Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring break or bust for Madison moms.

Walton County (Fl.) Sheriff Michael Adkinson, Jr.  issued the following press release about some Madison moms who tried to be cool with their kids:

Two Adults Arrested for Providing a Common Source of Alcohol at a 
House Party in Miramar Beach.

Two adult chaperones were arrested early this morning after a call came into dispatch regarding a noise complaint at a house party located at 100 Miami Street, Miramar Beach. Three deputies arrived at the house and made multiple attempts to get someone to answer the front door but was unsuccessful due to the loud music. Deputies observed through a window multiple juveniles with cans of beer and solo cups in their hands. An adult was seen standing at the kitchen counter with approximately 20 teenagers drinking beer and liquor while more teenagers were seen in the back of the house drinking and jumping into the pool. A juvenile was told by deputies to go inside the house to get an adult and contact was made with Pamela Carroll, 44, and Victoria Senn, 46, both of Madison, Mississippi. Both admitted to renting the house for the week and were chaperoning the group. All the juveniles on scene were under the age of 18 and as young as 15 and were released to their parents. The rental property was contacted and all alcohol was destroyed. 

An hour before the noise complaint was received, a deputy working a traffic accident near the home at 100 Miami Street, heard the music and saw multiple juveniles around the house. After the crash was released to FHP, contact was made with two adults at the home. The deputy explained the county noise ordinance and warned the adults about having an open house party and underage drinking.

Carroll and Senn were arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and booked into the Walton County Sheriff’s Office Jail.

KF note: The bust was reported in the local media.


Anonymous said...

Parents have got to stop trying to be their kids friends and being the "cool parent." You'd be amazed the thing my daughter tells happens at some of her classmates' homes.

Anonymous said...

And now I read where some kid from Madison County was found with marijuana and significant cash down at Seaside! In the central square...

Anonymous said...

926- how else do you pay for the bmw and the mcmansion?

Anonymous said...

Walton County Clerk of Court website showing charge has been reduced from first degree to second degree misdemeanor of statute 856.015.2, which is Open House Party. Up to 60 days in jail and a fine. Much better than the first degree delinquency which is up to one year and a thousand bucks. Florida is serious.

Anonymous said...

Just a normal Thursday in Reunion.

Anonymous said...

The animals these people north of Jackson are raising; teachers having sex with middle-schoolers, mothers taking drunken gangs across state lines for immoral purposes. White flight ain't what's its cracked up to be. How many more stories of rampant deviancy can Madison County stand?

Anonymous said...

"good schools" ha

Anonymous said...

Is if doctors wife again?

Anonymous said...

Well, news media outlets everywhere have picked up this story now along with pictures of the two adults. If you don't want to make the news by hosting underage drinking parties don't do it.

Kingfish said...

Just the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Shoot! I was just about to send you the CL story link, Kingfish, but you scooped me again, as usual.

I hope they catch a few more before spring break is over. I'm sure that's not the only such party in Destin about now. Then again, maybe this scared the begeezus out of some other like minded parents.

Juan said...

I was hoping there would be a little booger sugar involved in this fete but, alas, just Bud Light and that awful coconut Bacardi.


Anonymous said...

Wives of a OB/GYN and an owner of a construction company. Despicable.

Anonymous said...

Not Reunion, Cypress Lake. The other one may be a doctor's wife? Or an ex. Can't tell.

Anonymous said...

When is the trial for the other Madison parents? It was rescheduled due to the weather.

Anonymous said...

20 kids and 2 moms? Was this a school trip? Coed? Who let's their 15yo kids go on these trips of debauchery? Do they understand the definition of chaperone?

Anonymous said...

Why can't these damn kids have field parties and ride around drinking like we used to have to do??!!

Anonymous said...

JAckson residents are having a field day with this one. Calling these kids gangs? Really? I thought gangs were more like the Jackson residents that ride around murdering old white women.

And it's good to see the biggest problem my neighbors face is giving kids alcohol. It could be like it is a few miles to the south, and they give their kids crack.

I wonder how many homes were robbed to fund this alcohol?

Anonymous said...

9:26 FYI the guy is from Hattiesburg

Anonymous said...

"We'd rather for them to drink with us than go off and be somewhere else where we can't make sure they're safe."

Tell it to the judge, sister.

Anonymous said...

That is really despicable. It should be a felony to take 15 year olds across 2 state lines and allow them to drink, do drugs, and most likely other things.

Anonymous said...

That looks like worst party ever. There is enough Malibu there to give all of Miramar beach a cavity.

Kingfish said...

Where is the whoop juice?

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to figure out the political angle on this. Tea Party or not?

Anonymous said...

THOSE women are under 50? I would have guessed 'early sixties'. They look like sisters. And what ethnic community do they come from? They definitely do NOT have 'That Madison Look'.

Anonymous said...

I don't even understand why Missy (first name Victoria) would do this. Her daughter is 15 and her sons are younger. What a bad decision.
Did anyone stop to think that one of those 20 kids could have been drowned in the pool, raped, hit by a car, and any number of other things the adults would have been liable for? What did the parents of the kids who were in the house with them think they were going on Spring Break with 2 housewives to do?

Anonymous said...

"Chaperoning" ... ur doin it wrong.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, this comment board is full of a bunch of moralizing hypocrites. None of you drank alcohol before you were 18? OMG, they crossed 2 state lines! They're animals!

Get over yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Times have changed, oh the good ole days. There is no telling what is in a Millinenials punch bowl - that street drug Molly, 5 hours of energys, etc.

-W said...

Whoop Juice Recipe
1case of Keystone light
1handle of RElSKA
1 cup of everclear
2 frozen pink lemonade concentrates
1 Rt 44 lemon berry slush
serve over ice and pass out.

Anonymous said...


The City of Jackson had nothing to do with this. You see, that's the problem with people like you. When there is egg on your face you want to find someone else to ish on. Just A thought here, but I bet your probably one of those white suck ups that’s not liked by your co-workers, society, or maybe not by your family. So you get your rocks off by bashing black people. Ass wipe.

Anonymous said...

This was going on in NE JXN every weekend in the late 90s during my high school years at one of Jackson's larger private schools. Funny to see some of you act like these parties weren't going on when yall were coming up. Yes, these parents and any other parents engaging in this behavior are seriously wrong. But to act like this is a geographical or school issue is comical.

Anonymous said...

What's with all the Madison hate? If this had been 2 Brandon or Clinton moms would it be any less despicable?

Anonymous said...

Those Moms are kind of fugly. Liquor might make them look better!

Anonymous said...

The parents are victims of liberal media bias.

Anonymous said...

As to the looks of these women in the mugshots, remember that they were probably still drunk or at least hung over. The first one, Carroll, has a "oh,no, I can't believe it..." look while the second one, Senn, just looks PISSED that they raided her party.

Anonymous said...

@9:54 we could be like yall and smoke crack and murder everyone. The teacher/student stuff is the thing that really needs to be delt with. Enjoy your low property values and worthless schools.

Anonymous said...

REAL HOUSEWIVES OF MADISON (COUNTY) --- this should be good!

12:08 -- yep -- we all did, just not with our parents, or anybody else's parents! It would have been quite humorous to ask our parents to buy us booze or go partying with us ......I can tell you how that would have ended, and not well! Maybe you had the same setup these kids did ----- is your last name Carroll or Senn?

Anonymous said...

12:18 - I think you're getting this because many times residents of Madison are arrogant, and appear to see themselves and their community as perfect. Hence the bashing.........scratch beneath the surface and there is no difference between you and the rest of the world. No amount of McMansions can change the fact that two adult women, who are in your community, were supporting CHILDREN in destructive behavior so they could be the "cool" moms and their kids would be accepted. No matter where it happens -- it is sad.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't even understand why Missy (first name Victoria) would do this. Her daughter is 15 and her sons are younger. What a bad decision.
... What did the parents of the kids who were in the house with them think they were going on Spring Break with 2 housewives to do?"

So you know 'Missy'? Are she and the other one related? Do you know their ethnic background? Do you know the origin of the 'Senn' surname - as in from what country?

And can you explain why those two thought Madison was an appropriate place for people like themselves?

Madison is for wholesome, high-achieving people (regardless of race), who BEHAVE THEMSELVES. Standards of behavior are high, here. Most of us moved here, in order to get away from degenerates, and so we're highly intolerant of their antics. Lots of people who can't adhere to our rather strict norms end up moving back to Jackson, where they belong (generally, after their rotten offspring have been arrested a time or two).

One reason I volunteer and donate money (and buy season tickets to cultural venues which do not interest me), to help Jackson thrive, is to keep people like that (and people who would let their children go to Florida with people like that) FROM MOVING TO MADISON.

Folks, if you have to wonder what's wrong with hosting drunken Spring Break orgies for teenagers, then you have absolutely no business moving to Madison. Don't move here, please!

March 12, 2015 at 11:53 AM

Anonymous said...

It's all Quentin Whitwell's fault.

Anonymous said...

I just read on WAPT website that there were four adults staying at the party house. The other two who weren't arrested were hiding under the bed..........OK.....I'm joking. The other two just got very lucky and weren't there at the time the police showed up.

Anonymous said...

On the Florida arrests website for Walton county, only Senn is seen as being booked. I wonder how Carroll was able to keep her mugshot off of the site?

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Jackson and now live in Madison County. I see now difference in the quality of adult responsibility. Parties like this unfortunately occur with adults pretending to be in charge in both areas. It is a joke to think there is a difference. Madison is nothing but an extension of Northeast Jackson. I have roots in BOTH communities and see the same horrible behavior from children and adults.. Same lack of concern for the law, lack of parents holding kids responsible for behavior, parents wanting to be kids friends rather than parents etc... I hope these women are held responsible for this!

Anonymous said...

what grades do they

Anonymous said...

For those of u who are throwing shade at Jacjson & Clinton - U r not perfect and crime free yourself. As a matter of fact, white individuals are arrested more often for violent crimes than any other race; accountng for 58.7% of the arrests, according to the FBI. White on white crime is up as well, and the "liberal media" as U say, does not report that. If the state was more interested in providing a good educational system for its citizens, that would help curtail crime - because everyone knows that the more educated you are - you are less prone to commit crimes. Unfortunately,
Mississippi wants to remain status quo-"confederate" thinking minds just want to keep control of the power and steal from the tax payers. So, why would they want an educated society?! My last point - it's not your location and/or race that makes one a criminal - your socioeconomic status has a lot to do with it. Example, show me a trailer park and you will find crime. So let's stop looking at one's area and certain groups of people that are different than you and judging them. But for not for the way this country was started and the financial headstart of some, the shoe could be on the other foot.

Anonymous said...

3:06 -- please read 2:54's post. I am amazed at what I just read from you -- talk about arrogance, and a false sense of self. I'm assuming you're very insecure or you would have never posted something so self-serving and crass. You prove every point we have been making about Madison. Shallow, no depth, and new money.

Anonymous said...

No wonder kids take no responsibility for things these days. Look how they are being raised. Parents need to get over being a buddy and liked by the friends and be responsible parents. Why do 40 yr old women want to party with 15 year olds? I hope they are given the maximum punishment. Why hasn't the local news reported this? They were all over the other couple that was arrested in Madison.

Anonymous said...

This pretty much sums up the type of parenting ("Let's be BFF"!) parenting in the Potemkin's Village of Madison.

Anonymous said...

Who are the other two adults who weren't there at the time???

Anonymous said...

What in the hell is "throwing shade"?

Kingfish said...

All right, enough of the ___ County v. Jackson or vice versa crap. Not approving any more comments that go in that direction. Has nothing to do with the news story and I suspect its the same half a dozen people going back and forth.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why this string is allowed to continue when the Dak "attack" string was stopped. The same type of venom being spread by people that have nothing better to do than hurl insults.

Anonymous said...

The real atrocity in all of this is the camo colored tile backsplash in the kitchen; now who made that decision?

Anonymous said...

were the other two "adults" making a beer run?

Anonymous said...

So what's changed? Has nothing changed other than cops have arrested 4 parents from around these parts recently? I don't doubt that the majority of parents during the past 50 years don't behave like this, but this crap used to be pretty rampant and nothing ever happened to the parents. Not condoning the moms' decisions, I support arresting them, my parents would've never been apart of this, I'll never do this for my own kids...yada yada. Only wondering why so many of these comments treat this like a foreign concept.

Anonymous said...

I know Missy Senn. Worked with her for over 2 years. I am not here to stand up for her behavior or to put her down. I do just want to say, yall, show some damn mercy. She is a good person, smart, creative, energetic, caring. She fucked up and got caught. We have all been there and done worse and got away with it. This experience can be life shattering. Its easy to post insults and slurs from the safety of your computer or phone. She was part of a community, schools, workplace, church, and now she has to feel the fear and shame. Not yall, she has to deal with it. Quit being so so harsh.

Anonymous said...

For the person who thought moving to Madison County would be a solution to "get away from degenerates" you are sadly mistaken. There are just as many bad parents who live in half million dollar and up houses as those who live in the ghetto. Even among the mega rich who live in $100 million houses it is much the same. Values and character are not automatically included in the box with money and power.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing, from the party with the parents on the Redneck Riviera to the cheap-ass wine, beer and candy-flavored liquor to the reaction by most to it, all screams typical middle-class, Madison County Wonder Bread social climbing white trash. Just because you can NOW buy your way out of Jackson doesn't mean you can EVER buy your way in to breeding - you are what you are and that's all you'll ever be. And no, the fact that you discovered Brooks Brothers a few years ago doesn't mean a thing to the folks who you so desperately desire to impress and emulate.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

A vote for Q Dawg is a vote to clamp down on underage drinking.

Anonymous said...

The Destin newspaper has a ton of mugshots up now of arrests for drugs and alcohol, sweet innocent looking upper class kids.

Anonymous said...

This thread is shameful. Yes, these women used poor judgement. Were their husbands the other two adults who weren't arrested? But I feel like the other great crime here is that both these women have gotten older and unattractive. If they were young and blonde you know everyone on here would be saying I wish that was my mom. And they'd play down the charges. It seems like the peanut gallery is willing to crucify these two women for not only being stupid, but being older.

Anonymous said...

"Shallow, no depth, and new money. "

Oh horrors - you mean we started out with nothing and WORKED and earned our money, instead of inheriting something passed down from our slave-owning, Jim Crow-supporting ancestors?

Oh, the horror, the horror!

Anonymous said...

"among the mega rich who live in $100 million houses"

Sorry - WHO has a "$100 million dollar" house in Madison County?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if parents of the children that were in that house will take their own legal action against the so called chaperones (arrested and not arrested). For those who think the comments are harsh, if you do the crime you do the time. Not everyone drank during their teenage years and not everyone had parents that provided alcohol and drugs to them using an excuse "if they don't do it in my house with supervision they will do it in the streets and drive around." Those people grew up to be productive citizens who don't give alcohol to minors while others are stuck in daydreams of high school and breaking the law. Guess what if you tolerate bad behavior and encourage breaking the law you raise entitled, bratty children who will think it is ok to break other laws and increase the risk of becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs. What would have happened if someone was raped or died from alcohol consumption during all this so called supervised partying? Would it still be ok in your eyes? They have humiliated themselves their spouses and their family and friends. Maybe their humiliation will make others think twice before giving alcohol to minors, keeping it in their house and allowing "house parties." Better yet people... Don't drink around your minors set an example that alcohol and drugs are not needed to have a good time!

Anonymous said...

These parents have no class, morals, sense, parental skills...I could go on and on. It's easy to say that this is harmless, but what about the other big question...What if this turned out another way. What if, because of the drinking and whatever else that was going on, that one of the hundreds of kids in this area got hurt, killed, raped or anything else. What would we say then? This is really sad. Not for the women who were arrested...who cares about them, they have lived through a major portion of there lives as where these KIDS are trying to start there lives. Parents please get a clue. Anyone defending this action is just as stupid as the parents throwing this party.

Anonymous said...

5:12 pm --you mean folks should show some class, empathy and mercy for the adversity experienced by others? Really, this is social media in 2015 and folks get to hang the accused in the courthouse square without a trial or anything, a rampant free for all, where we get to kick those who are down like Dak Prescott on the pavement earlier this week. Let's just forget that these folks made a mistake and probably wish their circumstances were different, but instead they get to feel the wrath of gutless bloggers posting under the name "Anonymous," who obviously live in glass houses with no fear of retribution. That's the problem with this site and many like it...gutless punks get to post what they want under the shade of anonymity, and all they do is hurt those who become their subjects of criticism. Good luck to your latest blog victims in the wake of their mistakes. May they learn their lesson, repent for their sins and stay off your venomous blog!!

Anonymous said...

10:48 pm--But you're "Anonymous" too right???

Anonymous said...

These women are not terrible people because they let their kids drink on spring break. There are many more things they could have been doing. And there are tons of moms who take kids on spring break and drink. Unfortunately for them they were the ones that got caught. Shit happens. It's not anyone's place to ridicule them.

Anonymous said...

You have to ask what kind of parents allowed their children to go on this trip. I'm considered a "cool mom", but that's because I cook food and feed all my kids' friends. I would never give alcohol to my children nor their friends, and I would never let my children visit homes where I knew they were going to be given alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of race, class, county, or money what these women did was just plain stupid. If one of those children had fallen down stairs or drowned, Don Evans would have hit the jackpot and these women would be lucky if they could get jobs cleaning houses in Jackson on the west side of 55.

Anonymous said...

Some of the people commenting about Madison are ridiculous. There are very expensive homes and wealthy people in Jackson. Anyone hear of the Irby's? There are also people from super wealthy families old monied familes all of the US (Paris Hilton ring a bell)who make BAD decisions! Grow up and stop being so condescending. Madison is simply a town. What these women did was use poor judgement. It has nothing to do with where they live, their looks or bank balance. Upper, middle, lower class - all classes have parents and children who make bad choices.

Anonymous said...

11:49 -- Are you kidding? I'm guessing either (1) no kids, or (2) you visit them at CMCF on visiting day.

Anonymous said...

You judgemental people make me sick. Either you have young children or your head is in the sand if you have teenagers or young adults. I know for a fact that most of those judgemental parents think their child is not drinking or smoking pot but are at someone's house doing just that. You just don't know or will admit it. Your kids aren't perfect even if you think they are. You make me sick and I wish these kids would send you pictures of YOUR perfect child passed out on the floor. Because I hate to tell you many of them are just as horrible as these other children. These parents broke the law but they aren't stupid enough to believe their child is innocent. They wanted to make sure that when they drank they would not drive, drown in a pool, get raped, etc. Surely you have been on spring break. If not what did you do???? I don't like the facts but facts are facts they are doing terrible things out there and I think these parents were trying to keep them safe while doing what they were going to do. I doubt they provided the alcohol but I'm sure they didn't provide drugs. I would bet they didn't allow drugs but some of you parents do! And smoke it with them!!!! I've heard. Stop judging you love to be mean anonymously. Look at this honestly if possible. I sure hope the kids that were with these women will stand up for them in court because they knew what they were asking these ladies to do. It's a tough world we live in. Do you put your daughter on the pill? Or provide consonant to your son? Why? That's wrong isn't it? I know you want to protect them. Same thing isn't it??? Judge not leat yet be judged.

Anonymous said...

These are high school kids not college aged young adults! No, they should not be doing this! What a maroon.

Anonymous said...

9:51 is about as stupid..... well, as stupid as the parents "hosting" parties for their kids.

9:51, let me clue you in. As a parent of children whose friends parents have done similar, I can tell you why those parents "hosted" this party. It's one of 2 reasons: 1. they are trying to keep/make their own kid "popular" or liked by being the cool mom
2. they are trying to be "popular" or "liked" by being the cool mom

They ARE NOT doing it for the good of the kids. And your excusing is why it continues to happen. People like this should be ashamed for endangering the lives of other children by providing a venue for them to engage in this type of behavior. It's entirely different when the kids are off doing it themselves, but why in the hell would they view it as something "wrong" when you have stupid parents that promote it.

As far as what do kids do that don't have to go on spring break? They stay home and work. Some actually work a job while others work on their athletic skill sets. Some go on mission trips while some stay around the house and sleep.

Encouraging and promoting this sort of behavior and giving your child permission to "fit in" by allowing this sort of behavior is stupid and is, in no way, ignoring the fact that some kids will do it anyway with or without parental permission.

Anonymous said...


While I agree with most of your comment, the "don't drink around your kids" notion is just as stupid as the notion of providing the party/liquor, etc.

Life is very simple. People are what makes it hard.

If you drink responsibly around children and they see the example of drinking responsible, how is that different than teaching them that they can have fun without alcohol? Remove that last part of your comment and you are target on.

Anonymous said...

Why do these parents even ALLOW their 15-18 year old children to go on Spring Break in the first place? How about bucking the system and saying, "No, you're too young and you're not going." Be a parent for goodness sakes!!

Anonymous said...

Well, my step-daughter married this past weekend. She is 27 years old. At the rehearsal dinner, here best friend stood up to toast the evening. These gals have been a part of my life for over 15 years and I parented them both as my own. In the toast, her friend began to make reference to how lucky the were to have had a man enter their lives when their own dad's were MIA. A man that parented them and never worried about being their friend. My daughter's friend became so choked up that she could not finish reading and my daughter stood to finish for her. When she saw what was written, she too began to cry. Once the toast was finished, they came and we all gave each other a big hug.

I relay this story to say, I had no clue that was coming. I too cried. I never really thought about it but I do recall telling them from time to time, "I'm not supposed to be your friend, I'm supposed to be your parent." As difficult as it was at times to stick to that rule, I can assure you, Friday night, it was worth it. Come on guys - gals, we are better than this type thing. Make a decision to be a parent or don't have children!

Anonymous said...

Enabling and encouraging minor children to drink, do drugs, and have sex while you "chaperone" them in Destin, Madison County, or wherever is not "protecting" them it is destroying their lives. When parents have no values or conscience of their own, children often follow in their footsteps. It will not happen because they have money but DHS should investigate each and every one of the 30 or households where these children are from, they would like find the households have a lot of expensive things but the environment is no different than if they lived in poverty. Unfit parents are just what the words says - unfit.

Anonymous said...

9:51 -- the difference in how we think, and how you think, is that we set a standard for our children. If they break that standard, there are consequences. In your world, easier to join or support them, than to protect them from themselves. We had a son at a state university -- he was a great kid, and a busy athlete in high school -- never an issue. When he went to college "mother's intuition" told me he might be indulging in some activities we didn't support Instead of ignoring it, he was called home, and "tested" and guess what -- he'd made a bad decision. Nothing by your definition that was a crisis, but to overlook it, would have been to silently condone it (AND WE WERE PAYING THE BILLS -- SO WE MADE THE DECISIONS HOW OUR MONEY WAS SPENT!)

Every weekend, until he was not "hot" he came home for a visit. NEVER another problem, and guess what -- we protected him at a young age, from poor decisions which might have made lifelong issues for him. We were not his friend -- but his parent.......with that said ..... your "Madison friends" need some public shaming now -- too little of it, and too much indulgence by parents.

BTW -- all 3 of our kids appreciate in their mid-late 20's our expectations and told us many times, it was their "out", and none of them were socially stymied by our decisions -- in fact all 3 are very successful because we chose to understand that at 13, 15, 19 years of age, they did not have enough life experience to make decisions. It was our job to do it for them.

Anonymous said...

I heard about this incident from someone yesterday. I am stuck at the JAN airport waiting for my ride, so I thought I would read the comments on the post.

I wish I had the last 8 minutes of my life back...

Anonymous said...

11L48 -- no driver's license? Waiting for your parents? Where did you go on Spring Break?

Anonymous said...

My mom was never interested in being cool. She wasn't interested in what I thought of her or what other kids thought of me. She looked out for me and that's the same thing I'm doing for my kids.

Anonymous said...

Love the "non-judgmental" one ranting about being judgmental. Hilarious. 30% of Americans never drink. Another 30% drink one drink a month, or less. Then there's you.

Anonymous said...

Here is some jackassery

We've been married for twenty years and while my husband and I have not ventured outside our marriage (to my knowledge he has not), we have discussed "swinging" and have even joked with other couples that are friends about the idea. Marriage is not about the sex. Marriage should be about the relationship and the sex is, first, a means to procreate, and second a comfortable benefit.

Studies have shown that protestants (we are Methodist) have a higher divorce rate than the overall average. This would speak to the notion that the religious aspect of sex outside of marriage is a cause for higher incidence of divorce.

While I agree that this show should not be on something like A&E, I think watching it will be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

My older son came home from middle school and told me his friends had voted me the mom "most stuck in the 50s"...he wanted to do things some of the "cool" kids did that I wouldn't allow. He thought I would be insulted, instead I told him I considered that reason for celebration and I threw a party for his friends--cookies and soft drinks! My younger son called us many times before he was allowed to drive at night to come pick him up because there was underage drinking going on. Oh, yes, we live in Madison and we go to the same church as one of these moms. It's not about your address or your religion. And my boys were not and are not perfect, but they are now responsible young men. And we were not perfect parents, we made mistakes like most parents do. It's about your understanding of your role in your child's life. Apparently some folks are confused about what that role is.

Anonymous said...

My post stated that 15-18yos should not be drinking in a beach house on sprink break. Chaperones are there for a reason. They are there to make sure it does not happen. But I must say that moms should not be opening the door for sleepovers with young kids and offering wine to other adults who drop off kids. Why would I want to leave my kids to be supervised by parents that have been drinking? Wine or hard liquor? The parents should remain sober!

Anonymous said...

A lot of the people defending the actions of these women are the same that condemn criminals who live in Jackson. Get a clue- this is a crime. Well- nothing happened so it's ok. Just like drunk driving- it's ok as long as no one dies?

If my child was there I'd be on the phone to my lawyer to sue the crap out of adults who provide alcohol to 15-18 yr old kids.

Anonymous said...

I think many of the posters above need to chill and have a glass of wine.

Anonymous said...

2:28 -- with our kids?????

Kingfish said...

This post is a great example of how the media works. This particular post has gotten as much traffic as any posts about the Irbys or Fraziers. Yeah, I know, hard to believe. Truth be told, it was a 15 minute copy and paste job, if that long. The so-called news stories in the other local media was just reporters writing it themselves so they could put their bylines on it.

Now, that story about La Brioche. Spent several hours on it. An hour to interview, an hour to edit photos, and over an hour to write it. Good, positive story about some locals trying to make good in jackson.

La Brioche story did not get even a tenth of the traffic the Florida story did. Want to know why the media harps on some things more than other? There ya go. They do notice what you read and what gets your attention.

Anonymous said...

Whats the difference when JA & Prep Parents rent "party buses" for their children on homecoming or prom night. Kids sneak on liquor regardless of who's driving..

Anonymous said...

Good point KF! So what's the status of the dulske trial?

Anonymous said...

KF, you need a story on hot spring break milfs dressed as French maids serving up some buttered buns and fresh milk down at the La Brioche. BYOB, though.

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story.....your kids have plenty of cool friends.....Don't be cool and don't be a friend.....BE A PARENT ! ! Red, yellow, black and white....BE A PARENT !

Deleted By Blog Admin said...

The reason for the traffic this thread has generated is simply because so many responders are vicariously experiencing the deviancy being discussed.

That plus some warped hope of having conversation about youthful sex, teachers feeling up children and how can I find one of these loose women to call up on the phone next week (They're sorry this sort of thing never involved them).

And Kingfish thinks the traffic was generated by his miraculous story line and method of coverage.

Anonymous said...

Why is always overweight, aging, "married" women getting kids drunk? Something is fishy here...

Anonymous said...

I can tell it's Friday night -- the degenerates are coming out to comment -- OH BOY!!!

Anonymous said...

Chill out folks. This is just the Southern Baptist version of Rumspringa.

Anonymous said...

Moms are not supposed to participate in rumspringa and those moms don't look Amish to me...

Anonymous said...

As a resident that lives in Miramar Beach we do not tolerate underage drinking, unruly, disrespectful,and destructive behavior. These mothers were already warned but obviously felt above the law and ignored the warning so I am sure they are now crying poor pitiful me. Our beaches and rental homes are trashed by spring breakers.Guess what we really don't want y'all here but unfortunately we have to deal with it. So for future reference if you want to come stay in Miramar Beach be on your best behavior because our Deputies are going to make sure that we don't have to tolerate anymore ignorance than we necessarily have too.

Bass-Ackwards said...

@ Anon 10:35; To look at it another way, people would not invate your delightful, pristeen, intolerant environment once a year if you people did not provide the raucous setting in a venue that, for one week, resembles a mini-Gomorrah. Venues do not follow revelers. Revelers follow venues.

You remind me of the old fella in Sturgis who bitches about motorcycle traffic.

Anonymous said...

Another arrest from Mississippi

Anonymous said...

I was a teen in the 60s. My children were teens in the mid 80s to mid 90s. I have older relatives who are now able to be honest with me about their teen years. There are stories of moonshine and the 20s and 30s or getting into parent's liquor cabinets.

There were parents in every generation who made alcohol accessible or available to their teens though few until the 90s were quite so open. Some parents allowed their children to have wine or champagne much like the French do.

Their rationale ( whether one agrees with it or not) is the expectation that teens will experiment and should do so in a " safe", supervised environment. And, that a parent should take " alcohol" off the table as a mean of rebellion by taking out the appeal of that as a " taboo".

What I have gleaned now that I've seen all those generations grow up is that the kids with rigid parents and parents who thought their little Jane or Johnny were perfect are the kids who rebelled the most and who are not successful adults. Nor are the parents who tried to be their children's " friend" or well liked by their children's peers.

A happy , rational middle ground seems to work best.

If your kid is telling you how horrible all the other kids in class are and acting as if they are shocked, you should not be reassured but be suspicious. They are probably using you to get at another classmate.

Your children need to establish a sense of independence separate and apart from their parents. That is why they rebel. You should want them to " rebel" when it is safe. If they wait until they are young adults and outside your control and when the consequences are greater, that tends to end badly. You do not want them dependent on you and your judgments and decisions forever unless you want to raise your grandchildren.

Teens are self-serving and not to be given blanket trust. Let them earn trust and you've got a shot at getting them through the teen years. Make sure boundaries of acceptable behavior are clearly described.

And, for goodness sakes, wait up for your teens! Make sure they know they have to talk to you when they come in . They need excuses to say, " I can't, my parents will be waiting up" when pressured by peers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, these stories are popular , KF.
Troubled humans need excuses to feel " better than" others.
Nothing works so well as seeing those who are perceived as higher on the ladder of success ( however it's measured) slip or fall off the ladder completely.
Second only to that, is the fallback position of " your group or neighborhood or religion or moral character compares unfavorably with mine".

If you get pleasure from the woes of others and like to kick people when they are down, there's something wrong with you.

This event is very sad. I'm sorry these women made a poor decision that will haunt them and their families for quite some time. A well-adjusted person understands their life is enriched , less stressful and more peaceful if everyone makes good choices and does well.

Anonymous said...

7:40 -- One of the young ladies (uncertain if she was the lap dancer or not), is smiling in her photo. Like she just won the spelling bee. Bizarre......and the other one sadly looks like she understands the severity of the situation - but too little too late. Wonder if the parents just ignored the bad behavior? I mean you have to have a clue that your son has scales, throwing knives, baggies, etc. in his room/car if you have any involvement at all. Sad Sad Sad..............we're all reaping the whirlwind of bad parenting -- easier to go along to get along, and the kids are paying the price. These kids just didn't spring up with problems this week in Alabama -- there were indicators that someone chose to ignore (aka parents).

Anonymous said...

8:59 -- Your last paragraph is correct! We use to have a cardinal rule -- come by and give us a goodnight kiss when you get in ---- so we don't worry :) Nothing overt -- nothing oppressive - just a little love, mixed with oversight.

Kept them on their toes -- let them have a curfew that was made later as they aged (so they had control of their behavior and the consequences and responsibilities), but they also knew when they hit the door, we were up and concerned til they returned home. Alleviated a lot of issues I believe in retrospect. Our children were products of the early to mid-2000's so proof is in the pudding and the same rules that applied when you were raising your children, applies today -- all of our kids, are good kids and successful (not saying perfect but all made it through college, 2 through grad school, and are productive, employed, in good relationships or married, and no bad habits.) Good advice - middle ground with lots of oversight through the teen years -- trust but verify. Let them earn adulthood.

Anonymous said...

9:38 AM the last I looked the Destin paper had over 600 mugshots so far. Most were from states in the South. All look like typical upscale kids and were arrested for drugs, alcohol, and other violations. There must be an epidemic of bad parents out there.

Anonymous said...

12:32 -- I believe we are in agreement (even if your comment was sarcastic in nature)......600 ..... then there is a problem, and if all are upscale, typical kids....then we need to focus on the parenting skills of upscale typical parents. Somethings going wrong somewhere!

Anonymous said...

"3:06 -- please read 2:54's post. I am amazed at what I just read from you -- talk about arrogance, and a false sense of self. I'm assuming you're very insecure or you would have never posted something so self-serving and crass. You prove every point we have been making about Madison. Shallow, no depth, and new money."
March 12, 2015 at 3:46 PM

3:06 here. 3:46, do you even understand the terminology and cliches you're attempting to use? I ask, because of the enormous disconnect between what I wrote, and what you wrote. It's hard to see what the former has to do with the latter.

Most of your post is too nebulous and vacuous to allow any sort of response. I'd love to hear your definition of "New Money", though. I suppose you think that someone whose grandfather founded the family fortune is "Old Money".

A great many people in Madison can do a good bit better than that.

Anonymous said...

6:57/aka 3:06 -- Let me clear it up for you using your own words - since you chose to escalate this conversation:

1. Arrogance:

"Madison is for wholesome, high-achieving people (regardless of race), who BEHAVE THEMSELVES. Standards of behavior are high, here. Most of us moved here, in order to get away from degenerates, and so we're highly intolerant of their antics. Lots of people who can't adhere to our rather strict norms end up moving back to Jackson, where they belong (generally, after their rotten offspring have been arrested a time or two)."

POINT: You infer that no where but Madison, do people have morals or regulate their lives in any way. We're all just immoral degenerates here in Jackson, and are too stupid, to understand how to discipline our lives, our children's lives, etc........hate to tell you but look at the title to this article -- MADISON MOMS. Might want to stop throwing rocks since you live in a GLASS house. To my knowledge they still live in your neighborhood -- not mine!


"One reason I volunteer and donate money (and buy season tickets to cultural venues which do not interest me), to help Jackson thrive, is to keep people like that (and people who would let their children go to Florida with people like that) FROM MOVING TO MADISON."

POINT: You have used this post to tell us how "cultured you are", how you volunteer, how we're too stupid to understand you're doing all this to keep us out of your neighborhood, that you have the "funds" to do all this, and that you are morally superior to all of us. This speaks volumes about "new money"! Can you hear the horn you're tooting?? It's your own.

What is new money -- new money is a person who thinks living in a McMansion, with granite countertops, in a Madison cow posture turned neighborhood, means they've arrived, and throwing in their cultured lifestyle of attending the symphony (which you stated you do not have an interest in) means they are defacto "cultured" and worldly. You know just enough of what you think is cultural, to show you've taken Music 101 and arrived!

Old Money -- they brought the symphony to town years ago, and if you think "old money" just sits and grows, it doesn' people made it, smarter people in the family managed it, and are creating a next generation who will ensure that it is not squandered. They don't blow it on McMansions in cow pastures, and they don't ever make statements like you made in the post. Manners trump arrogance always.

ALso -- is the words I chose were too "nebulous and vague" -- get a dictionary. That should clear it up for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, DEAR! 7:41, I feel it is my fault that you continue to dig deeper holes for yourself.

I know what your words mean. The problem is that you are not putting those words together very well. I'm sure, though, that YOU think you are expressing coherent thoughts and constructing a valid argument. And that's what counts. What's important is that you've tried.

I've been needing a good long cackle, and so I must thank you for giving me one. Thank you, for making my day.

Anonymous said...

^^^you're both speaking over your heads to attempt to out class the other, and failing miserably. A pissing match by any other name is still a pissing match. Just stop. You're embarrassing the State.

--Mom housed in a "cow pasture", shaking her head.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't think all that Madison money will buy a better heavenly home than that of the 90 year old sweet poor woman in Jackson.

Ya'll need to get over yourselves.

Anonymous said...

There's an old saying...

"The difference between old money and new money is that new money shines"

12:41 am's point is well taken with me. I need sun glasses for the glare.

Anonymous said...

i was at the house party. some of the comments on here are ridiculous. i know all of you old people drank back then don't even try to say you didn't because we all know y'all did. it is sad that you are actually sitting there saying the things y'all are saying. we are kids, it was spring break what do you expect? you people were not there. just shut up you don't know anything about what happened that night. the news, media all that is adding adding on to the story. ONE kid jumped in the pool to get their phone. no kid was charged with anything. its sad that our world feeds on other peoples mistakes. you "grown ups" need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Innocent until proven guilty, lowlifes!!!

Madison THE City Resident,


Anonymous said...

"i was at the house party. some of the comments on here are ridiculous. i know all of you old people drank back then don't even try to say you didn't because we all know y'all did. it is sad that you are actually sitting there saying the things y'all are saying. we are kids, it was spring break what do you expect? you people were not there. just shut up you don't know anything about what happened that night. the news, media all that is adding adding on to the story. ONE kid jumped in the pool to get their phone. no kid was charged with anything. its sad that our world feeds on other peoples mistakes. you "grown ups" need to grow up."
March 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM

If you were at that party, then I assume you were at least 15. And THIS is how you write? That's truly sad.

Apart from your near-illiteracy, the content of what you're saying reveals that you are someone very practiced at deflecting blame. I have to wonder if you didn't grow up in a family who spend a good portion of their time getting away with things.

As you grow older, I'd imagine that you will wish you'd been raised better. Maybe you will discover that what you now assume to be the norm, is actually subnormal. At that point, you will probably feel that you were cheated out of a normal childhood. Such feelings are not uncommon.

Possibly, you already envy children with more caring and responsible parents.

Anonymous said...

"i was at the house party. some of the comments on here are ridiculous. i know all of you old people drank back then don't even try to say you didn't because we all know y'all did. it is sad that you are actually sitting there saying the things y'all are saying. we are kids, it was spring break what do you expect? you people were not there. just shut up you don't know anything about what happened that night. the news, media all that is adding adding on to the story. ONE kid jumped in the pool to get their phone. no kid was charged with anything. its sad that our world feeds on other peoples mistakes. you "grown ups" need to grow up."
March 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM

If you were at that party, then I assume you were at least 15. And THIS is how you write? That's truly sad.

Apart from your near-illiteracy, the content of what you're saying reveals that you are someone very practiced at deflecting blame. I have to wonder if you didn't grow up in a family who spend a good portion of their time getting away with things.

As you grow older, I'd imagine that you will wish you'd been raised better. Maybe you will discover that what you now assume to be the norm, is actually subnormal. At that point, you will probably feel that you were cheated out of a normal childhood. Such feelings are not uncommon.

Possibly, you already envy children with more caring and responsible parents.

Get over your self. Now you are picking on me? Maybe you should learn to have some fun in your life. No one was hurt at the party.

Anonymous said...

No one was "hurt" YET! And we can be thankful for that. However, the fact that these two adult women would think that ANY part of this is OK is CRAZY! Additionally, you don't have to be present at something like this to know that it is just wrong and on so many different levels! Also, this truly is NOT about race! Really people, come on!! However, parents today REALLY need to step back and decide "is this a good idea, am I being a responsible adult, is this really what I want for my children and their future!" Is this where our society has gone?! Yes, when I was 15 I drank but God help me if or when my parents found out! And I know first hand that this is not their first rodeo, so I believe it is best they were caught BEFORE someone did get hurt! And we all need to be more aware of the parents we are allowing our children to be "chaperoned" by, it is NO secret the reputation that one of these parents have. I personally would NEVER have even considered letting one of my children go around the block with her, just sayin.......Finally, food for thought, it is not about spring break or anything related to this time. It just so happens this is where they were busted! BUT, we ALL need to consider the reason God put us here and I'm pretty sure this was NOT His plan!

Anonymous said...

Based on the comments here, news sites, and fb I get the sense this is typical behavior for a large number of parents and children.

Anonymous said...

I was at the party, it was a lot of fun but my group and I realized how out of hand the party was getting so we decided to leave and and 30 minuets later it was busted. I agree the moms shouldn't have been doing that but it was fun and I'm glad I was there to enjoy it because I know we all did. A party is a party hahaha what do you expect from us?

Anonymous said...

Well I have "new" money , worked hard myself to be able to support my Fam. I live in Madison and am the same age as those moms. I was a crazy wild teen as well. No matter where I live or how much money I have or cultured I've become has changed what I learned from my teens... in that I do not want my children doing what I did. I got lucky ...

Anonymous said...

2:21- please give more information about the reputation of the parent you mentioned. I have a child the age of their younger children and I am now concerned about my child hanging out at their house.

Anonymous said...

2:21 i hope one of your children is my friends because all of my friends drink and thats one of my parents and they never provided us alcohol none of that alcohol was even on the counter the police put it up there to take a picture because their a bunch of pigs. They have nothing better to do than bust kids for drinking, when every single parent in madison drank when they were younger. Oh, and there was not a noise complaint, the pigs just saw a bunch of teenagers walking in the house with coolers and they followed them in. They never knocked, they barged in without permission which is also illegal because there was no reason for them to come in. Stop talking shit if your a parent because every single madison parents children drink i can gurantee it.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS