Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Baria blasts Republicans

State Representative David Baria issued the following statement:

Mississippi’s Leaders Failing Mississippi Women

We’ve been hearing and reading a lot about issues that matter to women lately. Perhaps it’s because, for the first time in our history, a woman holds the Presidential nomination for a major party. Or, maybe it’s because her opposition appears to be a guy whose concept of women is, shall we say, Neanderthal at best. Whatever the reason, the eyes of the country and the world are now focused on American women.

I want to focus on Mississippi women for a minute. Specifically, let’s look at their financial well-being.

In Mississippi, more than 201,000 households have women as the sole or primary breadwinner, according to Sarah Fink, Director of Workplace Safety for the National Partnership for Women and Families. Of those households, 39 percent, or 78,038 households, are living below the poverty level.

Here’s one reason why: On average, a woman in Mississippi makes $9,289 less annually than a man, according to the National Partnership for Women and Families. This computes to a deficit of 23 cents per dollar for women when compared to a white, non-Hispanic man. In other words, a white, non-Hispanic woman working in the same or comparable job, makes 77 cents for every dollar her male counterpart takes home.

For African-American women in the state who hold full-time, year-round jobs, the disparity is even more dismal, with women earning 55 cents for every dollar that a white, non-Hispanic man earns.

Imagine: If the wage gap were eliminated in Mississippi, a working woman could provide 77 more weeks of food for her family, nine more months of mortgage and utility payments or more than nine additional months of rent. These figures are also according to according to the National Partnership for Women and families.

It would seem that this situation would be regarded as a bona fide crisis by our state’s leaders. It would seem. You’d think that they would be doing everything possible to empower Mississippi women to provide for their families and gain equal footing on a career path. You’d think.

However, all we have to do is just look at the reactions of those leaders to their presidential candidate’s most recent outrageous statements about women, and you’ll understand why the welfare of Mississippi women has gone largely ignored at our State Capitol.

Indeed, Governor Bryant, Lt. Governor Reeves, the rest of the Republican statewide elected officials and even our entire Republican Congressional delegation essentially gave Donald Trump a pass. “Locker room talk,” they say. “Boys will be boys.’ they say. And, even though their colleagues all over the country are disavowing and distancing themselves from Mr. Trump, the Mississippi contingent has remained steadfastly loyal.

Is it any wonder that Mississippi’s women are in such financial straits? Or, that their families are suffering?

What does the steadfast approval of Trump by Mississippi’s entire cadre of Republican elected officials and party officials say to women in Mississippi?

Remember, these are the same leaders who condone an offensive state flag, pass legislation designed to oppress our brothers and sisters because of their sexuality, and deny medical care to our working poor. How can we expect them to pay attention to wage discrimination in the Mississippi workplace? But, somebody certainly needs to pay attention or we risk losing a generation of our best and brightest young women.

The real impact of this wage gap is felt daily in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Mississippians. Yet, Mississippi’s state economist Darrin Webb said he hasn’t studied the economic impact the wage gap has on the state because “no one has requested any kind of analysis like that.” And, just who would be in a position to request such an analysis? Governor Phil Bryant and Lt. Governor Tate Reeves.


As for me, I’ll be back again, for the fourth year in a row, submitting a bill to require equal pay for equal work in the State of Mississippi. Let’s hope it fares better than it has previously. This is the 21st Century and Mississippi women deserve to be treated as equals. I am more willing than ever to work with the Legislative leadership to usher in a new era of economic equality.


Anonymous said...

Baria makes the same mistake that liberals always make when trying to perpetuate their wage gap myth. He fails to account for job type differences among genders. Females on average take jobs that pay less than men. Men on average take jobs that pay more. When comparing differences in pay by gender for the same jobs, this "gap" disappears.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

11:02, can you back up your claim with facts? If so, please provide your factual basis.

Prove It!.. said...

Those who believe the myths of wage-gap and climate-change obviously think there's a large crowd of stupids out here somewhere.

