The Mississippi State Department of Health reported 465 new cases of the
Wuhan virus yesterday as well as 13 new deaths. The total number of
is 25,531. The virus has caused 1,035 deaths. Nursing home deaths
comprise 50% of overall Covid-19 deaths in Mississippi. There are
17,242 recoveries. More information and a complete list of
infected counties can be found at the MSDH website. Unfortunately, the Rt factor remained at 1.26.
Hospitalizations slightly eased but ICUs reached their second-highest level ever. Vents remained flat at 90 patients.
The Rt factor remained the same at 1.26.
Fortunately or unfortunately, nursing home deaths are declining and comprising a smaller share of Covid-19 deaths.
Nursing home deaths remain at 50% of all Covid-19 deaths in Mississippi.
CoVIDiots commence posting in 3...2...1...
Keep up the good works folks. Infected with deaths down. Appears that the recovery rate is also getting better which means more antibodies. Have a good fourth all.
Funny. Twice the death rate of WWII and you think things are "looking up?"
Yeah, if your name is Jim Jones and you are passing out the Jonestown Tea Party refreshments.
BTW, 8 > 13 does not follow. F.
The "recovery rate" is actually just "presumed recovered." Cases are presumed recovered if: 1) it has been 14 days or more since the case tested positive, if they were not hospitalized; 2) it has been 21 days or more since the case tested positive, if they were hospitalized or hospitalization was unknown.
The reported recovery rate means nothing and is just a guess. The duration that people are sick varies greatly. But at least they're not counting deaths in their "recovered" numbers.
Worldwide Covid deaths listed at about 500,000. No idea where the death rate is two times that of WWII. Worldwide infected going on 10,000,000 with recovered, as of todays date 4,917,328. Deaths directly caused by the war (WWII) (including military and civilians killed) are estimated at 50–56 million people, while there were an additional estimated 19 to 28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine. So yeah, we are looking up.
Another 465 people today? At this rate, we will all have it in 6,774 days, and in another 21 days we'll all bed dead.
Why do you stupid covidiots not see that every single person will die because the scientific evidence is there. We have consensus, and there's no greater science than consensus.
I'm going to go cry now.
419000 dead/1350 days is 310 deaths a day for the US in WWII, Hoss.
At best, we worked our way down to equal when we had 300 deaths a day from Covid, nationally, and Pence then CALLED Rep. Senators to tell them that's "good news." Oops. Spoke too soon.
Now, that's roughly EQUAL to WWII death rates for a few days (after months of 1000 or 2000 dead a day), until the recent surge, but now we are back up to 492 a day (500).
An R naught of 1.26 could lead, soon, to 60,000 cases a day, with a death rate of 1% is going to be 600 dead a day.
If we are lucky to get .5 percent, it's still as bad as WWII. With no upper limit in sight other than maybe a couple of grand a day.
Again, we are already back to not only the previous high in new cases, but 45,000 NEW cases a day, which is more than EVER.
The overall average for Covid death to date in the US is 853 Dead a day. Versus 310 in WWII. Ouch.
Yes, we at least have gone back to double US WWII casualty rate given the current new case load.
We may be headed to nearly 7 times the rate which we saw back in April, BECAUSE WE HAVE SET NEW RECORDS in INFECTION EACH DAY FOR TWO WEEKS.
But, hey, we've dropped from 2000 a day!!!!
Germany, 943 total dead.
Russia, 8900.
Japan, population 126,000,000, - 971 dead total, less than our state.
The US- 128,000 dead.
@3:30 while not admitting that WWII is the same as a viral pandemic, you fail to consider the fact that WWII’s total death count occurred over a six year (and 1 day) period. If you’re going to unfairly compare COVID-19 to WWII, at least extrapolate the current COVID-19 death rate over a six year period.
Did the health department ever solve the data fidelity issue, and how closely are health records and death certificates being examined. I'm getting the feeling that there are a lot of "died with" being recorded as "died from" COVID-19 in order to qualify for the higher reimbursement.
6:43, the death toll listed (400K+) is for US, not worldwide, which was 1941-5. The other poster attacking it threw in total international deaths, which did occur over a 6 year period, but the numbers for both WWII and Covid I put are for the US.
It's not unfair at all. Many researchers have put this out. Look at the "Librul" NY Times and its article on mass events. All to try to drive home that this is an extraordinary mortality event akin to war or severe natural disasters or famines. Which it is, but not 1918 yet. And we should hope that Covid will be under some kind of control in 2 years.
And, he's never picked up on the fact that the US pop. was only about 100,000,000 during the war. But I'm not telling him.
Regardless of numbers, it's the Covid Denial Death Squad that ignores that this pandemic is an extraordinary leap in mortality in the US, and it's hard to deny that we've screwed this up big time. At the cost of at least 100,000 lives, so far. Another 100,000 imminent. So very sad to see.
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