The Mississippi Department of Human Services issued the following statement.
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) and the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) have received federal approval to distribute Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits to approximately 466,000 Mississippi children who participated in the National School Lunch Program or were under six (6) and received SNAP benefits during the 2021-22 school year or summer 2022 months.
In addition to the K-12 P-EBT benefit distributed in prior years, children under age six (6) who received SNAP benefits during the 2021-22 school year or summer 2022 have been approved to receive P-EBT benefits. An estimated 90,000 additional Mississippi children will receive benefits this year with the addition of SNAP under age six (6) children.
Children under six (6) who were members of an active SNAP case between August 2021 and July 2022 in Mississippi will receive one-time P-EBT benefits based on how many months they received SNAP benefits. To view a table of benefit amounts, please visit the MDHS P-EBT webpage (
Families of students in K-12 who were eligible for the National School Lunch Program during the 2021-22 school year will receive a $391 one-time benefit for each child enrolled in the program. Eligibility for students enrolled in a Mississippi school is determined solely by their eligibility for Free or Reduced Priced Lunch under the National School Lunch Program at their school during the 2021-22 school year. Virtual or in-person learning modes will not be considered in determining eligibility or benefit amount.
P-EBT benefits can be used to purchase SNAP-eligible food items at stores that accept Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards. All eligible children will be issued a new P-EBT card. For K-12 students, the P-EBT card will be mailed to the address provided by the child's 2021-22 school district. For SNAP Under 6 children, the P-EBT card will be mailed to the family's most updated address on file with the SNAP program.
Although all public-school children could access free meals during the 2021-22 school year, P-EBT benefits are limited to those deemed eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch under the National School Lunch Program by application or through either a school with Community Eligibility Provision status or a Provision 2 school.
Completing an application for free or reduced-price lunch during the 2022-23 school year will NOT make a child eligible for 2022 P-EBT benefits.
Before distribution of benefits to Mississippi children and families, MDHS and MDE must undertake administrative processes to ensure accurate distribution of funds:
· MDHS and MDE will work with school districts to gather student information.
· Work with the P-EBT processing vendor to manufacture, load, and distribute cards.
· Initiate a customer service call center with online options for parents and guardians to resolve issues with cards and benefits.
MDHS anticipates the distribution of these one-time P-EBT benefits in October 2022.
Eligible families are encouraged to monitor
MDE and MDHS oversee the distribution of P-EBT benefits in Mississippi. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service administers the program at the federal level.
That money will be used by a parent/guardian/aunt to purchase bling, etc.
Don’t tell Brett or the Ex Governor how this money is being squandered on the poor and poverty stricken. Cause they can find better ways to spend this money. Too the Top!
11:59, oh, that would be horrible! Do you really think it could happen? Oh, mercy! Should I write a letter to Mr. Bob Anderson, alerting him to the possibility?
Crazy checks v. 2.0
FREE money-
Money flowing like this is why people are not working
Shad needs to be looking into this.
4:21 nailed it. Read it again.
The population of Mississippi is three million. 500,000 receiving this additional gimmee is close to 20% of the total population. Put this new number with the total number receiving SNAP, the number on Medicaid, plus the number who have managed to get on disability and you got one shitload of folks ridin' in the wagon with very few pullin' it.
All we need now is a few more 'stimulatin' checks.
1/2 a million is 'many' belly buttons for the population of Mississippi. I failed to grasp the amount of aide.
You really think a one time payment like this is keeping people from working? Rent, utilities, food and other necessities will be purchased eternally with this money that is on an EBT card. I didn't know that those funds could be used to buy anything other than food. Paying people a livable wage will get people to work, even though the US unemployment levels are incredibly low at this time.
@4:19. Yes, yes it will. Because there is always another one time payment coming from somewhere. There is help for everything. Funny story, I make 6 figures, but my daughter had a flip phone. I remember her coming home from school and saying “dad, I want a nice iPhone like all the kids that get the free lunch have”. It was a great opportunity to talk about life lessons, money management, etc.
So you think these one time payments keep people paying rent forever and ever? Again what about employment being at an incredibly low level. If business owners are willing to pay livable wages, fewer people would need the assistance. If they cannot pay the wages, they probably shouldn't be in business. Do you not have a problem with corporate welfare like PPP loans? Tons of owners never used the money to pay employees. Why aren't they paying that money back? What about the retail and restaurant industry people that pay such crappy wages that their employees need government assistance? I'm not going to be mad at a people who are getting food to help feed their families.
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