Monday, November 26, 2018

Senate Race Open Thread

The Big Showdown between Mike Espy and Cindy Hyde-Smith is tomorrow.  Make your feelings known here.  Remember to vote early and often. 


Anonymous said...

After how the Democrats treated Kavanaugh, I would never let Espy go and join them. I am no fan of Hyde-Smith, but she has my vote.

Anonymous said...

I watched the debate. It's crooked Espy versus dumb Hyde-Smith. It's really sad that our 3 choices were these two plus Chris McDaniel.

I'll hold my nose and vote for Cindy Hyde-Smith, then go into the parking lot and vomit.

Anonymous said...

Either way it goes it is still not looking good for Mississippi. CHS should have never been put in the position she is in now and Epsy is only going to increase the entitlement attitude that we see far to often nowadays.

Anonymous said...

I'm not of these Republicans any longer. Voted other than Republican for President for first time in 2016 and will do the same for the Senate this time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Chris McDaniel. If it weren't for your self serving ways, we wouldn't be in this position. Please do us a favor and never run for office again.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the MSM commented upon Espy's multiple federal tax liens in excess of $100K?

Anonymous said...

10:41 hit it on the head. Crooked Espy versus dumb Hyde-Smit. Vote for the lesser of the evils -- Voting Hyde=-Smith and then throwng up. Blame this one on Gov. Bryant. Not a smart choice. But at least we can get her out in two years. If Espy goes in, we're stuck with him.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:56 what on earth does Chris McDaniel have to be blamed for? If he didn't run, not everyone would realize that Cindy Hyde-Smith needs to be primaried. the only mess we have is that we realize we have bad candidates.

Anonymous said...

I will vote present. I always wanted to be a chickensh!t legislator.

Anonymous said...

Like several have already said, I'll vote for Minnie Pearl this time (very reluctantly), and assuming she wins, I will NOT vote for her again in 2 years. Somebody else is going to have to step up the plate and hopefully unseat her in 2020. If nobody better surfaces to challenge her, I'll probably just write in some poor sap's name. The guv really made us a shit sandwich when he appointed her to serve the rest of Thad's term. Thanks Phil......

Anonymous said...

Vote for CHS, she is the only choice that we have to continue
The Trump Agenda. Espy will be a freshman again and will vote
the way the Leadership of his party tells him to.

Anonymous said...

We held our nose and absentee voted for H-S, the lesser of two evils.

She is an airhead RINO.

He is a crooked politician (oxymoron) from the Clinton camp.

Anonymous said...

The options presented are indeed horrible. The Mississippi working class needs to demand more accountability from both of these parties instead of allowing them to continue to divide us with racial politics. No matter who wins this, the two years in office is enough time for viable candidates to emerge. No way should CHS or Espy be representing MS.

Anonymous said...

Poot on both of them, neither are worth the gas or time.

Anonymous said...

Republicans control the Senate regardless of this outcome. Whoever wins will only last the next two years and we will certainly elect somebody infinitely more qualified in 2020. The only reason that seasoned Republicans didn't line up to run against CHS is out of respect for Phil. Turns out he is going to look very bad with this appointment either way.

The tone of all of the advertising certainly reeks of desperation.

Anonymous said...

I'll do what I always do when repubs offer up sh!++y candidates. Out of respect to those who fought and dies for my freedom to vote, I'll exercise that freedom with a creative write in.

Anonymous said...

She puts on a Confederate cap and announces that it's "Mississippi history at its best!" Jesus wept.

I would vote for Jubilation T. Cornpone rather than vote for someone who is stuck in 1861.

Anonymous said...

She not only sounds like a hick, she looks like one too...the Minnie Pearl comment in another thread is spot on! We really only have a couple of years with her though and maybe some better candidates will run. That being said, I'd rather have a gap toothed, gaffe machine, hick as Senator than crooked tax cheat Espy. And by the way, why doesn't having tax liens instantly disqualify one from holding office? For every federal job I've had I had to prove that my taxes were paid, if in fact the liens exist, you can throw him in the same bucket with Al Sharpton...


Anonymous said...

My next door neighbor received a call yesterday from Espy's camp. When she said that she was going to vote Hyde-Smith, the caller went off on her and called her a racist Republican. The caller said that all of the claims against Espy were nothing but lies but all of the claims against Hyde-Smith were certainly the truth. My neighbor and I will certainly be voting for Cindy tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I guess if nothing else Cindy will remind us how far Mississippi hasn't come. Did you see the nut pandering to the McDaniel crowd down in Biloxi wearing that rebel hat? Come to think of it, she does look kinda like a female Colonel Reb. Really she does!

Anonymous said...

Folks who depend on agriculture or the automotive
Industry really ought to think twice about supportting
anyone who supports Trump's agenda. Farmers are suffering everywhere and GM just announced that it's closing three plants.
Additionally with the way Trump is behaving regarding our Servicemen and Suadi, I would think that conservative Patriots would be appalled and want someone who would call out the President for disrespecting our values and our soldiers the way he does. Not someone whose only response to a question, is that she supports Trump.

Anonymous said...

If CHS wins it just will prove that anybody can win....just get your picture taken in front of the state flag and say Trump Trump Trump. It will also prove we are the most uneducated state in the country and going backward.

Anonymous said...

I am a life long Republican who will vote Democrat----The current Republican party that will rally around and support a President that lies and insults people on a daily basis is not my party any longer. If the CEO of any major corporation did and said what Trump does every day he would be terminated immediately----Why do Republicans hold the President to a lower standard than corporate leaders?? Maybe it is because the Republicans have no standards..

Anonymous said...

IF MINNIE PEARL SURVIVES, the puppet masters need to find a stronger candidate in 2 years. CHS reinforces the dumb redneck stereotype. I wish we, the voters, could either "Phone a Friend" or vote "None of the Above."

Anonymous said...

This race has nothing to do with being a republican or democrat but it does weigh heavy on the morals of the individual that is running. Mrs Smith morals are not in the right place will only set Mississippi back further than what it already is. Mississippi needs a person that will serve the needs of the state as a whole and not just for certain people or groups. Not saying that Mr. Espy is the perfect fit but he will make a greater change for the good than Mrs Smith. By the way do anyone know if she is related to the Governor they look and talk alike and is into to same career field.

Anonymous said...

The rednecks will prevail...again. They think CHS is wonderful. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Who's running?

Forrest Gump said...

What about that black power bus I saw on news this morning? "Its about US"
knocking on doors getting the vote out....? Isn't that socially unacceptable? I mean it would be if it was "white power", wouldn't it? The bus had a graffic on the side of everyone displaying the Black Power fist?
Sorry to break up your black panther party...

Anonymous said...

The Powers that be, the Puppet Masters....that would be Haley and his crew. If Epsy goes in we are destined to be on the bottom forever. Think about it. We need to start teaching our school kids how to plant corn and cotton and possibly raise some cows since we are an ag State. Could have fooled me. One person in my whole high school was destined to be a farmer! We need technical training and get rid of this agricultural mindset

Anonymous said...

Of course some neo-Confederate sicko goes and leaves a hanging noose on the Capitol grounds this morning. As if we are blacks and progressives are going to be intimidated from voting tomorrow because of this. Just a reminder of how sick, racist people remain in this state, but those of us trying to move Mississippi into the 21st century WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED!

Anonymous said...

If nothing else, vote CHS for preserving the Supreme Court.

We can't count on pure party line votes and the conservative majority is too slim.

The SC is the last stopping point for liberal agendas.

Anonymous said...

HELLOOOOOOO--u can NOT "save" Mississippi if the country dies!! This election/is ALL ABOUT reversing the damage doene to our country by the creation of the "GREAT SOCIETY' by LBJ and the bleeding heart liberals in the '60's!! I will vote for ANYBODY that will help Trump and his agenda!!

Kingfish said...

Assuming a white person actually did it.

Anonymous said...

There has never been a better time to send a message to the GOP establishment. Vote AGAINST CHS. GOP still controls the senate and in two years a competent republican will win hands down.

Anonymous said...

The guv really made us a shit sandwich when he appointed her to serve the rest of Thad's term.

Sorry. That shit sandwich was served to you by the Barbours. The vintage is 2014.

I really hate Nazi's said...

@ November 26, 2018 at 12:02 PM

The rednecks will prevail...again. They think CHS is wonderful. Sad.

Couldn't have said it better myself. People up here saying they will pinch their nose to vote for CHS? Chi'please, it probably warms your hearts and souls to know she will represent you guys and your "Conservative" values. Gotta stick it to those "liberals" in Mississippi.

We got to maintain miscegenation, segregation in our schools in neighborhoods - you know - good ol' "Christian" "Conservative" values.

Anonymous said...

Talk about an oxymoron "a competent Republican"

Democrat for CHS said...

We are life-long registered Democrats (50 years), but Espy is a crooked tax-cheat. We struggle to pay our taxes, so tomorrow we are voting for CHS.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Espy-ite trolls are out in full force on this thread.
You're right Kingfish. The nooses and signs seem like a last minute racist smoke screen to turn this already divisive race into a spewing volcano. I think we will all be voting for the lesser evil tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

For those willing to "hold their nose" on CHS, consider that the rest of the country won't be so willing to hold their nose when it comes to Mississippi. She is setting us back years in terms of national perception and most likely economic investment. The backlash will be the same as if Alabama had elected Roy Moore.

Think beyond red jerseys and blue jerseys for a change. The identity politics are just killing us.

Anonymous said...

11:43 You are wrong, there is a standard. It's called money. Trump will unleash the corporate bulls and remove all obstacles he can to instant wealth for as long as he can. Hopefully that will be more than 4 years. After that, it will be time to pay the piper, but who gives a damn about that. Deregulate now and let the working suckers pay the consequences when bills come due. It was just done a few years ago and it will be done again. Round and round we go...

The Trump agenda. You gotta be kidding.

Anonymous said...

For some reason the southern gop voter wont' separate from it's corporate pay masters, yet will complain to no end, obfuscate the issue, and even blame less powerful groups for their plight.

Anonymous said...

There has to be security footage available around the Capitol, get the tapes and expose whoever it is.

Anonymous said...

In two years neither of these lame ass candidates could beat anybody sane. So Mississippi might be better off strategically to elect Espy. Think about it. He won't get a damn thing done, other than line his own pockets, but CHS wouldn't either, she'll just be another "yes boss" for Trump. If Espy wins Mississippi will be national ground zero for the next two years. Right now it's just zero. CHS will only keep it that way. It's only two years.

Let's do something smart for a change. Who am I kidding?

Anonymous said...

Competent Democrat is an oxymoron as well. Let's put real Mississippians in office for the good of Mississippi. There have to be some real candidates out there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I think 1:23 meant to say Trump is a crooked tax cheat.

Anonymous said...

@ November 26, 2018 at 1:52 PM

Plenty of cameras in that area, simply because its the central body of government for the state. So whoever did it, will be exposed for sure.

Anonymous said...

Will have to vote for hyphenated.....though hopefully it will be the last time we have that
pitiful option. So tired of “the boys” making these decisions for us and for lame Phil not having enough sense
to override their idiocy. Ok, here’s the new plan “boys” and try not to screw this up. Hyphenated gets
to be your US senator for the next 2 years, during which time she is not to open her mouth except to say
“yes sir Mr. Trump”. She then “voluntarily” decides during this time she will not be seeking re-election as she has
other family obligations or some such need to be back on the farm. Then it’s back to Lincoln County to shovel out the
stalls for the rest of her life. Think you can handle this? Then, please, please decide for us when you again choose our
next senator to make sure it’s not another dumb hick like this.

Anonymous said...

The noose is a false flag event to get headlines/votes. When the truth comes out that it was done by a pro-Espy type, it will be reported on the last page of the local bird-cage liner.

Anonymous said...

2:40 PM, this entire Espy campaign has been a false flag charade one after the other. No one knows what are Espy's beliefs, positions on issues, etc. We just know that CHS went to a school with other white girls and occasionally holds rifles for photo-ops. And she is a victim of corny, outdated joke-making.

Anonymous said...

2:03 --- sorry to burst your bubble, but CHS and McDaniel are real Mississippians and are apparently the best Mississippi has to offer. Who knows, maybe Bomgar will run in the future, but you'd probably bitch about that too...

Anonymous said...

Maybe "Feel" Bryant isn't as stupid as we think. He appoints CHS knowing she is a loser, but he thinks she can be elected with his support and the support of his President. Then he runs against her after he finishes his term as governor. Give that some thought!

Anonymous said...

Southern GOP'ers are nothing more than groupies and entourage members of the elite that control the party, who want to be part of the "in-crowd".

Southern Dems are political shysters that sell "for the social good of the people" who are waiting for their chance at office to remove the "in-crowd", only to do similar things as GOP'ers while appearing to be inclusive.

Neither party is in it for the good of the people. Each party's leaders have their own agendas for screwing over the working class.

Anonymous said...

I'm certainly not a democrat troll but I just might vote for Espy. CHS is dumber than a box of rocks. We'll still hold the Senate. If Espy wins, the dumbass Republican who allegedly "run" this state will have to come up with a competent Republican to run against Sen. Espy. Even TATER would of been better than CHS (that's not saying much) but the powers that be decided he has to be our next Guv. That's how we roll down here in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

What is a "pro-Espy" type?

Anonymous said...

Must be white nationalist that did it, otherwise the videos would have been released by now.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be hilarious with cindy hyde and trump.....jokes galore.

Anonymous said...

In the 2018 election Democrats beat Republicans by over 8 million votes across all house races. Y'all can have Mississippi, in 2020 it's going to be one of the few bright spots for the GOP when CHS is reelected.

Anonymous said...

The latest on Trump, he wants to start a State run TV to combat CNN, does CHS think this is good for Missippi

Anonymous said...

You'll vote for who Pheel and the Barbour's tell you to vote for. That's who!

Anonymous said...

Mississippi will make itself the laughingstock of the U.S. again tomorrow, it's one thing for her to get appointted, now y'all are going to elect her.
If it weren't for Wicker and Thompson we would be at a total loss.

Anonymous said...

I just want Portia Espy to quit calling me 4 times a day

Anonymous said...

can't wait to laugh my ass off tonight @ this rally, $h!t kickers galore!

Anonymous said...

CHS will win.

CHS will embarrass us greatly....unless they hide her in a cave.

CHS will not be a Senator in 2021.

Bryant is an idiot and beholden to his campaign advisors and Grandkids of the Confederacy.

Anonymous said...

Phil's appointments.....All Fisher has done is ban Nike warm-ups. Hyde-Smith has posed in front of a state flag and once she got off the script of saying "Trump, Trump, Trump" she immediately had to have the POTUS fly in to save her. The teenage auditor has done well with the stack of solved cases handed to him, but time will tell. All the while, Phil is gearing up his lobbying firm and the dollars will be flowing. I wish I could buy stock in Frontier Strategies.

Heaven help us if he gets any more appointments in the next 13 months.

Anonymous said...

I agree CHS is dumb. What does that say about her supporters? Stupid is as stupid does.

The voting booth should be a porta john said...

Race has nothing whatsoever to do with whom I am voting for. That being said, this time I am voting for the candidate with a vagina. And this time it's a far as I know.

Anonymous said...

Mike Espy will bring good publicity and business to the state. CHS will show the world Mississippi has not changed and never will change.

Anonymous said...

They had to let in people from Tenn. Al. and La. to fill both places for the rallies tonight. Just how many good ole boys have a ride to the polls tomorrow will be interesting.

Anonymous said...

The governor was on Gallo's show this morning. After he spent sixteen minutes touting his meetings with Netanyahu and his "good friend Lindsey McCain Graham" he got away with doing a cost-free political commercial, on air, for Cindee Rawhide Smith. That ought to be a violation of something. Or other.

Secondly, a dollar to a donut says no white person hung that noose in a tree, or wherever it was. Just like no white person torched the black church in Greenville and spray painted Trump on the side of it during the presidential campaign. Twas a church member. Just like a majority of the church torchings in the South in the past couple of decades were black folk.

Lastly; If you want to see what it's like to have Bennie Thompson in the House and Senate at the same time, vote Espy.

Anonymous said...

There are any number of respected conservatives who Phil could have appointed. Who told him to pick Granny off the Beverly Hillbillies? Always go to the source. Or follow the money as they say.

Anonymous said...

"Mike Espy will bring good publicity and business to the state."

How you figure that? Has he ever brought a business to Mississippi? Did he bring good publicity to Madison County and Canton over the past ten years? No and No.

Anonymous said...

Sclafani and Brown-Barrett both supposedly removed all references to the governor's endorsement this week in their judicial races. That may help them.

Anonymous said...

Handy tip. The Espy volunteers who test you are using their personal cell phones. Google the number and text them back with their real names. Ends the shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Just a few inches down, there's an Espy ad 'paid for by Mike Espy for Senate campaign committee'. Beside the phrase 'Reject Cindy Hyde Smith', the Kingfish's iconic crown and fish in black and white, his trademark, appears, WITHIN THE AD ITSELF.

Would the blog administrator care to explain this?

Anonymous said...

Talk about an oxymoron “an honest Democrat”. And I stress the moron part, explicitly. 39 counts indicted! But he gone git right

Anonymous said...

I'm going to hold my nose and vote for CHS, a vote for espy is a vote for the deranged left wing. If he gets elected he will side with the democrats and try to impeach my president.

Kingfish said...

Some campaigns upload videos to their own youtube channels. I simply copy and paste the embed code. Others send videos to me and I have to upload them on my own youtube channel. What you see appears on every video on my channel. Youtube just started doing it a few weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Neither Cindy Hyde Smith nor Mike Espy nor Bennie Thompson nor Phil Bryant have ever "brought business to Mississippi". They may have "bought" business to Mississippi but to my knowledge none of the three have ever held a job outside of the government payroll and would not know the first thing about starting nor running a business. Tells you something when those 4 have that basic thing in common. Tells you to get the hell out of this state.

Anonymous said...

POTUS should have stuck to his guns with his original rejection of CHS. Phil talked him into it, a rare blink by Donald Trump. I'm sure if he could, Trump would FIRE Phil Bryant tonight while he is in the state.

Anonymous said...

Interim coaches are never the right choice and neither are interim Senate appointments. Even Matt Luke will outlast Cindy.

Anonymous said...

CHS's Hanging comment was just that. She loves the guy so much, she would attend a legal hanging (the carrying out of a legitimate death sentence) if he asked her to. That is her being a friend, not a racist. The fact they see that as a Black thing means they are racist enough to believe every hanging was some Po Old black person. That simply isn't correct and they know that. They choose to be offended and so they are.

Some folks need to grow up. Their game plan is to be offended by everything that is said.

CHS is a good Christian lady, seeking to help her state. ME is simply a huckster wanting to sell his favors for bribes again.

I'll vote CHS and I hope you do too.

Anonymous said...

The reality is that it does not matter. GOP has the US Senate with a solid majority. The only people that really care about Tuesday are the campaign professionals and ad agencies. The election result will have zero effect on national policy but will have an enormous effect on the pocket book of political advisors and PR firms....not to mention Phil's new lobbying firm.

Anonymous said...

Mike Espy did a fine job at Ole Miss catching footballs. A bunch of republicans cheered his ass for 4 years without question when he caught passes from Eli and they high fived Mike Espy Sr in the stands. Typical Ole Miss hypocrisy to turn on him after he isn't scoring touchdowns.

Anonymous said...

In an interesting turn of events, I predict the USM crowd votes for the racist white republican and the Ole Miss crowd votes for the black democrat (by a hair). Doesn't everything in this state come down to college football loyalty?

Governor Bryant will have a building named after him at USM before it is all said and done. Maybe one of those dorms that also serves as housing for 6 sororities?

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to rip Bryant on Twitter if CHS doesn’t win.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd see a post where the comment volume exceeded the post about the hot tennis instructor at River Hills or the McDaniel nursing home scandal. This one has the potential. Hope Kingfish pins it to the top tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Maybe "Feel" Bryant isn't as stupid as we think. He appoints CHS knowing she is a loser, but he thinks she can be elected with his support and the support of his President. Then he runs against her after he finishes his term as governor. Give that some thought!

November 26, 2018 at 2:50 PM

2:50 PM, I believe you are right on target about that. I said the same thing the day he appointed her. I voted absentee last week and yes, I literally held my nose and voted for her. We don’t need another liberal, socialist democrat in the senate.

Anonymous said...

Cindy Hyde Smith and her little possum teeth represent the worst of Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Stupid vs. Democrat. Looks like the majority is going for stupid.

Anonymous said...

Only in Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

A choice between stupid and democrat isn’t much of a choice. That said, I’m with stupid. I’m not happy about it, but I’ll be at the polls.

Anonymous said...

Since no one else has said it - I'm still mad at Thad. Thad was 150 years old and ran for another six year term. Why? So he and his buddies could chose the next senator. That senate seat did not belong to Thad. he should have announced that he would not seek reelection two years before the election date. That would have attracted the best candidates and the voters could have then chosen.
Another thought - cannot help but notice that the Dims have no plan to improve America, so once again they try to play the race card.

Anonymous said...

We don't need another dumb trumptard who can't vote without taking bids. I'm tired of these losers representing our state. We all know how this is going to turn out, but it still sucks. At some point, a larger portion of our citizens have to care enough to show up and do something about it. Until then, we are Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

A vote for CHS is a vote for corruption, pollution, and the end of the rule of law. The last thing I want is someone to rubber stamp the death of our constitution with that stupid grin on her face.

Double Standard? said...

There are at least two posts that center on the appearance of the white, female candidate...critical of her looks, others refer to her as Granny Clampett, hick, hillbilly, stupid, on and on. Have you people noticed no post like that about Espy would be approved. That would be racist. And we can't have that, can we?

So, I'll test that radar. Espy has one goofy-as-hell shaped head. Head looks like one of those green, translucent rocks you buy at the souvenir shop in Arkansas. A trapezoid, that's it. head like a trapezoid. He's a diminutive fellow, almost a midget. And those damned ears. He's 'bright' too and you know what black folk say about a brother who's too 'bright'.

Anonymous said...

I’m sick and tired of career politicians

Anonymous said...

Let's all go out and Make Mississippi look Dumb Again!

Anonymous said...

Reality:: All politicians are career politicians... because the system is built on seniority. Getting elected or re-elected is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

It's really obvious who the PAID TROLLS are. But what's truly amazing, is that they don't seem to be able to simply copy the material prepared for them, without adding grievous spelling and syntax errors.

Anonymous said...

CHS being called a hillbilly has nothing to do with her face or grin or looks at all.

Anonymous said...

Espy will lose today but the bigger loser will be Jim Hood. Chism has been telling the Dems that they can win again statewide. His strategy goes down in flames today. Chism doesn't publish his "polls" when the results are bad.

Anonymous said...

Voting problems already at Casey school in Jackson Mississippi. Delbert sold us a bill of goods when we agreed to voter ID. He didn’t tell us that they were going to install scanners which didn’t work and were operated by incompetent poll workers. These folks couldn’t get a job scanning cans of tomatoes at Kroger. Several voters have walked away in disgust without casting their vote. Once I handed my ID it took two minutes to give me my ballot. No the 10 people waiting in line have to wait 20 minutes to vote when it should take less than five Several voters have walked away before casting their vote. Who’s got time to vote when you have to get to work? Thanks Delbert!

Anonymous said...

I voted for a Democrat for the first time in many many years today! Cindy Hyde-Smith is an idiot who should have never been appointed. She looks like an idiot, and every time she opens her mouth it gets worse. She should have stayed at the cattle farm! She will be a disgrace to the state! Espy is just another typical politician, but at least he appears intelligent!

Anonymous said...

Referring to CHS as Minnie Pearl is an insult to Minnie Pearl. I want to vote for the more experienced candidate, Espy, but I will not because he will vote to impeach the President, who I did not even vote for. That is how strongly I feel about the impeachment movement. The "resist" and "impeach" movements of the Democrats is the single most divisive and un-American action taken by Americans in my lifetime, along with Mitch McConnell's decree to refuse to work with President Obama from the outset. In past years, we Americans grumbled but honored our election process by tolerating the winner until we could vote him out. We didn't try to impeach him just because we didn't like him. Congress also is supposed to work together and compromise.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens November 27, 2018 at 8:18 AM when you vote for incompetents to be your Hinds County Election Commissioners. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Hosemann.

Anonymous said...

There will be no move to impeach Trump. Book it. Pence would be worse.

Anonymous said...

@ November 26, 2018 at 7:31 PM

In an interesting turn of events, I predict the USM crowd votes for the racist white republican and the Ole Miss crowd votes for the black democrat (by a hair). Doesn't everything in this state come down to college football loyalty?

Governor Bryant will have a building named after him at USM before it is all said and done. Maybe one of those dorms that also serves as housing for 6 sororities?

That's an interesting observation considering USM has the highest black enrollment out of the big 3, along with having the first black college President from the big 3 too.

But, albeit, from a political standpoint, this position will not hold much weight in the Senate. It is monumental from a historical and cultural standpoint. This is a good test for Mississippi to see how far it's evolved from Jim Crow and the Citizen's Council. CHS is a weak candidate, that pandered to typical "conservative" talking points. Where as Espy said he was willing to work across the aisle.

We shall see this evening.

Anonymous said...

Props to 8:09 for the most uninformed post of the week. You do know that Hood has won state wide races already don’t you? In fact he should have run for senator. He would have won.

Anonymous said...

8:46 - it has absolutely everything to do with Hosemann. He is the face of elections in this state. He pushed and promotes and educates on voter ID. If Hosemann doesn't have anything to do with it, why did his Election Hotline take my information this morning and then tell me they would immediately look into the problem? If he's taken ownership of the issue, then it has everything to do with him unless you think he should hide under a rock when something goes wrong.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Schumer was been pledging to "work across the aisle" since 1998. How has that worked out?

Anonymous said...

Seems like CHS will win a tighter race than it should have been, but A LOT of her voters want a different choice in 2020. Who steps-up to force her out of the race?
Some young gun?

Anonymous said...

@9:35 you clearly don't know what you don't know. But the great thing about JJ is that you can anonymously pretend to be an expert! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

8:09 - Hood can still win over some rural white voters. Espy can't. Big difference.

Anonymous said...

... but A LOT of her voters want a different choice in 2020

A lot? How many? What percentage? How do YOU know?

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying @9:55 is that Hood can still "win over" white voters who won't vote for a black man? Yeah, I agree, that is a big difference.

Anonymous said...

Does CHS know deep down that she is a dumbass and has no business being a United States Senator?

Probably not, lol.

Anonymous said...

Sam R Hall tells CNN the segregated schools water Donner carried for Espy is, and was, a big ass NON-ISSUE.

Anonymous said...

@9:47 is of course willing to hide behind an anonymous posting. You must be on Delberts staff. Nice bit of transparency there. Have you checked out the issues? Made any phone calls? Troll.

Anonymous said...

Cillizza: Why Cindy Hyde-Smith is a near-lock to win in Mississippi today

Anonymous said...

Tater will run against CHS in 2020 if he loses gov race next year..

Anonymous said...

I’m a conservative who supports Trump and I couldn’t vote for CHS. I voted Espy bc I feel like he will embarrass us less than she will. Lots of my friends feel the same way. Phil couldn’t have made a worse appointment.

Anonymous said...

I see a future for CHS to be a brand rep for Pall Mall cigarettes.

Anonymous said...

I am in the same position and feel exactly as 10:59 AM.

I just can't bring myself to vote for CHS.

Maybe we can get someone respectable in two years.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Triple Cheese Tater Thot Maximus would run for Senator because the MSGOP were nudging him that way and he didn't want to take it.

I can see Guest getting his feet wet as a Congressman and then look for a promotion to the Senate. He's the only Republican left that would be a good choice.

Anonymous said...

She's not my preference, but we need people who can discern right from wrong and vote that way, and I expect she will, at least for a time. Espy exhibited his shortcomings in this area quite strongly, and NEVER will.

Anonymous said...

USM no longer has a Panhellenic dorm housing its sororities.

They have sorority houses, built several years ago.

Bonehead English.. said...

Quoting here: "It's really obvious who the PAID TROLLS are. But what's truly amazing, is that they don't seem to be able to simply copy the material prepared for them, without adding grievous spelling and syntax errors. November 27 at 7:34 AM"

Bubba; Whatchu got against grievous syntax errors and do that include punctuation errors? Thought I would axe since your comma, following the word amazing, should not be there.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just wonder how people rationalize these decisions, god fearing christains with shared values so they say.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS