Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Mailed Fists Strike

Several hit pieces hit Madison County mailboxes over the last week in the House #73 race. The two candidates are Jill Ford and Johnny Black, III.  The mailers are aimed at Jill Ford and originated at several Desoto County addresses.  Some good ole gumshoe detective work reveals the Empower Mississippi PAC paid for the mailers while hiding behind other PAC's.

A rather nasty mailer popped up Thursday that levied all sorts of nefarious accusations against Ms. Ford.  Some may consider the mailer to be slander, others may consider it to be hard-nosed attack campaigning.  The mailer states it was "paid for by the Freedom Mississippi PAC" of 384 Goodman Road, #114, Southaven, MS.  The address is a mailbox registered to a UPS store.   Freedom Mississippi also funded direct mail hit pieces against three Desoto County legislators as well.

Well, the Kingfish loves himself a good puzzle.  Who exactly is Freedom Mississippi PAC?  The PAC registered with the Secretary of State on  July 29, 2019.   The contact person is Mike Elliot.  The PAC states its purpose is to "promote conseratism."

The PAC submitted another report on July 30 that stated it received $15,000 from Empower PAC on July 25 and spent $12,416 on mailers on July 27 with The Stoneridge Group of Georgia.  Checking Empower PAC's filings reveals that Empower indeed donated $15,000 to Freedom Mississippi PAC on July 27.

Grant Callen created Empower in 2014 to promote school choice, economic freedom, and fiscal responsibility.  The organization recently started promoting criminal justice reform as well. Empower made quite a splash in 2015 as it unseated several legislators in Desoto County and backed challengers against other legislators as well.  It generated no small amount of ill will at the capitol as the good ole boys didn't take too kindly to being challenged.*  Nobody likes losing, after all. 

The PAC was initially funded by State Representative Joel Bomgar and Frank Lee as they each donated $25,000. It was Mr. Lee's only donation.  Mr. Bomgar has not contributed to Empower since 2016.  The Ms Federation for Children PAC is the current sugar daddy as it has donated several hundred thousand dollars to Empower since 2017.

Then there is the matter of Mike Elliot.  There is little mention of a Mike Elliot in Desoto County.  However, there is a picture of Charlotte attorney Michael Elliot with his buddy Merle Flowers.

Mr. Flowers is a former State Senator.  He was Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee but resigned his seat in disgrace several years ago.  Mr. Elliot and the Honorable Mr. Flowers were frat brothers at Auburn.  Auburn? Strike 1 and 2.  Dale Jr? Strike 3. 

Mr. Flowers has been the subject of some rather controversial mailers in this race and Desoto County as well.  The Madison County Journal reported yesterday:

Political mailers attacking two candidates for the state House of Representatives are raising questions as to why a DeSoto County PAC would be interested in who represents Madison County in the state Legislature.

The attack ads, which have arrived in Madison County mailboxes over the last two months, have targeted Jill Ford, who is challenging Johnny Black in the District 73 House of Representatives Republican primary, and Bruce Bartley, who is challenging incumbent Joel Bomgar in District 58.

Campaign finance records show that the mailers were paid for by Mississippi First PAC, which is registered with the Secretary of State’s office with a P.O. Box address in Southaven.

Reached by phone Monday, the treasurer of that PAC, former Republican state representative Merle Flowers, said he was “in the middle of something” and did not have time to answer questions regarding the mailers and would call back Tuesday afternoon... Rest of article.
The reporter tried but he didn't go far enough as later campaign finance reports show that Empower gave $31,000 to Mississippi First in July.  The PAC gave $14,796 to Stoneridge Group, the company that printed the attack mailers on Ms. Ford.  Mississippi First reported spending $8,416 on the "Trump" mailers in July.


Anonymous said...

it’s bizarre to me how all-in the GOP establishment is on this dunce Black. His own mailers look &
sound as if he’s dumb as a post. I guess he repeats the right scripts.

What has Ford done to antagonize the good ole boys? Is it just her ladyparts? Don’t say she isn’t smart, because smart ain’t on offer in this race.

Anonymous said...

Gee wiz, all they are trying to do is to get Johnny a part time job.

Anonymous said...

The negative ads have turned me against Johnny Black. My vote goes to Jill Ford!!

Anonymous said...

Great research KF! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Just vote Jill and problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I don't trust the Empower MS or AFP folks as far as I can throw them- and I'm a constitutional conservative.

Anonymous said...

KF, why do you pen that he "resigned in disgrace?" In the original thread at the time you insisted that he resigned to avoid a divorce.

Are you trying to give this thread more legs?

Anonymous said...

The Michael Avenatti look a like is toast just like the real one.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with consolidating the school districts.It should be done in every county in the state. Some counties even need to be consolidated.

Anonymous said...

1:23 AMEN

Anonymous said...

Johnny Black is not for school consolidation. Read his tweets and webpage. His comments on the radio were taken out of context. Now, remember when Cindy Hyde-Smith made the "public hanging" comment? The powers that be in Madison jumped to her defense. Let Black make a similar mistake, and the powers that be go on attack.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Burke said...

Good work, Dear Leader.

Is this the same Johnny Black who made his money running a string of nursing homes? Sorry if I've got him confused. In any event, this version of Johnny Black is as dirty as an off-road vehicle these days in Sharkey County.

Anonymous said...

Same lame (lazy keystone cops) political hit pieces are happening in Pearl for Ray Rogers old seat. I sure hope when Gene Newman wins that he realize his own associates are behind all of this?? Great reporting JJ keep up the good work to expose the shadowy side of Mississippi politics. Question, does this affect Grant and gangs usefulness with lawmakers?? They are conservatives helping conservatives right?😂

Anonymous said...

The Black family cabal swindled millions a few years ago when daddy Black with the help of junior developed several health clubs that would have gone under if not for an insider sale of the portfolio to UMMC. State money saved the day and shortly after UMMC acquired them they were shuttered because guess what.....they were losing money. The swindle was kept hush hush as Daddy Black was good friends with the head of UMMC at the time. Just imagine how much the cabal could swindle if they got junior in the legislature.

Anonymous said...

Has Johnny Black ever had a real job? All I ever knew him for was running his daddy’s business in the ground and then selling it to UMC. We all know how that turned out.

Anonymous said...

So look up where Bomgaars donated 200k to the Children’s Fund then they gave 100k back to Empower. No how many different organizations have done this for Good Christian Joel.

Anonymous said...

1:23 and 1:32....when it comes to consolidating school districts...
one size does NOT fit all districts. Never has and never will.

In counties where the overall population is small, growth has not changed
or population has decreased...those are candidates for consolidation.
It has been done within the past 5 years in Jefferson Davis and Holmes Counties
which is 2 examples of where it should’ve been done. There are several other
counties where the population has stayed the same or decreased over the
past 20-30 years were consolidation should occur but the towns which would
lose the high schools would raise sand and oppose it of course.

With the large population growth (and more coming) in counties like Desoto and
Madison Counties u don’t consolidate....u build new high schools.
Madison will have a need for another one in 10-15 years.
Desoto has 7-8 high schools now.

Anonymous said...

Canton has 6 schools with the attendance center, 3000 or so students. Why should they be separated from the larger Madison County district? It makes no sense.

Kingfish said...

I've seen Johnny work his butt off at the courthouse for years. When he was in his 20's, guess who was opening up Northeast Club every morning at 5?

Anonymous said...

I did not know Black but was planning to vote for him before I heard him speak at the Lake Caroline political town hall event a few weeks ago. Nothing that he said made any sense. He was opposed to any increase in the gas tax, and he even wanted to do away with the freakin' state income tax as well............. THEN he tells us he wants to improve our roads and raise teacher's pay!! And, of course, he is a good "Conservative".......... I wanted to ask him how he was going make all these improvements without taxes, but decided to not waste my breath. I don't like paying taxes any more than anyone else, but I am Ok with it as long as it is spent wisely and not pissed away.

The guy is an empty suit.............

Anonymous said...

There you go!
Good work Kingfish!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Black had ZERO knowledge of the mailers. He didn’t reach out to any PAC nor did any PAC reach out to him. These are the same PACs that put out mailers the last time Mrs. Ford ran for public office. Why all the personal attacks on him and his family? He and his campaign have thrown no mud. The mud being thrown is coming from Mrs. Ford’s supporters and Don Drane.

As to 3:23 pm and Kingfish, I too saw Mr. Black at the Courthouse, not only at 5am, but New Years Eve & New Years Day, watched him paint the swimming pool, hang tvs’s and clean equipment.

Anonymous said...

We don't need another woman in the House of Representatives in Mississippi, vote for Johnny Black.

Anonymous said...

5:46 - He may not have sent those mailers himself, but he has aligned himself financially & politically with Joel Bomgar & Empower MS...guilty by association. AND, he’s done nothing to publicly denounce the flyers! Madison County is sick of this sort of dirty politics! It has no place here!

Anonymous said...

I have received four dirty mailers against Jill Ford in the past week. Contrary to what 5:46 claims, I received zero such pieces in the mail when Gerald Steen defeated Jill Ford four years ago.

Geez, is the Black campaign capable of truth on any point?

Anonymous said...

Great investigative work!

Anonymous said...

I’ll settle this!
Thanks to whatever ignorant PAC or whoever is behind the nasty!
Karma is an amazing thing.
You have so much money you know you could do better than this drama you are a part of!
Thanks to the other guy for opening his mouth on Supertalk!

Vote for Bruce Bartley and Jill Ford in Madison County!
Case closed!

Anonymous said...

5:46. Black and Bomgar use the same campaign group Frontier Strategies, Josh Gregory and Quinton Dickerson. Black buddy is Spence Flatgard, who is on the Medical Marijuana Steering Committee, with Joel, and is the Attorney for it. These PAC’s out of Desoto are linked directly to Empower and Joel is big buddies with Grant Callen. Grant and Joel got busted 4 yrs ago using Joel office to make calls against Rep. Ray Rogers. They forgot to block their calls and a screen shot was taken of the number. Bomgar hooked Black up with Empower who uses Merle Flowers to attack Republicans only. Black, like Bomgar wants to get marijuana passed in 2020. Bomgar asked Ford to drop out of the race against Black and in return would bankroll her campaign to run for Supervisor. Gerard Gibert is the Chairman of Empower.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Black had ZERO knowledge of the mailers.


Anonymous said...

5:46 you must be getting your info from a bad source. These anti-Ford PACs were formed very recently. Mrs Ford previously ran for office four years ago. And as far as Mr. Black’s ignorance of the mailers, come on... He and Bomgar are clearly in regular contact. Empower wouldn’t work so hard to taint Mrs Ford’s reputation if they didn’t know they had Johnny in the bag.

Anonymous said...

Hit Rankin County too. Against Gene Newman. Said he donated to Maxine Waters campaign. He old pearl and wouldn’t vote for him anyway. Jake has become who he ran against. Brad Rogers all over again

Kingfish said...

Actually there was a mailer four years ago. The puppetmaster one put out by Brand and you know who.

Anonymous said...

6:53, you just sealed a victory for Jill Ford and every other woman running for office!

Wash and Dryer said...

Black says he’s “created thousands of jobs”... just curious how many of these jobs didn’t involve rolling a towel st the front desk.

Anonymous said...

Trey Dellinger, AFP, posts today to try and distance themselves. AFP endorsed Bomgar, AFP is Koch money. YAL, Young Americans for Liberty, endorsed Black. YAL gets Koch money as well. Black would have never have known about any of these groups unless Bomgar told him about them. It all leads to Bomgar on the end.

Anonymous said...

Wait wait!
Someone explain how Francis Lee and Gerard Gibert fit into this?
Isn’t Trey Baxter good friends with Francis Lee?
This web is interesting.....

Anonymous said...

In January 2018, YAL launched Operation Win at the Door through its 501(c)(4) arm, Young Americans for Liberty, Inc. YAL President Cliff Maloney Jr announced that the objective of the program would be to “elect 250 state house members by the end of 2022.” This group has kids walking doors for Bomgar and Black.

Anonymous said...

@ Kingfish. Exactly. The puppet master mailer was sent out by Warnock, not Black/Bomgar... I guess all these millionaires just can’t stand a person they can’t buy. Warnock couldn’t four years ago when Ford refused his campaign contributions, so he clumsily sent out a hit piece against her. She wouldn’t take Empower’s money or Bomgar’s bribe not to challenge Black, so they sent out four hit pieces against her. She sounds like just the candidate the state needs.

Anonymous said...

Bomgar's website brags about being a Mississippi corporation and having its headquarters in Mississippi, along with the great work Joel has done as CEO "over the last decade." According to the documents on file with the Secretary of State, Bomgar Corporation was dissolved in 2015 and re-incorporated in Delaware. It then became BeyondTrust Corporation with its headquarters in Georgia. Joel Bomgar hasn't even been listed as a corporate officer in years. Am I missing something?

It has also been my unfortunate experience that when someone advertises religion as a part of their business model, as Joel does on his website, somebody's getting screwed. Is there anything about that guy that isn't fake?

Anonymous said...

It would be helpful to know what the mailers said, whether what was said is true, and if not what was said that is false. Anyone know? Wouldn't that be the most important thing to know? I can't find this in the original post or any of the numerous comments I read through. Please explain and thanks

Anonymous said...

@ 8:38
Trey Baxter is also friends with Tate Reeves. Tate supported Cindy and Thad. ...Wait I'm confused, are we playing six degrees of separation? They're all Republicans.

I say Bomgar wins easily again, and Ford wins also. If she doesn't fight for gas tax hikes, she'll probably get the same fiscal conservative endorsements herself next time.

Anonymous said...

Jake only wishes he could be half the mayor Brad was. Hell Jake has lost over 60 police officers since he has been in office, and they keep leaving.

Anonymous said...

A little background on the Johnny Black family. John Black Sr was the manager of the McRae's men's clothing department when the store was on Capitol St. John Jr (Johnny) had a string of nursing homes with some friends and associates (I'll not name them so as not to bring comments about them). They sold out a few years ago. I grew up around the family and am about the same as John Jr. I have not seen John Jr in probably 30 years so I don't know anything about Johnny (candidate) although I received what seemed like a personal letter from John Jr. It could have been computer generated. I have lived in the Madison area now for about 45 years. I haven't decided on which candidate that I will vote.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Black and his family always seemed like nice enough people

As a long time member of the courthouse it was an excellent gym for many years that seemed to be really losing steam when the Sweet UMMC deal came along to bail them out and closed within a year. Jill Ford will work her behind off and will represent the district in a way we can be proud of.

Case closed Vote Jill Ford

Anonymous said...

These race is over! Ford and Bartley

Anonymous said...

Kingfish watched Johnny Black, in his youth, open up every morning at 5:00, and he helped paint a swimming pool and seems a nice guy. That sounds like everybody's first job or a youngster with no real responsibilities. Guess what? Now he's all grown up and he's stepping in his own Doo-Doo.

But, to this: "The mud being thrown is coming from Mrs. Ford’s supporters and Don Drane." What is it about exposing the truth and outing bad actors that equates to 'mud throwing'? When a clown is driving a raw-sewage reclamation truck down the road with the dump-valve wide open, and you shine a spotlight on him, you're guilty of 'slinging mud'? Actually, no.

As somebody above said, John Black has had multiple opportunities to distance himself from the slanderous mailers IF he had no association with them. Guess what? He hasn't. He loves it, which is why he was a no-show at the candidate forum in Madison a few nights ago.

Some say people like Bomgar are swell people who sure don't need the money. Well, lookie here and see what happens when we elect people with a ton of money and very little common sense. Having a lot of money sure doesn't mean he's trustworthy or competent to be in a position of representing other folks.

Anonymous said...

9:22, that's just uncalled for. Joel ran that company as founder and CEO for 12 years through 2014 when it was sold (they had outside investors). The new owners re-incorporated under Delaware law like thousands of other corporations because of favorable laws compared to Mississippi. What's that got to do with his capabilities?

The company later merged with a similarly sized company called BeyondTrust and adopted that name. There are still several hundred employees working in the BT office in Ridgeland.

I have never worked at a better company or for a better CEO. If you have accomplished anything close to that, tell us about it.

Anonymous said...

What was the sale price of the courthouse fitness clubs to UMMC? I vaguely recall that Mr. and Mrs. Black gave those to UMMC. What are the facts on that?

Let’s make a deal said...

The courthouse locations were so ghetto, UMMC closed all but one so far. The Blacks got a huge tax write off, he will have a building named after him on campus and he offloaded worthless out of date, decaying buildings.

Anonymous said...

12:28, Joel Bomgar is beyond capable and trustworthy. However, I question his judgement and his trust of certain people has cost him. Joel is a brilliant entrepreneur and was a great CEO, but his idealism has cost him votes and his reliance on very bad advisers is costing him more votes. This election will be much closer than it should have been. I still think he wins. To this day, nobody knows what Bartley has ever done to deserve your vote.

Joel could have just filled people's mail boxes with feel good post cards and won (again) in a landslide. I have no idea what people are thinking sending out this junk (and I could say the same thing about the Britton and Watson crap). Wednesday can't get here soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Joel Bomgar is one of the most honest and straightforward men I’ve ever met.

He also sticks to his Christian values, whether that be politically popular or not.

He’s fighting the GOP establishment in Mississippi. The establishment that has done nothing. It doesn’t surprise me he is getting attacked on here.

Anonymous said...

It’s obvious some do not feel Bomgar is all that honest, trustworthy or Christian.
And Black’s campaign has been a train wreck.
Bomgar, Black and others related to these mailers must have felt there was a serious chance of losing or this would have never happened to the extent it has and caused so much publicity. When opponents are attacked, people will defend them. Every time. When you have to resort to sending mailers that are lies and you can’t run on your record, this is how it ends up.

Kingfish said...

I've seen Johnny work at all levels of that operation, from top to bottom, from bottom to top.

Anonymous said...

It’s obvious some do not feel Bomgar is all that honest, trustworthy or Christian.
And Black’s campaign has been a train wreck.
Bomgar, Black and others related to these mailers must have felt there was a serious chance of losing or this would have never happened to the extent it has and caused so much publicity. When opponents are attacked, people will defend them. Every time. When you have to resort to sending mailers that are lies and you can’t run on your record, this is how it ends up.

Anonymous said...

Ok, when the establishment starts coming to the web to challenge Bomgar's Christianity, it's obvious who is desperate. He has stood by his faith even when it cost him. That's just wrong.

I suppose now Bartley is going to claim the "Christian vote"? Haha.

9:22 said...

5:43, Bomgar's website is misleading and/or outright false in several respects, which was my point. It goes to his honesty, credibility, and integrity.

Also, I take exception to the premise that "unless you've done more, sit down and be quiet," which is the message you really sent. That's the reasoning that entitles those with the most material success to lord over the rest of us. Holding public office should be in service to the public, not to stroke the ego and feed the megalomania of a talented individual who got rich and sold out.

Anonymous said...

As far as the sale of the Courthouse clubs to UMMC, it involved a purchase price paid to the Blacks, a donation of money back to UMMC, and UMMC taking on the debt owed by the Courthouse. UMMC bit off more than it could chew, hence the closures and inability to upgrade the Lakeland club as planned, the Blacks unloaded clubs that apparently were beginning to lose money, and they got rid of a fairly sizable debt load at the same time. So while the Blacks were credited with a sizable donation to UMMC, they came out well ahead financially on the deal while UMMC did not.

9:22 again said...

Just to be clear, I was not challenging Joel Bomgar's Christianity. That's between him and Jesus. What I challenge is advertising one's religion as a business model to sell something, include candidates for political office. It has been my experience that people who do that tend to be frauds.

Anonymous said...

Ford is also running mostly on her Christian beliefs but there has been no criticism of her for doing that. Ford supporters have been rabid and vicious in their pursuit to slander Black. I can just imagine the high fiving and back slapping over at that huge church up on Highland Colony this morning. she's already planned her victory party.

Anonymous said...

@1:57 Did Ford mail out any dishonest mailers against Black ?

Anonymous said...

Ask one of Johnny's former managers back when he worked at the Courthouse in his 20's, about how he used to disappear for hours while on the clock. And, no one could say anything, since his dad owned the place. (Not saying this isn't typical of an owner's kid, just noting that it is something a member like Kingfish would not have noticed.)

