Friday, May 19, 2017

Kingston Frazier update: Who told what when?

When did the Hinds County Sheriff's Office learn about the kidnapping of the late Kingston Frazier?  Sheriff Mason told reporters at a press conference yesterday that his deputy did not know a crime had been committed until 2:30 AM:

Unfortunately, Sheriff Mason's assertion does not coincide with the facts.  HCSO dispatch notified JPD of the auto theft and kidnapping at 1:28 AM.  JPD dispatch  notified all JPD units to be on the lookout for the stolen car with a seven year-old baby at 1:37 AM (10:10 in the audio posted below).  You read this paragraph correctly.

The audio recording was provided by Broadcastify.

Timeline of radio calls
10:10 vehicle was just stolen from a kroger’s parking lot with a 7 year-old baby in tag info, Silver Camry Toyota
11:35 was the child in the car?  Unit notifies dispatch he is at East Frontage Road and Beasley looking for the car.
11:42 be advised 2007 toyota camry…tinting window..she did leave keys in the vehicle.
12:12 Bolo for silver Toyota camry with 7 yo child.
16:29 7 yo boy’s name is Kingston frazier

It is unknown why the Sheriff claimed that  his deputy was not told about the theft and kidnapping until 2:30 AM.  Two Hinds County Deputies were working at Kroger on a private security detail.  One was working inside of the store.  The other deputy was supposed to be watching the parking lot.  The kidnapping took place.  JPD was notified at 1:28 AM by HCSO Dispatch.  Commander Tyree Jones arrived to the scene at 2:30 AM.  He began an investigation. HCSO personnel inexplicably let the Kroger manager go home without retrieving the security camera video of the parking lot for them to review.  Commander Jones had him return to the store and actually show them the video of the parking lost (You are reading this correctly.).  However, HCSO retained primary jurisdiction over the investigation at Kroger since its deputies provide security. 

The Mississippi Department of Public Safety issued an Amber Alert at 4:30 AM.

Kingfish note: The Sheriff should make the dispatch call logs available to the media immediately.  The public has a very strong interest in knowing when the police were notified about the kidnapping.  Period.   JJ will leave you with this JPD tweet:



Anonymous said...

dirty bird mason

Anonymous said...

Victor Mason works on Eastern Time only. Everyone knows this.

Anonymous said...

KF, at one point in your post you say, "JPD was notified of the auto theft and kidnapping at 1:28 AM." Later, you say, "JPD was notified at 1:20 AM by HCSO Dispatch." Which is correct?

Anonymous said...

So the Sheriff either lied or was given bad information from his staff. Either way he needs to find a microphone today and start answering questions.

Anonymous said...

JPD tweet, which clearly states a child is in the stolen vehicle, time stamped 2:28 AM.

Amber Alert issued two hours later, at 4:30 AM.

Why the delay?

Could an earlier, more timely, issuance of an Amber Alert saved this child?

Kingfish said...

1:28. Thanks. 20 and 28 sound very similar on a cellphone .

Anonymous said...

Assuming this post is true (as well as the reports that the mother isn't suspect and had nothing to do with the shooting of the child) and if anyone from the insurance companies with exposure in this tragedy/fiasco are reading this, here is a thought (it is not legal advice, just an observation):

Call the family and offer policy limits.

I have no doubt Plaintiff's attorneys all over the area are drooling over this along with the usual suspects from the D bar. It wouldn't surprise me to learn the family has already signed up with someone. I would be curious to see what would happen if the ins. cos with exposure (or really, that will be paying up, along with huge attorney fees, if they are stupid enough to go to the mattresses over this one) immediately offered pol limits with the stipulation the attorneys only got hourly for the couple of hours they could have worked thus far. And before anyone starts defending PI lawyers, no attorney worth any fee would have done much at this point because there are too many sketchy details at this point that, likely as not, will get much more clear in the next 24-48 hours.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:42 is obviously not an attorney, nor does (s)he work for an insurance company. Good grief.

Anonymous said...

Was the car really silver? It looked black to me.

Anonymous said...

Mason can easily clarify this one way or the other. Then we can move on to some other conspiracies.

Anonymous said...

Incompetence finds a face!

Anonymous said...

@1:42 sounds like your quintessential wannabe a lawyer JJ commenter. Definitely not anyone who handles premises cases on either side.

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2017 at 2:03 PM wrote:

"@ 1:42 is obviously not an attorney, nor does (s)he work for an insurance company. Good grief.", which are you, a P or D atty? For the rest of the readers, see, in particular, Cheeks v Autozone (Miss 2012, IIRC) and Kroger v Knox (Miss 2014, IIRC). Again, if the mother was not involved in any way, the optics of a murdered child, combined with the jury and great judicial/appellate minds that would/could be involved, make this a loser for the insurance companies. The ONLY winners in this will be the attorneys.

Anonymous said...

You forgot @1:42 PM to somehow find an angle to blame the whiteys who ostensibly control Kroger corporate and then coordinate the lawsuit/press conference to coincide with a sympathetic fact-challenged 'blame whitey' story to run in that week's JFP print edition.

Anonymous said...

Kroger's legal responsibility rests on whether the parking lot deputy was on scene and doing his job in a reasonable manner. If he was, its not a slam dunk PL case...

Anonymous said...

Would like to know. Who can issue an Amber Alert? Can JPD or just the Highway Patrol or could the HCSO have done so. What is the timeline that MCSO went into action on this. What about RPD and MPD? Did Rankin go into action and if so, what time?

Would love to see an overall picture. Whatever Mason's reasons are, if I were Krogers, someone else would be hired. This will affect their business.

On another topic: Do any of the three arrested in this horrendous crime have records of note? Is it possible they will have to be returned to Hinds County. You can bet their story will say Hinds County because they will not want to be in Madison.

So far, it sounds like if JPD had not gotten involved, nothing much would have happened.

Anonymous said...

What do the following sequences of numbers mean. Were they later in the AM? And which agency was making the calls?

Anonymous said...

Got the dates reversed, here are the citations:

Kroger v. Knox, 98 So. 3d 441 (Miss. 2012)
Cheeks v Autozone, 154 So.3d 817 (Miss. 2014)

Anonymous said...

VICTORS BEEN in the weeds since the beginning..he never worked a case to completion at Hinds or the AGs Office and Ridgeland P.D thought he was a joke with all of his experience and kept getting his reports kicked back for bad grammar and trying to write with Ebonics.

Please don't re elect this clown back in..
He's a Fraud, a lier a predator and just a complete DUMBASS...REALLY..

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2017 at 2:51 PM wrote:

"Kroger's legal responsibility rests on whether the parking lot deputy was on scene and doing his job in a reasonable manner. If he was, its not a slam dunk PL case..."

This is MS in 2017 - are there ANY slam dunk cases, PL or otherwise? That said *AND* assuming the general details available thus far are more or less accurate, another Knox v Kroger or Cheeks v Autozone won't be a winner for anyone but at least the D attorneys and likely as not for both sides' attorneys. And again assuming the general details are generally accurate, when the dust settles it will cheaper in both dollars and publicity, with more dollars going to the Plaintiff(s), to pay up early.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:39 Defense attorney. And neither Cheeks nor Knox support your position. Cheeks did not involve a crime at a premises and Knox came down in favor of that same Kroger store.

Anonymous said...

Any reports of the mother's blood alcohol levels being checked at the scene? At the very least she needs to be charged with endangerment and possibly DUI as well. I have zero sympathy for someone which such poor judgment regarding her child's safety. I hope CPS is checking on the safety of the rest of her children (assuming she has lots of children). They all deserve better.

Anonymous said...

Who was more grossly negligent, Kroger, or the mom who left a kid in a car(unlocked at that) at 1am at I55 Kroger? Yeah, lets just say F-it and pay policy limits "just because". Please don't complain to me when your liability rates go up(its across the board you know). And Mississippi already has some of the highest rates in the country because of frivolous lawsuit payouts such as what you're suggesting. Where is Kroger's legal liability, or where were they negligent? Where does it stop? Does Kroger need to have armed guards or valet service to protect you? Daycare? Please, get out of here with that noise.

Anonymous said...

@3:13 is very weak on cites. Sad!

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2017 at 3:32PM wrote:

"Defense attorney. And neither Cheeks nor Knox support your position. Cheeks did not involve a crime at a premises and Knox came down in favor of that same Kroger store."

Yes, insofar as your general thumbnail of the cases, but no, I would dispute that the cases fail to support my position. I'm not personally familiar with the "environment" at that Kroger, but assuming reports are correct (hence my caveats re: details), it is generally known to Kroger, at least as early as Knox, that the location is subject to above-average crime, so they provide "enhanced" security. That is where Cheeks comes in. Once Kroger's actions are such as to arguably create a false sense of security or even assume a duty it did not previously owe, it better get it right. Do I think lawyers can have a reasonable debate/disagreement over this? Absolutely. But would you want this before a jury as P or D if was it was English rule with you on the hook?

Anonymous said...

@ 3:50
Well said. The thought of this neglectful and incompetent mother profiting from an inevitable lawsuit makes me ill.

Anonymous said...

3:59, hell yes I would. "Assuming" as you do the facts as they are known now -- (1) hired deputy inside and outside to provide security;(2) car unlocked, engine running, and key inside [invitation??]; (3) drunk mother leaving child unattended. The 'environment' you mention does not change even if you were in your sheltered Madison - The City gated community. Leaving a child unattended, in an unlocked car with engine running in the Kroger down the street from you at 1:30 a.m. is no more an 'environment', thus your automatic PL claim doesn't win there. IF - (big 'if') your idea of an automatic win was correct, there still is the allocation of fault. Any jury would have to acknowledge the allocation of fault away from the Kroger, who did provide security for the unattendant mother. Sympathy be damned at that point; reality of fault would enter the picture.

Anonymous said...

At 3:50PM:

Actually, if (yeah, I know, all wishful thinking) insurance companies simply offered a fair amount on viable (or "dangerously justiciable") claims from the get-go, it would go a long way to lowering premiums for everyone. It isn't the party/plaintiffs that create lawsuits, frivolous or otherwise, it is attorneys. The plaintiff firms and defense firms are symbiotic - one wouldn't and couldn't exist without the other. Of course, each side claims they are protecting the poor, injured plaintiff or preventing the greedy plaintiffs from raising costs for "the rest of us," but considering the amount of money they rake off the top, they are the ones, for the most part, who are benefiting from the current situation, not the plaintiffs or the consumers. And I'm not suggesting that there will not be cases that a reasonable insurance company should litigate, nor that there are never cases where an adjuster (or company) simply tries to screw some poor schmuck - there most certainly are. The insurance companies are willing to be just as complicit in the situation as long as they are allowed to calculate it into the cost of business and pass the costs along to the consumer, it will not change. All three groups would have to be disincentivised and given the incentives, that isn't likely.

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2017 at 4:20 PM:

I make no assumptions about where the security was nor the mother's state because those are among the details that haven't been shown as "fact" one way or the other.

As to her leaving the keys in the car/the car running, that seems to be accurate at this point. So, yes, there would be an apportioning of liability issue.

But to have an apportioning of liability, you have to have a trial. By the time that apportionment happens, there will have been hundreds of thousands of dollars spent (total by all, including the taxpayers - staffed courthouses and judges aren't free) and if the past is ANY hint of the future, even then, there will be at least one appeal, etc. As emotionally difficult as it is to do when it is an innocent child, a fair monetary settlement for the loss suffered by the parties with a potential claim can be calculated by a neutral party. My rough guess is that if this thing goes all the way, the defense will cost a large percentage of that fair settlement (and again, assuming a fair settlement is warranted once the relevant facts are known/confirmed). And yes, I realize insurance companies do calculations about "pay or fight" all the time...but I said "fair" and more importantly "neutral" calculations.

Anonymous said...

to 1:42pm SCREW YOU and all your trash talk about drooling lawyers and civil suits. a child is dead. give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as Krogers. It's Kroger. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Not certain how insurance companies come into play here but one thing I am sure of is that a mother should never leave her child in a car. Running in for an errand, running in for meds, or any other reason. If you care about your child, you will take the time to unbuckle them from a seat and carry them with you. Period! I don't understand for any reason how this occurred. I also don't understand why a baby was out at this time, the day before his kindergarten graduation. Don't even respond to me about single parents and working late hours. Hello, if you care about your child, you don't leaven them in a car alone. You don't have them out this late on a school night. This is neglect, plain and simple. I don't leave teens in a car in the parking lot for fear of a carjacking. I don't know from the stories here and in the media if the mother was drunk, at a bar but this does not matter. She left a child alone, too young, in the middle of the night and this is neglect. I feel so sorry for babies that are left alone.

The thugs involved deserve everything that is coming to them.

Anonymous said...

3:22, this ain't about Sheriff Victor Mason, it's about a child that was killed by unhumans! As I commented many times on the subject of critiquing an elected official.

You qualify, run and get elected. You will find out , this is not a perfect world.

You Mac, Tyrone and Victor haters, let it go! It ain't healthy!!! Buy a couple of Scags or Big Boy mowers and make you some money. It ain't healthy let it go! You are going to stroke out and die stressing about this shigity.

Victor is going to keep on living and making $10,000 plus a month. Let it go!

When Victors term is up, you will be bitching about the next Sheriff!!!

Anonymous said...

People will continue to question the authority in Jackson as long as they vote in complete and total asses. Period!

Anonymous said...

I think 3 hours plus is too much time to issue an amber alert. I don't know any official stats on this but when I think of my own child, this seems way to long. Even if the car tags had to be verified, the police could have done a better job on it. It does not surprise me that the car was not in the driver's name in the least. As a former civil service worker, I saw that too many people do not take the time to change out utilities, property deeds or other official documents. This should be illegal. Get it together people! If you take possession of anything, change it to your name. This is pathetic that so many live this way.

Anonymous said...

Victor Mason ain't nothing but a showboat!! yuck!! He makes me sick!! Sheriff Victor Showboat Mason.
Showboat has proven he don't have a clue how to be a Sheriff. It's all about being a showboat to him. He tries to get all the women while the slumlord rob the bank.

Anonymous said...

I think in one news articles Warren Strain outlined the lengthy time it takes to do an Amber Alert. Paperwork has to be completed from various agencies and signed and delivered back to MHP and that takes hours. Someone needs to take a serious look at how to streamline the process.

Anonymous said...

4:43 - your courthouse, judge, DA, etc are all paid the same whether they are working or not. Yes, the cost of a jury would be added in the case of a trial, but the other costs are fixed.

But more importantly -- where the hell is there any fault on the part of the grocery store? They are open for business, have a lit parking lot, security on site. The mother leaves the bar (and according to the police on site, well inebriated), goes to the grocery store and leaves her child in the unattended, unlocked and engine running car. Should the business have provided a personal security guard to stand watch over this particular customer's automobile while she decided to leave it running? No, but I'll bet if she had stopped and pointed it out to the deputy, they would have been aware of the 'special circumstances' and paid particular attention to this idiotic move by their customer.

The poor kid was a victim. Terrible victim. But that does not mean the kid's family are entitle to a monetary payment -- because of the negligence of the mother. How about the bar that she left? They had nothing to do with the abduction, but they were as contributory as Kroger if you are looking to blame. How about the distillery that made the booze? Maybe the auto maker because they didn't install an auto-lock system that would engage if some abductor thug approached?

Your entire premise is that 'someone should pay'. The question I raise is "why"? What failure did the Kroger provide to this terrible situation except stay open for business at night and let a drunk woman park in their parking lot?

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Kroger of Jackson. Hello more food deserts whatever that is.

Good news for Ridgeland and Madison when Kroger pulls out....more grocery shoppers for you coming from Jackson. .

Anonymous said...

Amazing how many lawyers play around on this site all day long.

Anonymous said...

The Clarion Ledger is reporting that the child's father had posted to Facebook that he was alive and well in Greenwood. What on God's earth would he have done this? Do some need more drama in their lives than a child's abduction? WTH is the matter with these people? A mother leaves a 6 year old alone in a car in Jackson at 1:30 in the morning and the father creates drama with social media. This poor child did not stand a chance with these ghetto parents.

The police could not issue an Amber Alert due to inconsistencies with the car title. This is just a shame! While we will never know for sure, that child could have been saved if the alert was issued sooner.

I am tired of seeing this kind of nonsense in the news. Get your life together people or at least use birth control until you do.

To the parents of the three thugs and criminals (with a history), what were your doing when your teens were out roaming around? Why did you not know they were out? Why were they out at this hour? Your clue acurred years ago when they got into trouble at school! Parents in JX should take note. The first sign of trouble is a call from a principal or coach. Stop it at that point!

Anonymous said...

I find it impossible to believe that a teenager (any one of the three) could execute a 6 year old boy that they have never laid eyes on until a chance meeting In a Kroger parking lot. That makes no sense on any level. There has to more to this than what we have been told. Michael Guest is a Justice warrior and he will get to the bottom of this. Mason is a buffoon and if JPD is the only security you have then you are in deep doodoo.

Anonymous said...

What is the law in MS on leaving your children in a car alone? Does anyone know? I am assuming the mother will be charged with neglect.

Anonymous said...

Attorney here. Your reading of these cases is wrong. Worse, your lack of empathy is even worse. Its too early to go civil attorney. You give us all a bad name.

Anonymous said...

The story- they followed the mom (who was riding in the dads everyday car) thinking there was drugs in there... broke in and didn't know there was a kid

Anonymous said...

Fuck an amber alert and a timeline. This is about nothing more than drugs and gangs and the baby momma leaving a car running for a solid damned hour with a dead child in the car and trying to cover up the whole deal. Where is her store receipt? What did she purchase in the hour she strolled around in the store waiting for her accomplices to show up and 'steal' the car? Nice photo on the news showing her all laid out in agony being held up by a relative. Bullshit smells. And this is bullshit. Quit dancing around it!

Anonymous said...

"Fuck an amber alert and a timeline"------"This is about nothing more than"
A kid was shot. That kid died. Facts are pertinent as to absolve certain parties of WILD claims and place the blame where it's due.
Should the mother have been drinking? Hell no. Did she do just about everything you're not supposed to do. Hell yes.

Then we have this timeline of a communication breakdown that lead some to believe it was a wild conspiracy, when in fact, HCSO didn't have their shit together. Quit blaming just the mom. If I've learned anything about this, there is plenty of "collective blame" to go around starting with Hinds County Law Enforcement. If charges are brought on the mother, then some heads should roll in Hinds County----Down the street---in broad daylight----and on the news. LIVE.

I mean, you have to be f'n kidding me. Prayer doesn't exactly work for "spectators" like me, so a good hell raising is in order. This child could be alive today if they did their damn jobs. We'll never know.

I'm tired of seeing shit like this on the news. And for you dumbasses that find it impossible to believe anything, wake up and smell the coffee.

Anonymous said...

§ 43-15-401

Anonymous said...

Archey....that name rings a bell

Anonymous said...

This is suspicious to me. Am I the only one who feels this way? First, we have a mom who has been out partying for her birthday and decides to make this last minute stop, in the middle of the night, and leaves her child alone, in a running car. In a matter of ten to fifteen minutes, three kids (2 with no priors and 1 out on bail) just happen to pull up on an old piece of junk, with a deputy in the parking lot, decide to just take off in the old car and go and literally execute this baby? Then, the car just happens to not be in her name, etc, etc, so it takes forever to get the info for an Amber Alert and then they say they are looking for a silver car when this car is clearly not silver, or even close to it, which makes me wonder where that came from. There's a lot of coincidences here and I have a great deal of trouble with that. Something in the milk ain't white! I'm not even convinced these boys did this, regardless of the so called 'confession.' Kids will say almost anything when they're scared and I know how interrogators are. Plus, they found them because of a witness to the car theft? Now obviously that witness wasn't concerned enough to raise an alert when they saw the car being stolen, but, after the fact, they can suddenly produce enough information to catch somebody right off the bat? Eye witness testimony is horribly unreliable, even in broad daylight when witnesses are paying attention. But in the night? When it doesn't appear that they were thinking too much of it at first? The whole thing sounds like the police just wanted to wrap it all up into a neat little package and put it all to rest. God help everyone, I swear.

Anonymous said...

I know this is 2017 and our society expects the other guy to look out and protect him or her. How can a business be held accountable for a mom who leaves a child in her car at that time of the morning, unlocked?!!! I believe there has been a case in Alabama where a dad left his child in a car and he died while at work. Did anyone sue his employer? This menace to society ( Sue the pants off of anybody and everybody) because we as adults don't want to held accountable for our actions has to stop! That means if you own a retail business or an office anyone can leave a child in the car and die then YOU are expected to step to the side and let your insurance company dish it out. This is crazy and I'm wondering how much more detail in the case is going to come out or allowed to be divulged before we know the exact truth. The only ones who know are the mom and the 3 criminals. I don't see how Kroger can be sued, but like I said this is 2017.

Anonymous said...

Just because the keys were in the car doesn't mean the car was unlocked.
The child was in the car and the mother may have wanted the air condition on for him while he slept or he was listening to the radio.
We don't know how the car thief stole the car. Did he threatened the child with a gun to unlock the car? Did he have a bar to unlock the car or simply persuade the child?
We don't know the mother's reason for going back into Kroger. For all we know she was going to pick up cupcakes for the graduation the next day which . Or, she may have thought going in and out for one item or to say goodbye to friends with child in a locked car in a parking lot with security would be safe for a few minutes.
I was upset with the mother when the early report of this incident was 2:30am but not after the reasons she was out with the child at a Kroger parking lot at 10:30 pm were reported.
Some of you just want to pile on and the reason for you negative mindset is rather obvious. It was even more obvious on FB when all kinds of invented tales about the mother showed up. Those who speculate in such ways are low down , no good troublemakers.
And, those of you assuming any amount of money will make up for having your child brutally murdered aren't much higher up on the food chain. Did you really look at that child's face in his graduation photo? Did that look like a neglected child to you who wasn't happy and proud to be graduating? Who provided that photo and paid for it to be taken? hmmm?

Anonymous said...

6:05 p.m.-- No way that Kroger is pulling out of the I-55 location. That site has to be a very profitable location. The parking lot during normal hours is almost always full and the store is extremely busy, pretty much all day. They already have 1 store in Ridgeland (and closed the County Line location sometime back) and two in Madison. I suspect like many other Ridgeland and Madison residents who work downtown, I shop there several times a week on my way home. It is more convenient to do that than to use the Madison County stores on weekdays.

Anonymous said...

Dwans father?

LOUIE said...

Can someone interpret the audio tape. I can't understand a word they are saying. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I realize there are unanswered questions about everything from why the child was left in the car, why the car was left running, where was the HCD to the timeline, etc. The time between the murder of this precious child and his funeral should be for remembering his life and praying for his bereaved parents. I am so sick of seeing his mother slammed all over SM and blogs. So many opinionated people spewing so much garbage. People: it is possible she had car trouble and didn't want to turn it off, it is possible the mother has medical issues or impaired cognition. And before anything at all was known the ridiculous garbage criticizing her for being out so late. Many people have night jobs, night day care, etc. And then the whiners about being awakened by the AA. Since they were asleep at 4:45 a.m. they simply did not understand what the point of the AA was? Mean hateful garbage. People are not perfect but that does make it ok to judge and condemn them at a time like this. At least wait until little Kingston has been laid to rest and the facts come out. My sympathies are totally with his family at this terrible time and my heart goes out to his poor mother.

Anonymous said...

Come on people. The Amber alert does take time and needs to be adjusted however, why didn't HCSO alert all metro law enforcement when this happened. Maybe just maybe Madison law enforcement could have put this to an end before Kingston was killed. I will tell you Victor has no idea what he is doing nor does the folks he put in place. Law Enforcement in the metro area, including myself, know that he is a joke and always has been.

Anonymous said...

With the sex scandall and now this Mason should resign. No elected official has ever been such an embarrassment. Mac is rolling over in his grave.

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Jackson and have remained there for most of my life. I am a city girl and grew up with the knowledge of the need to lock doors and use common sense about safety from crime. By the grace of God I have not been touched by violent crime. I am sick and tired of Rankin and Madison county residents wearing out the roads coming and going from Jackson to earn the livings that pay for their bedroom communities and crucifying the city every chance they get. Believe me there is crime in your counties too. And for the outrageous poster who stated no place in Jackson is safe I am incredulous someone is that stupid. The richest residents in MS live in Jackson and are quite safe. Jackson is YOUR anchor city. You will find other anchor cities have crime as well. When you criticize your anchor city you hurt yourself.

Anonymous said...

I can't recall any recent kidnappings and child murders in Florence.

Anonymous said...

12:28 -- well said. I bet if you did a survey, most of those counties' residents, have no problem working in Jackson, and using those funds to live elsewhere, and criticize. I just shake my head. Do I have problems with Hinds County and Jackson -- yep! Mostly reverse racism, in the city and country government, however, if the Capital fails, so fails the state. Might want to rethink their approach both within Jackson and in the outlying counties. It's kind of like wanting your brother to fail so you can justify why you are the better, smarter sibling. Now.........10,9,8,......let the pile on begin, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the liability and Lawsuit will be against CDS ( Central Defence Security) the company out of Memphis who contract the Sheriff's Office per Krogers. Anything a d Everything that deputy did or didn't do is a direct reflection towards the company that hires them ( CDS ) as well as Krogers and the SHERIFF'S OFFICE..
Maybe the deputy wasn't qualified to work there. I smell a HUGE SETTLEMENT.

Anonymous said...

Wake up people. Note the post earlier today regarding - Wakefield's father? READ the link. 4th name, 2009. Arrested for kidnapping, etc. Seeing posts re Kingston's grandfather being a godfather of sorts of the legendary vice lords. Before you discount what went down around that poor little boy, you all should spend a few minutes and look up National Vice Lords on Wikipedia. Read it all. Kidnapping/murder. At least you'll be familiar with tattoos common to gangs. If 30-35K in 2009, just imagine today. Don't think there aren't bad eggs in "security" everywhere either who are only looking out for themselves. Narcotic agent telling me Jackson is becoming little Chicago. Enforcement is a joke because the number of evil psychopaths is increasing and overwhelming. Cover ups abound in this. Timeline gets softer every day. Mom didn't inform deputy a child was involved right away..."later." Kroger manager "went home" without offering access to video. 2007 Toyota or 2000 Toyota? "Silver Toyota" vs reality of older gray Toyota with paint missing? -reports from JPD. Swift and intensive changes need to be made to Amber Alerts' requirements so that alerts go out to public in a more timely basis. This is the kicker: Already, this is your answer: Dist. Atty. Michael Guest stated that the car theft, in his opinion, was nothing more than a crime of opportunity. So far, there’s been no indication that the suspects knew Kingston or his family beforehand.
“I do not believe that it is anything other than a crime of opportunity.” Yea, right.

Anonymous said...

1) Victor lied about the Timeline and details of the incident.
2) Deputy Dumbass allowed the Manager to leave without pulling the video.
3) Deputy Dumbass didn't get the full details from the victim immediately and advise the Patrol Shift Supervisor and CDS dispatch also to alert their Supervisors ( Jason King )
4) Victors too stupid to even cover up and do damage control for this screw up.
5) Victor NOT RE ELECTED...

Anonymous said...

I used to live near (14 years) and frequently stopped by the I-55 Kroger after (medical) work on the way home...around midnight to 1:30 in the a.m. I didn't have to face crowds and, for a term, Kroger had a security officer actually actively patrolling the parking lot in a golf cart. Very attentive. Then, I would only see a security officer sometimes standing near the front doors. Then, standing inside the doors, but laughing and talking with the cashiers at the self-checkout station. Then, no security in sight, either inside or out. After a few times of this, I felt uncomfortable and decided, as convenient as it was, I had to stop for safety reasons. No one ever followed me out of the parking lot, but I felt I was pushing my luck. Shortly thereafter, in 2015, I moved to Flowood, so I cannot speak to security presence at Kroger in last couple years. But, I wonder if I may assume that security has not increased their presence in that time? Take note people: If Kroger is second largest store behind Wal-Mart, and my business in downtown Jackson can put several good cameras on its roof, why can't Kroger do the same? It is sickening in this day that people complain to each other and don't send an email, or call, the appropriate corporate people and request better services from the places they frequent? Kroger lost my business and Jackson lost a resident. The person who just blogged, complaining that we drive in from surrounding communities? My choice, my dear. And, do I need to say, your choice.

Anonymous said...

I am bothered by several posts here defending leaving a child in a car. "To say goodbye to a friend, to run in and get meds and all the other nonsense excuses. It is illegal, should never be done under any circumstances. To theses posters I say that I hope you don't have children and if you ever leave them alone in a car in any public place (with or without security) then you are fools.

Anonymous said...

11:51 -- Get real. I agree the story is about the kid, but your attempt to defend the mother just doesn't work. (1) if she had car trouble, that didn't stop her from taking the kid into the store with her, or not stopping at all; (2) she had not been out working a night job, she had been at the Last Call bar -- according to her story as told to the cops; (3) said cops indicated that she was quite drunk, although I am sure they used a nicer way of saying it.

She was driving, at night, drunk. She left her kid in a car in a parking lot, alone. Asleep, or awake --- either way --- that's not defensible, and leaving the car running (to make it an attractive nuisance) doubled down on this lack of good sense.

I too was awakened by the AA, but am not going to complain about them. Kinda ridiculous how it worked, going off every few minutes both on cell phone and on radio broadcasts, but that wasn't a problem. And I don't throw the mom into a conspiracy situation (at this time) without any more knowledge of the facts. BUT, while I assume and hope she is in deep mourning over this terrible mess, in no way am I going to hold her non-responsible.

Anonymous said...

Kingfish, thank you for being the blog that's pointing out what I've said from jump! VM and his band of do nothings but wear a uniform like they're law enforcement royalty, botched this whole thing up! I commented here a while back on your article you had about VM and him trying to dismiss himself from a sexual harassment law suit, LAUGHABLE! If you have tendencies to sexually harrass, IMO, you can't be trusted. Certainly, this is not the only quality, but in VM's case, the HCSO is in the toilet and being an AA, I feel it's been in the toilet since MM. MM was not perfect, but he kept the cesspool at bay! I told a coworker on Thursday, after we found out that Kingston had been murdered, that something was wrong with how the deputy handled Ebony's report. I'm not letting Ebony off because what she did was VERY dumb, and I feel, if she had nothing to do with this, she's been beating herself up! I've observed the HCSO "patrol" that lot with reckless abandon. Fraternizing with the female patrons, sitting in their cars on the phone, etc. I said some years ago, I would find another Kroger to go to because I felt someone would get seriously hurt there. I believe when Ebony approached the deputy and told him what occurred, he did not respond with a sense of urgency and was probably lackadaisical about it, even! To cover for this, VM gets on a press conference and says Ebony didn't tell them it was a kidnapping until later! Everyone else however, JPD, the 911 call and what the dispatcher said, etc., all point to VM lying about how and when this terrible crime was reported.

Anonymous said...

Looks like CDS is gonna settle this one. Pull the video from inside to see what he was doing and the Timeframe.

Regardless, just another incident of Victors incompetence and lack of character and leadership.

We were warned about him, it we didn't listen, we'll just vote you out Victor.

Anonymous said...

Come on Victor, please hold a press conference and try to explain this mess away. Lmao..
CDS, get ready to settle.

Anonymous said...

The Deputies are hired through CDS who are paid by Krogers. They are simply security gaurds wearing Deputies uniforms..KROGERS is contracted with them throughout the surrounding states.

Victor Mason, you and your clowns are a joke..

What a lieing scam artist you are, but us who know You, always knew you were buddy.

It's funny to even listen to you try to speak well. Say something funny to deflect from trying to be articulate about the facts..
They made eye contact, spoken like a true sexual predator..not, she walked up to the deputy or went to find him, but they made eyes
Stop your killing me, start writing the checks already..

Anonymous said...

Midnight shifts always gets the dummies. Who is this guy, Deputy Meyers?
Which reject agency did he come from, please do t say JPD, between Mac, Tyrone and Victor please stop hiring these IDIOTS.

Their killing LE. Let somebody else tale that chance on these dumbass's.

Looks like Vance is leaving his ole buddy out to dry on this one.

Lie, Deny, Deflect and Counter acuse..
Their all gonna be doing this dance.

Keep up the great investigative journalism work Kingfish, in exposing this dumbass for who he really is.

Anonymous said...

No matter how much you hate JACKSON, JPD did NOT drop the ball on this! They were called into the investigation and performed urgently and professionally. VM has got to go, and Honda county deserves a sheriff who will follow the letter of the law, no matter who squeels. Lee Vance is doing exactly as he should! When you f*ck up in a major way, why get caught up in it!??

Anonymous said...

. . .Spooner for Sheriff..

Read and wreap Victor, it's only a 1 and a half away dummy..

Pete Luke, Dean Scott, Richard Brown. Your on your last agency dummies.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Spooner I keep hearing about?

Anonymous said...

Sock Puppet Convention!

Anonymous said...

● ● R.W. Spooner for Sheriff 2019 ● ●

Anonymous said...

This is the most bs I have ever read. Are people blaming the Sheriff Office because this lady made a bad decision to leave her child in a running car with the lights on and doors unlocked. How was a Deputy working in Kroger suppose to know this lady has show up, entered the store, her 6 year old child on the back seat. Is it the Deputy responsible to know this lady left a club at 01:00 am having her child out at 01:00 am when he should have been in the bed getting his rest for school. She should have been in bed getting her rest for work but at the club clubbing which was more important to her then being responsible not bringing that child in her world of wanting to be out in the streets at 01:00 am. It's not Kroger nor the Deputy fault that she made this bad choice that gave these thugs an opportunity to steal a car and the life of a child. Blame the mother and stop trying to blame the Deputy, Sheriff, and Kroger that had no way of knowing she was out, coming to Kroger, leaving a child unattended in a running unlocked vehicle. Stop blaming the Sheriff. He was at home sleep like normal people should be doing instead of club jumping with children. The parents was responsible for protecting this child life. Where was the daddy? I can say this despite what social media and the news is saying Law Enforcement came together and worked their ass off trying to find this child. Law Enforcement is hurt behind this. They are human being too. The ones on scene have to live with what they witnessed that these thugs did. It affects their lives. So stop the bs.

Anonymous said...

Just read Victors weak ass statement on his FB, that somebody else wrote for him..
Like 5:58 said, he's deflecting and still not answering the questions.

Victor why don't you Say, JPD handled all the importance and Info being disseminated to where it needed to go.

YOUR Lies are being exposed more and more. Please hold another Press conference so JPD can hurt your feelings again about putting out " Fake News "

too many people are in the know on this now and aren't gonna let you get away with your lieing ass BS anymore.

Anonymous said...

VM at home sleeping, was he at home with his wife when he had that bottle of wine sitting outside ole girls house telling her to let him in?
Or saying, you know what to do if you want that pay and promotion..

@8:04, You can't even write in plural form, so we know your an idiot you dummy!

You won't be on the payroll much longer.


Anonymous said...

Question- Why if the bar was only a few hundred ft away from Kroger did the mom pick the child up and than head to Kroger? Had the child already been in the car? Sketchy...

Anonymous said...

Interesting to read some extreme put-downs on this blog! Maybe some should understand: There is RESPONSIBILITY in this situation all around. Just from what most observers think they know, there is still limited knowledge. The ANGER felt right now for what many feel was an unnecessary tragedy demands ACCOUNTABILITY. Answers are not forthcoming. Everyone has errors in judgment; consequences of errors are sometimes worse than we would have anticipated... yes, can everyone agree? So throwing stones is the LEAST of our concerns at this point, but the idea of THROWING AWAY an ACCOUNTABILITY out of our human experiences is to insinuate we don't have a soul, conscientiousness, or even an adult mind. Most agree that leaving the child sleeping in the car was not the best idea but, I dare say, made much worse by the car being left running and the key in the ignition. Yes, perhaps judgment was hindered by alcohol and timing. Not unfair to address as responsibilty and consequences go hand-in-hand. ***As published timelines reflected that the information was not forthcoming re a child being in the missing car, and reports also made it appear that "later" "when they found out" "then" further actions began, the public was under the impression that the mother had parked at 1:15 am and come out of the store at 2:40 am saying only that her car was missing. ***So, yes, questions arose around this scenario, and rightly so. This information was released until 5:00 pm newscasts on the second day, as seen on WLBT and WAPT. Since most of us don't know the full situation around the death of this child, we don't really know if "blame" toward the staff at Kroger (manager went home without offering video?!!) or the (present or not so present) security staff, or the sheriff's/jpd's timeline on facilitating the Amber Alert is pertinent to that tragic end....BUT there are facts coming out that DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY - as we PAY the Hinds County and City law officers, and WHO, WHO wouldn't find fault with an Amber Alert posted 3 HOURS AFTER an abduction? So please, if for SOME REASON -?- you don't understand the BENEFITS AND RATIONALITY behind rational questions, or even some pointed accusations, (especially those given without tactless slurs or a poor knowledge of basic facts of the case), then don't blame others for actually CARING enough to either LEARN FROM or IMPROVE upon this horrible experience. There is now a movement to understand what is necessary to post an AA, as the CONSTERNATION due to this delay is only additional trauma for a grieving public and family. Do YOU have enough compassion to DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY in order to improve the response time for the next needed AA? If so, look it up. Copy this to Notes and email or call the state. It is, and always has been, society's job to uphold accountability for the good of all.

Anonymous said...


Seek therapy. Also, language lessons.

Unless . . . Is that you Victor?

Anonymous said...


Write a book why don't ya..

Obviously,You like to hear yourself talk.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:41 (5/20). If the title to a car prevented the Amber Alert, then something MUST CHANGE. The moment it was ascertained that a child was abducted in an automobile, it should not matter who the car belonged to. There was a child inside. I would think a check with the babysitter would determine that along with the security tapes. JPD knew pretty damn quick what the tag number was. Why did MHPS require verification or whatever of the title?

Anonymous said...

10:41, SHUT UP!

Victor screwed up royally and won't take responsibility for it..remember the campaign slogan " No Excuses "

Stop making excuses for him. He's been in over his head and he was during his whole career. Mac hid him away on Task Forces. He's a freaking IDIOT.

Vote this ass clown out, the same way we did Tywrong.

The truth will come out, like what Victor? You lieing, stuttering and running behind locked doors, like you've done since the beginning.

YOUR SO finished Victor, Remember, it's all about public perception..i.e, sex scandals, murder investigation debacles, terminations and oh yeah, JAIL RIOTS..

THEIR COMING STUPID ! go on and fire Rushings..its comong..lmao

Anonymous said...

Several suggestions - 10:41, turn your writing skills (or non-skills) elsewhere. And when you do, realize that there is not a rule that at least one word on each line has to be written in ALL CAPS. People can read and understand without that. More importantly, if you are going to write that much, at least say one or two things that make sense or have any value.

Spooner - quit. Quit your constant self-promotion. If you want to run in 2019, do it. But this game is childish.

And to the individual that hates Victor more than anything - we agree. We know. We realize that Victor is incompetent, over his head, and needs to go. You don't have to post time and time again your rants that don't add one iota to the information base. Take a break. We will all enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Mommy is involved some kind of way Jesus will show soon praying he does

Anonymous said...

Mommy involved. Involved is not a strong enough word but I reckon it'll do for now. I do hope one of the several investigative authority divisions has her under the microscope. I totally dismiss her appeal to Kleenex.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS