Tuesday, December 31, 2013

No, she's not nuts.

Sort of taking the day off today but here is a post related to the feminist post Sunday. A radfem blogger argues all sex with a male is rape. She complains in this post about not having any friends. The irony is simply too rich.

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Year in review: V

Here are a couple of videos from April.  The first one is Senator David Jordan (D-Hollywood) showing his real personality at a school board meeting in the Delta. David Jordan in "Do you know who I am video. Then there was the Hemp Lady.  She ran as a candidate for Mayor in Jackson. Her solution for everything was hemp.  See for yourself.  Hemp 1, Hemp II

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Year in review: IV

This is probably my favorite blast from the past of 2013 JJ archives.  JJ submitted a public records request to Hinds County for a copy of the settlement agreement between Motorola and the county.    Original post. An important principle of law was at stake: can a government body seal a settlement agreement even though it represents the taxpayers.  This site took the position public records laws are a fundamental part of elected government and thus are necessary to hold elected leaders accountable to the people.  Hinds County disagreed so we went to court.  It took 2 1/2 years but the settlement was obtained. Judge orders disclosure of settlement.  It turns out the county attorney made $1 million on the case out of a $2.5 million settlement.  His response was to call me a klukker on his radio show.  Typical for him but that is besides the point.  Copy of agreement The taxpayers of Hinds County won in the end.

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Public records updates

Looks like the new regimes have some learnin' to do about public records laws.

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How not to make a DUI arrest

Here is a case study in how not to make an arrest. Exhibit A: The Madison Police Department as they arrested one Sarah Lofton of Madison County and charged her with a DUI (refusal) and leaving the scene of the accident, only to have a Madison County Court judge throw out the case.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Year in review: III

The Eric Law story was rather disgusting as it involved the statutory rape of a 15 year old girl by a local tv weatherman.  JJ broke the story about the "law and order" room at Eric Law's home as it obtained a copy of the police report.  This post received the second highest number of hits in 2013.  Original post.  Mr. Law is now serving eight years in the state pen.  The case spawned some jackassery that was covered by the post Eric Law pick-up lines

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Adopt this mutt

A good Samaritan rescued this dog and sent this message to a friend:

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2013 in review: II

This March post delved into the issue of "black flight" from Jackson.  JJ reviewed the change in black enrollment in schools that are adjacent to Jackson.  Needless to say, blacks are fleeing Jackson in greater numbers and are doing it more quickly as this post reported.  Original post.  Needless to say, this is an issue that is not covered in the local media much less the local political races. 

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

No comment

Just a post on a radfem blog. Warning: Not safe for work or kids. Adult subject matter.

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The War on the Corps begins

Looks like the Marine Corps is relaxing the standards for female soldiers. NPR reported:

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Blast from the past

Welcome to the year in review post.  JJ is going to post some favorites from 2013 over the next few days.  Here is one for the books and it involves our favorite subject: the Hinds County Board of Supervisors.  The Supes attempted to hire a lobbyist in January.  They didn't know this clown was a disbarred attorney nor was it illegal to hire him on contingency.  Watch for yourself.  You can't make this up.  The board did hire him but later rescinded the vote when it all hit the fan, thanks to this website.  Enjoy.

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Hattiesburg City Council asks auditor for help

WDAM reported last week:

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Jackassery alert

Just one question about this ad I found on a local bulletin board:

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Mississippi Rose Law Firm?

Someone did some oppo-research on Butler Snow and fed it to Cottonmouth.  The Democrat website published a little article this week on Butler Snow and its Republican connections.

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Noonan: Low-information Leadership

Peggy Noonan penned probably the best critique of the Obama administration on her Wall Street Journal blog earlier this month.  There is much in her column for Republicans and Democrats to appreciate.  People expect their leaders to make the trains run on time regardless of party.   The post is a longer read than usual but worth it. 

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The true meaning of Christmas

Merry Christmas to you.  This video says it all. 

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas

Nothing like a little holiday cheer.  Not safe for work or people who hate Duck Dynasty & Phil Robertson. 

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Happy Birthday to D.I. Smith

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Latest C's

Here are the C's awarded to restaurants in the Jackson metro area for the month of  December by the Department of Health. Needless to say, a grade of C is the lowest grade given by the state.

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bayou of Pigs

Entertaining story about the attempted overthrow the government of Dominica by some druggies and klukkers back in the 1980's.  It is apparently available on Google online for free.  Check out the book here

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Judge to Feds: Give up the DMR records

U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett told the U.S. Attorney to give up Department of Marine Resources public records sought by the Sun-Herald Friday.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Kim Strassel to GOP: Nature abhores a health care vacuum.

Kim Strassel gave some great advice to the GOP concerning Obamacare in a November Wall Street Journal column:

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Friday, December 20, 2013

HMA & Blue Cross kiss and make up

HMA just issued this press release:

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Senate race update

A conservative group released a poll this week that showed incumbent Senator Thad Cochran with a rather nice lead over State Senator Chris McDaniel.  Senator Cochran led the State Senator 54-37. The sample size was 710 voters and the margin of error was +/- 3.68%.  The crosstabs are posted below. However, a Human Events/Gravis poll showed them in a dead heat.

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Whose study is it? The Queen wants it, the County says no.

Plaintiffs who filed a lawsuit against the Lost Rabbit Development and Madison County tried to seal a Madison County study of the project last week after Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler filed a public records request for the study.   

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Jackson pushing for elected school boards

The Jackson City Council voted this week to ask the legislature to allow cities to elect school board members instead of the current method where board members are appointed. The city council passed a legislative agenda that stated:

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What did Dupree know and when did he know it?

Rachel Beech has been doing some knock-out reporting at WDAM on the latest scandal plaguing the Johnny Dupree administration in Hattiesburg: the misuse of government fuel cards. Seems these were treated as gift cards for the favored as her reporting reveals:

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lewis gets life for killing own mother

Hinds County District Attorney Robert Schuler Smith issued the following press release:

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Bonner case going to grand jury

JJ confirmed Rankin-Madison District Attorney Michael Guest will present the findings of the Abigail Bonner investigation to a grand jury next month.  The D.A. met with Madison police yesterday for several hours.  The Clarion Ledger reported today:

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It's official: Dr. Smith is nuts

Dr. Smith is officially nuts. A court ruled he was unfit to stand trial after spending some time at the state funny farm. The Greenwood Commonwealth reported:

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bigger Pie: Kemper like Obamacare

Bigger Pie Forum Kelly Williams says Kemper is much like Obamacare in this latest column:

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Delta CEO: No phone calls in-flight

Thank goodness. Delta Airlines CEO Richard Anderson said no phone calls on the planes in this memo:

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Comegy out.

JSU fired head football coach Rick Comegy and his staff. Ouch. JSU went to five SWAC champeenship games under his tenure. JSU issued the following press release:

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WJNT this morning.

Jackson City Councilman Tony Yarber appeared on the show.  Had a lively discussion about Jackson, finances, and Christmas. 

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Madison homewatch program

JJ published a story this week about the Clinton homewatch program. Go out of town for Christmas. Notify the police. Police watch your home for you.  Some readers pointed out Madison offers a similar service.  The city provided this statement on the program.  IF there are other cities offering this service in the Jackson metro area, please let us know in the comments section. Thanks.

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Cecil Brown: Governor threatening future of our children.

Representative Cecil Brown (D-Geritol) submitted this column yesterday:

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The problems facing PERS and other pensions

Andrew Biggs published a very good essay in the Wall Street Journal Monday on the problems facing public pensions.  PERS discussions go over your head? Mr. Biggs argues public employee retirement systems such as PERS will face more problems as they are forced to make riskier bets in the stock market and gobble up more taxpayer dollars:

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Farewell to Buddy Deweese

He was 86 years young and will be missed by many. Here is his obit:

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Thoughts on the Executive Order (Updated)

I haven't kept up with the Common Core debate. Too much on my plate to take on another serious topic right now. However, the Governor's Executive Order yesterday got my attention to I thought I would read through it and make some remarks.

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Too funny

Saturday Night Live nails it again.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

The Guvnah issues another executive order

Governor Phil Bryant issued this press release and executive order concerning the Common Core curriculum today:

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Clinton PD will watch your home if gone for the holidays

The city of Clinton issued this press release:

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Terry coach charged with sexual battery of a child.

Terry High School coach Damien Anderson was charged with one count of exploitation of a child and two counts of sexual battery of a child on December 5 in Hinds County.  He was released on a $10,000 bond.  Mr. Anderson is 25 years-old.  He is a defensive coordinator for the football team. 

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Cory Wilson: The post-nuclear Senate

Our system of checks and balances was amended last week. Longstanding U.S. Senate rules were changed by the Democratic majority, on a straight party line vote. In a naked power grab, Senate Democrats have done away with the filibuster, though for the moment only for judicial and executive nominees. The change lowers the threshold for approving judges and senior Administration officials to a simple majority vote. Democrats exercised the so-called “nuclear option” they railed against when Republicans floated the idea.

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Electrical Lineman Seriously Injured On the Job Last Week

You may have read about the Southern Pines Electric Co. lineman who was seriously injured on the job last week (electrocution).  He is in the burn unit in a Memphis hospital.  His name is Jeremy White.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

If you like your bank account, we can keep it for you

You just can't make this up.  You just can't. KGW in Portland reports:

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DFP: How Detroit went broke

The Detroit Free Press published a good story in September, How Detroit Went Broke: The answers may surprise you.  This story might be relevant, as Chokwe is importing Detroit talent into Jackson government. Enjoy.

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Hinds County Board of Supervisors Update

Tomorrows' meeting of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors should be interesting.  Agenda. Items of interest are:

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We report, you decide, Fight Club version

The Wingfield Fight Club drew quite a bit of interest last week.  It's no coincidence a similar story appeared on one local tv station a few days later.  Some readers accused this site of picking on Wingfield. Well, we take all such charges seriously so JJ decided to scan YouTube for other local high schools to see if there were more fight videos.* See for yourself.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday night at the Fights: Someone's Madison Central version

Here is one fight from Madison Central floating around on YouTube.  It was posted two months ago and was the only one that popped up under "Madison Central Fights" search results. It is probably NOT our Madison Central but it's still entertaining. 

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Presenting the other health care proposals

The President and his followers like to use the common refrain "Where is the Republican health care plan" whenever Obamacare is criticized. I wrote a few days ago on this website I was going to start posting conservative health care plans offered up over the last few years.  Here is the first one.  We are going to start with the plan proffered by Senator John McCain during his 2008 presidential campaign. 

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Two months

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Mississippi Dems push Medicaid Expansion

 The Mississippi House Democratic Caucus issued the following press release:

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Still SLRPing

We dissected PERS a few weeks ago. Now it's time to look at SLRP.* You might remember SLRP- the Supplemental Legislative Retirement Program. Time and a half retirement pay for part-time employees, oops, I meant legislators.  It's true the part-time JPS bus drivers want a fat pay raise, but at least they work for their pay, unlike these pigs, oops again, I meant public servants, who feed at the public trough.  Cops, teachers, firemen, nurses, even lowly staff attorneys, all state employees, don't get this perk. 150% retirement pay.  Keep in mind legislators receive retirement benefits from SLRP and PERS.   Sweet deal if you can get it.

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Board member: State Superintendent admitted to school ratings fraud

Tom Burnham and Ken Thompson inflated ratings, said School Board member Bill Jones

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

GC: Leflore County schools "extremely bloated"

New Orleans schools were in such bad shape an auditor recommended blowing up the books and starting over from scratch prior to Hurricane Katrina as the records were almost non-existent. Apparently the Leflore County schools system is such a condition. The Greenwood Commonwealth reported:

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Stokes pontificates on voter ID

Election Commissioner Connie Cochran briefed the Hinds County Board of Supervisors on the implementation of voter ID last week.  However, Stokes being Stokes, he launched into several diatribes on the matter that were rather interesting. See for yourself.

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Another indictment in Canton

A Madison County grand jury indicted Cobby Williams for engaging in voter fraud. THe indictment states Mr. Williams illegally obtained the "registration of Pamela Rochelle Walker" as a voter even though she was not a registered voter due to a forgery conviction in 2011.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Check out this new Glock ad.

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Readus indicted for voter intimidation and trying to steal ballot box

 A Madison County grand jury indicted Kimberly "Baboon's ass"  Readus for voter intimidation, destroying an absentee ballot, and attempting to remove an unsealed ballot box.  Ms. Readus waived arraignment and posted a $20,000 bond.  She is represented by Ed Blackmon.

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Help this mutt!!!

From a reader who found a bloodhound on Ridgewood Road today:

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WJNT today

Pete Perry appeared and all we discussed was the Thad-Chris Thunderdome. Phones lit up and we probably could've done a second hour.

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Sticker shock? Who cares. Obamacare can get you the hookup.

Why worry about deductibles, premiums or subsidies when Obamacare can help you get laid? (Yes, I wrote that.) Here are some really cool ads for Obamacare that were promoted by the Colorado exchange:

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WSJ: Obamacare sticker shock

The Lady or The Tiger, which door to open? Or in this case, higher premiums or higher deductibles are a similar choice Americans face under Obamacare.  Leslie Scism and Timothy W. Martin report in the Wall Street Journal:

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Questions for the PM.

Too bad this type of debate can't take place here. Enjoy.

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Supes & Maintenance Director spar over assigning workers to jail. (Video)

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors reassigned three maintenance works to permanent duty at the Raymond detention center until further notice last week at its regular meeting. Supervisor Tony Greer moved to to transfer the workers but not without strong resistance from Supervisors Kenneth Stokes and Maintenance Director Michael Harrington.

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DPS gives $1 million no-bid contract to Frontier Strategies

The Department of Public Safety awarded a million-dollar media contract to Frontier Strategies in August. The contract is part of DPS's fight to stop drunk driving during the holidays. The campaign is paid for with only federal funds. No bids were solicited for the contract. Frontier agreed not to participate in the next bidding process for DPS contracts.

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Jackson Municipal Court Judge June Hardwick sent an email to the Magnolia Bar stating her concerns about the bus drivers strike:

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Library employee says Jim Crow reappears

Hinds County Supervisor Kenneth Stokes decided to bring the library scrum before the Board of Supervisors last week. The Hinds County Library System hired a new Executive Director this year but the hire drew no small amount of flack as an employee complained she was not given the chance to apply for the job. She vigorously presented her case to the board last week as you will see in the video below. Haven't kept up with this dispute so I don't know much about it. However, another employee (who was white) repeatedly accused the library system of bringing back Jim Crow segregation(15:10).

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DMR update: Stacey is as Stacey does

The battle between the Sun-Herald and State Auditor Stacey Pickering over DMR records raged in Harrison County Chancellor Jennifer Schloegel's courtroom as the newspaper sought to hold Mr. Pickering in contempt of court. The Sun-Herald reported:

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Obamacare roundup

Yes, you can keep your doctor. but.......remember when we argued over what is "is"?  Get ready for more of the same:

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Southwest problem solved.

We don't need the Megabus.  Don't need Southwest to stay.  JJ found the perfect solution to this problem:

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Latest crime stats

Here are the last crime stats for Jackson, Byram, Madison, Clinton, and Rankin County. Jackson does not post them anymore on the city website.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Wingfield Fight Club

Here are some videos of fights at Wingfield High School available online. They all say Wingfield Fights although it is not confirmed these fights all took place at or around the school.  These videos were posted in 2012 and 2013.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Getting closer

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Wal-Mart coming to Byram

City of Byram just issued a press release:

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He's running. (Updated)

A little bird just told me Senator Thad Cochran notified his staff he is indeed running for re-election.  A very reliable little bird.  Time for some Senate Thunderdome.

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WSJ: Obamacare rules hit small businesses

The Wall Street Journal reported the new "aggregation rules" under Obamacare are not exactly welcomed by small business. Simply put, the government counts all businesses owned by an individual as one business when counting towards the 50-employee threshold. Ownership means partial or full, the size of the ownership apparently does not matter.  The Journal stated:

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Southwest gone

Southwest Airlines announced yesterday it is pulling out of the Jackson market:

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Tate Reeves: Working for you.

This post is a paid advertisement.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chip Pickering to lead trade association

Former Congressman Chip Pickering will become the CEO at COMPTEL the trade association for the telecommunications industry. COMPTEL announced on its website:

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Police report: Senator John Horhn does his best Moe Green imitation, minus the cheerleaders.

Bad Boy Senator John Hohrn was apparently a very bad boy when he was arrested for a DUI several weeks ago according to a copy of the police report of his arrest on November 14.* Mr. Horhn's bad boy self was on full display that night as he pulled the "do you know who I am card", threatened the police officers, repeatedly told them he led a crime fighting summit that night, and made sure they knew he knew the chief.

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AG issues opinion on carrying firearms on public property

Attorney General Jim Hood said the "open-carry" of firearms can be restricted on public property in an opinion issued to the city of Corinth. However, the Attorney General also enhanced permit holders could still carry firearms on public property as "a municipality has limited authority to prohibit" them from doing so.

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50 years!

Rankin-Madison District Attorney Michael Guest issued the following press release:

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cory's out.

Cory Wilson decides not to run in the June special election for  Madison County Chancery Clerk.  He sent the following statement to Jackson Jambalaya:

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Morgan Stanley loses local arbitration case

TWO NORTHSIDERS are part of a group that won a $388,000 award in an arbitration against the local Morgan Stanley office, and five more arbitrations are coming down the pipeline.

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Bigger Pie: Kemper an "imprudent decision"

Kemper: A political decision in 2006, an imprudent 2010 PSC decision based on guesses by Southern/MPC, extremely slow acknowledgement of actual plant costs, an extremely imprudent 2012 new PSC certification of Kemper followed by rapid, massive adjustments to plant costs once major legislative and regulatory approvals were in hand...

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jackson denies requests for Senator Horhn police report

The city of Jackson denied a public records request for a copy of the police incident report for Senator John Horhn's recent DUI arrest submitted by this website.  City Attorney Latrice Westbrook stated in an email denying the request:

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Thinking of getting your child an Ipad?

Little Johnny wants an Ipad for Christmas? Getting him one may not be the best idea as research in the UK shows some unwanted consequences when too much technology is introduced into a child's life.  The Daily Mail reported:

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Another break in Paradise

Just another water line break in Eastover....

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Which local restaurants earned C's from the Dept. of Health?

Here are the C's for restaurants in the Jackson area since October 1 as issued by the Mississippi Department of Health*.  The state issues grades of A,B, or C.

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Governor Allain just passed.

JJ just received word that former Governor Bill Allain just passed away.

Updates: Here are press releases on the Governor's passing:

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The Mississippi Education Lobby: follow the money

 The old saying "follow the money" definitely holds true when discussing the education lobby in Mississippi, as it becomes apparent there is quite a bit of money at stake for these organizations.  Wonder why they fight reform efforts so hard?  Look at how much money is at stake in the diagram I created and posted below.  The diagram will show the relationships and money flowing between these groups.   

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Yes, they did.

Yes, the Gators did it again yesterday.  I'm not making this up.

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Sun-Herald seeks contempt against State Auditor

The Sun-Herald asked a Gulf Coast Chancellor to hold State Auditor Stacey Pickering in contempt of court:

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EPA backs off 15% ethanol. Guess which Mississippi Senator was its friend.

Ethanol policy is a perfect example of how dysfunctional Washington is.  The ethanol mandate takes 40% of the corn harvest out of food production.  Food prices thus rise.  Ethanol costs more money.  It uses more energy.  It ruins small engines.  It produces lower gas mileage.  However,  little is done to change ethanol policy as a confluence of Iowan presidential politics, Big Ag, and other forces work together to keep this insanity in place.

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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Union insanity: French-style

Then there are the Frenchies.  Economy is flat.  Growth non-existent.  Jobs are desperately needed. So..... what does the government and the unions do? Team up to abolish jobs.  The Wall Street Journal reported in September:

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CBS: More employers dropping health insurance coverage

CBS News reported this week employers are starting to drop health care coverage for employees as their current plans do not meet the minimum levels of coverage under Obamacare:

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Check out Midtown artists Saturday

Click on picture for more information
Update: Trolley will run from Fondren to Midtown.  Click on ad for more info.

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Will he or won't he?

Getting closer to the end of November.  Thad said he would decide real soon if he was going to run for re-election.  Samuel Adams is in and running ads.  Dilbert and Stacey are waiting in the wings.   Do you think Thad will run or not? Feel free to comment.

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Losing the Egg Bowl

Don't believe Ole Miss lost last night but they did.  Here is a video floating around on Youtube about how Ole Miss fans react to losing the Egg Bowl last night.  Its kind of weak. A for concept, C- for execution. 

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Crawford: PERS is in trouble.

Bill Crawford called out PERS in a recent column carried by several newspapers He also calls out the politicians for lacking the "political will" to do anything about PERS. Keep in mind when reading this post that the average rate of return for PERS is 13% for the last four years. In other words, the market came back, PERS didn't. Read on:

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Don't shop today

Annie Oeth defended Thanksgiving against the Christmas shopping creep that seems to occur more and more each year:

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Can't make this up: Gator version.

Yes, I think some of the Gators are on the take. Would explain plays such as this and losses such as the most recent one.

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Time to get drunk

It's that time of year and you know what it means: It's time for my award-winning egg nog recipe:

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Check out the agenda.

Some interesting things on the agenda for the Hinds County Board of Supervisors Monday:

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Tate: It's your money

This post is a paid advertisement.

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Will there be death panels?

Mark Halperin discusses on CNBC whether there will be "death panels" under Obamacare in this video:

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

No comment.

Little sketch from SNL about what it would take for President Obama to lose the support of the black community.

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Law gets 8 years in a new law & order room (video)

Eric Law will serve eight years in jail after pleading guilty to one count of sexual battery in Madison County court today.  Judge John Emfinger accepted the prosecution's recommendation that he sentence Mr. Law to a twenty year term and suspend twelve years.  Mr. Law will have to register as a sex offender.  He will face supervised release for five years after his release.

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Eric Law hearing today

Hearing starts at 2. JJ will tweet from the courtroom. Kingfish1935 on Twitter.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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Kimberly Readus convicted.

Kimberly Readus.  Canton's special child.  Last seen calling an elderly woman a "baboon's ass" as she tried to walk out of the courthouse with unsealed ballot boxes on election night last May.  Madison Justice Court Judge Bill Weisenberger fined her $1,000 and issued three thirty-day sentences against her after she was convicted of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and providing false information yesterday. 

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Questions for the Prime Minister

Here is the latest session of Questions for the PM.  Are you aware this is funny stuff and better than any political theater in the states? If not, watch. Would that we could have such debates here in this country.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Education probe: State data manipulated, sold for profit

A 'triangle' of corruption

An internal investigation of the Mississippi Department of Education that took place in 2010 and 2011 revealed that data was being manipulated to falsely inflate school ratings and also being sold for profit.

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Pictures? Check. Texts? Check. Underage student? Check.


It seems another teacher got stupid. A lawsuit filed against Damien Anderson, a football coach at Terry High School, spells out some rather lurid and disgusting details between the coach and a student at Terry.   The complaint charges the coach had sex with her at school and at motel rooms in the Jackson area.  The plaintiff also claims Mr. Anderson sent sexually explicit messages and pictures to the student's cellphone.

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bloomberg: Deductibles 26% higher. Enjoy the low premium.

 And the hits to Obamacare just keep coming.  Self-inflicted wounds, of course. Bloomberg reported:

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Blood donors needed

Blood donors are needed for local teen, Robert Gaillet. His number for donations at Mississippi Blood Services is DG05.  You can read his story on his Caring Bridge web page.  Please donate if you can do so. 

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Arrangements for Judge Zebert

Sheriff Bryan Bailey announced the funeral arrangements for Chancellor Thomas Zebert:

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Latest crime stats

Here are the latest crime stats for Jackson, Madison, Byram, Clinton, Rankin County, and the Rez. Jackson still does not post them on the city website as it did for years. The reports are embedded in flash so please keep that in mind if using an Apple product.

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Love to post where you are on FB? Think again.

CNBC conducted a little experiment on how to find people just by using social media. Watch the video below.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Doctor found dead. (Updated)

Madison PD issued the following press release:

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Farewell to Judge Tom Zebert

Judge Tom Zebert passed away last night at the Hospice Center in Ridgeland, funeral arrangements will be posted as soon as they are available.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wolfe & Harrington lose Steadivest appeal

The Mississippi Supreme Court ruled against Marshall Wolfe and Jack Harrington. The two sought relief from fines imposed upon them by the Secretary of State for securities Fraud. The state said the pair operated a "ponzi scheme" through a group of affiliated companies.  Don't have time to provide the details of the ruling but here is the ruling.

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Chokwe appoints Reverend Stallworth to Jackson Municipal Airport Authority

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba appointed Reverend Jeffery Stallworth to the Jackson Municipal Airport Authority. Hmmm.... where have we heard that name before?

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Law to plead guilty

Former WLBT meteorologist Eric Law will plead guilty to one count of sexual battery on Tuesday in Madison County.  The plea will take place before Circuit Judge John Emfinger.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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Supes get down to business. Where was Stokes?

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors welcomed two new members Monday and got down to bidness. District 5 Supervisor Kenneth Stokes did not attend the meeting. The meeting was quick, efficient, and over before noon. It became more common for meetings to last four or five hours under the previous board.

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How Obamacare works for Congress

The Wall Street Journal reported Congress enjoys some extra perks under Obamacare. Louis Radnofsky reports:

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Boil the water or drink some wine

City of Jackson issued a boil water notice today:

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WJNT today

Local political guru and columnist Brian Perry appeared on the show today to discuss Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel's candidacy.

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Rick's had enough

Apparently the unemployment numbers published before the 2012 Presidential election might have been cooked.  Rick Santelli had enough and said a few things this morning on CNBC:

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PPP poll: Is Cochran in a dogfight?

Public Policy polling released a poll showing unexpected support for State Senator Chris McDaniel when placed against Senator Thad Cochran*:

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM???? The Horhnbook edition.

WAPT got a copy of the police report for the arrest of SENATOR John Horhn.  Ouch.  At least he didn't tell the police to call Randy Tucker or Brad Rogers.  Its good reading.

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Replacing Arthur

Arthur Johnston's decision to retire as Madison County Chancery Clerk set off a flurry of debate, as contenders jockey up to the starting gate for the June 3 primary.  There are several names attracting attention that keep surfacing in discussions about the election.

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Cory Wilson: Economics 101

You can't repeal the laws of economics.

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Clearwater Group expands

Clearwater Group, LLC issued the following press release: 

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Walker trial set for December 16.

U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett set the trial for Scott Walker on December 16, 2013 in Gulfport.  A federal grand jury indicted Mr. Walker, Bill Walker, Scott Janus, Sheila Tina Shumate, and Joseph Ziegler for allegedly using DMR and a related foundation to defraud the federal government. 

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Tate to lead national association

The Leftenant Governor just issued the following press release:

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Obamacare update

Forget the websites. Who lied. Who knew. The federal government issued new rules regarding health insurance coverage under Obamacare. The New York Times reported:

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Where is Kenneth?

9:30 and still not here.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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New board starts today in Hinds County.

Today will be an interesting day downtown as the two new members of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors will assume their seats today.  It should be interesting, to say the least.  Will Robert Graham remain board president?  Will Kenneth Stokes storm out?  What other surprises will take place.  You can watch the live stream on the county website. You can also follow my observations on Twitter at kingfish1935. 

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Bringing the past to life

Colorization of historical photographs is a welcome trend in art as it gives us a new way of looking at the past. Indulgd.com published 36 such prints on its website.  Here are a few samples.  Click on the link to see the rest.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

SNL does jackassery last night

Still can't believe they actually produced this sketch.  Someone going to be in trouble.

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Update: Linda Peach Harmon is now Linley Patrick

Linda Peach Harmon has legally changed her name to Linley Patrick.  After her release from jail in 2010,  she went to court soon thereafter with the "my ex husband is harassing me" pitch (allegedly) to get her name legally changed. (It is well known he did not.)

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The Empire strikes back in Starkpatch

It seems the aldermen of Starkpatch don't cotton to citizens learning what goes on in their meetings. The Columbus Dispatch reported:

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Saturday, November 16, 2013


Awesome game. Awesome ending.

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Roy Nicholson says Happy Trails.....

Roy Nicholson steps down as Chairman of the Central Mississippi Tea Party in this message:

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Friday, November 15, 2013

"Bad Boy" Horhn arrested for DUI

JPD confirmed to JJ that Senator John Horhn was arrested for a DUI last night.  The arrest took place on Beasley Road shortly before midnight.  The Senator spoke at community meeting last night about Jackson crime.  Of course, who can forget this part-aaay.  JPD was unable to confirm if the Senator demanded someone call Gary Rhodes. 

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Dumbass of the day.

Send this MSNBC boy back home to his mama where he needs to learn how to shave before he tackles politics.

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The Gilbert machine warms up

Mrs. Hosemann is having her own little tea party down on the coast:

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Share the Gulf!

Share the Gulf is a coalition of chefs, restaurateurs, restaurant associations, seafood businesses, fishermen, conservationists, local food advocates and regular consumers that want to keep the local Gulf seafood industry fair and strong. The coalition was launched to raise awareness of and support for local fishing businesses and the restaurants, grocery stores, tourism businesses and consumers that depend on fair access to fresh Gulf seafood.  Learn more about the Share the Gulf campaign.

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Can't make this up. Memphis crackhead version

WREG (Memphis) reported how a homeless couple treated their free home: 

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Jackson: home of the next creative boom?

Nona Aronawitz writes on The Atlantic Cities website about the creative scene in Jackson:

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HMA board approves sale

The Nashville Post reported the HMA board approved the sale of the company to Community Health Systems:

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DA will present Eric Smith award Friday

The Hinds County District Attorney issued the following press release:

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Let the games begin

Update: Check out II under Supervisor Tony Greer's section of the agenda. 

Here is the agenda for the November 18 meeting of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors.  Sheriff gets his million bucks back as Greer wants to pull over $3 million out of the slush fund, oops, I meant parks and recreation, and give it back to the Sheriff and Byram-Clinton corridor project.

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WJNT today

Open lines on the radio show today.  No special topics. 

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Comparing ADHD in America and France

Is ADHD over diagnosed in American children? An American psychiatrist compared the two cultures of child-raising in Psychology Today. She wrote:

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Questions for the PM

Are you aware that they are back? Enjoy.

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CMPDD to JRA: Can't terminate Watkins lease

The fight between David Watkins and the city of Jackson just got more heated.  Central Mississippi Planning & Development District demanded JRA rescind the termination of its lease with Mr. Watkin's company, Farish Street Group in an October 3 letter.

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Thanks be to Jobs

An Apple fan made this video tribute to Steve Jobs using only his voice and sounds from Apple products. Pretty cool video.

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Stokes defends JPS.

Hinds County Supervisor Kenneth Stokes (District 5) had someone from the Mississippi Department of Education explain the procedures for taking over a school and a district.  He launched into a brief discussion of various conspiracy theories such as the state taking over JPS and charter schools taking over Lanier.  Not once has he ever done one thing:

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Exchange rates for Rankin County

JJ posted a couple of weeks ago the health insurance premiums for Hinds County as found on healthcare.gov.  Now it is Rankin County's turn. Rankin County is rated a "3".

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Remembering the Vets

Veterans Day is a special one this year as the Doolittle raiders met for perhaps the last time:

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

What's a few lies among friends?

It's no secret the cars used by the Hinds County Sheriff's Office are not equipped with dashcams. Well, Hinds County Board of Supervisors never lets an opportunity to rip off the taxpayers go to waste. Watch the video below. Some vendor pops up at the board meeting last Monday and makes a presentation to the board. His name was Tarrien Williams of Venture Technologies. He claimed his company was affiliated with Oracle.

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Sun-Herald public records request

JJ filed a public records request for a copy of the public records requests filed by the Sun-Herald on the DMR case.  There are some interesting exchanges in the records posted below.

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Friday, November 8, 2013

No comment.

Saw this yesterday around 5:30.  Just could. not. resist.  Red light was on although it doesn't appear to be in this picture. 

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Bond insurer lawsuit claims Madison County misspent $1 million in bond funds

I've joked before that the U.S. Government should sell debt bonds to reduce the debt. It would make a good Onion headline. However, a bond insurance company is alleging that is exactly what the Madison County Board of Supervisors did in diverting $1 million in bond proceeds to repay the bonds for the Parkway East PID according to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court on November 1.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yes, they are.

Tony Greer and Darrel McQuirter are now Hinds County Supervisors. They were sworn in at noon today to a crowded board room. Peggy was visibly happy. Graham was visibly quiet. And Stokes was invisible as he was a no-show.

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DMR indictments!!! (UPDATED)

The State Auditor issued the following press release. The actual indictment is posted below. Attorney William Gunn filed an entry of appearance for Scott Walker.  A hearing will be held on November 8 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Robert. Walker.

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WJNT yesterday

Senator Chris McDaniel appeared on the show yesterday. Enjoy.

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Judge: Pickering in "direct contempt". Jim Hood helps out Stacey.

Update: Sun-Herald reports arrests are expected today. 

Did the State Auditor use the Feds to evade the Sun-Herald and a Gulf Coast judge? The Sun-Herald reported:

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Voter ID at the JFP?

Want to participate in the Jackson Free Press "Best of" nominations? Be prepared as the JFP is now engaging in its own form of voter ID:

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sun-Herald stopped again in DMR fight

Looks like the Sun-Herald's fight to obtain the DMR records it sought from the State Auditor took an unexpected turn yesterday:

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It's the control, stupid.

The Wall Street Journal published the best editorial I've read to date on Obamacare last week. Forget the "glitches", there are bigger issues at stake:

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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Fitch downgrades rating outlook

Haven't had time to read this story, as I just saw it in comments (thank you), but Fitch apparently downgraded its rating outlook for Mississippi to negative:

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McQuirter winning

Going to step in and out during the night SO make your comments about the two supervisor elections here. Feel free to post results as they come in. Good luck to both sides.

Update: 3003 to 640. 22 of 31 McQuirter giving victory speech

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Make Stokes mad. Vote for McQuirter today.

Your vote does count and you have a chance to do something about Hinds County today if you live in District 2. The district includes part of Fondren and Belhaven.* This website endorses Darrel McQuirter. Readers of this site are familiar with the debacle that is the Hinds County Board of Supervisors as the supes reach a new low on a regular basis. Sweetheart deals. Shakedowns. No-bid contracts. Broke budgets. Million dollar payouts to their attorneys. They loot the E911 fund to funnel money to their friends while police and fire departments in Hinds County can't get radios they need to save lives. The current majority on the board schemed and screamed in an effort to deprive you of your right to vote today. Today is the day you can make a difference. Then there is Bennie's jail. Bennie built it, broke it,, and we are still paying for it.  Don't forget Kenneth Stokes.  Want to make Stokes mad? Vote for Darrel McQuirter today. 

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PERS gets mo' money but funding level still falls

The market returned and yet the funding level for PERS still fell.  PERS released the annual actuarial report for several retirement systems it manages last month at its bi-monthly meeting of the board of trustees.  PERS enjoyed a 13.4% return on investments and enjoyed $2.6 billion in investment income but saw the number of retirees grow as payments continued to outpace contributions.

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School Board member: Hank Bounds can 'sell you the sweat off his balls'

School Board member Bill Jones blamed lack of oversight on former state Superintendent Hank Bounds

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Hinds County politics: when threatened, invoke the klan.

The scumbags in District 2 just could not help themselves.  There is an election for District 2 tomorrow for supervisor.  For over twenty years the Bennie-Doug-George-Graham-Stokes crowd ran roughshod over everyone.  Now that bunch is scared to death of what may actually happen tomorrow: Darrell McQuirter may actually win the election.

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C Spire brings new fiber service to nine cities.

JJ just learned the names of the cities approved for the new C Spire fiber service: Ridgeland, Starkville, Quitman, Corinth, McComb, Horn Lake, Hattiesburg, Batesville and Clinton. Jackson has applied.

Rates: $80 for 1 Gb speeds. $20 to add phone. $60 to add TV. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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You can keep your doctor? Guess again.

The train wreck continues.  A cancer patient pens a rather poignant account of his experience in trying to obtain health insurance in the Wall Street Journal today:

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The Blue Cross/HMA lawsuit

Blue Cross-HMA.  HMA-Blue Cross.  The scrum between the two companies has dominated the news for quite some time in Mississippi.  The entire battle started with a lawsuit HMA filed against Blue Cross.  The media reported HMA filing the lawsuit but really has not analyzed the lawsuit, much less posted a copy of it for you to read.  JJ will attempt to do so in this post.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lackey: No sugar for Archie

Judge Henry Lackey dismissed David Archie's challenge of his loss in the District 2 Democratic Primary for Supervisor.   Mr. Archie represented himself.  See below.

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Hinds Supes spend mo' money. (Video)

Here is the video of the last meeting of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors.  Supes managed to blow through an extra $650,000 that morning.  Cut money from the jail. No money for this. No money for that. Mention slush fund and heyyyy, they can spend some money. 

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Fondren & Belhaven: Vote Tuesday

Here are the polling places for in District 2 for the supervisor election Tuesday. This website, along with other media outlets, endorsed the Democrat nominee, Darrell McQuirter. If you live in Belhaven and vote at the Fire Station on North State Street, vote Tuesday. If you live in Fondren and vote at Fondren Presbyterian Church or Woodland Hills Baptist Church, vote Tuesday. Y'all are actually in District 2 and have a say in this election. Here are the precincts:

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Obama lied, your health insurance died.

Obama lied while your health insurance died.  That is the headline of the week. How many times did the President say "you will keep your health insurance" and "your premiums will not increase."? Just in case you forgot, here is a reminder:

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Hinds County Supes eat health insurance increase

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors had a spirited discussion over what to do about a 13% increase in health insurance premiums.  They voted to have the county pay for the increase so employees would not see a rise in premiums. Here is the video.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Judge stops DMR cover-up

A Harrison County Chancellor stopped the State Auditor's efforts to keep records of the Department of Marine Resources away from the Sun-Herald yesterday:

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Kaze speaks

The Kaze published this epistle on his Facebook page yesterday. JJ obtained permission to publish it. The Kaze wanted to rewrite it and polish it up as he was just writing what came to mind on Facebook with no thought to editing but I liked the way it was written so enjoy.

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The death spiral continues.

Well, looks like the CL has more problems this week, some of them self-inflicted.  Gannett kicked the general manager and editor of VIP to the curb.  Sources at the newspaper inform JJ the publication made a profit of $25,000 last month. Apparently that wasn't good enough.  Gannett also fired the suburban reporters a couple of months ago and assigned their duties to the VIP staff.  Brilliant.  Kill off one of the few divisions actually making money.  Then the digital sales staff quit yesterday. Yup.   That is the digital sales staff for the CL.  How many ways can you shoot yourself in the foot?

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While Phil caves, Chaney stands his ground

Keep in mind that Governor Phil Bryant only rescinded part of his executive order today. The Governor did leave intact the sections of the order that threw a few orders at Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney. The Commish fired right back at Governor Bryant today in this letter JJ obtained in a public records request:

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Governor rescinds Blue Cross executive order

Governor Phil Bryant just rescinded his executive order directing Blue Cross to reinstate ten HMA hospitals to network status. He also threatened legislative action if the dispute between the two companies is not resolved.   The Governor issued Executive Order #1328 stating:

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Chokwe speaks!!!

Mayor Lumumba appeared at a community association meeting Monday night at Jackson Academy.  Here is a video recording of his remarks.

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Clinton now publishes crime reports

Clinton now publishes monthly crime reports on its website. Clinton Mayor Phil Fisher made overhauling the city website one of the top priorities of his administration. The city started posting agendas and minutes two months ago. The crime reports are separated by the type of offense and state the number of monthly violations for each offense over the last twelve months. Clinton crime reports. Now that is progressive.

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Miss. public schools' ratings system impossible to understand

How are Mississippi's public schools and school districts rated? By something called the state “Accountability Model,” and for most normal human beings, this model is confusing to the point of being laughable.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

WJNT today

Today was the Halloween edition. Had some interesting bumper music during the show. Discussed election next week, Obamacare, and the new PERS actuarial report.

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Trick or treating tonight?

Post here any cities or areas that are moving trick or treating to tonight. Press releases are welcome.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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Secretary of State Accuses Developer of Fraud in Metrocenter Project at Hearing (Updated w/video)

The Secretary of State charged developer David Watkins diverted bond proceeds meant for the Retro Metro project to another project in Meridian, at a hearing yesterday at its office. The Securities Division seeks to impose a $25,000 fine and repayment of the $587,084 it claims was diverted.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

No comment.


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Special for Chicago

The Kesslers announced a ticket special for next week's showing of Chicago:

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DPS to refund fees

The Lieutenant Governor issued this press release yesterday:

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Obamacare update.

Looks like the Obama administration lied about keeping your health insurance. NBC news reported yesterday:

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Blue Cross wins. (Updated)

Just got word Blue Cross got its TRO.   Hearing scheduled next Tuesday for deciding whether to issue a permanent injunction. Both sides to exchange witness lists.  Its a weird ruling.  Here is the entry in Pacer:

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Surprise. Cronyism & fraud in education

State education probe: Cronyism, school ratings fraud and security breaches

Mississippi public schools produce America’s most poorly educated students, if you judge them by college readiness.

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Community meeting tonight at JA

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Blue Cross hearing: Governor meddling in things "he knows nothing about."

U.S. District Judge Henry Wingate said at a Friday hearing he will rule today on Blue Cross's petition for a temporary restraining order against Governor Phil Bryant. The insurer seeks the TRO against the Governor's executive order directing the company to reinstate six HMA hospitals to network status. HMA sued Blue Cross earlier this year as it alleged the insurer violated their contract over reimbursement rates. Blue Cross notified HMA it was exercising the termination clause in the contract. The effect was all ten HMA hospitals in Mississippi were paid lower "out of network" reimbursement rates on September 1. HMA is currently paying the difference for Blue Cross policyholders as the dispute continues in court.

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Questions for the PM

Last week's edition. Never gets boring.  Wish we practiced this style of debate here. Very entertaining.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Obamacare rates in Mississippi

Healthcare.gov provides a little tool that allows one to see how much various plans are per month by county. JJ is going to present premiums for a particular county every few days. Today we will start with Hinds. Link to website Next up will be Rankin County.

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Governor Bryant fought Obamacare.... before he used it.

I am about to write my post about the Blue Cross hearing in federal court Friday but thought I would go ahead and pass along a little gem to the readers.

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State Auditor trying to seal DMR records

Not good. Not good at all. Stacey Pickering is trying to be so precious as he seeks to keep everything DMR under wraps. The Sun-Herald reported yesterday:

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

No comment.

Lanier High school stands at the Germantown game in Gluckstadt last night.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Judge Wingate to rule Monday

Three hour hearing this morning. Judge Wingate will rule on Blue Cross petition for TRO Monday.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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Chaney says Governor's order is illegal. Files motion to intervene.

 Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney accused Governor Phil Bryant of "illegally" usurping his power in a motion to intervene and  joinder he filed yesterday in the legal fight between Governor Phil Bryant and Blue Cross in federal court.  A hearing is scheduled for this morning. Governor Bryant ordered Blue Cross to reinstate ten HMA hospitals to network status earlier this week.  The same executive order also directed the Commissioner to conduct a hearing and review of the dispute.  Blue Cross asked Judge Henry Wingate to issue a temporary restraining order against the executive order. 

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Exchanges crashing and burning

Obamacare still not working.  Avik Roy writes in Forbes:

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Bring kids to the Zoo tonight!!!

Admission is $7, $5 for members, Free for 2 & under

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

JJ obtains Motorola settlement. Precious is the Million dollar man.

Hinds County settled its lawsuit with Motorola for $2.5 million in 2011. JJ just obtained a copy of the settlement agreement after filing a motion for contempt on Tuesday. Special Chancellor Larry Buffington ordered the county to turn over a copy of the agreement to this correspondent on June 4, 2013.

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Zoo suffers loss

Here is the latest zoo financial statement as required by its contract with the city. Total revenue was $2.18 million but the budgeted revenue was $2.48 million. Variance of over $302,000. One line that stood out was private contributions. They were $60,000 less than expected. The Zoo suffered a loss of $134,512.

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Gerald Barber: Tough Guy

The Madison County Journal published a rather amusing essay last week about the Madison County Tax Assessor:

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Blue Cross asks for TRO against Governor

Blue Cross filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against Governor Bryant's executive order and a supporting memorandum yesterday in U.S. District Court.  Governor Bryant issued an executive order Tuesday reinstating ten HMA hospitals to network status with Blue Cross.  Nothing really new here as the filings are regurgitations of what was filed Friday.  The affidavit of Blue Cross CFO Jeffery Leber contains market data at its end.  This post is for the court junkies. 

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tomorrow night

Click here for tickets

This is a sponsored post.

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Yours truly filed a motion for contempt against Hinds County yesterday after the county failed to turn over a copy of the Motorola settlement agreement.  I filed a public records lawsuit against Hinds County after Motorola sought to seal the agreement.  Judge Larry Buffington ruled in my favor and ordered the county on June 4 to turn over the agreement.

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All too familiar

Just another crime story from Belhaven:

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Governor Bryant orders Blue Cross to reinstate HMA hospitals

Governor Phil Bryant just issued the following executive order :

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Chaney to Phil: Your threatened executive order is "unsustainable"

In an October 18 letter, Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney told Governor Phil Bryant he could not force Blue Cross and HMA to enter into a contract.  The Governor asked him to do so and said he will order Blue Cross to reinstate all HMA hospitals to network status if the Commissioner does not take such action.

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Blue Cross reinstates 4 hospitals, Chaney orders review of Blue Cross

Blue Cross/Blue Shield announced yesterday it was unilaterally reinstating four HMA hospitals yesterday to "in-network" status. Blue Cross stated in a press release (posted below):

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Killer of Lenora Edhegard gets life w/out parole + 55 years.

Rankin-Madison District Attorney Michael Guest issued the following press release.

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Noooo!!!!!. Arthur Johnston resigns for greener pastures.

Madison County Chancery Clerk Arthur Johnston just resigned. We just lost one of the good guys and the best chancery clerk in the state.  Mr. Johnson will assume the position of Clerk of Court for the federal court system of the Southern District of Mississippi. The Board of Supervisors appointed Deputy Clerk Cynthia Parker as his replacement per his recommendation on a unanimous vote. Here is a statement Mr. Johnston submitted to JJ:

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Bigger Pie "private eye" Eddie Curran gives his side of the story

 Kingfish note: This submission is several hundred words longer than what recently appeared in several newspapers. The freedom of the internet.

Close followers of Mississippi politics are probably aware of a public relations war between two non-profits, one from your state, the other from Alabama, and regarding Mississippi Power's Kemper coal plant.

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Repost: Over $21 million spent on Farish Street "revitalization"

Note: In light of recent events concerning the Farish Street project, JJ decided to repost this story from June 2012. It should be noted these funds were spent before David Watkins became involved with the project. JJ also learned a major bank in Jackson loaned $6 million to someone to "do something" about the shotgun houses on Farish Street. Needless to say, the money never was spent on its intended use. This loan also took place before Mr. Watkins became involved with the project.Here is the original post. It has been moved forward and the comments are intact.

Note: Cathead wrote this post. Cathead is a new contributing writer for JJ.

Despite spending in excess of $21 million for more than twenty years, the prospects of transforming Farish Street into an oasis of bright lights, great food and memorable music have begun to lose their luster.

The whole story as to why Farish Street stands as a sad, neglected spectacle in the heart of the city will never be completely known as the only easily accessible record of the Farish Street revitalization effort is in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH).

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Representin' Ole Miss at The Grove

TexasAgs toured the Grove before their game last weekend and produced this little video.  Two Ole Miss chicks are the main stars.

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R.I.P. Eric Hamer

JJ learned from Madison County sources that Eric Hamer, former attorney for the Board of Supervisors, died by his own action last week in Texas.  Mr. Hamer was reportedly in the final stages of inoperable brain cancer. 

Kingfish note:  I would have done the same thing as I hope he found peace from the hell he had to endure.   No comments will be allowed as he left several children behind. Please pray for his family and friends.

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Be careful what you post here. Gene is watching you.

The Madison County Journal reported a very interesting little item about Ridgeland last week:

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Good job to the Rebels.

They made the plays,  LSU didn't.  They damn sure wanted that game alot more than did LSU.  They earned it tonight. Hats off to them.

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Governor to order Blue Cross to reinstate hospitals to network status. Blue Cross takes off the gloves.

Blue Cross & Blue Shield asked a federal court yesterday to issue a restraining order against Governor Phil Bryant after he told Blue Cross he will order the reinstatement of ten HMA hospitals to "in-network" status.  Blue Cross terminated the contracts providing lower "in-network rates" to these hospitals* after HMA sued Blue Cross in Hinds County Circuit Court, alleging the insurer lowered reimbursement rates without HMA's consent. 

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Friday, October 18, 2013


Grambling decided not to show up tomorrow. Now before you start blaming the players, just think of the movie Major League.  Apparently the players were forced to ride the bus for 20 hours, weren't fed all their meals while the admins flew back and forth to the games, and were generally screwed over repeatedly by the administration:

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Check out the first item on the agenda under Supervisor Al Hunter. Agenda.  It also looks like Stokes placed the discussion of the county administrator on the agenda as well. 

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Schools receive grants for law enforcement officers (Updated)

Update: Contacted the Mississippi Department of Education.  All districts that applied for grants received them.  That means Jackson, Pearl, Rankin, Madison, and Canton did not apply for the grants.  Even if they already employed such officers, nothing to stop them from applying for the money. 

Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves issued the following press release:

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Latest crime stats

Sorry JJ was offline for a couple of days. Came down with a stomach bug on Wednesday and am just now opening up the laptop.  Unfortunately the news didn't stop but one can only do so much. I'm not superman. He is 200 miles to the east this week.   Here are the latest crime stats for Jackson, Rez, Rankin County, Byram, and Madison (City).  Jackson does not post them on the website as they have in the past so JJ has to request them.

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JJ's tribute to the '59 Rebels

Since Rick Cleveland and others are honoring the 1959 football team of the Ole Miss Rebels this week, JJ decided to post its own little tribute to that storied team:

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Cory Wilson: Shutting Down the American Dream

There is an old Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times.” Americans are coming to understand why the saying is meant as a curse, not as a benediction.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Her Laddness addresses the zoo in a recent JFP editorial:

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Nothing like a tough guy

How do you turn a Marine into a pancake? Throw sand on the wall and tell him to hit the beach.  Apparently one jarhead took this joke literally as he abused a female army soldier at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Columbia, South Carolina.  Apparently Billy Bad-Ass was an off-duty deputy drinking at the establishment and decided he didn't like the way she was talking to him:

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Madison Supes Interview Jack Harrington of Steadivest fame for county adminstrator

Collection of posts on the Steadivest Case

The Clarion-Ledger reported on October 7 "The Madison County board of supervisors continues its search for a county administrator this afternoon as they conduct closed interviews with four candidates." JJ learned one of the names of the candidate interviewed.  The name is well-known to those familiar with the Steadivest case: Jack Harrington. Mr. Harrington currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Madison County Economic Development Authority

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Today at the Court of Appeals

Mike Crook argues his case at the Court of Appeals after Madison convicted him of violating the rental codes. COA website states:

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DWF Returns to the Hunt: Gray Fox Available?

After an extended absence, I am returning to the dating world.  I will need assistance, as my Cougar days were a few years ago, and I have no idea what women over age 50 in Jackson do to meet men these days.  I have an ominous feeling there are no men left in the 50 year-old age range who are available without multiple issues.  Please tell me I'm wrong!

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Blue Cross sees HMA and raises with offer

Looks like Blue Cross & Blue Shield engaged in its own Corbomite manuever.  BCBS terminated its agreement to pay in-network reimbursement rates to all ten HMA hospitals in Mississippi.  The insurer did so after HMA accused BCBS of violating the contract between the two companies.  BCBS offered to reinstate its agreement with four HMA hospitals today in this press release:

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G Gordon Liddy wannabe?

Looks like Mike Brown has gone hard-core in prison:

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WSJ: Kemper a "calamity". Southern says plant is coal's future.

The Wall Street Journal just won't leave Kemper alone. The Journal published another story about the project today:

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No comment

The Clarion-Ledger reported on a little disturbance that happened at the Wal-Mart in Philadelphia last weekend:

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Freeze blows up

Coach Freeze ignored a cardinal rule of coaching last night: Ignore the fans no matter how bad the insult:

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The Fall of the Tribe of Hotty Toddy

And there arose to the north of Eden a tribe called the Hotty-Toddys, who were also called metros. And the Hotty-Toddys were very displeasing; they didst place centerpieces on their banquet tables, and didst exalt themselves much. And they didst glorify the southern kingdom of the past.

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Animal shelter challenges

Here is a little story about a shelter in Hattiesburg and the challenges they face. Typical of most shelters  but a nice little window into that world.  Please adopt a dog from a shelter if you are going to get one. 

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Cecil Brown on the Bible and government

Representative Cecil Brown (D-Leftover) submitted this column to JJ:

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Friday, October 11, 2013

More on the RCSB/State Auditor scrum

WLBT reported on a Rankin County School Board matter:

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Alabama Blue Cross raising prices

Ouch. WSFA reported premiums are doubling for some: 

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DA & JPD grab several thugs

Hinds County District Attorney Robert Schuler Smith announced the indictments of several young criminals who "wreaked havoc in the community for the last few months." The District Attorney said they "are in jail" as JPD Chief Lindsey Horton and other JPD brass stood beside him. Mr. Smith said "once these criminals were locked up, the rash of carjackings, burglaries, and home invasions subsided significantly."

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Kenny Wayne: Obamacare.....GOP.......Klan

Senator Kenny Wayne Jones submitted this letter to JJ and several newspapers:

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bevo this

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    Abigail Bonner case update

    Press releases are flying off the presses today.  The Madison Police Department just issued this press release about the Abigail Bonner case:

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    Davis falls upward

    The Secretary of State announced former senator Doug Davis will serve as his new chief of staff:

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    Habitual burglar has 25 years to kick the habit.

    Rankin-Madison District Attorney Michael Guest issued the following press release:

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    Ole Miss report on race: Old times are to be forgotten.

    Ole Miss released the Extended Sensitivity and Respect Committee's report on the university's racial climate.  Chancellor Dan Jones ordered the study after students became upset over President Obama's re-election and expressed their frustration in a um, crude manner on election night in 2012.  The committee made the following observations and recommendations:

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    Wednesday, October 9, 2013

    Watkins speaks out on Farish Street woes and JRA "skullduggery". Asks city to reconsider.

    Developer David Watkins issued a press release asking the city of Jackson to reconsider its decision to terminate his role in the Farish Street project:

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    Obamacare update. Pre-existing medical questions? Yes. Bad credit scores: No.

    Heart attacks? Diabetes? Arthritis?  AIDs? No problem under Obamacare.  Got your '75 Eldorado repo'ed or stiffed C-Spire on that Iphone bill? Well, you are going to have a problem under Obamacare. WKMG (Orlando) reported:

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    WJNT today

    Discussed the McQuirter election, Obamacare, and Jim Fraiser's column about Mississippi State.

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    Say it ain't so, Jon.

    Jon Stewart had DHHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on his show this week:

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    Tuesday, October 8, 2013

    Election night. McQuirter, Baker win!!!

    Here are the running totals.

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    Getting reports prosecution withdrew in the Spencer Copeland case. 

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    Vote today for McQuirter. Great reason? Stokes doesn't want him on the board.

    Your vote does count and you have a chance to do something about Hinds County today if you live in District 2. The district includes part of Fondren and Belhaven. This website endorses Darrel McQuirter. Readers of this site are familiar with the debacle that is the Hinds County Board of Supervisors as the supes reach a new low on a regular basis. Sweetheart deals. Shakedowns. No-bid contracts. Broke budgets. They loot the E911 fund to funnel money to their friends while police and fire departments in Hinds County can't get radios they need to save lives. The current majority on the board schemed and screamed in an effort to deprive you of your right to vote today. Today is the day you can make a difference. Then there is Bennie's jail.  Same Bennie Thompson who gave us a broken jail wants you to elect Willie Earl Robinson to do more of the same to Hinds County. 

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    Look who was talking to Hinds County Supervisor Robert Graham yesterday:

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    Stokes tries to fire county administrator

    Hinds County Supervisor Kenneth Stokes tried to fire County Administrator Carmen Davis at the end of the board meeting yesterday. The motion died for lack of a second from a stunned board as it was clear no one expected the move.

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    Monday, October 7, 2013

    Greenbrook robbed last night.

    Thieves broke into Greenbrook Flowers last night. They broke several windows and stole approximately $500 of merchandise on tables. They also ripped out all phone and internet cables from the phone box. If you need to place an order this morning, call  601-672-3350 or email. greenbrookflowers@ymail.com.

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    It's Beeeeeeert Case Day.

    Hinds County Board of Supervisors present Bert with Above and Beyond award and declare today to be Bert Case Day.

    Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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    Calculate your Obamacare subsidy

    The Kaiser Foundation was nice enough to provide an Obamacare subsidy calculator. Want to see if you qualify for a subsidy? How much will it be? Just enter some information in the calculator below. Have fun.

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    Obamacare update

    The San Francisco Chronicle reported consumers were surprised at the cost of health insurance premiums under Obamacare:

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    FIND THIS MUTT!!! Update: FOUND!!!

    Here is a picture of Lindsay. She is 10 years old and hard of hearing. Yard man left the gate open at 10:00 am on Friday morning. She's been spotted around Sheffield.

    Her name and the cell number are on the collar (not a tag, but written into the collar).She is very friendly and a survivor. I have to believe she is somewhere within a mile of my house (corner of Northampton and Sheffield). Dog belongs to Austin Barbour. Cell is  601-624-2562. 

    Update: She was found.Mr. Barbour wrote:

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    Sunday, October 6, 2013


    Everyone has an agenda. Here are the agendas for meetings this week:

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    Public financing of stadiums: voodoo economics?

    A 2011 study attacks the use of tax breaks and other forms of government largesse directed towards stadiums and other facilities. Dr. Robert Baade and Dr. Victor Matheson of Holy Cross studied the use of professional sports as a tool of economic development and found its effects are overrated. Here are some useful quotes from the study:

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    Saturday, October 5, 2013


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    Shaggybevo greatness.

    Bored? Check out this thread on Shaggybevo.  Read through page 1 to get an idea what the thread is about and then skip to page 5. Link The statues just begged for online abuse.

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    Southern Company loses $133 million tax break

    Penn Energy reported on its website:

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    Ellis convicted in love triangle murder

    Hinds County District Attorney Robert Schuler Smith issued the following press release:

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    Friday, October 4, 2013


    David Archie filed a motion for an emergency temporary restraining order in the District 2 election for supervisor:

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    Pulling the plug on Farish Street?

    The Jackson Redevelopment Authority terminated the Farish Street lease with David Watkins:

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    It's just data. What's the problem?

    Obamacare & security breaches. Perish the thought. CBS News reported:

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    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    October 5: Downtown on Display

    Click on ad for more information
    This post is a paid advertisement.

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    Cory Wilson: Final thoughts on Hattiesburg's special election

    Hattiesburg’s election saga is finally over. Saturday, while normal people were preparing to watch Alabama play Ole Miss, the Hattiesburg election commission was finishing its final count in the mayor’s race.

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    Wednesday, October 2, 2013

    Auditor releases report on Mississippi schools. Ouch.

    Auditor Stacey Pickering issued the following press release:

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    WJNT today

    Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker appeared on the show today to discuss Obamacare.  Good show as the phones lit up and stayed that way during the show. Recording starts two minutes late as we had a problem with the recorder.  Cover your ears.

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    Tom Clancy died.

    Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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    Don't mess with the Vets

    Who wins when bureaucraps try to mess with some WWII vets?

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    Tuesday, October 1, 2013

    Told you!!!

    I don' t think I need to add a word to this Politico story about the Obamacare exemptions for Congress:

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    Democrats slam Bryant on exchange

    The House Democrats issued a press release on the Mississippi health insurance exchange today:

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    Amazing what money can do to people. Exhibit A: The Bradshaw estate

    Timeline of events is posted at the end

    Was former Rankin County Chancery Clerk Murphy Adkins the recipient of fortune's smile or did he take advantage of his position as conservator to obtain $1.6 million? Such is the question swirling around a will contest in Rankin County Chancery Court. Thomas Bradshaw, Jr. died on New Year's Eve, 2012. He outlived his wife and left behind no children. However, he did have an estate worth approximately $1.6 million. Mr. Bradshaw  changed his will to make Mr. Atkins sole heir six months after he became the conservator for Mr. Bradshaw in 2009. The former beneficiaries objected in court.  The case has not been resolved. 

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    Rickey rants

    The Mississippi Democrat Party issued the following press release:

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    Monday, September 30, 2013

    Grand jury issues report on jail.

    "Deplorable and inadequately staffed." So states the first paragraph of a Hinds County grand jury report on the county detention center issued last week. The report is posted below. The nineteen-page report makes several recommendations and observations.Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green convened the grand jury after a disturbance at the jail several weeks ago and ordered it to investigate the jail and its operations.

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    Auditor names Brad White Chief of Staff

    State Auditor Stacey Pickering issued the following press release:

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    What do you get when you mix together a former chancery clerk, over a million dollars, and an elderly man suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's?  A disgusting tale told by Jerry Mitchell in yesterday's Clarion-Ledger:

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    Sunday, September 29, 2013

    Questions for the PM

    They are back. Enjoy.

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    We report, you decide.

    Johnny Dupree won re-election yesterday.  We've had alot of fun with that entire debacle on this website BUT here is a little statement that escaped my memory banks:

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    Let the games begin.

    Signs for Honest Al are starting to appear in Hinds County:

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    Friday, September 27, 2013

    This week on WJNT

    Recording starts a minute late. Too bad because I started with the end of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. We discussed the Cruz filibuster/talkathon/thingamijiggy as well as the Obamacare exemptions for Congress.

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    College Football: Declining Student Attendance Hits Georgia

    Pretty good article in today's <i>Wall Street Journal</i> about falling student attendance at SEC football games.


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    Toyota exporting Mississippi Corollas to Mexico

    That's right. We are exporting to Mexico. I like the sound of that. Jim Lentz, CEO of Toyota North American, appeared on CNBC yesterday:

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    A Very Happy Birthday Today to Kingfish!

    Join me in wishing a very Happy Birthday today to Kingfish!

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    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Mississippi's Congressmen: Obamacare for thee but not for me?

    Little-covered by the "mainstream media" are the exemptions to Obamacare issued to all members of Congress and their employees.  Yup, the Obama Administration and Congress, including Democrats and Republicans, suddenly became bipartisan buddies when it came to sticking you with Obamacare, as they carved out some exemptions for themselves.   The Wall Street Journal reported in an August editorial:

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    Kior doubles down on Columbus

    Kior issued a press release today announcing plans for a second plant in Columbus.  It also informed the SEC that Kior:  

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    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    What a surprise.

    David Ware has roughly a thousand vote over Johnny Dupree with one box to go. Then the box comes in very late.... I'll let the Hattiesburg American tell the story:

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    Whole Foods is not yet, well, whole

    Let the Whole Foods jokes begin as apparently some readers have a fetish about Whole Foods and love to make comments about them.  The Clarion-Ledger reported:

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    NE Jackson Food Fight!!!

    Several politicians whose names were listed on a fund-raising invitation for Senator Will Longwitz told JJ their names were placed on the list without their permission.  The fund-raiser was held last night at the home of Kelly Williams.

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    Tuesday, September 24, 2013


    Results of Hinds races are posted below.  McQuirter opening up a lead over everyone else.  

    Election night so here we go:

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    JJ Editorial: Geaux Greer

    Overlooked by many in the elections today is the race in Hinds County District 4 for Supervisor.  Overlooked but just as important as the race in District 2.   If you live in Clinton, Byram, or Raymond, you have less than six hours to get out and vote. The Supervisors wasted no time in pulling their little shenanigans once Phil Fisher resigned.  If you want to restore some sanity to the board, vote for Tony Greer today.

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    Sheffield celebrates

    The pump is finally gone:

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    Paul Dietzel: RIP

    The Coach has left us.  Class act.  He spoke two years ago at the Jackson Touchdown Club. Here is the video.

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    Best reason to vote for McQuirter: Stokes doesn't want him on the board.

    Your vote does count and you have a chance to do something about Hinds County today if you live in District 2. The district includes part of Fondren and Belhaven. This website endorses Darrel McQuirter. Readers of this site are familiar with the debacle that is the Hinds County Board of Supervisors as the supes reach a new low on a regular basis. Sweetheart deals. Shakedowns. No-bid contracts. Broke budgets. They loot the E911 fund to funnel money to their friends while police and fire departments in Hinds County can't get radios they need to save lives. The current majority on the board schemed and screamed in an effort to deprive you of your right to vote today. Today is the day you can make a difference.

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    Monday, September 23, 2013

    City Council agenda

    Agenda for meeting of Jackson City Council on September 24:

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    Byram Fire Dept. can't get radios from county

    WAPT reported Byram is forced to purchase radios for its fire department as the Hinds County Board of Supervisors refuses to pay for them:

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    Sunday, September 22, 2013

    Lawsuit alleges Kior fraud, Kior increases production. Will state lose its $75 million?

    Investor Michael Berry and other parties filed a federal securities class action lawsuit against Kior in U.S. District Court in Texas. The plaintiffs allege the Texas-based biofuels company violated securities laws as it made false and misleading statements to investors about the true financial nature of the company. The lawsuit claims Kior did not tell the truth about its true prospects to produce biofuel on a commercial scale. The plaintiffs represent a class of investors who purchased Kior stock between August 14, 2012 and August 7, 2013.

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    Just tweakin' away

    This video has been viral for quite some time but still pretty funny.

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    Saturday, September 21, 2013

    More arrests in robbery of BK manager

    Update: Quanduis Laquatate Griffin turned himself in to Madison PD. He is being held without bond.

    The Madison Police Department issued an update on the robbery of the Burger King manager:

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    Friday, September 20, 2013


    The Madison Police Department just issued the following press release about the robbery of the Burger King manager:

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    Frazier update

    U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett will sentence Austin, C.E., Jr., and Claiborne Frazier on January 9, 2014.  If anyone wishes to submit a letter to the court regarding their potential sentence, the address is:

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    Sheriff Bailey gets his man

    The Rankin County Sheriff's Office issued the following press release:

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    GUILTY: Fraziers fold.

    Collection of all posts on the Frazier case

    The Frazier scandal moved closer to a conclusion this week as C.E., Jr., Austin, and Claiborne Frazier pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges in federal court Monday.* U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett ordered the trio to return to court on January 9, 2014 at 2:00 PM for sentencing. The Fraziers remain free on bond. Austin and C.E. face up to five years in prison and a fine up to $5,000 while Claiborne faces up to thirty years in prison and a fine up to $250,000.

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    Thursday, September 19, 2013

    F-22 Porn

    F-22 is a bad-ass plane. Iranians found out the hard way. The Aviationist reports:

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    Robber on the loose in Madison

    The Madison Police Department just issued the following press release:

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    Latest crime stats

    Here are the latest crime reports for Jackson, Rankin County, Madison, and Byram.

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    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Bloomberg: Kemper boondoggle or future of coal?

    Bloomberg discovered Kemper. The story begs the question: Is Kemper going to be a boondoggle for Southern Power or is it the new clean future of coal? Bloomberg reports:

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    WJNT today

    We rapped about the new ratings for Jackson public schools. 

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    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    C Spire presents: The Light of Speed: The Early Years

    It is with great pleasure that JJ presents to you The Light of Speed. This is an original JJ production. I met Mr. Speed over a year ago in his office. He started out by giving me charts he obtained from the Health Department about the unwed birthrate in Mississippi and discussing this problem that troubled him so greatly. We moved from there to other subjects more historical in nature. He discussed his dad's time as Mayor of Jackson, the building of the Reservoir, and the rise and fall of the State-Times newspaper. It became clear that probably no one under the age of fifty knew anything about such history but its a story that needs to be told.

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    Life without parole for Bufford.... over a hat.

    The Hinds County District Attorney issued the following press release:

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    The Blue Cross capital scrum

    The Senate Insurance Committee discussed the effect the legal scrum between Blue Cross and HMA has on Mississippi health care. The Clarion-Ledger reported:

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    The Greater Lumumba Co-Prosperity Sphere?

    Ajamu "Nagasaki" Nangwaya advocated on Rabble a different type of workforce in Jackson. His column is based on his presentation at the recent Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy 2013 held in Atlanta. He opens by quoting our patron Mayor:

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    Monday, September 16, 2013


    Austin, C.E., and Claiborne Frazier just pleaded guilty conspiracy to commit bank fraud and/or mail fraud. Sentencing January 9, 2014. Spencer Copeland goes on trial October 7. More to follow.

    Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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    Jackson Public Schools: Failure IS the option

    Many school districts are patting themselves on the back as the Department of Education released the annual school ratings last week. 40% of our schools earned a rating of A or B. The media is awash in stories on back-slapping and congratulating.  However, there is one story the media ignore: one school district that went backwards while others went forward.  Jackson Public Schools. Over 80% Jackson Public Schools received a D or F this year.  84%.  An increase from 82% a year ago. 

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    Dear Legislature: Put the budget requests online.

    The Legislature holds annual budget hearing this week. In other words, every state agency appears before a legislative committee and presents a dog and pony show begging for more money. Each agency presents in writing a legislative budget request. These requests contain a great deal of information. They provide specific information on where money was spent last year as well as where it will be spent this year and next year. See the Medicaid budget request posted below. These requests provide much more information than the audits. A very valuable tool for voters who want to stay informed and hold their government accountable. Schedule of hearings.

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    Sunday, September 15, 2013

    Tomorrow's agendas

    Here are the agendas for the meetings of the Hinds and Madison County Boards of Supervisors tomorrow. JJ would publish Rankin's but the county does not release the agenda until the meeting begins. So much for transparency.

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    Record heroin bust in Rankin County

    The Rankin County Sheriff's Office issued the following press release:

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    The new Big Blue?

    Geoff Pender opined on whether Blue Cross/Blue Shield is indeed a monopoly in Mississippi:

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    Saturday, September 14, 2013


    State senator who was recalled in Colorado has a meltdown on CNN. Keep in mind she lost by nine or ten points in a heavily Democrat district.  Her side heavily outspent her opponents as well.  Enjoy.

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    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Police to Green court reporter: "I don't care who you work for" (video)

    Apparently the Glenn Campbell defense does not work in Pearl. JJ obtained through a public records request a copy of the police dashcam video when Kimberly Smith was arrested in June.  Pearl police charged her with speeding and a dui refusal.  Ms. Smith is the court reporter for Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green.

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    Update on Reunion home invader

    Madison Municipal Court Judge Dale Danks transferred Walter Thomas Windsor to a locked unit at St. Dominic's Hospital.  His lawyers asked the court to move him for a mental evaluation.  He is accused of forcing open a door in Reunion subdivision and using a gun as he threatened a woman in the home. 

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    Will the compliance officer comply?

    Check out the tag on Mr. Kwame Kenyatta's car:

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    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Jackson Zoological Society addresses accreditation decision

    The Jackson Zoological Society just issued a press release regarding accreditation today:

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    Dems call for full funding of MAEP

    The House Democrat Caucus issued the following press release:

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    Hinds County District 2 Supervisor Al Hunter qualified to run for re-election as an independent on September 5.  The African junta ruling Hinds County knows no shame as it shows its contempt for the citizens of Hinds County. 

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    Auditors warned of Zoo problems in January

    Update: WLBT reports the zoo lost its accreditation.  The zoo will appeal the decision.

    Auditors of the Jackson Zoological Society warned of financial problems in a January 2013 report submitted to the city. However, the report was not provided to the city council. A January 9, 2013 letter accompanying the audit stated:

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    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Remembering Heather

    It was six years ago today that Heather Spencer lost her life. No need to go into the details. Just say a prayer for the family and friends of Ms. Spencer. Here is a short essay her mother posted on this website several months after her death:

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    Ike Brown: He's black and he's back and wants to make sure you know it.

    Think the headline is over the top? Read this passage from the Clarion-Ledger earlier this month:

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    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Frazier update: Are defendants cutting deals?

    Collection of all posts on Frazier case

    A recent court filing states:

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    Jim DeMint to speak at MCPP dinner

    Next Thursday, September 12th, the President of The Heritage Foundation (and former U.S. Senator) Jim DeMint will headline Mississippi Center for Public Policy’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner at the Jackson Convention Complex.  The Foundation will honor MCPP board member and Jackson philanthropist Gloria Walker as part of the evening’s program. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m.

    For tickets ($50) or additional information, please call 601-969-1300 or visit www.mspolicy.org.

    This post is a paid advertisement. 

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    The Detroit to Jackson railroad

    Straight from the Detroit City Council: Kwame Kenyatta. The Clarion-Ledger reported on August 2:

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    Out with the old.....

    City of Jackson has a new website.  Go to http://www.jacksonms.gov/.

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    Latest crime stats

    Here are the crime reports for Jackson, Madison (City), and Byram. No crime reports are posted on the Jackson website so JJ will continue to file public records requests for weekly crime reports.

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    Monday, September 9, 2013

    Team Jackson luncheon on September 17

    This post is a paid advertisement.

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    The new segregationists: the Obama Justice Department

    Even the Washington Post says the Obama administration went too far in opposing school vouchers. The Justice Department filed suit recently to block Louisiana from providing vouchers to children trapped in failing schools. The newspaper had enough and called them out in an editorial last week:

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    Trollfest '09

    Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

    Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

    Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

    Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

    In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

    In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

    Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

    Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

    This is definitely a Beaver production.

    Note: Security provided by INS.

    Trollfest '07

    Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

    There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

    If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

    This is definitely a Beaver production.

    Note: Security provided by INS