Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba is holding his regular press conference. It is live-streamed below.
* Mayor Lumumba addresses recent "personnel changes." Robert Lee returns as Interim Public Works Director.
* The Pimp RETURNS!!! Hizzoner appointed Steve Hutton as the Interim Parks and Recreation Director. The Mayor cited his work as director of the Mississippi State Fairgrounds. Get ready for vendor complaints, Mayor. They a'coming. Arrest, Hutton pleads guilty, Hutton goes home.
Mayor Lumumba bragged about "banning the box" in announcing the hire. He said the conviction had nothing to do with his qualifications or work history. The Mayor announced the city will conduct a nationwide search for a new director. He said "failure is not an option." Mr. Hutton was the manager of the Pete Brown golf course.
* National Night Out will be held on October 3.
* The Mayor discussed Byram's $5 million offer to purchase the water system infrastructure from Jackson. He said he has seen no independent data or valuation of said infrastructure. He said the city is not opposed to selling the system for a fair price.
failure is not a option, it is the way......with this "administration"
Is this really news worthy enough to hold a presser?
I guess he's back to "Promoting Prostitution" HAHAHA. Criminals hire criminals.
Hmmm. Must have been renamed the Department of Perps and Procreation.
does a fair price mean that the system works???
Da Mayor is looking for a new revenue stream for Parks and Rec. And they better have his money!
You can argue that the conviction had nothing to do with his qualifications or work history. But here is something no one can deny. It had everything to do with his character.
Several years ago the Memphis mayor, married, had an affair with a single woman and fathered her child. What did the majority of Memphians have to say? That has nothing to do with him being a good mayor. Sad.
"You can argue that the conviction had nothing to do with his qualifications or work history." But, does the law allow a felon to hold this position?
Were the Johns ever revealed?
The surprising thing to me is that Robert Lee is returning for a second stint as public works director. Didn't Lee quit the first time around because the mayor refused to tell the city council & the public about the water system federal consent decree imposed on the city? What makes Lee think the mayor has somehow become a better person or even the least bit ethical or competent since then?
It's free money to Lee. Stand there collecting pay and not doing anything.
He knows the ins and outs of the job-
I'm all for giving felons a second change but I thought he couldn't handle public funds anymore as a convicted felon.
How could the conviction be irrelevant? HELLO PARKS AND RECREATION - who plays at parks? KIDS- how many different youth organizations hold events that Parks and Rec will host? How many are "all girls" - beyond the point even- My question, How much money will he and (the Mayor's office) pocket from bs back door deals? My guess- this was a move meant to keep someone's mouth shut about contracts they didn't get. So you just watch. I would be eyeballing every single check written and look at every single invoice for validity. HAHA yea right. They didn't do it before him and they won't do it after him. Idiots.
What does Steve have on the Mayor? Just asking questions…..
The news stated that the city used a “national search firm” contracted out to find that awesome schizo that was hired twice. So the city won’t be conducting shit, their firm will be. Did they use this national search firm to find Mr Hutton? Also, would mayor transparency be willing to disclose who this firm is and how much they were paid (refund?) for finding that great hire? Oh well, that would mean one of our local medias would have to actually ask and that ain’t happening.
I apologize for my comment about Robert Lee when I asked why he would take the job as public works director (yet again). I ment Robert Miller. Again, sorry for my mistake in confusing them. There have been so many public works directors recently, I stay confused about who's who.
Running hookers at city parks is the most economic development. I have seen out of this administration.
time for tate reeves to do something. not holding my breath on him to give two craps about Jackson.
"You can argue that the conviction had nothing to do with his qualifications or work history." But, does the law allow a felon to hold this position?
This is the second or third time you come on here and insinuated that there's some law prohibiting the hiring, by Jackson, of a felon.
Once you mentioned it being a civil service law and another time you simply asked if the law allows it.
For the third time, NO, there is no municipal, county, state or federal law disallowing the hiring of a felon for this or any other municipal position.
Isn’t this the true making of a “reality show”…..those within the local entertainment industry need to step up! You truly can’t make this shit up!
Welcome to Jackson Mississippi's revolving door of nothing but felons & freeloaders. (and that's just a sample of this administration.) If you're just passing thru, might I suggest you:
A. Do Not Take Interstate 220
B. Do Not Make Eye Contact With Another Vehicle
C. Don't Stop Until You Reach the Madison, Rankin, Simpson or Warren County Line.
You really can't make this side show circus up!
4:44. That was true out loud laugh. Thank you…and you are also correct!
Lumumba kid has never read Proverbs
The payoffs for hiding the “clients” continues….
@6:56 PM - Well, not exactly. Sworn law enforcement officers can't be convicted felons and neither can attorneys be convicted felons.
@5:32 ,
What do you propose the Governor to do about Jackson? Everything the state tries to do is resisted at every turn by the city clowns.
pimpin' ain't easy
Lumumba can brag about "banning the box" all he wants, but a rumored sex trafficker of underaged girls (and someone who pled guilty to felony "promoting prostitution" to avoid a trial) should not be put in charge of a Parks department where he will have ample temptation and opportunity to go right back to what he was slapped on the wrist for before.
There's already plenty of prostitution going on in our parks currently- we need someone who will put a stop to it, not encourage it! What does Hutton have on the Mayor that he would appoint him of all people to this position?? Is there really no one left who is willing to work with this administration besides convicted felons??? That says it all right there!
Chowke cartel checklist:
Dope boys - check
Contract steering - check
Pimp - check
He forgot to include "right?" after "failure is not an option." Right?
Hiring a former pimp to run Parks and Rec, what could go wrong? Can’t make this shit up. But hey, you Jacksonians voted Bumble in twice by an overwhelming majority, so y’all must be ok w it.
If he isn't able to hire some of his girls he will have to run the department by hand.
6:56, you seem to be a bit wired. Maybe we need to ask other questions you find irritating. But I do believe that there are provisions for not hiring felons in MS.
§ 99-19-35. Person convicted of certain crimes not to practice medicine or dentistry, or hold office.
A person convicted of bribery, burglary, theft, arson, obtaining money or goods under false pretenses, perjury, forgery, embezzlement, or bigamy, shall not be allowed to practice medicine or dentistry, or be appointed to hold or perform the duties of any office of profit, trust, or honor, unless after full pardon for the same.
Does the City Council have to approve this hire? Stokes and Lee said they won't support Hutton.
@4:24 PM It doesn't include pimping as that hits too close to the legislature.
Interim requires no confirmation but can only hold the post for 90 days. Under the old law, there was no time limit but State Senator Josh Harkins changed all that .
Summ-er time........ and the pimping is easy......
I went to Hutton’s church and dated one of the single mothers that he supported. These weren’t innocent young girls. They knew about men from a very young age. They didn’t have a lot of options for making money. They were too lazy to perform labor. Too ignorant for an office job. But they were moderately attractive and knew how to please a man. Honestly, he was doing them a huge favor. Most of you incels (KF included) would die virgins without the world’s oldest profession!
9:32 You “dated” one of these young ladies? Did you pay before or after the “date”? Da Pimp used to run “PromiseKeepers” before he got busted (along with Josh Duggar) in the Ashley Madison scandal. He cheated on his wife twice, ran a pimping operation and now you want to put him in a leadership position in city government? Hell, naw!
Jackson’s version of pretty woman. Lil choke saves a pimp out the gutters and cleans him up n makes him parks director. Buys him a nice suit, takes him to char n explains the grift.
Bigamy? Really?
What's an office of trust or honor? Methinks that law is old enough to include cows on the lawn of the courthouse.
The city of Jackson doesn't employ Doctors or Dentists and there are no lawyers being hired by the city in offices that report directly to the administrative top dog.
I think it's safe to say Parks and Recreation can employ a pimp.
An Attorney General's opinion might be needed here, if she ain't too busy.
"I guess he's back to "Promoting Prostitution" HAHAHA. Criminals hire criminals.(1:46 PM)
Ah...Wrong mayor.
9:32 AND 9:05, were these by-the-hour arrangements? Or did he (allegedly) fix the young women up with men who would keep them? Were they underage?
Don't type comments in all caps.
Don't type comments in all caps.
Out of all the folks who could take this position and run with it, why hutton? There has to be an underlying reason this pick was "picked"! Someone needs to find that lil black book to see why all of these scum bags are getting these jobs!
I guess the garbage situation is the same as this hire!
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