It's been the law for forty years that it's illegal to pay differently, based on gender, for the same job. If a man and a woman, equally qualified enter the same job description at the same time at the same workplace they will make the same wage. If one out performs the other (as evidenced by certain things in a personnel file) that one will probably outdistance the other in wages. Could be the man...could be the woman. Conversely, if the files are full of poor performance or behavioral citations, one will make less than the other, typically.

You can not point to one single occupation where the wage is different based on gender. Welder, lawyer, medical technologist, highway flagman, patrol officer, clerk, teacher, accountant, umpire, flashlight repairer, computer analyst or physicist.

Prove me wrong Mr. Barium.

Anonymous said...

What works is - if you don't like your job go find another.
If your employers doesn't want you around they can replace you.
Fair for both sides.
What doesn't work is government trying to 'fix' something.
The government has zero chance of determining if one employee is worth more to a company than another employee.
Many, many businesses make profits of 5%, 3% etc. So they are going to pay a man to do a job when they could hire a woman who does it just as well and pay her 20% less? Folks that is just crazy. If this were true, businesses would be replacing all the men with women to save that 20%. 20% is huge. It's not true. As others have been trying to say.

Anonymous said...

Very well said, Rep. Baria. I'm a guy, with a wife and one daughter. I couldn't look them in the eyes and tell them that I cared so little about them that I voted for Donald Trump. Locker room talk? I call bullshit. I've been in many locker rooms. I've never heard something so vile as grabbing a woman in her... So what if he apologized. When he said it, he was a 59 year-old grown man on his THIRD marriage with a pregnant wife! Both Bryant and Reeves have daughters. How would they like it if someone talked about their daughters like that? It's unbelievable that they continue to back this person. Absolutely unbelievable. Every woman in our state should be outraged! Our nation has come so far and then there's Mississippi...always trying to go back to the 1950s. They (Republicans) want to talk about religion and pride themselves on conservative values. Ladies and gentlemen, if Chrstian conservative values mean that you support this type of person, then we obviously worship a different God. Shame on Tate and Phil! Absolutely terrible.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding feigned outrage @12:39 AM!

Anonymous said...

I've been in many locker rooms, as well, from athletics to the Country Club and have heard that kind of talk many times. You're right, it is usually bullshit, spouted off by a bullshitter.
If your values approve of someone that lies about everything, is corrupt to the core, defends a child rapist then laughs about getting him off, enables and supports a serial rapist, is so paranoid she makes Richard Nixon look normal, is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in the Middle East, and has an overwhelming love of money, then perhaps you are worshiping a false God.

Anonymous said...

So are you saying that the men in Mississippi need to step up to protect the women? Or are you saying the women are equal? Or the men need to make them equal? Liberaling is hard.

Anonymous said...


well said

Anonymous said...

12:39 - we understand about Trump. It has been obvious for many many years that he was a womanizer. Like Thomas Jefferson, FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, and Bill Clinton. Not a good thing. But if you don't vote for Trump you are voting for the devil. In spite of Trump's womanizing, the decision is easy.

Anonymous said...

And following over 100 years of Democratic control of this State, what had you, Billy McCoy and your other liberal buddies done to eliminate this so-called "gap"?

Anonymous said...

Trump is a womanizer, Obama is a radical and pro Islam wimp, Bill was the biggest womanizer in modern history, Little George was a dumb-ass, Big George was a lying member of the CIA, Ronald had Alzheimer's while in office, and Carter was a total pussy/idiot that the revisionist media has made into a genius. Big deal. We have always elected flawed people.
Hillary however is truly evil, a sociopath who is connect to countless "suicides", a heartless bitch who left our own to die and made up lies to cover her ineptness, and a liar who has been hiding the fact that she has a neurological disease that her handlers are covering up. She will let in 10 times the number of terrorists that Obama started, raise our taxes, and totally take over healthcare.

Anonymous said...

12:39 would rather vote for the spouse of an actual rapist than a guy who uses really ugly language. Quaint.

Kingfish said...

I heard much worse in basic training.

Anonymous said...

You'd rather vote for the spouse of an actual rapist who thoroughly attacked and worked to silence the rapist's numerous victims.

Anonymous said...

@12:39... please post your outrage at penis earrings and cock cakes that we see at bachelorette parties. Women degrade men with those parties. And while your at it, start petitioning our news and entertainment industries to stop hiring attractive women. Clearly there is a double standard when it appears only pretty women can tell us the news and act. And please stop listening to music that objectifies women.

I never thought I would get to say, can the democrats please get out of our bedrooms! 2016 is crazy when liberals, Hollywood, academia and media elite become the new moral majority.

Or is is possible that men and women have been objectifying the opposite sex since the dawn of man? People like sex - in fact we have too to exist! And with all due respect the female form is much better to look at than the man-chicken. We have sex shops, sex shows, sex talk shows, sex sent me the ER, magazines and more that cater to both sexes. I could give a crap if either sex talks dirty about the opposite sex or says they want to f@#$'em. Keep it real right?

And I think it is time to remind people about liberal columnists who write stories like "Conservatives I want to Hate Fu#@!" who are applauded for their efforts not condemned.

Maybe if many young women in MS would wait until after college to pop out a kid (otherwise only have sex with responsible men) then maybe they would be able to get a job better than minimum wage. I'm sure all those low-income baby makers who seek gov't checks, TANF and SSI don't skew your results at all.

Anonymous said...

I've been in many locker rooms. I've never heard something so vile as grabbing a woman in her...

Have you never watched a Quentin Tarantino movie?
Have you never listened to a rap song?
Have you never heard the way millennials drop f-bombs like we used to say "darn"?
Have you never watched a music video from this century?
Have you never seen Game of Thrones and the gratuitous sexuality from the early seasons?
Have you never heard some of the chants at a Black Lives Matter event?

Sorry, Mr. Babe-in-the-Woods, but I call BS on you.

Anonymous said...

11:39PM can you use Google?

Why would people choose to go through life with just their feelings as their guide instead of trying to find the truth?

Anonymous said...

Laughing out loud at everyone on here who cannot (or chooses not to) tell the difference between crude talk and sexual assault. If a normal person does what Trump talked about doing, it disqualifies him/her from being a free person (per every state's criminal code). Still, you do not think it disqualifies Trump from holding the highest office in our land. Quaint.

Also, Lol at the guy suggesting MS has been run by liberals for any 100-year span of its history, as well as the climate change and wage gap denier.

I wish Baria would run for Gov.

Anonymous said...

8:30 nailed it

Anonymous said...

Where have all of these goody people been hiding.
We didn't hear from them when Bill Clinton was raping and assaulting women.
How many actually saying what Trump said was worse than what Clinton did with his cigar to a young woman?

Where were all of these people hiding all of these years when women were paid the same as they are today compared to men? Why didn't they step up and do some thing before?

It might be worth understanding, the men who have never heard such talk in the locker room were usually stuffed and locked in a locker for peeping at actual men in the showers. Doesn't anyone remember the lawsuits filed by women who went into locker rooms to interview men after the games?

Anonymous said...

Trump is done.

"Christianity" (as practiced here) has been shown for what its members MAINLY are....a seething, racist, rancid, pack of nasty children of the corn type people.

Hate black folks....hate gay folks....hate immigrants....hate hate hate....

What a miserable way to live your lives.

Anonymous said...

I wish Baria would run for Gov.

Me too. He'd lose by an even larger margin than Hood will lose by.

Anonymous said...

"Christianity" (as practiced here) has been shown for what its members MAINLY are....a seething, racist, rancid, pack of nasty children of the corn type people.

Hate black folks....hate gay folks....hate immigrants....hate hate hate....

What a miserable way to live your lives.

This is why I can't take the left seriously. This is their default. It's all petty name calling and juvenile insults. Don't like someone's ideology or beliefs? Call them a racist or a sexist or a bigot of some kind. It's their scarlet A and they paste it wantonly upon the chest of anyone they don't like.

It is akin to hearing a schoolyard fight where the retort is, "Oh, yeah? Well you're stupid!" And insulting the intelligence of those with whom they disagree is another favored tactic.

For people who claim to be superior, both morally and intellectually, they certainly seem to rely on tired stereotypes and trite characterizations.

Anonymous said...

People need to go back and listen to the Trump tape... He clearly says... 'they let you do it.' Sorry not assault if they let you do it. BDSM is not assault if they let you tie them up either. Get real folks. Women have wanted to be on the casting couch since the dawn of acting. Imagine that, women want to have sex with celebrities and celebrities want to use the fact that they are celebrities to bed women. Even the drummer can get a hummer from a groupie.

Anonymous said...

The selective outrage by all of these women is funny. I am sure none bought or read 50 Shades of Grey or saw the movie or went to Magic Mike I & II. For goodness sake the book sold 125 million copies worldwide by June 2015. I do not know any dudes that bought the damn book.It has been translated into 52 languages, so I am sure these "women" are just appalled at Donald's behavior.

Anonymous said...


What you cannot stand is to look in the mirror it seems.

There are certainly wonderful people who support Trump. If that is you...then you need not even read further. you hate the fact that gay people can now get married? probably are not really a Christian. Wow right? How can someone say that? Because its the truth.

Back in the day....same thing was said when blacks were allowed to vote and then marry. And guess what..."Christians" were angriest about that. Some STILL are angry about that. Always will be. THOSE are the evil people.

So quit dying on the cross if the damn thing doesn't fit.

If it does....I hope you die dead.....the whole stinking lot of you.

Anonymous said...

1208 - " they let you do it" was Trump's interpretation Just because his ego thinks "lets" as fact doesn't mean the women felt the same way. A rapist (i.e. Bill Clinton) oftentimes claims it was consentual. But the one getting raped has a totally different viewpoint. The do not agree it was consensual, they cstate that it was forced.

Trump thinks that 'they let me'. Did the women say it? So far, no.

Put Up Pally said...

Some STILL are angry about that.

Link to a source that says Christians are still angry about blacks being allowed to marry and/or vote.

You're Just the Epitome of Tolerance said...

If it does....I hope you die dead.....the whole stinking lot of you.


Kingfish said...

As I wrote last week:

What do I think? Here is where my head is right now.

GE recently moved from its Connecticut headquarters that served it for many years. The search for a new site lasted for a long time. There is literally nothing the state could have done to land that plum. We don't have the higher education that is what GE expects. We don't have the educational systems anywhere in the state to serve their employees and I seriously doubt our A schools can compare with public schools in the Northeast. We probably don't have the workforce to provide what GE would need, either. We couldn't have paid them to come regardless of how much money we threw at them. Think about that.

I have no faith in either party right now to change that situation. The culture of cronyism and corruption is too embedded on both sides. The racial strife just amplifies our flaws even moreso.

Meanwhile our homegrown businesses sell out and they become corporate satellites that care less about the communities they serve and are always at risk of consolidation.

Anonymous said...

If that's Locker Room talk then you need to change locker rooms. Donald Trump during this campaign has demonstrated how unfit he is to be president. Hilary Clinton has shown over a lifetime of service in the public and private sector how unfit she is to be president. Our country will survive.

Anonymous said...

Our local Radfem with a rag Donna Frump is laying it on thick, fellows. Post up some Radfem gold won't you Fish!

Anonymous said...

Holy hell I forgot all about Donna Ladd. Does she still live here? Does anyone actually read her newsletter?

Anonymous said...

Kf. What the hell is the connection to your 12:09 post? Realize comments have morphed from pay for women to Trump's comments - but GE, schools, local businesses "selling out" - which by the way is absolutely up to them and their in estorz;we are still a captalistic society with ownership rights, but I dogress.

Where did your comment come from? And, I don't remember seeing it last week either.

Anonymous said...

you dumb fuckers that are saying that Christianity is intolerant, wake up. When Killary lets in the next 5,000,000 Muslims, you will learn what religious intolerance really is. Islam is the most brutal religion on the planet. Gay? fool around? you die under Islam.

Anonymous said...

Some of you people must live a very sheltered life. Do you ever leave your house? Do you go to the movies, listen to music, go to a play, even go to church? I have seen and heard much worse in a church than what Trump said.
It is your choice to feel and believe what you want. Did you react the same way when Bill Clinton went on TV, shook his finger at the camera, and lied to America and the world?
Did you react the same way when Hillary Clinton's emails were released?

If not you are just as bad as any one of them. Take a good long look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

History will show that at some point the stupid-ass American people came to realize that the two party system stopped working long before it was scrapped. The presidential election of 2016 in which two of the most ass backwards rich folks that America could produce were the choices the system produced for president was the last straw. Choose between bullshit and horseshit. You sound like a fool defending either one.

Anonymous said...

There is so much feigned outrage here. I'm most amused by "men" who metaphorically gasp at the thought that anyone would use the P WORD, acting like Grandma seeing a hussy of a young woman in a tight garment that enhances her bosoms. Oh, dearie me, Ethel!

I don't know any of you personally, but I can make an educated guess that Mr. "I've never heard something so vile" has SAID things more vile than that after a few light beers. And I'd bet a buck and a quarter that Mr. "All you Christians just hate hate hate" has rattled off plenty other odious, angry, hate-filled diatribes against Christians, conservatives, and whatever other group movie actors and rock stars tell him to dislike.

You don't like Trump. We get it. I, personally, don't like Trump at all, but I'm not going to play the sanctimonious offended dad or the foul-mouthed, I'm-smarter-and-better-than-you-as-evidenced-by-my-incredibly-limited-vocabulary millennial.

And I'm certainly not going to wish people dead. That's a person with clinical anger issues there!

Anonymous said...

1:52 - evidently you don't get it, at least for me. Its not what he said. I've heard that and worse many times. Its what he said that he does. That's what gives me problems with the man. He is a narcissistic egomanic that evidently has sexual problems.

Yes, I felt the same way about Willie even before he went on TV and shook his finger at the camera.

And I think HRC is a lying, conniving, self-serving bitch.

Neither one of these characters is deserving of even being in the conversation, much less the nominees of the major parties.

For the first time in my adult life I will not be voting for a Republican for President. Nor will I for the first time vote for a Democrat. I realize that the consequence of this will not matter in Mississippi's voting its electoral votes for Trump, but at least I won't feel like I had done anything that put either of these idiots in the White House.

And don't tell me that not voting for the Donald will elect Hillary. She is going to win if for no other reason than Trump hasn't run a campaign trying to win. He is going to lose as bad as any presidential candidate has in six decades with the exception of 1964 (Goldwater) 1972 (McGovern) and 1984 (Mondale). I hate it because I can't stand the thought of listening to HRC for another day much less four years. But I don't want to listen to the egomanic DJT either.

But you understand being a staunch Trump supporter, its all somebody, and everybody, elses fault. It is not because of anything Trump has done, or not done. It never is.

Anonymous said...

9:38 am Donald Trump is a year older than I am . He's not a rapper. He's not a millennial and was 59 with a wife who was 4 months pregnant.

Yes, I've seen Tarentino films. I've listened to rap. I know that sexual predators can come from wealthy families . They can be movie stars or star athletes or preachers. It is no a shock to me that there are creeps with abnormal sexual ideations in the male population or female population for that matter.

What shocks me is that an admitted sexual predator is running for President and that he and you don't know that non-consensual sexual touching is sick and a crime.

You may be right about younger men ( though I certainly hope not) being more feral these days. I avoid feral animals. But, if males are telling each other that they groped a woman or kissed a woman without warning in locker rooms and the others in that locker room are uncomfortable with that , then a lot of mothers are doing a sorry assed job of raising raising their sons!

I'm hardly naïve and I expect I've met more sexually abused women and children than you . I think you should volunteer for CARA. So you'll have a clue.

I know that real victims don't get nearly $3000 a shot to " tell their stories" on talk radio or at rallies but rather, like the Cosby women, get travel and accommodations if they have to leave home to be filmed. And, the head of the candidates PAC doesn't raise money to pay off one their mortgages either . But, then,you probably think the AP is part of the Clinton conspiracy as well! I believe Jennifer Flowers. I believed Monica. I have questions about Paula but think she was a fool to go into the hotel room without a third party and am not sure she wasn't miffed for afterwards for not getting the job she hoped to get when she walked out of that room and so volunteered when Stone went looking for dirt. , The settlement did not require BC to admit anything and a sitting President has little choice but to settle since you can't be leader of the free world from a courthouse. And, I think HRC, like many women was in denial until hit with hard evidence especially with Paula profiting and Stone being on the scene in every instance.

Victims of sexual assault of any kind want to see the male punished. They don't take money because they understand their credibility will be at issue .

So, I think you are the one who is horribly naïve. You don't know women at all and you'd apparently vote for Charlie Manson if was a GOP candidate pandering to the TP!

Anonymous said...

12:56 When I pass through Jackson I get as many as I can to put under my cat's litter box.

Anonymous said...

3:54 - Thank goodness you didn't say your "pussycat's litter box". There are people here who would demand your head because they are OUTRAGED at such language! OUTRAGED, I TELL YOU!!!

I've NEVER heard something so foul!!!!! You Christians just HATE HATE HATE!!!

Anonymous said...

Evidentially not many people were interested in Hillary's emails to read them. If they would have been interested enough they would have seen that Trump running for president was one of Hillary's plans. Everyone knew she could not get elected any other way.
No one took Trump seriously, well not any of the usual politicians. They never thought anyone would vote for Trump. They are that much out of touch with the common man who has been forced to do something about the life long politicians.
It isn't that the people want Trump, they just don't want another politician. Hillary came close to being beat out by some one no one knew.
If Hillary does win we will see much more of the same and the people will have to do something other than voting to change things. I personally think it is too late. Voting is a lost cause. It will take more voting to change things.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you didn't publish my comment. I think you really have a pro-Republican slant. These people are morons

Anonymous said...

This same sort of myopic thinking is why we have serious race problems in this country. I listened to radio this morning and heard all about "alpha males" and how all good leaders behaved this way and you couldn't be a good military guy if you didn't do a little groping and cat calling. The same line of thinking with racial discrimination. "Rap artists say the n word." and so on. There is a reason why there is building rage in this country. At some point people aren't going to be able to keep stuffing it inside.

Anonymous said...

How can y'all not get the difference between "I got laid last night, her p*** was . . ." And "I'm just going to go up to this stranger and grab her by the p**** first thing, without consent."

For God's sake, it's not his use of the word "pussy," that's causing this commotion.
He's bragging about committing a crime, sexual assault. People (rightly) go to jail for it for a long time. More importantly, it's a problem victims have to live with for even longer.

Any of you defending Trump, please answer this question: If some guy that is not rich does what Trump bragged about (grabbing random girls by their genitals) and gets shot in the process, your response to any resulting outrage would be what?

Anonymous said...

Good job Mr. Baria, can't believe you go on here to post.

Anonymous said...

Except @ 9:25, Trump did NOT say what you just implied. He did not say that HE did or that he would or even that he wanted to grab one. He said "you could" and "they would let you". To anyone with half a brain, it is obvious that he is simply making an OBSERVATION about the bimbo gold-diggers who parade around celebrities in skin tight dresses that barely cover their p#$$ies -like the one in the purple slinky dress that prompted the conversation in the first place- HOPING and PRAYING to become a preferred playmate and reap the financial rewards. He SAID it because it is a 100% accurate observation.

Anonymous said...

And while you die in the ditch for Trump.....

He admits to going at a married woman like a bitch....tried to fuck her....while his third new wife was pregnant.

And Trump wants to blast Bill?

That's the gauling point....he would be screwing interns left and right.

So Trump lost his moral authority edge....suddenly...he is Bill....

And on top of that.....he admits to creeping on teenage girls during pageants....

He lost the whole evangelical side.....suppressing their urge to support him at the very least

Probably cost him the election

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile....A business moves its headquarters to Connecticut.

Anonymous said...

I have heard all the criticism about Hillary's lying, as if the Donald hasn't been lying his ass off. Both candidates' spouses are proven liars. BREAKING NEWS: ALL POLITICIANS LIE.

Also, reading the Bible and going to church does not make you Christian. Almost all Christians I know are the most un-Christian-like people you will ever meet.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to take the word of a campaign or a source you think is biased. Everyone who comments here has a search engine.
You can check the newspapers of our allies if you think our media is all biased. Other countries have investigative reporters. You can check out details from sources that existed before Trump announced he was running.
I've looked at the emails. I've also looked at the Congressional reports on Benghazi. I've checked into the women.
Trump's campaign says there weren't any moveable armrests. Turns out there were a limited number of commercial airlines and types of planes flying into NY in the 70's and early 80's. There are historical photos of the first class sections of these planes that were part of promotions of the airlines. The armrests flip up in all but one plane. A flip up armrest was something to boast as you could buy two seat and take a nap or have more room to spread out.
Trumps campaign says " it's mighty suspicious that the women come out 30 days before the election". Turns out they told people long before and there were people present for some accusations who were interviewed though most of the pageant participants wanted to be " off the record". To a woman, it was Trump's denial that triggered them coming forward. Trump says " look at them". There are photos of them when they say the event occurred . They were all beautiful even in snapshots where they weren't made up to be photographed. Then the campaign says there are " ties" to either the Clinton foundation or the campaign and the phone numbers are the same. The numbers aren't the same and there aren't records of work or contribution... and at least two of these women certainly don't need money.
I had doubts about the airline story from the NY Times video of the victim initially until after the research. I listened to her full interview last night. The description is so identical in the telling to how a different well known individual suddenly, out of the blue, without warning, attacked me in 1966, it rang true. It also rang true that Trump's denial triggered these women to come forward as this whole thing has made what I buried suddenly seem like it just happened. And, if you use your search engine, you'll find I'm not alone. This whole thing has done that to many women who decided " he said/she said" is a losing proposition for women. Realizing it's not " just you" or just THAT man who did it to you is cathartic.
As for the emails, there just isn't anything there so far that isn't blown out of proportion taken in context. It's pretty typical government/political communications...not attractive but not criminal. And you'll want to see if the " C" emails were sent or received. And, you want to see if the FBI, including the head , should be trashed . PAC and partisan sites are not reliable.
I was going to vote for Weld. I have never liked or trusted the Clintons. But, given how the Trump campaign and it's supporters are engaged in a scorched earth strategy and bullying that is ripping this country apart in fundamental ways and given Russia's promotion of Trump, if there looks like there's a snowball's chance in Hell of Trump winning, I'll hold my nose and vote for HRC and pray hard some leader with integrity emerges from the ashes of this fiasco.

Anonymous said...

Liberals demanding morality. ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

JJ's resident troll @7:10 was going to vote for Clinton from the outset.

Anonymous said...

People are either going to elect a democrat or a republican. No matter who that might be or how crooked they may be. Both the democrats and the republicans do the same thing when in office. There isn't any difference. People will lose more rights and politicians will borrow money.
It really does not matter if people vote or not. The outcome has already been decided. Just like every presidential election in the past. This year is the first time we have seen an election that has already been decided have a chance of failing. First time a person not a politician has a chance.
The politicians and the media have already decided. It doesn't matter what the people want. They do not count.

Anonymous said...

You have to win to govern. Republicans can't win without women. Nate Silver posted an interesting poll that showed the disconnect between how men thought their wives were going to vote and then how the wives said they would actually vote.

Anonymous said...

And you don't win with misigynists supporters continuing to make women mad as hell !

Anonymous said...

2:32, guess you never heard about the Lolita Express. Bill Clinton has made several flights on it. Even decided not to allow his security guards to go along. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

10:27. Its a given that Bill Clinton was a sorry bastard. His sexual escapades were a terrible blight on our country. His lying wife assisted him in his fraud on the country in his lies and berating of the women.

But that doesn't excuse Trump. I don't know about you but I called for the imprisonment (not just impeachment) of Clinton back then. Why should I accept the same action from Trump just because he is a Republican, and "Clinton did it too".

Anonymous said...

6:46, with Clinton we have proof. With Trump we have the media telling us to believe them.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS