Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Threat or lecture on the law to State Senator?

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health accused State Senator Will Longwitz of making "inaccurate and unsupported" accusations about Oxford House.  The departments statements were made in a letter sent to Senator Longwitz on May 22 by DMH attorney Gene Rowzee, Jr.  Some highlights of the letter are:

*Oxford House residents are subject to "mandatory drug and alcohol testing".  The resident is "immediately evicted" if he refuses to be tested.  The tests can be given either at random or "for cause".

*Sex offenders are not allowed at Mississippi Oxford Homes.

*"Mississippi Oxford House residents are required to attend "five AA" or other similar meetings a week during their first thirty days in residence.  They must attend them three times a week while residing in the home.

*Oxford House homes have no effect on real estate values.

*Oxford House homes do not have to be located in close proximity to public transportation.

*MDMH stated it received no complaints about Oxford House homes prior to April 2015.

*"It is important to remember that Oxford House chartered houses are homes, where people live, work, and recreate. These are not intended to be treatment facilities or expensive 'halfway houses' like the McCoy house, where minute-by-minute supervision might occur." (See page 6 for more discussion.)

*"There appears to be a lack of factual basis for the vast majority of the issues and concerns put forth in your letters, meetings, and in the public statements attributed to you.  DMH has also not discovered any material falsifications by Oxford House, Inc...." (p.7)

However, the letter then turned from a report of findings and responses to Senator Longtwitz's letter to a lecture on the law and what some might interpret as veiled threats (Pages 9 and 10):

*"As I am sure you are also aware, these statutes (fair housing laws) may be enforced by individuals, the Department of Justice, and/or the Secretary (of HUD).  If a private individual wishes to bring suit under the FHA for denial, interference, retaliation, or coercion, the court may appoint an attorney for the plaintiff to sue the offending person or agency at no cost to the plaintiff." (Emphasis added by DMH).

"The court may also award actual and punitive damages, permanent or temporary restraining orders.... Consequences might also include criminal fines and imprisonment, depending on the type of interference.  (Emphasis added by DMH)....

Similarly, should DMH, other state officials, and/or private individuals interfere with the residents' exercise or enjoyment of their rights under the Fair Housing Act, they will face liability..."

Did Mr. Rowzee  threaten a sitting state senator in this statement?

"you have stated on more than one occasion that you do not intend to discriminate against the residents of these homes based upon their disability.  However, because of inaccurate public statements, and because your reasons for requesting official action against these residents have proven inaccurate and unsupported, it might be sen by the residents, Department of Justice, the HUD Secretary, and others that your actions and their timing are evidence of pretext and unlawful interference.  I would encourage you in the future to contact my client to receive and disseminate only accurate information prior to making any public pronouncements regarding the residents or DMH's oversight.  By relaying only fact-based, truthful information you might diminish your personal legal liability and could be saved any unnecessary difficulties.  I also note that your repeated reference to "unrelated men" in your requests for action might subject you to additional personal liability...."
Stay tuned. This issue is not going away.


Anonymous said...

Does this agency have any clue whom they work for ……….which is the STATE of MISSISSIPPI? They appear to be an extension of Oxford House. Did Oxford House have a hand in crafting this letter?

Also -- they sound a lot like the nightmare IRS letters people have received and published. We have the right to destroy your life Will Longwitz and we can and will, along with out willing partner OH, who will NOT EVEN HAVE TO PAY AN ATTORNEY, but will have one appointed for them. GEEZE -- how long are we going to let this MDMH group run over all of us? I would assume they feel THEY trump the Mississippi Legislature and the Mississippi Governor. WHAT is their connection with OH??? Something is driving this within the agency.

Anonymous said...

DMH put in the cross-hairs and on the defensive. With the various cities' zoning issues that presumably has allowed the houses to operate, DMH is seen as the last hope to cut these off but is saying "not my problem." Other than quoting real estate values in Gulfport, I thought it was curious that the response comes across as a response from OH as opposed to a response from DMH's experience with OH. I wonder if the DMH thinks that the Senator's letter to the DMH could be construed as intimidating the residents? Like, please don't write us again because OH is litigious.

Anonymous said...

No, he didn't threaten the Senator. He thoroughly dismantled his argument and told him that he needed to be more considerate of the facts and the law before making the wild, incorrect accusations.

And, while this may drive a few clicks on this website - which I thoroughly enjoy - the story is fading. OH is here to stay.

Anonymous said...

Rowzee is the one many unsupported statements as many of the points he brings up are refuted by Oxford House itself. Molloy's letter refutes aspects of Rowzee also.

Anonymous said...

Summary: "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

Anonymous said...

Pure threat and by extension threatening the Governor, other public officials that ask questions, and any citizen that asks a question of MDMH. I know Louisiana has a law on the books that clearly defines what Lawyer Rowzee has done as a public threat/intimidation of a public official. Does anyone know if MS has a similar law?

Lawyer Rowzee seems to forget that politicians make the LAW, not public agency attorneys. And as a law maker Senator Longwitz has the obligation to question a law and an agency that is paid for by taxpayer dollars that is harming a class of citizens that are part of his constituency - that would be home owners that appear to have zero advocacy.

Summation of letter by MDMH/OH - Lawyer Rowzee:
1. Admit nothing.
2. Deny everything.
3. Make counter accusations.

Tell me again why MDMH decided NOT to fund any further houses?

Anonymous said...

Obamacare, Common Core, Oxford House

Anonymous said...

Rowzee's threats to a sitting Senator, and by extension the Governor, are payback for their raising questions of OH. The Senator and the Governor have revealed the aggressive tactics of OH in opening new OHs in neighborhoods, using OH's own monthly reports and documents. OH is not used to anyone raising questions from their own monthly reports and web postings, and has aggressively used the FHA threat to shield itself from inquiry on public policy issues. The DMH Staff has fully bought in, using threats to stop the inquiry they are tired of dealing with. Rowzee's threats will make OH's situation worse in MS. Free speech? Public policy debate? Why bother when they can use threats? DMH has created a situation they ultimately will lose control over.

Anonymous said...

Have never been impressed by Gene's lawyerin'.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you've got some malcontents in your Executive Branch shop Phil.

Anonymous said...

Thank God senator longwitz has the balls to fight these guys. It's nice to see a representative of the people actually carrying out the will of his constituents for a change.

Anonymous said...

He thoroughly dismantled his argument and told him that he needed to be more considerate of the facts and the law before making the wild, incorrect accusations.

Actually Mr. Rowzee made quite a few statements/conclusions that are in direct opposition to official OH positions. Shows how much you know.

Should you find that you've grown tired of this JJ fare there are many other online destinations to choose from.

Anonymous said...

All Attorney Rowzee did was warn Longwitz that Longwitz's actions could lead towards litigation against the State of Mississippi. We should thank Attorney Rowzee for alerting us to the possibility that Mississippi could be sued for a lot of money if Oxford House is kicked out.

Anonymous said...

Rowzee's view of the facts is refuted in detail by the OH monthly reports and 2014 annual OH report. See the exhibits to Will Longwitz's letters to DMH at

Anonymous said...

Incredible. This Rowzee putz is going to end up making me a Longwitz fan before it's all over. SMH

Juan said...

"OH is here to stay."

How much is your cut, 8:46?

Anonymous said...

"Threat - statement of intention to injure person or property through an unlawful act, along with the ability to injure, in order to coerce another."
-Gilbert's Law Dictionary

Rowzee never once stated the MDMH or he personally would take any action against Longwitz. Nothing mentioned in the statements indicated anyone would act unlawfully toward Longwitz.

Those gullible enough to buy the editorial suggesting there being a "threat" in Rowzee's letter are either: (1) as ignorant of the meaning of that word as the author of the editorial, or (2) being played by the editor to drive clicks.

Anonymous said...

Note that on Oxford House's letter to Senator Longwitz on May 7, posted on JJ below, Lieutenant Governor Reeves and Speaker Gunn were copied. Rest assured they are being lobbied.

This fight isn't over.

Anonymous said...

Atty Rowzee, Jr.: Prior to receiving your request, my client had already determined not to seed any new homes after the end of this budget cycle other than the twenty (20) recovery homes already opened or in the process of opening.

Then the Meridian lovefest last Thursday was only subterfuge. Got that Molloy? Decision was already made prior to the OH parade y'all ran through the meeting last week. Looks like your MDMH partners had already decided to pull your plug.

Anonymous said...

My, my ...

My questions are as follows:
Since there is no supervision in house, what is the process for confirming that the drug tests done with accuracy?
What proof of meeting attendance and participation ( just showing up isn't good enough) is required?
What is the lag time between an unacceptable drug test result or failure to attend a meeting before the person is asked to leave?
You deny the residence of any convicted sex offenders but how about those who plead down to a lesser offense?

What felony convictions other than possession do not bar residency?

How was your property value impact research done and by whom? Were the neighborhoods used in the upper middle class socio-economic range as the house in question? And, since a lack of proper maintenance can affect property values, who is responsible to see that the house and grounds are maintained? You do understand it is very difficult for neighbors to deal with a poorly maintain home currently without inviting a higher probably if the residence isn't equipped with lawn equipment or regular lawn service? Is lawn service provided by Oxford House?

Why isn't walking access to public transportation an important criteria? Haven't most of the residents either lost a driver's license or else have restricted licenses?

I'm not clear on how the single family home rental is now legally interpreted to include a group home rental simply because the residents are now, in your legal opinion, a protected class. Can you explain the law on this to me?

Anonymous said...

Hey there fellers I'm pretty sure ol' Gene Rowzee is already on record as supporting Big Bill Billingsley's campaign against Longwitz. That would splain the tone of his letter a bit, now wouldn't it? This whole Oxford House imbroglio couldn't have arrived at a worse time for Big Bill.

Anonymous said...

9:39 AM

I am an attorney.

I can tell you when I write a letter and I include statutory language that discusses legal action and damages.....its a threat...its a very real threat.

Anonymous said...

... that Mississippi could be sued for a lot of money if Oxford House is kicked out.

Now that is an exaggeration. Mississippi isn't kicking them out. Please stop exaggerating.

Anonymous said...

SMH means? Is there an online dictionary for these shortcuts? Rowzee's threats to our Senator and Governor overwhelm whatever else his case is, that is for sure. I'm sure OH has a case to make, but this is not the way. Stupid!

Anonymous said...

May 27, 2015 at 9:39 AM = unable to fathom that JJ is a for-profit private business

Anonymous said...

I think that was more an attempt to brow-beat than a threat. I question the strategy of the DMH in writing that letter on behalf of such a small out of state entity that has little significance, jeopardizing their relationship with a state legislator they will see each year at budget time. Not to mention that alienates them from the governor, also. Not a smart move by DMH, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how so many of counterpoints in the letter have already been posted here anonymously and nearly verbatim.

Anonymous said...

Serious question. When any Mississippi state legislator votes on budgetary legislation each session are they provided enough line level detail to see the budgets for each individual program?

Anonymous said...

9:56, apparently not a very good one. You can threaten to file a lawsuit all you want. If you can read context, the editorial indicated that the "threat" was something more than a promise to take a lawful action, which is what you describe. However, even the language cited never even infers that Rowzee or the MDMH will take any action.

Anonymous said...

A lawyer for a State agency just made a big mistake. Time for a new A.G.

Anonymous said...

DMH is an agency that works for the Governor; did the Governor approve the lawyer letter?

Anonymous said...

This type of "arrangement" for living would be fine if it were not in a R1a area. Oxford House's website says they attempt to work within a City's zoning. That they have not done in Jackson. This is different in every way from 3 or 4 students signing a lease on property. That is not a "group home". This is a Boarding House and should have to be located where Boarding Houses are allowed in the zoning regulations. Boarding Houses are probably not entitled to City Garbage pick up, probably require interior Exit signs and battery operated lights as part of fire protection, they may require a 3/4" water meter, and be subject to other types of business license. I am still dismayed that 2 Federal Agencies have decided that alcoholic/drug addicts are considered handicapped/disabled. The Social Security Administraton and the Veterans Administraton do not consider alcoholic/drug addicts disabled. The homeless veterans and others that seem to be alcoholics (and probably are) usually are suffering from additional mental problems.

Anonymous said...

Most, not all. Numerous means some, an undefined variable amount greater than one.

"Most Oxford House residents do attend numerous 12-step meetings but they do so because they choose to do so, not because they are required to do so."

J. Paul Molloy
Co-founder and CEO
Oxford House, Inc.

Anonymous said...

SMH means "Shakin' My Head," not to be confused with SMHS, which means "Sh**t Mental Health Says." For SMHS-related content, please the DMH website for supporting documents. Or contact Diana Mikula directly for further information, and please CC Gene Rowzee

Anonymous said...

My question is, what % of DMH funding comes through state funding vs. federal funding. And, does the federal funding flow through the state then to DMH? That's where these dumbasses are going to cost themselves. The 2016 session is going to be tough for them if they keep this up.

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait! There's a contradiction in this letter. Oxford House maintains their clients are a "protected class" and can't be refused housing. Yet in this letter, they imply reasons Oxford House can refuse providing housing including sex offenses, and clearly state others, such as failure of drug/alcohol tests and failure to attend treatment.

Well, which is it? Are these people a protected class or not? Or is it only when it's convenient to Oxford House? Have any of their clients sued Oxford House when they were evicted?

Anonymous said...

8:46, 9:22, 9:39 (same person)can't stand something to "drive clicks"... especially when all are in opposition.

Anonymous said...

Rowzee's response reflects what the decisonmakers at MDMH wanted to hear from Oxford House representatives NOT what they actually heard. Avery, et al knew from the outset that once discovered these "recovery homes" would create major controversy in the neighborhoods into which they were being surreptitiously placed and made up rule(s) for Oxford House residency that do not exist in order to hard sell the MDMH Board on moving forward. Board Chair Sampat Shivangi -- (who just so happens to live in Bridgewater) -- repeated a few of the rules himself to a Meridian TV news crew obviously not knowing they were false requirements. Oxford House would never, and never did, agree to those mandatory requirements. The Oxford House structure is such that MDMH has absolutely no control over the people living in the homes and can't mandate anything upon them. The content of Rowzee's letter shows him to be a fool or having been duped by MDMH and OH staff or both.

Anonymous said...

10:21 AM

Despite your anecdotal snide remarks....respectfully, do you think the author of the letter included the statutory language because he was bored? Why didn't he include the Bill of Rights? Or maybe the Book of Revelations?

There is a reason he quoted the statutes he did. It was not for his health. It was to send a threat.

I realize you are not an attorney and don't swim in these please quit trying to play where you are not qualified. Its laughable.

Anonymous said...

"SMH means? Is there an online dictionary for these shortcuts?"

Yes there is. I hope your lazy a** finds it. (SMH)

Anonymous said...

The Clarion-Ledger publishes a short Jimmie Gates written update on the OH situation in 3, ... 2, ... 1.

Anonymous said...

10:34 Actually DMH works for the DMH Board, not the Governor, although this Governor has made some of the appointments. That could all change though if OH or the DMH attorney continue to piss off elected officials.

Lumbergh said...

All I read was an attorney for DMH giving a State official a heads up on the legal ramifications of making false claims that cause damages to an individual.

"The court may also award actual and punitive damages, permanent or temporary restraining orders"

I understand that the owner of the house has been fired from JA and harassed endlessly because of the negative publicity caused by the Senator's statements. Shouldn't take much to show that actual damages have occurred and I would be seeking punitive damages if it were me.

Anonymous said...

I don't imagine the Governor is shaking in his boots over these scam artists.

Anonymous said...

people will bitch and moan about this matter for days. it won't have one scintilla of effect on the OH homes that currently exist. not one. the facts and the law are on OH's side.

9:56 - so proud for you to have passed an exam with a 90% pass rate. Answer me this, are you willing to file a complaint on behalf of those on this thread that want to rid their neighborhood of OH? (You may want to consult rule 11 before answering). If you're willing to be engaged for this matter, please share with us the legal basis upon which you believe you can succeed.

Anonymous said...

10:54, I am an attorney, not that it matters because anyone who can read should be able to see this bs for what it is. However, since you do swim in legal waters, please specify the threat in the cited text. The text simply says that OTHERS could take LAWFUL action.

Anonymous said...

11:21 "the owner of the house has been fired from JA and harassed endlessly because of the negative publicity caused by the Senator's statements."

The excrement was in the fan long before the good Senator stepped up.

Anonymous said...

I understand that the owner of the house has been fired from JA and harassed endlessly because of the negative publicity caused by the Senator's statements.

Good luck Lumbergher proving that. You'll have an easier time proving that the DORE flimflam actually works. The publicity and attention started well before Longwitz's involvement.

Anonymous said...

The Senator's comments and letters are all addressed to the Director of DMH in May and, like the Governor's letter, concern questions over the use of public funds. He did not address himself to or write about the owner.

Anonymous said...

Senator Longwitz hit for the cycle today. Great job!

Meanwhile should a Silver Alert be sent out to find the AWOL Bill Denny?

Anonymous said...

Don't think for a second the OH gravy train doesn't run through MDMH as well. I hope the senator continues to shine a light on things. Federal dollars that flow through state agencies have a curious way of finding their way back into the pockets of agency employees. This could get interesting.

Anonymous said...


He has done nothing for his constituency since he was elected. The only way he gets re-elected is bowing down the big money boys. It is about time someone challenged him.

Lumbergh said...

Well, since you said it couldn't be proven and I had 10 minutes to waste on a google search...

Longwitz posted this on his facebook page on April 2:

"Several news outlets are reporting on efforts to place halfway houses in Northeast Jackson. My aunt, uncle and cousin all live in Northeast Jackson, and they alerted me to this issue several months ago. In my opinion, this is not good for neighborhoods with families and children. A high percentage of the residents have served time in jail. Many of these recovering alcoholics and drug addicts are also sex offenders. The rate of recidivism is not insignificant. The inhabitants of these houses are supposed to have a curfew. I spoke to a woman who lives across the street who says she sees them arriving home at all hours. This morning, one resident came home at 6:30am. The residents of these group homes are apparently "supervising" each other. Drug and alcohol addiction are serious and of course we should support people's efforts to get better, but I question whether the choice to move into Northeast Jackson is good for the neighborhoods. A petition is being sent to City Councilman Ashby Foote. I will post the link below. -Will"

In the first post of the comments section, the good senator posted a link to JJ that gives specific information on the owners and their backgrounds and places of employment.

According to Longwitz website, he met with MDH on April 7.

A google search of when Anna Stephens was fired turned up a clarion ledger article that references a letter sent by JA on April 7 stating her contract would be reviewed for renewal and a decision made by May 1. On May 1, according to the CL, she was let go.

I'm no lawyer or private investigator, but if I can find a timeline in 10 minutes via google, I would assume a case could be made.

Anonymous said...

Dear self-absorbed lawyers,

Gilbert's Law Dictionary is not the only source of definitions, in fact the vast majority of the educated population (including internet bloggers) use vocabulary that differs from courtroom legal jargon.

1. a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace:
"He confessed under the threat of imprisonment."
2. an indication or warning of probable trouble:
"The threat of a storm was in the air."

Anonymous said...

Just in: Fusion Network announces Gene Rowzee the muppet will appear as a panelist on "No, You Shut Up!!" Check local listings.

Anonymous said...

1. MDMH picked a fight with the Governor and Senator.
2. Senator Longwitz has responded to MDMH.
3. Outstanding response by Senator Longwitz and again wth actually supporting documents, not "we said so" FACTS as detailed by Lawyer Rowzee.
4. Finally two politicians with backbones that don't stick their finger in the air to judge the wind.
5. Lawyer Rowzee appears to misunderstood his job description - he works for the taxpayers of Mississippi - not Oxford House.

Prediction: Senator Longwitz and Governor Bryant win reelection with landslide margins.

Anonymous said...


Don't care how you feel, you're obviously the OH plant here. The Senator is doing EXACTLY what EVERYONE who elected him wants him to do. Go find you a pro OH candidate.

Anonymous said...

10:03 is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Lumbergh: The April 2 FB post you quote at length does not mention the owners.

Anonymous said...

All of that information Limbooggher was in wide circulation on NextDoor and various neighborhood listervs before April 2nd. Many people had already contacted Jackson Academy on their own accord. Mobilization of the neighborhoods was already in full swing. The Forest Park neighborhood had already been dealing with the Stephens and their first OH for months before the planned opening of the 2230 East Northside OH became known.

Keep barking, no, in your case make that yapping, but those aren't dots you are connecting.

Anonymous said...

Tell us @12:58 PM, what is Billingsley's position on Oxford House?

Anonymous said...

I read that letter and I literally felt like puking. Yes, that alludes to a threat.
It Translates into , "shut up or any number of people could come after you including the DOJ."

Which I guess he's just telling the truth in that particular regard, but that truth is very very unsettling.

Anonymous said...

Most of these state agencies get their orders and money from the Feds. Obama is the boss and not Phil.

Anonymous said...


So you are telling me that Longwitz said, "A high percentage of the residents have served time in jail. Many of these recovering alcoholics and drug addicts are also sex offenders."

Sounds awfully accusatory to me and I am no legal scholar.

One call that's all!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a legit question BB should jump in and answer. Although with filbert's recent C&D, it may make it easier to side with Longwitz.

Lumbergh said...

Actually, 1:45, he does mention the owners. As I stated in my post, he included a link to a JJ article that details who the owners are, where they work and information on the couple's family.

pittpanther said...

I imagine that if this was 1965, and I replaced "Oxford House" with "black family trying to move into this neighborhood," this conversation you guys are having would be quite similar.

The references to property values is the same language of fear. And the constant worry of OH bringing in sex offenders harks right back to the fear that black men will defile your daughters.

The federal government allowed MS to get away with that crap 40 and 50 years ago. Not gonna happen this time. But feel free to organize a Citizens Council to try to keep OH out.

Anonymous said...

3:23 -- ALL information available publicly. All of us knew this already -- google is our friend too and when the Stephens' couple made the decision to MAKE DECISIONS for the entire neighborhood and make plenty of cold hard cash to boot -- they opened themselves up to neighbors investigating their motives. Don't' drive my house value down, and not expect me to investigate your motives.

AND YES …..we are an "AT WILL" employment state, and JA needed NO reason to not renew Anna's contract. Course those letters from the entire neighborhood, the parents, to the board didn't hurt either………..what would you chose if you were an educational business……listening to those who pay the bills, or deferring to one who works for you and they are requesting be terminated/non-renewed?

Either you're from Maryland -- or love to run out your office door in search of sirens!!

To all the good lawyers on this thread -- THANKS!

Anonymous said...

He included a link to public information to someone else's article ? Tenuous. So what?

Anonymous said...

why are y'all still arguing? Dilbert stopped all this nonsense with his C&....(checks filbert's authority to actually stop an out of state entity from operating based on a application error)...well, dammit, y'all can carry on.

Anonymous said...

So, 3:57, you've found that the "That's not Christian" card didn't work, and decided to play the "Racist Bigot" card.

Let's see how that works for you.

Anonymous said...

3:57 -- did you lose track of the thread? We're talking about OH INCORPORATED and MDMH and their overreach. Might want to look at the Cease and Desist order in place as of today from Hosemann -- OH broke laws. We could care less anymore about zoning, FHA, ADA, and all the things OH wanted us to pursue. The real issue has always been a corrupt out of state company, using federal dollars illegally and now filing fraudulent state reports. That racist bigot thing is overused and doesn't work anymore - you sound like your out of the 1950's. Try it somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Pitt, that's a stretch.

This conversation's been ongoing for weeks now... and only you attempt to create a PC racial element to it. Only you. Don't recall seeing one person mention any reference to black/white. Even the OH folks haven't done that.

You get the village idiot award.

Anonymous said...

4:39 -- guess it all in the interpretation but I assume that if it is publicly available information, it's not like Will was out there trashing them……they kind of did that themselves. He just spoke for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...


In your mind, we need to watch out for that least favorite relative, 'Uncle Sam', to once again hold our head underwater til (gasping) we learn our lesson, right?

Anonymous said...

Bought some nice steaks at McDade's after commenting on Jackson Jambalya today. Congrats Kingfish. Monetize it!

Anonymous said...

I imagine that if this was 1965, and I replaced "Oxford House" with "black family trying to move into this neighborhood," this conversation you guys are having would be quite similar.

The references to property values is the same language of fear. And the constant worry of OH bringing in sex offenders harks right back to the fear that black men will defile your daughters.

NOPE. You are a total idiot. Middle class economic flight is already underway out of Hinds County and surrounding counties PLUS INTO NEJackson and nobody who is white in NEJackson gives a damn. YOU ARE AN IDIOT Panther. TOTAL IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

Ben Allen, BIG TIME Jackson Academy Supporter, openly worried on RADIO this week about JA's long term viability drawing from neighborhoods run roughshod by the Neal and Anna and Daddy Joe Stephens of the suck-on-the-Federal-Teet world.

DID NOT VOTE for Amile Wilson said...

2:55 PM BB's complete silence on OH says he has a major PR obstacle to overcome in some big ass key NEJax precincts and tone deaf to the local concerns. BB's knocking on NEJ doors saying only 1-2-3 people have brought up OH and that is complete caught-flat-footed BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

The volleyball coach didn't lose her job because of Will Longwitz. She lost her job because she's never been taught that actions have consequences. I doubt she's learned her lesson.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the MDMH is threatening the senetor. It's just stating the possibilities. In his FB statement he says "many of these recovering alcoholics and drug addicts are also sex offenders" referring to the current residents. This. Is plain and simply not true and is a false statement made to inject fear into the community. I believe if I were a resident I would consider filing suit for that statement alone.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on that lawsuit 7:14 AM. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

The residence of OH are the only ones who have kept their dignity through all this jackassery.

Anonymous said...

9:11, "residents" but agreed.

Anonymous said...

The residence of OH are the only ones who have kept their dignity through all this jackassery.

Lame veiled attacks aren't very dignified and on the jackassery meter your comment rated a big fat ZERO.

Anonymous said...

@12:58 Give your boy Bill my condolences. See him next election cycle, maybe. I bet MDMH can find him a spot if necessary.

@3:57 Hey, OH troll, haven't I seen you on other OH posts with that same inflammatory logic? A hard working black family moving into a white neighborhood seeking a safe environment in the 1950's is the antithesis of Oxford House moving convicts/addicts/mentally disturbed* men into group housing destroys that very same safe environment. No one objects to black families, or gay families, it's the criminal element with no oversight we object to.

* read OH's website for their statement that residents are 78% convicted/100% addicted/50% mental illness unless they've redacted even more of their stats the last month. And realize these stats lump in all the women in OH, likely diluting the conviction ratio

Anonymous said...

"I don't believe the MDMH is threatening the senetor. It's just stating the possibilities. "

Right. And if I point out the "possibility" that an OH house filled with toilet paper (the only accelerant that leaves no trace, according to a torch I once knew), lit with a match might burn to the ground, well that's not a threat either, according to the OH trolls on here. I'm just pointing out another "possibility".

Funny though - when the minor Mafioso I knew growing up explained "possibilities" the person hearing the explanation always seemed to interpret it as a threat. Can't understand that.

Anonymous said...

9:11 --- Appears they had some catching up to do, based on their history. Not like we're dealing with stellar citizens here, who have made great decisions in their previous lives. 2-3 months residing in an OH, does not a solid citizen make.

pittpanther said...

10:40am, not sure if you and others are being intentionally obtuse... But likely yes.

I didn't say black folks moving into white neighborhoods TODAY would have much of an issue. My point is that the rhetoric used against OH today is similar to the rhetoric that was used against good, hardworking black families back in the 50s and 60s.

The similarities are obvious. Probably the same people, or their direct descendants, doing the complaining.

Anonymous said...

Yes, pittpanther, I WAS being intentionally obtuse to point out how inane your comparision was. How clever of you to catch that! Good job for an OH employee.

Again, there is no correlation between minority families integrating neighborhoods seeking security and a growing investment through their property values and an outside company recruiting from jails to move criminals in to the aforementioned safe neighborhoods. There is no similarity here, and your race-baiting tactics are not appreciated.

The "rhetoric" used against Oxford House comes from the consequences of choices their "clients" made. We all have to live with the results of our mistakes, but the majority of OH residents spent time in jail. If you've been keeping up with MS news from up there, you'd know you pretty much have to work at it to end up in jail. Any minor and many major offenses don't result in jail time. Add to that OH's own statistics about their mental health and you're placing a time bomb next door to retirees, young families, and graduate students.

I, along with everyone I know, wants people who seek help to get effective treatment. It's to everyone's benefit to assist people return to an independent life free of addiction. However, OH is offering NO services and NO oversight, so there's little hope that the few residents that remain for more than the typicsl (based on OH's local stats) few weeks. And OH is not responding to a demand/need, in fact they have resorted to recruiting in jails and mental health facilities to try and fill their "explosion" of new homes. Backward logic, people. Many successful programs are available; despite the OH crew screaming that they are successful, the numbers speak for themselves.

My neighborhood has many minority homeowners but until your silly Yankee attitude toward us in MS, I really never even thought about it. They're my neighbors and friends. Everyone in the community is impacted by OH's railroading their way into established family neighborhoods. Please discontinue your unacceptable comparison of my friends with former convicts/addicts and please go troll in some other community OH is invading. We're not backing down.

Anonymous said...

3:01. Jackassery fun fun

Anonymous said...

Y'all continue to comment that there is no success in OH but have you bothered to meet any of the PEOPLE in the houses. These people are transitioning into the real world man. They don't need someone telling them when to eat sleep and when they can go to the store. OH has never claimed to be a treatment center. These people need to be doing these things on their own, and be in a safe environment to recover and to learn. Yes some are disabled. There are several veterans who are disabled. There are older ladies who are retired. There are 2 who are battling cancer. There are mothers and fathers in these homes. Some have their children for weekends. I'm not commenting on the politics of the situation, I just want you all to just remember that these are real people with real lives that live in these homes. As for the talk of all the jail recruitment if you will read back you will see that in the Jackson homes there has been no one brought from jail to the houses. Jackson hasn't even been to any jail to offer the services of OH. Most everyone has come from a treatment program. Just please remember that there are real people's live at stake here.

Anonymous said...

Just please remember that there are real people's live at stake here.

Please remember that this is NOT about Molloy's puppets but rather about Molloy and his puppetmasters.

Anonymous said...

How the heck is an OH over filled with men a "safe place"? And how does one have your children for a weekend when no one has a private room, at least in NE Jxn? 2-3 men per room doesn't provide a good environment for visitation. An apartment with private bedrooms would.

We all realize these are real people, but their bad decisions in the past shouldn't override the rights of those who have fought their temptations and created a safe, middle class life in their neighborhoods.

If there is any truth (and so little truth has been voiced by OH that I find it hard to believe anything coming from their camp) to their being no current recently recruited convicts in the Jxn homes it's not for lack of trying by OH. They've made it clear that's their fast track to success. W
here is the evidence that this isn't happening in Jackson?

Anonymous said...

8:48 Wow really? Are you calling the residents Malloy puppets? We are people just like you trying to live. We are not taking any rights from you. Your neighborhood is just as safe as it would be if OH wasn't there. 9:21 there are not 3 people in a bedroom. 2 at most and 1 in some. 5 BR. 2 double and 3 single equals 7. As far as how do you know go ask the residents or out reach worker. But I realize it really doesn't matter to you all what the truth is about the residents you are going to condemn them with or without proof anyway. They have been here in Jackson for over two years without incident.

Anonymous said...

10:16 -- house on Northside has 3 bedrooms. Check the tax rolls. This is NOT a 5 bedroom home. Sleeping in a cupboard, or in a living room, with cinder blocks used to make it two rooms, does not bedrooms make. Appraisers REQUIRE closets BUILT IN to the room, for it to qualify as a bedroom. SORRY -- once again, another OH lie. OH is Molloy's pipe dream ----- and he has used it for 30 - 40 years to line his pockets, use government money to line others pockets, and to affirm who he is. If you read that drivel he sent Longwitz, it was embarrassing. All about himself and all he had done, who he knew, how well positioned he was in DC. I cringed when he told us all about his personal life -- this is not AA and we're not here to listen to, "I'm Paul and I'm an alcoholic".

It was just embarrassing -- and made us all realize, OH is HIS identity, not those he purports to help. They're just cultist following the leader. TRUTH -- don't talk to us about truth. You are not people like us. You're in rehab. We're not, and it is not OUR responsibility to support you in your rehab. Grow up, get a life, manage your own life, and stop having all of us manage it for you, or blame everything on how terrible the world has been to you. Do you people take responsibility for anything? Stop the lies.

Anonymous said...

You are not people like us?'s assholes like you who are driving the property values down.

Anonymous said...

3:58 You are not supporting us (residents). You show me how OH is making all this supposed millions from your tax dollars. Let's see, 4,000 per house for seed money that is paid back. Umm 0 dollars. And maybe 25,000 per outreach worker. 100,000 dollars. This coming from a federal grant that supports many many other programs. Where is the money??? Not one red cent of your money supports one single resident in an OH home. You sir are a blathering narcissist.

Anonymous said...

Y'all can Google requirements for a bedroom plain and simple. A built in closet is NOT required. I looked on 5 different sites guess what no closet required. Everyone is grasping at straws and being rather stupid about things.

Anonymous said...

10:38 How many glasses of scotch did you have to come up with that idiocy? I mean I enjoy the jackassery on here but that's beyond redemption.

Anonymous said...

10:50 -- Check the online financials for 2013 Annual report -- $4.1 MILLION. I'd say their own records say enough, and refute most of what you're outlining in your post. That money comes from federal block grants, sent to the states. Kind of hard to say we're not supporting OHI.

11:05 -- I just had an appraisal on my 4+ bedroom home. I was pinged on one bedroom, and lowered on my appraisal, based on having a standalone armoire in the one bedroom, not a full closet. This was a certified (HUD/FHA/VA/etc.) Mississippi appraiser who was contracted by a solid local bank, so I'm assuming there IS a rule for closets and bedrooms, or he wouldn't have brought me down on the number of bedrooms.

Both of these are facts -- and it appears you all are the ones grasping.

Anonymous said...

7:48 perhaps the lack of a closet lowers the VALUE of a home, but it is not a REQUIREMENT for a bedroom. Also OH nation wide is 4.1 not in just in Mississippi. OH is in most states and in several countries. Quit acting like Mississippi is using this amount. Just another ploy to misinformed the community.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Come on out to the walk for recovery today!!! As the senators New campaign slogan says "you can be for recovery, and not be for Oxford House"!!

Anonymous said...

7:48 -- that proves our point even more. $4.1 Million is a lot of money. Lots of states are having to pull the freight for you all. LOTS of tax payers are paying federal taxes, and we have no say in where that money is going, whom is spending it, how it is spent, etc.. Your lobbying efforts have placed you in the position you are in, based on Mr. Molloy's own letter. 90% of your funding comes from block grants sent to the states. Almost all of your budget supports salaries, travel, fringe benefits, etc. etc. -- all with no oversight, and you brag and tout that you have money in your budget from suing communities who ask questions, push back regarding THEIR homeowner rights, etc., and then receive PUNITIVE damages from those same communities. FEAR tactics and bullying on your end. YOU get the $4.1M in funds sent through to the states from HHS. The real question is what cronyism exists in DC and at HHS. You obviously are from Maryland -- no one here in Mississippi supports your "model" except MDMH, and the landlords who are making their money off your "model". I would say you all have a lot of financial questions to answer, and stating $4.1M is for every place you are located -- well, the way you relegate that amount, stuns the average tax payer. You arrogance will be your downfall. Also -- those are federal funds you are using. How are you paying for those "out of country homes and outreach workers" you just mentioned? Through OUR federal funds? SHould someone be looking into that also?

Don't know about the appraisal, but I can state that obviously a normal person would expect a closet in a bedroom. Stretching this to have more bedrooms, so more grown men can be crammed into a small space, to ensure the Stephen's couple can maximize their ROI is laughable. Take a normal home buyer through that house, and i can guarantee they'd "see" 3 bedrooms, and a bunch of guys living in the dining room and living room, or kitchen cupboard.

Anonymous said...

9:45 so should we shut down every single organization that receives federal funding? Its an organization that helps people become honest tax paying citizens isn't that what everyone should want?

Anonymous said...

11:38 -- I notice you answer NONE of my questions, nor did you attempt to refute the financial information outlined. Foreign locations being funded? 90% of your budget in travel, salaries, benefits, etc. These are all TAX PAYER questions and you should have to answer them based on receiving federal funds. Yes -- operations like yours should be looked at and evaluated closely by an independent government inspector. We have ample organizations that are charitable in nature and have withstood the scrutiny, that we can depend on to administer funds fairly and equitably. I'm not sure that Oxford House could withstand that scrutiny.

At the end of the day, Oxford House has no oversight, provides no oversight, and receives OUR (Taxpayer) money to administer to themselves.

In answer to your question -- Yes, every single organization that operates like Oxford House and receives federal fund should be shut down. CLEAR?

Anonymous said...

2:10 " crystal". months from now when this is over and OH is still here I hope you're clear about things

Anonymous said...

4:41 -- Won't be over in months. It was over when you moved in the neighborhood. You chose poorly OHI --- very poorly. This ain't Rumsom, NJ, and we fight differently down here. You're beginning to figure that out aren't you?

Noticed you STILL did not refute anything outlined and more importantly, how are you going to stay in a state where you have no Outreach workers…..oh that's right…you only collect the money in Maryland, you don't provide oversight. Your bigger concern should be that other states will follow the Mississippi model and start checking your filings for accuracy. Might find yourself shut down in all those states you are currently scamming funds from, through those HHS block grants. CLEAR? CRYSTAL? GOOD!

Anonymous said...

You are seriously mistaken if you think the houses are going to close, even if the out reach workers leave. What you fail to realize is the houses are SELF supporting. We as a house do not receive nor rely on any financial support from Maryland or MDMH. Self run, self governed and self supporting. This is why OH has helped so many for FOURTY years. Are we clear now???

Anonymous said...

9:52 -- Are you in Jackson? If so what house? Also forty not "fourty".

Nope -- not clear, because we're not going away. You are….and will…..because you will not function without OHI support. How's your next round of tenants going to get their seed money, etc. since you tout that the door revolves with people moving in and out frequently. Not through our MDMH based on Delbert's recent C&D order.

Also, answer the questions outlined and we might be getting CLEARER! So far, you have homes in foreign countries (who knows how they're being funded), lots of travel in your budget, salaries, fringe benefit support paid employees, to include cars, etc. etc. WOW -- you're sounding more and more like the Clinton foundation. Next we'll find out that you have been making political donations using your federal funds. You have no problem suing communities for punitive damages and including those funds in your budget. You've figured out every unethical way possible to make money off the taxpayer and bully them at the same time.

OH has not helped many people -- PEOPLE help THEMSELVES. You cannot have it both ways. Either people help themselves, or OHI, which says the houses are self-governing is lying and they're doing all the heavy lifting. You want to take credit for their success, but limit your liability associated with the homes. Which is it?

OHI is a corrupt company, supporting an elderly, arrogant (based on his own interview online and his letter received here in MS) ex-alcoholic, who uses this organization to validate who he is… people are pawns, whether you are in Maryland, MS, or elsewhere. You have many questions to answer that people are beginning to ask. When you are prepared to answer, we're listening (questions outlined much earlier still have not been addressed by you). MURKY now -- but we'll be getting things CLEARED up soon. Delbert started that process last week.

You are CLEARLY not in MS writing this -- but Maryland, or some other OH in another state. Worry about your state and what they're going to do next -- Secretaries of State talk -- and I"m sure they're beginning to question whether your filings in their state are valid and not fraudulent.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS