Check out the front page of today's Clarion-Ledger.
Ohmigosh! Grab the mistress and get out of town. Jackson has lead in the water. We are DOOMED!!!
Well, not so fast my friend. Check out what is buried on page 8A:
In case you can't read the fine print, the article includes this paragraph:
So the "state newspaper" moves from a headline shrieking there is lead in the water to reporting the water is safe where lead is concerned.
Tomorrow's headline will read: "WATER CAN KILL" while the story continued on page 10A will report "experts state water can kill only by drowning." Good job, Clarion-Ledger, good job.
I sat behind the tool at the James Meredith event who was writing in their handy dandy notebook the “Long Overdue” story.
Yellow journalism - Mississippi style.
You certainly cannot sell to readers what they will not read. Headlines that catch the readers attention, and his curiosity, are part of the business. They are not in the truth business, they are in the business of selling "news". Nothing new.
What do you expect from the Clarion Liar??
They,along with the local Tee Vee stations carry the progressive's water constantly. Its all about historic racism and how it's whitey's fault!
Thank you KF, Clay Edwards and Kim Wade for calling them out-
Retired Fed here, 30 years with USGS on Airport Road. We took water samples from all over the state and sent them to our national lab in Denver,Co.
If we asked them to look for X in the sample they would find an amount of X in the sample. The lab was so good they could for look for gold in samples from the Pearl River and they would report how much they found. It was never zero.
The question I have is - were the water samples taken from city of jackson water lines, or from the customer side of the water meter. If from the customer side, the customer is responsible for their contamination, and nt the city. If the city fixes one customer's lead problem, they become responsible for having to correct all customer side water problems.
I live in Clinton. I am responsible for any maintenance and repair of water line problems on my sdie of the water meter. I might not like it, but that is life. Actually I perfectly understand the simple fact that whatever is on my side of the water meter is my problem, not the city's.
I'd like to see you drink a gallon of tap water from a random West Jackson residence.
I watch Green Acres every night (far better written than the drivel from the major networks). WAPT news comes after
the escapades of Arnold Ziffel and Mr. Haney. The WAPT news is awful. I'm curious if the news shows from WLBT and WJTV are any better.
I can remember bygone days of Michael Reubenstein, Clay Hall et al, on WLBT. People looked forward to watching local news.
Wall Street Journal called them out, too.
I can't quite figure out why the CL is conducting these independent tests. So far they don't seem to show anything different than what the city & state are already telling us & what we already know. I understand the CL's need to be relevant once again, I'm just unsure whether its own tests mean anything. The new editor says water is the top issue he hears about, but how does this help?
Lmao you really love drinking the koolaid served by Clay “Q-Tard” Edwards and Kim “Uncle Ruckus” Wade During their daily echo chamber with all 5 of their callers!
The political games, MSM misinformation, and pure greed for personal and political gain has not changed from years back. Read the 2016 articles in the CL about the same misinformation and pandering and attempts by "trial lawyers" to get payouts for themselves.
Anybody 18 or over who didn't know if there are any lead pipes in your town ( and there will be) means lead is in the water are imbeciles or nuts.
Anyone who doesn't know that EPA and ability to regulate standards for drinking water or clean up contamination in our water supplies by GOP controlled
Congresses has their heads up their own behinds.
But, profit and "jobs" are all that matters and all businesses operate ethically and willingly clean up any damages they cause.
Will you be blindly deluded forever. You think the headline pitch is the real problem with this article? You have forgotten the drum beat here that the water is a reason everyone in Jackson should move?
If you live in Jackson it is a good bet you will die from lead poisoning. The lead could come in a couple of forms. In the water or from your neighbor's gun. Take your pick.
All journalist are fear mongers whether liberal, conservative, small, large, etc. It’s how they generate clicks, views, readers, etc. Basically, there are no standards in the media.
Some responsible journalist needs to report on the history of this state. Doubt this blog would take on that task. Good job CL.
No one reads the clarion ledger anyway
It’s like the only requirement to be a journalist these days is to possess self-important, delusional hysteria!
Some here are lamenting CL, which prints all the news that's fit for a parakeet to shit on, whilst overlooking whether lead is present in their own water and to what extent. Lumbama says 16 homes tested positive for lead when the meters were changed, but not where and not if the lead was on private or public side of the meter. One can buy lead-in-water tests at Best Buy, Walmart or Amazon, for cheap.
Surprise, surprise Andy: Speaking of headline grabbing...Kingfish pretends his first story today is about (what the hell else) Jackson water...while conveniently (rather than cropping) featuring the mug of James Meredith who defeated the entire state and governor by taking a seat in an Old Myth classroom 50 years ago. Race baiting at its very finest.
This correspondent, from the Northside Moon, spoke (this is a teaser) with the Kingfish in a private screened table at Tico's this morning at 2:15. He was wearing shades and a trench coat, but I recognized his white penny-loafers. When asked about this, he grinned like a jackass eating briars and remarked, "Who, ME? Now, get out of my booth!"
I met Mr. Meridith about 20 years ago in Yazoo City. He use to go up there and tutor school students. He is aa nice man.
"Anyone who doesn't know that EPA and ability to regulate standards for drinking water or clean up contamination in our water supplies by GOP controlled Congresses..."
That statement makes no sense. I'm not surprised.
Hmmm. Antar said a total of 16 connections in the city tested for lead.
How much does it cost to do these tests? Someone put up a go fund me page, I’ll donate. I’d be really interested to get true data from pre connection and post meter. My guess is the numbers would be staggering.
60 years ago 3:58.
Why is the CL still here?
Speaking of headline grabbing, Bevis...Kingfish pretends this first story is about lead in the water; however, he conveniently (rather than crop) baits your hook with race by featuring Mississippi as a racist state for blocking Meridith's attempt to integrate Old Myth.
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