The Mississippi Energy Institute sponsored and authored this post.
What are the energy sources of electricity in MS, and how does MS compare with TX and the U.S. as a whole?
In 2022, Mississippi electricity was generated from these energy sources:
Natural gas - 76%; Nuclear - 12.7%; Coal - 8.3%; Wind - 0%; Hydro - 0%;
Solar - 1%;
Other - 2% (wood derived energy in MS)
U.S. electricity mix was this:
- Natural gas - 40%; Nuclear - 18%; Coal - 19.5%; Wind - 10%; Hydro - 6%; Solar - 5%;
Other - 1.5%
- Natural gas - 49%; Nuclear - 8%; Coal - 16%; Wind - 22%; Hydro - <1%; Solar - 5%;
- Natural gas - 49%; Nuclear - 8%; Coal - 16%; Wind - 22%; Hydro - <1%; Solar - 5%;
Other - <1%
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
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Who is paying for this tripe? What is even the point of this?
Where does Mississippi get energy? From the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) grid. And the members of this grid are as far away as Canada.
That’s right, during the summer when it’s hotter than hell in Mississippi and our pathetic energy infrastructure can’t power all of the Air conditioning, Canada steps in and helps keep us from suffering rolling blackouts.
Meanwhile, energy execs at “co-ops” in Mississippi make the mid to high six figures salaries.
They waste billions on boondoggles like the Kemper County Lignite coal gasifier.
Kingfish used to report on that. I guess he gets ad money from them now instead lol
So you mean that it doesn't just create itself out of thin air?? Dang, there are certain folks that are going to be disappointed to learn how the majority of energy is generated.
Today's Yuts: Wall outlet 100%
Just google your "rube" electric power coop's "990" form. You can see all the top salaries and what their Socialist "B O A R D " members make.
1:16 you need to check your research. MISO causes the rolling blackouts, as well as extended outages, because it DISTRIBUTES AND DIVERTS power. It DOES NOT GENERATE power. Remember when the Texas solar and wind operations froze up in that arctic blast and ice storm a couple years ago? MISO diverted power from Mississippi to Texas, and kept a lot of Mississippians (including me) in the dark a lot longer than necessary. We had the power because we are not 'all in' on the solar and wind scams, and yet because our operators are members of MISO we got put in the dark all the same so they could get power to the "green gang" out in TX.
1:16 never said MISO generated power.
Mississippi gets power from the MISO grid and gives power to the grid.
We are a net consumer of power from MISO and not generator.
It’s truthful that Mississippi got power diverted from Canada during the summer heatwave.
Build more nuke power plants! There is no shortage of uranium.
Why isn't Kemper Clean Coal mentioned?
That's a whole lot more real than using solar electric or windmills sending power from other places isn't it?
Need more nuclear. Cleanest, most efficient fuel source.
You would think being next to the Great Mississippi River we would consider generating Hydro electric power
I live in Ridgeland and never experienced any rolling or full blackouts this summer. Did I miss one or two? The house generator never kicked in and no drop in power to the house recorded. Just asking.
Clean Coal isn’t real.
The Kemper project was intended to be an experimental coal gasification plant.
What the means for the folks in Niknar is that it used a process called “gasification” to extract flammable gas from the dirty, wet lignite coal. It never worked. After spending billions of dollars Mississippi Power demolished the “coal gasifier” portion of the plant and it runs on natural gas.
Parts of the Kemper County power plant were reported to have been imploded on 10 Oct 2021, and were heard as far away as the Neshoba County Fairgrounds, Arlington, and Decatur. The plant was supposed to use new technology to burn cheap, wet coal found in eastern Mississippi without sending plumes of smoke into the atmosphere. The Kemper Project, also known as the Kemper County energy facility or Plant Ratcliffe, is a natural gas-fired electrical generating station currently under construction in Kemper County, Mississippi. Mississippi Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company, began construction of the plant in 2010. The initial, coal-fired project was central to President Obama's Climate Plan, as it was to be based on "clean coal" and was being considered for more support from the Congress and the incoming Trump Administration in late 2016
1:16 you're completely wrong. The Texas grid isn't connected to the national grid. There was no diversion. That's why their grid collapsed. They couldn't get power. Texas's independence caused the problem,
Here is a cold hard fact, people. Mississippi produces more electricity than it consumes. We export electricity. We make money from MISO.
But wait for the evidence and you can see for yourself first we have in-state electricity generation, in 1,000-Mega-Watt-Hours:
Next, we have in-state electricity consumption, in 1,000-Mega-Watt-Hours:
FYI, around 5% to 10% of AC electricity is lost in transmission through the lines due to distance.
5:23PM posts what appears to be an italicized except (if it's an excerpt where is the attribution?) that is at least somewhat misleading.
The first tax credits were awarded to Mississippi Power for a "clean coal" in Kemper County in 2006.:
An additional critique is that neither George Bush or Haley Barbour are mentioned by 5:23PM, if that's an oversight it's significant.
Among other things changing Mississippi law to gift Mississippi Power the ability to bill ratepayers for the boondoggle as it was still being constructed was somewhat contributory, thanks to Governor Barbour for signing that one!
Kudos @10:09pm. Facts are important, but often rare here.
Solar energy shines in global survey with 68% support. The people want it. This is why the fossil energy generators are freaking out and telling lies about renewable energy.
Surveys aren’t evidence of anything.
I doubt they are surveying the thousands of businesses that burned down when their PV arrays and batteries caught fire!
Don't feed Climate Priests!
Hippie Energy's drugs of choice are cultist zombies, big-lie propaganda and mindless subsidies chasing endless failures.
The only solution is a nuclear reactor for every 500,000 people. We need to start approving and building them right now. It’s literally what China is doing to replace their coal and to fuel their EV boom.
The fact that we aren’t leading the world in nuclear energy is a disgrace.
The problem is that baby boomers have been selling out our future to the Chinese ever since Nixon and Kissinger met with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. They were all in college and jumped on board with that crap instead of fighting it. Why? They are the most entitled generation in history! Baby boomers used bombing and violence to demand socialist policies for themselves and they indoctrinated Gen X and Millennials in Universities.
Btw “fossil fuels” (I call them mineral fuel because fossils aren’t combustible) are very much renewable and we have at least another 100 years of reserves. We have more than enough time to transition to electric without socio-economic pains.
But wait!
Mississippians were supposed to get cheap power from Grand Gulf, not sell the power to other states! We assumed all the costs and risks!
As a state with a population smaller than some cities, we would only use a fraction of what was needed to keep us all warm and cool.
Forgive me if I don't trust those who lied to me already! They've already proven that greed is more important to them than civic duty or national obligations. To hell with the measures that keep their operating environment functional and secure.
The news archives should have all those promises on record plus the fact that our elected officials did nothing to make sure the sale of Mississippi Power to Entergy (which was really just a name change) had to adhere to past obligations. When I hear people speak well of the "Criminal in Chief", I wan't to vomit.
You want 700 nuke plants started immediately under Sec of Energy Granholm? She'd rather drop nukes on half of us for being disobedient Climate skeptics! Immediately following next election, reinstate Trump's energy policies before widespread nuke facilities.
>> Mississippians were supposed to get cheap power from Grand Gulf, not sell the power to other states! <<
It'll be different for Grand Gulf Unit Fourn
They're learning something from Units Two and Three.
Might be so cheap it won't pay to meter the power.
Just give them a chance.
ALong with reinstating Trump's energy policies, it's unbelievable that we haven't started cleaning our forests. Raking! We have forest fires!
You don’t need separate nuclear plants. You can have multiple reactors at each power plant. They need to calculate based on future needs as well. Reactor tech has come a long long way since the nuclear power plants in current operation were designed. One thing is we don’t need nearly as much shielding as they previously used. Why? Well every single nuclear disaster has been a human failure, not a reactor failure. Second, every single meltdown has destroyed the shielding that was installed.
-It is unlikely that anyone will ever again be as arrogant and stupid as the Soviets were at Chernobyl in Ukraine.
-The designer of the Fukushima Daichi plant warned TEPCO to built the sea wall twice as high. We know it would’ve worked because a nearby TEPCO nuclear power plant did have the taller sea wall and survived the tsunami.
-Pacific Gas and Electric in California has been the worst enemy to Nuclear Power in the USA and it is all self inflicted by California government and corruption.
If we are completely honest our nuclear problems are human problems just like our gun problems. The answer to the looming energy crisis isn’t less nuclear power. Similarly, the answer gun crime isn’t to disarm the law abiding.
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