portrayed their son pushing him away and out of the church in support of Marshall. I actually have apologized to there son for what we witnessed and were led to believe. A very sad story for business, church and family.
We all have to understand how convincing Marshall Wolfe can be. He has a nack for making people believe what he says is true. Like someone said "He could sell ice to the eskimos" How true. So, it probably was hard for family and friends not to believe him. But, as we now know, he was and is bogus, deceitful, and very, very cunning. We are all short of perfect, but Wolfe has committed some of the ultimate sins in deceiving, lieing, and now continueing to lie and deny all of this. It is so sad that he hurt and broke so many good trusting people who will suffer from his actions the rest of their lives. What is even as bad is using the church and family to hurt people.
Interesting reading. This guy Wolfe reminds me of a story I once heard that goes like this. A bus load of children were on the side of the road while the driver was fixing a flat. A man runs over the bus and kills or hurt many kids. Later when he was in court on the stand he said: They shouldn't have been there. I didn't do anything wrong. Reminds of the Wolfe guy.
This is all better reading than a paperback novel. Hard to think we have this in Mississippi.
"They also spoke very well of Marshall and recommended his business to me. I have seen them most Sundays for two years now and not once have they apologized for their role supporting Marshall. As a Sunday school teacher and servant many of us are very disappointed. Worse is how they portrayed their son pushing him away and out of the church in support of Marshall. I actually have apologized to there son for what we witnessed and were led to believe. A very sad story for business, church and family. "
Reminds me of The Atheist's Prayer: "Dear God, Save me from your followers"
These hypocrites are the type that give religion a bad name.
The old debate of the chicken and the egg. What's worse, jackasses Wolfe and his father-in-law leading Sunday school in church or the church leaders and members not holding them accountable for their actions?
How do you hold someone accountable when the money is all gone and the justice system lets crooks go without pinishment? Tell us how.
Wolfe is the # 1 man responsible for this ponzi, not his family or friends or investors. Sometimes people get away with this sort of fraud, but he can't fool the ultimate judge. I am glad I am not him. I could not sleep for worrying about what I had done. But he is a different sort of guy. Maybe it doen't bother him.
Why do you think the justice system has done nothing? Where are the victims up in arms making their voices heard? Where are the meetings, support groups, prayer goups? Will anyone even mention Steadivest or Wolfe's name in the very church it was all started in these days? Didn't the Madof victims publish a book within a year after he was found out? Everyone has moved on other than the three angry people who are keeping this post alive. 11/4 4:30pm Marshall is sleeping fine these days with a new job and no more family drama being his wife has moved on. He actually has mentioned many times starting over has been much less stressful than the stress of keeping Steadivest floating. Think maybe you are the one not sleeping. Do nothing but keep burning up this post I can assure you even Marshall at this point finds it entertaining!
That is because it is probably Marshall or his parents who is writing in this blog about himself, and he is the only one in Mississippi that wants good for him. Everyone else wants to see him burn.
I personally know about 50 people, not to mention their familes and friends, who have not moved on and are waiting on some official with big balls to get this guy. Marshall just wishes everyone would move it, but it will not happen until he is behind bars. Crimes like this rarely go unpunished.
Good luck with that waiting. It's been what going on 3 years and no one has found him wrong of criminal doings. Someone will come save the day for you all, Wolfe recommends holding your breath!
Wrong dumbass. The Mississippi Secretary of State has found him wrong and guilty. I thought that was Marshall Wolfe replying on this blog. It sounds just like his smart ass. You piece of dung. Your day will get here. Just be patient. Enjoy your freedom while you can, because before long you may need jar of vaseline where you are going.
Isn't it strange how the truth always speaks the loudest. Wolfe is a crook, a liar, and guilty of fraud. Wolfe respond some more to this blog since you are the only one taking up for yourself. Don't forget the vaseline.
Has anyone checked to see if this idiot's bankruptcy is also a fraud?
If people listen to this Wolfe man he will have them believing he is truthful, honest, a good christian and faithful business man and was wrongly accused. He probably thinks in his warped mind that he should be elected governor of Mississippi.
Like a bunch of children...just wait and see. Your gonna get it, get it with vaseline. Oh yeah, and my dad is gonna beat up your bad. Bunch of idiots no wonder he was able to take your money!
OK Wolfe. We know it is you writing on this blog. Keep it up.
And I know who you are old broken down man. Your cowboy days are long behind you, childish threats and lots of lip service. Big time, big time!
Your day will come Marshall Wolfe.Funnny how all of your ex employees are telling everyone that you committed those frauds over and over and you were the leader of the scam. When several people keep testifying against you it all points to you Wolfe. Sick man, sick mind. The only person in Mississippi who is for Marshall Wolfe is you, Wolfe.
Burn Marshall Wolfe! All know you are a liar but a handful of us know at your core you are a scared pathetic coward! How ashamed your children will be of you when they are old enough to understand and yes they will get to read everything about you!
Forties isn't old and I don't know much about cowboys, but I DO KNOW one thing--- You, Marshall Wolfe, are still the sick, warped man you have always been and you care about yourself and nobody else. You ran the ponzi and you were in charge. You lied, deceived, and flim flammed young and old alike, church members, friends, and relatives. All of your former co-workers are blaming you and they are right. It is going to be tough fighting everyone especially for a wimp coward like you who can only give lip service. Don't forget the vaseline.
This man is lower than dirt. Where is he now?
Has anybody seen him in church or does he still go to church. Wasn't he teaching a Sunday school class at one time years ago before he did this?
Don't know wher he is. I bet he is far away and laying low. He got my aunt money and it hurt her a lot. She can barely make ends meet now. He just flat out lied to her.
He is good at telling lies and making people believe him. One of his former investors said the way he explains something to you he twists the truth so it sounds like what you want to hear.
Wicked and evil. I hate what his offspring may have to suffer one day when people learn they are related to him.
A disgrace to the community and mankind.
Bernie Madoff, Jr.
Lets see if we understand all of this. Marshall Wolfe-----CEO which means Chief--like the big clief in charge of all that happens----Executive---Executive Officer in charge of all decisions and over everyone in the company, like Bernie Ebbers----Officer---Head of the company, corporation, or business who rules the table when decisions are made. Since this guy signed everything that went in and out of the Steadivest deals he was proclaimed by himself as CEO---in other words---BIG SHOT---Head of the Business. CEO. I am a big man. I am in charge. I run Steadivest. Don't question me. I get the investors to give me their money, so I can do with it as I please. I am the BIG SHOT---I am CEO.
Hmmm, sounde like he was the man in charge.
How and why in the world would Wolfe say, even in his odd mind "He did nothing wrong" and it is time for people to move on? Could it be because this ex CEO---BIG SHOT--- wants people to forget what he has done?
You can't help but wonder if this ever goes to court or trial whether or not Paris, Harrington, McRaney, and others woold stand up for Wolfe. I doubt it.
Look above at what Wolfe himself said on Nov. 5th 8:58 PM in response to a blog written just before: It is a classic example of the kind of real person he was and is:
"And I know who you are old broken down man. Your cowboy days are long behind you, childish threats and lots of lip service. Big time, big time!" He also said "Maybe someone will save the day for you" He doesn't care. He never did, and never will.
This is classic Marshall Wolfe. This is the type of attitude he had when he was scamming people out of millions of dollars of life savings, and he still has the same attitude today. No remorse. No thoughts of the well being of others. Just smart alecky, typical Marshall Wolfe. Screw everyone. I got away with it. "It has been almost three years". It is almost like he is proud of screwing people and getting away with the Ponzi scheme.
Typical Marshall Wolfe.
Didn't someone say earlier that a leopard doesn't change their spots? How true.
Watch this video after the advertisements and you may get some idea of what could have happened with the Steadivest fraud. Scary.
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