Thursday, January 5, 2017

Was it murder? We report, you decide.


Security camera video at Performance Oil on McDowell Road shows a struggle taking place between Wayne Parish and Charles McDonald before McDonald was shot to death on July 21, 2016.  A Hinds County grand jury indicted Mr. Parish for first degree murder in the death of 17 year-old McDonald on October 28.  A confrontation took place between the two men at the business when McDonald tried to steal a car.

The video shows McDonald walking down McDowell Road.  His mother attempted to take him Henley-Young Youth Detention Center down the street but the troubled young man jumped out of the car and ran away.  Troubled because his mother said he had been at Henley-Young eight times in the last two years.  The video shows him walking across the property of Performance Oil.  A Lexus ES350 attracted his interest.  He picked up an object and apparently tried to smash open a window and gain access to the vehicle.    The confrontation begins at 3:45 in video.

The video shows Mr. Parish coming out of the office and confronting McDonald.  The police report states the Vice-President of Performance Oil was carrying a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver.  Mr. Parish chases McDonald around the car.  McDonald then charges at the businessman. There is a struggle and both men are apparently fighting over the gun.  McDonald crumples to the ground when shots are fired as the rounds struck him in the upper torso.  A pick-up truck pulls up and a woman who knew the deceased gets out of the vehicle.  Police arrived on the scene within two minutes.  The police report states that Mr. Parish submitted to an interview and was not charged with a crime.  It also states the case was sent to a grand jury.

Mr. Parish is lives in Crystal Springs.  He is currently in custody at the Hinds County Detention Center on an indictment of first degree murder.  He has not been arraigned.  The case is assigned to Circuit Judge Winston Kidd.  His arraignment is supposed to take place Tuesday.  He was arrested on December 29, 2016, two months after the grand jury returned the indictment.  The indictment also states the incident took place on June 21, 2016 but that is wrong as it took place on July 21. 

Kingfish note: The Jackson Free Press interviewed McDonald's mother. She is naturally upset over the death of her son.  There is no question she loved her son.  He was apparently out of control and she tried to do the right thing by taking him back to Henley-Young. Unfortunately, she is the one who suffers for her son's stupidity. 


Anonymous said...

Why was that sherif's deputy, who appears right after the shooting, just chilling during the altercation

Anonymous said...

Only thing Donner gives a damn about is if she can find a scintilla of race animosity in Parish's past. She don't give a hoot about McDonald and don't think for a minute otherwise. Donner wants a white scalp.

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely curious about what exactly was presented to the grand jury for them to indict.

This appears to be a clear case of self defense.

If he's found guilty of murder, Jackson/hinds county can kiss the remaining small business owners that are left goodbye.

Anonymous said...

I hate when anyone loses their life, however, this could have been prevented.

1. He should not have been trying to break into property that he did not own.
2. When confronted by the co-owner of the property he should have gone down and not engaged him. Once the fight was on, Mr. Parish has the right to protect himself.
3. Based upon the surveillance at this business, I would say they had been victimized numerous times by thugs like Mr. McDonald.
4. Many people, including myself would have done the same thing Mr. Parish did.
5. Sadly, I don't think Mr. Parish will receive justice.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the young thug threw a left hook before taking the fateful rounds. How in the world is this not self-defense?

Just stay the hell out of Jackson, that's the best thing.

Anonymous said...

Read that the deceased had 2 warrants on him and was almost shot during a house burglary the same day.
"But my baby wouldn't do no wrong."

Anonymous said...

I don't see any video showing the kid charging him or fighting for the gun.

Kingfish said...

Leave that woman alone. You think black, single moms are the only ones who have out of control teen boys they can't handle? She tried to do the right thing and take him to Henley Young.

Anonymous said...

If the victim had been black, there would be no charges. But since it was a white man defending himself and his property, it's a crime

Anonymous said...

This is clearly self defense if there was ever a case.
Never ever go into Jackson.
Let the thugs feed on themselves.

Kingfish said...

3:05: You probably don't, Bernard. That will be all.

Anonymous said...

I have practiced law many years, and that is not murder. That boy would have killed him if he had gotten the gun.

Hinds Co. is tainted with racial hatred and that is the only reason for an indictment.

One other thing, the boy's mother stated she was begging Parish not to shoot her son; obviously lying. This man should be home on bail, or better yet the charges dropped based on the tape.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so bad on many fronts, and sets a dangerous precedent. As Tony Yarber states in a recent JFP article, "there are simply not enough job opportunities for black youth because white businesses flee for the suburbs". I suspect most blacks feel the same. It's whites fault that there are not enough job opportunities. (
If this man is convicted, more businesses will continue to leave, which will be whites fault. If victims are not allowed to protect themselves, then what's left. Why would anyone stay in a unsafe area to be victims of senseless crime. If this man is convicted, oh boy....mass exodus ensues. I just really can't believe this man is in jail right now.

Anonymous said...

Since this incident, a JPD officer fired her weapon at a suspect for throwing a 2 liter at her from about 10 feet away after a verbal altercation with no other physical contact. The officer wasn't charged was she? Fair comparison?

Anonymous said...

Sure seems like a long time before the fire department / ambulance arrived. Another dispatching problem?

Anonymous said...

I feel very sorry for the mother but that don't mean another person who was victimized by her son should have to pay for her problem. We can see the story Pitt told about the thug using his flip flops and beating on the car is false. The man should be home getting over having to kill another person. There was no murder. If people cannot see that they are not looking or thinking.

PittPanther said...

Parks his car in the one place without clear video access. What a dope. Note we have to guess what the kid was doing to the car before the guy came outside.

One thing we do see, the guy came out with the gun in his hands, immediately pointed at the kid. I hope he can prove that the dead kid was doing something to the car to warrant a guns-blazing assault.

Anonymous said...

Pitt, can't you see the thug picking up an abject several times and using it to attempt to break into the car? Didn't you see the thug walk by two times checking out everything before attempting to steal the car?

You are actually blaming the man for parking his car beside his own building on his own land?

You may not admit to seeing what happened but other people can. They can begin to understand you way of seeing things.

Anonymous said...

I really hate that the boy died, and I think it could have been prevented on both sides... I also hate that we live in a world that this stuff happens so frequently. However, first degree murder?? In order for it to be first degree murder, they must prove that Mr. Parish acted with malice aforethought... aka that this murder was premeditated. To me, that is obviously not the case from this video. If Parish had planned on killing him prior to the incident, he would have walked outside and shot him, without any confrontation at all. Self defense? That sounds more like it. This man should be home on bail, or without any charges at all based on this video.

Red Herring Alert said...

DonnerKay: "Had this been a well-to-do white teen of a prominent leader addicted to drugs and doing stupid stuff, the response simply would not be about blaming their parents."

Anonymous said...

So, is it PittPanther or Shit-Talker? You, my friend, are an idiot! First, you ASSume the car belonged to Parish, it did not. Read the police report, jackass. The owner of the car told Detective Jenkins, Parish confronted the "complainant" as he was attempting to burglarize the car. Second, pull your head out of your ass and watch the video, it was a fight over a gun and the "complainant" lost that fight. Shit happens. Unless you've been in that situation, you have no clue what you would do. I do know, I've been there, done that.

Although I feel for his mom, no parent should have to bury their child but, that being said, this incident likely kept other "TRUE VICTIMS" and their family members from having to bury their own. I grew up off McDowell & Terry Roads, attended Peeples Jr and Jim Hill High School. The entire town of Jackson has gone to hell. If you roll the dice and go there, you risk coming up snake-eyes!

Anonymous said...

The gentleman is represented by most competent counsel. Hopefully, they will quash the indictment and he can go on with his life.

Anonymous said...

I think the pursuit is what probably did it for the grand jury. It's heat of the moment but you gotta hold the criminal at bay while calling police. Not run after the kid. Probably no conviction though.

Kingfish said...

BS. We covered the Bell, Kuebler, and Frazier cases on this site and she knows that. hell, I said the mom was trying to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, PittPanther! Is that really the way you see it? Your post interested me enough I "Googled" a bit. Seems this isn't the only Mississippi forum you're active on. The other seems to be a review site of prostitutes by their clients.. Oh well... to each their own. Now if I'm incorrect, I'll take your word for it.

Anonymous said...

I abhor violence. Worse than that I abhor people who live in fear. This young man's behavior further strengthens the fear and resulting violence that forced a hard working, dedicated, family oriented, Jackson invested, job creating, human being to protect his and his own from random trouble.

As to the JFP, I pray it never has to face the insidious violence plaguing Jackson - ruining this man's life by trying to play media flunkie might leave it eating crow. Trying to gain some semblance of relevance in this matter when you've spent all your credibility is an abomination and will leave what is left of their readership scratching their heads; not to mention, the JFP is ruining the promising young reporter's future career with no expense to the local bar rag.

Anonymous said...

The woman that pulls up in the pickup is the mother. Clear case of self defense here.

Only a matter of time said...

Only a matter of time until Donner calls this a hate crime. Donner needs a new Jackson hate crime.

DonnerKay: "So Ledger's front page now filled with mugshots of young black men wanted for a crime, but no sign of Wayne Parish, arrested for murder 1."

Anonymous said...

Hey ShittPanther:

You said "One thing we do see, the guy came out with the gun in his hands, immediately pointed at the kid".

Lemme see Bro'...If my old ass is going out to confront a young freakin' thug, I will be holding a 9mm and I will be pointing it at the thug. Why would I be pointing it anywhere else, you dumb-ass?? If you are not armed and ready in this situation, then you will be ass-whipped or killed by the street smart POS.


Anonymous said...

I'm with 5:19. How can this legally be first degree murder, and how on earth did the prosecution secure the indictment for the charge? Either something is missing or they purposely overshot hoping for a lesser plea. I still can't see how the grand jury would justifiably return the indictment on that charge.

PittPanther said...

All you guys are missing the point. Instead of calling the police and waiting, he chose to go outside, armed, to confront the kid. He escalated the confrontation - in fact there was no confrontation until he started it by going outside.

I understand the desire to protect property, but look at the result of that decision. One life ended, another changed forever. You guys take this so lightly.

Anonymous said...

You notice nobody checked vitals, tried CPR, nothing? As for that Go Fund Me. I'd be honored to be one of the 1st 10 to donate $100.00.The thug got just what he paid for. Nothing more or less.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pitt what if his insulin was in the car and he was heading to the car when the video clearly shows a threat to him gaining access to his life saving insulin? Stick to the pictures shedding a thousand words please.

Anonymous said...

Ok PissPanther, you say he should have called the cops and just watched and done nothing while this thug broke the windows and ransacked the car?? Maybe people hide and watch in your Pussy World, but from where I come from anyone with any self respect is going to confront the crook. And they will be prepared to defend themselves. Thuggery has it's consequences. Let the chips fall where they may.

Anonymous said...

I know the D. He isn't rich and was working on the car who belonged to someone else. He is not racist and has several biracial family members who along with his brother often helped me around my home as I am disabled. I know nothing about the facts of this case, however.
I do know that he is an avid hunter and is often known to carry a side arm.
I hope that justice is served.

Anonymous said...

I would like to contribute to the help with his legal defense. Does anyone on here know how to set up a Go Fund Me account for Mr. Parish?? You set it up and my $200 will follow.

Anonymous said...


You're obviously a proud JFP brick-in-the-wall... rainbow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I knew Charles McDonald. I worked as a corrections officer at Henley Young. As things go, he was unusual in that he was cordial, polite, and easy to manage, because myself and my coworkers provided him better living conditions than his mother. IE food, shelter, and clothing. It is obvious in the video that he was fighting for the gun etc. Not typical behavior for him, but I think things changed in him for the worse. I hate it for him, I hate it for the business owner, since his behavior after the shooting indicates that he was understandably horrified, and I hate it for Charles' mother. There are not any winners in this scenario. There is no way that anyone in this goes back to life as they knew it. Just a sad waste. She could have done right by that boy and he would never have been there.

You do the crime... said...

Anyone who commits a robbery takes the risk of dying. The boy rolled the dice and lost. Bye Felecia.

Anonymous said...

If you try to break into a car and someone shows up with a gun and your first response is to attack said gun owner, you are an idiot. Clear case of "you get what you deserve."

Anonymous said...

10:22 "..She could have done right by that boy and he would never have been there."

"SHE"..??.. what about his 'DADDY'?????? ...Where th F*%#$ are the male figureheads in this culture?????!!!!

Anonymous said...

It appears at first the kid was running away from the man, then he decides to confront the man with the gun - which is extra strange? It's not murder, but I won't say its self defense either?

But under the Castle Doctrine I figured the man would be covered since it appears the kid was trying to steal property off the mans property.

It's a mess - a big ol mess

Feel bad for all people involved

Anonymous said...

The problem for this guy is that it started over a property crime. As far as the grand jury is concerned he was the aggressor. I don't agree with it, but they followed the law.

Anonymous said...

I frankly can't make out much of the confrontation from the video. One thing it doesn't have is sound so we don't know what is said or what any eye witnesses may have told the jury they heard as well as saw.
While a person certainly has the right to protect themselves from an assault, my question is whether we, as a society, want to say that attempted theft of or damage to property warrants a lethal confrontation. The assault wouldn't have occurred had Mr. Parrish not initiated a confrontation. He put himself at physical risk.
If we decide that coming onto anyone's property and damaging that property gives the property owner or an employees of the property owner the right to confront and shoot, then you had all make sure your kids understand this as damaging property by paper, paint, wheelies in a yard, rock throwing, and mailbox bashing is also property damage.
Or do we want to fix a monetary value to taking a life? A mailbox or yard damage which costs money to repair or replace doesn't warrant a confrontation apparently, but a car does. What is the dollar amount?
Could Mr. Parrish have yelled from his store and fired the gun in the air to frighten the teen away and ended up with only insured damaged to his vehicle?
So to me, many of these confrontations that end in death, the question becomes did the person who pulled the trigger NEED to pull the trigger or were there other options that a rational and not an enraged person would have used?
I think this is a hard question. From some of you, apparently, it is not. Your moral code is to shoot first and analyze options and consequences later.
And, I do have to wonder if the kid had been white, if Mr. Parrish wouldn't have just shouted out and fired in the air.
I am white, by the way and I have been vandalized by teens who went through my entire neighborhood bashing mailboxes. These teens vandalized cars and property from Madison to Lakeland all one summer. I saw and recognized them. They were all from prominent white families and they have all grown up to be well respected , even powerful community members. They didn't even do restitution much less face
Do y'all not think the Black maids and yard workers of those vandalized 25 years ago didn't know about this? Do you not think that knowledge affects how black people see an incident like this? Those teens are 40 now and have kids of their own who are becoming teens.
Two wrongs don't make a right. It is not helpful if the black leadership is a bad as some whites were in the past. Letting off OJ may have felt good because those who murdered blacks weren't punished in the past but better is that no murderer should go free simply because of the color of their skin or their prominence in a community. We , as a society, need to understand that until there is a sense of equal treatment before the law, the racial conflict will not be resolved.
And, while it's true bad parenting can result in their children growing up to be criminals, there are good parents who have children who grow up to be criminals as well. Unless you know the parents well and saw them interacting with the child for years and have some knowledge of what does or doesn't affect later behaviors, you can't judge. Good parenting doesn't prevent schizophrenia or bi-polar or many other behavior disorders. We know that now.
So, if this kid had thrown eggs or keyed the car, and the same thing happened, would y'all all be ok with this outcome? Maybe that's what this jury hopes we , as a society will discuss and set legal precedents about. If you initiate a confrontation with a weapon and the person is unarmed and it turns out badly, does the initiator have any responsibility? That's another question, especially with all the road rage these days. When is does a threat reach the threshold of justifying a lethal response by police or citizens?
We did to get specific so everyone knows and we need a respectful,unemotional conversation about this.

Anonymous said...

The 10 o'clock WLBT news media chopped the video did anybody see it?

Anonymous said...

The link is to a news story from 2013 when a homeowner shot and killed a car burglar that the homeowner found inside his car at 6 am. No charges under the castle doctrine. Was this 2013 situation different because the vehicle was parked at the shooter's residence? I don't even think there was a physical confrontation before. Pretty sure it was a black homeowner and a black car burglar. I've never actually read the castle doctrine, but does it include protection of personal property or one's business? McDonald was a thug. He got what he deserved.

Anonymous said...

7:47: Castle doctrine clearly states in process of a felony (which auto burglary is)
not "just property crimes"

Anonymous said...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Parish will have to live with this the rest of his life, but the perp is dead and wont be a menace to society any longer. It may not sound PC to call a spade a spade but this kid sounds as if it were going to happen whether it were Parish or someone on the streets. It sucks but its the truth.

Anonymous said...

PittPanther advocates along a similar theme as Stokes. The message is tolerate crime. Live with it, expect it, do nothing to little about it, grudgingly accept it as a cost of living in Jackson.

Read between the lines, Jackson is a de facto sanctuary city for crime and apologists like PittPanther want victims to concede their victimhood and not act.

Jackson is LOST.

More Fake Comments from the Troll said...

I am white, by the way and I have been vandalized by teens who went through my entire neighborhood bashing mailboxes. These teens vandalized cars and property from Madison to Lakeland all one summer. I saw and recognized them. They were all from prominent white families and they have all grown up to be well respected , even powerful community members. They didn't even do restitution much less face charges.

Name them.

Anonymous said...

8:43. Unfortunately, JPD often writes up auto burglary as malicious mischief. I'm assuming they do this to skew the crime statistics. Was McDonald successful in breaking the car window or getting anything out of the car before being confronted? An attorney might argue that since McDonald is dead, no one knows for sure what his intent was. Maybe he was just busting windows out of cars for fun.... So, had a felony actually been prior to the confrontation? Granted the ensuing fight left Parish fearing for his life, which justified the shooting. I didn't realize auto burglary was a felony. Does it not have to do with the value of items stolen or cost of repairs to the vehicle damaged during the burglary? So if some kid busts my window out in the walmart parking lot, I can justifiably "drop" him with a few rounds? Or on that situation, am I only in the clear if I'm also "fearing for my life"?

Anonymous said...

7:47. Take your meds.

Anonymous said...

At 4:25, it appears Mr. Parrish attempt to retreat/pull away from McDonald. At that moment, the shooting becomes justified.

Anonymous said...

Yea, what 9:28 AM said!

Anonymous said...

By the way. Why does anyone care what Donna Kay Dolezal has to say? It's apparent the woman is self-loathing and unhinged.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kingfish.

She did a great job of raising her "baby." Somehow he got the idea it's ok to take other people's property.

Where was his fath...


Anonymous said...

People need to understand one thing. The thug caused all of this.

If it wasn't for his criminal ways he would not have been in the area to begin with.

The thug trespassed on the property twice before committing a worse crime.

The thug attacked the man.

The thug already had a criminal record and even his family had enough of it.

The thug was attempting to break into the car.

The thug tried at least three times to break out a window of the car.

All of this happened before the man was forced to defend himself. The man was on his own property. The man was trying to protect his property in a crime ridden city. The man had to know calling the cops would be useless. If they even came out it would be after the thug had driven off in the car. The cops would do little if they did show up. If the thug was arrested he would be back on the streets before the man got back home from filing charges.

Not everyone enjoys living in a city where the criminal elements have more protection than the citizens. Many of those who defend the criminal element do so as they are defending themselves, friends, and family members.

Anonymous said...

Let me throw in a couple of other items.
1- Office Manager (in her 60's) would have been the one that walked out as McDonald was breaking into her car to go to the Post Office had they not have heard him beating on her car from inside. Now wouldn't that have been wonderful.
2- The deputy actually got there pretty quick. They were checking their parking lot for McDonald when they heard him beat on car in our parking lot.
3- That is the reason they saw and heard Wayne telling McDonald to leave. Also, from their view they saw everything and will furnish answers to you question.
4- If this were to rise to murder 1, why would the Jackson Police Department not have arrested Wayne on the spot. Oh, has anyone mentioned the Jackson Police Department does not support these charges. It is all the DA's office. And I think everyone has heard about the DA recently, or have you.
5- WJTV stated that Wayne drug him from behind the car with both hands. I am wondering how you do that if there is a gun in one hand.

Anonymous said...

8:43, a poster on an earlier thread, who appears to be a reliable informant, stated that McDonald did in fact break the window and caused "right at $5,000 damage" to the vehicle.

7:47 asks if Parish "needed" to "pull the trigger." Look, this whole thing devolved into a struggle over a gun. In a case like that, where you're in a fight with a younger, aggressive assailant, and on the point of being disarmed, I'd say yes, you do. Unless you want to be shot with your own pistol.

It's too bad the kid's mother didn't show up about 30 seconds before she did.

Kingfish said...

Comment is correct. JPD isn't the one who pushed these charges. The cops think the guy is innocent.

All the kid had to do was take off running and leave the property. He didn't do that. He ran around the car and then after a lap and a half, he turned around and attacked him when he figured out he wasn't going to shoot him. Watch it. He charges him and gets a couple of swings in before he grabs the gun.

Anonymous said...

"...It's too bad the kid's mother didn't show up about 30 seconds before she did."
January 6, 2017 at 10:33 AM

In the black truck? That was his MOTHER? Her body language was certainly not that of a mother who's just seen her child killed. At first, I just assumed she was a disinterested third party, stopping to have a look.

Red Herring Alert said...

DonnerKay: "I know a lot about crime prevention. Yes, what happens in the home is important. When I was a child, likewise, a lot of young men were being taught by their families to hate and fear black people and then go hurt, hang and castrate them."

Anonymous said...

The whole thing stinks. This man has been wrongfully accused and now it will affect his life.

Anonymous said...

Terrible crime scene control by the police.

Anonymous said...

Something is wrong when you come on to a strangers property, destroy their property. The property owner comes out and confronts you with a weapon. The most logical thing to do is retreat! If you don't retreat, a death warrant is then signed by your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I will pay Donna $1,000 to go teach for a year at Wingfield, Lanier, Whitten, or maybe Forest Hill. Then once she is out of her JFP Fondren Bubble she will truly see how little she knows.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing, 3:01. She got out of the truck and made a call on her cell phone.

Anonymous said...

Who is representing Mr. Parish?

Anonymous said...

Wayne Parish is many things – son, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, cousin, friend. His world was rocked twice in 2016 but we will start with the day he disappeared from his family. On December 29, 2016 – Wayne didn’t show up for work which is very out of character for him. Friends and family discovered after a search, that Wayne had been arrested by Federal Marshals at his home in Crystal Springs, MS, taken to jail, and charged with 1st degree murder. Note the date this happened, a holiday weekend. As of this writing (1/6/17) he has had not had a bond hearing.

How could this possibly happen? We have to go back to July 21, 2016 where it started as just another Thursday at work for Wayne. His workplace in Jackson, MS is adjacent to a Youth Detention Center. During the day, an unknown young man, started throwing rocks and other objects at an employee’s vehicle in the parking lot. As one employee called the police, Wayne went outside to tell the young man to stop and told him to go away. Wayne did have a hand gun for self-protection which belonged to a coworker. Wayne fired a warning shot into the ground. Instead of fleeing, the young man, later identified as Charles McDonald, charged Wayne and went for the gun. As they both struggled for the gun, McDonald was fatally wounded. Wayne, along with witnesses were questioned, video surveillance was examined and Wayne was released. Wayne Parish is no stranger to loss, he too has lost a young son. This incident weighs heavy on his heart and mind, but Wayne is not a murderer.

This is a tragic event for all involved but this is a case of self-defense. It is not right that the Hinds County DA’s office is using Wayne Parish to make a political statement and to misuse their power in such a manner. The DA is trying to deny Wayne bond and trying to keep him in jail as long as possible by using a holiday weekend, misplacing paperwork, refusing to cooperate and over-reaching on the charge. The timing of the grand jury indictment and arrest is suspect on its own.

If you believe in “stand your ground”, that this is self-defense and an over-reach by a DA with an agenda other than justice. Please “stand with Wayne”.

PittPanther said...

"Stand Your Ground" is not the law in Mississippi, so it doesn't matter what you believe in.

Anonymous said...

The complainant????????? Sounds like the complainant in the narrative = OFFENDER

Anonymous said...

Actually it IS if your context is the Castle Doctrine, which it very well could be.

Anonymous said...

PittPanther, yes you are correct, "stand your ground" is not the law in MS but the Castle Doctrine is, I was not trying to use legal terms here, it was more a figure of speech. What's next, fight over spelling and grammar.

Anonymous said...

@3:01 - Yes, that was his mother who pulled up in the dark gray truck. She was obviously not willing to go near her own son Eva use she had just had dealings with him. He was wild. Eyes wild. Actions wild. She stated in an interview that she begged Mr. Parish not to shoot him. False. She stated that her son was beating on the car with red flip flops. False. He did it with a pipe, a lid and asphalt. He actually injured Mr Parish. Mr. Parish fought for his life against a guy high on PCP who was larger than himself. Mr. Parish was also protecting 3 women.

Anonymous said...

Went to the story at JFP. Does Donna respond to every comment for all stories? Man, that seems exhausting. On another note, her comments have this fake intellectual magnaminitous tone to them that makes me want to puke. Like she came down from the mountain to tell everyone the right way to think. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

No, PittPanther is not correct. "Stand your ground" is most certainly the law in Mississippi. The "duty to retreat" was removed with the Castle Doctrine legislation.

Before, precedent in Mississippi and other states required an individual to seek a path away from a potential deadly force situation. If they did not take said path, they could be charged, regardless if it was in their own home, car, business, etc.

The duty to retreat is now reversed. Someone committing such a criminal act can not use the threat of force, etc against an individual and it be found that the individual should have disengaged or be charged.

It would appear that the individual attempted to stop a car burglary on business property, to which he was entitled to defend. The criminal did not break off and run, but engaged the individual physically and the individual appeared to act in Self Defense.

Anonymous said...

You people stop being so hard on Pitt. He is reading the JFP. He thinks the thug was wearing a water meter cover for one shoe and a pipe and asphalt shoe on the other foot. He calls them "slides", I think.

Anonymous said...

Pitt Panther doesn't want to get into semantics but that's exactly what he did. Stand your Ground is a vital part of the Castle Doctrine. If you don't want to get into legal terms, stay out of a legal discussion. The Castle Doctrine gives a man the right to 'stand his ground' without fear of going to Parchman.

Anonymous said...

So, I see in one of the comments that kid was on PCP. I figured he was mentally ill or something because what he did is exactly how you go about getting shot.

I feel sorry for the mom, but don't sit there and say that you would just watch someone tear up a car in an area like that. Trying the accused for first degree murder is a gross distortion of the law. To answer the question asked, it was justified homicide. Those last two words are something both liberals and conservatives have problems with.

The timing of this arrest is just weird and screams political agenda.

Kingfish said...

Well, when the D.A. is using words such as "N***a" and "Uncle Tom" and makes it clear in text he is out to get some white power structure, his motives come into question on a case such as this one.

Anonymous said...

for anyone that don't think auto burglary is considered a felony in Mississippi simply google it. (Under Mississippi criminal law, automobile burglary is a felony crime. A person is guilty of auto burglary if he: ... (4) with the intent to steal therein, or to commit any felony. The State must prove each of these elements beyond a reasonable doubt)

Also google Mississippi Castle Law (In Mississippi Code of 1972 Section 97-3-15, the law explains the circumstances under which homicide is considered legally justifiable.
The law, often called the castle doctrine, cites four instances in which it is justifiable for a “public officer” to kill someone and two instances where a civilian can, in an act of defense, kill someone.
Portion “e” of the law says a homicide, “when committed by any person in resisting any attempt to unlawfully kill such person or to commit any felony upon him, or upon or in any dwelling, in an occupied vehicle, in any place of business, in any place of employment or in the immediate premises thereof in which such person shall be,” is considered justifiable.
In portion “f” the law goes on to say a homicide, “when committed in the lawful defense of one’s own person or any other human being, where there shall be reasonable ground to apprehend a design to commit a felony or to do some great personal injury, and there shall be imminent danger of such design being accomplished,” is considered justifiable.
Reed Marts, an Oxford attorney who specializes in self-defense and weapons issues, said these laws allow a civilian to use up to lethal force to defend against someone trying to kill him (e) or to repel a felony attack, like a rape or aggravated assault with a weapon, against themselves or someone else (f).
“What the law is saying is, when someone breaks into your house, you can assume they are there with malicious intent – to kill you or do bodily harm,” Martz said. “The home is not so much the interior walls as it is the curtilage, or nearby area. The law is saying a person resisting an illegal attempt to kill him in his home, vehicle or place of business is a justifiable homicide or use of force if death doesn’t result.”)
Basically with the above it shows serious issues with the Hinds County DA's office. Hopefully the man charged will not only be cleared of all charges but will in turn sue the entire Hinds Co justice system and each individual. He should get millions for this happening. Further, why was the JFD arson investigator not charged recently for shooting a burglar in his back yard? Or all the other black on black where homeowners defended themselves and their property. Hopefully this will be a wake up call to the rest of the white business owners in Jackson and they all move outside that jurisdiction to a place with an equal and fair justice system.

Anonymous said...

If people would remember back it hasn't been that long ago that a person killed another person by shooting through the back door of his home. The man on the outside grabbed the door knob and the homeowner, said the man was attempting to break in, shot and killed the other person.
Homeowner was on the inside, man killed was on the outside, the door was closed, the man on the inside never saw the man outside. He shot through the door.
Can you guess what charges were filed?

Unknown said...

The link to help Mr. Parish is here.

Kenny's Answer.. said...

Too many Jacksonians are of the Ken Stokes mentality. These crimuls don't mean no real harm. They jess out for a little hussle. No need to shoot at 'em. Jess throw some rocks and bottles and stuff.

Capt Wm said...

Ok people, we now have a site to help pay Mr. Parish's legal defense cost. I gave $200. Let's all help him fight this injustice.

Anonymous said...

OK, I have done my best to let you all know I know more than you. So here goes one more attempt.
Yes, the castle law will apply.
And yes, there is one other thing I know that I will not tell you at this point. In fact I have not even told the defense attorneys, but they will learn on Monday. What they will find out will even kill the civil suit that will follow.
So lets say the judge doesn't say there is no there here. Here is how the trial will go in short.
DA to Who ever. Was CM(Charles McDonald) a wonderful child? Yes, never done anything wrong.
So on and so on to different people.
DA to Doctor. Was CM shot.
Doctor- Yes, twice(multiple) in the chest.
Cross- Was a toxicology test done?
Doctor- Yes.
DA- Damn.
Next witness
DA to JPD investigator. Did Mr. Parish shot CM after caught trying to break into car? Yes.
Cross- After talking to the eye witnesses, what was your determination.
JPD Investigator- it was clearly self defense.
DA- Shit.
DA- Out of witnesses.
Defenses attorney has already cross JPD and he has already explained why Mr. Parish was not arrested and DA added a few more shits.
Eye witness #1. Defense Attorney- Describe what you saw.
Defense witness #1- Mr. Parish(MP) told MC to go on, leave now. MC ran around the car and got behind MP. CM and MP got into a fight and in a struggle for the gun CM was shot twice.
Defense- Did you here anything said at the seen. (Response)
DA- Dear Father in Heaven, Please make me disappear.
Eye witness # 2. Defense Attorney- Describe what you saw.
Defense witness #2- Same as #1.
DA- Dear Father in Heaven, I am still waiting to disappear.
Hinds County jury- Guilty
Appeals Court Judge- What the Hell were you thinking.

Anonymous said...

Here is a question for the Pitt's of the world. The decision to move the office of Performance Oil Equipment out of the Jackson/Hinds area has already been made. The question is how can we send employees into the Jackson/Hinds Area to work with them knowing that if they are again force to defend themselves, they will be arrested and charged. It can't be done. So now not only has the tax dollars left, the services we provide are gone. Here is the problem. The city of Jackson and the county of Hinds are customers. About a .02% portion of business so please do not think that will be a killer for POE. We cover a five state area.
You can talk about how the system failed all you want. The fact is it was not any system that failed. It was personal responsibility that failed.
I guess the four people in Chicago that tortured a kid was a system failure too.

Captain William Rides Again said...

Capt Wm has a track record of donating to the wrong causes. He must be a man who has more money than he has good sense. But in this case, some half-ass lawyer (needing the notoriety) will pro bono this case and win in a heartbeat, without the Good Captain's donation.

Capt Wm said...

What's the matter with you, Bro'? Can't sleep with all the gun fire in your 'hood??

You are partially right. I am well heeled. I also have the good sense to not sit back and do nothing when people get robbed or raped. Parish was robbed by the thug and now is being raped by the Hinds C0unty "just-us" legal system. In response to your dumb-f**k comments I will make another donation. I would like to make it in your name....what is it? Donna, Kenneth, or Schuler?

Anonymous said...

Apparently this kid has had a troubled past going to the detention center multiple times and his mother knew it. This kid was going to continue to ruin other people property with no consequences. Throwing rocks at someone's car and daming it is ridiculious. You think the mother was going to offer to pay for the damages?? He would have shot Parish with no question, if he was able to get the gun. Those are the consequences for choosing to vandalize and commit a crime. That could have been anyone that he attempted to rob, assault or whatever. A women, another kid etc. he didn't care about anyone's property or person. This kid is a menace to society and should have been in jail. Let this be a lesson to all these juveniles harming hard working people trying to make an honest living. Sorry for the mothers loss. But I feel extremely bad for the Parish family for having to be put in this situation for self defense.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity....What caused this young man to be in the juvenile detention center eight times in two years and on his way back on this day? Was it skipping school, rolling yards, unpaid traffic fines or panhandling? Something else?? Oh wait. The previous crimes this juvenile has participated in are most likely inadmissible in court. Give me a f@$*ing break. Thug ended his life in a thug scenario.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was originally a concern of mine, but it turns out that McDonald past record will admissible. Yet another problem for the Assistant DA in their attempt to paint the kid as a sweet angel/choir boy. And lets be honest. When he was not running around with his buddies and doing drugs, he may have been a good kid.
And lets do some math. Granted this does make one assumption, But the longest period of time they can hold a kid at the Detention center is 21 days, not matter what the crime with the exception being murder. He was in there 8 times in the past 2 years. Now I did not have the advantage of common core math, so I am thinking he was in there somewhere around 168. That if I am not mistaken is just over half a year. One quarter of the time of the past 2 years.
Also, could someone please provide me with information on the law that requires us to be a victim. I am so sick of hearing idiots make the comment "took the law in his own hands". Yet another phase that is way over used. Yes, had he have gotten away with the car and a week later that car the perpetrator were learned and Wayne would have gone after him, I would then agree that Wayne took the law in his own hand. However, while in the course of committing the CRIME Wayne confronts him, this is not taking the law in you own hands. This is protecting person property. When they pass a law against that we are all sunk. Now, if the perpetrator chooses to escalate the situation at that point it is his choose.
McDonald had no less than 3 chances to prevent this situation. He could not have run when his mother left him alone (chance 1). He could have kept walking down McDowell Road, not turning around and coming back. You could tell he knew what he was doing was wrong when just stands there as cars pass by that would be witnesses (chance 2). And finally he could have followed Wayne's instructions and leave the premises (chance 3).
But no. McDonald was the one that escalated the situation when he attacked Wayne knowing that Wayne had a gun. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

When is the legislature going to pass a law the prohibits the perpetrator or family of the perpetrator from suing the victim of a crime for damages the perpetrator incurred while in the commission of a crime!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is a complete waste of time trying to explain why a person would protect their own property. People who work for what they have will understand. People who do not work for what they have will never understand. Those who make the choice of stealing do not respect anything. They do not work for anything so have no idea how a person who does work will feel when they see a thug stealing their property.
Take a look at the thugs in Jackson. They do not work. They do not own a single thing they have not stolen from others. You see a few of them posting on this site. How many do you think stole the device they are using to post?

Anonymous said...

Everyone was asking about a Go Fund Me account. Here it is.

Anonymous said...

There is a video from the camera at the end of the building where the action unfolded that has conveniently "gone missing ". Hmmmmmmmm.....fake news and corrupt City of Jackson DA's office up to their old tricks.

Unknown said...

Have the citizen of Jackson forgot about Quardious Thomas. Quardious Thomas has been mentioned in almost every killing since his death, when it comes to the castle doctrine, including Charles McDonald was his death first occured. We now have two black males, breaking into two cars, unarmed. One on the outside and one on the inside. Both Parish, and Williams exited their premise, neither called 911 knowing someone was out there breaking in the vehicle. Neither fired a warning shot. They both made there way to the Cecile, McDonald was approached on the outside of the vehicle, told to leave, and he rushed a man with a gun and lost his life. How can Parish be charged with first degree when Williams shot Quardious inside the Cecile and no charges. This is a racist outcome for Parish, or either a returned favor for Williams. Now they hide the news about Quardious Thomas who never even had an investigation. Call circuit they will confirm the same not even Grand Jury for Williams.

Anonymous said...

Oh but there WAS a warning shot fired into the ground near the thug and still he went on the attack. "Stupid is as stupid does ". The thug should never have been on that property anyway. It's called trespassing when you do not have any business there. It's called vandalism at the very least when a thug is damaging property that is not theirs. But he was trying to STEAL someone else's property which anyone with half a brain KNOWS IS WRONG!!!! It was wrong for the thug to make the CHOICE TO STEAL. FURTHERMORE it was wrong to be on the drugs that likely played a part in the thugs decision, which by itself was a bad decision that led to his own death! To use that as an excuse is mind numbingly wrong on so many levels. Until these outlaws finally figure out their life might be in danger when they ILLEGALLY Do THE CRIME they should think twice and leave law abiding citizens like Wayne Parishs property alone. HINDS COUNTY GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR @$$ and start doing something to deterr and punish, not reward criminals for their illegal behavior!!!!!Like someone else said on this blog before...if you don't work for the things you have you'll never understand why it is important for honest hardworking folks to protect their property because once it's gone, there's little the police can do to get it back for you. It still costs ALOT OF MONEY to replace your property because as we all know, insurance deductibles are high and the insurance companies rarely pay enough for you to get back what you had. I'm tired of government breeding and coddling these criminals. So if law abiding citizens need to use lethal measures to protect their own property and family, by all means let the hammer drop on those who mean to do us harm because government is NOT DOING IT!!!!

Chege Nyanzi said...

This man will not be found guilty of premeditated murder. Nor should he be. Had he come out of the building shooting then perhaps that could be argued, but that is not what happened. I believe he was charged with 1st degree murder to placate the community that seeks "justice" simultaneously assuring that a conviction is highly unlikely. Had they charged him with involuntary manslaughter or reckless homicide he'd have a higher possibility of being convicted. He will be exonerated and his record will remain unblemished, at least as it pertains to this incident. Well played grand jury.....well played.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS