Perhaps it's time to look at the actual facts where Covid-19 and children are concerned. A debate rages whether to reopen the schools. Believe it or not, children brush off the virus. No children have died of Covid-19 in Mississippi. Other state report similar results. There have been only 967 cases of children under the age of 18, a staggering 6% of all cases in Mississippi. Only 27 children have been hospitalized, l% of all Covid-19 hospitalizations. See for yourself.
The Mississippi statistics are similar to those of other states.
1,019 cases of children under 18/2.5% of all cases
2 deaths of children under 18/ 0.07 of all Covid-19 deaths
Tennessee (0-20)
2,643 cases of children/11% of all cases
2 deaths/ 0.5% of all Covid-19 deaths
Illinois (0-20)
7,824 cases/6.5% of all cases
1 death/ 0.01% of all Covid-19 deaths
Simply put: 3-0-0
3% of cases, 0% of hospitalizations, 0% of deaths.
The trend continues even in New York (0-19)
10 deaths/ 0.04% of all Covid-19 deaths
What about the CDC? Can you stand some good news? The CDC reports deaths of children under the age of 17 due to Covid-19 are 0%. There are obviously some deaths but those deaths don't even make up 1% of the 106,212 American Covid-19 deaths.
Click on image to enlarge |
We know that kids get much less sick than the adults from this virus, and the limited studies we have don't support the idea that the amplification or growth of the virus in the population occurs in schools. We can say "well, why not close them anyway, and that's ok but it has really negative consequences....
Dr. Osterholm's arguments are confirmed in several European countries. Reuters reported on May 28:
Sending children back to schools and day care centres in Denmark, the first country in Europe to do so, did not lead to an increase in coronavirus infections, according to official data, confirming similar findings from Finland on Thursday.So, how long will we be governed by fear until we reopen the schools?
As countries across Europe make plans to exit months of lockdown aimed at curbing the virus outbreak, some parents worry that opening schools first might put the health of their children in danger.
Following a one-month lockdown, Denmark allowed children between two to 12 years back in day cares and schools on April 15. Based on five weeks’ worth of data, health authorities are now for the first time saying the move did not make the virus proliferate....
“You cannot see any negative effects from the reopening of schools,” Peter Andersen, doctor of infectious disease epidemiology and prevention at the Danish Serum Institute said on Thursday told Reuters.
In Finland, a top official announced similar findings on Wednesday, saying nothing so far suggested the coronavirus had spread faster since schools reopened in mid-May. Rest of article.
Perhaps it is because I have repeatedly seen families out and about while the kids will have a mask and the mother and/or father will be maskless. Geneious.
Low numbers in the under 18 age group? Maybe because they were not gathering in school?
it’s not the students but the teachers and staff.
if the current antibody trial goes well, we will have a solid, widely available treatment by September.
This misses the whole point of what we've been trying to do so far. These kids can be carriers and spread the disease through the population. DUH
So children don't get very ill, but they are still carriers. If they go to school and catch the virus, they will then spread it to the adult population, including those most vulnerable.
Public schools suck anyway! Home School!!!!!
Just because they don’t die doesn’t mean they don’t carry and spread it. Geez
Issue PPE to teachers and faculty. Get this kids out of my house I can't stand it. I cant even enjoy my wine, prescription opioids, and daytime TV with these brats home all day!
Of course the confirmed case number is going to be low if younger people don't get as sick. Very few people who aren't showing symptoms are going to get tested. The actual number of infections is going to be a lot higher.
Schools will need to focus on epidemic safety simply because the employees and family members of the students are older and more at risk for complications. If an asymptomatic kid infects 25 others in his class none of them may have any ill effects, but they will then take the virus back home where it can spread to parents and grandparents.
That's the difficult part about dealing with an infectious disease. Too many people simply can't fathom that you have to consider secondary and tertiary infections and not just the initial person infected. That's why masks are so important and why the attitude "I'm healthy and have a low chance of getting sick so I don't need to wear a mask." is wrong. It's not about the wearer, it's about everyone they may come into contact with.
Kids need to be back in school, but public safety outside of just the students has to be taken into account.
THEY DONT DIE SO OPEN UP SCHOOLS! How can anyone possibly be so dumb as to think that is a good idea?
Someone please post the link that definitively shows that kids have high levels of spread to others, including their own family members. Also why don’t we take the same approach to seasonal flu next year. Over 100 kids actually died from the flu in 2017-18. We can even keep a running total of the cases and deaths on the top right corner of the cable news channels.
We are all "carriers" of only God knows what....this paranoid fear and anxiety was deliberately engineered to destabilize the economy to disrupt the upcoming election. The riots are merely an extension of these efforts, because the Impeachment and Plandemic didn't work. If the Left can keep the general population in chaos by whatever means possible, and with the full support of the propagandized media, then they can have a ready-made reason to say that the election wasn't fair in November - which they know is very likely to result in....Trump/House/Senate 2020.
Then we're really gonna see some chaos. Keep your powder dry.
Typical ignorant take when you only look at 1 aspect of the illness. Kids carry it, almost always without knowledge. what's the average age of teachers and staff at schools? What's the average age of parents at home? What's the impact on that age group? It paints a different picture altogether.
Most children have gotten the MMR vaccine, which may make some difference.
The point of social distancing, including school children, is to reduce the risk of transmission to vulnerable populations, particularly by asymptomatic carriers. This includes protecting teachers, school administrators, cafeteria workers, custodians, etc. who might fall into the high-risk category. But since MAGA Nation has declared this virus as a conspiracy and hoax to bring down their GodEmperor, go ahead and open it all back up. I'm sure it will be fine.
Simple: All classroom teachers must be under the age of twelve. Principals can be fourteen, max. I'll have a solution for cafeteria staff and bus drivers later.
Dr. Osteholm said they should be back in school. The Director of Switzerland's public health said children are poor transmitters of it. Taiwan and other countries reopened.
@9:35 AM The highest number of cases in Mississippi by age group are the 18-29 year olds. They've all had MMR vaccine. Association doesn't mean causation.
I don’t think many of these commenters actually read the data you presented here. They’re too committed to their fear. Children not only don’t die from Covid, they are not effective carriers and transmitters!
10:59 They may be a less effective transmitter, but I have seen nothing to prove they are not an effective transmitter at all. Children do die from COVID, and more alarmingly they seem to suffer major inflammatory disease as a result of COVID.
We suck these days at naturally boosting our immune systems. Too lazy to into the sunlight.
I still say that Mississippi can not be #50 in the nation with all of the lettered and unlettered experts in the state.
1059, I read every word. It's just that it's contrary to what the CDC says. I'm sorry, but I'm going to need more than one doc in Minnesota and a random public health official in the Alps before I'll ignore the CDC and our local public health director. Open up your business all you want, but leave decisions about the schools to people who are more sober minded about the consequences than you. Neither you nor the author of the post have children in schools, so you're just wanting to bet with house money.
@1:52 PM. Right on, brother.
12:55 We're definitely not #50 in the nation, in fact we have the 17th highest rate of COVID infection and the 14th highest rate of COVID deaths in the entire United States. Everyone should be proud of that accomplishment, and if we work even harder we could easily break into the top 10. Go Mississippi!!!!!!
@11:13. amen! In fact those inflammatory reactions from COVID19 in children were so severe and real and actually a thing that CBS had to use a 5 year old photo of some toddler in Ukraine with a completely different disease to prove how severe and real and actually a thing it is.
Kids crammed into an overcrowded classroom. Or crammed into an overcrowded lunchroom. Or crowded onto a bus.
What could go wrong?
How could we have statistics to prove whether or not this idea is safe when this hasn't been done much at a time when both: #1 There is significant Covid-19 testing capabilities, and, #2 There is significant confirmed virus spread in the general population.
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