Thursday, March 21, 2013

Madison Mayor's race.

The Clarion-Ledger reported on the Madison Mayor's race yesterday. The Queen v. The Bagboy. Consider this the open thread to comment on the race you have all been waiting for. I'm sure it will get heated so be nice. If the curse words get out of hand or the comment is slanderous, it's not getting approved. Unfounded accusations probably will not pass muster. There are plenty of issues in this race to discuss without getting stupid. Here are some choice passages from the story:

"Both candidates point to Butler’s record — the incumbent on why voters should opt for another four years, and the challenger on why there should be a change.

“My record speaks for itself,” Butler said. “This city has been planned since 1981. We have been consistent and never wavered, and the city is not about to change its course now.”

Madison has continued its residential and commercial growth, maintaining a healthy budget with no tax increases, even when the national economy was down, she said. The city is poised to build a larger tax base with a planned downtown revitalization and more development along the interstate, Butler said.

“I don’t want to change the course of Madison. I want to improve the course of Madison,” said Crosby, who recently retired as manager of a Madison Kroger. “Madison has set its standards but to get to the next level, it’s just time for a change.”

Crosby said that the city has not grown at the rate it should, nor improved its roads as quickly as possible. He also questions the city’s economic stability.

“I want Madison taken to the next level,” Crosby said, adding there needs to be more residential and commercial growth for that to happen. “We will have the kind of growth that Madison needs — growth, structured growth.

“I’ve talked to lots of folks who would love to relocate to Madison,” he said. “In their opinion, there are too stringent requirements. There’s nothing wrong with good standards — I have no intention of giving up the standards Madison is known for — but I would like to temper it with good business sense.”

Butler said that Madison’s business first and foremost has been its people and ensuring their quality of life, which includes the upcoming expansion of Liberty Park for more ball fields. “Now we have that residential base and an environment for development, and we’re on the threshold of an explosive commercial development.”

Sam’s Club is the latest retailer announcing plans to come and will begin building a 136,000-square-foot store this year, Butler said. “Sam’s is just the tip of the iceberg. The citizens of Madison will be pleasantly surprised with announcements that will be forthcoming soon.”

The reconstruction of I-55, which will be finished in 2014, will provide another gateway into the city, and commercial development will quickly follow, she said. “We’re at the point to see so much come alive that we’ve worked for, and the end results will meet all the expectations of our citizens.”

The city is working on creating a pedestrian-friendly town center along Main Street and has an anchor store — which cannot yet be named — for the development, Butler said.

Crosby has criticized Butler as the reason why the Target chain has not located in Madison. “If John Bell Crosby were mayor, we would already have a Target, and the issue would not be the color of their logo.

“I feel very positive about Target,” Butler said, “but at this time I’m not authorized to say anything.”

Adding to the city’s sports and recreational complex is important, not only because of the extra room for activities but for the opportunity to bring in money-making tournaments, Crosby said. “That revenue translates into money to fix roads and widen roads,” he said. “Madison does not have a road on its books that’s fully funded,” he said.

Without funding in place for projects like the planned widening of Hoy Road, the city has dragged out the necessary environmental planning and design working, which will make the roads cost more in the long run, Crosby said. Other roads that the city needs to address are Rice Road, St. Augustine, Madison Avenue, Bozeman Road and Mississippi 463.

Butler said the city is working now to widen Madison Avenue from the new I-55 interchange to U.S. 51, and planning for the widening of Old Canton and Hoy roads. The city doesn’t have all the money needed to start work, she said. The city has relied on funding from federal, state and other sources so local taxpayers don’t foot the entirety of the bill, she said. “I’m going to get every dime I can for our taxpayers.”

As mayor, Crosby said one of his priorities would be getting the city’s finances in order. “What’s a nice way to say Madison’s broke? I think the city’s fiscal stability is in question. Where is the money being spent? It’s not really showing up in the budget.”

Crosby said the city lists $2.2 million in reserve funds but added he questions whether that is an accurate number. The city needs a larger reserve in case an emergency arises, he said. “We need four to five times the minimum that we’ve got.”

“I will put the city’s management of tax dollars against the county’s any time,” Butler said, pointing out that the county has raised taxes twice since 2008. “We’re stable, and we’re solid
.” Article

For those of you who hate the Queen or the Bagboy, I will pose one question to you: Can we trade Harvey for either one?


Anonymous said...

Sad that both can't lose...

Anonymous said...

I've had dealings with both, and Mary at least tries to get things done and will communicate with you. Back when Bagboy and Mary were chummy, the only way I could get him to respond to my issue was to copy Mary. A few days afterward, someone from her office would call and ask if he'd responded. Only after that would he respond. He's being backed by Rudy Warnock and Dick Ambrosino if that tells you anything.

Bill Dees said...

I've lived in Madison for only a few years (Katrina refugee from Gulfport)but it seems abundantly clear to me that Mary Butler was exactly what Madison needed 20 years ago, but exactly wrong for Madison today. The streets in many areas of Madison rival those in Jackson for "third-world" quality. Madison has zero money in its budget for street construction, and is wholly reliant on the County and State for that funding. Some may like Butler's dictatorial imposition of her architectural "taste" on every new project that goes up, but her prior fascination with red brick, and her current obsession with arches and scored stucco just leave me cold. Madison needs new blood. Let's give Crosby a try.

Anonymous said...

You advise others to keep it clean and 'dont be stupid' yet you open with stupid monickers (Queen and bagboy). You tell ME who is stupid in this scenario.

Kingfish said...

Lighten up, Francis. You're sounding like a crybaby.

Anonymous said...

Bill Dees must need new shocks on his Volvo. I too drive the streets of Madison every day all day long. Sure, there are always some that need to be on the repair list; however, I'd put the streets in Madison up against those in any town in Mississippi.

Crosby is a wannabee politician. Butler is not a politician and has no desire to be. We want a person who has our best interest at heart, not somebody who wants to build a political dynasty and personal wealth by hob-nobbing and teaming up with people like Warnock who he has already teamed up with. Who do you think financed Crosby's last supervisory run? Warnock. Who do you think is financing THIS one? Warnock.

Take a look at Crosby's website, his platform, his comments to the paper ~ "I favor growth and vitality for the city". "I intend to continue our progress." "I'm for law and order." "I like clean streets and smiling employees".

Where's the beef, Crosby? Mary has not only shown the beef for thirty plus years, she's BROUGHT it!

"Trade for Harvey"? What a hoot. Hawkins-Butler has poured blood, sweat and tears into the Madison community for longer than some of you have been alive.

"Olive jar busted, AISLE THREE!"

Anonymous said...

Harvey should run for mayor of Pearl since he got the Braves located in Pearl by never calling the Braves back about a downtown stadium.

Anonymous said...

Seems pretty simple. If Warnock is behind Crosby, I'm sending a check to Mary.

Anonymous said...

"Some may like Butler's dictatorial imposition of her architectural 'taste' on every new project that goes up, but her prior fascination with red brick, and her current obsession with arches and scored stucco just leave me cold."

Amen to that. What I think is funny is this: get on Highland Colony Parkway at the roundabout and drive north, past the stores and the offices and the new construction. Note the point where the buildings stop and it's just trees. That point is the Madison city limit.

Wmatthewt said...

I'm curious to see if there are any legitimate reasons people think this will be a close race...

Mary has a lock on the majority of the vote. The "negatives" are her iron fist, bricks and urns. I know there are some who dislike her, but they are not many.

Crosby is a nice enough guy, but his support is mainly from the anti-Mary crowd, not the improving Madison crowd.

I don't see this as a close race.

Benny053 said...

Here is the reason that I will not be voting for JBC ...He voted with Tim Johnson, Paul Griffin and Karl Banks to change the Supervisor district lines to exclude Billy Redd from running for Supe in District 2, and the lines to move David Buchanan out of District 4 and against Karl Banks, and into District 5.

So the 1st vote was 4-1, and it was about 22 days after qualifying deadline in Spring of 2011. Now, JBC could have voted against it and made it 3-2, and the vote would have obviously still passed, thanks to Elvis. But instead, JBC voted for it.

So a lawsuit was pushed forth to that try to stop the redistricting, some judge said it was all okay and hunky-dorey...the Supes came back and made a finally vote of 3-2 on May 31, 2011 This time JBC voted against the redistricting.

Now, JBC will probably tell you that he voted against it, but it was the 1st vote of 4-1 that did the damage, because it essentially stopped Redd's and Buchanan's campaigns. The vote also threw D.I. and Redd into the Supe race in District 3 against Gerald Stein. So Redd not wanting to run against DI, dropped out. David had a darn good chance of beating Karl, mainly because all the growth around Lake Caroline. But being moved into Paul Griffin's district, made it so that David had many, many fewer Republican voters and no chance at all to get elected.

Both times of the votes, the Supervisor Board room was full of Madison County citizens, telling the Supe's not to go through with vote - to no avail. Because once Elvis sided with the two Dems, then everyone loses.

Now John Bell could have done the right thing and stood with the People...but he didn't on the 1st vote. The moral of this story - the People don't forget, when you go against them. Think about it - Elvis is gone and didn't win his election for Transportation Commissioner. Because he went against the People, far too many times.

And JBC, if you read this...I tell everyone I meet, this story, because I have personally witnessed YOU not standing with the People. You know...the ones that you "represent".

If you don't believe this story - go look up the Supervisors voting's there for you to view.

Roughneck said...

I have lived in Madison for over 20 years and remember the bad days when the Ecol was on the corner of I-55 and the police station was smaller than a single wide trailer.

The city was broke and the roads were in terrible shape. I blew out a tire hitting a pothole on Hoy road..

My complaint about Mary isn't that she is a crappy architect, or that her phases are outdated (for a while, it was train stations, then the Grecian urns). It is that she has stifled development. Sure, ridgeland is built out and the growth had to come to Madison. I used to laugh at the city limits on 51 because you could see where on ended and the other vegan. It is that way on Highland Colony now.

Entex used to be in Madison (now Centerpoint Energy). They were looking to expand their facility that was next to the itty bitty police station. The plans were submitted and rejected by the city. Thus, they moved to Ridgeland. Why? Because of an "ugly building"?

Then you get into the whole Mr. Mary Hawkins Butler and his involvement with that land fraud deal that he walked away from.

John bell may not be the answer, and I will vote for him anyway if only to get him out of the county supervisor seat . But Mary has stifled growth. How much better off would the city be without her dictatorial hand running the city, the aldermen, the city chamber of commerce, etc...

Toejangle said...

Madison is the nicest city in Ms. The mayor has built this city from ground up----Now is not the time for change,the Mayor runs this city because she loves it Crosby is just a politician who will say and do anything to get elected--His decisions as supervisor have been atrocious--Crosby was just an ok grocery store mgr he does not have the background or the education to run a city this size-How many times have you been in Kroger and the floors are dirty shelves empty and shopping carts are everywhere----Ask me if I want change the answer is no I am happy with what the Mayor has done---I don't want an uneducated inexperienced former grocery store manager tinkering around with the community I call home---On a side note Kroger got a new manager and the store already looks better

Anonymous said...


I agree with 5:25. Having said that let me add. JBC wasted everyones vote on the last supes election. So what was it a last minute change of heart to be the mayor of Madison? I don't think so those decisions are made in advance. Maybe it was a tact to keep a good guy out. Either way it stinks to treat voters the way he did. He has no respect for the people that supported him.

Who are those people who want to come to the to-restrictive Madison? How is he going to make it better. apartments? Unlimited PID money for developers?

I don't agree with all the sitting mayor and alderman have done or do but I just don't believe he is right for the city.


Ben Allen said...

Mary Hawkins totally rocks. I just wish she lived in Jackson. Took a huge gamble with Walmart, and WON.

Gets it....totally.

Anonymous said...

And 6:16. Took MDOT down years ago, when they wanted a 5 lane through downtown Madison on 51. She got a bridge from heaven and a by-pass. Another Matt Dillon she is. Took them DOWN.

Anonymous said...

So Roughneck, you want JBC out of Madison BOS, so he can be Mayor of Madison, so Warnock can have his hand in the till at the county and city level?


Anonymous said...

Sam's is moving to Madison. JBC would have never gotten that done.

Mary rocks!

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe it's good there's Madison for the Mariolaters and Ridgeland for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Just relax the building code, and we can get us a whole mess of suburban sprawl in here. We can be the next Pearl, y'all!

Take it to the next level with Bagboy! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Never been a man politician alive like Queen Mary. Shaking my head in AWE.

Anonymous said...

I won't vote for her. I HATE Walmart. It is so dangerous. I do NOT want Sams nor do I want Target. And those are things she is proud of! If that's the direction she is going, then she is not listening to the people.

Anonymous said...

Tojangle; What train stations? Madison doesn't now and never has had a 'train station', Goob. Get you another plate of gravy. The mayor would not put up with the CN Railroad blocking all the streets for thirty-forty minutes at a time and got in their britches over that. And it worked. Now she's built an overpass so that no amount of train traffic from Nissan blocks our access to emergency vehicles. Can anybody cite a single thing Crosby has actually accomplished for the city (or county) other than solidify the contracts with Warnock?

"Cabbage spill, aisle 16".

Micah Gober said...

I have a feeling Crosby will win. The voters have a lack of memory to what the county supervisors have done. John Crosby had the upper hand. He was a manager of a busy kroger store. This gave him the opporunity to campagin. If you went into Kroger at anytime you would see him talking to his voters.

Anonymous said...

Any word on who Big Gulp Phil is supporting?

Anonymous said...

So many of you are so clueless. U have no idea what goes on in your own city.

Anonymous said...

What does that mean??

Anonymous said...

7:53 "So Dangerous" What are you talking about? Validate your claims with facts. Just because the "minorities" might be the majority at Wal-Mart doesn't make it dangerous. That's ridiculous

I for one could care less if we get Sams, Target, or any other chain store. But I'm not going to make baselss claims to enforce my opinion.

Anonymous said...

7:53 What?
9:30 What?

Anonymous said...

Can't say what it means but one curious reader on here has an idea that someone knows WAY TO MUCH. Lets put it this way. I know who set up the mayor of Vicksburg and I know just about everything that goes on and has gone on in Madison. I know who is involved and when it happened. If everyone knew a bit of what I knew you would be freakin out. People who do know are scared to speak out and they should be.

Anonymous said...

I live in NEJ and wish we had someone like Mayor Mary to govern our city. She is glamourous, tasteful and has built Madison to rival any nice city in the USA--Palm Springs, Celebration FL, etc. Under her watch, there have been no billboards, no cheap siding, no apartment riff raff...You people in Madison just don't realize how nice things are with her around. Willing to trade her for Harvey??? I didn't think so :)

Anonymous said...

Ive read most of the comments, and if they are in any way a poll. Mr. Crosby is screwed, im sorry, I might not can say that. I meant to say hes got a up hill climb up on an upside down triangle.

Anonymous said...

Freedom fest, JSU, Peacocks, what do they all have in common?

General Butt Naked said...

7:53 "I HATE Walmart. It is so dangerous."

Liar. There is nothing dangerous about Wal-Mart in Madison. Give examples or shut up bagboy.

Goob Watcher said...

One nabob claims Mary has kept growth down. Look around. The place has tripled in size and storefronts in the past fifteen years.

Another nabob claims he knows where the bodies are buried. As he locks himself in his closet and twiddles at a bag of Cheetoz.

Yet another claims to dislike Mary because of some obscure, thrown out of court, allegation about her spouse.

You tools keep on grasping at those straws and pretending Rudy's Boy is good for The City.

"Straw spill, aisle 27!"

"If elected, I will not drive a County car. I will use my own and do the people's bidness". JBC

Anonymous said...

I am 7:53. I am neither a boy nor a bag boy as I was referred to. I am a mother of two and a teacher. And by dangerous I am referring to the police reports that KF himself posts. Many of the crimes (the ones the city is willing to report) occur on Grandview Blvd. I myself am a victim of a crime at Walmart. And for the record, the criminal was WHITE! So don't give me crap about race being a factor in my calling it dangerous. And if anyone of you name calling folks think that you would send your wife to Walmart after dark to pick up a few things and you wouldn't think it was at all dangerous then you need to open your eyes.

I don't think JBC will win because people don't know enough about Mary and the way she does things. But I will at least give him my vote.

Toejangle said...

To anonymous at 759 pm

you have had one toke too many I have never mentioned train stations

Roughneck said...

An example of Mayor Mary's cover ups: remember when the young lady was accosted at the Malco movie theater? Seems the principal at the school she attended sent out an email blast to parents warning them to be safe at the theater. Mary, queen, got all over him for it more or less accusing him of lying and inciting a panic.

I didn't vote for her when Mark Bounds ran against here and I will not vote for her now.

Predidtion: JBC will only get 30% of the votes

Anonymous said...

its a shame nobody else is running

Steve said...

KF why not post a poll for the elecion. Perhaps post one now and leave it up for a week. Then, later on down the road close to election time once the mud has been slung, post another and see if there's any noticeable difference in the two. Most people are already decided but it might be interesting to see and any are swayed as the campaign lumber along. Just a thought.

I don't live in The City but I do live in Mr. Crosby's supervisor district.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Madison, but if she somehow loses I will be part of the delegation trying to persuade her to come to our town.

bill said...

In the spirit of full dislosure, Mary has not always liked me. I supported the incumbent when JBC first ran for supervisor, and she didn't like that at all. However, politics can change people's minds, and I am supportive of her today. You may not always like her methods but no one has given more of her heart and soul to a city than Mary has to Madison. You can talk all you want about stifling development, but when I consider my property value here versus what it would be elsewhere, that criticism goes flying out the window. Madison is one of the most desirable places to live in the state, and Mary is more responsible for that than anyone. Others in this thread have already stated my concerns about her opponent, and I agree with all of them. If he didn't want to be my supervisor he shouldn't have run, and if he had any integrity he would resign so the people of District 1 could have a supervisor who actually wants the job. Bill Billingsley

Anonymous said...

This is a pathetic situation. On the one hand, we have a lying megalomaniac. On the other hand, we have a clueless fool.
There is really no good choice here.
People say "But look at what Madison has become!" To that I would say drive around "downtown" and tell me what you see? Not a lot of restaurants. Not a lot of shops. Lots of them try to come but very few of them survive. The big dirty secret is that Madison is a terrible place to do business.
Business owners are afraid to say anything against the current Mayor, because they know they will be punished severely.
It is why in almost every ad supporting her, the person giving the "endorsement" is somehow on her payroll or was probably afraid to say no thanks.
I can't bring myself to support either one of them. I don't trust either one.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are delusional. Have you ever been outside the tri-county area?

Madison is not "the nicest city in Ms." [sic] just because everyone who lives there looks down their noses at Pearl, Byram, Florence, etc. City pride is nice and all, but get real. Fortunately, that was what Toejam @5:27 led off with, so no one had to read more of his/her drivel.

The absurdity gets even more absurd with @11:17 deeming Madison the rival to "any nice city in the USA," and specifically, "Palm Springs [one of them], Celebration FL, etc." [sic]. I knew I should have stopped reading that one when this obvious Tammy Faye Baker fan declaring Mary Hawkins both "glamorous" and "tasteful." I'd think it was the mayor herself who posted that if it had a time stamp inside of old peoples' waking hours. But 11:17 pm? Nope. Not at her advanced age.

@7:38 (neither a political scientist nor a historian) declares, "Never been a man politician alive like Queen Mary." [sic] In the sense that a "man politician" doesn't sit to pee, that would be correct. Otherwise, not so much. Except that @4:16 tells us Mary Hawkins "is not a politician and has no desire to be." So I guess @7:38 and @4:16 need to get together and decide whether she's a politician or a civic martyr.

People, Hawkins is abhorrent and Crosby is the kind of guy you'd never let hold your wallet. You've got two bad choices in this race, folks. Accept it, hold your nose, and pick one. But don't lie to yourselves in an effort to rationalize your vote. You have a reasonably nice city, and a few parts of it are among the top 10 portions of the cities in the Jackson metro area. Be proud of what you've got but don't try to propagandize your way to the summit of global suburban living.

And y'all watch yourselves on revealing too many personal details in your comments or using your real name on this thread. I can assure you that Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary trolls the Internet looking for people to add to her naughty list to determine who will and will not be allowed to do business in her fiefdom.

Shalom, y'all.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, we have a clueless fool.

It isn't easy nor appealing to have to choose between two candidates you don't care for.

But if you haven't seen enough evidence as to the outright damage the clueless fools have done to Jackson and Hinds County then you might want to stay home because you'll never understand the risk.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, 8:52. If I could have mustered up enough give a shit to post, I would've said what you've said, only less eloquently.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Madison under the Mayor and in Madison under John Bell so I have seen both in action. I do have one question though? Will John Bell quit work for kroger and be a full time Mayor or will it be just a part time job? I have seen good and bad from both. Yes the developement on the parkway in ridgeland is very nice and developement does stop at Madison Line but on the other hand "south Ridgeland" or county line old canton rd area is drying up and not at all a place I would like to live or shop. I saw John bell alot when he initially ran for office but nothing since. I have nothing against either one but think Mary Hawkins deserves to win against John bell.

Kingfish said...

Mr. Crosby recently retired from Kroger. He is now Bagboy Emeritus.

Anonymous said...

"And y'all watch yourselves on revealing too many personal details in your comments or using your real name on this thread. I can assure you that Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary trolls the Internet looking for people to add to her naughty list to determine who will and will not be allowed to do business in her fiefdom.

Shalom, y'all."

That's great advice about not revealing too many personal details about yourself, Richie.

Anonymous said...

Most people who spout about not having this store or that have no economic sense of what is going on. Target had been looking over the last 36 months to build a store at a shopping center development that could not get full bank financing because they were only going to be half leased. A store will be built on Targets time line when they feel that the economy, market etc. is right. Would you have built a retail business in the last 36 months when the economy is at a standstill? Mary has protected our covenants and new business will conform just like the old ones did.
Those that complain about things like John Bell Crosby, better realize that spending money on a highway interchange that didn't even get started was not a wise board of supervisors decision.

Anonymous said...

I believe you'll find that Kroger-Memphis insisted on the 'retirement' when it became obvious that 'pickle jar aisle 6' was drawing their check and playing buttonhole politics nine hours a day.

To the moron who claims there are few restaurants in town, Good God man, count them! The town is loaded with them. Too many in fact.

To the woman who claims her shopping trips to Madison Wal Mart are 'dangerous', please feel free to visit one of the other area Wal Marts. There has never been a shooting, ass-whuppin, hold-up, robbery or drive by inside or at Wal Mart Madison. Not that any mayor can prevent those things; but, it's insane to claim the place is unsafe. And if it were, I suppose John Bell could prevent crime by hiring TimElvis as a greeter.

John Bell has visions of being an overstuffed politician. Mary has visions of building a nice place to live.....and has done that for thirty years.

Anonymous said...

This post is for my fellow Madisonians. Those of you from Jackson, Clinton, Rankin County and elsewhere -- post away. But as you can't vote for our mayor anyway, it's all wasted breath, and frankly, I (and most likely my Madison neighbors) don't give a crap about your opinions about our town or our mayor.

This is a textbook case of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". YES: Mary is a heavy-handed, megalomaniac b-tch on wheels. YES: She has really, really bad taste in architecture. NO: Madison is not the perfect town. BUT: Madison is one of the nicest, safest places to live in Mississippi, and it sits in the best school district in the state. A lot of the credit for both Madison's health and the school district goes to Mary and her heavy-handed tactics. I bought a house in Madison eight years ago. I just got a contract to sell at 20% above my purchase price. I'm not going to retire on numbers like that, but after one of the worst real estate meltdowns in our country's history from 2008-2010, to be selling at significantly above my purchase says something about Madison's health as a real estate market. "Oh, you're just voting your wallet," says you. Damn right! We're electing a mayor for Pete's sake! What other motivation should I have in voting for mayor? I don't expect my mayor to bring about world peace or solve the healthcare crisis. And, I don't really care if my mayor is nice and fun to be around. About all the mayor can do for me is keep the streets in good repair, keep cops on those streets and protect the value of my home. I give Mary a 7 out of 10.

Granted, the streets aren't perfect. And for those of you whining about lack of businesses, no Target, etc: Madison is a bedroom community. That's all it needs to be, and probably all it ever will be. Let Ridgeland have all the lion's share of the retail and commercial construction. Who cares? It's 5 minutes down the road. Maybe we get a Target, maybe not. So, drive to County Line, or, if you can't take the riff raff at that location, take the 20 minute drive to Flowood every 10 days to get your Target fix.

I have had very little interaction with JBC -- seems like a nice enough guy. Mayor material? Not likely. Per the above, I don't want to take the chance on a new face anyway, but an earlier post made reference to the fact that is is getting support from Dick Ambrosino. If accurate, that scares the crap out of me. Tricky Dick has been sitting on that Galleria fiasco for 5+ years now. He is puckered up pretty tight, and no doubt would do anything to realize some return. If JBC is in office to do Dick's bidding, I see nothing good that could come of that.

If it ain't broke...

Anonymous said...

Other than the part about the best school district in the state, @1:41 hit it. Nice to see someone from Madison with a realistic view of things.

Anonymous said...

The sign on Mary's desk says it all:

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Madison for 30 years and moved here from Jackson when it was a decent place to live. I have nothing against either candidate. Sure, development has been slower than surrounding areas-but at least decisions were not made in haste. Madison is one of the safest, well rounded cities in the tri-county area and for those of you that want a major change---just move!!

Kingfish said...

When we start the Speed series in a couple of weeks, I think those of you on both sides are going to get an education on development and growth of cities. I mean that in a good way.

Anonymous said...

JBC? No way. Doesn't have what it takes for the job and we will not be well served.
Mary? Like her or not she has worked hard and done a good job. One more term, then she needs to step aside.

Anonymous said...

The comments by 3:29 are totally unfounded and without merit. There has not been one day in the past fifteen years when subdivisions were not being developed in and around Madison. Hammers have been swinging in this area more than any other part of Mississippi, hands down, without debate. "Development has been slower than surrounding areas..." What an idiotic comment. If there is a man in any area of construction trades who cannot find constant, full-time, year round employment, year after year, in Madison, he's got no business in the trade.

Anonymous said...

The way some posters are looking at Madison confuses me. If you travel almost anywhere today you see this kind of upscale look. All around the south. Madison is not some strange land. It is simply following a pattern that has been set to make places more livable. Almost any state you visit has cities like Madiosn, maybe not just like it but close enough.

Several years ago Wal*Mart wanted to relocate and build a new store in Hilton Head. They were told only a limited number of trees could be cut, Wally World pitched a fit but lost the fight. The most wooded Wal*Mart in the world is in Hilton Head and yes its hard to see or it was.

This fight about how things look and how it is designed must be a smoke screen for someting else. IMHO

Anonymous said...

Calling John "bagboy" is like calling The Wall Street Journal a tabloid. But then, look who is doing the name calling. ......

The problem is that very few people remember who Mary used and what she did to get elected. Sure, she has brought a certain environment to Madison, but it has been costly for many people. I remember when she said NO!!! I will NOT allow traffic lights on highway 51, but the State said too bad, that is OUR jurisdiction. So she changed her mind and said the lights could be put in Madison, but they had to be the fancy lights on the overhanging poles.

Many business suffered a great expense when the sign ordinance was voted in. It specifically said no internally lit signs. HOWEVER, when Jitney Jungle built it's facility, the sign was placed on the corner, driveway poured, and construction finished on the building. Just a few days before Jitney was scheduled to open, a change was made about lighted signs. The next day, the Jitney sign was turned on and you guessed it, it was lit from the inside, which means there was dealing behind closed doors months in advanced about the sign ordinance.

Another odd thing that people don't understand is why does she uses the last name of her current spouse, but never used the last name from previous spouses? (???)

And then there are code and building violations and employee violations that somehow got overlooked because of who was violating the codes.

And by the way, I don't remember the police station being a trailer, it was housed in the back of the old fire department which was located on Main St. next to the railroad tracks. It was Ridgeland that had a portable type building as a police station.

Anonymous said...

March 22, 2013 at 11:09 AM

Looks like you been messin' around with some bad hoochie powder.

John made it part of his agenda to retire when he did. In 2013. He has been saying that for several years.
Do you think Kroger International would have leveled a 6 year old building, replaced it with one of the largest stores in the country and put John back in as manager?

Kingfish said...

1. You had no problem with my referring to the Mayor as The Queen.

2. Since I once worked for Kroger, I can call him Bagboy. Apparently you don't seem to get humor or satire, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Oh really, you worked for Kroger and that somehow entitles you to call me names? I didn't say anything about the queen reference simply because SHE represents herself as a queen, on the other hand, John has sacked MANY MANY bags of groceries, but I guess you didn't notice he moved up, too bad you can't say the same.
Now, see how that works? You need to display your, well, whatever it is you lack, with name calling while I just leave it to the readers to see what your character really is.

Anonymous said...

11:07 is a trolling clown. Overlapping traffic signal poles? Those are standard now in any new municipal construction? What last name she uses? Horse shit. who cares. What a sophomoric attempt at character assasination.

Are you sure you don't want to reveal where she buys her winter coats or which brand of cat food she has in the cabinet? Hell, regulations are regulations and Madison, like most progressive places, has a code department that enforces them and if they don't comport with the residents' desires, then the residents elect new alderpersons and they change things.

Your problem is you're a bitcher and moaner and can't get past the fact that Madison is what its residents have hoped it would become. That's why people live in Madison and hammers are swingin' with new home construction everywhere you turn.

Speaking of trailers, you need to roll in that north window on yours. A storm is approaching.

Anonymous said...

What's the law on running for office while holding another? And while a supervisor, running for mayor, is running all over town promising new paved streets, is he a supervisor or a mayoral candidate?

Micah Gober said...

I can see it now, JBC will change the city logo from strawberry to a pineapple. Then he'll hire Huney Bunni as secretary at the mayors office.

Anonymous said...

"Butler said that Madison’s business first and foremost has been its people and ensuring their quality of life, which includes the upcoming expansion of Liberty Park for more ball fields."

Not a fan of either but adding ball fields has been an absolute non-priority of mayor mary since I moved my family here 12 years ago. City exploding with young families/lots and lots of ball playing kids and no where to practice. We get to truck them to Flowood, Pearl, Canton and Clinton just for a practice fild. Guess its finally going on radar with a viable candidate running against her. Nevermind the unrealized $'s that city could bring in with a decent facility ie. Southaven, Gulfport, Oxford...even towns with crappy facilities (but have enough fields) bring in ridiculous money to their economy on weekend ie. Winona. Just absolutely not a priority for mayor to keep up with the huge jump in number of children in Madison. Pretty sad this is last on her list

Anonymous said...

To 8:44-Think outside one brain cell--commercial development!

Curt Crowley said...

11:07pm said "Another odd thing that people don't understand is why does she uses the last name of her current spouse, but never used the last name from previous spouses? (???)"

Yeah. And by "people" you mean you. Are your thoughts so frivolous that you really wonder about this? Or was this comment just your lame attempt at scumbag politics?

Toe jangle said...

To anonymous at 831

Excellent observation and very funny as well----Love our Mayor she has done a marvelous job of building a city we can all be proud of----based on her record it would be impossible to vote for anyone else and based on her opponents record you would it would be foolish to vote for anyone else

Anonymous said...

Well, good going Kingfish or Stilleto, or whatever other name you hide behind. You have allowed this thread to be exactly what you said you would not allow.
The attacks, which includes your spat, is allowed to run random. But any rebuttal is blocked by you. Oh yeah, no doubt THIS will be posted.
This is a fine example why people do not want to get involved in politics, nasty remarks and empty statements.
NO WHERE did I say who to vote for, I have just passed along observations I have made in days gone by.
And if you are so shallow to think anything anyone posts here bothers me in any way, you really need to put another coat of white wash on your picket fence.

Anonymous said...

Madison doesn't need another "Target" for inbreds from Hinds County to vacation to. Mary understands this. JBC is a dumpy little errand boy ready to open Madison up to the 1,000 sq ft minimum for the starving builders and Real Estate salespeople. I know one of the builders and he is all over JBC. These people are ready to "Jim Walter" the remaining vacant land in the city. Mary is queen as long as she wants to be. She has her blinds spots, yes indeed, but the alternative is far worse.

Anonymous said...

Dang its the end of March, I can't wait to read through this just before the election. Anyone want to guess the over/under on 500 post?

Anonymous said...

It's not a city's obligation to provide 'practice ball fields' for your children. Get some of your friends to donate some land. Land is expensive. What city has an agenda of acquiring vacant flatland and turning it into practice fields? Name one. City parks and recreation should always be a goal, but not vacant fields to keep mowed and maintained so kids can practice. That would take a hundred or more acres.

Back to Crosby. Another of his pipe dreams is for his favorite engineer to get a contract for engineering work on several tracts of Madison land that would become apartments so the Ridgeland spillover and Cantonians and South Americans will have a place to 'stay'.

Anonymous said...

John Bell's ad (to the right) claims he favors 'quiet neighborhoods'. Who doesn't and what is this code for?

John Bell' ad (to the right) says he will 'see to it that you don't have to leave Madison to go to work. Ah, how's he gonna do that and why? Does he really think people chose to live in Madison so they could walk to work?

Anonymous said...

6:23 No one said EVERY city is OBLIGATED to provide ball fields. It is something that the voters/taxpayers WANT, as it is one of those things (Harvey would probably says it's a "white people thing", like a AA MLB franchise) that people voted for, and candidates promised to work to provide. It is one of those things that is attractive to those of the SES that keep up the property values in Madison, and taxpayers are willing to pay for it.

I don't think it has much of an impact on rental rates for trailers, though.

Anonymous said...

John Bell Williams will never beat Mayor Mary. Look at how much the BOS pay Rudy Warnock. Between him, Elvis and the other ass clowns in canton, they tried to raise our taxes time and again. He needs to stick with Kroger. If its so bad in Madison, move back to Jackson and see what you get.

Anonymous said...

7:59; no matter what convoluted argument you throw up, it is never the obligation of ANY (much less, all) city to provide practice fields for all manner of childrens' outdoor activities.

While you keep harping on it, give evidence that anybody promised that or advocated it as a city responsibility. Think, Man! If there are 96 teams needing to practice soccer and softball and baseball, all under 12, who the hell has that kind of land available? And where will the 13 to 16 year olds practice?

You're full of crap if you claim Madisonians drive to Pearl, Clinton, Canton or Brandon where that kind of thing is available. You have a very odd idea of what government is responsible for and according to what priority. Next you'll want the city to sponsor uniforms and seat cushions for the moms in the stands.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to as the bagboy why the county hasn't appropriated any money for the parks for the county children outside the city limits of Madison and Ridgeland--

Anonymous said...

Crosby fulfilled his obligation to the county's children when he allowed them to sell raffle tickets and cookies at the front door of Kroguh.

Children don't vote.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows he doesn't have a chance to beat that woman. It's not like she is a weak incumbent like Harvey Johnson.

Anonymous said...

Then what's Crosby's motivation? Has the county's engineer of preference tricked him into running by crossing his palm? Will Crosby leave town after this loss? Will TimElvis and Crosby rent a house together in Reunion and sell pineapples? Will Mary do another about-face on Crosby and put him in charge of potholes? Stay 'tooned'.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure why Mayor Mary had a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Webster Shelter when the shelter has been there for years, you know when she kicked the Madison Ark out? Guess she's an animal lover now that the campaign started. The payroll will indicate the employees for this operation and when it started.

Anonymous said...

Be careful who ankle you bite 9:27. You may have to get out and find a real job. You may not know it, but the shelter belongs to the City, not to the cult that worships pit bulls.

Pothole Patrol said...

This is the hottest mayoral contest in Mississippi this year. This should remain at the top of the blog. Not enough light has been shined on Rudy Warnock's bankrolling Crosby's retirement.

Anonymous said...

Been searching for days, Kingfish. Finally found the offensive comment that you posted and left up regarding Stiletto. It's above on 3/23 @ 3:43. Again, you've accused the wrong person of comments you find objectionable. Try consistency.

Anonymous said...

Rudy and several other backers who I wouldn't let back my pet rat!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS