Monday, August 15, 2016

Trump coming to Jackson

The Mississippi Republican Party issued the following statement:

Donald J. Trump is scheduled to be in Jackson on Wednesday, August 24th, 2016, for a fundraising event supporting his campaign. The event begins at 6:00 PM. The ticket price is $1000 per person. Event location will be provided upon ticket purchase. Those interested in purchasing tickets should contact Aimee Garner at or (601) 383-7107. All other questions should be directed to the MSGOP at or (601) 948-5191. 
This event will be closed to the press.

Donald Trump's path to the White House goes through Mississippi. Act NOW to help elect him as our next President. 


Anonymous said...

"Donald Trump's path to the White House goes through Mississippi." That's a VERY narrow path indeed.

PittPanther said...

Bricks, rocks, and bottles...

Anonymous said...

MSGOP establishment needing to $$$eed their way into some some Oval Office access after their scatter-gun support for primary losers like Bush, Rubio and, worst of all, Kasich.

I'm sure the $$$$$anderson's will be there to find a backdoor to Trump's heart for their illegal alien, er, undocumented worker labor force.

Make ChickenPluckers Great Again!

vote Gary Johnson said...

why does a billionaire need 1,000 a head to speak in Mississippi???

Anonymous said...

An undisclosed location?

Anonymous said...

I anxiously await to see the donor list so that I know what republicans to never support again.

Anonymous said...

Anybody see that Mississippi polling yet with Gary Johnson @ 25%? ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

Le Grand Orange is coming to town. Secret location, no press, but you can track him down by listening out for the carnival barkers: "Step right up! See the Giant Ego! He walks, he talks, he squirms under criticism!"

(Apologies to the quipster who lived across the hall in the dorm.)

Anonymous said...

12:06 --

Whether he's really a billionaire is an open question.

Why does he need $1,000 a head? Because he's raised basically nothing compared to Hillary, and has spent zero dollars on advertising. Because he's an unhinged lunatic. And he'll lose in November in Dukakis-style fashion. One hundred twenty-five electoral votes, anyone?

The real question is this: If Trump's primary voters in MS want to attend, will they be permitted to sign over their disability checks as payment?

Any other of the GOP candidates would be 5-8 points ahead of Hillary right now. But, thanks to first-time, white trash voters across the South, we get the one guy who will managed to get crushed by the worst, most vulnerable Democrat nominee, probably ever.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:06 - Maybe because it is a "fund-raising" event....???

Anonymous said...

@12:30 - I totally agree. Will disappointed if even one damn person shows up.

Anonymous said...

While we're on the subject, is there nothing that can be done to remove all the Trump signage from Mitch Tyner's office? How embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

It's refreshing to see these comments. I honestly thought everyone in Mississippi loved Trump.

Anonymous said...

@1:17 AMEN...

Anonymous said...

12:42.....YOU ROCK!

Anonymous said...

Possible locations being considered include Blofeld's hollowed out volcano, Ozymandias Antarctic retreat, the Deathstar, and Dr. Evil's Moon Unit Alpha and Moon Unit Zappa.
Rejected locations include the Gotham City sewers due to ideological differences with Oswald Cobblepot.

Anonymous said...

TO: 12:42

I'm far from "WHITE TRASH" and with that being said---I agree with you !!! The writing was on the wall in the Republican Primary so I voted for Trump. Trump is aligning himself with the "REAL GOOD OLD BOYS" of Mississippi and that really disappoints me. Our Mississippi Republican leaders have been on top to long. It's the same back room politics that put Thad back in office. Most of these guys cheat on their wives and that tells me they will cheat on Mississippi. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY !!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12:42 - you are right on target. And your comment is comfirmed by 2:07's idiotic comments. Its people like 2:07 that will successfully put Hillary into the White House to do her magic - like moving from being broke to being worth hundreds of millions.

Why is Trump coming to MS? To put a little cash in his account so that Feel will feel good about getting on board this crashing ship. Trump is going down faster than the Titanic, and when its all over, idiots like 2:07 will blame it on the 'Good Old Boys' who wouldn't come out and support him. But they will be wrong - it will be because those idiots in a 35% minority managed to nominate the only person that is distrusted and hated worse than Hillary's 52%. But they don't want a winner - they wanted someone that says and thinks things that they all say while at deer camp or out fishing with their buddies (and by the way, I love hunting and fishing - and enjoying time with the buddies, but I don't decide on running the country by the thoughts that came out of the bottles that accompanied us to the woods.)

Anonymous said...

"..a world government by international bankers" is surely "preferable to nation-states" and "some accuse me of working against the interest of the United States" in furtherance of "a world government by international bankers" and "I'm guilty and proud of it" Rockefeller, D., Memoirs, p. 405. Sick of the Pavlovian "conspiracy theory" response to this. Theory? These are the words of David Rockefeller, not Alex Jones. For me, Trump represented someone not owned by the shareholders of the privately-owned Federal Reserve Corporation, our true sovereign. And so the "international bankers" will install Clinton the Mrs.and we proceed. The factories, the jobs...they're not coming back. Veterans, sorry you fought in all the bankster's wars. Maybe you can keep a revolver. Maybe you can use the lady's restroom.

Anonymous said...

@12:41 - The moniker "Le Grande Orange" belongs to Rusty Staub of the 1969 Miracle Mets. Do not besmirch the man.

Anonymous said...

Prematurely orange.

Anonymous said...

$1000 a head. And the rubes here will gladly pay. You can't knock Donald's hustle.

Anonymous said...

Y'all did it to yourselves @2:23 PM. Shot the GOP in the foot a long, long time ago. Look in the mirror pal. The GOP is in the shitter because of YOU.

Anonymous said...

2:34, I should have apologized to Rusty for borrowing his epithet and abusing it. I hope he still lives. I'll use "Orange Menace" henceforward, since it's already out there.

I hope none of us gets assassinated by a "Second Amendment guy." Not that there's anything wrong with the Second Amendment, which I hold as sacred as Article XII.

Anonymous said...

3:01 - no, you and folks like you did it. The GOP is not a monolith, and that's a good thing. But the folks that come out of the woodwork once every couple of decades and express their frustration - while expecting the rest of the country to think just like the white, male, 40+ Mississippian - give us folks like BHO and Hillary. You can be very happy that this year you got your nominee, and watch while we go down to a monumental loss. You, though, would probably be more happy if the Congress goes down as well, because those 'repubs' that don't vote your way are nothing but RINOS (and I use that term loosely, because it really applies to this year's nominee as much as anybody I've ever seen) and you would be just as happy to turn their seats over to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's buddies.

Anonymous said...

Hi, 2:07. I'm 12:42.

Ok. There's a presumption that you're not white trash. But you just said you voted for Trump...and you regret it and agree with me?

Maybe you're not trashy. But you're really, really stupid. Were you hit on the head before you read this "writing on the wall?"

It speaks volumes if Trump appealed to you in any way. He's a demagogue who plays to people's anger, hatred and bigotry. You do know he supported Hillary in 2008, right? And in 2012, said she was doing "a marvelous job" as Secretary of State? And he's given hundreds of thousands to her and her husband.

But yet, "He fights! He'll shake things up! He's not a typical politician!" Yeah, dude.

"Most of these guys cheat on their wives." Yep. Trump does it and goes on Howard Stern's show to brag about it.

You've been conned. It's you who and idiots like you who've handed the white house to that freaking hag. Go look in the mirror, as another poster suggested.

Then punch yourself in the face about 10 times.

Remember when Trump said, "I LOVE the poorly educated?" I'm guessing that's when your vote for him was sewn up.


Anonymous said...

2:26 -- Yeah, Rockefeller said it. But you sound a lot like Alex Jones, and the retarded neo-Nazis in the Reichbart comments section. "International bankers?"

Just say what you mean: Jews.

Anonymous said...

If you want the signs off Mitch's it.

Who will attend?

Tyner will be there. Phil will be there with Tate and Delbert will be there too. Haley will be there for the food. Trent will be there because he needs to make sure he keeps his ties with Putin for lobbying. A few die hards will be there.....spending money don't have to be there.

Probably be held at Tyner's house....or maybe Nutt' show we do have some ostentatious people here.

Anonymous said...

TO: 3:35 FROM: 2:07

I noticed you closed your rant by signing off as "MORON"---that tells me a lot. I'm voting for Trump only because he is the lesser of two evils unless you have another suggestion. Let me give you a little background in case you really believe I'm an Idiot---Graduated #1 in my class at an Ivy League school, made more than $1.2 million last year and will make over $2 million this year, I have a beautiful wife of 44 years and 5 children. So, SHUT THE F--- UP !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dang 4:07. Doing the math, you seem a little old for diatribe like this.

Anonymous said...

The GOP is not a monolith ...

AND that is where you are wrong. But keep looking down your long pointy nose convinced that you are truly smarter than the rest and holier than thou.

Gobacken Sidonna said...


My hat is off to your mind numbing arrogance. Your candidates are getting white smoked by the likes of Pheeel, Tater and the Donald. But voters are the stupid ones?

I'm beginning to wonder if 'Mississippi Democratic Trust' is an anagram for 'A bunch of arrogant lawyers that couldn't find their own asses in the dark with both hands.'

And as for the Trump voters cashing their disability checks...ask your staff if they get the checks before they mail you your cut or if they're direct deposited to you and you let them have the scraps. Your advertising isn't going to buy itself.

Wonder why there's a brain drain in Mississippi? Because we have the worst intelligentsia in the history of oligarchies.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 4:07. You've got Princeton written all over you. I can hear your voice now: Southern accent, but making shit up, just like Trump. "I went to Princeton/Harvard/Columbia/Yale -- and it's, I don't know if you know this, but let me tell you, it's a great school. Just the best, anyone will tell you that, people tell me all the time. And my wife, is she hot or what? Met her at the Miss Ivy League pageant, which I used to run, by the way, great pageant, gorgeous women...but she was the best, would you look at those legs, I'll tell you she dropped out the best 5 kids for me."

Lesser of two evils? Yeah? But you voted for him in the primary. Was he the lesser of 17 evils?

And sorry for the colloquial writing with occasional sentence fragments in my first post. "Moron" was not my sign-off. It was a sentence fragment that I should have assumed would through you off. The three implied words before it are "You are a."

[You are a] stupid Trumptard.

Anonymous said...

Sort of hard to understand how Trump beat out all of the real republicans. Look at what happened to Bush. He was supposed to be the chosen one.
People are just tired of the life time politicians. The republicans backing down on their promise to support who ever won the nomination will do so much damage to the republican party they will not recover for 30 years. Most are the same as democrats anyway. Maybe another party will be the outcome of this fubar. Hope so. The republican party is lost and the democrat party will be also with Hillary. Now is the time for a strong third party.

PittPanther said...

$2 million earner spends time on minor blog discussing politics and "jackassery." Color me not convinced. Xs

Anonymous said...

@4:07 PM

So...things are so bad today making in excess of 2MM this year....that you think things need to change.

I think you are either a liar or stupid.

You choose.

Anonymous said...

I see the paid for army of Hillary blog bots are in full force here.

Point one: Bashing a $1000 a head fundraiser. I guess Leo's $37,000 lunch with Hillary is somehow preferable?

And this: "He's a demagogue who plays to people's anger, hatred and bigotry. You do know he supported Hillary in 2008, right? And in 2012, said she was doing "a marvelous job" as Secretary of State? And he's given hundreds of thousands to her and her husband."

Can you say... talking points. Look, they have 1000's of stay at homes, and out of work hipsters that troll Google looking for anything with Trump in it they can pollute.

Get a life. Don't you have some illegals you can sign up to vote?

Anonymous said...

Funny how so many are saying if you don't vote for Trump, you put Hillary in the White House. Those same people saying that stayed home in droves when Romney was running. We can't have no Mormon in the white house! They put Obama in the White House and now the shoe is on the other foot and we are all supposed to toe the party line. Screw yall.

Anonymous said...

KF - do you have any follow up info on the Felix Vail story? I'm having withdrawals.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that Tyner and Bryant and all the party leaders will be there, but that's because they don't have to write a personal check for $1,000 to be there. They either go gratis or spend party or campaign funds to get in. The number of people that write personal checks will be very small.

Anonymous said...

Most of you people on this thread are just plain ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Well, I make 37K per year and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last month. Take that 4:07!!

Anonymous said...

It seems like many of you want to continue the transformation of this country. The flooding of this country with illegals from the south and muslims from the middle east and the stacking of the Supreme Court with far left views will change this country forever. I'm sure many of you are okay with that. May you get what you ask for.

Anonymous said...

@12:32 no polling has come out in Mississippi yet.

@Kingfish you should run a presidential poll including Gary Johnson

Anonymous said...

5:06 --

Love the whole binary choice thing from Trumptards. Hillary bots? Eat a fat one, white trash. I've worked (for pay and as a volunteer) for conservative candidates since my junior year in college, 1986.

But, to the alt-right/uneducated crowd of Trumptards, I can't be conservative. If I don't vote for him, "YOUR [sic] FOR HILLARY YOU DUMB CUCK GLOBALIST OPEN BORDER GUY!!!!one!!!!"

Listen, Cletus. I supported Chris in 2014. Worked my ass off for him. Pretty much the last month of the primary and from then till the runoff. It was literally my job.

The guy Chris endorsed and whose campaign he chaired in Mississippi? That's the one guy, at the end of the day, who wouldn't bow the knee to your Cheeto Jesus. And when the smoldering ruins of what you and your redneck buddies left of the GOP begin to be rebuilt, Ted Cruz will be remembered as a man of integrity. (I voted Marco in the primary, BTW. He'd be up 8 points on Hillary right now.) But no.

You've been conned. Trump is a lifelong, pro-abortion, big dollar-donating Democrat. You nominated him. Hillary will crush him like a grape. He got nominated because white trash like you fell for his boorish, childish, unhinged schtick. Because you're stupid. "Poorly educated," in his words.

Eat this bowl of feces you prepared. Choke on it, you dimwitted fool.

Anonymous said...

The only really awesome thing on Nov. 9 will be watching the enraged Trumptards melt down. Blaming everyone but themselves.

Most honorable cult members would commit mass suicide at that point. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

5:32 - while I might agree with the results of your fine analysis, the method by which you express it and the attitude you exhibit made it clear that you not only supported Chris in 2014 but worked hard for him. All one has to do is read the attitude shown in your post-you didn't have to tell us.

And, BTW, your guy Cruz would be losing almost as bad as Trump. He hasn't alienated quite as many groups, but his personality has turned off almost as many voters.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to have grifters like Trump unless you have lots of dumb people? Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

The Romney fundraiser at river hills country club was $5000 a ticket. Just saying..

Anonymous said...

5:14 You fit in just fine here.

$1000 per ticket, and location won't be disclosed until you pay? That's a-1 grifting right there.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Trump supporters were supposed to be the uneducated masses. From reading the posts here I will have to disagree with that. Either Hillary supporters are coming out from under their rock or we have one Hillary supporter with busy fingers. Guess both could be a possibility.

Anonymous said...

Donald "The Melted Candle Motherfugger" Trump will win Mississippi, simply because the white people don't want to vote with the black people and vote for Hillary "The Pantsuit Mee-Maw" Clinton. Just saying....

Anonymous said...

@5:36pm Ah, the truth comes out. You are just a butthurt Chris supporter that can't get over it. Explains everything. Might want to be careful with that White Trash boomerang. Might knock out another front tooth giving you a pair of black holes to match the one in your head.

Sorry, didn't vote for Trump in primary, but not going to give the Supreme Court away to Hillary or allow the continued flow of illegals into USA. Bigger fish to fry rather than hoping for a Glenn Beck approved pure tea-party-approved conserative. Too bad your guy doesn't fit that mold either.

Anonymous said...

I would not be surprised if Trump closes up shop within 30 days due to the election being "rigged." Even if I am wrong on that - there aren't enough of you for him to win. Face it. You are going to lose. Your time is over. And there is nothing you can do about it. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...


Compared to who? Cruz? If Cruz was the one nominated, with his tiny Evangelical niche, Hillary would win this before it started carrying all the swing states off the bat. With Trump, there's still something of a fight.

Fact is, the GOP couldn't muster jack or shit this year. Because fact is, Rubio, Carson, Christi and especially Bush would crumble before Hillary before it even started. Once again, with Trump there's still something of a fight.

You can call us white trash all you like, still doesn't take away from the fact that the establishment put up people who could be easily slaughtered, and that the only non-establishment of Cruz was so hated that he would lose to Hillary by even bigger margins. So take that presumption of yours and stick it.

Anonymous said...

9:12 - you are correct about Cruz. If he had been nominated there would be no hope of winning. But its the same with Trump. The difference is that Cruz actually believes in something and believes it so strong that he pisses off everybody around him if they are not jackboot/lockstep behind 100%. Trump, on the other hand, has a position every day that sounds good to him. One problem, not the only one, is that oftentime nobody else can even understand his rants and raves. When you can, it offends 70% of the populace. Granted, the other 30% loves it and thinks that is just what we need - someone that will say what they have been wanting to say. Problem: That does not lead to electoral victory. It does lead to losing all the swing states and some that should not even be in play.

Most any of the other candidates would beat Hillary. Might not be 100% of what you, I or others would like, but it would lead to having the WH and not losing Congress and the Supreme Court. But - you've got what you want. Enjoy it between now and November 7th. After that, I hope you will acknowledge the stupid path that Trump has led us all down to satisfy his ego.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This post brings out people of all sorts. I would never vote for Trump. I don't care who's running against him. He will be bad for our nation. Ever notice that every single time he's caught saying another stupid comment, he tries to argue his way out of it? He's terrible. He appeals to some people who want change. His comment making fun of John Mcain for being a prisoner of war says enough for me. It was the ultimate display of ignorance and a disrespectful display of hatred for all men and women in uniform.

Anonymous said...

You Repubs. on here crack me up! You created a party that would nominate a narcissistic carnival barker like The Donald for President, and now you criticize the 13 million Republicans who voted for him in the primaries. Ever thought about a little introspection, folks?

Governor Kasich, had he been your nominee, might well have beaten Sec. Clinton, but he's not a racist, birther, reality TV show guy whose put four companies in bankruptcy- disqualified!!

Anonymous said...

The butthurt is strong here. Seems some are still a bit upset thier guy lost. Get over yourselves. The choice at this point is do you want a full fledged criminal who will keep pushing a failed Democratic agenda or a guy who says mean things that has a greater chance of fixing the economy.

Anonymous said...

I have news for you @8:42 - Hillary will win with or without your Trumptard vote. MS is irrelevant this cycle.

Anonymous said...

To all of the anti-Trump crowd, I guess you plan to vote for Hillary? Sure Trump may not be the ideal candidate but he is a hell of a lot better than Billary

Anonymous said...

What a total waste of money on a total LOSER. Anyone stupid enough to throw your money away like this deserves to be parted with his money.

Anonymous said...

For Gods sake, in what universe is Trump preferable to any other person? Have we ever seen a party disown a nominee quite like this? The guy has snakes in the head.

Hope and Change II.. said...

Speaking of signs; I'd love to see Trump posed beside Mitch's "100% American Owned" sign out on Highway 43. I love that sign. Took photos of it almost a year ago. Says what most of us would like to scream from the mountain-top.

While some of you are swooning at the sight of the beached whale in the pastel pantsuit, reality is about to pop you upside the head.

Anonymous said...

Never trumpers are voting for Gary Johnson

Anonymous said...

The puzzle to me is how any American didn't know that any child born to an American women is a citizen of the U.S..or. If you didn't know,why you couldn't find out rather easily. And if you know this ,you know Trump should have known it . So, he either lied to play to your prejudices or is crazy/ stupid.
Trumps suggestion that Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination is bizarrely unbelievable.
It should have been a red flag. Decent people don't make such slanderous accusations.
I think anyone who supported this man should be worried about their brain function. You may be suffering from a brain tumor,early onset of dementia or senility.Or, you've never been stable or well educated or had an average IQ. Or you are a sociopath and see something in it for you . Or, you are an enemy of our country. You could be extremely gullible to propganda and need to learn how to improve your sources of information and judgement about people. Those are your choices. You need to look inward. You have hurt our Nation. Anyone I see paying to see Trump is someone I'll know is trouble walking.

Anonymous said...

28 year old white guy here. I'm cisgendered with a wife that will turn you old farts head every time. Beautiful baby girl to boot. I may be a little redneck if your asking someone from nyc but certainly no more redneck than you local trump bashers on this thread. The crime in my city is frightening. I worry for my small family who is defenseless basically unless I'm home. I can't afford to send my kids to private school so unless something changes in five years there will be that problem... When I watch the news all that seems to matter is BLM even though the large amounts of interracial crime I encounter is brutal black on white rapes and murders etc. So yeah, I'm pissed off about it. I've been told that I'm a rascist so many times Im starting to believe it myself. And I voted for trump in primary and I'm gonna put his sign in my yard and I hope all you idiots that aren't pissed can afford to help your grandkids get into that private school because even if you can their futures are still bleak. I may move up north just so when I'm old like you people my kids won't all be living in a different state. Trump 2016.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand why anyone would ever vote for Hillary. Any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary and a vote for 4-8 more years of what hasnt worked for the last 8.

Anonymous said...

LOL, and the MSGOP thinks it all can be put back together. LOL

Anonymous said...

Anyone goggled Begahizillary's fundraising dinners? She's had two that were $100,000 each. Several over $10,000. She really speaks for the common American doesn't she?

Anonymous said...

Can't understand why anyone would ever vote for Hillary.

Me neither. Trump did it 3 times. Gave her hundreds of thousands of dollars, too, and had prime seats for her and Bill at his (most recent) wedding.

Any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary and a vote for 4-8 more years of what hasnt worked for the last 8.

This is false. The only wasted vote is the one you don't believe in. I'll vote for Gary Johnson, or Evan McMullin if he gets on the ballot in my state.

I always find it amusing when Trumpaloopas, who nominated the most liberal Republican in the modern era, now tell me that I'm obligated somehow to support their candidate.

I'm not. Voting for him in the primary required suspension of disbelief. If you did it, you were conned by a man who obviously isn't serious about winning.

You were duped, not me. Don't tell me whom to vote for, or that I have to vote at all. This is your shit show. Enjoy the November bloodbath, you knuckle dragging fools.

Anonymous said...

lol. People here forget that this is a national election. Nobody outside of Mississippi cares about mississippi or who they are going to vote for. That being said, here's why there will never be a republican in the White House as president: Stupid people. Ltd for stupid people for stupid reasons. Or, stupid people (democrats) will vote for stupid people ( the ever corrupt Hillary Clinton) for stupid reasons ( mostly free stuff, but also includes stigginit to the rich (if you pay income taxes, you are rich)).

The only person that could bet her is herr Drumpf. Too bad he's an idiot candidate. But it's an eternity until Election Day and anything can or will happen. So here's to getting the popcorn ready.

Anonymous said...


Where exactly is "your state"?

Anonymous said...

8:45 = blind. And you meds are wearing off.

Anonymous said...

... now tell me that I'm obligated somehow to support their candidate.

Could it be because you mealy-mouthed milquetoast pouting crybabies have been pushing the same 80/20 loyalty test for the past 50 years? No , it is YOUR shit show. Trump is the spawn of the GOP. So go ahead and vote for Johnson big man, but you're only a big man only in your small little head.

Anonymous said...

People in Ms. can vote for anyone they like, all vote for the same person, or not vote at all. It will not change a thing. Ms. has never been important in a presidential election and will never be important in a presidential election.
People in Ms. can argue over who is elected dog catcher and actually can make a difference. President, Ms. does not count.

Anonymous said...

9:06 -- Georgia, for the last two years.

9:12 -- What am I blind to, exactly? Care to dispute the substance of my post? Trump has said publicly that he voted for Hillary for Senate in 2000 and 2006, and he supported her over Obama in the Democrat primary in 2008. Trump is a lifelong Democrat. The slow-witted and "poorly educated" fell for his con. He is no part of a conservative. Oh, and before you start in about Supreme Court Justices: Trump thinks the Constitution has 12 articles, and he would gut the 1st amendment if he could. He supported the "assault weapons" ban.

Tell me again how I'm blind?

9:19 -- I beg to differ. Trump is the product of angry, lower/middle class, uneducated white men who need someone to blame for their shitty station in life. Trump tells them they're right to be angry, that "others" are to blame.

He said Cruz's dad killed Kennedy, and that Bush did 9/11. I never fell for his line of bullshit. So no, this ain't on me, Cletus. Eat shit. Vote for the fascist if you want to. You'll feel better. Until about 9 pm Central on Nov. 8.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 9:19. It is the white trash element of our country that did this. The "real" RINO's.

Anonymous said...

This is 4:07---To some people $2 million is not good if you made $5 million + a year when Bush was in office. The reason I can answer all of your blogs is that I'm retired. I don't believe I've seen so many bad attitudes in my entire life, no wonder this country is in such bad shape. I'm a Republican and will go to my grave a Republican so don't give me any shit regarding my voting record. You boys desperately need to grow up and try to keep that green eye monster (jealousy) from infiltrating your every thought. Trump may be a scumbag but he's my scumbag---and we do not have a choice at this point.

Anonymous said...

The self-inflicted landslide. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

But you voted for him in the primary. He was your scumbag then, too.

You may not have a choice; I do.

And maybe don't brag about how rich you are. Oh, wait. That's why you love Trump, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Ironic that most of the hysteria here ignored @7:59's comments. Trump carried the state in the primary and he will do it again in the general. You Tea-Party-McDaniel-Cruz "patriots" must not get out of your alternate reality spheres much - otherwise you would notice the Trump signs littering the roads of MS. You can hate on him but none of the Republican alternatives hit the nerves that @7:59 mentions - it is a reflection of the disoriented GOP establishment. I have more news for you: If he can stick to message on the middle-class economy, US trade imbalances, tax-reform and immigration, Trump will roll Hillary in November. Wring your hands all you want - there are more of us than you...

Anonymous said...

To 10:30---it's not bragging if it's fact---I think I just saw that green eyed monster appear. Wow, go to work and maybe just maybe you can accomplish what I have done. The difference between you and me is that I hope YOU make $10+ million a year and have a wonderful life. We all know what Trump is but he is the only one out of all the Republican candidates that MAY be able to beat "THE BITCH".


Anonymous said...

3:37. FACT The U.S. does not issue it's own currency. The U.S. must borrow its money into existence from a private corporation at interest, therefore, the U.S. is not sovereign....the Federal Reserve Corporation is the absolute master over all industry and commerce. Markets tremble when the Fed Chairman speaks. It doesn't really matter who you vote for until this is corrected. At some point (when IRS collections cannot pay interest on this money created by bookkeeping entry) it all collapses. See Tragedy & Hope, Quigley. paraphrased "By controlling the supply of money they are able to dominate and control the political system and the economy as a whole" Goyim do not understand this nor is this taught to them.

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious that a McDanielite is talking shit about people being white trash. McKKK was the ultimate "Bubba" candidate.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi will vote Republican. It always has. But we are the top of every bad poll and the bottom of every good poll. Republican or Democrat, I just want Mississippi to do better for Mississippians. I'm tired of being the worst of everything good.

Anonymous said...

10:49 -- Okay, Daddy Warbucks. You're really rich and probably have a monster schlong, too. And you're an Ivy Leaguer and stuff.

Just say it, though: There's nothing Trump can say or do to lose your vote. He's a serial adulterer who brags about it publicly. He mocks women for their appearance. He mocks the disabled. Every single day, he blurts something out that bears no resemblance to the truth. He accused Ted Cruz's father of being implicit in the murder of JFK, and said the National Enquirer should win a Pulitzer for that "reporting." He proposes putting a 45% tariff on all Chinese imports, with no awareness of the crippling effect that would have on the economy. (He says it because it appeals to white trash retards.)

He claims he would unilaterally alter the structure of NATO, the most successful military and diplomatic alliance in world history. After claiming he would be "neutral" in the Israeli-Arab peace process, he reversed himself. He went from saying women should be jailed for having an abortion, to saying Roe v. Wade should remain the law of the land, in 24 hours.

He says these things because they fly out of his brain. He doesn't bother to learn the implications or consequences of all his stupid-sounding proposals. Why? Because he's too lazy to think and educate himself on substantive issues.

Why, because his supporters -- like you -- don't care. They don't want to think about it. All they know is this guy will save them and fix everything. Because they're members of a cult of personality.

Admit it: He could renounce Christ (though he's not a Christian) on stage, pledge allegiance to Satan, and cut the liver out of an infant and eat it on camera.

And you wouldn't care.

You're in a cult, rich man. You voted for him in the primary. Because you're stupid, and immune from facts, logic, history and truth.

Anonymous said...

10:47 -- Let's look at something.

If he can stick to message on the middle-class economy, US trade imbalances, tax-reform and immigration, Trump will roll Hillary in November. Wring your hands all you want - there are more of us than you...

If he can stick to message? So, if he completely reverses himself and does something he's yet to do, that is act like a serious candidate?

Dude. You're out of your mind. Detached from reality.

He's yet to figure out the general election campaign is different than the primary. Hillary -- the worst Democrat nominee in modern times -- has handed him plenty of ammo. But he would rather rail about the media; insult a gold star family; attack fellow Republicans; and make, day after day, statements that are patently false.

It's all about him. This is a reality show to him, you dope. He cares more about ratings and being the constant center of attention than being a serious candidate for POTUS. His dimwitted spokeswoman Katrina Pierson (who was an Obama supporter in 2012, and a fundraiser for Ted Cruz till last year) accused Obama of invading Afghanistan, and Hillary & Obama for the death of Capt. Kahn...which happened in 2004.

It's an amateur campaign run by clowns, and he's a clown candidate.

Plug your ears, shake your head and go "lalalalalalalala I'm not listening!"

Delude yourself till Nov. 8. That's the day reality kicks you in the jimmies.

Anonymous said...

@10:47 EXACTLY. I guess every single person who voted for some one besides Trump in the primary is commenting today. He wiped the floor with all the other nominees, not just here, but nation wide. Hillary literally has the blood of American people on her hands. Could you imaging if Trump ran his businesses like she runs her political offices? He would be under the jail. Hate the game not the player. Trump knows how to be successful and isn't scared to take a risk. Sure he had some failures, but Michael Jordan didn't make his high school basketball team either. Maybe he is full of crap, maybe is telling us exactly what we want to hear just to get elected, but what the hell do you think every other politician does. At least he isn't a career politician and at least he isn't scared to say what he thinks. It is of refreshing to see some one not able to dodge tough question with some bull crap. He gets flustered and tries to answer on the fly. I'd like to see any of you do any better.

Anonymous said...

11:57 You forgot Trump also said he could shoot somebody on New York's Fifth Avenue and still not loose voters.I guess you will not be attending the private Trump event that starts at the Governors Mansion for the high rollers and then moves to a secret hotel ballroom for those who could not make the $50,000 contribution level.We should all just vote for Hillary Clinton so her eventual indictment gets to play out at the White House or for Gary Johnson who promises Mary Jane for all.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 10:49, but I'll certainly say it: Trump can't lose my vote. Understand that I believe he'll stop short of embracing Satan, so I'm not worried that he'll force me to do something really unpleasant in November. I am terrified of a Hillary presidency, and Trump is the only alternative. I'm terrified of him too, but not as badly as with Hillary. I'm not sure what he'll do, but I am sure what she'll do and it's all bad. I'll take my chances with Trump.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:38 Let's look at something else: Record turnout and votes for Trump in the Republican primary. What does that tell you - that those folks are going to turn around and vote for Hillary? And by the way, the Khan parents politicized their son's patriotic service and unfortunate death at the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - so they should get a free pass? Please... Talk about detached from reality!

Anonymous said...

12:45 --

Record turnout and votes for Trump in the Republican primary. What does that tell you

Primarily it tells me that a lot of people voted for the first time, and that many, many of the others were Democrats. The data bear this out.

that those folks are going to turn around and vote for Hillary?

No, not necessarily. But you should consider the following.

1. Far more people in this country self-identify as Democrats than Republicans.

2. Hillary has a favorable rating of 93% among Democrats.

3. Trump has a 73% favorable rating among Republicans. That last number essentially seals his fate.

Trump must carry ALL the states Romney won in 2012, then pick up a combination of Florida (losing by 8); Ohio (down by 7); Virginia (off the table) and/or Pennsylvania (down by 9) or Colorado (down by 12, and Hillary's pulled her ads there).

Wait, I can here it now, because your Cheeto Jesus says it: "The polls are phony/rigged/made up," right?

Well, even though they're "fake," Trump is down 6 in North Carolina (Romney won it); tied in Indiana (Romney won it by 10); and in a statistical tie in Georgia.

He's going to lose reliably red states. There is simply no path to victory. It's what people like me said for the last year.

But congratulations to you and all your white nationalist/mad-at-the-world pals. You "sent a message." Because "Trump fights."

All of you idiots own this. You nominated a huckster and a con man.

One final thought: If Trump were actually trying to lose this election, what exactly would he be doing differently?

Anonymous said...

There will only be two choices when voting time gets here. Of course there will be other names on the ballot and you can write in Donald Duck if you want. In Ms. every vote is a wasted vote as we do not count. Vote for anyone you want. Vote as many times as you want. Complain and cuss as much as you want. Call the other side all of the names you can think of or make up.
It will not matter. You are getting all worked up over something that you have absolutely no control over.

Don't feel bad. None of the other states have any control over who wins either. The choice was made several years ago. Nothing can be done about it.

Anonymous said...

@1:12 Glad to see that Karl Rove finally weighed in and put this topic to rest! Well calculated, Sir!...

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2016 at 1:12 PM, can you post the same comments you've been posting ad nauseam another 10 or 20 times today?

Anonymous said...

8/16 - 11:27am well said. I have not only voted, but supported, worked for and contributed to damn near every republican candidate for the past 40+ years. This time I have trouble considering even voting for our nominee - because of the reasons you outlined. Nuclear arms to Japan and S Korea? Global economic trade war with China? Dismantling NATO? Disparaging remarks about individuals and groups? Our nominee this year is not a Republican but an egomanic with snakes in his head.

But it doesn't matter. That's what makes this whole thread funny. No matter whether you love, support and think Trump is wonderful, or if you think he is an absolute idiot that could screw up a one car funeral.

He is not going to win. That's not expressing a preference, but a practicality. There are not enough 40 year old white males in this country to overcome all the damage he has done to the other voting groups. And the problem is that he is running against the absolute worst possible candidate for President available other than himself.

Everybody can jump on as you want my comment that he is not going to win. But try to find any path for his election. Figure out the electoral map. Its a hard path for any republican candidate - but an impossible one when you hand off the votes that Trump has over the past year. And then follows it up with one idiotic statement after another,instead of capitalizing on Hillary's issues.

Anonymous said...

To the poster with all the facts and logic, these Trumpites live in a fact and logic free world. You're wasting your time trying to challenge them. In fact, the more you challenge them, the more they dig in to thier fact-free world.

Anonymous said...

Two of these posters type in almost the exact same format. Me thinks the "with her" campaign minions are on this one hard. Probably sitting next to one another snickering about something liberals snicker about. I'd like to see the Vegas odds on mysterious disappearances surrounding the Clintons within the next year. Would interesting. Hillary supporters refuse to see the true side of the Clintons and don't really know beyond the blissed ignorance what this woman is truly capable of. Multiply that should she add Elizabeth Warren to her cabinet. Like others have said, it's not so much FOR Trump as it is AGAINST Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Since the HillaryBots are alive and well in this thread, can one of you give me some more info on the GreenTech Automotive ripoff of MS? Saw last week where they didn't make their first debt payment to the state. This is the company Hillary's brother and Terry McCauliffe were running the visa scam through before they bailed once the Chinese "investors" stopped getting approved, if you need a memory refresher.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I've seen anything like this on JJ before, over 100 comments on Trump coming to town. Wow, what a true American battle over the candidates---I LOVE AMERICA !!!!!


Anonymous said...


Do you mean the GreenTech that Governor Barbour promoted and convinced the legislature to subsidize? Why don't you ask him. I'm sure he'll take your call.

Anonymous said...

@2:25 Who cares. Shes for gender equality and taking gun control. Watch for yourself from her daughters mouth. This should scare people more than anything. Do you Clinton supporters think gun control will actually do anything to curb gun violence? Especially in urban areas where crime is rampant and there virtually is no law and order? Honest question. Will the criminals own and posess firearms? Will they turn them in? Logically will it help more than hurt honest citizens and outdoorsmen versus thugs?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the laughs. There are actually some republicans think that one of those republicans that could not even win their own parties nomination could win against Hillary. Come on, some of them couldn't even win in their home state.
Republican should pull their heads out of their ass and try to win this election instead of taking their ball and going home. If not they will be staying at home for many years. Their own party is trying to tell them something but they can't believe anyone would disagree with them.

Anonymous said...

Rusty Staub never played for the 1969 Mets.

Anonymous said...

Donald is going to do a lot of great things. he is going to fix a lot of things. he is going to make us great again. get on board.

Anonymous said...

9:11. The only place Donald would make great again is Russia.

Anonymous said...

Come November 8th - will Mississippi be the loan dude that voted for Donald Trump opposed to Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama?

Not saying you have to vote for Hillary, but you still have 3 other candidates that should be on the Mississippi ballot (2 Libertarians and 1 Green Party candidate)

You would hope that many would go with one of the libertarian candidates, if they are going to stay loyal to conservative principles of independence and less government control. That would show Mississippian's are abreast of the issues and can assert themselves from the rest of the deep south. BUT that's too much like right.

Mississippi will be the loan state in the deep south Trump wins and we will be back to where we were when Goldwater won Mississippi in 1964.

Mississippi, you don't have to vote for Hillary if you don't want to vote for Trump.

Mississippi, don't be that dude on November 8th

Anonymous said...

A majority of the American People recognize Donald Trump as a buffoon and con artist as stated by Republican U.S.Senator Marco Rubio. As such, he will never become the POTUS. However, he will certainly have a well attended fundraiser in the State of Mississippi, where "merchants of hate" and "race baiters" have always been popular.

Anonymous said...

7:06 I bet Trump gets the votes of all those educated enough to understand the difference between "loan" and "lone".

Anonymous said...

@ August 18, 2016 at 12:58 AM

A vote for Trump is not an educated move by anyone!? Whether they have a PhD or a damn high school diploma!

Not saying you have to vote for Hillary, but vote for a 3rd party candidate before that som'itch!

Y'all politics released a poll showing he's up 51% to HRC's 39%.

I'll be ok with Trump getting 30% of the vote in Mississippi, Clinton getting another 30%, would love to see 15% go towards a 3rd party candidate.

But these bigots are lock and step for the Republican Party, even at their own detriment. Trump will win Mississippi and it'll be one of the few states he win. Showing that the only thing Mississippi knows how to do, is pick losers!

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait for the debates. Hillary may have another seizure.

Anonymous said...

Y'all politics released a poll showing he's up 51% to HRC's 39%.

What? Gary Johnson wasn't polling at 25% or higher. Say it ain't so! LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Trump is a LAST CHANCE, that America doesn't really deserve. Americans were stupid enough to vote against Goldwater (who would have saved America), and I fully expect our dumbed-down populace to vote (by a narrow margin) against Trump.

After that, you can expect Hillary to effectively sign away our nation's sovereignty (thus bypassing the protections written into our Constitution). At that point, you can say goodbye to your guns, your Freedom of Speech, your right to self-defense, and plenty of other things you currently take for granted (Expect Ex Post Facto laws aplenty).

Homophobic, misogynistic, tin pot dictators in the Third World, will be shaping your lives, because the UN (and the WHO) will have power over us. Things will be especially bad for women, gays, and blacks (ironically, Hillary's Voter Base). But, with UN troops knocking on your doors (primarily to search for weapons - but also, probably, to inventory your possessions and size-you-up), I don't expect that it will be a picnic for white males, either.

The giant 'interests' who own Hillary, will be free to rape the planet with impunity. China, eventually, will subjugate the rapidly browning-down, dumbing-down West. Possibly, the Chinese, once they realize they are now the masters of the planet, will institute measures to reduce pollution and Global Warming. I hope so. However, the more probable outcome will be that China will allow the current destructive trajectory to continue (After all, it's only white Westerners who are working to save the planet. And whites will be subjugated, and disappearing pretty fast, after Hillary transmogrifies America.).

So, basically, conditions on Earth will deteriorate, until the current trajectory of environmental degradation becomes irreversible. At that point, the planet will no longer be capable of sustaining higher life forms.

Enjoy! (I'm old, and thus will hopefully not be around, to watch you getting what you deserve.)

Anonymous said...

@ August 18, 2016 at 12:52 PM

"Trump is a LAST CHANCE, that America doesn't really deserve. Americans were stupid enough to vote against Goldwater (who would have saved America), and I fully expect our dumbed-down populace to vote (by a narrow margin) against Trump."

I see we have one of those programmed Dixie-crats that converted to the Republican party? Its safe to assume you miss the days of segregation, where "colored" folks knew their place, where they were separate and unequal to the almighty white man. You want to go back to the good old days of lynch-mobs and having your black mistress over in Washington or Virden Addition?

Anonymous said...

Guess everyone is trying to keep quite about Hillary's top money man and his plan to remove all borders in the world and make it one big happy family. Sure don't hear any news station talking about it.
Anyone wonder what country will become very crowded when people are free to cross all borders when and when they desire?

Anonymous said...

@ 7:10am

When Americans stop traveling abroad - I'll take you seriously

Bringin' In Da Sheaves said...

If 11:27, in his cult-diatribe, would substitute the name Obama for the name Trump, he could see himself more clearly.

He wastes a lot of keystrokes painting a portrait of white trash and rich folks (actually the two are mutually exclusive but he doesn't know that) while totally ignoring his personal membership in the blind cult that elected the current El Presidente, twice.

Anonymous said...

@ August 19, 2016 at 4:32 AM

So you actually think Trump is a better option than Obama? A man who uses exclamations like a teenage girl and gossips more than a tabloid journalists?

Anonymous said...

So you actually think Trump is a better option than Obama?

YES. The Kenyan is a global JOKE. Everything he has touched and done has turned to SHIT.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Trump would be paying a ransom for prisoners or releasing terrorists and drug dealers. Trump will be going to see and help the people in Louisiana before Obama gets off the golf course.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:15am and 9:26am

With that kind of logic, no wonder Vince McMahon has made millions with the WWF!

Damn, how does it feel to be so damn gullible?

Anonymous said...

While Obama was playing golf Trump was busy helping the flood victims. Obama will probably show up some day, after the rain stops and the water dries up. Can't play golf in the rain.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading this website since the beginning of the Bobo saga. I think what caught me was the intrigue and gossip but what kept me coming back is the insight I've gained from Kingfish and the comments. Mostly the comments!

I'm a very average Mississippian. I was born and raised here. Both parents were skilled workers and their parents were unskilled workers and their parents were share croppers in Texas. I did go to college, so maybe I'm not an average Mississippian in that sense.

So I've established that I'm a somewhat long term reader (Bobo) but I'm a first time commenter. And the reason I'm going out of my way to write this first comment is to say almost everything I have read in these comments is absolutely disgusting. I've long enjoyed this site for allowing me a glimpse at how pathetic and sick you rich fuckers are but this is the star in your crown. Bravo!

But stepping away from that, it's horrifying to see this division in this thread, in my state, and in my country. That's what I really came to say.

Tl;dr: this political divide is a serious and scary problem.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS