Warning: Do not drink or eat while reading this post.
The transmigration of souls apparently took place in Hinds County even though a Chancellor said otherwise. A woman petitioned Chancellor Tiffany Grove to rule her father had been dead for seven years. However, this was no ordinary death. Ashley Johnson claimed Audray Johnson's body was still alive but his spirit was dead, replaced by the spirit of Akecheta Morningstar. Hell, I can't write this post with a straight face. Just read the order and affidavit posted below. The first two paragraphs say it all.
Kingfish note: Akecheta? Where have we heard that name before? Oh yeah....
Tiffany Grove is probably one of the most promising of the new Chancery Court Judges the State of Mississippi has on the bench. She is very smart. She has the capacity to think and cut through the normal mess that is heard in Chancery Court, all while doing her job and being professional.
Now, as to the General, at least his story is impressive.
Nice try.
Waste of taxpayer money.
Wrong venue. Should have filed the case in California. He would have a pretty good shot in San Francisco or L.A.
What. In. The. Blue. Hell. Is. This. Bullshit.
"Morningstar admits that he occupies the physical body of Audray Johnson, but submits that he should not have the responsibility of taking care of 'a dead man's family.'"
I tell you what, Kingfish, shooters shoot.
Excellent HBO reference there Kingfish. I also pay a premium for the HBO channels and consume their high quality television programming. I'm especially fond of Bill Maher.
There is a reason LSD is illegal.
But in this case, it might actually help Mizz Johnson.
(Balanced with proper doses of Ecstasy of course)
Thank you judge for having the wisdom to dismiss this case instead of converting the matter into a lunacy hearing of both father and daughter.
Just shows that there are many sick individuals out there.
Put him on the library board
Democrats will do just about anything to avoid paying child support.
The wrong family member has been in the nervous hospital.
I was born in the constellation Pleiades, my daddy was Val Thor and my momma was one of them star gazing women from UTR534. He said he built the pyramids (but I can’t find out how he did it) my mom says she gave birth to the Aztecs....all 6 million of them...go figure cause she is skinny as a rail ...and my brother says he has a condo on the moon and one on Mars. So I really think this guy May have a shot at making you all believe his story. I just need to figure out how to get my atomic engine tuned up so I can make it home for Mother’s Day. And y’all think YALL have issues. Nanoo Nanoo...see ya
If he was installed as a library board member, he could count as two for quorum purposes.
I’m impressed by the professionalism of Chancellor Grove’s order, which I think was befitting of the bench. Not all judge’s can put their personal opinions aside and address only legal basis of the matter before the court.
I concur Judge Grove is an excellent Judge. She is professional, knowledgeable, and has great people skills. If an opening occurs on appellate Courts, Governor should consider her.
Bat Shyt Crazee!
This makes my head hurt. In my best Peter Griffin voice,,AHH WHAT THA HELL.
Looks like the judge tried to make sense of absolute nonsense here. The hearing was held the 2.27 and the order entered the 2.28. How about that for judicial efficiency? Judge Grove is new but she doesn't play around.
Is no one concerned that we have a "fallen angel" named Morningstar in our midst????
"...the metaphor of the morning star that Isaiah 14:12 applied to a king of Babylon gave rise to the general use of the Latin word for "morning star", capitalized, as the original name of the devil before his fall from grace..." (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer)
What is worse now is that a Notice of Appeal has been filed. I guess someone has enough money to support this lunacy...
Wouldn't be his first pro se appeal: https://law.mc.edu/judicial/briefs/2016-IA-00571-SCTE.PDF
I doubt the courts of appeals will be as gracious as Judge Grove.
This man has filed lawsuits in every court in the metro area, and that includes federal court. He has a mental problem, and I think he's dangerous when he's not taking his medication. Mississippi is going to have to stop ignoring the mental health issues in this state and come up with a plan to handle these people.
Y’all motherfuckers so bored and hate y’all miserable ass lives so much that y’all sit around and comment about other people’s lives and business. Another person’s beliefs has nothing to do with y’all low life asses!! Talk about y’all whore ass daughters sucking and fucking for free. Worry about y’all son’s getting sent to jail eating ass and getting their ass blew out by other black men!!! Shut up and suck a dick before mentioning someone else’s business that has nothing to do with any of y'all. This is why white people rule and y’all dumb divided ass monkeys do get nowhere!! SHOOT THIS BOMB ASS EDITOR OF THIS BOGUS FAKE ASS NEWSPAPER!!!!!!
Make sure you make as part of the commentary how the
Court itself perform a criminal act by defacing and removing
records from the docket in order to obstruct Justice.
The above case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt using
Biblical exhortation, medical science (medical records), visual aids,
and audio of Dr. Morningstar. Do your due diligence and research
The Doctor’s story at www.necons.org. Also check YouTube
AKECHETA MORNINGSTAR). Follow him on Facebook.
This is Dr. Morningstar. One of those Anonymous comments sounds like it came from one of the
two Attorneys that was present at the hearing. How they found out about
Ms Johnson's hearing, I don't know. I will spare them the embarrassment right now by mentioning their
names. However, I sued both of them in Chancery Court for fraud. I hired both of them and paid $1500
for them to represent me in a Med Mal case. They sided with the Defense and kept the $1500. I went behind
the two imbeciles and initially defeated Summary Judgment on my own pro se efforts. The Bar is investigating the Lead attorney
as we speak.
With all due respect to Judge Groves, she didn't give this case due diligence by passing down her ruling in less that 3 minutes
without asking questions or giving the Petitioner a chance to rebut. Even though medical science proved that Dr. Morningstar was right on point, his exhortation was also Bible based. The problem is, most persons don't read the Bible to see what Good News is found therein.
This is Dr Morningstar again. Correction to the previous comment. I sued them both in County Court, not Chancery Court.
This is Dr Morningstar again. Anonymous Commentators: Don’t hide who you are. Stand up proudly and boldly as it relates
to your comments. The problem is, you are cognizant that your comments are defamatory and don’t
align themselves with the Facts of the case. The Truth shall prevail!!!
This is Dr. Morningstar. It is quite ironic that someone would mention the Westworld series, produced
by HBO. I, as well, was quite shocked about how similar the storyline is to the life of Audray/Andres Johnson and
myself, General Akecheta A. Morningstar, PH. D. The story is about a Native American with spiritual insight. I hadn't
dug deep into their storyline, however, I will be retaining an attorney. Audray/Andres Johnson's story was originally
copyrighted in 2005. It's possible they even stole my name- AKECHETA. I legally obtained my current name of Akecheta Morningstar on October 31, in 2017. The Westworld
Series, if I'm not mistaken, introduced the character Akecheta during the second season of 2017.
IT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED!!! Ms Johnson was able to deliver to the Supreme Court of Mississippi the most powerful Brief in the history of the world based upon my expert testimony. Please view the Brief and the Records yourself at http://courts.ms.gov.
Search for case # 2020-CP-00240
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