National Review's Jim Geraghty reports the Delta variant of Covid-19 surges in Massachusetts even though it is one of the highest-vaccinated states in America. Mississippi should be so lucky as to suffer the Bay State's Covid problems. Mr. Geraghty writes:
Massachusetts ranks third in the country in percentage of total population that is fully vaccinated, at 66.1 percent — and remember, this figure includes kids 11 and under who can’t get vaccinated. Massachusetts ranks second in the country in percentage of total population that has one dose, at more than 75 percent. By August 31, every county in Massachusetts had at least 68 percent of eligible people — those age 12 and over — vaccinated. And an astounding 99 percent of Massachusetts senior citizens are vaccinated.
Once again, we see that high vaccination rates do not prevent the Delta variant from infecting lots of people in a state. On July 6, Massachusetts had 1,349 active cases of COVID-19 infection; by August 31, the state had 34,671 active cases, a 25-fold increase. It cannot be emphasized enough: Vaccination does not prevent infection and cases, and an increase in cases is not necessarily a reflection of low vaccination rates in an area. Article.
The Delta surge is straining some parts of the state's health care system:
As of today, Massachusetts has 595 patients hospitalized for COVID-19, 158 patients in ICUs, and 99 patients are intubated. That may not seem like a lot, but it’s enough to strain at least some hospital systems: “Springfield-based Baystate Health has 18 percent of the state’s cases but just 5.5 percent of the state’s hospital beds, leadership said Thursday. . . . Hampden County, where Springfield is located, has just a 52 percent vaccination rate, compared to 66 percent for the state as a whole. Three-quarters of Baystate’s hospitalized COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated.”
A check of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's website confirms the Mr. Geraghty's numbers.The website reports as of September 2:
Compare those statistics to similar ones for Mississippi. Keep in mind that the Bay State has a population of 7 million while Mississippi's population is 3 million.
Red: hosp's, Green: ICUs, Blue: vents |
Thus while Mississippi has a population that is less than half that of Massachusetts, the Magnolia state suffers Covid-19 hospitalizations, ICUs, and vents that are 2 1/2 - 3 times greater than the Bay State up north. Hmmm...... could it be.... dare we say it....... the vaccination rates? Mississippi's vaccination rate is only 39% while Massachusetts's is 68%. Hell, there are 15 counties in Mississippi that are less than 30% vaccinated. Massachusetts ranks near the top while Mississippi ranks dead last at 51. That is how we wind up with charts such as this one.
It is hypothesized that Massachusetts and the rest of the Northeast will suffer a similar Delta pandemic in the fall. Such may indeed be the case. However, the current numbers show that Massachusetts is first in the right categories while Mississippi yet again is dead last in the wrong ones.
Hell KF, you are trying to talk logic. And using actual numbers. Statistics. You know - factual analysis.
What the hell are you trying to do? Confuse the masses that would rather just read that the vaccine doesn't work? Or that it really isn't a 'vaccine' because its not what meets their definiton? Or that --- you know --- this is all a hoax, and that there really isn't a COVID issue, its just a case of the flu?
Whatever. You are trying to present them some facts -- hell, that damn horse wormer stuff will cure anything. You know, I gave it to my dog (well, it didn 't work too good there, it killed the young pup when the worms clogged his system, but I still figure it can cure most anyting if if doesn't kill you first. Wonderful syndrome. Believe that crap because you read it on the internet somewhere, while in the meantime all those that have been promoting this as part of "your liberties" are dying in the hospital ICUs because they don't want that so called vaccine.
Live free and die - great motto. Lets let them go ahead and die. Maybe then they will shut up.
Sigh, we already knew this. We’re dumb af, fat, and love last place. Pass the gravy.
You serve your jew masters well kingfish. I wouldn't expect any less from a negrofied golem like yourself.
Causation/Correlation. It seems regardless of vaccination rate, there will be infections. People should account for that when looking at MS numbers. Not all of the cases here could’ve been prevented by the shot. It boils down to other co-morbidities. The 95% statistic often rolled out is slightly misleading in this regard. It is not due to the efficacy of the vaccine but merely a reflection of the population statistics.
While I agree with you 100 percent @7:30AM, what does that have to do with this post?
Hmmm could it be that Mississippi is the fattest state in the country and Massachusetts is ranked 47th in obesity?
Nothing says success and a happy life like a 1:38am angry blog post about other people on a local small town blog.
UnVaxed- You have a gun, clip is in the closet, bullets in the drawer.
Vaxed- You have a gun, clip in it half full of bullets.
CoVid just busted in your door!
Which one you want to be?
Our bodies are great at trying to defend us against infection and viruses but it Can be overwhelmed, let's give it a ready weapon.
The posts that trash me as this one did usually get approved so y'all can see what I deal with sometimes.
As for the reader complaining I don't approve his horse paste comments, too bad. You're trying to stick that line into everything. Just like one reader used to do with whole foods. Probably same person. It got old and usually has nothing to do with anything.
Besides, I is a human antiviral drug.
He is probably the “journalist” for the AP that said 70% of calls to poison control was over ivermectin. The AP had to print a hidden correction that the nobel prize winning human drug, ivermectin, only accounted for 2% of calls and 70% of that 2% were calls asking about the animal version
KF: Keep up the great work! It is appreciated! Thank you!
He is probably the “journalist” for the AP that said 70% of calls to poison control was over ivermectin. The AP had to print a hidden correction that the nobel prize winning human drug, ivermectin, only accounted for 2% of calls and 70% of that 2% were calls asking about the animal version.
Boy, you're dumb. Here are the first four words of KF's post:
National Review's Jim Geraghty
He doesn't write for the AP, Cletus. He's a lifelong conservative journalist for National Review, and has done some of the best reporting on the pandemic in the nation. I get his "Morning Jolt" newsletter five days a week, for free.
I'd suggest you subscribe, but since you can't keep up -- FOUR WORDS IN -- with this post, I'd be casting pearls before swine.
Just thump your chest really loudly, and scream "FREE-DUMB"...and blame the media for Mississippi's hospital woes. And whatever you do, don't be a cuck and take the vaccine.
KF Whatever you do please keep on keepin on. I never really fully understood what kept this state 50th until this vaccine brought this tidal wave of mouth-breathers out of their closets. It's embarrassing and destructive.
KF - Thanks for your blog. Please ignore the disgusting trolls, block them if you can, and keep up the good work.
We know those trolling comments are not limited to this site. NYT and Wall Street Journal moderate all comments to block the same people and bots, over and over.
Gotta have that fried chicken, BBQ Spare ribs, Fat Back gravey, potato salad, buttered rolls & cornbread. Hell, let Medicare & Medicaid take care of my size 54, 450+ body.
Now, that little ole COVID virus sees that same body as a incredible feast. Now, That little virus chomps down on them belly rolls and has a field day.
Go look at a certain politician today on Jackson Foodies. A covid feast waiting to happen.
OMG everyone I disagree with is a russian bot or a troll farm and should be moderated!
Silence them now!
Josef Stalin would be pleased by the current state of the USA
Speaking of dumb, sport you just won the dunce prize. In your fit of desire to denigrate you are such a blinded idiot that yo can’t follow a simple thread.
Kingfish said: “ As for the reader complaining I don't approve his horse paste comments, too bad. You're trying to stick that line into everything. Just like one reader used to do with whole foods. Probably same person. It got old and usually has nothing to do with anything.
Besides, I is a human antiviral drug.“
I responded with: “ He is probably the “journalist” for the AP that said 70% of calls to poison control was over ivermectin. The AP had to print a hidden correction that the nobel prize winning human drug, ivermectin, only accounted for 2% of calls and 70% of that 2% were calls asking about the animal version”
Nothing in your attempted response was even remotely directed towards anything stated in either post.
"It cannot be emphasized enough: Vaccination does not prevent infection and cases"
Here's my problem with this statement. It frames things in absolute black and white. Any breakthrough infection means a failure of the vaccine. However, as is pointed out in KF's commentary, it should be quite obvious vaccines do an admirable job of preventing a substantial number of infections and drastically reduce hospitalization and death rates. Is it 100% protection? Of course not. But it is still almost a 99% reduction in positive cases and a 75% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths which are going to happen more in elderly and sick people anyway. And the almost complete elimination of cases in the general population would mean if everyone were vaccinated there would be much less transmission to those at a higher risk because vaccines don't work as well.
Vaccines work, and they work very well. Much better than any preventative or after-infection treatments. We need to be stressing their effectiveness and pointing out unvaccinated people are spreading the disease at 25 times the rate as vaccinated.
There is no magical vaccination rate that will stop covid, given that the vaccine is not effective at preventing infection. We will learn eventually that the virus is here to stay and we have to continue to live with it.
I guess the worm medicine, natural immunity, immunity from having it already and all the other stuff isn’t working. The fact is the folks being hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated. Something tells me I was right to take the Jabs. Since I haven’t gotten it, I have pretty much lived a normal life since I got them. I wear a mask and social distance when necessary but thats about it.
2:21, Aren't you the same guy last year who kept insisting that it was no big deal, just a mild case of the flu, which will be gone by the summer of 2020?
Here's your comment to a July 13, 2020, post reporting record numbers of COVID hospitalizations: "Another two weeks should do the trick."
If I remember correctly, your theme last year was that fear of COVID is worse than the actual disease, and that numbers of positive test results (infections) do not equal numbers of illness (COVID-19).
Now, your line is "the vaccine is not effective at preventing infection," which is also BS. Can it prevent virus particles from entering your nose? Of course not. Is it effective at preventing illness? Obviously.
There is a big problem with vaccinations. Many will be ok. But, yes, I said but, you must reason with every single vaccine ever produced during the human condition.
Every single vaccine wound up causing delayed damage. Every single one.
I'm not going to get a vaccine, I would welcome a covid party to generate natural immunity. Most likely its a low exposure and it is easily overcome by natural immunity.
You want to f with a vaccine, go ahead. Your choice should be informed and absolutely in conference with your physician.
For those of you who did all of this out of fear? You jumped the gun. You didn't consider the health implications. You subjected yourself to fear. I don't wish harm, but if history has it's say...
You are screwed.
Full disclosure, I have natural immunity.
Good Lord.
Am I reading Jackson Jambalaya or a damn pussy parade.
You don't want to hear opposing voices? You want to have people blocked?
Who are you to speak the truth?
KaptKangroo - go back to your daily morning show for kids, cause you damn sure cant defend your statement that "every single vaccine ended up causing delayed damage. Every single one."
Sure, probably every single vaccine (along with every single medical treatment) has had a negative effect on a very small population resulting in the extensive 'warnings' that are now required to deal with the lawsuit hunting attorneys - check your cialias prescription cause they are there too, but that doesn't stop you from hoping for one of those four hour deals - but that doesn't mean that they have all had delayed damage.
Every single one! Bring on the support for that crap.
Go look it up. I can wait.
Your foggy memory of the basics is not a good first foot forward.
Hey dipshit at 8:58pm, you do know there is full immunity for all producers of the vaccines? Or are you so lazy to believe the rest of the world has your ass in mind when culpability is to be expressed?
I'm really curious. You have no legal repercussion.
I get it. YOU took the vax. Good luck.
KaptKangaroo is smarter than every living president, all 50 governors, all US senators, and 97% of the doctors in the US. Didn’t y’all know?
First news…
3rd person dead from Moderna in Japan.
@2:21pm Even if this is true, very possible, vaccines would still play a major part in risk reduction. This is not a reason to not get vaccinated as people try to make it seem.
@8:14pm What an ignorant comment "Every single vaccine wound up causing delayed damage. Every single one". Please tell me how this is the case? Are you saying every single dose of vaccines administered caused damage? That is ignorant. Are you saying every single vaccine had a 1/100000000 chance of causing some complication? True, but what the hell is your point? Would you take that chance, or the chance Polio had to paralyze your child for life? Don't be ignorant.
We are long past the point where any debate about whether or wearing a medical grade mask and getting vaccinated are the best defense to the virus and stopping it is over.
Those who irrationally expect 100% effectiveness on anything where humans are involved can always point to a " fail" or "error". Planes crash but we still fly and drive. People die from penicillin. One size seldom fits all.
More than enough duplicable data on the safety of the vaccines. And enough data is in to know the risks of allowing the virus to further mutate among the unvaccinated is great. Now we see MU.
The greatest surprise is how many doctors graduate from specialties without understanding how to design a valid clinical test. The blatant failure as we see with ivermectin and saw as early as in the HRT replacement studies, is selecting test subjects and identifying variables both in the universal population and in variables selection. Nor do they know apparently that there are now mathematical formulas that could catch their errors. If they did, it'd be included in their research.
Worse still, is that our education system doesn't seem to teach how to identify reliable sources of information. It starts with verifiable knowledge of the source. If the source is claiming but not allowing/producing verification of the claim, that's a warning. I learned that in the 7th grade. Back then, it started with why no one should have given credibility to Mein Kampe. As my teacher suggested,
" Beware of the charismatic orator who has to toot his own horn for attention".
Any stats of the health of those vaxxed or unvaxxed passing away from the virus ? I'm sure these hospitals KNOW that their beds are full of folks already weakened by bad health. Those stats please.
Well Supertalk's current agenda is pushing vaccinations and those Good Ole Boyz in JT's time slot will be leading listeners onto the Progressive track to better health. Imagine that.
Now we got the "WU" coming directly from our swiss cheese border (Columbia)! That one is squarely on Biden ,Fauci et el's shoulders. 49 states ? Thanks Uncle Joe and those who voted for him. Now you got a variant that doesn't care if you are vaxxed or not and didn't start in this country ! I will wait for those vaxxed to respond to this cute little tidbit of truth.
Chism has missed election after election in Mississippi for nearly 20 years and, yet, suddenly his 'polling' about all things Covid is to be believed? Only in Jonathan's word.
Its Mu that is a Variant of Interest . It’s possible that mu’s genetic changes might make it more transmissible, allow it to cause more severe disease and render it more able to escape the immune response driven by vaccines or infection with previous variants. This in turn might leave it less susceptible to treatments.
Note the word might. A VOI is not a variant of concern (VOC), which is a variant that has been proven to acquire one of those characteristics, making it more dangerous and so more consequential. Mu is being monitored closely to see if it should be re-designated as a VOC. We have to hope not.
@10:40am - It’s “Mu” Cletus. And none of what you just said had been scientifically confirmed. You’re just regurgitating Fox News / Tucker Carlson garbage propaganda. Get off the Internet, go outside, find a library, and read some books. You’re clearly too ignorant to understand the difference between “scary news media propaganda, here buy this thing that will protect you” versus actual reality. Log off, Cletus
"Nothing says success and a happy life like a 1:38am angry blog post about other people on a local small town blog."
September 6, 2021 at 9:08 AM
Now, now... It may not have been 1:38 AM, in whatever country that person is posting from. For all we know, that post may have come from a political dissident, working as slave labor. Just imagine what could happen to such a person, if posts do not meet minimum standards for scaremongering, or if not enough posts are produced. That person could be reassigned to the team called, "Proud Volunteers for Organ Donation", or some such. Truly, we should have some compassion.
Post my comment kingfish you piece of shit. Stop defending Cletus.
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