Ask Johnny's more recent (former) employees, about how he avoided work like the plague, had no follow through and really didn't seem interested in the business at all, just the lifestyle it afforded his family.

Anonymous said...

12:40, show me a candidate who is not promoting their "Christian values" in this race....the worst of which is Mark Baker clutching his Bible in church while he says "build the wall and build it now".

But I digress. Joel was very open about his faith with employees and local people and it showed in how well the company treated its people. But I don't recall him ever using his faith to sell software. Hell, they sold it in every developed country in the world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beware the man in the orange clothing. You have been forewarned.

Anonymous said...

2:39, Faith, Christianity, and religion are three different things.

Anonymous said...

Trey Baxter is not friends with Frank Lee and Reeves. He just weaseled his way into their circles for political gain. He tells anyone that will listen that Reeves has a job for him when he gets elected. He does not like being a supe and only stayed on because of health insurance coverage. Tried and true “politics” even though he has no actual idea of what he’s doing as a representative of Madison.

Anonymous said...

By the “man in the orange clothing,” are you referring to Bomgar’s company colors or Bartley’s jail jumpsuit?

Anonymous said...

I was at the MONA meeting last Thursday night. FIrst the crowd was told that “Johnny will go first, because he has another commitment”. Then, just as the meeting started, we were told that “one candidate will not be here after all”, not naming said candidate, but someone in the crowd asked if it was Johnny Black, and, of course it was. Then the story was “he had a prior commitment”. Wonder what it could have been if he had already committed to attend, then changed his mind?

All candidates were given the opportunity to take questions from the crowd. ALL DID except Joel Bomgar. He said “I will be at my table (on the side) for anyone who wants to ask any questions”. His “speech” was full of I’s...I have done this, I have this I,I,I. He did not come across as being sincere about anything to me.

Anonymous said...

If Joel Bomgar had his way Mississippi would be even worse off than it is now. He is soft on crime. Period. Same for Grant callen.

Anonymous said...

ALL libertarian charlatans should be required to wear orange, as a warning to society. Jail house jump suits are also orange.

Anonymous said...

7:30 tells the truth. Trey Baxter inherited real estate from his developer father and I'm not sure he has really ever done anything on his own. Of course, if he and his dad have given Tate enough, I don't doubt there will be a place for him after the election. That's how it works.

Anonymous said...

Those of you whining that Jill Ford and her supporters have slandered Black might want to provide one piece of evidence to support that claim. Johnny Black is complicit in a slanderous ad campaign. She is not.

Someone once said (and if they didn't, I will) 'It's impossible to tarnish the image of the Devil. He comes packaged that way'.

Anonymous said...

ALL libertarian charlatans should be required to wear orange, as a warning to society. Jail house jump suits are also orange.

You must be an intellectual giant.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Black's comments about school consolidation were NOT taken out of context. I heard the entire interview, and he was quite clear about his thoughts on the matter, and Mary Weiden was completely on board with him (Yesss! Consolidation!)

It shows to me that he is totally out of touch with the people he would be representing in Madison County, as you can ask any parent if they would like to consolidate Madison County's A rated school district with Canton's failing one, and you will get a resounding NO. But I would have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns and said, "Yep, that what I believe and here's why." This backpedaling just makes him look like a flip flopper.

Anonymous said...

9:18 You are correct. I am willing to guess he was told to say that by his handlers.

Anonymous said...

Merle Flowers is FAT and disgusting! PERIOD. He is a blow hard that is not liked in Southaven/Hernando/Horn Lake or Jackson. Hell even Lobbyist are glad he is gone. He is a Political Whore of the highest order. Look what he did to his buddy and colleague, Buck Clarke, getting Terry Brown's son to endorse McRae. he paid him for it. Boomer is a loser and his father would be kicking him in his ass for it.

Merle's actions, politically and personally, tell you all you need to know about him. Had a sweet wife and now is paired with his equal.

Trey Baxter is the political equivalent to a corn dog. Not very useful but just there.

Jill Ford, Bartley & Gene Newman I hope all win and stick the middle finger to Merle and Joel, or as I like to call them Boozer and Boner!

Anonymous said...

Funny that kingfish is not approving comments pointing out flaws in his friend Bruce Bartley

Anonymous said...

Speaking of prison jumpsuits, only one candidate in HD 58 has worn one, and hint: it’s not Joel Bomgar.

bill said...

As enthusiastic as some of you are in your hate, you’re wrong about Joel Bomgar and Grant Callen. I have known them both for a number of years, and they both are good and decent men. You don’t have to vote for Joel if you don’t like his politics, and no one is asking you to support Empower if you don’t agree with their mission, but you don’t try to tell me that either is dishonest or corrupt. I know better. Bill Billingsley

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Grant Callen? I don't see his name mentioned. Billingsley has long been a tag-along on the coat-tail of Bomgar. Bomgar may not be dishonest, but he sure as hell does not represent his district. Perhaps Billingsley thinks he does.

Anonymous said...

Big lick on the jump suit comment. The public knows nothing about Bruce it qualifications, work history, arrest history, you name it. The establishment is just propping him up to challenge Joel.

Anonymous said...

More of the same BS slander from the Bomgar-Black camp. Bartley has never worn an orange prison or jail jumpsuit. He's not the orange-man in this contest. We all know who is, however. Christianity aside.

Again: Faith, Christianity and Religion are three separate things. Be sure you know which your candidate claims and practices.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely do not trust Bomgar to represent district 58.
I don’t care how many people say “ he’s a good man “.

9:22 said...

Bill, I'm not trying to tell you anything. I wrote that "Bomgar's website is misleading and/or outright false in several respects" and that "[i]t goes to his honesty, credibility, and integrity." Go read it in light of the foregoing posts regarding his business details and see for yourself.

I don't hate him. I just don't trust him. Now that I know more about the people he's conspired with who aren't even running for office, and the way he seems to have tried to use his wealth to control multiple people who are running, I kind of fear him.

Anonymous said...

I do not like or trust Joel Bomgar. I do not like or trust Grant Callen.

Anonymous said...

But, Russell Latino told Billingsley to trust Bomgar and that's the end of that story.

Anonymous said...

If this is how a special interest group has to get their legislation passed, then are they really that effective? We live in Rankin County and the negative mail outs have been laughable filled with minimal source information and over-the-top conjecture. I’m voting for Gene Newman. His opponent has been in office as an alderman for 4 terms. He’s completely ineffective (by his own admission) unless you need sweet potatoes...

It’s clear that Empower/Grant/Joel/Franc/Etc were desperate to find a warm body to vote their way. They hunted till the 11th hour and found a terrible candidate with no real ideas/plans for his district. In fact, his mailers have consisted of complaints that Rankin County needs more state tax dollars, etc. I’ll take a business owner/bail bondsman/insurance agent ANY day over a union loving wanna be Republican that cant think for himself.

Anonymous said...

So, let me see if I got this right. It looks like the Empower Miss. PAC funded a mail campaign hit-job against Jill Ford last week by donating $15K to a PAC named Freedom Miss., which was formed about a month prior. Freedom Miss. is run by a slob from North Carolina named Mike Elliot, who is a fraternity brother and BBF of a former state senator and giant douche named Merle Flowers.

Empower Miss. was founded and is run by Grant Callen, using, in part, Joel Bomgar's money. Callen graduated from the same college as Bomgard, and on whose Board of Trustees Bomgard used to serve, i.e., Belhaven. Callen is also a former deacon and current Elder in the same church where Joel Bomgar is a member. The website for Empower Miss. is in the same style and campaign colors as Joel Bomgar's website.

Did I get that right? Kind of incestuous, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

10:22 Yup,
I haven’t really thought incestuous before but you have me sold!

Anonymous said...

Once again, this campaign has reminded us that a whiff of poontang and money rules the world.

Anonymous said...

A few of Black's relatives and friends of the family are out this morning, posting, while enjoying a breakfast bag of Kroger's Sour Grapes.

Black has learned that when you shit where you work, you're destined to walk around in it, smell like it and suffer from it.

Kingfish said...

Give Merle credit. At least he married his paramour. Most men don't.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS