Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Her Laddness addresses the zoo in a recent JFP editorial:

Why does it need to move? Because many people, especially white ones if we're honest, don't want to go to it any longer because it's surrounded by a "bad" neighborhood. The condition of that neighborhood is, of course, the result of all the worst parts of Jackson's distant and recent history. When I and many of you were growing up, Jackson's perceived (and "safe") center of gravity had not yet moved so far north and east because whites had not yet fled much of Jackson, taking wealth and caring about the entire city with them.

So white people fled. Fast forward a few decades, and now many people say the zoo is supposed to pick up and follow them. There are people who claim to care for the city who believe the zoo should be out toward the flood plains surrounding Lakeland Drive because, they tell us, people will go to the zoo there.

The right people, the implication is.

I dare say the new Mississippi way, the "subSIPPI" way let's call it, is to not pick up and move the zoo (and probably leave a huge abandoned hulk in an already-challenged neighborhood). The smart and compassionate approach is to support the zoo in whatever way we can exactly where it is. I've been there many times and have never feared the drive to and from (sure we're not talking about the "I see black people" problem here?). The zoo has security. And it's beautiful and historic.

Go for a romantic stroll at the zoo, take your kids, book a party there. It's time that we become the type of city and state that does not run from our problems, but stays, digs in and works together to repair them.

We can do this, Jackson. Together we heal"

By the way, Northeast Jackson is now 50% black.


Pugnacious said...

A flasback to the Gabby Johnson "stay here" speech.

toejangle said...

"Together we heal" I suggest that before the healing process begins---crack dealers need to stop standing on the corner---car jacking needs to stop--pants cant be worn around the knees---loud rap from car radios with offensive lyrics needs to stop----using the mf word every other sentence---if you can get beyond being politically correct you may one day realize that crime is the reason that Jackson has lost white residents. We have African American people in the suburbs and the reason they moved here is better schools and to get away from the crime. If you are going to heal Jackson then you will have to wade into the cesspool it has become and clean it up and quit making excuses for a segment of society that is devolving instead of evolving---Again it is not color that is driving people from Jackson---it is crime, fear and a driving need to place their kids in a better environment

Anonymous said...

Don't forget your bullet proof vest and concealed weapon on your romantic stroll through the zoo. What a joke. A zoo in a zoo

Anonymous said...

I'm continually amazed that people of her ilk and mentality really seem to believe that everything negative started with white flight. White flight happened for a reason. It didn't just happen. Drill a few feet deeper if you really want to arrive at causation.

White flight was not a cause of anything. White flight (and blacks who could) was and is merely a symptom.

If a woman enters hospice during an unseccessful battle with cancer, and dies, is her death attributed to the fact that she entered hospice? This is the mentality of Donna Ladd.

Anonymous said...

I live in Clinton--35% black. I see black people all the time, every day--don't hear mf every other word. I don't see people's underwear. I don't fear for being carjacked.

In my opinion, the zoo is fine--a little small..but still nice for a small zoo. The big problem is the neighborhood around it--people just need to get over that and either build a new zoo on the east side of jackson, or just let the current one fade away due to the way the people around the zoo treat their own neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

"People just need to get over that...". Really? Wait for it.

I would go fishing in yonder pond if it were not for six-foot, snake infested weeds surrounding the pond. But, hey, I just need to get over it.

Nor is the problem mother-farker and underwear. The problems are 9mm, broken beer bottles, blight, trash, robberies, killings and people taking the shit that belongs to other people.

Anonymous said...


Jackson has a big problem, it is young, black, and has no conscious. Just this week, a tournament Bass fisherman who was staying at the Motel 6 was shot in the face and killed. He was white, the perp was, as usual, a young black male on drugs who didn't care about reconciliation, Fondren, You, or your mission. His Mission was to steal anything he could from some cracker ass fisherman and shoot anyone who stood in his MFin way, which he did. So, Donna, please, grow up, see this for what it is, and from the deep pit of my heart, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Avery Wiseman said...

This is easy. Begin with the end in mind. There are two choices:

1) Move the zoo and attract more visitors, more donations, and have a 21st century facility; or

2) Don't move the zoo, let it continue its decline, struggle with accreditation, and become something resembling the Collins Zoo (no offense to the good people of Covington County).

