Is Karen Irby under house arrest? While some media stories say she is:
"Irby, 38, was in a wheelchair. She had a boot cast on one foot.
She has been placed on house arrest and will be monitored electronically."
(The Clarion-Ledger, Jimmie Gates, May 13, 2009)
" As part of her bond agreement, Karen Irby was placed on house arrest and ordered to be monitored electronically, court records show." (WAPT, May 13, 2009)
Court records are somewhat ambiguous,. Copy of Court Orders, as the first order never states she is under "house arrest" while the order clarifying the bond order blithely refers to a "house arrest" in one sentence.
The Court gave Mrs. Irby a "conditional bond" and is under the supervision of Hinds County Probation Services Company. There is also a "Supplemental Order Clarifying Conditions of Bond". It decreed that Mrs. Irby surrender her passport nor can she leave the state without permission,
A source at the company monitoring Mrs. Irby said the monitoring is done through the use of a radio-frequency ankle bracelet. Such devices use a "home station" that is installed at the defendant's home and the radius is set at 150 yards or so. The source also said she was under a monitored bond and not under house arrest. However, the clarification does refer to a house arrest, so the question must be asked: Is Karen Irby under house arrest?
Monday, June 8, 2009
Irby Question, Is She or Isn't She?
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Trollfest '09
Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Thank you KF!
The sloppiness as well as ambiguity of the document is hardly reassuring, is it?
At least you found out that her passport has been surrendered.
Good job! Keep digging!
There's a honest to God journalist left in Jackson and that'd be YOU, KF!
Wow. House arrest in a mansion.
Paris Hilton would be proud. Even SHE did real jail time for DUI. And didn't even burn anyone alive.
Karen? Not so much with the jail time...
That is why I posted the docs. We had some feuds last week over whether she was on house arrest and I realized the media never posted the orders so I got a copy of them.
VERY sloppy drafting by Green's office.
I'm still amazed everytime I come here that Karen Irby was a in close race for hottest defendant.
Does this blog have Braille on it or something? Craziest looking, she gets the vote everytime, but hottest, you have got to be kidding me. Unless you just happen to like crazy chicks. Now that I think about it crazy chicks can fun. This one time at bandcamp...
I like crazy chicks. They usually prove to be real goers and lovers of candid photography. Know that I mean?
So she just calls the monitoring service and says..."Hey, I'm going to the doctor this morning, and on the way back I am having lunch and getting my hair and nails done.... and oh...I also almost forgot to tell you....I really, really want to go to our Condo in Destin next week to relax and get some sun, too. I'm sure if will be OK. After all, I'm Mrs. Irby."
Do you really think she's worried about getting her hair and nails done? Give me a break.
If she IS worried about getting her hair and nails done, they would have people come to their house. That would hardly be an issue!
Not true. They could hire Emeril Lagasse to cook for them on a daily basis, yet they still accept free meals from their church.
They still "accept" meals from their church? What the fuck kind of comment is that? Perhaps the members of their church want to take food to them.
If their church wants to send them meals so what? Thats their business. Some of you need to go read Charles Colson.
Of course she is worried about her appearance. You better believe it, too. It is common knowledge among people who knew this couple that their marriage was very rocky even before the wreck. Now she needs desperately to keep her husband's attention so maybe his family's influence and money can help her get out of the mess she is in. If you don't think she is not worried about her hair and nails and her appearance in general, you are dead wrong. Women like her use their appearance to help them get what they want.
Agree with the " so what?" KF, but the " read Charles Colson"? You lost brownie points with me on that one. Good news is your brownie point account is flush.
Have read his book and seen him in post Watergate mode.
I also play poker and watch " Lie to Me" on FOX...lots of great " tells" backed by research on that show...worth watching.
The court order is absolutely outrageous. This proves that she did not have to surrender her drivers license and that she does not have to participate in drug/alcohol random testing as terms of her release.
Truly egregious that the so called system is permitting her to (legally) drive.
A vehicle she was driving under the influence (as reported) was used to kill 2 doctors! Yet, many have spotted her driving in Jackson.
What a disgrace.
Regardless of what's going on with her now, you can bet the days are flying by, and she knows everyday she is one day closer to answering for killing two innocent people. She is quilty, and she knows she is quilty. Her life as she knew it ended on Old Canton Road back in February, and it was her own doing.
I don't know why everyone is so overly concerned about this case. What about all of the unsolved, cold blooded killings in West Jackson? I'm sure most of you don't give the families of those victims a second thought.
This case does speak to crime in Jackson 10:02. And, I care very much. The way this case has been handled on several levels speaks to a lack of professionalism from decisions being made... not on the nature of the crime, but on how important the victims are compared to the clout of the suspect. It also raises questions about procedure and the court system and evidence gathering.
Remember we have two big time drug dealers who have been charged with murder more than once walking the streets as well.
I'm glad that Karen has enough " celebrity" to perhaps shed some light on the problems. Something is wrong in the arrest to conviction process and we need to nail down what or who are the problems.
5:56 your point about alcohol and drug testing and that she didn't have to surrender her license resonate with me.
Karen Irby is a model citizen who had a terrible accident at the wrong time. This could have happened to anyone who has a similar medical history of unexplained fainting spells.
Being guilty of marrying a wealthy man is about all that she has done, to which has brought her enormous scorn from many sanctimonious Mississippians.
Drunk driving? Definitely, although .09% is hardly liquored up.
The real tragedy is that two doctors died after an unfortunate accident that was certainly avoidable, but not one where Karen Irby must also be, effectively, put to death in Parchment Penitentiary with a 30 year sentence.
She fainted and never made that turn. Period. Tragic.
"She fainted and never made that turn. Period. Tragic."
Yeah, right. There was no turn, it was a curve. She was legally DUI and also had meds in her system. Are you the new PR person?
Model citizen? One who calls the cops complaining about domestic violence on both her husbands, just to have it on the record in case of divorce? Fighting with another woman in public? She's a model all right, a model that's just been recalled.
Get real.
7:19-Luckily, she wouldn't go to Parchman-she would go to the womens' facility in Brandon if sentenced. And, I don't think you can get the death sentence for that crime. I wouldn't think anyone would sentence her to death for an accident.
Regardless of whether she's on house arrest or not, she can't go anywhere. And, she's not driving.
And to 7:35-she was a victim of domestic violence by her first husband.
This thread is sponsored by UPS.
KF-too freakin' funny
Oh, so now she fainted? Now convenient. If she had a history of fainting why was she behind the wheel to begin that night in Feb when she killed two people and before then driving herself and her children around Jackson? And...model citizen? Surely you are joking? She was eight months pregnant when she married Irby, and he would not marry her until a DNA test proved he was the Father. Read the divorce petition he filed Model citizens don't need DNA tests to prove anything.
7:19 If "fainted" is the new defense, best hope no jury members have ever fainted. One isn't fine one second and out the next. If there's a " history of fainting", one gets to know the warning signs.
But, the defense's worst " sell" I suspect, if the prosecution does it's job, will be explaining the short distance between leaving her lane and impact in the far lane.
That and there doesn't appear to be a straight line failure to adjust for a curve ( not a sharp curve either) but rather a veer to the left.
Much of this case may well rest on the accident scene investigation.
According to some study, virtually everyone here who has driven for more than 5 years are guilty of speeding and driving under the influence (not necessarily at the same time).
With the use of OTC medicines, prescriptions, etc, many are driving under the influence without knowing it and every single driver with experience has committed a speed violation.
She was "legally" drunk, but that doesn't make her drunk. No one can argue that 1/100ths difference is an amount that will cause disregard for human life. Therefore you have to figure why the excessive speed was present. Can all of you that seem to be so intimately involved in her life verify that, because she isn't a model citizen in your eyes, she drove at these excessive speeds all of the time?
No? Well, again, we have to get back to explaining why she was at this particular time. I'm betting the answer many here will latch on to these ridiculous class warfare opinions that have nothing to do with someone's guilt or innocence and more to do with someone's station in life.
"According to some study" now that's rich, real rich. In fact, that may be in the closing argument. "So let him among that is without sin cast the first stone."
What are we doing here, trying out defense lines? Of course it's less expensive than mock juries.
One more thing, she didn't faint. She swooned.
Thank goodness the victims had representation immediately after the accident and were present at the accident scene investigation. I expect a huge, huge civil suit to be filed against her and should be. If I am correct he will then have no choice but to explain her actions under oath.
Veer to the left?
how stupid.
the car was turning slightly right at the beginning of the curve. It is a curve. The car did not turn right at the rate required by the curve.
the amount of stupidity people will profess through their indignation is simply astounding
Since Linda the Peach Harmon is not available for jury consulting right now, probably not a bad idea.
You think maybe I could bill my time on here and call it legal research?
I'm sure someone is already doing that.
Let's get something straight. Most people don't care if she was married to Joe Jones, lived on Northwest Street, drove a 1978 Chevy, and was coming home from her cleaning job at the CCJ. What matters was she was drinking, driving at excess speeds on a busy city street, and she killed two innocent people who literally burned to death. "Model citizen." Hardly. Drunk? Probably.
"most people don't care" yet it seems to be the prevailing commentary.
If someone has a history of fainting, they should avoid driving at all -- in fact, they have a duty to do so. If someone is on meds that can affect his or her driving skills, that person should also avoid driving as a matter of personal responsibility. A jury will of course easily understand this.
She fainted? Or she passed out?
If fainting is the best excuse her lawyers can come up for her killing two people, she might as plead quilty and go on to prison.
Alright I've had it.
Everyone: instead of getting on here and leaving comments that are ultimately not going to change the outcome of the situation, use those moments that you would have spent typing and sit in silence and say a prayer for the Pogue and Dedousis families instead. I know I just did. This is all getting just SICK, the obsession.
We'll all toast(while not driving) and talk about it again if she actually goes to jail, until then, just spend your time praying for comfort for the two families who lost their son and daughter and END THIS gossip and "let's play legal" preoccupation.
Back to politics.
For sure the attorneys won't say she fainted.
The more plausible explantion given to the jury will be to state simply, "she fell out while she was driving and this tragic accident occured."
Could SOMEBODY please learn the correct spelling? "Parchment Penitentiary"????? The correct place is The Mississippi State Penitentiary, which is located at Parchman, MS 38738
Well said, StilettoGOP!
I wonder if the GJ was aware of her "fainting spells" as some of the bloggers have said she did behind the wheel that night, as they handed down the Depraved Heart indictment?
Go ahead and try that fainting crap. There is just one problem with it. If she DOES have that or a neurological problem, then she shouldn't have been driving in the first place, which means its manslaughter. Fainting doesn't explain the speed either. There is a reason people with seizures are not allowed to drive.
Exactly KF. People usually have very little warning they are about to have a seizure, and that why they don't drive. Same is probably true of this fainting crap. Nothing will make me think they weren't literally fighting in the car when she crossed two lanes without even trying to brake and avoid hitting the truck. However, I suspect both are saying now because of their injuries they don't remember anything about that night.
She can claim it all she wants. Now go prove it.
Had not the silly defenses been proposed and excuses made immediately, had not defenses of Karen as a " model citizen and fine Christian" started before the victims funerals, had procedure been as the public has come (rightly or wrongly) to expect, there would be no " obsession".
I think some are confusing " obsession" with demands for justice. Some of us pray for JUSTICE for the families as well as that they are spiritually comforted.
And, please, face reality, there would be no media coverage of OJ,Natalie Holloman et al, no books on famous cases if it public interest in such weren't HUMAN.
Whether you approve or not, there is public interest for a variety of reasons.
It's funny that those who criticize others for being " obsessed" always are posting themselves...
Not obsession.....indignation more likely.
The spies are out in force. As they attempt to quiet the opinions on all the blogs, they try to plant spurious information. Polluting the jury pool?
8:50 So HOW did Karen's car end up hitting a car in the FAR LEFT lane from the FAR RIGHT lane? Did you see the accident investigation marks?
I think you are playing with words, 8:50. If Karen overcorrected to the right, it'd have been a one car accident. You want to call it something besides " veer" , go ahead.
We can , at least agreed that it's a curve and not a hard curve either.
8:44 Speeding and drinking and driving by EVERYONE in first five years ? Mormons, too ? :-)OK, that'd be age 15-20 or 16-21. OK...guilty for speeding during those years, not drinking ... and, over 35 with small children...NOT! Some of us GREW UP!
There would be no need to discuss this if defenders didn't keep arguing " unavoidable accident" nonsense theories and painting Karen as Mother Teresa and excusing the speed and drinking as something " everyone does"!
June 9,2009 7:19 a.m. Poster this is my first question for you.Are you part of the Defence team for karen? It sure reads that way.You wrote that Karen had a terrible accident at the wrong time.When is it a right time for an Accident of any kind?You also write of her having a history of Fainting.If there is truth in what you say i hope she did inform the DMV of this medical condition.And if they were aware then i wonder why she was Driving at all.After all Fainting any where any time is a serious Medical condition.And you do not need to be sitting behind a wheel of a car driving.Just maybe it was the Alcohol that caused her to Faint if you drink enough some times it will have an effect on your Blood Sugar it can spill over from your Pancreas into your Blood and you could Faint.But again it would be from Drinking not any medical condition from the past.Just present Behavior.And really Who really Cares about Karen marry'ing into money,wealth Just what does that have to do with anything?
Make you wonder what the footage from County Club's surveillance/security camera (s) will reveal (provided it will ever entered into evidence or it was missing or destroyed).
I had said some stuff, but nevermind, in the end just doesn't matter so took it down. Night yall ;)
I heard that she had some fainting spells over a year and a half ago. If this is true and she had not had any more then I think nothing of her driving that night. I was told by a friend in the medical profession that if you have had a problem under control for a year then you can drive (hope that is true as I type it.) I can give her the medical passing out or whatever the night of the accident if that is in fact the case. What I do not understand is that if that is her defense then why in the world is she driving now? She cannot walk yet but is driving herself to the doctor's office with assistance in and out of the car. If she had some sort of medical episode then she should not be on the streets right now - she is under terrible stress and it could happen again. I don't want to be in the oncoming lane if this is in fact what happened.
What seems funny to me about her Fainting is why did it rear it's ugly head again on the night that she was out Drinking at the jcc? If this was something that happened in her past for some reason and has Not happened for quite some time Why that night?And why after her night of drinking and not before like on the way to the jcc?If this is in her past medical history even if it was Twenty years back her Defence team will try to use it to her advantage.Like having an Ace in the Pocket!After all it is there job to focus the blame elsewhere.You can Bet that Defence team is Turning over ever Stone.And lets say Maybe just maybe if she did faint that night it could have been the alchol it can mess with your Blood Sugar and Can cause a person to faint or another word for it Pass Out.And who knows what if any other Meds were in her system what the combination could do.I really Don't Buy any of this it is all a Bunch of Bull but as i said they are trying really hard to Cast Blame Elsewhere.
If she fainted, how was she driving over 100 mph? puh-lease!
Fainted? Give me a break.
Bottom line, alcohol and speed contributed to the death of 2 innocent doctors. Some of the comments from the karen supporters are completely disgusting. What if it was their husband, wife, friend, child, etc. that burned to death because of someones reckless actions? Again, alcohol and speed.
Oh ya, kiss up to the wealthy, support DUI related murder. That will really get you far in life!
She is driving. Give her a call and ask if you don't believe it. She is proud that she is driving now and has been telling people.
I don't see how it's possible to faint and press down on the accelerator at the same time although I'm sure Mississippi has plenty of "experts" who can so testify.
I think Karen's legal team must be the lone voice on here posting that she is not driving.
Oh she is driving. Try to cover it up if you want - but she is.
Of course she's driving.
I also heard and read that she's in astronaut training during the week and training to be a Seal Team 7 operator on the weekends.
She's apparently planning to jump bail, take a space ship, to mars and take out some Martian Pirates.
All you Karen Irby lovers can make every excuse on earth for her and continue to tell everyone how wonderful she is, but you are just wasting your time. Nothing you can say will change the facts that she was legally drunk, driving at excess speeds on a very busy city street, crossed two lanes of the road without even trying to brake, and caused to two innocent people to burn to their death.
So what if her leg or ankle is hurt? She did it to herself. At least she is alive. The people she killed are gone forever. If this woman had an ounce of character and regret, she would beg the families of the dead for forgiveness, plead quilty, and take her publishment.
If she fainted behind the wheel as some of you bloggers are posting, had a medical condition, then why did the GJ hand her an indictment of X2 DEPRAVED HEART?
Certainly the GJ wld hv been aware of her medical condition before they indicted her on a Depraved Heart. That is a very serious charge.
The Depraved Heart concerns me more than the doesn't take much to register DUI and still feel fine to drive, although you're considered legally drunk. At .09, she may have been legally drunk, but she wasn't plastered.
They still have to prove her fainting. In the state I live in, if you have a seizure, they take your license away for 6 months. If you have another one during that time, they start over on that day and it's gone for 6 months.
That may be true in MS as well.
.09 HOURS after the accident (as reported by several media outlets)
Today is their anniversary according to their divorce petition filed last year although it expired.
Yes, it is definitely amazing what you can find out from public records if you just know where to look. According to the divorce petition you are referring to their child was born one month after they married, and it is also known he demanded a DNA test before he would marry her. "Model citizen?" Hardly.
12:03 am and others: I'm sure you're all so, so perfect. I'm sure if we dug into your backgrounds, there would be many things that weren't pretty. You're all a bunch of judgmental bitches.
Amen, 1:22.
Judgmental bitches? At least I'm not kissing the ass of the wealthy. DO you really think your coveted status quo and overall reputation will increase by supporting ones actions of a DUI RELATED DEATH? I am so proud of you.
The doctors the burned to death did not have a choice in the matter. Karen, chose to drink, drive, drive at an outrageous speed, kill 2, then has the audacity to actually drive around Jackson?
more people here seem to have an emotional investment in this case that has less to do with the facts of the case and more to do with who it is and the class warfare aspect of it
I couldn't care less about my status quo and i don't kiss the ass of the wealthy. Do you desert your friends when they've made a mistake?
Mistake? A mistake implies you learn from it. History proves otherwise in this case. Additionally, a mistake like juxtaposing numbers can easily be corrected. Drinking, driving, speeding, eluding police, crossing the middle lane, crashing into a car, killing two people, damaging property, harming another individual physically - that is A LOT of mistakes. How does she learn from and correct them?
No, I just dessert them. That usually helps. Although, I don't think a caramel cake will do much good in this situation.
Yes, we all make mistakes. I sure do, but thank God most of us have more sense and value life enough that we don't ever drink and drive at excessive speeds so we won't cause accidents and injury to others.
Why don't we wait until ALL the facts are in, without all the speculation, until we start judging?
12:43-Very clever.
Wait until all the facts or excuses are in?
I'm waiting for the rest of the excuses. I have heard car trouble and fainting, and I'm sure there are more.
the most obvious is the mob of witchhunters chasing her with pitchforks
Get your facts straight 5:26. WITCHHUNTERS chase the innocent, not the guilty and Karen is guilty of causing two innocent doctors to burn to death.
What exactly are the injuries that are keeping her out of jail? For her attorneys and McMillan to claim she's being kept out of jail to save the state money for her medical expenses is complete and total BS. It's a lie and it's an insult anyone's intelligence to be told that ridiculous excuse. If she were on dialysis or having a heart transplant, then I staying @ home would save the state money. However, I am certain the jail can handle a twisted ankle or whatever she claims to have.
7:31-she's out on $250k bail. Do you not read? She has a little more than a twisted ankle.
Well, I'm just looking forward to the day we hear her rest of the story tale. I'm sure she and her lawyers are working hard cooking up something good for us. Maybe a wasp was in the car about to bite her, or a snake crawled up her leg. Trust me... it's going to be something really, really good.
9:09. I hope the national media outlets are ready. They should be, and we know they can dig and find information no one else can find. Two innocent people just burned to death because of this woman. Everyone is just waiting to see if she is punished for what she did. And.....she better be.
It appears that the 9:09 post was zapped.
If you are 100% sure you've never driven with a BAC of .09 or higher, ever, then you have the right to judge Karen Irby.
If you ever have, though, then the only difference between her and you is luck.
5:59 You are seriously in denial with that statement... not anyone I know would call that bad luck, it was a lack of any good judgement on so many levels.
6:16 Bad luck would be walking out to your garage and finding a flat tire on your car. Driving legally drunk at excessing speeds on a busy city street and killing two people is a serious "lack of good judgement" as 6:26 said and too, a serious lack of regard for human life.
6:16 Bad luck would be walking out to your garage and finding a flat tire on your car. Driving legally drunk at excessing speeds on a busy city street and killing two people is a serious "lack of good judgement" as 6:26 said and too, a serious lack of regard for human life.
The excessive speed would be attributable to the fact that her BAC was illegally high.
So again I'm saying...if you're sure you've never driven with a BAC of .09 or higher, good for you. Neither have I.
But if you have...then the roulette chip didn't land on your number and it did land on hers, and that's the only reason it's her name in the subject line and not yours. When your car swerved into another lane, there wasn't another car there. When you were so drunk you could have floored the accelerator, you didn't happen to. That's the only difference between you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I think we all know that we've all had this happen to us before. You know, bad luck. I mean, we've just had a few drinks at dinner and just headed on home and nothing happens. But on this night, we might have had a few drinks and bad luck popped up. You know about bad luck. Little things like a flat tire first thing in the morning. The milk being sour in the fridge when you really want a bowl of Rice Krispies. Like not having correct change in the fast lane at Brookshires. Just plain ole bad luck.
Well that's what happened here. Just plain ole bad luck. It was just plain ole bad luck that poor Ms Irby here was even there on Old Canton Road. She could have been coming from a church function raising money for lil starvin' children and the same ole bad luck could have occured. Just bad luck.
Yes, two glasses of wine or two beers makes people drive over 100 mph. Happens all the time. I can't tell you how many times I've left Amerigos or Ticos after drinking two glasses of wine and drove down Old Canton Road at 100 mph. Not. You are full of crap and you know it.
And to the person whining about pitchforks, save it. We all saw the crap that went on with the George Bell case and how he got off on the first set of charges and how mommie dearest walked away scott free. We watched the son of a restaurant owning family in Jackson get in fights for years and walk away from a manslaughter charge. Then there are the friends of Frank that always got off the hook regardless of what they did. Dickie Scruggs, Ed Peters, Delaughter, and their little games. Did I mention Judge Patton throwing someone in jail for two weeks without a hearing or bond or charge?
So save the poor pitiful speech about how people are being so mean and hateful and have a lynch mob menatility because they don't. they are sick of double standards and preferential treatment. Maybe if Mac hadn't helped her and the CL hadn't published that spin piece, people wouldn't be so mad. However, that did happen so tough luck.
And don't bitch about this website because frankly, I've run it a helluve lot more fucking fair than any other website in town, including taking down posts that have been slanderous or went too far. There have been some that were pretty slanderous about her and they were zapped. Other posts I've made have actually helped her case (such as this post) but you've been too friggin stupid too realize that (some have even acuse me of being pro-Irby). In other words, quit while you're ahead and direct your ire towards Mac and the Clarion-Ledger because any time they do anything perceived as favortism to her, the outrage grows. People didn't get this mad about Scruggs and he is a helluva lot more richer than the Irbys are because the investigation of his case was not seen as being compromised.
Quit trying to compare this woman to other people. Most people would never behave in such a wreckless manner as she did driving down Old Canton Road like it was a racetrack after drinking. Her behavior caused two people to burn to death. Don't even go there saying she was just unlucky. She was stupid is what she was, and she will pay for her stupidity for a long, long time. If she had an ounce of character she would ask for forgiveness, plead quilty, and serve her sentence.
Well said, KF, and please keep this subject front and center. It needs to be fresh in people's minds as we all wait to see if this woman will get what she deserves for killing two innocent people drinking and driving.
Thank you all so much for your responses to the Gambler, when I read the response it was so stupid, I was speechless. Its so sad that mentality is running around loose on society!
The spin piece in the Clarion Ledger about the Irbys even made their friends very angry. They all knew it was not true picture of the family. These so called friends are the very people who started talking and telling the truth tale of the pregnancy, the marriage, the fights, her attacking another woman, the divorce petitions (theirs and others.) In fact her friends are the very ones saying she is definitely driving. The spin piece while the Irby thought would help them, didn't not at all.
A couple of additional comments.
I'm sure they are monitoring this site along with the other blogs and media. I would if I were them. I also wouldn't put it past some of them to post things that are libelous or outrageous so they could then claim slander. If it seems like I'm zapping something for no reason, that is what I have in mind as some knucklehead posts could be posted by an idiot, someone who got carried away in the heat of the moment, or an actual plant by the defense. The Scruggs team tried to use the blogs and the online comments in their favor when they tried to get the venue changed. I want her to get a fair trial and due process. This site isn't out to get her or anyone else but rather to get at the truth and call the media to account when they get it wrong.
People gave me some grief when I posted the divorce petition from last fall but 1. at least I got it right unlike WAPT and the CL because this blog also stated it was no longer valid and 2. it was in response to the CL piece. If this site was trying to be malicious, I would've posted her first divorce as well. The point is, this site looks out for victims and also tries to get the facts right as too often, the media completely blows it.
If the .09 BAC wasn't the reason why she was driving 100mph, why was alcohol mentioned so prominently in the indictment?
If the .09 BAC was the reason why she was driving 100mph, doesn't anybody who drives with a .09 BAC risk doing the same thing?
I content while there is no doubt whatsoever that she was drinking and driving, something else was going on in that car that night in Feb. We will never know the truth, but I think they were literally fighting. That's the only reason I can think of as to why she lost control of her car, crossed two lanes without even braking, and hit the truck killing two people. Something distracted her so much that night it caused her not to even try to stop or at least slow down her car. It wasn't just the booze folks. At .09 she surely could have tried to avoid the wreck. She never even braked.
June 13,2009 10:33 p.m.poster,You call going out and drinking for hours then getting behind the wheel of a vechile,driving that machine 100+ crossing two lanes and Killing Two People just Bad Luck!How dare you compare what she did to having a flat tire,milk going sour,not having the correct change.What she did was Crazy,thoughtless,the only place where i can see Bad Luck come into play here is for the Two Dr,s.This is much more than just a case of Bad Luck.
12:03. You are exactly right. Instead of the two young doctors driving down Old Canton Road and hit and killed, it could have been me or you or anyone. Talk about unlucky. These two people were innocently just driving in his truck down Old Canton Road not bothering a soul. Then.....they saw a car coming straight at them at an extreme fast speed and then the crash, and then they burned to their deaths. It could have been me or you or anyone in that vehicle she hit. These two doctors were the unlucky people not Karen Irby.
1203. Please do try and keep up. The 1033 post was satiric in nature. That's S A T I R E. Got it? Now go back and read with comprehension the 5:59, 6:16 and 7:22 posts and then you might see what the context of the comment actually was. And please do try and keep up in the future. It's considered bad luck not to.
4:16. I think we are all doing a pretty good job of keeping up. This article after all has more responses/comments than any other article posted on this blog. I hope KF keeps this subject front and center so people won't forget what happened to those poor doctors.
4:16p.m.poster.Your post is also SATIRE in nature.GOT IT!!!!It appears that you like to Ridicule and ATTACK.By your post you are trying to show all what a Smart Ass YOU ARE!!WE GOT IT!!
re: .09 BAC
My understanding is Irby's BAC was .09 HOURS AFTER the accident. Some folks conveniently forget the "HOURS AFTER" fact.
Even though it may not be admissible in court, its hard to believe that the police didn't give her a breathe test or something similar at the scene of the accident.
I think the accident was so bad with two people burnt up and two serious injuried, the authorities were just trying to get the fire out and the people to the hospital. It's a matter of record the time of the accident and when the test was done on her. It will all come out if she ever goes to trial. If the test was done hours after the accident, you don't have to be real smart to know it had to be higher earlier. When I say come to trial, I doubt it does. The family cannot want a trial not with all the evidence coming out and family personal business, too. Her lawyers will try to get the sentence reduced, but I don't see how she will ever get out of going to prison.
I'm with you on the fact that the family will not want to air out any more dirty laundry.I to think that they will try to get the sentence reduced,so far this has not been your Typical Case.I would not be Surprised if Karen walks away with just Probation if and when it ever goes to trial.That would really be Sending out the Wrong Message if they let that happen.
What if the doctor was drunk and/or doing drugs? It will come out if he was. Everyone is assuming Mrs. Irby is the monster here. He could have been driving erratically. None of you were there.
They reconstructed the accident... Irby was at fault. No question there.
The issue is why she was doing >100mph. That's as much vehicular suicide as vehicular homicide. If she wasn't completely out of her tree on alcohol, there almost had to be an organic problem of some kind, a seizure or something. That behavior just doesn't make sense.
"What if the doctor was drunk and/or doing drugs? It will come out if he was. Everyone is assuming Mrs. Irby is the monster here. He could have been driving erratically. None of you were there."
Very low blow there, and we know who you are. Keep putting crap out there. It only helps the prosecutors. Hope you enjoy depositing those Irby checks.
It doesn't make sense at all. Yes, Irby was at fault. However, I had always heard, that if someone was intoxicated and driving, they're liable. That may be incorrect. I'm not a lawyer. But, a person's reflexes are slower. I'm not saying this accident could have been avoided because I don't know.
4:44 you don't know who I am at all. I don't know these people. This doesn't help the prosecutors in any way. Depositing Irby checks? Right.
Low blow? If you think the doctors' peccadillos aren't going to come out in a civil or criminal trial, you're crazy. Right or wrong, that's the way it is.
Wait a minute. Let's not all get confused. Mrs. Irby crossed two lanes and hit the truck. The two doctors just happened to be in the lane that she steered toward. It could have been me in that lane or you. Let her defense try to blame the doctor driving his truck in his own lane on the complete other side of the road. She's go to jail for life if they try that bull. Since the .09 blood test was taking hours after the wreck, there are two other explanations. She was so drunk so could not even brake, or they were fighting in the car.
4:54 You are blaming the victims with absolutely ZERO evidence because there is NO evidence other than your imagination. You might as well write that an alien life force took over Karen's body...the level of reasoning is about the same.
And, NO, the doctor's " peccadillos" ( which you have , again, ZERO evidence of existing) cannot be put into evidence ! Even if the defense could find anything ( and they can't and it'd be a disasterous tactic),it won't change the fact that the victims were driving lawfully.
This isn't a first degree murder trial where there could be other enemies or a rape trial where the victim's credibility can be at issue.
Evidence of Karen's past behavior that indicates a " depraved heart",on the other hand, may well be admitted by the judge.
That you attempt to cast suspicion on the victims is indeed, " low"! Outrageous is the word I'd have picked but "low" will do!
I'm trying to believe you watch too much TV and don't understand plot subleties and context, but it's hard.
Yes, if he was drinking, that can be put into evidence in a criminal trial. Anything can be brought up in a civil trial. If you think for one second, a blank check is going to be handed over to the families, you're wrong.
And, no, I don't watch TV. I think you're the one that doesn't understand plot subtleties. Right or wrong, this is what lawyers do.
I swerved in that curve one time after dropping my phone. I had not been drinking and thank God didn't hit anyone. I was speeding - not on purpose though. I find it easy to speed in that area -well- not any more. I guess I was going about 65. So - I guess I was really lucky. I hate it for everyone involved.
8:30 No, we don't think a "blank check is going to be handled over to the families", but we do know a very, very, very large one will be. This woman caused two people to burn to death. Spin it anyway you like, but the family will pay and pay dearly for her disregard for human life.
PEOPLE, CALM THE HELL DOWN! Nothing wrong with the person asking if alcohol was involved in the other vehicle. It will ALL have to come out in the trial. You sound like a lynch mob! What do you want done to her NOW? Just wait and let all the evidence be presented. You might be surprised by the things you will learn. Hell we could all end up with egg on our faces.I am not sure Jennifer, Brad, & Angelina are getting this kind of attention! Yes, this is a sad and horrible situation! It will be handled at the trial. Some of you see her driving, others do not. Damn, use your cell phone and take a picture of her doing all these things you say she is doing. If you can't see it or prove it, give it a rest.
9:44---as for all this money that will be given out, very tacky to be discussing money at this time. Hopefully any monetary settlement if received will be used to do good in the form of medical scholarships or a wing at the hosptial maybe for burn victims or some form of illness that The Doctors held close to THEIR hearts!
Thanks 2:48. I thought we still had a presumption of innocence rule in this country. I'd hate to have these people on my jury if I'd been indicted.
Please tell all what Karen is so Innocent of.I can't see how some of you can say that she is Innocent she was Drinking,Driving,
and Speeding way over the speed
limit.All of her Actions caused
all this hurt and pain.We are not
a lynch mob but Citizens for
Justice!And some of you may be right about the public being surprised.The surprise will be seeing which way the Defence team will try to focus the blame.After all they are getting Paid Big Bucks to cast a shadow on the Truth.Someone ask the question What Do You Want Done To Her NOW?We want the Truth to come Out and for her to be Accountable for her part in all this.I really can't see as of now what has been done to her other than what she did to her self.Let's not forget the facts.She and Stuart are Alive,but Two are Gone No coming back. Due to all her Craziness!!
This has suddenly morphed into the Clarion-Ledger through no fault of KF. So much for reasonable discussion.
2:48 and 4:42...
WERE I called to jury duty, I would honestly say that I had formed an opinion and couldn't be objective. THAT is ALL that is required of me as a citizen MORALLY or ETHICALLY!!!! Please have INFORMED opinions!!!!
I'm not required to be an ostrich or PRETEND objectivity where it is logically and experientially IMPOSSIBLE for me.
Blaming the victims in the absence of ANY EVIDENCE of contributory neglience is NOT ETHICALLY, MORALLY or LEGALLY acceptable under ANY THEORY !!!!
You are making stuff up and THAT is just plain sleazy to me!!!!
Do you not know that the families of the victims have suffered enough without you ( singular or plural) trying to trash them with ZERO evidence???
Worry that the old saw, " what goes around,comes around" may have legs!!!! One day , it might be YOUR loved one who is the victim and YOU crying out for justice!!!!
I'm just going to say it, "this really sounds stupid."
Ok here is rhetoric...
I've sped. I didn't go 100 in a 45 mph zone in the exact space. No way, I took the curve the other day. Best have a sports car to make the turn at that speed, especially off the line.
I've drank and have been intoxicated; I don't get blotto (not for years), or blow a .09 hours after a wreck.
I don't make it a point of impugning other peoples lives, livelihoods, children, etc....even though there are many in this very community who do so without a check on their own behavior.
You who are in "the club", I invite you into something affectionately referred to as transparency. Oh heaven forbid, you have the light of the land, read - transparency - shown into your protected and cozy lives. The internet and the new news of the world is collaborative. Your friends don't feel so dependant upon your friendship, they can actually speak their minds without retribution. They can speak for themselves because they are no longer bound by your hidden oppression. Let the world know of our indiscretions. Let us all sit back and realize we are no better, but let it be known, money cannot buy us. Money is only a tool. Money will not save you from yourself.
10:41 What are you smoking?
10:41. I like that. "Money will not save you from yourself."
Just curious, what would be a reasonable plea on the charges?
culpable neglient manslaughter would be ok with me.
Anything that didn't recognize that death had resulted due to reckless/unlawful behavior would not be ok with me.
10:59. I agree. This woman must admit her reckless/unlawful behavior resulted in the lost of two innocent lives. Anything less is NOT acceptable.
Wake up and use some common sense. No one is making up anything about the victims...toxicology tests would have been done on them also. Fact of life. Any evidence will be used in court(not a lawyer-but am logical enough to understand that).
Stop trying to punish her before the trial, that will come in time, let the facts come out. One thing for certain , she was not in the car by herself that night! Try and take some of the emotion out of this and think about it. If you were going to trial for anything, you would want as much evidence as you could get. Not trying to be mean about the deceased, but whatever they did that night will be accounted for also. No one is making excuses for her driving, rate of speed, or alcohol content. The BAC being done hours after the do you know what time it was taken? Think, she had to have medical treatment, they had to know early on so they could treat her. Again, not a lawyer or a doctor...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Use your brains and THINK.
Yes, it could happen to one of my loved ones(I pray not), but I hope I don't have people or possible family discussing money or civil suits so early on. To me that should be done after the trial and the sentance is handed down. Then those things can be discussed, and hopefully only by immediate family!
Well i don't know if some of you are aware of the fact that
CLEVELAND BROWN'S was sentence'd
today.He was charged with
DUI Manslaughter.He plead'ed
GUILTY.His sentence is 30
days in Jail,Eight years of
reporting Probation like being
on House Arrest.A lifetime Suspension of his Drivers License
and he will undergo numerous
Drug and Alchol tests within
those Eight Years.I'm not sure
but after reading this it makes you Wonder about how the Irby case might go down.
3:47 YOU ARE MAKING THINGS UP...and hypocritical to boot as you assume facts not in evidence and berate people for making judgments based on facts in public record while you speculate about what " might be shown" assuming the defense attorneys are idiots who wouldn't be leaking exculpatory evidence!
Having a toxicology test is NOT the same as having the results be positive for drugs or alcohol
as YOU implied!
And , when it comes to BAC, you're right about the first tests, but you don't apparently know jack about how evidence is gathered or the laws of admissibility or privacy or HIPPA!!
Do you really think that had the doctors toxicology been bad, it wouldn't have been released or leaked with Karen's? More importantly, IF Karen's lawyers had evidence that would cause her to face lesser charges or excuse her, they should be disbarred if they haven't brought that to the prosecutor's attention!!!!!!
I got BAC .09 and 100mph, divorce records , spousal abuse complaint records and you cast suspicion on the doctors on WHAT??? Your imagination????
There is ZERO evidence that the family intends to even FILE a civil suit. That is all SPECULATION.
The families decided to file a civil suit very soon after the accident. Why do you think they hired Farese & Farese?
3:47 is not making anything up or making any assumptions or berations. Apparently, you're too emotionally involved with the case 5:25
Of course the families of the deceased wanted immediate representation. It was the smart thing to do considering the circumstances of the deaths especially in Jackson, MS. I would bet you within an hour of the wreck the Irbys had already contacted their lawyers.
In this day and time, that's what you have to do. I don't blame either side for hiring lawyers immediately.
3:47's suggestion that a report exists showing the victims were other than innocent victims without a whit of factual evidence is " making it up". 3:47 is also using the transparent tactic of challenging others to prove a negative.
5:42 People hire lawyers routinely when a family member dies ESPECIALLY when that family member lives in another State and EVEN when the death is from natural causes. The victims' likely had bank accounts, debts, property etc. You obviously haven't been an executor.
KF has explained better than I why people, including me , are angry about how this case has been handled. The Fourth Estate, except for KF, hasn't done their job for starters and then, there's Mac.
If there are rational, factually based explanations for Karen's actions that night , we've yet to hear them. And, the farfetched " fainting", " the doctors were to blame"," everybody does it","only jealous women are upset", ( that one should bother you, KF), " class warfare" etc.,etc. aren't helping Karen's cause. With friends like this, who needs enemies? And, if this is a PR campaign, Karen needs to fire the firm!
12:58am. Your explanation of why people are really interested in this case and want justice for the two dead people is exactly on mark. I never cared about the Irby having money, where she lived, or what kind of car she drove. I don't care if she had been at beer joint or the CCJ. I don't give a flip about any of these things. I just don't like at all the fact this woman was drinking and driving and killed two people, and I really hate people trying to make lame excuses for her and somehow try to turn the blame to the very innocent people who were killed. This woman crossed two lanes of the road and hit the man's truck without even trying to brake or avoid the accident. She caused two people to literally burn to their deaths. You could not write a more horrible story of someone's death. What I expect to see happen is to see this woman be punished for causing two people's lives, and I don't mean probation and going on with her life either. Even the very best lawyers can't change what she did that night on Old Canton Road. Nothing can.
WOW, are some of you emotionally involved. NO ONE said the Doctors did anything wrong, just stated that toxicology had not been released---big difference. Some of you may have that information, that is those of you that have had access to all of the "confidential" information since this case began.
This is a very interesting case of which most of what is on this thread is SPECULATION. When was the right to express an opinon taken away? I seem to have missed that one. Don't see any comment about the money issue from you all. Obviously you think it is OK to start SPECULATING on the "very, very, large check" that will be written as was done earlier.
By the way 12:58, you won't hear any of Karen's so called excuses as they will be released during the trial. The excuses you are hearing now are SPECULATION by many of you. UNLESS, you spoke with Karen and she told you what happened that night. Understand that all of you that have so much emotion in this case are fueling the fire with your SPECULATION and when someone offers another perspective for you to think about you all go CRAZY!!!
OF course @9:00 & @9:05 IS just SPECULATING.
9:05 If I was Karen Irby's friend I would not have to speak to her to find out what happened that night. It is a matter of public record she was drinking, driving like a fool, crossed two lanes, and killed two people. Besides you can believe both of the Irbys were told to say they didn't remember anything about that night. If you don't believe me, just wait.
9:26---Yes a--h---, SPECULATION that EVIDENCE will be brought out in the trial. SPECULATION that all this "under the table" or "confidential" information will be brought out during the trial. Hell, if we are all lucky we may get to see photos of K.I. driving now. Yes, all SPECULATION. If offerering another OPINION (which we all know opinions are like a--h----, we all have them and yes I do also)stirs you all up so MUCH and the POSSIBILITY that other errors could have been made that night by ALL INVOLVED upset you, might be a good idea to take a rest for a while a gain a new outlook. Hatred is not a good thing. Very sad two people died, always said it is a tragic and horrible situation, sad that TWO other people are injured and ONE of them may be going away for a long time. VERY, VERY, SAD. But, it did happen, why---we probably will never know the entire story. Let's just stop trying to hang her before the jury hears the case. All 4 people involved have family that has loved and cared for them also. IT IS HARD ON ALL OF THEM.
So just try and not be so angry when another person offers another
OPINION or other SPECULATION as so many of you have done.What the hell is the difference? Are you only allowed to be an Irby HATER to have a thought on this?
6-16 @ 5:25---Not making things up, just an opinion like you are allowed to have. Nothing surprizes me about this case. The whole thing is crazy. The information that is available SHOULD be limited to what all of us have read in the paper. All of this so called "leaked" information should not be out there. I would hope there is more evidence on both sides none of us know about. You are mad because she is not in jail. That is NOT her fault. That is the judicial system. Stop blaming her for that. If you were offered a priviledge under similar circumstances---I would think you would take staying at home instead of going to jail. Scream at your local authorities if her bail, etc. is not to your liking. It is highly doubtful she is the one with the influence to get what she wants. Use your damn heads people.
And if you are an old girlfriend that got beaten out by her, get over it!
We all have opinions and some of us have the facts. Some people know who the Irby's are and what their history is. If the defense is going to try to say that either of them are model citizens then they better do their homework. Karen has history of craziness that goes back many many many years. She has been in and out of jails in Madison, Rankin and Hinds Counties. He has done many good things for people who were in need. Yet, he has a history that goes back many many many years also. They had better be careful not to proclaim they are model citizens or their will be egg on their faces.
7-17 @ 2pm - your comments that information SHOULD be limited is the crazy thing. These people didn't live in a bubble. If they don't come forward and admit their guilt with remorse then the true stories will come out of the woodwork to prove they aren't model or practicing Christians.
As for the old girlfriend, you ended a somewhat pointed blog with a ridiculous statement. No one should have any concern about anyone but the 2 Drs. lost lives and their families. Maybe the old girlfriend was smart to get away from a man with obvious drug and alcohol problems and mental instabilities. And a crazy crazy unstable new girlfriend who acted out in public for all to see. Seems the old girlfriend has her life ahead of her whereas Karen's is over.
There is speculation based in fact...BAC,accident investigation, public records, past history,knowledge of how the justice and legal systems work and then there's speculation based on NOTHING. There's a difference obviously missed by some.
Not all opinions are equal...some have weight based on FACTS and some are based on nothing.
By the way, has it ever occurred to the baseless " wait for the doctors' toxicology report" opiners that alcohol, even when one is cooking food at temperatures lower than a gasoline fire, BURNS away? Got any scientific knowledge about the forensic limitations when remains are burned at high temperatures? Rather obviously, NOT!
THEN, Karen defenders like to lump together all "anonymous" emails as if they are from the same person. That way, they don't have to deal with bloggers who aren't engaged in venting . They just, in intellectually dishonest fashion, paint all with the same brush.
I would have some respect for Karen's defenders if they addressed the core sources of the anger...the lack of specificity and of and limited restrictions in the bond agreement, the claim of medical expenses delaying charges being filed,a RATIONAL explanation(s) for the SPEED and crossing THREE lanes, rational explanations of the rather sordid public records,factual support for the claim that her defense attorneys would not try to offer exculpatory evidence to reduce or erase charges in advance rather than risk her to the worst available charge, offer support for the claim that the doctors BAC was positive for alcohol or drugs and would, unlike Karen's, not be part of the record,examples of other defendents where a death occurred that were offered the same considerations Karen received.
I also find the charges that those who find Karen's behavior that night and past behavior reprehensible are somehow " jealous" of Karen and " female" and/or were " rejected by Stuart" or " envious of the wealth" etc.
The notion that you can tell someone's gender, age and socio-economic status from their blog comments is ridiculous.
Besides, as someone pointed out it was " friends" who rebutted the CL puff piece. Strangers wouldn't have known WHY that piece was so inaccurate.
There are ISSUES rightly of concern to citizens of this community that have ZERO to do with personalities...ONLY WITH FACTS!
6:07. Your post is right on. Thank you.
What information exactly has been leaked?
2:00pm. "And if you are an old girlfriend that got beaten out by her, get over it!" You certainly have to be joking at such a stupid remark.
It is common knowledge that Karen Irby did not marry until she was eight months pregnant and only then after she consented to a DNA test proving who the Father was of the child she was carrying. Doesn't sound like she beat anyone but rather tricked someone else.
What is the point with this? Continue to bitch about what has not been done correctly in handling this accident? You finally have the information about BAC, rate of speed, etc., but you continue to complain. Who set the terms of her release? Don't think she did, but yet you still complain about that. As far as the "leaked" information...go back and read some of the posts on this and also the Clarion Ledger sites. People claimed to know BAC and other information before it was released...some claimed to get results form the hospital lab or charts. Some had information from "very good sources". Think back people. Everything has been said. Some of you have even seen Elvis! Give it a rest. Let it go to trial and if the outcome is not to your liking, then BITCH and COMPLAIN. Blame the authorities or the people in power that set the terms of her release and will eventually determine her guilt or innocence. She screwed up that night and the outcome is HORRIBLE.
She will suffer and probably is currently suffering the consequences of her actions. Some of you claim her "friends" are even outraged by circumstances in this case. I would hope her "friends" would not go to visit her and then talk about her in public. Yes, again she screwed up, but she deserves to have family and friends that are there for her. I for one am not diminishing the lives or reputations of The Doctors, but a human life is a human life no matter what your position in life is. The talk of a "very, very, very large check" is in poor taste at this point. All I have said is information will probably be brought out during a trial concerning all four people involved in the wreck. According to everything I read no one witnessed the accident and any good attorney will try and defend their client. As stated before, she was not alone that night. So WAIT for the trial and hear what is said, then form your opinions. Can't believe all the dirt you people come up with on each other. I hope all of you learn from this and if you have divorces or other legal matters, be smart enough to have the records sealed. As far as being pregnant and DNA, he married her, he has stayed with her, so get a grip. If he has so much money he could have just supported his child and forgotten about her. As far as the "jilted girlfriend" comment, go back and read some of the comments. You had someone praying for only him and not her, one that was at "Private Investigator" checking out everything she could. PLEASE people, think and read some of the crap that has been written. If you don't think there will be many scenarios as to how this all played out, maybe you are the ones that are crazy!
Anything I've written I stand by.
As for your defense of their marriage, let me see, marrying her 8 months pregnant (in the divorce filing), an arrest for domestic violence, and a filing for divorce that was never served. Yes, that is the sign of something stable and that is just from public records alone.
No one witnessed the wreck per se but people DID witness her flying by them at a high rate of speed only a few seconds before impact.
KF..." leaked" may have been a poor choice of words as I don't mean to the press via traditional methods but on blogs. I am trying to be mindful of your admonishments ,so let me say that I believe some things written were not common knowledge, but limited knowledge in " real time". They became common knowledge after the CL puff piece.
I' m not talking about from official sources but those who,given my experiences, suggest to me would have to have had social connections.
For example, those at CCJ with the Irbys that night,for example, names aren't publicly known, though the JPD/DA SHOULD have the signed slips from that night and have interviewed those in attendance. Common sense suggests not all those in attendance are silent about what they witnessed. But,it will be interesting to see if JPD and/or the DA HAVE gotten the receipts and interviewed and if what those who were there say privately is also what they say for the record, won't it?
True. there is alot of Jitney about this case.
Listen asswipe, I'm going to zap those every time you put them up and I have a blackberry so I can pretty much zap them at any time. I can do this as long as you want to as I'm not going to put totally unsubstantiated rumors such as that one on here. I thought the post was somewhat irresponsible.
10:12 your point about "friends" is well taken.
When something like this happens, sometimes you still can't tell easily who your "real" friends are until it plays out and even then, who is sticking around only because you came out ok.
Common interest and self-interest often motivates those who befriend you and that is just a reality of life. We don't know about it until their self-interest and ours are in conflict.
And, it's good to remember, also, that there's no such thing as a " secret" if one other person knows or was present.
Your loyalty is admirable and I've no doubt, well meaning, but perhaps somewhat misplaced. I do think it unhelpful to Karen when you are in denial about things, as KF, pointed out that are public record. You simply trigger the restating of those facts and fuel the anger though I believe that is not your intent.
If you are Karen's friend, " warts and all", would more admirable and meaningful and persuasive. If you see the "warts" and find her redeeming qualities outweigh her shortcomings, that speaks well of Karen. But, if your loyalty is blind, I hope, as you seem a nice person, that you understand such denial can, in time, cause you risk, pain or disappointment. Some self-interest is healthy.
True friendship, in the end, is loving someone as they are, not as who you want them to be.
Sorry, 12:54...No loyalty to the Irby's. Don't really know then, don't even know what her "mansion" looks like. Just been keeping up with this case. However, I do feel bad for them as life as they know it is over and this means no disrespect to the deceased! Just want people to understand that they really should not continue on like this, but now I see there is more to be discussed as the new post shows a delay until March. Guess that is her fault also. Sound like it is going to be HOT summer in Jackson.
KF- I realize what YOU write is accurate and that is why I follow your site. Understand what you are saying about their marriage, but they are still together, are they not? Stable or unstable, there must be something there. Not trying to challenge you on this, but it is interesting.
Curious about something from one of the other posts. Do private clubs have to turn over receipts from members? I am interested in hearing the legal aspect of this and are they admissable as evidence if they are not signed by the member? Many clubs do not always get the tickets signed by the member.
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