Update #3 (11:46 AM): Police have Dwan Wakefield, Jr. in custody for questioning. They are looking for DeAllen Washington as a person of interest.
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Source: WLBT |
Stolen Toyota linked to the auto theft/kidnapping from Kroger on I-55 was located in Madison County. A deceased child is in the backseat.
Update: Kingston is found in Gluckstadt. Vehicle abandoned.
The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation issued the following Amber Alert and photos.

Kingfish note: JJ is attempting to learn more info. The mother came from the Last Call bar. She went inside Kroger and left the her child inside the car with the engine running. A vehicle pulled up and someone jumped out and stole the car. The mother is Ebony Archie. The Hinds County Sheriff's Office is handling the investigation with assistance from JPD. Questions to be asked:
1. Where were the deputies who work that detail?
2. Was the mother intoxicated?
3. Will the mother be charged with child endangerment?
4. Why was the amber alert sent issued several hours later?
Update: JPD tweeted: "Suspect is a BM, approx. 6 feet tall. A white van driven by a skinny BM was also on scene and believed to be affiliated w/ this incident."
the person who stole the car with a child in it needs bullet therapy. plenty of other rides to lift. the kid didn't have a say in when he was at kroger, and we don't know why the parent did this. in any event a 7 year old isn't at fault
OK I'll ask the question
Why would a parent have their 7 year old out at 1:00 in the morning ?
So I'd assume this was not a family dispute since no mention was made in story ?
Poor kid can't win for losing. First some idiot leaves him in the car in a high threat area at 1 am and then the car, with him in it, gets ripped off. He deserves better than the abject custodial failure he is receiving.
7:15...I know it's hard for you to believe (you f'ing idiot) but some parents have to work at night until wee hours, wake up and take their kids to school and do it all again day after day, night after night. They fit in shopping when they can. But you wouldn't know that in your shielded simpleton life.
What a great looking little kid. Heart goes out to his family with hope for his safe return.
According to the Hinds County Sheriff's office, his mom Ebony Archie arrived at Kroger to run in for a minute. She allegedly left her car running and her son inside the car. Within a short time, two subjects in a nearby 2-door Honda pulled up to Archie's Honda.
The passenger of the Honda, a 6 foot tall black male, got out of his car and jumped in Archie's car with the child inside. Both cars sped away.
7:15 You're an idiot. The reasons are endless. Let's start with this one: one parent home alone with one child, child sick, not the right meds in the house, throw the kid in the car, run to Kroger for some over the counter meds, back home in 15 minutes. That's just the first possible scenario. Maybe you can dream up one but I doubt it.
My phone screeched at 4:45am to give me this Amber Alert. I responded by turning off Amber Alerts on my phone. Yeah, go ahead and berate me for being a terrible person, but waking me out of a deep sleep to give me a license plate of a car that's probably halfway to Chicago isn't doing to do a damn thing except annoy me and all the other people whose Iphones startled them awake before 5 o'clock.
The deluded simpleton is the comment @7:51 AM excusing the parental stupidity.
"Perception of crime."
Maybe this was neglect/poor judgment on a parent or for all we know the kid was sick so they went to get him some medicine. Focus on the main point for now which is this kid and the current situation he is in.
Why would any parent have a kid out at 1? Well, I can think of several reasons:
1. Parent just got off work and was picking kid up from the sitter's house.
2. Kid or parent or kid and parent got sick over in the night and parent ran to Kroger for meds.
3. Because the kid is being homeschooled, the unit this month is nocturnal animals, and they stopped by Kroger after their study session for breakfast supplies.
4. Why the hell does it matter why they were out?!?! Yes, the parent should've used better judgment, but I'm pretty sure they already know that and don't need the negativity of you keyboard gangsters. Either pray for that kid's safe return or shut it. I mean really.
7:15, you're offensive AND off-base. One may go shopping when he/she can fit it in, but you don't leave your kid out in the car in that location at that time. Take him in with you.
I'll shut this one down right now. Police sources are saying she came from the M-Bar. There is more info I am trying to verify so stay tuned.
Been shopping at that Kroger every week for nearly 23 years but stopped going there after dark long ago.
One of our best friends was followed home from that Kroger one night and was then robbed at gunpoint in her driveway by two black males while taking the groceries out of her car.
It isn't an uncommon story here in Northeast Jackson. That store is no longer safe at night despite the HCSO patrols. So we stopped shopping there at night.
I pray to God that they find the child.
1. You don't leave your car in the parking lot unlocked and running.
2. You don't leave your 7-year old child in the car unattended day OR night.
3. You don't leave your 7-year old child in the car with the car unlocked and running day OR night.
I have a better idea, turn off your cell phone at night.
so to set the record straight
Mom was at a sports bar then she went to Kroger !
Where was the child when she was at the bar ?
More to this story !
People have been robbed and assaulted in that parking lot in broad daylight. Leaving your car running in Jackson is the same as putting a huge sign on top that says "steal me." I don't care when or what time of day it is.
My truck has been burglarized twice in that parking lot in broad daylight.
Both times it only took about as long for me to exit my vehicle and enter the store before it was broken in to.
It seems like the criminals are working 3 shifts in order to survey that parking lot.
They need to set up a bait car but that would require precinct 4 to actually do some work and from my experience that doesn't seem like something they are interested in.
If you drive a 17-year old Camry and work (I'm assuming she was working, not drinking) at a bar to make ends meet, you shouldn't be buying your 7-year-old a pair of $120 Air Jordans.
But regardless of your income or education or station in life, you should NEVER leave a child alone in a car with the engine running at 1 in the morning, no matter what part of town you're in.
The alert came across Comcast the cable this morning. It was so garbled I couldn't understand what was being said. A good idea but some work needs to be done.
I have a better idea, turn off your cell phone at night.
Yeah, I have an even better idea, turn off Amber Alerts and leave my phone on in case a real emergency arises at 4:45am that requires my notification and/or presence.
So let me get this straight, she was at the M-Bar while the kid was in the car too!?
I turned off my and my wifes Amber Alerts, if this is Jackson Police Depts idea of doing something they need to leave us out of it.
This is probably a set up or has the hallmarks of one.
"The alert came across Comcast the cable this morning. It was so garbled I couldn't understand what was being said. A good idea but some work needs to be done."
May 18, 2017 at 9:39 AM
What does this mean? Do you have a special storm warning device? Did your computers wake up and start screeching it? Did your TVs come on?
This would be a huge disincentive for having COMCAST, in my opinion.
How many people are going to have bad days at work, today, or have accidents, or have HEART ATTACKS from all the caffeine they'll be consuming to stay awake, because they lost hours of sleep, because of being jarred-awake for this nonsense?
Lucky for me, last night, I forgot to bring my phone out of the media room, at the other end of the house from my bedroom. I got my full eight hours. Otherwise, my day would have been RUINED by this. Apparently, plenty of people were awakened THREE TIMES, this morning. This is going to be one MISERABLE DAY, in the Jackson Metro.
1. I would never leave my car in that parking lot
2. I would never leave my car running in ANY parking lot.
3. I would never leave a 6 year old in a car by themselves, anywhere, car running or not
This woman is some kind of special stupid and doesn't deserve to be a mother.
Boy Found in Gluckstadt inside one of the stolen car. Condition unknown.
I don't mind an Amber alert waking me up. I'm up early and out and about anyway. I live in Madison, the kid was abducted in Jackson, and found in Gluckstadt, so apparently they passed through Madison at some point. The only issue I have with it was that I got the first alert around 4:45. If he was last seen at 1:15, either the alert wasn't issued timely or something is fishy about it all. Based on the additional details posted, I'm starting to think it is probably a little bit of both.
If she has to work at M-Bar and can't afford evening child care, then I truly feel sorry for her, no matter how reckless she was by leaving the car running.
If it turns out she was partying at M-Bar with her kid in tow, then I have not one whit of sympathy for her and think her child should be removed by social services.
Work? Police sources said she was drunk.
they are now reporting that the child was found dead in the car.
Police sources said she was drunk.
You have got to be kidding me! A woman takes her kid to a bar, keeps him out until 1, drives drunk with him in the car, then leaves it running and get her car and kid snatched.
THAT'S why my phone screeched and woke me up at 4:45am?
I'm glad the kid's found, but screw that drunk b*tch. They need to book her and give her extra time for waking up half the city over her drunken shenanigans!
And 7:51am - don't you feel like a f'ing idiot right about now? If you don't, you should!
shot. how do you hurt an innocent child??? i just don't understand people
10:44, I'm going to assume you posted your comment before it was reported that Kingston is dead. But regardless, your callousness towards an innocent child is astounding. Who cares what the circumstances were that led to him being kidnapped---and now dead? Amber Alerts aren't for the parents, they are for the safety of a child.
Any of you who seem to have forgotten that need to reexamine your priorities.
And if you really hate Amber Alerts that much, you can always turn them off.
Senseless tragedy for which a child had to pay the ultimate price. Wonder if BLM will protest this execution?
Wonder who called 911 and what statements were made? Will she try to sue Kroger over this? It all sounds like she was involved somehow. A van and another car to carjack one vehicle? Most carjackers will avoid a car with people inside. Sounds like she staged this.
10:09 - Sorry for not being clear. I was watching TV this morning a little after 6:00 and the alert came across the screen like a tornado warning: Buzzing 3 times, screen goes all red, etc. I have no special warning system, just Comcast cable. Again, I couldn't understand what was being said due to the sound quality of the message.
We will hear the mother was involved in this.
Why the F did they do a press release before informing family. Literally the family drove up in the middle of the release asking for answers
Seriously, you morons complaining about being woken up need to shut up. Blame the mom if you want, but I personally wish the alert had gone out sooner. Might have saved an innocent child's life.
Death penalty - nothing less for the bastards that did this. PERIOD!
This is a hit.
Ebony Archie is involved. Bank on it. I don't buy that a pair of car thieves took a random car that happened to have a kid inside, and then chose to abandon the car they stole and graduated to murderers by shooting the kid in the process.
This is going to turn out to be some murder-for-hire plot.
11:07 hit the nail on the head.
What a precious soul was lost to a murderer and to a family and to Jackson! What a horrible way to die without anyone in the car who loved him.
If it turns out that the perpetrator is one of the "catch and release" Hinds County criminals, I hope the Judge is removed from the Bench. We must stop this nonsense.
This is fishy as hell. It sounds like one of those hasty plans that seems plausible until people start asking questions. There are a ton of questions here that don't make sense.
I'm thinking either she set it up or her baby daddy did. Regardless, she needs to go to jail for driving drunk with her child in the car, then for endangering him further by leaving him alone in a running vehicle.
Right Now, at this moment, why the mother left the car and child just does not matter. All will be revealed in the process. What matters is that an innocent died and the perp is probably already known to law enforcement. The Juvenal Laws in the State have turned him loose on society at 18. Work on that angle in your minds and try to find a solution rather than endless conjecture on blame.
I know it's hard for you to believe (you f'ing idiot) but some parents have to work at night until wee hours, wake up and take their kids to school and do it all again day after day, night after night. They fit in shopping when they can.
Or, they take their kid with them to a bar, drink until 1:00 AM, get behind the wheel drunk with their child in the vehicle, drive a couple of miles while plastered, then leave him in a running car while they stumble into a grocery store for cigarettes and Cheetos.
But you wouldn't know that in your shielded simpleton life.
What a horrible thing! Let's hope that this senseless act was committed in Madison County so the thug(s) will not be privy to Hinds County's catch and release program.
the body was found in madison county. that gives michal guest the DA jurisdiction. now guest can go after a death penalty when the perps are caught.
@ May 18, 2017 at 11:07 AM
You said, "This is a hit..........Ebony Archie is involved. Bank on it."
So just answer these questions
1. Was it meant for her you think and the child was used to get back at the family?
2. What all is this Ebony Archie involved in? Drugs? Stolen goods?
3. Its still a child and has the crime in Jackson evolved to this level?
Houston and Miami, you do see these kinds of crimes because of the amount drugs that distributed are in the millions, so the more money, the more severe the retribution is.
But I do not see Jackson as a major player in the narcotics games. Not to this level where a crew would go out and kill someones child?
the killer made one big mistake by leaving the body in madison county because unlike hinds county DA guest is not afraid to go after a death penalty. madison county now has jurisdiction .
To all those opining on why she was out...my question is why is she birthing children if she can't take care of them without putting them at risk?
There was a case several years ago where a jury entered a multi-million dollar verdict against the same Kroger for the robbery and beating of an elderly lady. The MS Supreme Court overturned the verdict and issued pennies on the dollar for the victim. It is hard to say, but if Kroger would have been held responsible for having an unsafe premises then, maybe their security now would have been adequate enough to prevent crimes like this from happening.
Looks like the security company the Sheriff's Office works for, CDS and Krogers and the S.O.will all be sued now.
Never even see the Deputies any more, they all sit in their cars..
Did anyone at MBAR see that kid? I would think people hanging out at a bar until 1am would notice a young boy up that late.
Let's say mom got mad at her son and hit him with something so hard it killed him. So she calls this dude she knows to take care of it. She goes out drinking so she's seen in public, then she leaves to rendezvous at Kroger with the guy who has her kid's dead body. She leaves her car running, he swipes it and drives to Gluckstadt. He moves the body to her car and shoots it so it looks like the thief killed him. Then he and his accomplice vamoose and dump their car while the cops are just getting the information.
Can anyone verify that the kid was actually in the car when it was taken?
Central Defence Security ( CDS) ran out of Memphis TN contracts the S.O TO do security for Krogers, so Krogers will say their out of it.
Fisher said MCSO would be lead on this one.
I go to that Kroger all of the time. I always see the deputies out in the parking lot.
Central Defence Security ( CDS) ran out of Memphis TN contracts the S.O TO do security for Krogers, so Krogers will say their out of it.
Where is it reported that the mother of the boy was involved?
I'm sorry, where does it report that the mother was at a bar and/or drunk?
It hasn't been reported that the mother is involved. People just think it looks fishy.
Dwan Wakefield is a football player at Ridgeland High. He is a Senior QB, class of 2018. He has a ton of videos at HUDL. He also has a thuggish picture of him holding money (about $1200) on his dormant Twitter page.
"Seriously, you morons complaining about being woken up need to shut up. Blame the mom if you want, but I personally wish the alert had gone out sooner. Might have saved an innocent child's life."
May 18, 2017 at 11:02 AM
Actually, it's 'awakened', not "woken up". Apparently, you do not have a very demanding job, where you actually need to be awake and alert. People in an entire metropolitan area were awakened, THREE TIMES in one morning, over this.
You are not taking into account, the loss of productivity which will result from this. You are not taking into account, the increased risk of heart attack which will be INEVITABLE, considering the large number of people involved. You are not considering the increased risk of AUTO ACCIDENTS, considering how many drowsy people will be on the roads, today. You are not considering how many physicians and nurses, who, already sleep-deprived, have had what precious little sleep-time they had this morning, were awakened for this: THREE TIMES. How many medical mistakes will result from this Amber Alert? And then there are the airplane pilots and operators of heavy machinery - all of whom need a good night's sleep, in order to do their jobs safely.
But then, you probably are no better at seeing 'the big picture', or at risk management, than you are at grammar.
I just left a meeting, where we began by helping each other turn off our Amber Alerts. NOBODY is keeping theirs on, from now on.
this is so horrible and such a tragedy.....my biggest concern, and what I personally feel nothing can be done about, is if there were Hinds County officers on the property at 1:00 a.m., they do not take this patrol seriously during the day, so it stands to reason they don't in the early morning hours as well. They are socializing w/ patrons, on the phone, or socializing w/ Kroger employees.....that and just driving around and around on golf carts paying attention to nothing
can you email me a link to them? Kingfish1935@gmail.com
Lots of people are calling for the death penalty, but is that even still a thing? It looks like Mississippi hasn't executed anyone since 2012. What's the point in even sentencing people to death if the sentence will never be carried out. Seems like it's more symbolic than anything.
All of you who are defending the mother for having her child out at 1:00 AM, fine. Maybe she had a good reason to be there. But you can't tell me she had a good reason to leave a sleeping child alone in the parking lot of the Kroger on I-55, WITH THE CAR RUNNING! Wake him up and take him inside! I don't care if he's sick or whatever, you don't leave a child in a car like that, knowing that all a thief has to do is jump in and take off.
O.k. - true or false - did the boy's biological father say he was fine and in Greenwood?
Or did they get that man's child in Greenwood mixed up with Kingston?
and the cover of Ridgeland Life Magazine:
@12:00...you have such a demanding job that you and your co-workers need help to turn off Amber Alerts on your phone? Seriously? LOL.
I'm stunned at the callousness on this page!
One is custody is the Starting quarterback at Ridgeland
Does the mother have any verifiable links to the persons of interest? Facebook connections? Cell phone records? What a shame to see lives destroyed!!
@12:41 WAS the starting QB at Ridgeland.
There is a lot more to this than has been reported. No one kills a helpless 7 year old child without a reason. The mother is involved in some way and the 2 thugs and the mother know each other. This is not happenstance.
Death penalty - nothing less for the bastards that did this. PERIOD!
Lethal injection, nitrogen gas, electrocution and firing squad are all available now.
Thank you Governor Bryant!
Lots of Archies live fairly close to the area where the car was found.
Enlighten me as to who Ebony Archie is?
It was reported that she was at the M Bar, partying. She was driving drunk with her son in the car. It's against the law to leave your car running (this was reported on the news this winter and last winter because people would warm up their cars and go back into their houses before going to work). There was a JPD officer who was interviewed and she confirmed this. I know things can happen anywhere, but that Kroger is bad news. Why leave your car running WITH your child in it. She should have taken her drunk butt home. I hope she did not have her child in the car while she was partying at the M Bar. Everything just seems fishy to me. It seems like a set up. She made it too convenient for them to get the car. If she is involved, I pray she is put under the jail like the two monsters who shot that baby. If she is not involved, she's still in trouble for her careless act of leaving a minor, unattended, in an unlocked vehicle in a noted and known crime area. I am glad they have one "person of interest" in custody and I hope and pray they find the other one. No trial is needed.....just shoot them. I hope the big fellas in jail/prison take care of them, REEEAAAALLLLL GOOOOOODDDDDD!
Can anyone confirm when the Stokes-NAACP-Southern Poverty Center press conference will be held to exclaim thier utter outrage at this violence and the two thugs that committed these horrible acts?
Also, what time does Rev. Al Sharpton's plane land in Jackson.
J. Jackson, Sr.
Thank you Mr. Jackson. I absolutely agree. Where is the moral outrage for this baby and I do say baby. A child who is 6 years old is a baby to us grandmothers. Remember, THIS BABY'S LIFE MATTERED.
Where are the signs, where are the marches, where are the black legislators, where are the REVERENDS AND PASTORS? Where are the news cameras?
EVERYONE can express TOTAL OUTRAGE at old Confederate statutes that have moss growing on them and the Mississippi state flag which is cloth but nothing for this beautiful little boy brutally killed. Let me guess, if there is no picture of them in the paper then what's the point. The African American community should be ashamed.
Thank you Kingfish for giving us the most information on this situation as we're sure not getting it from the "mainstream".
DeAllen Washington turned himself into Hinds County Sheriff's Department - but he lawyered up and left Hinds County to go to Madison, I guess to go talk to Michael Guest.
It appeared he was not in handcuffs leaving as well.
O.k., time to step back and point out some assholes
@ May 18, 2017 at 1:58 PM and @ May 18, 2017 at 2:33 PM
How convenient to make a mockery of black justice with this little kids life, you freaking racist pigs.
There will not be any protesting or marching, or no need for Al Sharpton or Jessee Jackson because the assailants were captured quickly and without incident. They will be locked up probably sent to jail for the rest of their lives.
There was plenty of outrage on Facebook and black people wanted to see the killers brought to justice, which they were in a reasonable amount of time - all by Jackson Police Department, Mississippi Highway Patrol, along with Hinds and Madison County's Sherriff's Departments.
So justice was fast and swift with these two and they will have their day in court.
But look at the numerous white people that have killed numerous black and have gotten off without as much as a slap on the wrist. That's where Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton come in - when white people get off on murdering black people with obvious evidence.
But keep on making a mockery out of unbalanced justice - it will come a day when you will get a taste of your own medicine!
Okay Kiss my grits:
Let me get this clear - one has been apprehended and one turned himself in, so let it go. They'll go to jail - nothing to see here, move along. This child can now be buried; but when a white person kills a black person, scream until everyone is worked into a frenzy. Marches, signs, media to continually bleed the wound. Racist - you don't even know the definition.
2:33 p.m.
Kiss My Grits
"But look at the numerous white people that have killed numerous black and have gotten off without as much as a slap on the wrist. That's where Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton come in - when white people get off on murdering black people with obvious evidence."
Black people murder both black people and white people and get off all the time "without as much as a slap on the wrist"
You are a racist.
She wasn't at that bar. She was working the night shift at the post office is what I read. Her mom had Kingston and she picked him up before stopping at Kroger to get him some medicine. He was asleep.
I wish this white and black stuff could stop for 24 hours. That six year old didn't know black and white. Can we just have a cease fire on the race thing until the kid is buried?
Interestingly some of these exact posts about the mom and the Mbar and "more to the story" are in threads on the Facebook pages of some of my conservative friends. I only mention because some of y'all are about to no longer be anonymous here on JJ if you aren't careful.
O.J. Simpson gets away with murdering one person and people assume that black people get off on murdering white people all the time????
Name one black person, not named O.J. Simpson, that got away with killing a white person?
I can name at least 10 whites in the last 10 years that killed a black person and got away with it. If blacks got away with murder there wouldn't be so many in prison!?
And once again all of you morons are putting the blame on the parent.... It is my understanding that the child had been sick, she took the baby to the hospital and pulled up in to the parking lot of the Kroger, the car was running when a male entered the vehicle from a white van....not unusual in retail that time of day/night for white vans to be out...on the passenger side and carjacked the vehicle while baby was asleep in the back seat... bad parenting judgement...perhaps..but do not be posting things on here that is going to make life any more difficult for this mother!!! She will already blame herself...she will never get over this..do not dumb yourselves down in order to play in to the perceptions or better yet presumptions of behavior when things like this happen........ For God's sake, 2 ---18 year old YOUNG MEN----not children .......(caution harsh) put a bullet in the head of a beautiful baby for a 20 year old freaking Toyota people.....I do recognize the overwhelming desire of Mississippi residents to place that particular manufacturer on a pedestal for some unknown reason....considering they are only popular and over-priced as *&^( here in this state and Consumers Digest gives them a failed rating on everything besides resell value< go figure> smh).....nonetheless, there is ...in my opinion......NO Vehicle or anything else in the world that would have been worth taking this child the way that he was so violently killed today...pray for our law enforcement...dealing with this kind of trauma isn't easy.....pray for the families of the 2 men because I am sure they have a lot of questions...(not to mention Ridgeland's Football Coach) pray for the taxpayers who are now going to have to foot the bill of these 2 young men for the next 60-80 years that they will so unpleasantly spend in prison (if convicted) and for God's Sake people...quit being so predictably judgmental...and use the time you have spent trolling and contributing absolutely NOTHING to the dialogue on social platforms to do what you can to help some one... this family needs their community and support now more than ever.. start or contribute to a burial or headstone fund...know someone that..I don't know..owns one of the many Toyota lots or even manufacturing plants....they just got a heckuva lot of press and this mother is going to need a new car... contact the Kroger corporate headquarters and request a memorial donation be made to this baby's school in his name...if you see a Jackson Civil Service Worker this evening...give them a handshake and a hug..trust me ..they need it....and if you still think you don't have time for any of that but have managed to make time to post some of these ridiculous comments....perhaps add everyone involved and even yourself in your prayers tonight...right now we all could use a little more Jesus to help us hash out what is really important.....go home..hug your spouse...hug your babies call your moms and dads....step out of the virtual attention seeking mode and attempt to live one evening in the real world, with people that you actually,,,for real know and care about...you never know what tomorrow could change
Kiss My Grits is not only a racist but an IDIOT!
Whatever. She was first at a bar. The family needs community support but the community needs and has a right to some damn answers as well. Multiple police sources said she was at Last Call. There was some confusion early on, which is understandable, about which bar but it has been established it was at Last Call.
75% of these commenters appear to be only slightly more humane than the trash who murdered a child.
Something doesn't add up. The truth will come out soon. It won't be a surprise to me to learn mom is complicit in this innocent child's murder.
There's absolutely no need for any white/black comments on this whole subject, nothing racial applies here. There is no shortage of trashy folks running around of both races. Prayers for the family of this child.
5:02, are you seriously shaking Nissan down for a new car for the mother, because Nissan got press coverage out of this?????
So you say she took that baby to the hospital and then went to Kroger for medicine. The Kroger Pharmacy is closed at that hour so was she getting Tylenol? Would they give her the medicine at the hospital?
Is she related to the Archie Man who killed the Halloween store guy?
Kingfish, you're scum.
You've repeatedly mentioned she was at a bar, but have failed to mention why that's relevant. I get a sitter for my kids and go out. If something happens to them is what i drank at dinner some sort of detail that the public needs? Is that a factor in the criminal investigation.
This site has become beyond toxic. You used to actually do some real investigative journalism, but it seems now you just get off on tragedy, veiled racism and salacious details.
8:23 -- Maybe it's "relevant" because no child who is 6-7 years of age (OR in school at all) should be out on a school night, having to sleep in a car, while their mom is at a bar at 1:00 a.m. Hell - they shouldn't have to do it EVER, and if you think that's acceptable, then god help your children.
Go hangout in JPS (not Murrah, McWillie, or Power APAC) and see how the white people are treated. If you filmed it and flipped the skin tone of the people involved Jackson would be on all the national news stations and would probably have the national guard here. That's saying a lot since the rest of the country probably cares very little about Mississippi.
4:26 Could you link the article you read about the post office and grandmother? Thank you.
That said, for those of you condemning this mother without all of the facts, if you EVER text and drive, condemn yourself for being a potential murderer each and EVERY SINGLE TIME.
My boyfriend works at that Kroger and was there when this happened, he told me the mom was drunk. Thus article does say she was coming from a bar. So yeah she was NOT out late due to work.
The mom was in on it. And, honest, was this a great loss? Sure, nobody likes to see a 7-yr old be killed, but that kid was doomed from birth. He was never gonna be the next MLK or Bill Gates. So, yeah, as sad as this is, if the mom isn't going to care for her offspring, why should the rest of us?
Who in the HELL is telling you people this woman was just getting off work?? Have you seen the surveillance? Who wears that to work? The rumors about her being at a club have been confirmed. She left at the 1am close time. The child was NOT sick. She went in to buy medicine and snack food for herself. The Kroger employees have reported her appearing extremely intoxicated and was being monitored even before the "abduction". Her mother has confirmed that Kingston was not in her care at all that night and she was told he would be with his "mother" (I'm using that term loosely). I'm sorry, guys. I know you want this mother to be an innocent victim, but that is just not the case. She may not have pulled the trigger, but she definitely cost him his life. We all lost something yesterday. An innocence we can never have back. Watering down facts and portraying the mother as a saint does not change her culpability. She left him there defenseless and should be punished alongside these 3 punks.
I am so very tired of people defending and feeling sorry for the Mother. Her job is to protect that kid from all the potential dangers that he might face. She did not do that either she was too drunk or too lazy to take him inside with her. A fact she was at the bar living it up nothing wrong in that choice right? Unless the kid was sitting in the car unattended while she was living it up or even if he was being watched by another family member (unlikely given the proximity to the bar she fell out of which was last call, not the MBar) you don't drive around with your kid while you have been drinking. Why not stop at the store before you pick up your kid why not take your kid in with you Or at the very least ask the guard who patrols that parking lot to watch you car/kid while you run in which I still feel is ignorant but would have at least shown some thought about your kid's safety. I shop at that kroger all hours because I work nights and if you knew the area you'd know that while it is not a gun slinging smoke out they have been know to lose a car or 30 between 10pm and 2am over the last five years
Ebony Archie is guilty of child neglect. Michael Guest is running for a higher political office.She left the child in her car after leaving a night club.She is GUILTY AS HELL. Does The Archie Name Scare Guest since he is running for Atty. General. Remember the Truth.
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