Pick the result you want. Done and done.

Anonymous said...

She writes really well for a dumbass. When she says:

There are people who claim to care for the city who believe the zoo should be out toward the flood plains surrounding Lakeland Drive because, they tell us, people will go to the zoo there.

The right people, the implication is.

I'm assuming "right people" refers to "paying customers". Is that a bad thing. If you move to a location where you can get more "right people", you can be more self sufficient. For example, I've heard Jerry's on 49 has awesome fried catfish. However, I've never been there because it is way down 49. If it were on 463 near my house in Madison, I guarantee I would be one of the "right people" eating catfish and helping Jerry's make a buck.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says romance like some huge elephant turds...

Anonymous said...

8:13. Perfect.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says romance like some huge elephant turds...

We ain't got no ellie funts...LaRita say so.

Anonymous said...

Zoos are a liberal's anathema. Pretty caged controlled animals.
The internal conflicts must make their heads explode.
Cruel and unusual?
Eat the animals.

Anonymous said...

What about the black people who moved? What about the black lawyer who lives two doors down from me at the reservoir, and left Jackson because of schools and crime? Is he a bad person, too? What about the black doctor two streets over? Should they (along with whites) be chained to the land in service of the creative class's dream of a "progressive" city?

This is the fundamental mental illness of the left: the inability to accept that other people are not a means to your ends.

Translated: The zoo serves the people and should be where people want to go. The people do not serve the zoo.

Anonymous said...

Donna, Black people don't want to live there anymore and haven't for ages now.

Packy Derm said...

I go to Jerry's on 49S on at least a monthly basis because it's the best of its kind in the broader Metro area. But, I don't have to go to Jerry's since that sort of food is available elsewhere (minus frog legs). Still, I drive thirty miles or so to eat there. There is only one zoo (snicker) so we have no choice other than avoiding it. It's in the wrong place at the current time for the right people. I would not venture going to that place now if Wells Fargo offered me transportation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Donna should go live by the zoo and see what's it's really like.

Oh wait, she wouldn't feel "safe".

Anonymous said...

Jackson is a hellhole. If you had any doubt, ask the guy that was killed at the Motel 6in northeast Jackson earlier this week trying to earn a living at a fishing tournament, protecting his moneymaking boat.

Yeah, Jackson is a safe place. Sarcasm off

/ eventually people going to the zoo will be jacked, shot at (like a JSU professor), kidnapped, or raped. And when there is enough outrage, it will close or move. If the leadership of the zoo were smart, they would toss in the towel and move before there is a body count.

// going to the zoo is like going to the fair at midnight madness, you never know what is going to happen

Reed Hubbard said...


There are a lot of empty office spaces near the Zoo. There are also empty homes. Start by moving your residence there. How about the offices of the JFP? There are spaces for lease on Capitol that are far cheaper than your Fondren digs.

How many evenings do you go to that neighborhood to eat dinner or to take a "romantic stroll"? How many times a week to you shop at Westland Plaza (just around the corner)?

Why did the JFP sponsor a zoo fundraiser at Highland Village rather than at the zoo itself? Why didn't you raise holy hell and call the organizers of that fundraiser out for fleeing the zoo and choosing a venue that would attract "the right people"?

You are such a pathetic hypocrite! It's so easy to sit in your cushy Fondren office with plenty of those "right people" milling about outside and pen screed after screed against the perceived (see, I can do it too) racism in this state, but you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is.

You chastise white people for leaving, but you won't move your business out of a rather safe, mostly white neighborhood. Seriously, you could buy the old drugstore on the corner of West Capitol and Parkside for a song. If that's not good enough, there are dozens of other locations within two blocks that would suffice.

The reason you don't go there is because of black people. You're scared of them.

And I would expect a person who makes a living writing to understand that when she hears someone say, "the zoo should move" and immediately thinks, "RACISM! KLAN! BIGOTRY! ETC!", that's an inference, not an implication. Just because you see racists behind every well intentioned effort to better the city doesn't mean you get to project your small mindedness on the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the fact that Jackson can't even have a fishing tournament without a JPS student or graduate murdering a contestant is just a perception problem and has nothing to do with why people don't want to spend their money in the area.

Anonymous said...

I hate to reinforce some of what was already said, but it is important: This is not an issue of RACE. RACE is a megaphone used by politicians and sometimes businesses to get what they want, but rarely does anything have to do with RACE.

RACE, or implying RACE, is Ladd's way of enhancing the issue for her purpose. This issue has nothing to do with RACE, it has to do with reality.

Anonymous said...

I live in Dinsmor in Ridgeland. It’s one of those nice neighborhoods full of refugees from Jackson who Ms. Ladd doesn’t like. I need some clarification from her. Does that make me bad?

By the way, my neighbors on one side are an older African American couple. The husband works at the Jackson Medical Mall. He and his wife were outside last night and we spoke to each other when I went to get my mail. We know each other’s family members and exchange gifts on special occasions and every Christmas. Do I get a pass for having African American’s as my neighbors? On the other hand, are they bad for living in Dinsmor? Should I stop being their friends so that they will move back to Jackson?

We are represented in the State Senate by African American Senator John Horhn. Does that make a difference? What if I haven’t voted for him? What if it was my idea to invite Sen. Horhn to our Dinsmor neighborhood fish fry this spring?

What if my secretary (who lives in Jackson) is African American? What if my nanny (she lives in Ridgeland) is Hispanic? What if I formerly worked for a US Senator who was a Democrat? Please help me Ms. Ladd. All of these scenarios apply to me. With the Left’s ever changing politically correct litmus test, I never seem to know which side of the line I’m on. Please tell me which features excuse my being white and living in the ‘burbs. Also, which, if any, excuse my African American neighbors? Or is everyone who isn’t just like you bad?

Wade said...

Despite what anyone says about this being about race, the simple fact of the matter is, the zoo is not going to make it where it is currently. I have an annual zoo membership and take my family at least 6-8 time a year. I'm not scared to go there and have never had anything bad happen to me there or on the way there. This is about common sense. If you close that goat ranch they call a golf course at LeFleurs Bluff and turn that into the zoo, you have the children's museum, the science museum, and a nice park all right there together with the zoo and all right off of the interstate. This would be a HUGE advantage for what is currently a totally unsustainable path for the zoo in its current location. Not to mention that very close by is the Misissippi Sports Hall of Fame and the Ag Museum. It would be almost logistically impossible for the zoo to fail in that location just as it is almost logistically impossble for it to succeed in its current location. I am continuing my membership no matter what and will continue to take my family no matter what. However, the sensible thing to do is put the zoo next to these other venues, both for the zoo, the city of Jackson, and the people who spend their money there.

King Kong said...

i stopped going to the zoo because it looked like all those caged animals were sad and desperate. a monkey in a cage looking emotionally deprived gives me a sick
feeling. if the zoo moves to Lakeland, I wont go visit it either unless they employ modern zoo

Anonymous said...

The zoo is not moving to Lakeland. You can forget that pipe dream right now. A new zoo would cost many tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars, which the city does not have.

Anonymous said...

All this outrage directed at Donna Ladd is a massive waste of energy. Noone cares, at all, about what she says or thinks... besides herself and her few remaining lapdogs (Head, etc). So whatever silliness she is ranting about

Anonymous said...

12:45 & 1:07
Well said.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but our economy is going to hell in a handbag. A zoo should pretty much drop to the bottom of the list, whether it's in Collins, Jackson, Madison, Ridgeland or Pearl. I do not view a zoo as a big economic tourist attraction to help spur a local economy.

The economy is Jackson will need to survive on those still here. Crime will never be fixed here unless the court system and jail system are fixed. JPD can arrest people all day long (which they do), but if our courts continue to let people go, the problem will continue. Roads, water lines, and the "Stokeses".

Anonymous said...

Went to the JA-Prep game last week, wife and I didn't spend a dime there because we hate JA. Went to the Fair Sunday and didn't spend a dime there because I hated everything about the thing...tried to have a romantic stroll through the fair. We couldn't leave fast enough and that was at 5pm Sunday afternoon. It didn't just feel dangerous, it was dangerous. Whoever wants to tell me how and where I can go spend my money can go F*&! themselves. I have 3 jobs and try like hell to give my kids the best. Where I take momma on a romantic stroll and how much I spend is no one's business. Last place on earth I would take my family is the zoo...yeah right. This lady isn't worth our time.

Anonymous said...

Here's an easy recipe for fixing the Jackson Zoo and the City.

Put Kennuf and LaRita in a cage with her Ladness. Maybe throw in Chokwe for an afternoon.

Spread out the Hinds County BOS and the City council, plus Derrick Johnson and Stacey Stowers.

What an exhibition! On second thought, that bunch doesn't deserve to be in a zoo, but on the Midway at the fair.

Is 25 cents too high for admission?

Anonymous said...

I work in law enforcement, but not a street cop. I carry a firearm. I used to drive to downtown jackson from clinton every morning and return every evening via capitol street/clinton blvd. the area around the zoo is among the worst areas in jackson, period. the blight is profound and disturbing. at 7:00 a.m. I would see prostitutes still walking the street, destitutes wandering in obvious drug-induced stupors, falling in houses, boarded up houses and deserted businesses in every block. I've had occasion to be off the main street on residential streets at times and there are very few homes occupied by working, responsible people. the few that are there are still there because their home has zero value and they have a mortgage. The zoo may be a safe haven, but the area around it is populated with dangerous, vicious animals.

Anonymous said...

Donna Ladd is an unadulterated fraud. End of story. That she believes her voice has influence is the comic relief.

Anonymous said...

Great post 12:45.

Jane said...

Moving the zoo will require funds Jackson does not have. I'm not afraid of that area. I was over there today at the office of a friend of mine. He has previously warned me to not stop for gas when I'm over there (And he's black, by the way) but I would feel safe driving there.

I, too, hate zoos. They are like prisons for animals and many of the animals do look really sad. Seems to me they need to start giving the animals to zoos that can support them; zoos with better living conditions for the animals would at least improve the animals' lives. There is so little respect for animals in this area - I mean people torture dogs for fun in this city and the only people who do anything about it are a few woefully underfunded volunteer groups like CARA, ARF and Chesire Abbey. Close the zoo. If there is any money saved as a result, give it to the people who really love and take care of animals. And maybe try to educate the humans that live here that dogs and cats are LIVE BEINGS. Until they can grasp that, it is ridiculous to ask Jacksonians to have any appreciation for lions, tigers and bears.

Just Stopping By said...

I see several references here to the dispicable murder of a fisherman at Motel 6. I have wondered more than a few times why Jambalaya offered that incident zero coverage. I would have expected Kingfish to encourage Chokwe and the new chief to at least attend the opening ceremony and speak about the murder in their city. It's possible that there are even African American participants in the tournament.

Anonymous said...

Donna Ladd has no children. How DARE she tell me to get over my well-founded fears and take my children to the zoo? When you have children you are supposed to consider their safety above anything else, especially your liberal guilt. That zoo is currently not in a safe location and everyone knows it.

Wade said...

Jane, I never said Jackson should pay for the move. The zoo has lost much financial support and donations due to the fact that it continues to fail despite the past support. Put someone who knows something about fund raising in charge and announce that the only way Jackson keeps a zoo is to move it and the donations will come. To those who say a zoo is irrelevant, not important, or even cruel......think about telling your children or grandchildren that, if you even have any. A zoo is cruel? What freakin' World are you living in? Try watching the World news and maybe pay attention to what's going on! A lot of these animals would be dead if it were not for their current residence inside of a zoo! A zoo is extremely educational for our young people and done right, can be a financial benefit to the city in which it is located......most zoos are! Ignorance is bliss!

Anonymous said...

She obviously never goes to the zoo during normal hours. The attendance is low, but the majority of people there are white each time I take my family. That's about 5-6 times a year.

Wade said...

4:13 said he and his wife went to the JA vs. Prep game and didn't spend a dime because they hate JA! Sure you did, it costs $7 apiece just to get in! I graduated from JA many years ago and admit that for some odd reason, we hated Prep and they hated us. What a waste of time and energy! I have a son that I pulled out of JA and sent to FPDS for 1st grade. They have as good if not better education for 1st through 6th graders as JA at half the cost. I know that FPDS is a feeder school for JP. I don't care! What I want is for my son to get the best education possible and be happy at the same time. JP is a great school as is JA. Unfortunately, there are pathetic loser parents on both sides but for the most part, it's good people on both sides that just want what's best for their kids. I think the World has enough hate in it without directing any towards each other over high school rivals!

Anonymous said...

"Put someone with fund raising experience in charge of....". Hey, BINGO! Ben Allen!

Anonymous said...

Went to the JA-Prep game last week, wife and I didn't spend a dime there because we hate JA.

How did you go to the game and not spend a dime? Did you sneak in for free?

Anonymous said...

12:45 Great post,,,, I hope Ladd reads it and starts to think
About the person in the mirror

Anonymous said...

The sponsor part re: Highland Village = Right people was the best part of the 12:45 post.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what 12:45. Ladd won't show up in my white Jackson neighborhood either. At least she won't do so and identify herself. It wouldn't be safe. The cocoon she lives in isn't all that much different than Tom Head's.

Anonymous said...

Had a pass to get in, so no I didn't spend a dime.

Anonymous said...

I lived within a mile of the Jackson Zoo all my life until
1998. We sold and moved to Clinton at that time. We loved our neighborhood and our home but we were forced to leave because it had become dangerous to live there any longer. The reason why it became dangerous was simple. In the fall of 1996 a Jackson Policeman moved in across the street and with him came his drug dealing side job. In came his drugs, his customers, his dealers, and high crime. We contacted the Police Chief, the Mayor's office, our Councilman and nothing was done so we sold a home we loved and moved to Clinton. It was another 5 years before anything was done to the drug dealing Policeman and it was done by the FBI. No I won't go to the Jackson Zoo. I value my life and property too much.

Anonymous said...

Does any one remember Bill Hunsburger the C-L publisher that passed away? He had a goal of making the Jackson Zoo a special place. He spent countless hours working and promoting on behalf of the zoo. When he died so did his dream, no one picked up the torch. As I recall the streams of business donations he set up dried up after this death.

Anonymous said...

I had a drug dealer living across the street and when I called JPD their response was "how do you know he's a drug dealer." I think I should have had a black person call because I got the distinct impression they were quite happy that a drug dealer was bugging the shit out of a white person.

Anonymous said...

Dear Donna,

I'm having a hard time following your editorial. Could you clear up a few things for me? I've put your exact words in italics so there's no confusion.

Go for a romantic stroll at the zoo, take your kids, book a party there.

You mean like the JFP sponsored Zoo Party Unleashed last month? The one at Highland Village? Is that the kind of party the rest of us should book at the Zoo?

It's time that we become the type of city and state that does not run from our problems, but stays, digs in and works together to repair them.

You mean like sponsoring a Zoo fundraiser in a safe, fashionable part of town rather than at the actual Zoo? Is that what you mean by staying, digging in, not running from problems?

...many people, especially white ones if we're honest, don't want to go to it any longer because it's surrounded by a "bad" neighborhood.

You mean like the white people who came to Zoo Party Unleashed at Highland Village...the ones I saw in all those pictures taken at the event? Are those the people who wouldn't have come to donate money if it were held at the Zoo on a Thursday night?

There are people who claim to care for the city who believe the zoo should be out toward the flood plains surrounding Lakeland Drive because, they tell us, people will go to the zoo there. The right people, the implication is.

Did you make certain to exclude such "right people" (as you smugly and pejoratively refer to them) from the Zoo Party Unleashed fundraiser that the JFP sponsored at Highland Village rather than the actual Zoo last month? Did you tell them that because they "fled much of Jackson, taking wealth and caring about the entire city with them" that they and their money were not welcome?

The smart and compassionate approach is to support the zoo in whatever way we can exactly where it is.

You mean like throwing a lavish party for the Zoo in a place OTHER than "exactly where it is"? Or do you mean throwing a party that the people in the Zoo neighborhood could enjoy and could afford to attend? Is that why the tickets were $75 a person and the party was held on the other side of town? Is that your definition of "smart and compassionate"?

I've been there many times and have never feared the drive to and from (sure we're not talking about the "I see black people" problem here?). The zoo has security.

Security? Why mention that? I thought you never feared for your safety as you strolled romantically about the Zoo, booking parties and taking your kids...Oh wait, it's other people who are supposed to do those things. You nave no kids and you book your parties at Highland Village, where security is not necessary.

We can do this, Jackson. Together we heal.

Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

NAILED it 1:00!

The Libertarian said...

You oughta go read what she's now saying about the bass fisherman who took lead to the face for the crime of being in Jackson. She is outraged that its made lots of media while the thug who got capped breaking into a car and the ghetto gunfight victim who got shot 12 times hasn't. Its because the fisherman was white according to her. I say Donnerkay and Dr. Tom Head; phd; dds; ldl; ymca should go on a late night stroll down that end of Capitol and report back from the hospital their findings.

Anonymous said...

Tom Head's "Ph.D" is not from a real school, rather some internet college overseas.

So you can take his "Ph.D." just as seriously as the rest of the BS he spouts.

Anonymous said...

3:55 I give up - what is "ldl"? Cholesterol? :-)

Anonymous said...

Off the subject here, but, Tom Head has never sat in a classroom in his life. His momma home schooled him and then he got a couple of bogus on-line diploomers and then he was off to the races. Everything about this clown is bogus.

Anonymous said...

ymca is my favorite degree...

Raoul Knave said...

No one, pro or con, needs to admit anything today Donner because you have demonstrated in the online world beyond any doubt that YOU are a raving lunatic.

KaptKangaroo said...

I really like zoos. My kids like zoos too. I've been to the Jackson zoo. All I remember - there are a lot of peacocks strolling around. This doesn't have anything to do with Madison secretly desiring a wildlife refuge? Just tossing this out for the peanut gallery.

Anonymous said...

What a concept - a home-school PhD from the University of Mom

That'll open doors!

Anonymous said...

You know, the point is well made about that fundraiser. If a white Republican had thrown some big fundraising event, charged high prices to enter and held it at a trendy joint, this broad would have been screaming that it was all a plan to keep certain people out. That the high price of the tickets was a Republican plot (like the code words they claim we use) to exclude the unwashed, or a black tie requirement was used to make sure people who don't have access to such fancy attire couldn't show up and ruin the lily white affair. Fill in your own tired liberal cliche.

Donna needs to answer why she can demand people book parties at the zoo and then throw a benefit at Whole Foods Village. Sounds to me like her little soiree was aimed directly at the people she's attacking for "running away", not the people in the neighborhood.

It's basically, "Screw you, whitey! You're a racist for not bringing your children to drug land. But we need your money, so come to the safe part of the city and cough up some dough so we can keep the zoo in a bad area (funded by your cash) and point fingers at you and insult you and call you racists for years to come! In the meantime, we'll be spending our time in Fondren where we only see a few black people and can safely call everyone who doesn't do exactly what we say they should racist."

Like someone above said, booking parties at the zoo and putting your family in harm's way by bringing them to the zoo and locating your business near the zoo to foster economic revitalization...that's for other people to do, not Donna. Do as she says, not as she does.

There's a word for that - hypocrisy. What a pitiful shrew!

Anonymous said...

Ladd's dereliction is so profound it is almost beyond words. Per DonnerKay tonight the BASS fisherman at the Motel 6 was a victim because:

"If we can find the will to support our public schools ..."

"If the media will stop the "body bag journalism" ..."

"If we can force absentee landlords to clean up derelict properties that they rent to the poor, ..."

"If we can get people like you to value the lives of young blacks as much you value the life of an accomplished white man ..."

Donna Ladd. Unbalanced. Delusional. Simply crazy mad.

Anonymous said...

I was at a restaurant in the Jackson area today and overheard 2 participants in the fishing tournament talking with 2 other guys from the Jackson area. The participants were saying that there would never be another tournament from their group in the Jackson area. I had not really thought about how much money that an event like the fishing tournament brings into the area. The crime in the Jackson is and will cause areas like Madison, Ridgeland, Flowood to lose revenue also. These fishermen stayed in hotels not only in Jackson but in other areas. They bought gas, their wives shopped; they bought supplies; that went to entertainment venues. The suburbs need to be concerned about crime in Jackson. I don't have a solution but we may need to be thinking out of the box because this is effecting all of us whether we know it or not.

Anonymous said...

With apologies to Seuss and 1:00 pm:

If Donna ran the zoo
You know what she'd do?
Take romantic walks
Despite smells of poo.

Well actually, no.
That's not what SHE'd do.
That sort of thing is for plebes.
Folks like you.

She'd tell all HER friends
(The hip ones, at least)
They could help out West Jackson
Without leaving Northeast.

Her friends are not racist
They hope black folks thrive
While staying on their side
Of I-55.

"Together we heal!"
We hear Donna cheer.
You heal over there
While we heal over here.

Unknown said...

I would like to say most children in JPS have never been to the zoo, talked to a group several weeks ago, and they stated they went one time when there elementary school went to the Jackson Zoo. One young man said his G-parents live near zoo. And they say don't go due to thug's and wild dogs.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like her little soiree was aimed directly at the people she's attacking for "running away", not the people in the neighborhood.

Yup. Whole Foods Village is the barn closest to the cash cows that need to be milked.

Anonymous said...

9:30pm, that was inspired! The only problem is you didn't sign your name. Such brilliance should be properly attributed.

Seriously, that was a masterstroke. Well done! I bow to your superior skills!

Anonymous said...

Donna Ladd lives in lilly white Belhaven having just moved from a rental in Fondren.

Why didn't Donna move to a rental near the zoo? Near West Jackson? Near South Jackson? There are plenty of rentals out there.

Someone please design a t shirt depicting Donnas absence from urban areas of Jackson??

Jack Mitchell said...

Kingfish, you need to invite Ladd onto your radio show and have her explain her position. Don't let her wriggle out of it by saying "we didn't set the venue, we just sponsored it." She has no problem insulting people and calling them racist when conservatives sponsor events in white parts of town and charge exorbitant prices.

Ask her straight up why the party wasn't at the zoo and why, rather than protest the venue, she supported it wholeheartedly. Her website lists it under "JFP-Sponsored Events" and includes this line: "The beautiful Highland Village will be the host venue for this year's event." Ask her why the tickets were so pricey and why there wasn't a discounted ticket for locals. Ask her if the ticket price was set high to keep black people out. If she says that the high price was to maximize zoo donations, tell her that's code language for "only the right people are welcome".

Read her some of the more poignant posts from this thread. Read her own words. Ask her how she has the nerve to demand people take their kids into a bad neighborhood when she has none and to demand people book parties there when she won't.

Ask her what she means by "the right people" and how that squares with the target audience for her fundraiser. Ask her why, if LeFleur's Bluff is such a bad location for the zoo, why the fundraiser was held one mile north.

Ask her why she refuses to live and/or work in that neighborhood when she has the gall to excoriate "white people" who "fled Jackson". If she's going to imply that white people don't want to live and work and play in that neighborhood solely because of black people, then ask her how SHE isn't a racist for not living or working or playing there. (once-a-year romantic strolls don't count)

If, as stated above, she just moved to Belhaven, ask why she chose a mostly white neighborhood over one where "she sees black people". Is she afraid of living in a place where 90% of her neighbors are black and poor? Anyone else who makes such a life choice is motivated purely by racism. Isn't that her oft-repeated mantra? Why is she exempt?

Call her out. Hoist her upon the petard of her own hypocrisy. She if she has the guts to come out from behind Todd Stauffer's skirt and answer questions in a forum where everyone else is not a white guilt atheistic liberal fellow traveler.

My bet is she doesn't. Cowards and hypocrites don't like people who think differently. And they prefer the darkness.

Kingfish said...

Her? On my radio show? Never going to happen.

I went to the Zoo fund-raiser. If you remember, we ran ads for it. I didn't have a problem with it being at Highland Village. Would've gone if it was actually at the Zoo. I will say this, it was far from being a lily-white event. One third to half of the people there were black. Nice to see actually because if the arts and culture are to progress in this town, they need support from both communities, white and black.

Anonymous said...

"Someone please design a t shirt depicting Donnas absence from urban areas of Jackson??"

You could probably make money selling T-shirts with a map of Jackson and her dressed up like "Where's Waldo" on there somewhere"

Jack Mitchell said...

Yeah, but the difference is that you're not penning sanctimonious editorials calling anyone who thinks the zoo should move racist. You're not pointing fingers at everyone else telling them how to behave when you do the exact opposite. You're not knocking people who "fled" while begging them for money. You're not suggesting that people are racist for not wanting to visit one of the most crime-ridden areas of the city while you sit in lily-white Fondren.

Most of all, you wouldn't call people racist for having a Republican fundraiser at Renaissance, like she most definitely would.

She's a aren't. You may pull for the wrong football team, but you're not a hypocrite.

Invite her and see if she has the onions to show up. We all know she's gutless, so call her bluff.

Anonymous said...

Jack, there is no point. She would never accept the invitation. She spreads any number of outright lies around Jackson about Kingfish. She is a lost cause.

Anonymous said...

Just curious: Of the many thousands of readers of Kingfish's site, is there anyone who wants to support or defend Ms. Ladd? Or Mr. Head, for that matter?

I am just wondering who their supporters are, how they could justify supporting a person as unbalanced and obnoxious as Ms. Ladd, and, more specifically, what business owner in his/her right mind would want to support the JFP by purchasing advertising space in it.

Anonymous said...

"If we can force absentee landlords to clean up derelict properties that they rent to the poor, ..." (Donna Ladd)

Excuse me, but I agree with a truism I once read on that subject: "The only thing worse than substandard housing is THE LACK OF IT."

Forcing landlords to bring things up to middle class standards will only result in displacing (and making homeless) a great many of the poor. That's because rents will have to go up. And iffy tenants will find no landlord willing to risk an expensively upgraded unit on someone with questionable finances/housekeeping. They'll end up on the street. That's inhumane, and will do nothing to fix the real problem in our cities: criminality. And in general, the poor have the power to clean up and fix up on their own, if they want. I certainly did that with every run-down unit I rented as a struggling student/intern/new hire. Most people have done that.

I think it's more important to have roofs over everyone's heads than to have all living units in Jacktown upgraded to Middle Class standards of neatness and curb appeal.

And isn't all that neatness and fanciness "bourgeois"? Shouldn't that conflict with Mzzzzzz Ladd's presumable Marxism? I think Chairman Mao would be most disappointed in Citizen Donna. In fact, Mao decreed that mown grass was Bourgeois, and had the students in China rip it up with their bare hands.

Who IS the Fool? said...

5:05, Do you really expect Ladd to possess even a lick of common sense about the real economic world?

You are talking about the same person who predicted that Obamacare was going to be an economic godsend to this country on all fronts.

There's a reason why their business is not viable without the continued infusion of slave, er, free "intern" labor.

Donner's entire "Shut Up and Write' operation is a scam designed to keep the pipeline of supposedly aspiring writers full and waiting in the wings for that golden opportunity (oh, oh, ah, ah) to say they worked (worked for free) at the JFP.

(Oh Gosh, oh gosh. Maybe, just maybe, someday Donna will appoint, annoint, er, make ME an Assistant for the Asst. Assistant Editor for the annual Good Ideas edition. Wouldn't that be an incredible big ass entry on my resume!!!!!)

Face it. Donner's scam has shuttled more free labor through that JFP operation than some coyotes have gotten across the border from Mexico in beat up Ford Econoline vans.

Momma Donna fills their naive minds with bullshit platitudes, little special JFP staff mtg awards (where she and Todd drool and gush over their free greatness) and invites them all to her exclusive self-adoration parties for the sole purpose of keeping the future free labor in the fold AND the paltry few for-pay employees with JFP paychecks -- sucking the dollar Jesus out of local restaurants and Jackson Mogul of Moguls Jeff Good -- that won't bounce while she and Todd make videos about craft beers in the kitchen of their new Belhaven digs bought with Obama cheaper than artificially 'lost decade' Japanese money courtesy of the Fed.

Hell, Donner even got her groupies, er, "volunteers" to come over and help clean up their new Belhaven back yard.

Wake up people. Ladd is running a journo sweatshop in Fondren but then telling Jackson, the metro and Mississippi how to run their real businesses.

Every dollar anyone spends advertising in the JFP is just a bullshit dollar thrown away because they've been duped that the JFP actually means a tinker's damn in Jackson. SUCKERS.

Pugnacious said...

Her? On my radio show? Never going to happen. ~JJ

Why not Enoch Sanders or Shawn O'Hara?

Anonymous said...

That was good 6:42 !

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop commenting and Ladd bashing. They make my day.

Anonymous said...

Donna is sick

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS