Madison Sheriff's race open thread. Have at it.
Monday, August 22, 2011
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Trollfest '09
Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).
Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.
Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".
In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.
In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.
Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.
Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
Trollfest '07
Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.
If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!
This is definitely a Beaver production.
Note: Security provided by INS.
1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»I don't vote in Madison County (I reside down here in Stokestown) but the stunt Houston pulled at the restaurant over the weekend would have lost my vote.
What stunt? Please let us know
Do you really want someone with this kind of attitude to be the high sheriff?
Houston went into a restaurant in Madison with a group of people. The restaurant was displaying a vote for Randy Tucker sign. Houston became outraged and told the manager that they just lost their business and stormed out of the restaurant. The business started receiving calls from people bashing the owner for the sign. So much for not using " scare tactics " as he claims in his ad.
Houston is supposed to be at the Haute Pig in Madison at noon today to apologize to the owner.
The TV crews will be there if you want your picture on the news tonight.
7:48, Don't believe it was quite like that. I was there - and Houston didn't "storm out" as you say. And wasn't any 'bashing' going on either.
Appeared to me that Houston asked the people working there about the Tucker sign - and they offered to let him put up his own sign. He was with several other people and they decided not to stay but to go somewhere else. They did point out that Haute Pig just lost 10 meals.
Appears to me that a lot has been made out of a little. Has the smell of Madison's Queen in it to me. Why else would a TV crew show up on a Sunday evening except at the Royal command.
Randy Tucker for sheriff!!
The last time I was at 'The Pig', almost six weeks ago, they had signs for all the various candidates posted. Perhaps Houston's boys had not brought a sign by.
But, back to the discussion of our next sheriff. I personally like the idea of a (practically) unified department supporting a candidate and the perception of comraderie and unity that presents. I'm not impressed with Ridgeland's ex-chief saying we 'need a person with his management experience' and his 'ability to handle paperwork and run the internals'.
I also like the comments the deputy has made about forming a citizens committee to meet with and gather recommendations from, and field concerns from, before they become complaints.
If memory serves, one of Jimmy Houston's chief claims to fame was his arrest of the infamous Mr. Archie and Houston reveling in that 'dust up', saying he didn't give a hoot what Archie or his kind thought. I see only division in the ranks and discontent in the county if Houston is elected.
PS: Mayor Mary is not in this race or have you not noticed?
I got a mailer this weekend from Queen Mary asking me to support Tucker for Sheriff. After voting for Houston in the primary, I am switching my vote to Tucker based solely on Mary's endorsement. The reason: I have had to rely on Queen Mary in the past for an on-going neighborhood disruption and she freakin' squashed it like bug. I couldn't have asked for faster, more decisive action. She gets it. As someone who doesn't have time to research each candidate, her judgement is good enough.
You left out one detail in your telling of the incident. Houston went out to his "caravan" and told his people to call the restaurant and tell them that they would never eat there again. The funny thing is that the Pig had Houston flyers sitting at the front door during all this. The owner did not even know that there was a Tucker sign out front. This guy has no business being dogcatcher, much less sheriff.
they offered to let him put up his own sign. He was with several other people and they decided not to stay but to go somewhere else. They did point out that Haute Pig just lost 10 meals.
IOW, he's a jackass. Okay.
Thanks to this blog, I know that Houston ran a crooked P.D. in Ridgeland. Why does anyone want that for Madison County?
I didn't vote Tucker in the last election, but I will vote for him tomorrow.
This proves the point that he cannot handle any type of situation that arises. He saw the signs going in, if he didn't like it all he had to do was go somewhere else instead of showing his A__ __ (that he is). The division in the ranks at Ridgeland is his doing, the lack of equipment, officers, etc. is his doing. Ridgeland lacked the ability to cope with problems under his leadership. Why would anyone in the county vote for such a person that is so small minded to act this way?
Us poor people in Madison don't like Ridgeland big shots coming to town and threatening our businesses. Houston ranks right up there with Stokes.
Why is Houston going to the Haute Pig today at noon to apologize if he says he didn't do anything wrong?
Why is Houston going to the Haute Pig at noon today to apologize if he didn't do anything wrong?
Hey folks Houston showed his true colors. This is why Ridgeland Police have one of the highest turnover rates in the state, this is the way he treats his people. Vote Tucker for sheriff unless you want this turnover rate to change to Madison County Sheriff's Office.
Jackson should be so lucky to have "Madison's Queen" as a mayor. She knows how to solve problems. Madison is the best place to live in Mississippi thanks to her. Please reserve your comments to your fellow citizens in Eversville.
I'm not impressed with Ridgeland's ex-chief saying we 'need a person with his management experience' ...
Yup. That was a superior manager who looked the other way while Soto was running roughshod in Ridgeland.
Tucker lost my vote with Queen Mary's endorsement.
If this is how he acts to a business which he thinks endorses Tucker imagine how he will react to the deputies that supported Tucker if he is elected. Unemployment will rise in Madison County and some good Law Enforcement Officers will be on the short end of the stick.
The only reason Mayor Mary endorsed Tucker is she knows Houston won't be her puppet.
Interesting ad Tucker has started playing on TV.....the one also being played on JJ as a paid political advertisement and titled, " Madison County Deputies Endorse Randy Tucker". Looking at the ad, only 11 "deputies" in the ad are actually MCSO deputies. Three of those are reserves. One "deputy" is actially a retired ABC agent, one "deputy" is a Gluckstadt fireman, and another "deputy" is a Pearl PD officer. So much for, "Madison County Deputies" endorsing Randy.
Who cares if they are her puppets as you say. She's keeping the crime from Ridgeland, Jackson and Canton out of Madison. You don't see many flocking to those areas because of the high quality of life. Ridgeland's crime stats are terrible, and we don't need that leadership for the whole county.
Now he is taking a page out of Obama's playbook and blaming his campaign workers. When will these politicians ever learn that the coverup is worse than the crime.
We have had a good amount of growth in Madison the city over the past few years and no big increase in crime. The Madison Police department wants Randy Tucker, the deputies want Randy Tucker... thats good enough for me.
Has anyone looked at the crime rates of Madison versus Ridgeland? I think if you did, you would find one city led by one of the candidates doesn't have an impressive record. Do we want that same administrative approach to the county? That administrative approach hasn't stopped crime.
I haven't seen any deputies or policeman on a tv ad supporting Houston. Only his political puppet Brad Harbour. I think we know why he supports him, a promotion. Where are the law enforcement people supporting him? Looks like Barney Fife to me.
9:38...Not all deputies were in the commercial, however, 99.9% support Tucker. Some fear consequences will be handed down if they appear in a commercial and the other candidate is elected. They have families to support.
If elected, it will be interesting to see what type relationship Tucker will have with the Board of Supervisors, after being endorsed by Mary. My vote is Jimmy
Jimmy let his ego like Mac get the best of him in public. Tucker you have my votes!
If he can show his tail like that in public then I feel sorry for the men who might have to work for him if he gets elected. Can you imagine a closed door meeting? As a citizen of madison county how would he treat you if he knew you supported Tucker. There are reasons for the rumors. I think Houston is bi-polar.
Can anyone validate Tucker's claim to "millions of dollars in budget experience" and overseeing "dozens of deputies" since Sheriff Trowbridge handles the budget and Tucker is only in charge of five men in Narcotics. Even the MCSO website says the narcotics division has seven men, and two of them are no longer there. That's a blatant lie if you ask me.
Ask those 20 plus officers that left Ridgeland in a year to work at Madison County because Jimmy was such a prick or ask some of the current officers who still work there who they are voting for. Some will tell you Jimmy and why.... Their response is so the @?! doesnt come back here.
I was wondering how long it would be before the "He's Nothing But Mary's Puppet" crowd showed up to enlighten, yet another, debate.
People on this blog are perfectly capable of coming to their own conclusions. Give us the facts that support your allegation, and we'll take it from there. Thanks.
Like someone else pointed out, there are only 11 actual deputies in that commercial. Randy states in several forums the sheriff's department has 139 employees. Now I'm no mathematician but that's far from a majority.
10:01, how many times you planning on voting for Tucker?
well you know we probably would have had more deputies in the Commercial if there had not been phone calls threatening people with losing their jobs.
I just dropped in from another planet and thought I would look around. Damn, you folks are something else, what would runnig for dog catcher be like?
Who is this "Queen" of which you speak? The real "Queen" I though lived in a country call England.
Your "Queen" sounds both evil and good, how is that?
Like the humans running for "Sheriff" listenig they both sound like a savior and the devil at the same time, why?
Leaving now, I will check back to see which human wins and if the evil or good side prevails.
Randy has a pretty interesting commercial. Claims 53 Madison County law enforcement officers. Funny that by looking you can see 11 Deputies, 3 reserves, 3 jailers, 1 retired ABC agent, 1 assistant DA,1 Pearl police officer, 1 Gluckstadt Fireman/RPD Dispatcher. The guy that says "He took a bullet.." lives in Rankin and owns a business in Hinds. Can we get a re-count on that? If it's not true, feel free to name by job just who IS in the commercial.
10:28, You get the point, the deputies want Tucker and Tucker will get my vote also.
Ask all of the Ridgeland officers Why they are supporting Houston. Wait, they're not going to tell you that they want him to get elected as Sheriff because they Know if he doesn't that he'll be right back at Ridgeland. After talking to Several of them, they are happier at Ridgeland right now than they have ever been.
It's simple common sense...if you are pleased with the way Sheriff Trowbridge has run the Sheriff's Dept over the last 12 years, then you should vote for Randy Tucker!!! I have seen first hand how Houston runs a department, and crime in Madison county will sky-rocket, because he won't be able to keep enough veteran deputies on the street to provide the service citizens have become accustom too!!!
The plain and simple fact here is Houston tried to bully his way at the "Pig" and now he's having to explain himself. Houston tried to bully a business suggesting that you will take steps to hurt their business if they don't do what he likes. All you business owners out there, how would you like for that to happen in your business? It was a very classless act on his part. Watch him in the interview on WAPT and you will see that he knows he was wrong, he looks whipped. How do you think he will act to the citizens of the county when they complain to him about anything contrary to his position, will he meet them with the same bully mentality?
As far as the only 11 deputies comment goes ask yourself this, other than Brad how many Law Enforcement Officers PERIOD appear with Houston...wait for it...wait for it...ZERO. That's what we call a clue. Furthermore, ok so what's wrong with having support from outside the agency. Obviously Tucker understands the importance of working well with others. Yet another reason to vote Randy Tucker for Madison County Sheriff
Jimmy Houston is a full-time bass fisherman. Brad will be running what's left of the department while Jimmy wets his line.
If I am not mistaken, there was a pact between the three Madison County Deputies when the race started that the two who lost would support the winner from the three. So much for Brad Harper. Jimmy Houston is just using him until the election is over. VOTE FOR RANDY TUCKER!!!
are either one of these guys military veterans?? or are they like the past administration??
I just wish i could see 1 person other then Brad Harbour in law enforcement stand up for Jimmy Houston in an ad. I'll take eleven over 1 who has a promotion to gain.
Do you think criminals are shaking in their shoes when they look at Jimmy Houston and Brad Harbour in that television ad? They keep running it and I believe it helps Randy Tucker. If he is elected, there will be a new tv show called "criminals gone wild". Base right here in Madison County.
There seems to be a lot of support from Pawn Shops for Jimmy Houston's campaign. From all over the metro. Do you think its to relax the scrutiny they get from the Sheriff's office? I think its odd that pawn shops from brandon, pearl and flowood would join in and support a race for Madison County Sheriff. Then all the bars on the rez pumping in big dollars. Is this to keep roadblocks away? Just wondering....
Trust me...99% of the employees support Tucker. Where are the others? On patrol, in dispatch, working on cases (protecting & serving) like our great dept does! And yes some fear being fired if Houston is elected, because 1. They have families to provide for & 2. During his campaign, Harbour promised half their jobs to other people in exchange for votes.
Ok for all you brilliant people. The reason there were not more DEPUTIES in the commercial is because at the time of the commercial There was a shift on duty which could not be in the commercial and the midnight shift was sleeping getting ready for a night shift! So before u go bashing how Many people were in the video, I only saw Jimmy and his puppet shorty in his video o and by the way I asked JIMMYS OFFICERS like he said and their response was JIMMY HAS NO OFFICERS!
It only underlines my commitment that I will vote for Tucker *despite* Mary Hawkins' endorsement.
I like living in Madison. MOTHER MARY as some of you refer to her, has kept this city CLEAN. Madison is a fine fine place to live and retire and raise your kids here. If you don't like it move to Jackson! Thank you mayor Hawkins for making Madison beautiful and keeping SOME of the trash out.
Thank you Anderson it means alot to us that love Our job at MSCO. and we want to keep it and we all want to work under RANDY TUCKER!!
We don't need a change at MCSO. We need Randy Tucker to be the sheriff then we can resume normal traffic. Instead of little Jimmy dickens and his small step son brad to come in messing things up. Hey it's your vote I live in Madison county make the right vote! Vote yellow and red! VOTE RANDY TUCKER! And let's start the new year off right!
See that speaks loud. When MAYOR MARY can keep Madison clean, well what has Gene done for Ridgeland They ought to move county line road to the North side of Ridgeland because it's just like Jackson. Pull the crime stats and look for yourself.
Thank you Mayor Mary for everything you have done for us in Madison and thank you and your entire staff for backing Randy Tucker for Sheriff....
Am I the only one that is wondering why Houston was allowed to film his commercial at the Ridgeland Police Department, using Ridgeland Police Cars and Ridgeland Police Equipment paid for by the tax payers?
Randy has a pretty interesting commercial. Claims 53 Madison County law enforcement officers. Funny that by looking you can see 11 Deputies, 3 reserves, 3 jailers, 1 retired ABC agent, 1 assistant DA,1 Pearl police officer, 1 Gluckstadt Fireman/RPD Dispatcher. The guy that says "He took a bullet.." lives in Rankin and owns a business in Hinds. Can we get a re-count on that? If it's not true, feel free to name by job just who IS in the commercial.
Madison County doesn't need Mayor Mary in the Sheriff's chair any more than it needed her in the District One supervisor's chair. The people wouldn't let her try to worm her way into the supervisors' role, I would hope they won't let her get her manipulative fingers into the Sheriff's office.
Mayor Mary has been outstanding for this community any way you want to measure it-----If she endorses Randy thats good enough for me----Keep up the good work Mayor and thanks for making this community what it is..
I suppose KF is 'leaving up' the 'Eversville' comment (which he doesn't agree with) just to show us the true colors of the anonomous poster who cited the reference. I've yet to EVER see KF object to any racial reference unless it references the POTUS. Can you say selective indignation?
Oh, and for those of you cyphering how many employees Madison S.O. has as opposed to how many appear in some ad...The commercial says 'Deputies support'. It doesn't say 'all deputies support' or 'most of the deputies support'. Damn, talk about splitting hairs. And for those of you who know police protocol, if there's a drug raid or drug interdiction event, the captain of the drug unit is considered the senior officer on the scene and is 'in charge' of the personnel who respond. In that regard, ease up, Tucker has supervised as many as 40 at a time.
I'll take Tucker's experience any day over the guy who claims to be educated with the ability to shuffle multiple stacks of paper in a management vaccuum at one time, at a single leap.
Madison has the happy geographical advantage that Ridgeland is between it and Jackson, so that the thugs have farther to drive coming and going.
That does not make her or their P.D. wonder-workers.
Given the white-flight to Madison, it would be difficult *not* to have a prosperous, safe community. As they saying goes, she started on 3d base & thinks she hit a triple.
I am a law enforcement officer in Madison County. I work closely with the Madison County Sheriff's Office, Ridgeland Police Dept, Madison Police Dept, etc...
To shed some light on all of the speculation from people outside of the law enforcement community on who does or does not support Houston or Tucker, here is the truth:
Randy Tucker DOES have the support of most law enforcement in Madison County, including 99.9% of the sheriff's office. As a matter of fact, the only person I can think of that does not support Randy Tucker at the sheriff's office is Brad Harbour because Houston promised him second in command if he wins. Most do fear losing their jobs if Houston is elected because they openly support Tucker. The Jimmy Houston at the Haute Pig is the REAL Jimmy Houston, which is why law enforcement does not want him.Houston has already publicly said he was going to fire everyone at the sheriff's office if he were elected. Why? The same reason he didn't eat at the Haute Pig, they support Randy Tucker.
Jimmy Houston does have the support of the Ridgeland Police Dept. As other posters have said, Ridgeland police officers do not want him back... So they are only supporting him to get rid of him!
Randy Tucker is a very humble person with great character. He would make an excellent sheriff.
Jimmy Houston is a bully and would make a horrible sheriff, but an excellent dictator.
So, in joining my Madison County law enforcement brothers, I proudly stand with them and support Randy Tucker for Sheriff.
Tucker has almost complete support from MCSO. I know this for a fact. Also, Reserve Deputies are very important to the department so their support for Tucker is just as important as any paid employee. He is a man of character and has the qualifications and desire to be an excellent Sheriff. I hope the voters choose wisely tomorrow and make Randy Tucker the next Sheriff of Madison County.
I agree with the comment "this is how he treats his people". I have known several officers that worked under him and they couldn't wait to transfer to the first place hiring. Heck, I know a few that are there now that hate their job bc of Houston.
Dear 1:32..... Quote," Houston has already publicly said he was going to fire everyone at the sheriff's office if he were elected".
You are absolutely full of shit. Houston has never made that statement. If he has, please produce a recording of the comment, or produce someone/anyone whom he said it to. To the contrary Houston actually sent Harbour, Tucker, and Sandridge a letter several weeks despelling those rumors being promigated my "Queen Mary" and others who do not like him. In the letters, he committed to the other candidates that thier jobs were safe should he win the Sheriff's race.
Hey, RTfMCS/1:39......obviously you are lying since Houston is not at Ridgeland P.D. any longer.
PS 1:32,
There a several deputies that feel they must promote Tucker for fear of their jobs. You might or might not remember but it's like the ones that promoted Sheriff Trowbridge in his first campaign while "campaigning" for Sheriff Hopkins. Pretty much all you said is inaccurate, other than the fact that Tucker is a good guy. It takes more than a good guy to run a department the size of Madison's.
1:45, Sorry, I did not record him and I am not subjecting other individuals to possible retaliation by Houston, so I will not name names... If you want to take this as a false statement because of this, then so be it...
I am glad to see since you know so much about Houston that you did not dispute the fact that he is a bully, you did not dispute the fact that he has no support from the law enforcement community in Madison County (other than Ridgeland police, for the obvious reason). You did not dispute that Ridgeland has a high turnover rate because officers quit to get away from Houston.
And you only dispute that Houston said he would not fire "Everyone" Tucker, Sandridge and Harbour are safe.... I guess you got me on that one... That is not everyone... I apologize...
I can not understand why people think its OK to give a budget of ten million dollars to someone that has no education. Jimmy Houston will win this race tomorrow. As far as the Media being involved with the business in Madison, sounds to me like some suspicious activity on Tuckers part. If was running for office and some claimed to be my friend and i saw a sign of my competition in his yard it would up set me too. The business owner said she has no problem with Houston and never said he stormed out.
Looking at the majority of all the comments on here, I feel like I am reading the script to a cheap porno movie entitled "A bunch of blowjobs for Randy "Shrek" Tucker!"
I dont live in the district but its pretty clear that Houston is going win this one easily. He beat Tucker pretty good in the primary and will likely get most of Harbour's votes too.
Guess Shrek and his Donkey (sandridge) will have to go guard another countyline rd. Maybe in DeSoto County.
Somebody strike a nerve there, 1:56?? Typing in all caps is considered yelling, in case you didn't know.
I would like for any Houston supports to explain why Houston does NOT have ANY support outside of the Ridgeland police dept, from his Madison County law enforcement co-workers.
Please explain why Tucker has the overwhelming law enforcement support.
I think this alone speaks volumes from the people that know BOTH Tucker and Houston.
Please enlighten...
Ok do u want someone who knows budget and treats people like crap, can't keep officers, and don't give a flip about criminals or do u want someone that can learn budget that can get the criminals caught and that has the support of the public and the officers??? Hmmmn not a hard one at all!! VOTE RANDY TUCKER!!!
You are showing your ignorance! Tucker does have an education. Jimmy Houston just lied about it in the bailout saying Tucker didn't have any education which is dirty politics and very untrue! But just let me say this Toby trowbridge really didn't have any education when he came on board! MADISON COUNTY IS SAFE AND THE DEPUTIES WORK VERY WELL! THANK YOU SHERIFF TROWBRIDGE FOR MAKING MADISON COUNTY WHAT IT IS AND LEARNING HOW! EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY EDUCATION!
Haha u called us " a bunch of blowjobs for randy Shrek Tucker!! Hagan your right there is a bunch of us!
To 2.00 pm How would Tucker know where houston is eating dumbass? Why would houston go into a restuarant that had a Tucker sign posted out front if it bothered him so bad. My guess would be for him to show out. The only reason harbour joined houston's ranks is because he was a sore loser. Tucker is the man for the job. All the other canidates have pledged thier support to him along with the city of Madison's Mayor, Chief of Police, and Board of Aldermen. If houston is so great why did they not support him.
Woo hoo at 2:24 love it!
Brad is a very sore loser and obviously can't grasp the concept of losing so he thought hmm if I jump in Jimmy houstons butt and have only my feet sticking out maybe just maybe he will make me his undersheriff! So as we all know it little harbour jumped in! O and he and his wife trashed the whole department so he thinks he will just get back at the department!
those of u or I'm sorry the one of u haha that is saying Houston Is going to win this race. How do u know? Are yal planning some dirty politics again? Do u have supporting evidence? How are you so sure? I don't think anybody knows for a fact who is going to win. You just know who ur going to vote for. Right or wrong
@2:40. I think its pretty obvious who is going to win just based on the numbers houston recieved versus what Shrek got and now Houston is going get most of Harbour's vote as well.
Randy Tucker is a redneck narc cop. He will be Mary's puppet you can bank on that. He also is not qualified to be sheriff (and neither was Toby, unless you count having a rich daddy as qualifications). But I guess Toby's story is the Madison County tradition. Disloyalty....Toby ran agaisnt his boss and so did Michael Guest.
What I see here is a lot of venomous, nasty, negative stuff coming from one side of this campaign. If this is indicative of the people that favor Tucker, I would not vote for him for any public office.
I have noticed how the Randy Tucker supporters are stating facts, while the Jimmy Houston supporters have resorted to name calling and cursing.
Personally I believe that "Birds of a feather flock together."
So if Jimmy Houston supporters act so unprofessional and childish, then that leads me to believe that Houston is unprofessional and childish. This also makes me believe that Houston's actions at the Haute Pig shows his true colors. "I'm taking my toys and going home because you have a Randy Tucker sign" wah wah....
I'm voting for Randy Tucker, he is obviously the professional and the grownup in this race.
????? exactly what are Houston's qualifications to run a sheriff's department???
Randy has experience running a department of the sheriff's office. Randy has experience with the jail. Randy has experience in the county.
Houston has ZERO experience. He was chief of Ridgeland. He did what the mayor told him. He was a city employee. He has no experience running anything unchecked by someone to keep him in line. Certainly no experience with a jail. Ridgeland transports their criminals to the sheriff's department for them to handle because they can't.
Just imagine his behavior if he didn't have a boss.
2:54, Apparently you are reading something else. The name calling, cursing and negative stuff is coming from one side alright, but not the Tucker side.
I support Jimmy Houston for sheriff . I am a law enforcement officer in the city Sandridge dubbed one of the most dangerous in the nation . I live and vote in Madison County . Randy Tucker from what I've read and heard from people who work with him is a good man to work for . But its some things that have to change out there , being harassed by some deputies and the roadblock being in the same areas all the time needs to change .
This has been up for over an hour with no response from Houston camp. Everything else has been responded to, but this has been oddly avoided. I am also curious about the answer to this.
I would like for any Houston supports to explain why Houston does NOT have ANY support outside of the Ridgeland police dept, from his Madison County law enforcement co-workers.
Please explain why Tucker has the overwhelming law enforcement support.
I think this alone speaks volumes from the people that know BOTH Tucker and Houston.
Please enlighten...
I've always considered Chief Houston to be roughly equivalent to Chief Vickie McNeil.
I don't even have to wonder who she supports.
for the person on here that keeps saying houston will get all of harbours support, i beg to differ. i supported brad through out his campaign and voted for him. the thing that bothers me, and the reason i will vote for tucker is because for the last 7 or 8 months i have listened to brad and his campaigners tell everyone that jimmy houston would be the worst thing that could happen to madison county and that he would tear the department up. now he ask me to vote for this man so he can be chief deputy. not today, not tomorrow, not ever! and i am not the only former harbour supporter that feels this way. tucker for sheriff!!!!
3:07, Interesting you bring up the roadblocks. Madison County Sheriff's Office removes more drunk drivers from the street than any other agency in the county by far. There are numerous deputies that have received awards from the state for their efforts in saving lives by removing drunk drivers. There is no doubt that lives have been saved because of the thousands of DUI arrest. How many? We will never know. Maybe your or one of your family members!
I find it interesting that Jimmy Houston has received well over $8000 in campaign contributions from local bars and all of a sudden he is not interested in removing drunk drivers from our streets. I guess the safety of the residents of Madison County if for sale and apparently the price is just over $8000.
Personally, I would rather go through a roadblock and live, but I'm not worried about the roadblocks because I don't drink and drive.
By the way, THIS IS A FACT, the contributions can be verified by looking at Houston's finance report. I believe it may even be on this site.
Sandridge didn't dubb Jacktown that the crime rate did! Sounds like you maybe trying to get a job Mr. Outland. If things change out HERE then they might as well hire officers like you. Madison County is just fine like it is.
3:07, Do you know both Jimmy Houston and Randy Tucker?
@2:40. I think its pretty obvious who is going to win just based on the numbers houston recieved versus what Shrek got and now Houston is going get most of Harbour's vote as well.
Randy Tucker is a redneck narc cop. He will be Mary's puppet you can bank on that. He also is not qualified to be sheriff (and neither was Toby, unless you count having a rich daddy as qualifications). But I guess Toby's story is the Madison County tradition. Disloyalty....Toby ran agaisnt his boss and so did Michael Guest.
@2:52 Please quit posting. Your reckless disregard for the English language is demeaning. If you must continue to post please review a 6th grade English textbook before you post again.
Brad harbour also told me when he was still in the running that he worst thing that could ever happen to Madison county sheriffs dept is if Jimmy Houston took office????????? What does this have to say for brad? Brad actually said this out of his own mouth and brad is the one who complained on Houston with the hatch act !!!! Now brad is asking his people to vote for Houston when he said it would ruin the dept and Madison county????? He really cares don't he! Brad just wants the number 2 spot!
Brad harbour also told me when he was still in the running that he worst thing that could ever happen to Madison county sheriffs dept is if Jimmy Houston took office????????? What does this have to say for brad? Brad actually said this out of his own mouth and brad is the one who complained on Houston with the hatch act !!!! Now brad is asking his people to vote for Houston when he said it would ruin the dept and Madison county????? He really cares don't he! Brad just wants the number 2 spot!
Why can't everybody just leave it alone! It's not
Broke the sheriffs dept works very well? What could the Madison county sheriffs dept do better? I'm sure everybody everywhere can better themselves but it won't be done with Houston and harbour being in charge!
Comparing Madison to Jackson is like comparing apples to oranges it can't be done . I would love to see you come work a month in Jackson Mr. Hudson. And when you say officer like me do you mean officer that have in the paper for saving lives or officer who are accident investigators or officers that have been recognized for arresting state wanted criminals or officer that the city council praises .
Funny you mention roadblocks. If the people complaining of the roadblocks were not doing anything wrong then why complain of roadblocks? If someone drinking and driving hit ur wife husband or child u would not
Be complaining!
I do not want our beautiful safe Madison county to be the next ridgeland. I don't want it to turn to trash! Please help this from happening!
Captain Tucker seems like a good man from what I have seen . This is why we everyone is going to find a reason why their candidate should be sheriff . I am for Jimmy Houston and if he is elected I hope he doesn't fire anyone . There are some good guys who work for SO that I have meet personally.
in Gods name we come to you lord! Please keep our family together and let this pass us and let us go on and keep doing what we have been doing. Please lord we come to you today and ask you to watch over us in the days to come. I pray for those who condemn against us. We just want to keep doing our jobs lord and we don't want these negative people around us. Please lord dont let theae kind of people take over our department and come into our lives. We have worked so hard lord. In your name i pray. Amen
But anyway this election is Between Houston and Tucker . I would ask for you to keep my name out of it please sir .
I think you should be able to drive drunk between the hours of midnight and five a.m. Alternatively, I think they should let you go if you get pulled over/go through a roadblock and you have already made it 90% of the way to your house.
Assuming that many of the people on here today are in or closely related to Madison County law enforcement, S.O. and city, I say: Y'all are the people protecting us?? Really?? Wow.
Has an apology been made?
KF, ever had a post go over 200 comments?
First of all let me start off by saying this. I am supporting Jimmy Houston for Sheriff. He has the experience, the education and the qualifications to lead the Madison County Sheriff's Department into the future. Second, what I am about to say is from me and only me, coming from the Wife of a former candidate.
I love Madison County and raised my family here. I have always heard that politics can be tough. They can involve a lot of finger pointing, mud slinging and hurtful things to family members. My husband Brad, did his best to try and run a good clean campaign and I feel that he did a great job with keeping true to his values and morals while running his campaign. Although, another candidate did not have the same way of thinking in mind and our family was very hurt by incidents that occurred from this other candidate. Friends that I thought we had were never friends at all come to find out.
I am sure that some of you might say, "You should have expected this in a campaign" But I know none of you would have ever expected what my family has experienced and I feel that the Madison County citizens have a right to know.
1) Our teenage daughter was pulled over by a deputy supporting another candidate and harassed for quite sometime; 2) Our family and other walkers were followed in patrol cars while we were walking neighborhoods to gain support for Brad; 3) I have personally sat in my car in Flora and watched as a deputy supporting another candidate pulled up Brad's campaign signs out of people's yards and placed them in his patrol vehicle; 4) I have also personally witnessed some deputies supporting another candidate wearing that candidate's campaign shirt, handing out that candidate's supporting materials and putting out that candidate's signs while on duty in uniform and in a patrol car. After this election I discovered that those same deputies supporting that candidate had taken Brad's push cards altered them and had crude language written on them and passed them around Flora and other areas.
Also, there has been an lot of rumors spread around first about Brad firing all the deputies and now that same rumor is spreading about Jimmy Houston. Come on guys, if you are a good employee and are performing your duties correctly, then why would you even worry about that. Brad was never going to fire people if elected and I know for a fact Jimmy is not going to do that either.
I know that at this point most people already know who they are going to support for Sheriff of Madison County. I am not bashing anyone or trying to stir the pot in the least. I simply wanted to state the FACTS of the things that have happened to my family or that I have personally seen.
As you can see on here, people are attacking my husband, me and Jimmy Houston. And I know, that I will be attacked for placing this statement on here and there is nothing I can do about that. I will not nor will I ever stoop to the level of bashing that has taken place. I am proud of Brad, my family and Jimmy and his family and campaign for not stooping to this childish behavior.
As I said in the beginning of all this, I love Madison County and I hope after this election that the citizens will have the right person in office and that Madison County can thrive and be the county where we are proud to live.
Thank you for your time and please take a moment if you are undecided on your vote for sheriff tomorrow. Please make the right choice, the only choice in my opinion for Madison County Sheriff and that is JIMMY HOUSTON. A vote for Jimmy Houston is a vote to progress Madison County law enforcement into the future.
@3:54, Good to see you Brad Harbour. Maybe you can explain to the rest of us why during your campaign Jimmy Houston would be the worst thing for Madison County and now that he promised you a promotion, he is the greatest thing since sliced bread? It is clear that your feelings are hurt because you didn't make the runoff and you now you are supporting Houston so you can be second in charge. Why don't you take your own advice and do what's right for Madison County instead of what benefits Brad Harbour.
i supported brad through out his campaign and voted for him. the thing that bothers me, and the reason i will vote for tucker is because for the last 7 or 8 months i have listened to brad and his campaigners tell everyone that jimmy houston would be the worst thing that could happen to madison county and that he would tear the department up. now he ask me to vote for this man so he can be chief deputy.
Yes, disappointing. Plus Harbour probably figures he can run in 4 years after Houston retires, as the heir apparent. I voted for him, but I doubt I'd do it again.
... Support of the MCSO for Tucker is a wash to me; I don't think "we want X for our boss" is always a recommendation.
But Houston has proven negatives; Tucker doesn't. I reckon he can find a smart person to assist him with budgeting etc.
Someone tried to qualify Tucker instances as overseeing dozens of deputies when on a drug raid? How often has that ever happened? So if he has overseen dozens of deputies and officers when serving a warrant, that usually lasts an hour tops? And where do we get all these deputies from? Not the patrol, not other shifts, those valuable reserves who are working their other jobs? Its a stretch at best. And NO ONE will ever be able to qualify his "millions in budget experience" as that is the sheriff's job, the same sheriff who had to publicly state "I am not endorsing anyone" because some candidate kept telling people in public forums the administration was backing him. LIES, plain and simple.
There are a lot of newcomers here who don't have the history the JJ Nation has on Mary and the BOS, not to mention Soto, among many other things.
All these cheerleaders are getting old. Really over a 100 comments?
The back and forth as an outsider, not voting in this race, makes me wonder about the frothing that is happening about Tucker; it is a bit too much o'er the top!
Mrs. Harbour, if I may:
1) Our teenage daughter was pulled over by a deputy supporting another candidate and harassed for quite sometime.
What did your husband do to regulate that situation? He is not only a deputy, but also a supervisor in the department. Did your husband report this alleged harassment?
2) Our family and other walkers were followed in patrol cars while we were walking neighborhoods to gain support for Brad;
Same questions as above. Surely your husband did not let his daughter AND his wife get harassed by other deputies and not do anything about it.
3) I have personally sat in my car in Flora and watched as a deputy supporting another candidate pulled up Brad's campaign signs out of people's yards and placed them in his patrol vehicle;
Did you report this to the Sheriff, Auditor, anyone? Did you sign an affidavit against the alleged offender?
4) I have also personally witnessed some deputies supporting another candidate wearing that candidate's campaign shirt, handing out that candidate's supporting materials and putting out that candidate's signs while on duty in uniform and in a patrol car.
In uniform *and* wearing a candidate's tshirt? Musta been some mighty big tshirts. As for campaigning on duty, did you report this to the auditor?
And my final question is this: Is there any evidence whatsoever, other than your uncorroborated driveby word, that any of this ever even happened?
Sleaze versus decency.
We all depend on the MCSO. Please vote for Randy Tucker. He will ensure that we continue to have a Sheriff's Dept that will keep us safe and make us proud!
Touche Mr. Crowley.......I doubt you will find the answer you are seeking.
Tomorrow I will vote for a man who is Christian, smart, honest, fair, and will do his very best for Madison County every day.
I will proudly vote for RANDY TUCKER!!
From the beginning, the only candidate I personally knew was Randy. I knew nothing negative about Brad Harbour. In fact, I planned to vote for Brad in the run-off, if he had been the candidate from the S.O. because I believe that strongly in our current department.
I'm glad it worked out the way it did, and I'm thankful to know I didn't end up voting by default for Brad, who aligned himself with Houston over fellow deputies.
Brad Harbour is such a disappointment.
Excellent points, Mr. Crowley!!
Dramafied people....
This thread reminds me of a thread earlier this year. Many people posting and reposting "well I'm voting for Tucker, he's the best man for the job!!!" And then came August 2nd. Wonder how many tax dollars are being wasted as employees post on here over and over?
I just wish that redneck Mark Sandridge was in there.
Had he run in Rankin County, he would have won in a landslide.
Mrs. Harbour,
I am sorry you are having to be subjected to the jackass responses on here. I don't blame you one bit for having the courage to state your opinion. None of these bozos have walked in your shoes as the spouse of a candidate. I am voting for Jimmy Houston just because of your recommendation and because I am disgusted by Curt Crowley's rude response to you.
My vote goes to HOUSTON. All you Tucker fans helped me decide. You must be posting from work.
Anyone voting for Houston is voting for a northern Hinds County.
Afternoon class! Toadys lesson is math! If a candidate states he supervises "DOZENS" of Officers but only has 4 under him, what formula do we use to come to this answer? Candidate + "DOZENS" times "4" - a high school diploma = BULLSHIT If a Candidate states he has the Endorsement of his BOSS but his BOSS states publicly he does not, what formula do we use? Candidate-Endosement= BULLSHIT If a CANDIDATE says he oversees a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET with only "4" officers what formula do we use? Candidate + 4 - The Sheriff who really oversees the budget with the Board of Supervisors written approval + Multi-Millions is the ENTIRE BUDGET of the WHOLE DEPT. = DOUBLE BULLSHIT. Tomorrow class our guest lecturer will be the noted Blogger Prof. Kingfish who will enlighten you on the results of the day!
5:33pm, kiss my ass.
I wasn't rude to Ms. Harbour. She came on here making unsubstantiated allegations against several different (and conveniently nameless) deputies. Many of the acts she recited are criminal acts, allegedly committed while on duty.
Some of those allegations sounded a touch..uh..fanciful. So I asked her some open-ended questions so she could set me straight. She didn't.
If she wants to accuse the officers of overtly committing crimes, then she needs to start naming names and showing the evidence. Otherwise, it's just some sour grapes from the also-ran.
Now, if you want to vote for Jimmy Illtemper and his Chief Deputy Walkin' Small, that's your business.
I re-posted this post about an hour after the OP. There has been a lot of comments from the Houston camp, but still this remains unanswered 4 1/2 hours later. I am still also interested in an answer to this post. Unless your silence is your answer.
I would like for any Houston supports to explain why Houston does NOT have ANY support outside of the Ridgeland police dept, from his Madison County law enforcement co-workers.
Please explain why Tucker has the overwhelming law enforcement support.
I think this alone speaks volumes from the people that know BOTH Tucker and Houston.
Please enlighten...
Hey 5:53.... it's 5:53....
What makes you think they are at work?
Hey 6:33 - 5:33 here.
They have been posting all day. It is obvious a lot of these people were at work, or maybe they don't work.
6:31, you will probably get your answer long before anyone can factually state where these "dozens of deputies" and "millions of dollars in budgets" stories come from which everyone who works at MCSO knows to be LIES in those Tucker commercials.
Y'all might be right... It got awful quiet not long after 5.
The only reason he has support at Ridgeland PD is because they don't want him back in there. 26 officers have left or been fired this year alone. Hope it answers your question.
what is up with all the remarks regarding Brad Harbour's height? Jeesh, are you people still in 5th grade?
One thing that is perplexing to me. Jimmy Houston touts his 37 years of experience; however, the only person that he could find for his chief deputy is his recent opponent Brad Harbour. One would have to wonder just how much support from the law enforcement community Jimmy Houston truly has. Randy Tucker has the support of Madison County SO and Chief of Police Genel Waldrop along with the Mayor and Board of Alderman. The choice is clear for Sheriff RANDY TUCKER
What are you, like 5'-2". Short people got no reason, bud.
Houston does have supporters with other agencies INCLUDING the Madison County Sheriff's Office. The problem is Mr. Tucker and his high school buddy at the Madison Police Department are so vindictive and unfaithful to those who can't do anything "for them" that they are worried there will be retaliation against them if they openly support Mr. Houston.
Mr. Crowley anyone that knows you has told me you constantly have an axe to grind with Mr. Houston!
Thomas Straight is the Deputy who harassed Mr. Harbour's daughter and her boyfriend for having a Harbour bumper sticker. The same Deputy who was stopping people with Harbour bumper stickers and saying, "you're not voting for him are you?"
Mr. Tuckers brother in law even stooped low enough to complain on a coworker at another agency in another county for supporting Mr. Harbour.
And yes, some things were reported to Mr. Belvedressi prior to his early departure, but wait....he is one of Tuckers supporters isn't he? Wonder where that complaint went?
Why anyone would choose a sheriff candidate of Madison County with a high school diploma over a candidate with a master's degree spells "rednecks" to me.
I see the Queen Mayor installing puppet strings. If you like her calling the shots, Houston is not your man.
If Curt Crowley ain't whining about one thing, he's whining about another. And it's certainly not beyond him to fabricate BS to suit his purposes. He does it in legal discussions and he does it here.
"My daughter was flying a kite in the Flora Industrial park and a man on a white horse riding backwards came by at a trot, and, according to Brisco Darling, that means Tucker has to pick up trash along 463 until Harbour proposes to my daughter."
Get a friggin' life Crowley and stop the grandstanding.
So if the Gestapo wants Hitler, you vote with the Gestapo? Who the he'll wants more police oppression? Vote intelligence, vote Houston.
Mrs harbor, my parents are very well known in Ridgeland for their buisness, not mention my dad worked for RPD years ago. My mother has been stopped in the past MONTH by Ridgeland pd we were just down right rude men who thought their shit didn't stink and they were ABOVE and beyond the law, And she personally asked them why they are such jack asses. No response. Number 2, I am not even 21 years old with a CLEAN RECORD, the worst thing I've ever done is get a speeding ticket with the law, 4 months ago I was pulled over for not putting my blinker on while in my mothers car, I was searched for 40 minutes with that dick head jerk k-9 unit of Jimmy houstons men, not to mention the fact was a complete ass hole, then after he told me I could go (of course not finding anything) he blocked my car in for another 20 minutes. It's called life you have ass hole officers everywhere. Now onto " you seeing these SO's doing all this " I would think it being an election and all you would report this to authorities but for some reason you didn't?? Yeah , you must have a whole lot of free time on your hands sitting and " watching" these cops do this. You are no better then your sorry ass husband. Talk about true friendship? Is it not funny how y'all were gonna support until BRAD LOST and Houston offered him chief deputy?... You and brad are the prime example of FAKE PEOPLE WHO WILL DO OR SAY WHATEVER IT TAKES TO HELP YOURSELVES ... take the bs else where.....
Shadowfax, I didn't fabricate anything. Actually I suggested that portions of that story might be fabricated, and asked for proof.
As far as me "fabricating" things in legal discussions, the next time want to make an allegation like that, do it in person. Or just put your little bitch name on it if you don't pack the gear to say it face-to-face.
Or should I say, Donna? I thought that this was the place to post what was on your mind. Nothing that I've said was either untrue or out of line. Didn't attack any minorities (any more than you do). Just gored the wrong ox, I guess. And, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it's your site, yada, yada, yada. Pussy.
Take your pity party somewhere else Trish
"Mr. Crowley anyone that knows you has told me you constantly have an axe to grind with Mr. Houston."
I have given Houston unmitigated hell on here. But believe it or not, Jimmy Houston has never done anything to me, nor have I had any extracurricular run-ins with his officers. My problem with Houston is that he allowed a complete breakdown in discipline within his department, and did nothing to fix it.
While the vast majority of his officers have always done a good job, there's a little pack of knuckleheads that went on a tear treating citizens like crap. Soto was one of them. He displayed every warning sign of a troubled officer, and Houston did nothing until he was slapped in the face with the truth. And even then Houston wouldn't arrest Soto, even though he had more than enough probable cause to do it.
To me, that is just a callous indifference to the right of citizens not to be abused.
After seeing his little display at the restaurant, I now understand why those officers think it is OK to act the way they do.
Shadowfax sometimes appears to be commenting on phantom comments, because his remarks don't seem to match up to anything appearing on *my* screen.
I appreciate Ms. Harbour posting on here, but I can't say Curt didn't have some good questions as well.
It's obvious who wears the pants in the "Harbour" house. She is the only one who ever responds. Could that be why the Deputies didn't want Brad to be the Sheriff? Or would it be "Mrs. Harbour" the Sheriff??
My dog Jessie feels she would make a good sheriff. She is part German Shepherd (police dog) and part Black Lab (Loyal). Vote for Jessie Dog for Sheriff of Madison County. She a member of the Tea Party too...She'll take a bit out of crime.
Ok, I sad that these two groups Tucker and Houston supporters are fighting back and forth. Both men have good idea on how to run the Sheriffs Department. We should be lucky...this fighting doesn't help. It's not good for the voters like
Someone posted earlier that Ridgeland doesn't have a jail ? Is that true ?
He is not over weight, he is under tall!
Micah- Are you high?
@6:31-I re-posted this post about an hour after the OP. There has been a lot of comments from the Houston camp, but still this remains unanswered 4 1/2 hours later. I am still also interested in an answer to this post. Unless your silence is your answer.
I would like for any Houston supports to explain why Houston does NOT have ANY support outside of the Ridgeland police dept, from his Madison County law enforcement co-workers.
Please explain why Tucker has the overwhelming law enforcement support.
I think this alone speaks volumes from the people that know BOTH Tucker and Houston.
Please enlighten...
Have you ever thought that most of those "supporting" Tucker are doing so because they don't want that good ole boy atmosphere and attitude to change because then they won't be able to get away with the crap some of them do. Not all of those at the SO are like this because there are some very good ones but there are some very bad ones too.
Still can't answer it huh? Well Cathy I think that there are good and bad in everything but at Madison County the good out weighs the bad. The only law enforcement people I have seen that are supporting Mr. Houston are one's looking for a job. Most of them have already worked there and did not make the grade. I doubt seriously if your question is answered.
Shadow fax has Crowley figured out.
Haute pig owner has a bad attitude anyway. I have stormed out of there myself
Randy Tucker for Madison County Sheriff!
Curt Crowley- You sound like a douch. Maybe Mrs. Harbour was trying to be polite and not name names.
I personally can believe Mrs. Harbour on what she says happened. It happens pretty often. There are some good guys at the SO but there are some that think they can and usually do exactly what they want. Yes I know this first hand. I'm not going into details on this forum because there is already enough harassment going on. No, I did and have not gone to anyone because they are some of the ones I'm speaking of so why in the world would I put myself in a position of any type of harassment, danger or have something "planted" in a stop (which does happen).
Vote JIMMY HOUSTON tomorrow!!
9:44pm Only the last paragraph is my statement. All of the previous was copied and pasted from a post at 6:31pm
"I would like for any Houston supports to explain why Houston does NOT have ANY support outside of the Ridgeland police dept, from his Madison County law enforcement co-workers.
Please explain why Tucker has the overwhelming law enforcement support.
I think this alone speaks volumes from the people that know BOTH Tucker and Houston.
Please enlighten..."
The answer is that Houston does have support from other officers. Some of them can't go public because it simply is not wise to do so in a job governed by elected officials. Others are playing both sides of the fence, trying not to close doors by offering public support to either side. In one jurisdiction, obviously they can't publicly support the candidate that was not endorsed by their mayor. At the S.O., a common theme is "we don't want things to change". That's understandable. Others there have felt threatened to either support that candidate or stay quiet. Even the commercial with the "deputies" was padded with people that do not work there. Some are not even law enforcement officers.
Just because you don't see support doesn't mean it isn't there.
Ridgeland has few holding cells, but no jail. Any prisoner that is there longer than a few hours is taken to Madison County jail.
Neither candidate has run a good campaign. just place both names in a hat and pick one they are both terrible. Both are bullies and will dig up any type of dirt to make themselves look better.. both have lied at some point and the commercials are just what they are, commercials.. tucker makes it look like he has the WHOLE department supporting him but that is FALSE and jimmy showed is butt at the restaurant and looked like a fool but we only saw what the cameras showed.. In every sheriff race the "he's going to fire everyone" rumors is brought up.. no one knows what is going to happen until it does. I do know for a fact neither candidate is going to "clean house" its is simply a scare tactic that was used in the previous race. This political race has to be the worst race I have seen with all the back slashing.. What ever happened to running a clean campaign??
Tucker needs to grow a pair and quit trying to be Trowbridge! hints the yellow and red signs... oh how original! NOT! the only thing tucker has seemed to come up with is that commercial with FAKE deputies and LIES. and overseen millions of dollars?? bull shit.. he might have seen the piece of paper on trowbridge desk. if tucker keeps this up he will only be a puppet in the Queen's puppet show.
Lets see, brad stands to gain 20 to 25k as chief deputy. That's 80 to 100k over the next four years to be houstons yes man. Houston will probably win this race, but brad you will forever be remembered as the guy who sold out his dept for a raise. You and your wife can say whatever you want as to why you support Houston, but it doesn't hold up and people see it. The most important thing a person in law enforcement has is his reputation, and the measure of that is will I go through a door with you? Most people don't know what that means, but everybody in law enforcement does. I would not ever go through a door with you brad. Ur reputation, credibility, and integrity is now in question. Good luck waking up and looking in the mirror every morning!!! Ur wife says ur supporting Jimmy because deputies at the dept treated u bad, well according to u 60 to 70 percent of the dept supported u. So why would u go against them...oh yea, because of the money and power. And you wonder why the dept didn't support you.
Crowley is obviously into character assassination and bullying, not only on this thread but many others. The lady who aired her personal feelings (and I don't know her from Adam's off-ox) has no obligation to Crowley to 'name names' or assure him of having reported illegal incidents.
His insinuation clearly is that if she can't satisfy him that she reported them and if she can't name names, then she's a liar.
If further evidence is needed of his constant bullying tactics one need not look far for other proof.
As to the suggestion (someone made) that it would be counter intuitive to elect a sheriff with a diploma when a candidate with a master's degree is available, that hog won't root.
The choice is hire someone who can run the asylum or elect one of the patients and give them all the keys to the car.
Good morning class! Our lesson for today is democracy! Excorcise your rights today! GO VOTE! Dont forget to attend the lecture later today by Prof. Kingfish. Please bring proof that you voted to gain admission! Heres my predictions! Harkins by less than 300. Fitch 55-45% Longwitz by less than 300. Houston 55-45%
6:12 anon; your post makes very little sense when viewing the effectiveness of the S.O. All surrounding counties/municipalities depend on Madison S.O. to house their prisoners as does the D.O.C. on many occasions. I know of no instances of reported ineffectiveness in this department, no audit exceptions, no proven charges or substantiated allegations of citizen mistreatment or chicanery as one might find reported in other departments across this state. So, what in the world leads you to characterize the department as 'an asylum', or did you just think that would be a cute remark?
Actually, from my perspective, the choice is to leave the department in the hands of a man who grew up in it, moving through its ranks, or hand it over to somebody who is almost 60 years old and wants only four years at a higher salary that he can roll into the state retirement computations. Then we can begin the search all over again.
The other large factor I see, and we might as well face it since we own it is this: Whoever leads this department has absolutely got to be able to 'get along with' the municipal leadership and predominantly minority population of Canton and the surrounding rural area. Which candidate already has demonstrated the ability to do that and which candidate has time and again established himself as the 'kiss my ass if you don't like it' small-town chief? Polls open in twenty minutes.
To elicit such a verbose response from my comment, obviously a nerve was hit.
Brad has to come back to work this week and he has to face all us deputies that he screwed to save his marriage as well as face with his wife because none of us give a flip about him and you will never be a respected LEO around here.
On the other hand, what is Tucker's involvement in the MSO's discrimination against veterans, for which it is being sued and will almost certainly lose?
Also, why is his main claim to be qualified based on the notion that he's too dumb to duck?
Just wondering - though that isn't nearly the problem that Houston's attitude is.
It sounds to me like the deputies want Tucker to win so they can keep playing around and doing whatever they want to do. They are scared if Houston wins they will be held accountable and actually have to work.
August 23, 2011 6:12 AM Here...
Thank you 8:39AM, my point exactly.
If the sheriff's department is perfect the way it is, I wonder why the sheriff doesn't get behind the lone deputy left in the race who pledges to keep everything the same. Instead, he publicly announces multiple times that he isn't endorsing anyone. Hmm, interesting.
See thats just how stupid you people are. I live in Ridgeland and its awful. What has Jimmy done for me. Nothing.... Crime is at a alltime high and hell cant even go to the mall because you may get mugged but with the sheriffs dept they have a proven track record and have the crime at a low.
Mayor Mary is the most respected leader in the metro area and the voters have shown that by putting her back in office every four years so for her, wait... her, the chief of police, all of the alderman, mike kent and the list goes on to endorse Tucker well they know what will keep the crime out of our community and i am sticking with the winning team.
Hey. Lets get one damn thing straight. NO knocking Mr. Trowbridge. That was a damn good man.
Actually work? Like they haven't been working for the past years. The crime rate in Madison County ( almost 800 square miles ) is actually lower than Ridgeland's crime rate ( less than 30 square miles ). Obviously whatever Madison SO has been doing for the past years is working. Thank you Randy Tucker and the Madison County Sheriff's Department
What ever happen to that loveable LeeBo guy?
Let's remember one thing people, the last time people voted for "CHANGE" , we ended up with OBAMA!!! And we have all seen where that got us!!! The Madison County Sheriff's race is no different!! If we don't elect Randy Tucker as the next Sheriff, within the next year or less, some of you, whether you admit it or not, will be saying to yourself, "What was I thinking?"
913 Great response.... Thats because Jimmy is all about politics. He wont lets his people work. Hes a dick and i know because i worked for him. And for Harbour he thinks the department should be all about the sheriff. Thats not true it should be all about the citizens.
Hey 9:08 - specifically name dates instances of muggings at the Mall. I live less than 2 blocks from there and I go there all the time. I have heard of NONE. Maybe you will save me from a mugging if you back up your li.. I mean insinuation with fact.
It sounds to me like the deputies want Tucker to win so they can keep playing around and doing whatever they want to do. They are scared if Houston wins they will be held accountable and actually have to work.
After reading the same people cheer-leading for the past few weeks about Tucker, I'm landing here too.
You have a boat in the ocean and it is sinking. In that boat you have Houston, Harbour and Bish Harbour, and a poor little dog. Who do you save.....
Why want you people claiming to work at the S O and other law enforcement not use your names?
It will save Madison County but the dog is got to come home
I don't know about anyone being mugged at Northpark Mall, but a 14 year old girl was sexually assaulted in Ridgeland yesterday!!! Jus sayin!!!
Did Chief Waldrup really endorse Tucker?
10:05, Yes he did.
Did he publicly endorse Tucker or is this hearsay? People could claim Phil Bryant endorses Houston on here too for that matter.
10:54...He publicly endorsed him.
11:14 On a postcard? In a public forum? On a commercial?
"Crowley is obviously into character assassination and bullying....The lady who aired her personal feelings ... has no obligation to Crowley to 'name names' or assure him of having reported illegal incidents."
Shadowfax, you're an idiot.
She came on here and made unsupported serious allegations against unnamed deputies. In doing so, she attacked the character of every Madison County deputy.
She doesn't have to satisfy me of anything. However, you seem to think it's OK to come on here and make allegations against people, with no evidence whatsoever. Then you start crying "bully" when someone dares to challenge you by demanding proof to support your attacks.
It is not simple "airing personal feelings" when someone makes allegations like that. If you come on here and sling mud at people, you should expect others to ask questions. It's not my fault if you can't answer the questions because you are making it up.
You're not the victim of a bully, you're just some coward who gets caught tossing rocks and running away.
The chief did endorse Randy and I encourage anyone to call him or the Mayor to see. Waldrop also called Houston and told him that they were friends but that he was going with Randy
Curt, I guarantee they won't throw rocks in Madison County. The last person to throw a rock in madison county was arrested for littering, and that was in 2000, just before Tucker came to the SO.
I heard Houston was winning by a landslide, apparently a dog he rescued told him.
After reading all of this, I come to a conclusion that I have a choice of a goat roper (tucker), and a city boy (houston).
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